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Continuing Education Credit under the British Columbia Veterinary Medical
                         Association (BCVMA)
Date: Saturday October 4th 2003, Time: 2.30 – 5.30 pm, Cost: $45.00
Location: Clearihue A206, UVic

Topic: Ethnoveterinary Medicine (with a concentration on Western herbs)
for both large and small animals

Presenters: Dr Evelyn Mathias & Dr. Donna Kelleher
Dr Evelyn Mathias, Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Tropical
Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, West Germany.

Dr. Donna Kelleher, Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine1994.
President of the Washington Chapter of the American Holistic VMA.

2.30 – 2.35. Introduction to the program.
2.35 – 3.00. Dr Mathias will introduce non-experimental validation of Ethnoveterinary
2.50 – 3.50. Dr Evelyn Mathias will discuss the ethnoveterinary treatments & practices of
a goat farmer in Vancouver Island from a veterinary point of view.
3.50 – 4.05. Coffee, juice & muffins.
4.05 – 5.00. Dr Kelleher will discuss the herbs that could be used for the following
systems in small animals: gastrointestinal (conditions: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation
and megacolon) neurological (conditions: fear and anxiety and seizures) and urological
(conditions: interstitial cystitis and urinary tract infections and estrogen deficient
incontinence). If time allows: salves to heal sprains as well as hot spots. Presentation of
cases on how to treat specific conditions in each system. How do the herbs work?
5.00 – 5.30. Questions and discussion. Dr. Evelyn Mathias, Dr. Donna Kelleher.
Northwest Herbs in Veterinary Medicine
         Donna Kelleher, DVM
Herbs in the Pacific Northwest have been used for centuries to treat people and
their use in veterinary medicine is in its early stages although public demand for safer,
effective plant medicine is growing. My goal is to move away from dried herbs grown
miles away to fresh herbs I can grow or collect myself.

                Gastrointestinal Disorders:
        Be sure and rule out acute pathology that is better treated with conventional
medicine: bloat, foreign body, intussusception, viral enteritis, pancreatitis. Check
regularly for dehydration, mucous membrane color, and elevated temperature.
        Where herbs and holistic medicine in general really shine is in the treatment of
chronic or recurrent disease. In tough inflammatory bowel disease cases, in gastritis or
gastroenteritis or colitis where it is difficult to isolate a single causative organism or
event. In these cases, constitutional predisposition or the body’s inability to maintain
homeostasis is the major underlying problem. Holistic treatments such as NAET,
acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs, homeopathy and above all, diet changes are all aimed at
minimizing triggers (ie specific food allergies) and changing the body’s ability to cope
with those triggers.
        Different herbs have different temperatures, move energy in different ways
throughout the body, and have an affinity towards organ systems. When herbal therapies
are introduced that attempt to normalize the body’s energetics, the best results occur. In
simple terms, if an animal is old, cold, Deficient (according to Chinese medicine weak
pulses) then the better herbs to use are those that warm, strengthen and invigorate.
Contrarily, if a young, warm, exuberant animal exhibits the very same symptoms as the
colder animal, than the treatment will be altogether different and involve more bitter,
cooling herbs.
Motion Sickness: Cocculus indicus 30C (homeopathic) one hour before travel
       Ginger tea (Zingiber officinale): one-teaspoon fresh grated root per one-cup water
       Wild ginger tea leaf (Asarum caudatum): one leaf with one cup water
Ginger is warming, sending the energy downward in the body. 1 gram of Zingiber was
found to be more effective than 100 mg of dymenhydrinate (Dramamine) in reducing
motion sickness induced in blindfolded subjects. 1 Wild ginger warms up the patient and
makes humans sweat and can cause nausea with an overdose.

Recurrent Vomiting: For more than one episode, hold off food for twelve to twenty-four
hours. Then bland diet. Blood work is unremarkable; the pancreatic enzymes are normal.
Try to find the underlying cause:

                For nervous animal to help
                  parasympathetic tone:
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), fennel (Foeniculum officinale), peppermint (Mentha
piperita) Warming, relaxing, volatile oils in all three plants are best consumed fresh as tea
and become less bioactive when dried. The tincture or essential oil is also very effective.
Fresh peppermint has a numbing, anesthetic action on the GI tract which is particularly
useful for severe pain.
For old cold or genetically weak:
 Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) and fennel seed (Foeniculum officinale),
Plantain (Plantago major), enzymes
Althaea is neutral, acts on the Spleen in Chinese medicine (or the pancreas) and the
primer demulcent containing mucopolysaccharides. I use it as a powder but the decoction
(longer brewed than tea) is also effective. Not useful as a tincture. Althaea protects
upper gastrointestinal tract from local irritants. 2
Fennel seeds are warming, and sweet, containing many vitamins and minerals and are
thought to tonify the Spleen and Kidney in Chinese medicine—the root of genetic
Mucilage from the leaves of Plantago major has been shown to have protective effect
against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in rats. 3 Traditionally plantain was used to tonify
mucous membranes.
For food accumulation:
   Overeating or garbage gut, and associated cramps, bloating and pain: peppermint
(Mentha piperita) or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) tea. Carminative (reduces gas),
sedative action, anti-inflammatory. One drop of peppermint oil in a gelcap may help
prevent diet-induced bloat.
Poor appetite in feline renal disease
Sage (Salvia officinalis) is warming and spreads the energy in an outward direction. It
relieves muscle aches associated with liver stagnation, has a mild relaxation effect,
antioxidant.4 There appears to be a direct effect on the kidneys too. 5 S. miltiorrhiza
extracts could increase the glomerular filtration rate, increase excretion of urea and
creatinine, and decrease uremia. These effects appear to be due to lithospermate B. 6
Try one drop of essential oil in small number 3 or 4 gelcap.
Vomiting—Heat Conditions
For heat, red eyes, dry coat and low production digestive fluids, with body weakness:
with heartburn, gas, and abdominal distension. Pulses: weak: gentian root (Gentiana
lutea, sceptrum, platypetala). This is a bitter or cold herb. As far as most texts report,
the many species of Gentian including the latter two natives are equally effective
therapeutically as the European lutea. 7 This herb is particularly good for dogs who
are so high-strung, perhaps with elevated liver enzymes that they have continuous
digestive problems. They have an alternating good and bad appetite. Research is
primarily on Gentiana lutea. It’s better to combine with ginger root to improve the
taste and send the energy downward. I use this herb for a short time in animals and
then switch to a less extreme bitter like wormwood.
For Liver fire and to aid fat metabolism:
        Hyperthyroidism in cats
        The primary complaint is pain with intermittent fever, vomiting, belching smells
of too much stomach acid. Eyes are red, but there is no dryness. These animals have been
on a fatty commercial pet food. Pulses are wiry, or slippery depending on degree of
Dampness: Wormwood or mugwort (Artemesia sp). Strong antimicrobial, antiparasitic,
anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effects. As with gentian root there is an increase of
gastric secretion. It is both carminative and relaxing. The tincture was the notorious
drink absinthe used in Europe and therefore it should be used as a tea only (not a tincture
or essential oil). Side effects from thujone are well known including cramping, vomiting,
convulsions at high doses. I use 1 tablespoon of leaves with one cup water. The average
ten pound cat gets a starting dose of one teaspoon.
For heat or vomitus containing blood
          indicative of ulceration:
    Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) low dose of a tincture or decoction for short
duration. (up to 2ml of a 1:5 tincture is equivalent to 400 mg of root per day for large
dog). Active ingredients: triterpenoid saponins (glycyrrhizin which is very sweet,
flavonoids, polysaccharides). In Chinese Medicine, it tonifies the Spleen, Heart and
clears Heat. There is much research on its antiulcer effects. 8 The oral administration of
Glycyrrhiza extract significantly prevented gastric mucosal damage induced by ethanol in
rats and increased surface mucin content. 9
    Licorice root is contraindicated for patients with hypertension, hypokalemia, or
Cushings disease as it inhibits the breakdown of cortisol by 11-B-hydroxysterid
dehydrogenase especially at high doses. It is excellent for gastric ulcers, to heal the side-
effects of NSAIDS, for adrenocortical insufficiency or Addison’s. To prevent any side-
effects I use it in combination with other herbs like marshmallow root.
For debilitated patients
    Especially after long course of antibiotics, to prevent the side-effects of
chemotherapy, or NSAID or corticosteroid induced gastritis:
    Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) The purple flowers dry easily and are plentiful.
The tea is safe, bland tasting and can be taken in excess with no side-effects. It is mildly
anti-inflammatory to gastric mucosa. It improves the colon tone and acts as a gentle
laxative at the same time it soothes inflammation in the stomach. 10 It is also supposed to
be much more effective for fungal infections than pau de arco 11, although I have not
personally used it this way.

