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Guide to Jump Starting
Your Online
Network Marketing Success
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have
kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all. – Dale Carnegie
Written by:
© 2015
Congratulations on your decision to utilize the power of online marketing to take your network marketing
business to new levels. The internet is the most powerful marketing platform you will use to get your
marketing message out to the world. Anyone can learn how to market online, but remember it takes
training, consistency, and patience. This guide was created to provide you with some tips, training, and
guidance, that we hope will give you a jump start to your online marketing venture; but first, why did we
choose to grow our network marketing business online?
It all began back in 2008 when we joined our very first network marketing company. Like most we were
brand new to the network marketing profession and we did not have a lot of experience when it came to
building a network marketing team. So, we dived in and started attending all of the corporate training
events that we possibly could, and what we were taught was to build a list of our family, friends,
neighbors, and everyone that we have talked to within the last year. Conduct home parties and talk with
people in the grocery store line while we waited. The more products you get into the hands of people the
more successful you will be; it is a "numbers game". I am sure that most of you reading this right now
were taught this exact same marketing strategy; right? The reason for this is these strategies are
"duplicatable" and they do work; well, talking with your friends and family is "duplicatable" but bugging
everyone in a grocery store line; not so much.
Anyway, before anyone gets upset and starts sending us hate emails because you feel we are slamming
traditional network marketing strategies, let us clarify. We fully support targeting your "warm market" of
friends, family, co-workers, and sharing your products and opportunity every chance you get, because
this will grow your business. But, unless you have a huge network of family and friends, your warm
market will eventually dry up, and this is what happened to us. We ran out of people to talk to. We were
forced to seek other ways to find more people to talk to about our products and business opportunity.
We resorted to placing fliers all over the neighborhood and parked cars as well as the message boards
at our local market; only to be threatened with charges of trespassing. We knew there had to be a better
way and that way my friend was the internet. We choose online marketing because if done correctly, you
no longer have to chase your leads. You no longer have to worry about having enough people to talk to
about your products and business opportunity. You can expand your business beyond your warm
market and even grow your business across state lines, and internationally.
Today we a have expanded our business all over the United States and different countries. This would
not have been remotely possible for us without utilizing the power of the internet.
Building your network marketing business online takes some planning. Just like any business, you must
have a plan, goal, and an idea of what you wish to accomplish by marketing your business online.
Having a plan will keep you on course, so you do not get lost in the internet world.
The one major problem with the Internet: The Internet has what I call the “shiny object syndrome”.
How many times in the last month have you been directed to a YouTube video? You watch that video
and the next thing you know, you have watched 10 to 15 more videos and an hour of your time has
disappeared. Your time is very valuable and should be used for money or lead generating activities. The
best way to overcome the “shiny object syndrome” is to have a daily plan of attack.
Daily Plan of Operation: Having a daily plan of operation will keep you focused on the tasks that you
have chosen to be completed for the day. Keep your daily tasks reasonable for the time you have
devoted to building and marketing your business online. For example, one of your daily tasks may be to
create a blog post or article for your website, spend 15 minutes a day on self improvement or contact
your leads and build relationships with your website or blog visitors. Follow up with those that have
been in contact with you. Remember your daily plan of operation should always include money making
and lead generating tasks. You are in business to make money and checking your email several times
an hour or your Facebook posts every 5 minutes is not going to make you money. Sorry to be so direct,
but it is true. You must focus on getting that new article launched, or new video created, and contact
your leads. Your online content generates leads and your leads, build your business and make you
A man is not finished when he’s defeated; he’s finished when he quits. – Richard Nixon
Building your Network Marketing Business Online:
Before you start to use online marketing to build and generate more leads for your network marketing
business, there are a few things that must be established.
First, do not allow the fear of technology to stand in your way. One of the biggest excuses that we hear
all the time is that I do not have the knowledge to build my business online. The truth is there are so
many applications and training platforms online that will teach you step by step how to get started and
guide you to success. You just have to be willing to be taught and willing to implement what you learn.
Second, before you even begin to market online you must fully understand who your target market is.
What type of person do you want to attract to you, your website, and your network marketing business?
Now the most exciting thing about the internet is the world is your playground and you may be thinking
“well my target market is the world”. Your online presence allows you to target the world, but you must
focus on a group, a person, or select market. For example, if your network marketing companies’
product is a weight loss program, then you probably want to target those looking to lose weight. Maybe
you are offering a supplement and you think that everyone needs your supplement, and you may be
right. But you should focus on those that care about being fit and healthy?
Tools to Prosperity focuses on helping struggling network marketers establish an online presence so
they can generate more leads, and get more sign ups into their business using the power of the internet.
Our main target is struggling network marketers.
The common denominator for success is work. John Rockefeller.
Creating your online Presence:
Owning your own piece of internet real estate is probably the most effective way to build your business
and generate more leads.
Why do you need your own website when your network marketing company provides one for you? Most
network companies offer what we call a replicated website to their consultants/independent business
owners. These websites are a very valuable tool and in most cases, they have to be used for product
sales and member sign ups. The one problem with replicated websites is search engines hate them.
