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DevOps & Testing
6/8/2017 10:00:00 AM
DT2 Continuous Testing in DevOps
Presented by:
Michael Hackett
LogiGear Corp
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Michael Hackett
LogiGear Corp
The head of the training, consulting, and publishing division of LogiGear
Corporation, Michael Hackett has twenty-five years of experience with software
engineering and testing in banking, securities, healthcare, and consumer
electronics. He has trained teams in sixteen countries and runs a global
consulting practice for organizations wanting to increase quality and productivity.
Michael authored Testing Applications on the Web and Global Software Test
Automation. A Certified ScrumMaster, Michael is an instructor at UC Santa Cruz
and Berkeley Extension, and four universities outside the US.
Continuous Testing in DevOps
Michael Hackett
Senior VP at LogiGear Corporation
Agile Dev West
Las Vegas
June 2017
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 1 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 2
1. In this presentation… What is DevOps?
– All the Continuous: Continuous Testing, Continuous Delivery
2. Production Line, Deployment Pipeline Mentality
3. New Testing Strategy for Continuous Testing
– How does Testing fit in?
– What to Fix
– Test Automation Suites
4. JumpStart and Summary
Seminar Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 3 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 4
Business ERP software.
B2B Global, Distributed teams.
3 years ago: “Let’s do DevOps!”
• Dev and Ops did not particularly like each other. No respect for each
other’s work.
• Did not want to be at daily stand up.
• No culture change-just add tools “Start today- just do it. “
• Dev did not want to fix Ops problems.
• Ops resented getting forced into the ambiguous “mess” of development.
• Dev wanted to wash their hands of the code once they hit their Done
• Attempt at DevOps was a total failure.
• They stopped doing it. Exec demoted- embarrassing for all dev and ops
New completely different attempt began this year.
• Very slow.
• “It’s a Journey.”
• Aiming to change culture.
Case Study #1 (part 1)
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 5
Get a full understanding of where Testing is inserted into
the DevOps/Continuous Delivery Pipeline.
Don’t let testing be a bottleneck—Move your testing out
of a sprint mentality, into a deployment mentality.
Understand the cultural and practice shifts necessary for
the move.
Get Moving! Jumpstart Continuous Testing in
Continuous Delivery
Goals of this Session
What is DevOps?
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 7
What is an DevOps? This is too easy!
What is DevOps? Reality.
“Agile for Ops”
“Agile on Steroids”
Lean, Production Line Product Development
Agile is Process and Product
DevOps is Process, Product and
What is DevOps?
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 10
Just like ScrumButts and Agile Falls…
We already have
What is DevOps?
DevOps is a journey.
It means many things to different people.
All these descriptions of DevOps are important. They will
clue us in on what continuous testing is about and what the
team expects of us.
DevOps Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 12
Many of us are already on this journey.
For us today, focused on Continuous Testing,
DevOps is:
Quality at every Step
Shift Left
More and more Task and Test Automation
Team Culture Change
Much smaller releases
Tool chain revolutionizing practices
DevOps Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 13
Business Needs
• Production Line, development is not an art form
• Predictability and Scheduling
• Constant Feedback
Combining XP and Lean Principles most impacting
Testing in Continuous Delivery:
• Small Releases
• Continuous Integration
• Collective Ownership
• Quality at every Step
• Deliver as fast as Possible
• See the Whole
What are some DevOps Culture changes?
What are some DevOps Culture changes?
People, Process, Product all collaborate and work together.
Operations is now part of the application development
Tools eliminate or reduce environment, data, installation,
provisioning and deployment challenges.
Move to cloud technologies
Everyone is responsible for deployment. Deployment is no
longer only Ops job.
Product is always at Release Quality. Eliminate technical
Jez Humble and David Farley
Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software
Releases through Build, Test, and
Deployment Automation
• Some understanding of DevOps
• Understanding of Testing
• Lean
• XP
• Tool Chains
DevOps Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 17
“Stop saying DevOps”
• DevOps has evolved to CD.
• CI focuses on Dev and Test Teams, CD
focuses on Ops/Deployment issues.
• Where CI ends, CD picks up.
• CD is possible only after Continuous
Integration, then Continuous Testing.
• We will look at insertion points for testing
Testing in Continuous Delivery
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 18
Continuous Integration is a core XP
(extreme Programming) practice of building
often. Very often. To be successful using
Scrum/Agile, this process needs to be
Most commonly:
• Build on commit (latest and greatest).
• Build daily.
• Build on demand.
CI Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 19
Level of CI process
1. Auto build
2. Rerun unit tests
3. Rerun API and UI driven smoke tests
4. Make some VMs
5. Rerun smoke tests on VMs
6. Run full regression once or on all VMs.
Send a report after final phase
CI Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 20
The Big Picture
Continuous delivery - Continuous delivery is a series of practices
designed to ensure that code can be rapidly and safely deployed to
production by delivering every change to a production-like
environment and ensuring business applications and services
function as expected through rigorous automated testing. Since
every change is delivered to a staging environment using complete
automation, you can have confidence the application can be
deployed to production with a push of a button when the business is
Continuous deployment - Continuous deployment is the next step of
continuous delivery: Every change that passes the automated tests
is deployed to production automatically. Continuous deployment
should be the goal of most companies that are not constrained by
regulatory or other requirements.