                                  If you need an anti-inflammatory for cats, but are
                               worried about NSAIDS, try bunchberry listed below.
Diarrhea: Gastroenteritis
For large volume, fewer episodes. This is often associated with a diet change, or
infectious organism like giardia. Herbs can be very beneficial when you want to avoid
antibiotics or at least try something else first.
    Coptis root contains alkaloids that are similar to antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
    effects of goldenseal root. 12 Both coptis and goldenseal are cold and should not be
    used long term. Decoct 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh root with 11/2 cups water for
    40 min. covered. Coptis sinensis has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries
    for the same purpose.
There are many local herbs for diarrhea, many of which contain tannins. Blackberry root,
strawberry root, blueberry root, salal leaf, wild rose root all quell diarrhea in decoction

                                          rhodiola rosea/wild
Diarrhea: Colitis
Stress related Colitis: for young, hyper dogs that get diarrhea every time they
board at a kennel, try a tea with chamomile and marshmallow root or leaves. 2
tablespoons of each herb dried or fresh with 2 cups of water. Dose: ½ teaspoon
per 10 pounds.
For cats you are worried about salicylates but you would love to help their fever,
joint inflammation or other pain, try bunch berry plant (Cornus canadensis) It is
great for extended use. The anti-inflammatory effects of both the cornine and
flavonoids, coupled with the astrigency of the tannins make it a mild herb for
colitis or chronic gastroenteritis. Use the whole plant including about an inch of
the root. It is slightly cooling but you don’t have to worry about your older
For patients that are more moist than
they are dry, ie strings of mucous in
  saliva, damp skin, ear infections:
 try a combination of witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana, or sp) which is neutral
 or slightly cool astringent with thin-leafed plantain (Plantago lanceolata) which is
 cooler and has a better anti-hemorrhagic effect. Internally, witch hazel leaf has a
 direct effect on the Spleen (in TCM) or the pancreas. Best part: no side-effects
 very safe. Tea with fresh or dried leaf. One tablespoon of each herb to one cup of
 water. Give a large dose. 2 tsp per 15 pounds body weight. I would use this for a
 maximum of five days. It should work quickly.
For animals with bloody or mucous
covered diarrhea, that is dry. There is no
 excess moisture, no propensity towards
          skin or ear infections.
   Try a combination of slippery elm bark powder and marshmallow root powder.
   Dose: 1 tsp per 15 pounds body weight. These herbs are demulcents and very
   safe, providing an intestinal Band-aid and often providing relief for both pet and
   owner quickly. Also very safe. This formula is nice because it is something the
   owners can have sitting on the shelf ready to use if needed.
Constipation and Megacolon
    Mild cases of constipation respond well to many complimentary therapies
including herbs. Whereas most cases of diarrhea are caused from excess heat,
constipation can be caused by either lack of moisture, nutritional deficiency (ie
magnesium or fiber), or lack of proper peristalsis. There are sometimes a
combination of causes. It can be a cold or hot condition, so again look at the overall
energetics of the patients.

    I often try a small amount of magnesium with my protocol. Magnesium
nourishes the yin and draws fluid into the lumen, providing moisture. I give 25 mg
per 15 pounds body weight. Changing the diet helps too, from a dry kibble to a
canned food or homemade diet will often cure the problem.

   Plantago psyllium or ovata seeds or husks make a wonderful laxative. This is
   great for animals that are taking plenty of moisture but they are slightly older and
   not getting much catgrass or vegetables. It is milder than anthraquinone-
   containing herbs and can be used in combination with any other herb or drug.
   Pour one cup of boiling water over 1 tsp of either seed. 13 Cool then drink the
   mucilage and seeds. Alternative: ¼ tsp Metamucil moistened per ten pounds
   body weight.
Constipation and Megacolon
Anthraquinone-containing herbs like Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana),
Yellow dock (Rumex crispus), rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) Aloe. These are
helpful especially for dogs with fluid retention, who are overweight, perhaps with
spinal or arthritis pathology or body trauma when you are not sure of the integrity
of the nerve supply to the distal digestive tract. I use cascara when I don’t need
liver detoxification and yellow dock when I do. CAUTION: Cascara bark needs
drying and curing for one to two years to be safe, otherwise it is strongly
cathartic. Use dried bark only as a decoction 1 tablespoon to 11/2 cups water for
40 min. Give 1 teaspoon per 15 pounds body weight. I have found it more
effective as a tea than a powder. Start with a low dose and raise it to effect.
    I have never treated a case of megacolon without some conventional medications,
and/or enemas. Be sure there is not a distal tumor causing obstruction and not to
forget other conventional rule outs. Along with diet changes, megacolon can be well-
treated with herbs if it is not too severe. I use a combination of the herbs listed above.
One tea for a cat might be:
    1 tablespoon dried cascara bark
    1 tablespoon fresh rhubarb stem
    1 tablespoon fresh yellow dock root
    ½ teaspoon psyllium seed
    2 cups chicken broth
    Simmer for 40 min covered on low. Cool. Give 1 teaspoon three times a day for
10 pound cat. Raise dose as needed to induce bowel movement. I would also add 25
mg of magnesium and ½ teaspoon of fish oil or flax oil to canned food.
Fear and Anxiety
     Most nervines are slightly cooling and calming. They are very effective for
fireworks, thunderstorms, and to prevent stress-related diseases, ie for seizures. The
first thing I do is assess how anxious the pet really is. For example does the dog jump
through the front window during the fireworks or does he shake in the corner. This is
important because if there is a mild anxiety, I will often use rather mild but very
effective herbs, such as chamomile or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) particularly if
there are also digestive disturbances.