Because every member in your network marketing company has the exact same website so you must
find ways to stand out from all the rest. Creating your own online presence with your own unique design,
feel, and content is the best way to do this.
Later I will show you a few ways that you can promote your “replicated website” without creating your
own website; but I do highly recommend you create a website or a blog of your own.
There are a few things you must have in order to create your own website or a blog, capture leads, and
get ranked on the major search engines such as Google.
Domain Name: Your domain name is the first and the most important step to owning and establishing
your little chunk of the World Wide Web. Choosing a domain will establish your business online, and
have a role in how your website ranks on major search engines such as Google and Yahoo. When
choosing a domain name think about what you are trying to accomplish with your new online presence.
Are you looking to brand an individual product (only if you own the product), your company, or yourself?
For example:
· Registering your domain requires a domain registrar such as GoDaddy offers
affordable prices, hosting, and a website builder all on one platform.
Hint: Branding yourself is one of the most powerful techniques for creating a successful online
presence. By branding “YOU” and not your network marketing company or products you create your
own followers. People follow you because of your knowledge and ability to help find solutions to their
problems and answers to their questions. Click here for more information about branding yourself online.
Hosting: In order for your finished website to be viewable to the world you will need a hosting account.
Your hosting account is where your website will be stored online. When someone types in your domain
name, your website site will be called from your server or hosting account and displayed to your visitors.
If you have no experience with building a website using WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) web
design software and uploading it to your hosting account via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) then I highly
recommend you use an online website design platform that includes your hosting, domain, and website
design software all on one platform. Below are a few examples, but do your research and find one that
works best for you.
· – Offers hundreds of customizable website templates. No technical skills required
and your domain, hosting, and marketing tools are all included.
· 1 & 1 Internet Inc – Also is an all in one platform that provides domain registration, hosting, and a
website building tool. You can choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates. Adding
text and photos, is quick and easy.
· Weebly - The Easiest Way To Create A Websites
Creating a Blog – Blogging has become the most chosen method for
establishing an online presence. The reason for this is there are minimal
technical skills required and in most cases you can have a blog up and
running in minutes. The one problem with blogs is most get drawn into
the “set up a FREE blog today” and think WOW; I am going to create my
online presence and start building my business for FREE. The problem
with FREE is you are limited to what you can promote and in most cases
you are not allowed to promote your network marketing opportunity,
affiliate programs, or monetize your blog with Google Adsense. If you
wish to create a WordPress blog and want to have complete control over
your content and promotional efforts you must purchase your domain
name and host your blog on your own hosting account. Once again here
are some recommendations for hosting your WordPress blog. You must
make sure that WordPress is supported if you choose to research your
own hosting company.
· – Offers a one click WordPress set up within your hosting account. WordPress
blogs are on their own dedicated server and you get 24/7 support from the experts at
· 1 & 1 Internet Inc – Also offers what they call 1 & 1 click applications that let you easily set up
WordPress within your hosting account.
· WP Engine – Hassle- Free WordPress Hosting. Month to month contracts and no sign-up fees!
Enjoy flexibility with WPEngine.
FREE Audio - 8 Secrets to Creating a Million Dollar Blog!
There are absolutely no excuses when it comes to setting up your online presence. However, if you fear
technology and do not think you can set up your own blog or website you can actually outsource some
or all of the work for cheap. Outsourcing allows you to get help with those tasks that maybe you do not
know how to do or maybe you just do not have the time. Outsourcing does not have to be expensive. A
great resource for outsourcing is Fiverr.Com. Fiverr is the largest marketplace for services starting at $5.
Just do a search for the services that you need and chances are someone on Fiverr can help.
Now that you have taken the steps or are thinking about creating your own online presence you may be
asking yourself, what should my blog or website be about? The first thing, of course that has come to
your mind is your network marketing business, right? Well of course you want to promote your network
marketing business, but if your entire site is only about how wonderful your products, opportunity, and
company are you may find yourself struggling. You must provide your visitors with valuable information
that goes beyond just promoting your business. Remember, there are hundreds, if not thousands of
websites or blogs promoting the same network marketing company that you belong to. So how are you
going to be different? You must provide value to your visitors. Provide information that answers your
visitors’ questions or provides a solution to their problems.
Think about what your products or opportunity will offer an individual. Remember who your target market
is. What kind of information can you provide them, which will help them once again to find answers to
their questions and solutions to their problems? For example Tools to Prosperity targets struggling
network marketers. Some of the biggest problems network marketers face is having enough people to
talk to about their products and business. So we provide information on lead generation, and tools to
assist with generating leads, more sales, and more signups into their network marketing businesses.
Tell your story: You are the best testimonial for your products and business. Tell your story about how
your products and opportunity have changed your life. Teach your visitors what steps you have taken to
create success. Share the tools and marketing techniques that you use. When you attend a training
event or webinar, whether for your network marketing company or some sort of business training, share
what you learned from this event. This creates value and this attracts more people to you. In return you
will have more people to talk to and possibly more people will join you in your network marketing
business. This is a concept known as Attraction Marketing.
