principles nursing first aid first aid box cphc hwc ayushman bharat pschological chnges in pregnancy usg rbsk trolley stretchers logroll methods splinting during first aid qualities of first aider objectives first aid for different occasions adhesive and non adhesive dressing precautions rescue disasters aed defibrillation breathing airway circulation application tailed bandage triangular bandage roller bandage constrictive expansive statinary surveillance programme idsp mother and child name based tracking mcts 4ds screening service delivery and continuum of care karunya pm jay health services public and private health care delivery heath system financing community health nursing economics health life saving uteroplacental fetoplacental tt vitamin c folic acid bc calcium iron minor disorders activity exercise hygiene fetal wellbeing psychology after delivery post partum substance abuse depression mania safe parenthood planning to be parents parenthood care at birth emergency care neonate newborn ambivalence accepting the baby preparing for paren amniotic fluid volume cst ctg bpp nst fetal movement count assessment of fetal wellbeing female infertility causes diagnosis managemen diabetes in pregnancy management of diabetes in pregnancy pregnancy and diabetes dibetic mother minor problems and their management in pregnancy management of minor ailments in pregnancy minor disorders or discomforts shorter pelvic diameters difficulty for delivery o contracted pelvis sexually transmitted diseases cadidiasis pelvic in genital tract infections cord compression afi<5cm low amnitic fluid oligohydramnios hydatidiform mole ectopic pregnancy abortion hormones from placenta placental functions functions of placenta placenta family welfare program rmnch+a nssk imnci vandematharam jssk jsy cssm rch mch general anaesthesia regional anesthesia labour pain management analgesia anaesthesia
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