Continuous Everything!
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 22
Continuous Testing:
• All the testing Test Teams know
• Perhaps testing in production
• Running other people’s tests/other people
running our tests.
• And it’s all automated.
• But its not merely re-running your “full
regression” over and over and over.
Continuous Everything!
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Continuous Delivery Pipeline
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 25
Very Large Financial Service
Global, Not co-located teams.
“We are now going to do DevOps.”
• Agile implementation took so long and misunderstood, many
teams gave up. Some teams still use traditional (old) style
• One foot in waterfall, one foot in agile. Pure AgileFalls.
– But agile practices are still a mess.
• They have no clue what devops is really about.
• Teams are afraid devops means more pressure to release faster
with no training or support.
• Very little automation. What little they have is not effective.
New completely different attempt began this year.
• Begin by group discussions/trainings on what devops is.
• “It’s a Journey.” Maybe a long journey. Incremental change.
• Aiming to change culture and support.
Case Study #2
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 26
• Business has greater control of the deployment process
• Tools are enabling significant advances in SDLC
• Higher quality because of focus on testing
Production Line: Deployment Pipeline
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 27
• Every task/process is automated from source control to
• Its an automate production line. It provides for a constant flow
of value (new functionality, change/fixes) to production.
• It extends the build branch idea into a full process flow
through every development task. Tasks fully automated.
• Providing immediate feedback at each step.
What is CD?
All this testing is to keep the pipeline moving along.
• Image from XebiaLabs
CD Pipeline
• But not “our” big concern
• Our Automation has to fit in, easily, run by anyone
The Tool Chain is important
CD is not only about tools!
It seems so these days.
Lean Practice of Quality at Every Step
• A poka-yoke is any mechanism in a lean manufacturing
process that helps an equipment operator avoid (yokeru)
mistakes (poka). Its purpose is to eliminate product defects
by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human
errors as they occur. (
What is CD?
What is Testing’s role in this pipeline?
• At each step along the pipeline flow, some type of validation
or verification needs to happen.
• Automate as much as you can.
• Keep the pipeline moving! No bottlenecks from testing.
• Testing gives immediate feedback.
– A measure of how good testing is in CD- how immediate is
What is CD?
All this testing is to keep the pipeline moving along.
Continuous Delivery: Anatomy of the Deployment Pipeline
By Jez Humble and David Farley
The Tool and Ops Revolution
Powering the Pipeline
Quality at Every Step
The Lean Principle of “Quality at Every Step”
Its the basis of DevOps as Continuous Testing
A few words about Environments:
Out of Scope today…
• Infrastructure-as-Code
• VMs- VMware, Hyper-V, VMM
• Docker or other- Containers
• Cloud- AWS, Azure
• IaaS, EaaS…
Solve Data and Environment Issues
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 35
Retail-Consumer Product
US, Co-located teams
New Engineering Manager wants to begin Continuous Testing.
• Test teams have to plead with Dev or IT/Ops or anyone to update their
– Finger pointing between Dev and IT to manage test servers.
– No super skilled system-type testers on team.
• Highly integrated system- legacy and newer systems
– But not more than many companies
• Test teams “finds” bugs that are not really there.
• Difficulty reproducing errors.
• Miss bugs. Lots and lots of support calls (their main problem)
• The data is a mess: old, rarely refreshed.
Journey begins
• IT will “experiment with VMs” on test team first.
• Get more tech skill on test team.
• Change culture- other teams forced to see how server and data
problems for test team were their problems to fix.
Case Study #3
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 36
Virtualization, cloud
• If you are not fluent and comfortable using Virtual Machines/
VMs- learn about it! Practice/Use your organization’s VM tool.
Virtualization will be an important key to Continuous Testing
• Get tech help
• Have IT do all the environments for you. Collaborate.
• Some teams run everything on VMs.
• Cloud- a goal of many DevOps efforts is to fully leverage cloud
and IaaS/EaaS/PaaS
– Understand the cloud impact on your tools, reporting, tests…
• Many organizations use VMs and Cloud to solve the environment
and data problems listed above.
Environment and Data problems?
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 37
Environments and Data-
• If your team has problems setting up environments, getting
consistent environments – fix this right away.
• If your team has data problems- refreshes, updates, mirroring,
loading, etc. – fix this right away.
• Env and Data cause problems for many test teams. These
problems will prevent CI/CT success. You need to overcome data
and environment problems.
• Get tech help if you do not have it on your team.
• Better test environment and test data management.
Environment and Data problems?
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 38
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 39
The New Test Strategy
DevOps Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 40
So far:
• Quality at Every Step
• Shift Left
• Even more distributed testing/ownership of quality
• Extend CI
• Regression all automated and fast
The New Test Strategy
Financial Service
Consumer Product
US, Co-located teams.
“We are going to do DevOps.”
• Ops happens at the end- Dev/Test have no idea:
– Ops has too much to do manually. Provisioning, user lists, databases. 3rd party data
loaded. Full install.
– All nite- it takes a very long time. days and days. The business need does not matter.