If you really want to learn how to leverage the power of the internet
then you must learn, the power of Attraction Marketing. I highly
recommend you purchase the Magnetic Sponsoring Course created by
Mike Dillard. This course will teach you how to provide valuable
content that helps others, and in return they provide you with their
contact information, and now they become a very valuable lead for
your business.
The Magnetic Sponsoring Course also teaches you the power of branding yourself. If you provide
valuable content to your visitors that help them solve their problems and you continue to do this; over
time people will seek you out. People will search for you, instead of you searching for them. You
become a trusted source of valuable information, and when the time comes to share your network
marketing business with them, one of the biggest hurdles of building your business is already knocked
down; customer trust!
Creating Content for your blog or website:
Creating content for your website or blog can sometimes be overwhelming. You may have those days
when your mind is blank and you have no idea what to write about. Every single marketer online has
these days. I do not care how successful you are, we all struggle with creating fresh new content on a
regular basis. The key to help you create ongoing content is to remember that everything you do is
potential content. If you just finished a good book that inspired you, write about it. When one of your
team members asks a question about building their business, write about it. There is a good chance that
someone else has the same question. But if you just cannot figure out what to write and you need to get
fresh content posted on your site you can hire an author. One such site is Text Broker. Other methods of
accessing content for your website or blog are called PLR (private label rights) articles. These are pre-
written articles that can be used for the creation of your online content. Before you purchase a PLR
article you must make sure they give you full rights to the article and the article can be edited and used
in any way you see fit. Why must you be able to edit the article? Because if you use a PLR article you
must rewrite it into your own words. You may be asking yourself, why would you purchase a PLR article
if you have to rewrite the article. Well the answer is because there are literally thousands of PLR articles
on any topic that you can think of, and they are a great source of ideas which you may want to use for
future articles. If you are going to use them on your website or blog they must be rewritten to avoid
duplicate content that may penalize your search engine rankings. Below is an example of a PLR
website. Please do your research.
· MasterResellRights.Com – Offering PLR articles, e-books and much more. Most come with full
resale rights, visit website for more information.
· MLMPLRStore.Com - “We Write While You Build”!! As a business owner, your focus shouldn’t be
on the mundane tasks of writing articles and creating content. Instead, your day should be filled
with generating leads and increasing sales.
There are tools available online that will assist you in rewriting your PLR articles. Such tools are called
“spinners” or “spin rewriters”. These tools have been used by article marketing gurus for years. You can
have one article rewritten into several different unique articles that can be posted on document and
content sharing websites. One such article spinning site is called Spin rewriter.
Enhancing your Content:
Photos play a big part in the experience your visitors will have while visiting your website or blog. Do not
be afraid to display a photo of yourself participating in what you love to do. You are creating a brand and
that brand is “YOU”. If you need photos to enhance your articles I recommend One Dollar Photo Club.
You can browse millions of royalty free photos in many different image categories.
Marketing your New Online Presence:
Now that you have your new online website or blog lets talk about marketing. What marketing strategies
are you going to use to drive traffic to your new site? Your ultimate goal is to get your site ranked on
major search engines so you will receive organic traffic, but this takes time. Without getting into all the
aspects of SEO, I will leave this to my friend Rob Fore; one of the keys to getting your new site or blog
found on major search engines is to consistently post new valuable content. Search engines love
content. Adding new content to your site or blog on a regular basis will keep the search engine spiders
coming back and crawling your content.
Using Social Media:
Social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +,
Linkedin, Instagram are great, easy, cost effective ways to share your
new website or blog. All of these marketing platforms can be used to
let people know what is new on your website or blog. When you
publish a new article you can do a small post on each platform to let
everyone know about your new content. You must always remember
one thing. You never sell on social media platforms. You are sparking
the interest of people to click over to your site to your full article. This
is when you can sell, capture their information, or get them to take
some sort of action. Once again, remember your goal is to provide
value. Say you just posted a new article about a book that you just
finished. You could simply post a short paragraph about what you
thought of the book, maybe some highlights, and what you learned
and provide the link to your article. Every time you publish a new
article share it on all your social media accounts.
Additional Traffic Generation Techniques:
Like I promised in the beginning, here are some additional traffic generation techniques that can be used
to market your new website or blog and even your network marketing replicated website.
You Tube: Creating YouTube videos are an excellent way to promote your business, your content, and
your services. In the description section of your video you can share the link to your sites.
FREE 24 Min. Video Reveals How You Can Use YouTube to Attract Endless Leads and Traffic to Your
Website, Blog, and Offers.
Document sharing sites: These are also an excellent place to generate FREE traffic to your sites.
When you create an article to post on your site save your file in word, or turn it into a PDF file. Then you
can share them on sites such as
Once you start generating traffic to your site you must have a way to capture your leads. There are two
things that you will need in order to do this.
Autoresponder – Your ultimate goal for your site or blog is to capture leads so that you can build a
relationship with those on your list. Your autoresponder will provide lead capture forms that can be
integrated into your website or blog. The best autoresponder to use that actually supports the online
promotion of network marketing, and affiliate marketing is AWeber Communications.