   For more serious cases of nervous tension, the relaxation tea I include in my
book 14 is very effective. However if the patient is jumping through barriers, I would
add conventional drugs as well.
Relaxation Tea:
3 quarts low-sodium chicken broth or water
1/3 cup passion flower
1/3 cup chamomile flowers
¼ cup cut oatstraw leaves and stems
¼ cup packed hops flowers
¼ cup scullcap leaves
¼ cup lobellia leaves
1 tablespoon powdered kava
Combine all ingredients in a non-aluminum pan, cover, and simmer on LOW for
20 min. Remove from heat, and allow to set for at least 6 hours. The dose is 1
tablespoon per 25 pounds of body weight. Give the tea 2-3 times a day depending
how stressed animal is. It takes over an hour to take effect but should not cause over
sedation. You can freeze most of it for later use in ice cube tray. Store ice cubes in a
freezer bag to prevent freezer burn. They will keep for a year in freezer.
    Some cats love valarian as they like catnip and can even attack the bottle! Give a
cat 1/3 350 mg capsule of valarian root or try the native Sitka valarian root in
decoction form. I have little experience with it.
For stress-induced seizures in dogs
     I use a combination of vervain (Verbena officinalis) leaves, scullcap (Scutellaria
lateriflora), and passion flower (Passiflora incarnata). The active ingredients are
flavonoids which preserve well in tinctures. Give 5-8 drops of tincture per 40 pounds
body weight before stressful event. The vervain and passion flower help the liver and
heart while the scullcap has the wonderful effect of resting the nervous system while
it nourishes and strengthens it. 15

   I tend to avoid large doses of kava and consider it to be too strong by itself for
most animals. It also has been shown to injure the liver in high doses.
The Treatment of stress-related epileptic
seizures in a four-year old Dachshund.
                                              Donna Kelleher, DVM

Abstract: A four-year-old Dachshund presented with a yearlong history of seizures with
increasing duration and severity. The owner noted that usually before seizures, an
anxiety-causing event (fireworks, loud noises, and dinner parties) would cause the dog to
pace and pant and later that night the dog would seizure. The prophylactic use of
verbena tea (blue vervain) was helpful not only in averting potential seizures, but also for
acupuncture treatments which would also cause the dog anxiety. Vervain tea became an
effective way to not only calm the dog, but also to reduce seizure episodes.

Signalment: A four-year old neutered male Dachshund, ten pounds, with a nervous

History: Joey presented with a life time history of thin body weight, poor hair coat around
face and chest and other ventral locations (the underside correlating with yin in TCM)
and a very weak constitution. He has tended to whimper and quiver during treatments.
He had a history of between six to eight seizures a month. After the first few acupuncture
treatments to treat phlegm wind and weak Spleen qi, he seizures much less frequently,
once or twice a month. He also has a history of weak digestion, vomiting easily with
bouts of diarrhea. A homemade diet, monthly acupuncture and herbs to dissolve phlegm
wind (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang and Jiang Can) have helped him tremendously.
Joey is not on any conventional medications to control epileptic seizures. His bloodwork
has always been normal but he has not had an MRI. His seizures are less frequent and
often just partial twitching seizures with the head and neck twitching to one side. The pre
and post ictal periods are a lot less noticeable. (Before treatments his post ictal period
was over ten minutes of vocalizing and blindness.)
This patient has been under my care for over two years. For the past several months, we
have used vervain tea to help with anxiety related events, like coming to see me, getting
nails trimmed, having parties and visitors, or going to new places. We have seen a
reduction in the numbers of seizures and have since discovered that they have been
stress-related. The tea allows for the acupuncture to occur without stress, perhaps
making it more effective.

Treatment: Acupuncture was performed for three weekly treatments, and then once a
month for two and a half years. Points have varied little over the years but consisted of :
GB 14, GB 9, GB 20, GV 14, LIV 8, HT 7. Since December 2002, I focused more on the
Spleen and Phlegm: GB 20, ST 8, ST 40, HT 7, ST 36, Yintang.
        Through NAET allergy testing, it was determined that Joey has a grain sensitivity,
which I recommended avoiding for the remainder of his life. In December of 2002, we
changed the herbal formula from Gastrodia/Uncaria (a classic Liver wind formula) to Ban
Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (1/2 gram twice a day with food of the KPC extract granules).
After this change, his weight increased to normal and his hair grew in nicely. For the
past six months, nothing has changed but the addition of vervain tea given on average 3-4
times a week. The recipe is as follows: ¼ cup dried blue vervain leaves (very good
quality picked within two months of infusion) brewed into a chicken broth decoction with
1 cup broth simmered for 5 minutes in a covered steel (non-aluminum) pot. Half of the
tea was refrigerated and the rest was frozen into small cocktail ice cubes and transferred
to a freezer bag for long term keeping. This way one cube could be later defrosted and
used if an episode occurred. Each cube would last two days since the dose was 2
teaspoons in a small amount of cottage cheese.
        Chinese herbalists have long regarded Verbena to be specific for debility with
depression due to Liver Stagnant Qi, also key in the treatment of epilepsy. As a nervine,
it relaxes all the nerves of the body. It has been used to treat pain and inflammation.
Most references mentioned Verbena as a nervine tonic containing nervous
trophorestoratives, being important for weak constitutions and poor nervous system
function with the unique ability to rest the nervous system while simultaneously
regenerating it.
        References site verbenalin, hastatoside and verbascoside as the most active
ingredients16, and many studies have been done on each of these components. It has been
shown to be hepatoprotective, prevent gastrointestinal ulcers, and protect the nervous
system from toxic damage. 17
        Blue vervain is considered by North American herbalists to be a less important
medicine but for many cultures, it was important to folk medicine. In South America,
especially Brazil, it is called Gervâo and has many different uses, including as a digestive
tonic, febrifuge, vermifuge, and in the treatment of allergies. Contraindications include
pregnancy, low blood pressure (mild vasodilation properties), or when the patient is
taking blood thinners or in cardiovascular disease. 18