… Ops takes a big long manual process.
– 2am 3am 4am phone calls.
– Dev and Test have no clue what other people were doing. Many groups still in silos.
– Some testing tasks are put off til “Ops or IT” can get to them.
• CI was in a few places but many teams not heard of it. No one else could
run the CI past autobuild.
• Of course, Ops finds load, performance, login, security problems.
– “Why didn’t you find these!” Throws things back to dev. Finger pointing. Testing sits on
the sidelines. Finger pointing. Gets delayed days, POs scream, point fingers.
• Of course, a lot of quality problems.
Case Study #4 (part 1)
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 42
What has to be perfect?
• Same sprint automation
• Definition of Done
• Collaboration
• Estimating
• Testing skills
• Feedback
• Interaction with the business/PO
• Great User Stories
• Unit testing
… Scrumbutts!
Agile has to be perfect- already
Continuous Testing is in addition to and different from testing
individual user stories or testing in sprints. This testing will
continue as a mix of manual then automated.
Continuous Testing
Re-examine your test strategy:
• What are you testing and where?
• What is best to test at various interfaces?
• What is better automated vs. manual?
• What do you run different servers?
Continuous Testing
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 46
Dev Testing
Staging or
Live or
Who Developers Test team Test & Ops Test & Ops
Introduce new
code, test in
isolation, test
integrated code,
small data, not fully
Test through UI, full system,
integration on limited
environment, bug finding,
experiment, discovery of
how system works,
Production-like, Fully
enabled, every piece
of the system in
pace, policies, bigger
or full data, no
Monitor live
Unit testing,
integration, API
UI, End2End, workflow,
regression, bug verification,
system testing, small,
limited data, API,
Validate system on
environment as close
to production as
Live, immediate
UI Functional Regression
user focused tasks
Happy Path
verifying live
This whole process is ONLY possible with big,
significant, high-volume, fast, low maintenance,
excellent automation…with immediate feedback.
Not a little automation. A LOT!
Why are we talking about this with testers?
Special Cases-
“Functional tests teams” may take over:
• Performance testing
• Security testing
• Production Monitoring
• API/Web Service testing
• Testing in production
• Capacity Testing
• Platform Testing
• Device Compatibility
• Our automated suites may be taken over by another team
or tool.
Solve issues with other types of tests
Automated testing
Test Automation means Tool Suite
• UI tool/Functional
• API tool
• Security…
• Vulnerability
• Penetration
• Performance
• Cloud service for devices…whatever
• Monitoring in production
Not all tools work in different situations
The tool can’t get in the way.
A very popular browser tools has famously had problems
funning on multiple virtual machines at the same time.
The tool got in the way.
• If you are using a cloud solution- the tool has to work
• If you are using high numbers of VMs the tool has to
• If you are testing in production, the tool cannot
interfere! Or worse, slow down or crash! (non-
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 51
Special Topics
• Regression and Automation
DevOps Overview
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 52
Testing APIs,
Producing services
Using containers as service components on your
Understanding how to test services- next technical
Your REST and SOAP testing, tools and automation
skills may need an upgrade.
How do you test?
Develop an API/Service Test Strategy
• Test in Isolation
• Test Integration
• Test in Scenario, E2E.
• Automate it.
MicroServices Test Strategy
Regression Automation
What is regression testing?
And by now, it has to be Regression Automation.
Regression Testing
Regression testing is a big important thing.
Yet in many companies, it’s value is unclear.
Your regression suites in DevOps must be fast and give excellent
feedback to the teams on risks of speedy product delivery.
We will talk about what this means to automation in the next
section- but many teams have to rethink how they choose tests for
the regression suite for different places in Continuous Testing.
Regression Testing
Description Time to execute Coverage Risk
Core Functionality
High Priority/High Risk
Main Paths
Most Common Paths
Smoke Test
Financial Service
Consumer Product
US, Co-located teams.
“We are going to do DevOps.”
• Missing basic Agile principles. Missing modern software quality ideas.
• (Previous) Automation goal: automating every manual script is a good
• Over-focus on #s of test cases automated rather than what the test did.
• Low quality/old style test design.
• Train team on test case design, measuring coverage, choosing good
test data.
• Throw out existing useless automation suites.
• Begin better test design. Design intelligent meaningful tests.
• Define four sets of automated regression suites for different purposes,
environments and execution times.
Case Study #4 (part 2)
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 58
Regression Testing
Re-Think your regression strategy!
Does your regression suite have the main customer
flows? Long end2end tests or small isolated function
How old are your regression tests?
Do they find bugs?
Do they have value?
Regression Testing
You will probably need a few regression suites
CI- Smoke- small
Test- Some kind of “full”- perhaps bloated and old
Staging- task, customer scenario, Workflow- lean and
Production/Monitoring- transaction- better not break!
Limited goals.
DevOps Automated Testing
For some:
• Automated “full regression” suite can take days to run
• “Full regression” automated suites have gotten bloated and slow
• Once tests get into the regression suite, they never come out.
• Tests that got automated could get easily automated, not the
most important ones.
• Automated tests are small, isolated, nuclear. Not what users do.