Offer- An offer is something that you give to your site visitors
for FREE in return for opting into your email list. This could
be some sort of training, a how to guide etc… To the right
you will see an example of a high converting opt-in page or
offer that is provided by My Lead System Pro. This offer
links to high value training that will teach your visitors how to
build their network marketing business. Click here to watch
“10 proven tricks to unlock leads for life”. This will give you an
idea of the high value training offered by MLSP (My Lead
System Pro).
My Lead System Pro: If you are really serious about marketing your business online and willing to
learn what the industry leaders are doing to draw hundreds of leads per day to their network marketing
businesses, then you need the My Lead System Pro. If you want to simplify getting started online and
have access to high value training that will teach you how to set up a blog, teach you how to integrate an
opt-in form, and teach you how to use the top marketing strategies online then you must have a look at
We are personally grateful for this system. Just like many that are getting started online, we spent
thousands of dollars on the latest and greatest systems or courses that were going to help us take our
network marketing business to new levels. We jumped from one shiny object to the next until we
discovered MLSP. Just like you right now, we were hesitant and not sure that MLSP could help us. Was
this system just another shiny object that wanted to take our money? We took the chance and signed up
for the 10 day trial for only $9.95. We were blown away by what this system offered. The training alone
found in the back office is priceless. The step by step process of setting up the system, learning
attraction marketing, and sharing your capture pages quickly to generate leads is all at your fingertips.
You will find complete training courses on Facebook marketing, Twitter, Blogging, You Tube, Google +,
Article Marketing, PPC, SEO and tons more. Plus, you can take part in the daily wake up calls and
weekly training webinars all hosted by people who are the top 6 to 7 figure earners’ in the network
marketing industry.
The One Draw Back Of My Lead System Pro: The only drawback of this system is, if you do not follow
the step by step process and start jumping around in the back office, this system can be overwhelming.
There are so many training strategies provided in the back office your head could literally explode if you
take on too much too quickly. I highly suggest you pick one marketing strategy that will work for you and
focus on this one strategy until you have learned it, implemented it, and began to generate leads using
it. Only then should you move on to new strategies.
My Lead System Pro is not a tool that is going to magically build your business. MLSP provides you with
the tools, training, and guidance, but it is up to you to take action, implement the tools, training, and use
them to build your business. The blueprint and plans for success are in place just waiting for you. Stop
chasing and spending your hard earned dollars on programs that just do not work. You owe it to
yourself, your team, and your business to take a look and MLSP.
Contacting your Leads: When you start to generate leads you are going to want to contact them
generally within 24 hours, if possible. This can be done by phone or email. If your lead provides you with
their phone number, I recommend a phone call which will help you to communicate with them better.
Email can sometimes be misconstrued and impersonal.
So what do you say to your leads? This is where you build relationships with your customers. Ask them
a lot of questions. Let them know that you care about them and are interested in them as a person, not
just a customer. If your lead is interested in joining your network marketing business, you can ask
questions like:
Have you ever been part of a Network Marketing Company before?
What interested you the most about (your network marketing company)?
What training do you think you need the most in order to start building your business as quickly as
Say your lead is not interested in your network marketing company, but they opted into your list because
of some FREE training that you provided from MLSP for example. You can ask questions like:
How are you personally generating leads for your network marketing business?
How is this working for you?
Depending on the answers to your questions, you can share MLSP with them. Either way you are
providing value to your customer by helping answer their questions and concerns. You ask questions so
your prospects can direct you to their concerns, problems, desires, etc.… You can then help them by
providing answers and solutions.
Follow Up: Follow up is the key to getting your prospects to join your network marketing company. Most
people will not join your business or purchase your products the first time you meet with them. They
may want to learn more about your company and get additional information. You must follow up with
your prospects. It may take more than 7 follow ups before a prospect may purchase product from you. If
you do not follow up with your prospect they may go out on their own, do a search online and purchase
or join another business. Make sure you follow up so you do not lose your prospect.
Take Daily Action: Building a successful network marketing business online or offline takes
commitment and daily action. You must consistently work your business by posting content, contacting
leads, training your team, talking to others about your business, and sharing your story with the world!
NEVER GIVE UP: Do you know why most people fail when they first start building a business? They
give up! Building a business is not easy. Learning to market online will take time, patience, and
dedication. No matter what obstacles or struggles you encounter you must never give up. Look at your
your goals, and your motivations everyday to help you get the inner drive you need to succeed. Do not
let anyone or anything stand in the way of your success! We hope this guide has provided you with a
jump start in marketing, and building your network marketing business online. If you have further
questions about this guide, marketing techniques, or MLSP please contact us.
To Your Online Marketing Success!
Troy Webb Ford Fannen
Disclaimer: This guide was created as an informational guide to help you get started online. This guide is not a complete
resource for everything you need to know to build, market, and having success online. We do not guarantee that you will
have success using the information that we have provided above. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to
your input, determination, hard work, and your desire to succeed.