Conclusion: Vervain appears to be a powerful herb in animals and for particular use in
stress-related epileptic seizures. It is easy to grow and make into a palatable tea for dogs
and mixed with food. In this case, Joey’s seizure episodes and duration both improved
dramatically. It is my opinion that it is overlooked and valuable.
The Urinary Tract
    Each year I use more herbs for the urinary tract and find them to be extremely
effective for cats, perhaps less so for dogs. Many of my cases of interstitial cystitis
respond so well to the teas, I rarely see them again. First of all, it is important to find
out the cause of urinary tract disease. Diet needs to be closely examined especially if
the pH of the urine is not normal. Many cases of interstitial cystitis are simply too
much Damp Heat in the bladder. This can be caused by emotional turmoil (owner
leaves town or prepares to leave town) from Liver fire spilling into the Bladder. Or
the cause can be weak Kidneys, which cooling tannin-rich herbs may injure over

    For urgency to urinate, accompanied by emotional disturbance or oversensitivity:
    Use herbs that clear heat from the bladder (yarrow is my favorite), soothe the
    bladder wall (marshmallow, slippery elm), calm the nervous system (chamomile,
    vervain) and also help clear liver fire (vervain, yellow dock)

    For chronic urinary tract infections associated with weak Kidney, I use Chinese
    herbs including Rehmannia, yarrow and marshmallow root
For stubborn urinary tract infections that
              are bacterial
    I use yarrow (to clear blood and heat, also antiseptic), uva ursi (to clean bladder
   wall), Equisetum arvense, nettles (slightly diuretic, nourish urinary tract), Oregon
   grape root or goldenseal (berberine is very antibacterial) All in tea form.
   Equisetum contains high silica content that may irritate the kidneys if used
   improperly. Tea rather than bulk herb gathered early in the Spring is best. ¼ cup
   each herb in 3 cups water or chicken broth. Give ½ teaspoon per 10 pounds body
   weight twice to three times a day. Recheck urinalysis after seven days provided
   symptoms clear.
For overall immune system suppression,
Cushing’s disease, use of corticosteroid
   I use Echinacea leaf or root to stimulate phagocytosis, 19particularly on the
  mucous membranes of the body. This herb alone has strong antimicrobial activity.
  Polyacetylenes extracted from the roots were reported to have activity against E.
  coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 20 A combination of Echinacea root, plantain
  leaf, yarrow, and Oregon grape root in high doses is safe and will take care of
  most bladder infections.
The Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis in a
       five-year old Female Cat
                                                       Donna Kelleher, DVM

Abstract: A five-year old female spayed cat presented with a one-year history of
recurrent, intermittent interstitial cystitis. The owner reported that the episodes occurred
after the cat was stressed by the owners frequent business trips. Although the cat was
responsive to conventional corticosteroid therapy, the owner pursued other options. The
only complimentary treatment given was a yarrow flower, marshmallow root and
plantain leaf tea, which cured the cat and provided the owner with a safe, accessible
immediate treatment and alternative to corticosteroid therapy should symptoms return.

Signalment: A five-year old domestic short hair female spayed cat.

History: The feline patient, Penelope, developed stranguria with increased urgency and
frequency of urination. (Her owner found her yowling running back and forth to the litter
box.) on four occasions, each associated with the owner’s traveling schedule. The
veterinarian diagnosed sterile or interstitial cystitis on each occasion. Urinalysis results:
specific gravity: 1.030; pH 6.5; hematuria, small numbers of white blood cells. Culture
results: no growth after 72 hours. Urinalysis and culture were done only on the first two
episodes, the last two were treated symptomatically with low-dose prednisilone (2.5mg
daily for 3 days, then every other day for 10 days) The cat was not treated with
antibiotics. Upon presentation to me, the cat was asymptotic and not on medication; The
owner was seeking safe options to the conventional medication.
Discussion: Retention of urine indicates Damp-heat in the Bladder or Kidney
Deficiency which is common in older patients. Pain before urination indicates stagnation
of Qi in the Lower Burner, pain during urination indicates Heat in the Bladder and Pain
after urination indicates Qi Deficiency. 21
         With the slight diuretic qualities of plantain leaf and yarrow flower, animals that
normally would be painful and stop drinking, continue to flush valuable fluid through the
kidney and bladder. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, the Liver stores
anger, frustration and agitation from the owner leaving the cat alone. This Liver fire
spills into the Bladder causing hematuria. Perhaps the corticosteroids induced
polydypsia, providing a flushing action to the urinary tract and helping symptoms.
         Yarrrow (Achillea millefolium) draws heat to the skin (is a diaphoretic), tonifies
Deficiency and clears Heart Phlegm. It’s specific actions, temperature, and properties
varies depending upon what other herbs are used with it. It is used to treat fever, help
with congestion with flu, as an immune system tonic, as an antihypertensive, and as an
astringent and homeostatic. 22 It has been used to treat urinary tract infections for many
generations.23Yarrow’s anti-inflammatory properties may come from its methanol
extracts and other essential oils. 24
Althaea officinalis clears Damp Heat, nourishes Kidney Deficient Yin, moistening the
mucosal surfaces of the body. It is a classic mucilaginous, demulcent, anti-inflammatory.
Various types of polysaccharides are attributed to this action.
       Plantago lanceolata leaves are cooling and mildly demulcent and used for cystitis
with hematuria, hemorrhoids with bleeding and irritation, and respiratory catarrh. There
are many articles on plantain and immunomodulatory activities of various active
ingredients, most notably flavonoids, monoterpenoids, triterpenoids, iridoid glycosides
and phenolic compounds found in most Plantago species. 25

Conclusion: The use of herbs, in this case plantain, yarrow and marshmallow root
provide a good alternative to conventional medicine for sterile or interstitial cystitis and
can provide the owner with a safe preventative medicine.
It is the author’s opinion that stronger tannin containing herbs like uva ursi and juniper
should be reserved for active bacterial infections of the urinary tract, while the milder
formula seems to be enough to help sterile cystitis especially in cats.

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   Tilford, Gregory. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West. Mountain Press. Missoula. 1997. Pg 41
   Ody, Penelope. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. Dorling Kindersley. London. 1993
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Herbs for pets talk donna kelleher