With the “Agile on steroids” mentality, automation thought needs
to move from “bigger is better” to “lean and mean.”
A team may need to redesign, optimize or even cut the size of their
automated suites for continuous testing.
• What tests are you automating?
– Full transaction, end to end, not only tiny isolated tests.
• Various suites
• For Instant feedback
• Flipping the triangle…or not
• Automation strategy
– Low maintenance framework, scalable
– Transferable
• Don’t be the constraint/bottleneck!
Continuous Testing
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 62
Flipping the Triangle
Testing in Continuous Delivery
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 63
DevOps Automated Testing
In DevOps,
• feedback must be fast, immediate.
• Automated suites need to be groomed and cleaned up
• Important tests only get into automated suites.
Automated tests need to:
• Validate.
• Find bugs.
• Mirror what users do.
• Assure consistency, monitor, feedback.
• The tests need to be economical.
Business ERP software.
B2B Global, Not co-located teams.
3 years ago: “Lets Do DevOps!”
New completely different attempt began this year.
• Throw out all automation and start over.
– There is no nicer way to say it.
– Old style, intrusive tool.
• Old style automation- “over-checking” in every script.
• High maintenance tests.
• Design a suite of long, workflow, scenario customer focused
Case Study #1 (part 2)
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 65
Automated Testing
Put together the thoughts on:
• What tests get run against what server
• The purpose of testing in a certain environment vs.
• What regression means in different cases.
• You may have 3 or 4 different automated suites run
• Lean & Mean
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 67
JumpStart and Summary
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 68
1. Get rid of the name “QA” – Everyone is responsible for testing and
quality. If your team has not fully grasped this value- you can never do
DevOps. Call them testers, test engineers, quality engineers- SDET-
whatever. They do not own quality.
2. Not enough fast, nimble, meaningful, current, easy-to-run automation.
3. No easy way to convey coverage: smoke test, full regression: code
coverage, happy path tests, main functionality, changed area regression,
bug regression, high priority regression – what are you doing and what is
left out to be fast and nimble. Never say “test everything” because you
4. Teams forget about traditional, during-the-sprint, ad hoc and scenario
and forced error tests that may never be automated but have to be run
to see the new code works like a customer wants it – not what a unit test
5. Test environments, staging environments, testing in production – all
environment problems must be fixed. Made simple, fast and leverage
virtualization. Ops should help.
What are the problems/issues for testing?
6. Some test teams have never done performance or security testing
before. Particularly performance testing, in DevOps often gets run
along with functional regression suites- you may need to start
maintaining these also.
7. Data problems must be fixed; masking, randomizing, mirroring, current,
live– whatever – fix it and make it fast.
8. Deal with the risks of testing in production. Communicate the risks.
Don’t ignore it.
9. Automate, automate, automate- do it smart, fix it fast, unbreak it, do it
right (framework, organize, well-designed, thoughtful, fast-fast)
10. Your team may not realize the amount of collaboration needed to make
this work. Open, friendly, clear, all-for-one team communication is
11. You need easy, fast smoke tests in CI. Maybe even take over running
12. Learn about working in the Cloud and API/Service Testing, if you are
not already, you will be soon.
What are the problems for testing?
1. Fix any Agile/Scrum problems
2. Get CI and Smoke Tests smooth, easy, great
3. Get the teams to better understand and agree to your use of “regression”
4. Pass all IT/Ops/ system problems over to other people- stop the
struggle. Get to know how the environments solution works.
5. Fill-in whatever knowledge gaps you find (containers, SOAP, Rest,
6. Get fully knowledgeable of every testing task for your product regardless
of who does it- programmers, what testing happens in production?
– Gather info on security testing, performance testing, etc.
– On what platforms? Server? Mobile? Desktop?
7. Make sure you have an automation tool that very easily works in your
virtualized world and tool chain.
8. Make sure you have easy, fast, extensible automation framework.
9. Re-think how and what you automate: lean and mean.
10. Develop a deployment production line mentality: everything you do helps
or stops deployment.
You have to know what you are talking about with DevOps;
what parts impact testing and what do not.
Most of DevOps is not about test teams.
Remember the Culture Shifts
Automate Lean and Mean
– Continuous testing does not mean continuously rerunning your
full regression.
– You may need MANY sets of regression suites
– These sets will be run at different times on different
– Your tools have to support this.
– Automated Testing keeps the pipeline moving
– Don’t be the bottleneck!
Continuous Testing – Q&A
©2017 LogiGear Corporation 73
For more information on Continuous Testing Solutions
visit .
Thank you!
To learn more about LogiGear’s training and QA consulting services email
Michael Hackett

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Continuous Testing in DevOps

  • 1. DT2 DevOps & Testing 6/8/2017 10:00:00 AM DT2 Continuous Testing in DevOps Presented by: Michael Hackett LogiGear Corp Brought to you by: 350 Corporate Way, Suite 400, Orange Park, FL 32073 888-­‐268-­‐8770 ·∙ 904-­‐278-­‐0524 - -
  • 2. Michael Hackett LogiGear Corp The head of the training, consulting, and publishing division of LogiGear Corporation, Michael Hackett has twenty-five years of experience with software engineering and testing in banking, securities, healthcare, and consumer electronics. He has trained teams in sixteen countries and runs a global consulting practice for organizations wanting to increase quality and productivity. Michael authored Testing Applications on the Web and Global Software Test Automation. A Certified ScrumMaster, Michael is an instructor at UC Santa Cruz and Berkeley Extension, and four universities outside the US.