Copyright – This information cannot be reproduced, copied, or published anywhere online without the written consent
from Tools for Prosperity. You may share this guide unaltered with others if you feel the information may help someone
else get started online.

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Jump Start Your Network Marketing Success Online

  • 1. Guide to Jump Starting Your Online Network Marketing Success Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all. – Dale Carnegie Written by: © 2015
  • 2. Congratulations on your decision to utilize the power of online marketing to take your network marketing business to new levels. The internet is the most powerful marketing platform you will use to get your marketing message out to the world. Anyone can learn how to market online, but remember it takes training, consistency, and patience. This guide was created to provide you with some tips, training, and guidance, that we hope will give you a jump start to your online marketing venture; but first, why did we choose to grow our network marketing business online? It all began back in 2008 when we joined our very first network marketing company. Like most we were brand new to the network marketing profession and we did not have a lot of experience when it came to building a network marketing team. So, we dived in and started attending all of the corporate training events that we possibly could, and what we were taught was to build a list of our family, friends, neighbors, and everyone that we have talked to within the last year. Conduct home parties and talk with people in the grocery store line while we waited. The more products you get into the hands of people the more successful you will be; it is a "numbers game". I am sure that most of you reading this right now were taught this exact same marketing strategy; right? The reason for this is these strategies are "duplicatable" and they do work; well, talking with your friends and family is "duplicatable" but bugging everyone in a grocery store line; not so much. Anyway, before anyone gets upset and starts sending us hate emails because you feel we are slamming traditional network marketing strategies, let us clarify. We fully support targeting your "warm market" of friends, family, co-workers, and sharing your products and opportunity every chance you get, because this will grow your business. But, unless you have a huge network of family and friends, your warm market will eventually dry up, and this is what happened to us. We ran out of people to talk to. We were forced to seek other ways to find more people to talk to about our products and business opportunity. We resorted to placing fliers all over the neighborhood and parked cars as well as the message boards at our local market; only to be threatened with charges of trespassing. We knew there had to be a better way and that way my friend was the internet. We choose online marketing because if done correctly, you no longer have to chase your leads. You no longer have to worry about having enough people to talk to
  • 3. about your products and business opportunity. You can expand your business beyond your warm market and even grow your business across state lines, and internationally. Today we a have expanded our business all over the United States and different countries. This would not have been remotely possible for us without utilizing the power of the internet. Building your network marketing business online takes some planning. Just like any business, you must have a plan, goal, and an idea of what you wish to accomplish by marketing your business online. Having a plan will keep you on course, so you do not get lost in the internet world. The one major problem with the Internet: The Internet has what I call the “shiny object syndrome”. How many times in the last month have you been directed to a YouTube video? You watch that video and the next thing you know, you have watched 10 to 15 more videos and an hour of your time has disappeared. Your time is very valuable and should be used for money or lead generating activities. The best way to overcome the “shiny object syndrome” is to have a daily plan of attack. Daily Plan of Operation: Having a daily plan of operation will keep you focused on the tasks that you have chosen to be completed for the day. Keep your daily tasks reasonable for the time you have devoted to building and marketing your business online. For example, one of your daily tasks may be to create a blog post or article for your website, spend 15 minutes a day on self improvement or contact your leads and build relationships with your website or blog visitors. Follow up with those that have been in contact with you. Remember your daily plan of operation should always include money making and lead generating tasks. You are in business to make money and checking your email several times an hour or your Facebook posts every 5 minutes is not going to make you money. Sorry to be so direct, but it is true. You must focus on getting that new article launched, or new video created, and contact your leads. Your online content generates leads and your leads, build your business and make you money.
  • 4. A man is not finished when he’s defeated; he’s finished when he quits. – Richard Nixon Building your Network Marketing Business Online: Before you start to use online marketing to build and generate more leads for your network marketing business, there are a few things that must be established. First, do not allow the fear of technology to stand in your way. One of the biggest excuses that we hear all the time is that I do not have the knowledge to build my business online. The truth is there are so many applications and training platforms online that will teach you step by step how to get started and guide you to success. You just have to be willing to be taught and willing to implement what you learn. Second, before you even begin to market online you must fully understand who your target market is. What type of person do you want to attract to you, your website, and your network marketing business? Now the most exciting thing about the internet is the world is your playground and you may be thinking “well my target market is the world”. Your online presence allows you to target the world, but you must focus on a group, a person, or select market. For example, if your network marketing companies’ product is a weight loss program, then you probably want to target those looking to lose weight. Maybe you are offering a supplement and you think that everyone needs your supplement, and you may be right. But you should focus on those that care about being fit and healthy? Tools to Prosperity focuses on helping struggling network marketers establish an online presence so they can generate more leads, and get more sign ups into their business using the power of the internet. Our main target is struggling network marketers. The common denominator for success is work. John Rockefeller.