  • 1. Continuing Education Credit under the British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association (BCVMA) Date: Saturday October 4th 2003, Time: 2.30 – 5.30 pm, Cost: $45.00 Location: Clearihue A206, UVic Topic: Ethnoveterinary Medicine (with a concentration on Western herbs) for both large and small animals Presenters: Dr Evelyn Mathias & Dr. Donna Kelleher Dr Evelyn Mathias, Doctoral Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Justus-Liebig University, Giessen, West Germany. Dr. Donna Kelleher, Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine1994. President of the Washington Chapter of the American Holistic VMA. Program. 2.30 – 2.35. Introduction to the program. 2.35 – 3.00. Dr Mathias will introduce non-experimental validation of Ethnoveterinary medicine. 2.50 – 3.50. Dr Evelyn Mathias will discuss the ethnoveterinary treatments & practices of a goat farmer in Vancouver Island from a veterinary point of view. 3.50 – 4.05. Coffee, juice & muffins. 4.05 – 5.00. Dr Kelleher will discuss the herbs that could be used for the following systems in small animals: gastrointestinal (conditions: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and megacolon) neurological (conditions: fear and anxiety and seizures) and urological (conditions: interstitial cystitis and urinary tract infections and estrogen deficient incontinence). If time allows: salves to heal sprains as well as hot spots. Presentation of cases on how to treat specific conditions in each system. How do the herbs work? 5.00 – 5.30. Questions and discussion. Dr. Evelyn Mathias, Dr. Donna Kelleher.
  • 2. Northwest Herbs in Veterinary Medicine Donna Kelleher, DVM
  • 3. Herbs in the Pacific Northwest have been used for centuries to treat people and their use in veterinary medicine is in its early stages although public demand for safer, effective plant medicine is growing. My goal is to move away from dried herbs grown miles away to fresh herbs I can grow or collect myself. Gastrointestinal Disorders: Be sure and rule out acute pathology that is better treated with conventional medicine: bloat, foreign body, intussusception, viral enteritis, pancreatitis. Check regularly for dehydration, mucous membrane color, and elevated temperature. Where herbs and holistic medicine in general really shine is in the treatment of chronic or recurrent disease. In tough inflammatory bowel disease cases, in gastritis or gastroenteritis or colitis where it is difficult to isolate a single causative organism or event. In these cases, constitutional predisposition or the body’s inability to maintain homeostasis is the major underlying problem. Holistic treatments such as NAET, acupuncture, chiropractic, herbs, homeopathy and above all, diet changes are all aimed at minimizing triggers (ie specific food allergies) and changing the body’s ability to cope with those triggers. Different herbs have different temperatures, move energy in different ways throughout the body, and have an affinity towards organ systems. When herbal therapies are introduced that attempt to normalize the body’s energetics, the best results occur. In simple terms, if an animal is old, cold, Deficient (according to Chinese medicine weak pulses) then the better herbs to use are those that warm, strengthen and invigorate. Contrarily, if a young, warm, exuberant animal exhibits the very same symptoms as the colder animal, than the treatment will be altogether different and involve more bitter, cooling herbs.
  • 4. Vomiting Motion Sickness: Cocculus indicus 30C (homeopathic) one hour before travel Ginger tea (Zingiber officinale): one-teaspoon fresh grated root per one-cup water Wild ginger tea leaf (Asarum caudatum): one leaf with one cup water Ginger is warming, sending the energy downward in the body. 1 gram of Zingiber was found to be more effective than 100 mg of dymenhydrinate (Dramamine) in reducing motion sickness induced in blindfolded subjects. 1 Wild ginger warms up the patient and makes humans sweat and can cause nausea with an overdose. Recurrent Vomiting: For more than one episode, hold off food for twelve to twenty-four hours. Then bland diet. Blood work is unremarkable; the pancreatic enzymes are normal.
  • 5. Try to find the underlying cause: For nervous animal to help parasympathetic tone: Chamomile (Matricaria recutita), fennel (Foeniculum officinale), peppermint (Mentha piperita) Warming, relaxing, volatile oils in all three plants are best consumed fresh as tea and become less bioactive when dried. The tincture or essential oil is also very effective. Fresh peppermint has a numbing, anesthetic action on the GI tract which is particularly useful for severe pain.
  • 6. For old cold or genetically weak: Marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis) and fennel seed (Foeniculum officinale), Plantain (Plantago major), enzymes Althaea is neutral, acts on the Spleen in Chinese medicine (or the pancreas) and the primer demulcent containing mucopolysaccharides. I use it as a powder but the decoction (longer brewed than tea) is also effective. Not useful as a tincture. Althaea protects upper gastrointestinal tract from local irritants. 2 Fennel seeds are warming, and sweet, containing many vitamins and minerals and are thought to tonify the Spleen and Kidney in Chinese medicine—the root of genetic weakness. Mucilage from the leaves of Plantago major has been shown to have protective effect against aspirin-induced gastric ulcer in rats. 3 Traditionally plantain was used to tonify mucous membranes.
  • 7. For food accumulation: Overeating or garbage gut, and associated cramps, bloating and pain: peppermint (Mentha piperita) or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) tea. Carminative (reduces gas), sedative action, anti-inflammatory. One drop of peppermint oil in a gelcap may help prevent diet-induced bloat.
  • 8. Poor appetite in feline renal disease Sage (Salvia officinalis) is warming and spreads the energy in an outward direction. It relieves muscle aches associated with liver stagnation, has a mild relaxation effect, antioxidant.4 There appears to be a direct effect on the kidneys too. 5 S. miltiorrhiza extracts could increase the glomerular filtration rate, increase excretion of urea and creatinine, and decrease uremia. These effects appear to be due to lithospermate B. 6 Try one drop of essential oil in small number 3 or 4 gelcap.
  • 9. Vomiting—Heat Conditions For heat, red eyes, dry coat and low production digestive fluids, with body weakness: with heartburn, gas, and abdominal distension. Pulses: weak: gentian root (Gentiana lutea, sceptrum, platypetala). This is a bitter or cold herb. As far as most texts report, the many species of Gentian including the latter two natives are equally effective therapeutically as the European lutea. 7 This herb is particularly good for dogs who are so high-strung, perhaps with elevated liver enzymes that they have continuous digestive problems. They have an alternating good and bad appetite. Research is primarily on Gentiana lutea. It’s better to combine with ginger root to improve the taste and send the energy downward. I use this herb for a short time in animals and then switch to a less extreme bitter like wormwood.
  • 10. For Liver fire and to aid fat metabolism: Hyperthyroidism in cats The primary complaint is pain with intermittent fever, vomiting, belching smells of too much stomach acid. Eyes are red, but there is no dryness. These animals have been on a fatty commercial pet food. Pulses are wiry, or slippery depending on degree of Dampness: Wormwood or mugwort (Artemesia sp). Strong antimicrobial, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effects. As with gentian root there is an increase of gastric secretion. It is both carminative and relaxing. The tincture was the notorious drink absinthe used in Europe and therefore it should be used as a tea only (not a tincture or essential oil). Side effects from thujone are well known including cramping, vomiting, convulsions at high doses. I use 1 tablespoon of leaves with one cup water. The average ten pound cat gets a starting dose of one teaspoon.