  • 3. 5/25/2017 1 Continuous Testing in DevOps Michael Hackett Senior VP at LogiGear Corporation Agile Dev West Las Vegas June 2017 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 1 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 2
  • 4. 5/25/2017 2 1. In this presentation… What is DevOps? – All the Continuous: Continuous Testing, Continuous Delivery 2. Production Line, Deployment Pipeline Mentality 3. New Testing Strategy for Continuous Testing – How does Testing fit in? – What to Fix – Test Automation Suites 4. JumpStart and Summary Seminar Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 3 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 4
  • 5. 5/25/2017 3 Business ERP software. B2B Global, Distributed teams. 3 years ago: “Let’s do DevOps!” • Dev and Ops did not particularly like each other. No respect for each other’s work. • Did not want to be at daily stand up. • No culture change-just add tools “Start today- just do it. “ • Dev did not want to fix Ops problems. • Ops resented getting forced into the ambiguous “mess” of development. • Dev wanted to wash their hands of the code once they hit their Done criteria. • Attempt at DevOps was a total failure. • They stopped doing it. Exec demoted- embarrassing for all dev and ops teams. New completely different attempt began this year. • Very slow. • “It’s a Journey.” • Aiming to change culture. Case Study #1 (part 1) ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 5 Get a full understanding of where Testing is inserted into the DevOps/Continuous Delivery Pipeline. Don’t let testing be a bottleneck—Move your testing out of a sprint mentality, into a deployment mentality. Understand the cultural and practice shifts necessary for the move. Get Moving! Jumpstart Continuous Testing in Continuous Delivery Goals of this Session
  • 6. 5/25/2017 4 What is DevOps? DevOps ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 7 What is an DevOps? This is too easy!
  • 7. 5/25/2017 5 What is DevOps? Reality. “Agile for Ops” “Agile on Steroids” Lean, Production Line Product Development Agile is Process and Product DevOps is Process, Product and Infrastructure What is DevOps? ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 10
  • 8. 5/25/2017 6 Just like ScrumButts and Agile Falls… We already have DevOops and DevFlops What is DevOps? DevOps is a journey. It means many things to different people. All these descriptions of DevOps are important. They will clue us in on what continuous testing is about and what the team expects of us. DevOps Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 12
  • 9. 5/25/2017 7 Many of us are already on this journey. For us today, focused on Continuous Testing, DevOps is: Quality at every Step Shift Left More and more Task and Test Automation Team Culture Change Much smaller releases Tool chain revolutionizing practices DevOps Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 13 Business Needs • Production Line, development is not an art form • Predictability and Scheduling • Constant Feedback Combining XP and Lean Principles most impacting Testing in Continuous Delivery: • Small Releases • Continuous Integration • Collective Ownership • Quality at every Step • Deliver as fast as Possible • See the Whole What are some DevOps Culture changes?
  • 10. 5/25/2017 8 What are some DevOps Culture changes? People, Process, Product all collaborate and work together. Operations is now part of the application development Tools eliminate or reduce environment, data, installation, provisioning and deployment challenges. Move to cloud technologies Everyone is responsible for deployment. Deployment is no longer only Ops job. Product is always at Release Quality. Eliminate technical debt. 15 Jez Humble and David Farley Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation Read:
  • 11. 5/25/2017 9 Pre-Reqs: • Some understanding of DevOps • Understanding of Testing • Lean • XP • Tool Chains DevOps Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 17 “Stop saying DevOps” • DevOps has evolved to CD. • CI focuses on Dev and Test Teams, CD focuses on Ops/Deployment issues. • Where CI ends, CD picks up. • CD is possible only after Continuous Integration, then Continuous Testing. • We will look at insertion points for testing Testing in Continuous Delivery ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 18
  • 12. 5/25/2017 10 Continuous Integration is a core XP (extreme Programming) practice of building often. Very often. To be successful using Scrum/Agile, this process needs to be automated. Most commonly: • Build on commit (latest and greatest). • Build daily. • Build on demand. CI Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 19 Level of CI process 1. Auto build 2. Rerun unit tests 3. Rerun API and UI driven smoke tests 4. Make some VMs 5. Rerun smoke tests on VMs 6. Run full regression once or on all VMs. Send a report after final phase CI Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 20
  • 13. 5/25/2017 11 The Big Picture 21 Continuous delivery - Continuous delivery is a series of practices designed to ensure that code can be rapidly and safely deployed to production by delivering every change to a production-like environment and ensuring business applications and services function as expected through rigorous automated testing. Since every change is delivered to a staging environment using complete automation, you can have confidence the application can be deployed to production with a push of a button when the business is ready. Continuous deployment - Continuous deployment is the next step of continuous delivery: Every change that passes the automated tests is deployed to production automatically. Continuous deployment should be the goal of most companies that are not constrained by regulatory or other requirements. Continuous Everything! ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 22
  • 14. 5/25/2017 12 Continuous Testing: • All the testing Test Teams know • Perhaps testing in production • Running other people’s tests/other people running our tests. • And it’s all automated. • But its not merely re-running your “full regression” over and over and over. Continuous Everything! ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 23 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 24
  • 15. 5/25/2017 13 Continuous Delivery Pipeline DevOps ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 25 Very Large Financial Service Global, Not co-located teams. “We are now going to do DevOps.” • Agile implementation took so long and misunderstood, many teams gave up. Some teams still use traditional (old) style development. • One foot in waterfall, one foot in agile. Pure AgileFalls. – But agile practices are still a mess. • They have no clue what devops is really about. • Teams are afraid devops means more pressure to release faster with no training or support. • Very little automation. What little they have is not effective. New completely different attempt began this year. • Begin by group discussions/trainings on what devops is. • “It’s a Journey.” Maybe a long journey. Incremental change. • Aiming to change culture and support. Case Study #2 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 26
  • 16. 5/25/2017 14 Flow • Business has greater control of the deployment process • Tools are enabling significant advances in SDLC • Higher quality because of focus on testing Production Line: Deployment Pipeline ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 27 CD • Every task/process is automated from source control to delivery • Its an automate production line. It provides for a constant flow of value (new functionality, change/fixes) to production. • It extends the build branch idea into a full process flow through every development task. Tasks fully automated. • Providing immediate feedback at each step. What is CD?