  • 5. Creating your online Presence: Owning your own piece of internet real estate is probably the most effective way to build your business and generate more leads. Why do you need your own website when your network marketing company provides one for you? Most network companies offer what we call a replicated website to their consultants/independent business owners. These websites are a very valuable tool and in most cases, they have to be used for product sales and member sign ups. The one problem with replicated websites is search engines hate them. Because every member in your network marketing company has the exact same website so you must find ways to stand out from all the rest. Creating your own online presence with your own unique design, feel, and content is the best way to do this. Later I will show you a few ways that you can promote your “replicated website” without creating your own website; but I do highly recommend you create a website or a blog of your own. There are a few things you must have in order to create your own website or a blog, capture leads, and get ranked on the major search engines such as Google. Domain Name: Your domain name is the first and the most important step to owning and establishing your little chunk of the World Wide Web. Choosing a domain will establish your business online, and have a role in how your website ranks on major search engines such as Google and Yahoo. When choosing a domain name think about what you are trying to accomplish with your new online presence. Are you looking to brand an individual product (only if you own the product), your company, or yourself? For example:
  • 6. · · · · Registering your domain requires a domain registrar such as GoDaddy offers affordable prices, hosting, and a website builder all on one platform. Hint: Branding yourself is one of the most powerful techniques for creating a successful online presence. By branding “YOU” and not your network marketing company or products you create your own followers. People follow you because of your knowledge and ability to help find solutions to their problems and answers to their questions. Click here for more information about branding yourself online. Hosting: In order for your finished website to be viewable to the world you will need a hosting account. Your hosting account is where your website will be stored online. When someone types in your domain name, your website site will be called from your server or hosting account and displayed to your visitors. If you have no experience with building a website using WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) web design software and uploading it to your hosting account via FTP (File Transfer Protocol) then I highly recommend you use an online website design platform that includes your hosting, domain, and website design software all on one platform. Below are a few examples, but do your research and find one that works best for you. · – Offers hundreds of customizable website templates. No technical skills required and your domain, hosting, and marketing tools are all included. · 1 & 1 Internet Inc – Also is an all in one platform that provides domain registration, hosting, and a website building tool. You can choose from hundreds of professionally designed templates. Adding text and photos, is quick and easy. · Weebly - The Easiest Way To Create A Websites
  • 7. Creating a Blog – Blogging has become the most chosen method for establishing an online presence. The reason for this is there are minimal technical skills required and in most cases you can have a blog up and running in minutes. The one problem with blogs is most get drawn into the “set up a FREE blog today” and think WOW; I am going to create my online presence and start building my business for FREE. The problem with FREE is you are limited to what you can promote and in most cases you are not allowed to promote your network marketing opportunity, affiliate programs, or monetize your blog with Google Adsense. If you wish to create a WordPress blog and want to have complete control over your content and promotional efforts you must purchase your domain name and host your blog on your own hosting account. Once again here are some recommendations for hosting your WordPress blog. You must make sure that WordPress is supported if you choose to research your own hosting company. · – Offers a one click WordPress set up within your hosting account. WordPress blogs are on their own dedicated server and you get 24/7 support from the experts at · 1 & 1 Internet Inc – Also offers what they call 1 & 1 click applications that let you easily set up WordPress within your hosting account. · WP Engine – Hassle- Free WordPress Hosting. Month to month contracts and no sign-up fees! Enjoy flexibility with WPEngine. FREE Audio - 8 Secrets to Creating a Million Dollar Blog!
  • 8. There are absolutely no excuses when it comes to setting up your online presence. However, if you fear technology and do not think you can set up your own blog or website you can actually outsource some or all of the work for cheap. Outsourcing allows you to get help with those tasks that maybe you do not know how to do or maybe you just do not have the time. Outsourcing does not have to be expensive. A great resource for outsourcing is Fiverr.Com. Fiverr is the largest marketplace for services starting at $5. Just do a search for the services that you need and chances are someone on Fiverr can help. Now that you have taken the steps or are thinking about creating your own online presence you may be asking yourself, what should my blog or website be about? The first thing, of course that has come to your mind is your network marketing business, right? Well of course you want to promote your network marketing business, but if your entire site is only about how wonderful your products, opportunity, and company are you may find yourself struggling. You must provide your visitors with valuable information that goes beyond just promoting your business. Remember, there are hundreds, if not thousands of websites or blogs promoting the same network marketing company that you belong to. So how are you going to be different? You must provide value to your visitors. Provide information that answers your visitors’ questions or provides a solution to their problems. Think about what your products or opportunity will offer an individual. Remember who your target market is. What kind of information can you provide them, which will help them once again to find answers to their questions and solutions to their problems? For example Tools to Prosperity targets struggling network marketers. Some of the biggest problems network marketers face is having enough people to talk to about their products and business. So we provide information on lead generation, and tools to assist with generating leads, more sales, and more signups into their network marketing businesses. Tell your story: You are the best testimonial for your products and business. Tell your story about how your products and opportunity have changed your life. Teach your visitors what steps you have taken to create success. Share the tools and marketing techniques that you use. When you attend a training event or webinar, whether for your network marketing company or some sort of business training, share what you learned from this event. This creates value and this attracts more people to you. In return you