  • 11. For heat or vomitus containing blood indicative of ulceration: Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) low dose of a tincture or decoction for short duration. (up to 2ml of a 1:5 tincture is equivalent to 400 mg of root per day for large dog). Active ingredients: triterpenoid saponins (glycyrrhizin which is very sweet, flavonoids, polysaccharides). In Chinese Medicine, it tonifies the Spleen, Heart and clears Heat. There is much research on its antiulcer effects. 8 The oral administration of Glycyrrhiza extract significantly prevented gastric mucosal damage induced by ethanol in rats and increased surface mucin content. 9 Licorice root is contraindicated for patients with hypertension, hypokalemia, or Cushings disease as it inhibits the breakdown of cortisol by 11-B-hydroxysterid dehydrogenase especially at high doses. It is excellent for gastric ulcers, to heal the side- effects of NSAIDS, for adrenocortical insufficiency or Addison’s. To prevent any side- effects I use it in combination with other herbs like marshmallow root.
  • 12. For debilitated patients Especially after long course of antibiotics, to prevent the side-effects of chemotherapy, or NSAID or corticosteroid induced gastritis: Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium) The purple flowers dry easily and are plentiful. The tea is safe, bland tasting and can be taken in excess with no side-effects. It is mildly anti-inflammatory to gastric mucosa. It improves the colon tone and acts as a gentle laxative at the same time it soothes inflammation in the stomach. 10 It is also supposed to be much more effective for fungal infections than pau de arco 11, although I have not personally used it this way. If you need an anti-inflammatory for cats, but are worried about NSAIDS, try bunchberry listed below.
  • 13. Diarrhea: Gastroenteritis For large volume, fewer episodes. This is often associated with a diet change, or infectious organism like giardia. Herbs can be very beneficial when you want to avoid antibiotics or at least try something else first. Coptis root contains alkaloids that are similar to antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effects of goldenseal root. 12 Both coptis and goldenseal are cold and should not be used long term. Decoct 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh root with 11/2 cups water for 40 min. covered. Coptis sinensis has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries for the same purpose.
  • 14. There are many local herbs for diarrhea, many of which contain tannins. Blackberry root, strawberry root, blueberry root, salal leaf, wild rose root all quell diarrhea in decoction form. rhodiola rosea/wild rose?
  • 15. Diarrhea: Colitis Stress related Colitis: for young, hyper dogs that get diarrhea every time they board at a kennel, try a tea with chamomile and marshmallow root or leaves. 2 tablespoons of each herb dried or fresh with 2 cups of water. Dose: ½ teaspoon per 10 pounds.
  • 16. For cats you are worried about salicylates but you would love to help their fever, joint inflammation or other pain, try bunch berry plant (Cornus canadensis) It is great for extended use. The anti-inflammatory effects of both the cornine and flavonoids, coupled with the astrigency of the tannins make it a mild herb for colitis or chronic gastroenteritis. Use the whole plant including about an inch of the root. It is slightly cooling but you don’t have to worry about your older patients.
  • 17. For patients that are more moist than they are dry, ie strings of mucous in saliva, damp skin, ear infections: try a combination of witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana, or sp) which is neutral or slightly cool astringent with thin-leafed plantain (Plantago lanceolata) which is cooler and has a better anti-hemorrhagic effect. Internally, witch hazel leaf has a direct effect on the Spleen (in TCM) or the pancreas. Best part: no side-effects very safe. Tea with fresh or dried leaf. One tablespoon of each herb to one cup of water. Give a large dose. 2 tsp per 15 pounds body weight. I would use this for a maximum of five days. It should work quickly.
  • 18. For animals with bloody or mucous covered diarrhea, that is dry. There is no excess moisture, no propensity towards skin or ear infections. Try a combination of slippery elm bark powder and marshmallow root powder. Dose: 1 tsp per 15 pounds body weight. These herbs are demulcents and very safe, providing an intestinal Band-aid and often providing relief for both pet and owner quickly. Also very safe. This formula is nice because it is something the owners can have sitting on the shelf ready to use if needed.
  • 19. Constipation and Megacolon Mild cases of constipation respond well to many complimentary therapies including herbs. Whereas most cases of diarrhea are caused from excess heat, constipation can be caused by either lack of moisture, nutritional deficiency (ie magnesium or fiber), or lack of proper peristalsis. There are sometimes a combination of causes. It can be a cold or hot condition, so again look at the overall energetics of the patients. I often try a small amount of magnesium with my protocol. Magnesium nourishes the yin and draws fluid into the lumen, providing moisture. I give 25 mg per 15 pounds body weight. Changing the diet helps too, from a dry kibble to a canned food or homemade diet will often cure the problem. Plantago psyllium or ovata seeds or husks make a wonderful laxative. This is great for animals that are taking plenty of moisture but they are slightly older and not getting much catgrass or vegetables. It is milder than anthraquinone- containing herbs and can be used in combination with any other herb or drug. Pour one cup of boiling water over 1 tsp of either seed. 13 Cool then drink the mucilage and seeds. Alternative: ¼ tsp Metamucil moistened per ten pounds body weight.
  • 20. Constipation and Megacolon Anthraquinone-containing herbs like Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus purshiana), Yellow dock (Rumex crispus), rhubarb (Rheum palmatum) Aloe. These are helpful especially for dogs with fluid retention, who are overweight, perhaps with spinal or arthritis pathology or body trauma when you are not sure of the integrity of the nerve supply to the distal digestive tract. I use cascara when I don’t need liver detoxification and yellow dock when I do. CAUTION: Cascara bark needs drying and curing for one to two years to be safe, otherwise it is strongly cathartic. Use dried bark only as a decoction 1 tablespoon to 11/2 cups water for 40 min. Give 1 teaspoon per 15 pounds body weight. I have found it more effective as a tea than a powder. Start with a low dose and raise it to effect.
  • 21. Megacolon I have never treated a case of megacolon without some conventional medications, and/or enemas. Be sure there is not a distal tumor causing obstruction and not to forget other conventional rule outs. Along with diet changes, megacolon can be well- treated with herbs if it is not too severe. I use a combination of the herbs listed above. One tea for a cat might be: 1 tablespoon dried cascara bark 1 tablespoon fresh rhubarb stem 1 tablespoon fresh yellow dock root ½ teaspoon psyllium seed 2 cups chicken broth Simmer for 40 min covered on low. Cool. Give 1 teaspoon three times a day for 10 pound cat. Raise dose as needed to induce bowel movement. I would also add 25 mg of magnesium and ½ teaspoon of fish oil or flax oil to canned food.
  • 22. Fear and Anxiety Most nervines are slightly cooling and calming. They are very effective for fireworks, thunderstorms, and to prevent stress-related diseases, ie for seizures. The first thing I do is assess how anxious the pet really is. For example does the dog jump through the front window during the fireworks or does he shake in the corner. This is important because if there is a mild anxiety, I will often use rather mild but very effective herbs, such as chamomile or lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) particularly if there are also digestive disturbances. For more serious cases of nervous tension, the relaxation tea I include in my book 14 is very effective. However if the patient is jumping through barriers, I would add conventional drugs as well.