  • 17. 5/25/2017 15 All this testing is to keep the pipeline moving along. • Image from XebiaLabs • CD Pipeline • But not “our” big concern • Our Automation has to fit in, easily, run by anyone The Tool Chain is important
  • 18. 5/25/2017 16 CD is not only about tools! It seems so these days. Lean Practice of Quality at Every Step • A poka-yoke is any mechanism in a lean manufacturing process that helps an equipment operator avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). Its purpose is to eliminate product defects by preventing, correcting, or drawing attention to human errors as they occur. ( What is CD? What is Testing’s role in this pipeline? • At each step along the pipeline flow, some type of validation or verification needs to happen. • Automate as much as you can. • Keep the pipeline moving! No bottlenecks from testing. • Testing gives immediate feedback. – A measure of how good testing is in CD- how immediate is feedback? What is CD?
  • 19. 5/25/2017 17 All this testing is to keep the pipeline moving along. • Continuous Delivery: Anatomy of the Deployment Pipeline By Jez Humble and David Farley The Tool and Ops Revolution Powering the Pipeline Quality at Every Step The Lean Principle of “Quality at Every Step” Its the basis of DevOps as Continuous Testing
  • 20. 5/25/2017 18 A few words about Environments: Out of Scope today… • Infrastructure-as-Code • VMs- VMware, Hyper-V, VMM • Docker or other- Containers • Cloud- AWS, Azure • IaaS, EaaS… Solve Data and Environment Issues ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 35 Retail-Consumer Product US, Co-located teams New Engineering Manager wants to begin Continuous Testing. • Test teams have to plead with Dev or IT/Ops or anyone to update their servers. – Finger pointing between Dev and IT to manage test servers. – No super skilled system-type testers on team. • Highly integrated system- legacy and newer systems – But not more than many companies • Test teams “finds” bugs that are not really there. • Difficulty reproducing errors. • Miss bugs. Lots and lots of support calls (their main problem) • The data is a mess: old, rarely refreshed. Journey begins • IT will “experiment with VMs” on test team first. • Get more tech skill on test team. • Change culture- other teams forced to see how server and data problems for test team were their problems to fix. Case Study #3 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 36
  • 21. 5/25/2017 19 Virtualization, cloud • If you are not fluent and comfortable using Virtual Machines/ VMs- learn about it! Practice/Use your organization’s VM tool. Virtualization will be an important key to Continuous Testing success. • Get tech help • Have IT do all the environments for you. Collaborate. • Some teams run everything on VMs. • Cloud- a goal of many DevOps efforts is to fully leverage cloud and IaaS/EaaS/PaaS – Understand the cloud impact on your tools, reporting, tests… • Many organizations use VMs and Cloud to solve the environment and data problems listed above. Environment and Data problems? ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 37 Environments and Data- • If your team has problems setting up environments, getting consistent environments – fix this right away. • If your team has data problems- refreshes, updates, mirroring, loading, etc. – fix this right away. • Env and Data cause problems for many test teams. These problems will prevent CI/CT success. You need to overcome data and environment problems. • Get tech help if you do not have it on your team. • Better test environment and test data management. Environment and Data problems? ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 38
  • 22. 5/25/2017 20 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 39 The New Test Strategy DevOps Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 40
  • 23. 5/25/2017 21 So far: • Quality at Every Step • Shift Left • Even more distributed testing/ownership of quality • Extend CI • Regression all automated and fast The New Test Strategy Financial Service Consumer Product US, Co-located teams. “We are going to do DevOps.” • Ops happens at the end- Dev/Test have no idea: – Ops has too much to do manually. Provisioning, user lists, databases. 3rd party data loaded. Full install. – All nite- it takes a very long time. days and days. The business need does not matter. … Ops takes a big long manual process. – 2am 3am 4am phone calls. – Dev and Test have no clue what other people were doing. Many groups still in silos. – Some testing tasks are put off til “Ops or IT” can get to them. • CI was in a few places but many teams not heard of it. No one else could run the CI past autobuild. • Of course, Ops finds load, performance, login, security problems. – “Why didn’t you find these!” Throws things back to dev. Finger pointing. Testing sits on the sidelines. Finger pointing. Gets delayed days, POs scream, point fingers. • Of course, a lot of quality problems. Case Study #4 (part 1) ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 42