  • 9. will have more people to talk to and possibly more people will join you in your network marketing business. This is a concept known as Attraction Marketing. If you really want to learn how to leverage the power of the internet then you must learn, the power of Attraction Marketing. I highly recommend you purchase the Magnetic Sponsoring Course created by Mike Dillard. This course will teach you how to provide valuable content that helps others, and in return they provide you with their contact information, and now they become a very valuable lead for your business. The Magnetic Sponsoring Course also teaches you the power of branding yourself. If you provide valuable content to your visitors that help them solve their problems and you continue to do this; over time people will seek you out. People will search for you, instead of you searching for them. You become a trusted source of valuable information, and when the time comes to share your network marketing business with them, one of the biggest hurdles of building your business is already knocked down; customer trust! Creating Content for your blog or website: Creating content for your website or blog can sometimes be overwhelming. You may have those days when your mind is blank and you have no idea what to write about. Every single marketer online has these days. I do not care how successful you are, we all struggle with creating fresh new content on a regular basis. The key to help you create ongoing content is to remember that everything you do is potential content. If you just finished a good book that inspired you, write about it. When one of your team members asks a question about building their business, write about it. There is a good chance that
  • 10. someone else has the same question. But if you just cannot figure out what to write and you need to get fresh content posted on your site you can hire an author. One such site is Text Broker. Other methods of accessing content for your website or blog are called PLR (private label rights) articles. These are pre- written articles that can be used for the creation of your online content. Before you purchase a PLR article you must make sure they give you full rights to the article and the article can be edited and used in any way you see fit. Why must you be able to edit the article? Because if you use a PLR article you must rewrite it into your own words. You may be asking yourself, why would you purchase a PLR article if you have to rewrite the article. Well the answer is because there are literally thousands of PLR articles on any topic that you can think of, and they are a great source of ideas which you may want to use for future articles. If you are going to use them on your website or blog they must be rewritten to avoid duplicate content that may penalize your search engine rankings. Below is an example of a PLR website. Please do your research. · MasterResellRights.Com – Offering PLR articles, e-books and much more. Most come with full resale rights, visit website for more information. · MLMPLRStore.Com - “We Write While You Build”!! As a business owner, your focus shouldn’t be on the mundane tasks of writing articles and creating content. Instead, your day should be filled with generating leads and increasing sales. There are tools available online that will assist you in rewriting your PLR articles. Such tools are called “spinners” or “spin rewriters”. These tools have been used by article marketing gurus for years. You can have one article rewritten into several different unique articles that can be posted on document and content sharing websites. One such article spinning site is called Spin rewriter.
  • 11. Enhancing your Content: Photos play a big part in the experience your visitors will have while visiting your website or blog. Do not be afraid to display a photo of yourself participating in what you love to do. You are creating a brand and that brand is “YOU”. If you need photos to enhance your articles I recommend One Dollar Photo Club. You can browse millions of royalty free photos in many different image categories. Marketing your New Online Presence: Now that you have your new online website or blog lets talk about marketing. What marketing strategies are you going to use to drive traffic to your new site? Your ultimate goal is to get your site ranked on major search engines so you will receive organic traffic, but this takes time. Without getting into all the aspects of SEO, I will leave this to my friend Rob Fore; one of the keys to getting your new site or blog found on major search engines is to consistently post new valuable content. Search engines love content. Adding new content to your site or blog on a regular basis will keep the search engine spiders coming back and crawling your content. Using Social Media: Social network sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Linkedin, Instagram are great, easy, cost effective ways to share your new website or blog. All of these marketing platforms can be used to let people know what is new on your website or blog. When you publish a new article you can do a small post on each platform to let everyone know about your new content. You must always remember one thing. You never sell on social media platforms. You are sparking the interest of people to click over to your site to your full article. This is when you can sell, capture their information, or get them to take
  • 12. some sort of action. Once again, remember your goal is to provide value. Say you just posted a new article about a book that you just finished. You could simply post a short paragraph about what you thought of the book, maybe some highlights, and what you learned and provide the link to your article. Every time you publish a new article share it on all your social media accounts. Additional Traffic Generation Techniques: Like I promised in the beginning, here are some additional traffic generation techniques that can be used to market your new website or blog and even your network marketing replicated website. You Tube: Creating YouTube videos are an excellent way to promote your business, your content, and your services. In the description section of your video you can share the link to your sites. FREE 24 Min. Video Reveals How You Can Use YouTube to Attract Endless Leads and Traffic to Your Website, Blog, and Offers. Document sharing sites: These are also an excellent place to generate FREE traffic to your sites. When you create an article to post on your site save your file in word, or turn it into a PDF file. Then you can share them on sites such as Once you start generating traffic to your site you must have a way to capture your leads. There are two things that you will need in order to do this. Autoresponder – Your ultimate goal for your site or blog is to capture leads so that you can build a relationship with those on your list. Your autoresponder will provide lead capture forms that can be integrated into your website or blog. The best autoresponder to use that actually supports the online promotion of network marketing, and affiliate marketing is AWeber Communications.
