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Ultimate Agilist Tokyo
               Nov 17, 2012

               How to be an Agile
                              T s u y o s h i   U s h i o

Think about

        Definition of Agile Programmer

                           in this session


                Learn about other definitions



Learn about

What is
               Agile Development?

Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and
incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between
self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development
and delivery, a time-boxed iterative approach, and encourages rapid and flexible response to
change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development
cycle. The Agile     Manifesto[1] introduced the term in 2001.

Agile Manifesto
         Value                                                 Principle
                                 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early
                                    and continuous delivery of valuable software.
                                 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development.
  Individuals and interactions     Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
    over processes and tools
                                 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a
                                    couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
                                 4. Business people and developers must work
                                                                           together daily throughout the project.
    Working software over
       comprehensive             5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment
       documentation                and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
                                 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to
                                    and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

    Customer collaboration       7. Working      software is the primary measure of progress.
   over contract negotiation     8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers,
                                   and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
                                 9. Continuous attention to technical    excellence and good design enhances agility.
  Responding to change over      10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
      following a plan
                                 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from
                                     self-organizing teams.
                                 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how      to become more effective,
                                     hen tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Analyze it

XP practices


five objectives for
               agile programmer

                          Continuous Delivery of valuable software
                                       Embrace change
                            Deliver Working Software frequently
               Continuous attention to Technical Excellence and Good Design
                Create the best architecture, requirements and design emerge
                                form Self-Organization-Team
                                        Programmer related Agile Manifesto 12 principles

Manifesto for software

               Not only working software, but also well-crafted software

               Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value

               Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals

               Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships


                           ICAgile exists to support education in the agile space.
                    Use ICAgile’s definitive learning roadmap to find accredited courses
                    that recognize students as they progress along their specialty paths.

       Fundamentals of Agile

      Agile Business Analysis
        +Value Management

     Agile Project Management

   Agile Facilitation + Coaching

      Agile Software Design +

               Agile Testing               

Learning Areas
                Agile Software Design +Programming
                                            1.1. Test Driven Development
                                            1.2. Good Design

               1. Designing & Programming   1.3. Technical Debt
                                            1.4. Refactoring
                                            1.5. Legacy Code
                                            2.1. Acceptance Test
               2. Testing
                                            2.2. Programming the test
                                            3.1. Collaboration

               3. Teams and Behaviors       3.2. Collective Accountability
                                            3.3. Team Activity
                                            4.1. Function-Based Development
               4. Structuring Work
                                            4.2. Planning

               5. Environment               5.1. Leveraging Tools

five objectives and
          Five Objectives


                            Agile Programmer’s mandatory skill Map

Golden Circle
               Why is Vision
                 is our gut
                   has emotion and heart
                create something bigger then your self

               How is Mission
                   brings up guiding principle                                           Why

               What is Rules                  Why time to market(ex)                     How
                                              How 12 principles
                  has practices               What priactices
                                              1. Post What (Practice ex. TDD)
                    is dynamic organic        2. Post How (Principles ex 12 principles)
                                              3. Post Why (Guts, Visions ex. time to market)

                                              Agile programmer can choice from 12 principles
                                              for Why. and can realize how by what.

                                              Think about Why for this session (Tsuyoshi)



        I’ll share your conclusions later in English.
                        Thank you!

               Technical element
               Agile Software Design +
                         every books are referenced by or
1. Designing & Programming
      1.1. Test Driven Development

         1.1.1. The value of test-driven development
         1.1.2. Identifying usage patterns to define the object or function interface
         1.1.3. Identifying completeness of conditions that drive usage patterns in the code
         1.1.4. Avoiding duplication in the conditions
         1.1.5. Red-Green-Refactor
         1.1.6. Test Speed

                Test Driven Development: By Example   Test-Driven iOS Development   Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
                Kent Beck (2002)                      Graham Lee (2012)             Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce (2009)

                                                                                                     required knowledge
1. Designing & Programming
                                                             Architecture (1.2.1)
      1.2. Good Design                                       Beck’s 4 rules of simple design(1.2.2)
                                                             McCabe complexity (1.2.2)
                                                             DRY (1.2.3.)
                                                             SOLID (1.2.3.)
         1.2.1. Role of Design-in-the-Large
         1.2.2. Simple design
         1.2.3. Evaluating Design and Design Principle
         1.2.4. Design Patterns
         1.2.5. Clean Programming
         1.2.6. Listening to your tests

               Agile Software Development                The Art of Readable Code
               Robert C. Martin (2011)                   Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher (2011)

                                                              Beck’s 4 rules of simple design
                                                              Pass all tests
                                                              Contains no duplications
                                                              Express the intent of the programmers
                                                              Minimizes the number of classes and methods

           Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
           Martin Fowler (2002)                               SOILD
                                                              Single responsibility principle
                                                              Open/Closed Principle
                                                              Liskov substitution principle
                                                              Interface segregation principle
                                                              Dependency Inversion Principle
                                                                If you want to understand SOLID , Read Agile Software Development!