  • 23. Relaxation Tea: 3 quarts low-sodium chicken broth or water 1/3 cup passion flower 1/3 cup chamomile flowers ¼ cup cut oatstraw leaves and stems ¼ cup packed hops flowers ¼ cup scullcap leaves ¼ cup lobellia leaves 1 tablespoon powdered kava
  • 24. Combine all ingredients in a non-aluminum pan, cover, and simmer on LOW for 20 min. Remove from heat, and allow to set for at least 6 hours. The dose is 1 tablespoon per 25 pounds of body weight. Give the tea 2-3 times a day depending how stressed animal is. It takes over an hour to take effect but should not cause over sedation. You can freeze most of it for later use in ice cube tray. Store ice cubes in a freezer bag to prevent freezer burn. They will keep for a year in freezer. Some cats love valarian as they like catnip and can even attack the bottle! Give a cat 1/3 350 mg capsule of valarian root or try the native Sitka valarian root in decoction form. I have little experience with it.
  • 25. For stress-induced seizures in dogs I use a combination of vervain (Verbena officinalis) leaves, scullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), and passion flower (Passiflora incarnata). The active ingredients are flavonoids which preserve well in tinctures. Give 5-8 drops of tincture per 40 pounds body weight before stressful event. The vervain and passion flower help the liver and heart while the scullcap has the wonderful effect of resting the nervous system while it nourishes and strengthens it. 15 I tend to avoid large doses of kava and consider it to be too strong by itself for most animals. It also has been shown to injure the liver in high doses.
  • 26. The Treatment of stress-related epileptic seizures in a four-year old Dachshund. Donna Kelleher, DVM Abstract: A four-year-old Dachshund presented with a yearlong history of seizures with increasing duration and severity. The owner noted that usually before seizures, an anxiety-causing event (fireworks, loud noises, and dinner parties) would cause the dog to pace and pant and later that night the dog would seizure. The prophylactic use of verbena tea (blue vervain) was helpful not only in averting potential seizures, but also for acupuncture treatments which would also cause the dog anxiety. Vervain tea became an effective way to not only calm the dog, but also to reduce seizure episodes. Signalment: A four-year old neutered male Dachshund, ten pounds, with a nervous personality. History: Joey presented with a life time history of thin body weight, poor hair coat around face and chest and other ventral locations (the underside correlating with yin in TCM) and a very weak constitution. He has tended to whimper and quiver during treatments. He had a history of between six to eight seizures a month. After the first few acupuncture treatments to treat phlegm wind and weak Spleen qi, he seizures much less frequently, once or twice a month. He also has a history of weak digestion, vomiting easily with bouts of diarrhea. A homemade diet, monthly acupuncture and herbs to dissolve phlegm wind (Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang and Jiang Can) have helped him tremendously. Joey is not on any conventional medications to control epileptic seizures. His bloodwork has always been normal but he has not had an MRI. His seizures are less frequent and often just partial twitching seizures with the head and neck twitching to one side. The pre and post ictal periods are a lot less noticeable. (Before treatments his post ictal period was over ten minutes of vocalizing and blindness.)
  • 27. This patient has been under my care for over two years. For the past several months, we have used vervain tea to help with anxiety related events, like coming to see me, getting nails trimmed, having parties and visitors, or going to new places. We have seen a reduction in the numbers of seizures and have since discovered that they have been stress-related. The tea allows for the acupuncture to occur without stress, perhaps making it more effective. Treatment: Acupuncture was performed for three weekly treatments, and then once a month for two and a half years. Points have varied little over the years but consisted of : GB 14, GB 9, GB 20, GV 14, LIV 8, HT 7. Since December 2002, I focused more on the Spleen and Phlegm: GB 20, ST 8, ST 40, HT 7, ST 36, Yintang. Through NAET allergy testing, it was determined that Joey has a grain sensitivity, which I recommended avoiding for the remainder of his life. In December of 2002, we changed the herbal formula from Gastrodia/Uncaria (a classic Liver wind formula) to Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang (1/2 gram twice a day with food of the KPC extract granules). After this change, his weight increased to normal and his hair grew in nicely. For the past six months, nothing has changed but the addition of vervain tea given on average 3-4 times a week. The recipe is as follows: ¼ cup dried blue vervain leaves (very good quality picked within two months of infusion) brewed into a chicken broth decoction with 1 cup broth simmered for 5 minutes in a covered steel (non-aluminum) pot. Half of the tea was refrigerated and the rest was frozen into small cocktail ice cubes and transferred to a freezer bag for long term keeping. This way one cube could be later defrosted and used if an episode occurred. Each cube would last two days since the dose was 2 teaspoons in a small amount of cottage cheese.
  • 28. Discussion: Chinese herbalists have long regarded Verbena to be specific for debility with depression due to Liver Stagnant Qi, also key in the treatment of epilepsy. As a nervine, it relaxes all the nerves of the body. It has been used to treat pain and inflammation. Most references mentioned Verbena as a nervine tonic containing nervous trophorestoratives, being important for weak constitutions and poor nervous system function with the unique ability to rest the nervous system while simultaneously regenerating it. References site verbenalin, hastatoside and verbascoside as the most active ingredients16, and many studies have been done on each of these components. It has been shown to be hepatoprotective, prevent gastrointestinal ulcers, and protect the nervous system from toxic damage. 17 Blue vervain is considered by North American herbalists to be a less important medicine but for many cultures, it was important to folk medicine. In South America, especially Brazil, it is called Gervâo and has many different uses, including as a digestive tonic, febrifuge, vermifuge, and in the treatment of allergies. Contraindications include pregnancy, low blood pressure (mild vasodilation properties), or when the patient is taking blood thinners or in cardiovascular disease. 18 Conclusion: Vervain appears to be a powerful herb in animals and for particular use in stress-related epileptic seizures. It is easy to grow and make into a palatable tea for dogs and mixed with food. In this case, Joey’s seizure episodes and duration both improved dramatically. It is my opinion that it is overlooked and valuable.
  • 29. The Urinary Tract Each year I use more herbs for the urinary tract and find them to be extremely effective for cats, perhaps less so for dogs. Many of my cases of interstitial cystitis respond so well to the teas, I rarely see them again. First of all, it is important to find out the cause of urinary tract disease. Diet needs to be closely examined especially if the pH of the urine is not normal. Many cases of interstitial cystitis are simply too much Damp Heat in the bladder. This can be caused by emotional turmoil (owner leaves town or prepares to leave town) from Liver fire spilling into the Bladder. Or the cause can be weak Kidneys, which cooling tannin-rich herbs may injure over time. For urgency to urinate, accompanied by emotional disturbance or oversensitivity: Use herbs that clear heat from the bladder (yarrow is my favorite), soothe the bladder wall (marshmallow, slippery elm), calm the nervous system (chamomile, vervain) and also help clear liver fire (vervain, yellow dock) For chronic urinary tract infections associated with weak Kidney, I use Chinese herbs including Rehmannia, yarrow and marshmallow root