  • 24. 5/25/2017 22 What has to be perfect? • Same sprint automation • Definition of Done • Collaboration • Estimating • Testing skills • Feedback • Interaction with the business/PO • Great User Stories • Unit testing … Scrumbutts! Agile has to be perfect- already Continuous Testing is in addition to and different from testing individual user stories or testing in sprints. This testing will continue as a mix of manual then automated. Continuous Testing
  • 25. 5/25/2017 23 Re-examine your test strategy: • What are you testing and where? • What is best to test at various interfaces? • What is better automated vs. manual? • What do you run different servers? Continuous Testing ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 46 What Environment Dev Testing Staging or Pre-production Live or Production Who Developers Test team Test & Ops Test & Ops Purpose Introduce new code, test in isolation, test integrated code, small data, not fully functional Test through UI, full system, integration on limited environment, bug finding, experiment, discovery of how system works, Production-like, Fully enabled, every piece of the system in pace, policies, bigger or full data, no “traffic” Monitor live system Tasks Unit testing, component, integration, API UI, End2End, workflow, regression, bug verification, system testing, small, limited data, API, Acceptance/Validation Validate system on environment as close to production as possible. Live, immediate feedback, monitoring Automation Unit API Smoke Smoke Acceptance API UI Functional Regression End2End user focused tasks Happy Path Monitoring verifying live system operation
  • 26. 5/25/2017 24 This whole process is ONLY possible with big, significant, high-volume, fast, low maintenance, excellent automation…with immediate feedback. Not a little automation. A LOT! Why are we talking about this with testers? Special Cases- “Functional tests teams” may take over: • Performance testing • Security testing • Production Monitoring • API/Web Service testing • Testing in production • Capacity Testing • Platform Testing • Device Compatibility Or • Our automated suites may be taken over by another team or tool. Solve issues with other types of tests
  • 27. 5/25/2017 25 Automated testing Test Automation means Tool Suite • UI tool/Functional • API tool • REST • SOAP • Security… • Vulnerability • Penetration • Performance • Cloud service for devices…whatever • Monitoring in production Not all tools work in different situations The tool can’t get in the way. A very popular browser tools has famously had problems funning on multiple virtual machines at the same time. The tool got in the way. • If you are using a cloud solution- the tool has to work • If you are using high numbers of VMs the tool has to work. • If you are testing in production, the tool cannot interfere! Or worse, slow down or crash! (non- intrusive)
  • 28. 5/25/2017 26 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 51 Special Topics • SOA • Regression and Automation DevOps Overview ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 52
  • 29. 5/25/2017 27 SOA/MicroServices Testing APIs, Producing services Using containers as service components on your system. Understanding how to test services- next technical leap. Your REST and SOAP testing, tools and automation skills may need an upgrade. MicroServices How do you test? Develop an API/Service Test Strategy • Test in Isolation • Test Integration • Test in Scenario, E2E. • Automate it. MicroServices Test Strategy
  • 30. 5/25/2017 28 Regression Automation What is regression testing? And by now, it has to be Regression Automation. Regression Testing Regression testing is a big important thing. Yet in many companies, it’s value is unclear. Your regression suites in DevOps must be fast and give excellent feedback to the teams on risks of speedy product delivery. We will talk about what this means to automation in the next section- but many teams have to rethink how they choose tests for the regression suite for different places in Continuous Testing.
  • 31. 5/25/2017 29 Regression Testing Description Time to execute Coverage Risk Full Core Functionality High Priority/High Risk Main Paths Most Common Paths Bug Smoke Test Financial Service Consumer Product US, Co-located teams. “We are going to do DevOps.” • Missing basic Agile principles. Missing modern software quality ideas. • (Previous) Automation goal: automating every manual script is a good thing. • Over-focus on #s of test cases automated rather than what the test did. • Low quality/old style test design. Solution • Train team on test case design, measuring coverage, choosing good test data. • Throw out existing useless automation suites. • Begin better test design. Design intelligent meaningful tests. • Define four sets of automated regression suites for different purposes, environments and execution times. Case Study #4 (part 2) ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 58
  • 32. 5/25/2017 30 Regression Testing Re-Think your regression strategy! Does your regression suite have the main customer flows? Long end2end tests or small isolated function tests? How old are your regression tests? Do they find bugs? Do they have value? Regression Testing You will probably need a few regression suites CI- Smoke- small Test- Some kind of “full”- perhaps bloated and old Staging- task, customer scenario, Workflow- lean and mean Production/Monitoring- transaction- better not break! Limited goals.