  • 13. Offer- An offer is something that you give to your site visitors for FREE in return for opting into your email list. This could be some sort of training, a how to guide etc… To the right you will see an example of a high converting opt-in page or offer that is provided by My Lead System Pro. This offer links to high value training that will teach your visitors how to build their network marketing business. Click here to watch “10 proven tricks to unlock leads for life”. This will give you an idea of the high value training offered by MLSP (My Lead System Pro). My Lead System Pro: If you are really serious about marketing your business online and willing to learn what the industry leaders are doing to draw hundreds of leads per day to their network marketing businesses, then you need the My Lead System Pro. If you want to simplify getting started online and have access to high value training that will teach you how to set up a blog, teach you how to integrate an opt-in form, and teach you how to use the top marketing strategies online then you must have a look at MLSP. We are personally grateful for this system. Just like many that are getting started online, we spent thousands of dollars on the latest and greatest systems or courses that were going to help us take our network marketing business to new levels. We jumped from one shiny object to the next until we discovered MLSP. Just like you right now, we were hesitant and not sure that MLSP could help us. Was this system just another shiny object that wanted to take our money? We took the chance and signed up for the 10 day trial for only $9.95. We were blown away by what this system offered. The training alone found in the back office is priceless. The step by step process of setting up the system, learning attraction marketing, and sharing your capture pages quickly to generate leads is all at your fingertips. You will find complete training courses on Facebook marketing, Twitter, Blogging, You Tube, Google +, Article Marketing, PPC, SEO and tons more. Plus, you can take part in the daily wake up calls and
  • 14. weekly training webinars all hosted by people who are the top 6 to 7 figure earners’ in the network marketing industry. The One Draw Back Of My Lead System Pro: The only drawback of this system is, if you do not follow the step by step process and start jumping around in the back office, this system can be overwhelming. There are so many training strategies provided in the back office your head could literally explode if you take on too much too quickly. I highly suggest you pick one marketing strategy that will work for you and focus on this one strategy until you have learned it, implemented it, and began to generate leads using it. Only then should you move on to new strategies. My Lead System Pro is not a tool that is going to magically build your business. MLSP provides you with the tools, training, and guidance, but it is up to you to take action, implement the tools, training, and use them to build your business. The blueprint and plans for success are in place just waiting for you. Stop chasing and spending your hard earned dollars on programs that just do not work. You owe it to yourself, your team, and your business to take a look and MLSP. Contacting your Leads: When you start to generate leads you are going to want to contact them generally within 24 hours, if possible. This can be done by phone or email. If your lead provides you with their phone number, I recommend a phone call which will help you to communicate with them better. Email can sometimes be misconstrued and impersonal. So what do you say to your leads? This is where you build relationships with your customers. Ask them a lot of questions. Let them know that you care about them and are interested in them as a person, not just a customer. If your lead is interested in joining your network marketing business, you can ask questions like: Have you ever been part of a Network Marketing Company before? What interested you the most about (your network marketing company)?
  • 15. What training do you think you need the most in order to start building your business as quickly as possible? Say your lead is not interested in your network marketing company, but they opted into your list because of some FREE training that you provided from MLSP for example. You can ask questions like: How are you personally generating leads for your network marketing business? How is this working for you? Depending on the answers to your questions, you can share MLSP with them. Either way you are providing value to your customer by helping answer their questions and concerns. You ask questions so your prospects can direct you to their concerns, problems, desires, etc.… You can then help them by providing answers and solutions. Follow Up: Follow up is the key to getting your prospects to join your network marketing company. Most people will not join your business or purchase your products the first time you meet with them. They may want to learn more about your company and get additional information. You must follow up with your prospects. It may take more than 7 follow ups before a prospect may purchase product from you. If you do not follow up with your prospect they may go out on their own, do a search online and purchase or join another business. Make sure you follow up so you do not lose your prospect. Take Daily Action: Building a successful network marketing business online or offline takes commitment and daily action. You must consistently work your business by posting content, contacting leads, training your team, talking to others about your business, and sharing your story with the world! NEVER GIVE UP: Do you know why most people fail when they first start building a business? They give up! Building a business is not easy. Learning to market online will take time, patience, and dedication. No matter what obstacles or struggles you encounter you must never give up. Look at your your goals, and your motivations everyday to help you get the inner drive you need to succeed. Do not
  • 16. let anyone or anything stand in the way of your success! We hope this guide has provided you with a jump start in marketing, and building your network marketing business online. If you have further questions about this guide, marketing techniques, or MLSP please contact us. To Your Online Marketing Success! Troy Webb Ford Fannen Contact: · · · · Disclaimer: This guide was created as an informational guide to help you get started online. This guide is not a complete resource for everything you need to know to build, market, and having success online. We do not guarantee that you will have success using the information that we have provided above. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your input, determination, hard work, and your desire to succeed. Copyright – This information cannot be reproduced, copied, or published anywhere online without the written consent from Tools for Prosperity. You may share this guide unaltered with others if you feel the information may help someone else get started online.