  • 30. For stubborn urinary tract infections that are bacterial I use yarrow (to clear blood and heat, also antiseptic), uva ursi (to clean bladder wall), Equisetum arvense, nettles (slightly diuretic, nourish urinary tract), Oregon grape root or goldenseal (berberine is very antibacterial) All in tea form. Equisetum contains high silica content that may irritate the kidneys if used improperly. Tea rather than bulk herb gathered early in the Spring is best. ¼ cup each herb in 3 cups water or chicken broth. Give ½ teaspoon per 10 pounds body weight twice to three times a day. Recheck urinalysis after seven days provided symptoms clear.
  • 31. For overall immune system suppression, Cushing’s disease, use of corticosteroid therapy I use Echinacea leaf or root to stimulate phagocytosis, 19particularly on the mucous membranes of the body. This herb alone has strong antimicrobial activity. Polyacetylenes extracted from the roots were reported to have activity against E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 20 A combination of Echinacea root, plantain leaf, yarrow, and Oregon grape root in high doses is safe and will take care of most bladder infections.
  • 32. The Treatment of Interstitial Cystitis in a five-year old Female Cat Donna Kelleher, DVM Abstract: A five-year old female spayed cat presented with a one-year history of recurrent, intermittent interstitial cystitis. The owner reported that the episodes occurred after the cat was stressed by the owners frequent business trips. Although the cat was responsive to conventional corticosteroid therapy, the owner pursued other options. The only complimentary treatment given was a yarrow flower, marshmallow root and plantain leaf tea, which cured the cat and provided the owner with a safe, accessible immediate treatment and alternative to corticosteroid therapy should symptoms return. Signalment: A five-year old domestic short hair female spayed cat. History: The feline patient, Penelope, developed stranguria with increased urgency and frequency of urination. (Her owner found her yowling running back and forth to the litter box.) on four occasions, each associated with the owner’s traveling schedule. The veterinarian diagnosed sterile or interstitial cystitis on each occasion. Urinalysis results: specific gravity: 1.030; pH 6.5; hematuria, small numbers of white blood cells. Culture results: no growth after 72 hours. Urinalysis and culture were done only on the first two episodes, the last two were treated symptomatically with low-dose prednisilone (2.5mg daily for 3 days, then every other day for 10 days) The cat was not treated with antibiotics. Upon presentation to me, the cat was asymptotic and not on medication; The owner was seeking safe options to the conventional medication.
  • 33. Discussion: Retention of urine indicates Damp-heat in the Bladder or Kidney Deficiency which is common in older patients. Pain before urination indicates stagnation of Qi in the Lower Burner, pain during urination indicates Heat in the Bladder and Pain after urination indicates Qi Deficiency. 21 With the slight diuretic qualities of plantain leaf and yarrow flower, animals that normally would be painful and stop drinking, continue to flush valuable fluid through the kidney and bladder. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, the Liver stores anger, frustration and agitation from the owner leaving the cat alone. This Liver fire spills into the Bladder causing hematuria. Perhaps the corticosteroids induced polydypsia, providing a flushing action to the urinary tract and helping symptoms. Yarrrow (Achillea millefolium) draws heat to the skin (is a diaphoretic), tonifies Deficiency and clears Heart Phlegm. It’s specific actions, temperature, and properties varies depending upon what other herbs are used with it. It is used to treat fever, help with congestion with flu, as an immune system tonic, as an antihypertensive, and as an astringent and homeostatic. 22 It has been used to treat urinary tract infections for many generations.23Yarrow’s anti-inflammatory properties may come from its methanol extracts and other essential oils. 24
  • 34. Althaea officinalis clears Damp Heat, nourishes Kidney Deficient Yin, moistening the mucosal surfaces of the body. It is a classic mucilaginous, demulcent, anti-inflammatory. Various types of polysaccharides are attributed to this action. Plantago lanceolata leaves are cooling and mildly demulcent and used for cystitis with hematuria, hemorrhoids with bleeding and irritation, and respiratory catarrh. There are many articles on plantain and immunomodulatory activities of various active ingredients, most notably flavonoids, monoterpenoids, triterpenoids, iridoid glycosides and phenolic compounds found in most Plantago species. 25 Conclusion: The use of herbs, in this case plantain, yarrow and marshmallow root provide a good alternative to conventional medicine for sterile or interstitial cystitis and can provide the owner with a safe preventative medicine.
  • 35. It is the author’s opinion that stronger tannin containing herbs like uva ursi and juniper should be reserved for active bacterial infections of the urinary tract, while the milder formula seems to be enough to help sterile cystitis especially in cats. 1 Mowrey DB, Clayson DE. Lancet (8273): 655-657 (1982) 2 Althea. In: Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H et al. (ed). Hagers Handbook, 5 th edn. Vol. 4: Drogen A-D. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, Germany, pp 233-239 (1992) 3 Obolentseva GV, Khadzhai yal, Vidyukova AI et al. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 77:256-257 (1974) 4 Ross, J. Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine. Greenfields Press. Seattle. 2003. 667-679. 5 Zhang JR et al. Shanghai Zhongyiyao Zazhi (Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinces Medicine) (1): 17 (1978) 6 Bruneton J. Pharmacognosy: Phytochemistry Medicinal Plants, 2 nd edn. Lavoisier, Paris, France (1999) 7 Ross, J. Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine. Greenfields Press. Seattle. 2003. 8 Mills, S, Bone K. Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy:Modern Herbal Medicine. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, UK (2000) 9 Goso Y, Ogata Y, Ishihar K et al. Comp Biochem Physiol C Pharmacol Toxicol Endorcrinol 113 (1): 17- 21 (1996) 10 Moore, Michael. Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West. Red Crane Books. Santa Fe, NM. 1993. 137-138. 11 Sellar, Adam. Founder of School of Pacific Botanical Medicine.Oral information from herbal class. 12 Tilford, Gregory. Edible and Medicinal Plants of the West. Mountain Press. Missoula. 1997. Pg 41 13 Ody, Penelope. The Complete Medicinal Herbal. Dorling Kindersley. London. 1993 14 Kelleher, D. The Last Chance Dog and Other True Stories of Holistic Animal Healing. Scribner. 2003 15 Tierra, Michael. Planetary Herbology. Lotus Press. 1988. 16 Wichtl M, 1994. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A handbook for practice on a scientific basis. Norman Grainger Bissett, Ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton 17 Sheng, G. Q., et al. “Protective effect of verbascoside on 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion-induced neurotoxicity in PC12 cells.” Eur. J. Pharmacol. 2002; 451(2): 119–24 18 Inouye, H. et al. 1974. Planta Medica 25:285 stress-induced tachycardia? 19 Bauer VR. Jurcic K, Puhlmann J et al. Arzneimittelforschung 38(2): 276-281 (1988) 20 Schulte Ke, Ruecker T, Perlick J. Arzneim-Forsch 17:825-829 (1967) 21 Maciocia, G. The Foundations of Chinese Medicine. Churchill Livingstone 1989 22 Ross, J. Combining Western Herbs and Chinese Medicine. Greenfields Press Seattle 2003 23 Peng, Yan, Wan, Liu. “65 cases of urinary tract infection treated by total acid of Achillea alpina.” Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 1983 Sep; 3 (30 217-8) 24 Candon, Unlu, et. al. “Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil and methanol extracts of Achillea millefolium” Journal Ethnopharmacology. 2003. Aug; 87 (2-3) 215-20 25 Chiang, Ng, Chiong et al. Planta Med. 2003. Jul; 69 (7): 600-4