  • 33. 5/25/2017 31 DevOps Automated Testing For some: • Automated “full regression” suite can take days to run • “Full regression” automated suites have gotten bloated and slow • Once tests get into the regression suite, they never come out. • Tests that got automated could get easily automated, not the most important ones. • Automated tests are small, isolated, nuclear. Not what users do. With the “Agile on steroids” mentality, automation thought needs to move from “bigger is better” to “lean and mean.” A team may need to redesign, optimize or even cut the size of their automated suites for continuous testing. Automation: • What tests are you automating? – Full transaction, end to end, not only tiny isolated tests. • Various suites • For Instant feedback • Flipping the triangle…or not • Automation strategy – Low maintenance framework, scalable – Transferable • Don’t be the constraint/bottleneck! Continuous Testing ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 62
  • 34. 5/25/2017 32 Flipping the Triangle Testing in Continuous Delivery ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 63 DevOps Automated Testing In DevOps, • feedback must be fast, immediate. • Automated suites need to be groomed and cleaned up regularly. • Important tests only get into automated suites. Automated tests need to: • Validate. • Find bugs. • Mirror what users do. • Assure consistency, monitor, feedback. • The tests need to be economical.
  • 35. 5/25/2017 33 Business ERP software. B2B Global, Not co-located teams. 3 years ago: “Lets Do DevOps!” New completely different attempt began this year. • Throw out all automation and start over. – There is no nicer way to say it. – Old style, intrusive tool. • Old style automation- “over-checking” in every script. • High maintenance tests. • Design a suite of long, workflow, scenario customer focused tests. Case Study #1 (part 2) ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 65 Automated Testing Put together the thoughts on: • What tests get run against what server • The purpose of testing in a certain environment vs. another • What regression means in different cases. • You may have 3 or 4 different automated suites run regularly. • Lean & Mean
  • 36. 5/25/2017 34 ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 67 JumpStart and Summary DevOps ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 68
  • 37. 5/25/2017 35 1. Get rid of the name “QA” – Everyone is responsible for testing and quality. If your team has not fully grasped this value- you can never do DevOps. Call them testers, test engineers, quality engineers- SDET- whatever. They do not own quality. 2. Not enough fast, nimble, meaningful, current, easy-to-run automation. 3. No easy way to convey coverage: smoke test, full regression: code coverage, happy path tests, main functionality, changed area regression, bug regression, high priority regression – what are you doing and what is left out to be fast and nimble. Never say “test everything” because you don’t. 4. Teams forget about traditional, during-the-sprint, ad hoc and scenario and forced error tests that may never be automated but have to be run to see the new code works like a customer wants it – not what a unit test validates. 5. Test environments, staging environments, testing in production – all environment problems must be fixed. Made simple, fast and leverage virtualization. Ops should help. What are the problems/issues for testing? 6. Some test teams have never done performance or security testing before. Particularly performance testing, in DevOps often gets run along with functional regression suites- you may need to start maintaining these also. 7. Data problems must be fixed; masking, randomizing, mirroring, current, live– whatever – fix it and make it fast. 8. Deal with the risks of testing in production. Communicate the risks. Don’t ignore it. 9. Automate, automate, automate- do it smart, fix it fast, unbreak it, do it right (framework, organize, well-designed, thoughtful, fast-fast) 10. Your team may not realize the amount of collaboration needed to make this work. Open, friendly, clear, all-for-one team communication is mandatory. 11. You need easy, fast smoke tests in CI. Maybe even take over running Jenkins/AutoBuild/Bamboo/whatever. 12. Learn about working in the Cloud and API/Service Testing, if you are not already, you will be soon. What are the problems for testing?
  • 38. 5/25/2017 36 1. Fix any Agile/Scrum problems 2. Get CI and Smoke Tests smooth, easy, great 3. Get the teams to better understand and agree to your use of “regression” 4. Pass all IT/Ops/ system problems over to other people- stop the struggle. Get to know how the environments solution works. 5. Fill-in whatever knowledge gaps you find (containers, SOAP, Rest, microservices) 6. Get fully knowledgeable of every testing task for your product regardless of who does it- programmers, what testing happens in production? – Gather info on security testing, performance testing, etc. – On what platforms? Server? Mobile? Desktop? 7. Make sure you have an automation tool that very easily works in your virtualized world and tool chain. 8. Make sure you have easy, fast, extensible automation framework. 9. Re-think how and what you automate: lean and mean. 10. Develop a deployment production line mentality: everything you do helps or stops deployment. Jumpstart You have to know what you are talking about with DevOps; what parts impact testing and what do not. Most of DevOps is not about test teams. Remember the Culture Shifts Automate Lean and Mean – Continuous testing does not mean continuously rerunning your full regression. – You may need MANY sets of regression suites – These sets will be run at different times on different environments. – Your tools have to support this. – Automated Testing keeps the pipeline moving – Don’t be the bottleneck! Summary
  • 39. 5/25/2017 37 Continuous Testing – Q&A ©2017 LogiGear Corporation 73 For more information on Continuous Testing Solutions visit . Thank you! To learn more about LogiGear’s training and QA consulting services email Michael Hackett