PPT Besozzi "Development in the territory"

il y a 11 ans 314 Vues

PPT Casali "the health care systems response"

il y a 11 ans 168 Vues

PPT Falzon "Epidemiological social impact"

il y a 11 ans 561 Vues

PPT Messa "Tuberculosis: disease and art"

il y a 11 ans 1232 Vues

PPT Perozziello "(C)old cases"

il y a 11 ans 553 Vues

Agenda Symposium on TB, 21-22 September 2012, Milan, Italy

il y a 11 ans 226 Vues

PPT Villa "Opera San Francesco for poor people"

il y a 12 ans 303 Vues

PPT Olivani "Naga and urban TB control"

il y a 12 ans 408 Vues

PPT Boreatti "Social services in TB control"

il y a 12 ans 374 Vues

PPT Sandgren "Urban TB Control in the European Union"

il y a 12 ans 391 Vues

PPT Perozziello "A story at the end of the night"

il y a 12 ans 678 Vues

Agenda Symposium "Urban TB Control" 23 March, Milan, Italy

il y a 12 ans 169 Vues

PPT Besozzi "TB: a system disease"

il y a 12 ans 297 Vues

PPT Scarpellini "TB and HIV positive people"

il y a 12 ans 1296 Vues

PPT De lorenzo "Multidrug-resistant TB"

il y a 12 ans 1109 Vues

PPT Grossi "Tuberculosis and transplants"

il y a 12 ans 1124 Vues

PPT Casali "TB and concomitant respiratory diseases"

il y a 12 ans 1983 Vues