Design Patterns: Elements of         増補改訂版Java言語で学ぶ
Reusable Object-Oriented Software    デザインパターン入門 
Erich Helm, Richard Johnson,
Ralph Vissides, John Gamma(1994)     結城浩(2004)

                                                                                Pattern-oriented software architecture
                                                                                Frank Buschmann, etc (1996)
                                                                If you can’t understand OO, try these.

  Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach   オブジェクト脳のつくり方
  George Fairbanks (2010)                                     牛尾 剛 (2003)
                                                                                    Agile Education by Object Game
                                                                                    AGILE2011 session


1. Designing & Programming
      1.3. Technical Debt

         1.3.1. Recognizing technical debt
         1.3.2. Discussing technical debt choices with stakeholders.

1. Designing & Programming
                                                                                  DB, HTML refactoring (1.4.4.

      1.4. Refactoring

           1.4.1. Principles of refactoring
           1.4.2. Code smells
           1.4.3. Common refactorings
           1.4.4. The larger world of refactoring
           1.4.5. Refactoring

    Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code   Refactoring Workbook                        Refactoring Databases:
    Martin Fowler , Kent Beck, John Brant,               William C. Wake (2003)                      Evolutionary Database Design
    William Opdyke, Don Roberts(1999)                                                                Scott W. Ambler (2006)

1. Designing & Programming
                                                      witout test code (1.5.2.)
      1.5. Legacy code                                refactoring tools
                                                      statically typed langage
                                                          breaking down into steps
                                                          catch errors with compiler
                                                      dynamic language
          1.5.1. Approaching legacy code                  breaking down into steps
          1.5.2. Refactoring without test                    which are likely less error
          1.5.3. Retrofitting test onto legacy code

      Working Effectively With Legacy Code
      Michael Feathers (2004)                        清水吉男(2007)

2. Testing
      2.1. Acceptance Testing
                                                                                   Unit Test (2.1.1.)
            2.1.1. Types of tests to automate                                      Component Test
            2.1.2. Test as Specification and Documentation                          Acceptance Test
            2.1.3. ATDD as aid to design thinking                                  non-functional Test
            2.1.4. Tester-Business-Developer Collaboration
            2.1.5. ATDD Process                                                    ATDD 3 different forms (2.1.6.)
                                                                                   a text based form ( cucumber)
            2.1.6. ATDD Styles & Tools
                                                                                   table (FIT)
            2.1.7. Testing the system bypassing the user interface                 in code (xUnit)
            2.1.8. Testing the system through the user interface
            2.1.9. Cross-functional testing                                        cucumber (2.1.8.)
                                                                                   Robot Framework

                                                                                   non-functional tests(2.1.9.)
                                                                                   response time

        ATDD by Example: A Practical Guide to Acceptance Test-Driven Development
        Markus Gartner (2012)
2. Testing
      2.2. Programming the tests
                                                                           test doubles (2.2.6.)
           2.2.1. Coding Tests by Intention                                mocks
           2.2.2. Testing the tests                                        fakes
           2.2.3. Test execution time                                      spies
           2.2.4. Fixture Setup
           2.2.5. Result Verification
           2.2.6. Use test doubles
           2.2.7. Refactoring Test

                                                            xUnit Test patterns

                                                                                     at least 3 different ways
                                                                                     of verifying the test code

               xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code
               Gerard Meszaros (2007)

3. Teams and behaviors                                            Class Diagrams (3.1.5.)
                                                                      Sequence Diagram
      3.1. Collaboration                                              Instance and Deployment diagrams
                                                                      CRC cards and similar
           3.1.1. Collaboration Skills
                                                                      task and kanban board (3.1.6.)
           3.1.2. Work allocation
                                                                      story maps
           3.1.3. Stakeholder Conversations                           burn chart
           3.1.4. Pair Programming                                    cumulative flow diagrams
           3.1.5. Communication design                                physical and electronic radiators
           3.1.6. Information Radiators
           3.1.7. Working spaces
           3.1.8. Distributed teams

                                                          UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language
       Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game
                                                          Martin Fowler (2003)
       Alistair Cockburn (2006)

3. Teams and behaviors
      3.1. Collaboration

               Communication Skills (3.1.1.)
               active listening
               self- or shared facilitation
               being open for suggestions & criticisms
               constructive criticism
               making sefe-to-be-honest
               giving respect
               speaking up
               staying silent
               recognizing defferent communication styles


3. Teams and behaviors
      3.2. Collective accountability

           3.2.1. Collective accountability
           3.2.2. Collective Ownership

                                                        three models (3.2.2.)

        Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
        Kent Beck (1999)

3. Teams and behaviors
      3.3. Team activity

           3.3.1. Reflection workshops
           3.3.2. Daily meetings

                          Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great
                          Esther Derby ,Diana Larsen (2006)

4. Structuring Work
      4.1. Function-Based Development                             function units (4.1.1.)
                                                                  Primary work breakdown structure
                                                                  understanding the need for coarse-,
           4.1.1. Developing in function units                    medium-, and fine-grained function
           4.1.2. Slicing                                         use case, story maps minimum-
           4.1.3. Cross-functional constraints                    marketable features or feature lists
           4.1.4. Technical risk reduction                        heuristic for good work unit
                                                                  Risk reduction (4.1.4.)
                                                                  walking skeleton

                Writing Effective Use Cases
                Alistair Cockburn (2000)

                                                 User Stories Applied       要求開発             User Story Mapping
                                                 Mike Cohn (2004)           山岸耕二他(2006)      Jeff Patton (2013)

4. Structuring Work
      4.2. Planning
           4.2.1. Sizing
           4.2.2. Planning at different granularities
           4.2.3. Scheduling Risk Mitigation Items
           4.2.4. Sequencing work

                         Agile Estimating and Planning
                         Mike Cohn (2005)

5. Environment
       5.1. Leveraging tools
              5.1.1. Version Control
              5.1.2. Build Tools
              5.1.3. Continuous Integration
              5.1.4. Continuous Delivery

   Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through
   Build, Test, and Deployment Automation                              Continuous Integration: Improving Software
   Jez Humble, David Farley (2010)                                     Quality and Reducing Risk
                                                                       Paul M. Duvall, Steve Matyas,
                                                                       Andrew Glover (2007)

                                                             Pragmatic Guide to Git
                                                             Travis Swicegood (2010)

Sorry Japanese only




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Ultimate agilisttokyo

  • 1. Ultimate Agilist Tokyo Nov 17, 2012 How to be an Agile Programmer T s u y o s h i U s h i o 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 3. Think about Definition of Agile Programmer in this session 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 4. Agenda Learn about other definitions Discussion Conclusion 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 5. Learn about other definitions 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 6. What is Agile Development? Agile software development is a group of software development methods based on iterative and incremental development, where requirements and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams. It promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development and delivery, a time-boxed iterative approach, and encourages rapid and flexible response to change. It is a conceptual framework that promotes foreseen interactions throughout the development cycle. The Agile Manifesto[1] introduced the term in 2001. WIKIPEDIA 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 7. Agile Manifesto Value Principle 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Individuals and interactions Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. over processes and tools 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. 4. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Working software over comprehensive 5. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment documentation and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. 6. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation. Customer collaboration 7. Working software is the primary measure of progress. over contract negotiation 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. Responding to change over 10. Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential. following a plan 11. The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, hen tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly. 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 9. XP practices 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 10. five objectives for agile programmer Continuous Delivery of valuable software Embrace change Deliver Working Software frequently Continuous attention to Technical Excellence and Good Design Create the best architecture, requirements and design emerge form Self-Organization-Team Programmer related Agile Manifesto 12 principles 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 11. Manifesto for software craftsmanship Not only working software, but also well-crafted software Not only responding to change, but also steadily adding value Not only individuals and interactions, but also a community of professionals Not only customer collaboration, but also productive partnerships 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 12. ICAgile ICAgile exists to support education in the agile space. Use ICAgile’s definitive learning roadmap to find accredited courses that recognize students as they progress along their specialty paths. Fundamentals of Agile Agile Business Analysis +Value Management Agile Project Management Agile Facilitation + Coaching Agile Software Design + Programming Agile Testing 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 13. Learning Areas Agile Software Design +Programming 1.1. Test Driven Development 1.2. Good Design 1. Designing & Programming 1.3. Technical Debt 1.4. Refactoring 1.5. Legacy Code 2.1. Acceptance Test 2. Testing 2.2. Programming the test 3.1. Collaboration 3. Teams and Behaviors 3.2. Collective Accountability 3.3. Team Activity 4.1. Function-Based Development 4. Structuring Work 4.2. Planning 5. Environment 5.1. Leveraging Tools 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 14. five objectives and practices Five Objectives Practices Agile Programmer’s mandatory skill Map 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 16. Golden Circle Why is Vision is our gut has emotion and heart create something bigger then your self How is Mission brings up guiding principle Why What is Rules Why time to market(ex) How How 12 principles has practices What priactices What 1. Post What (Practice ex. TDD) is dynamic organic 2. Post How (Principles ex 12 principles) 3. Post Why (Guts, Visions ex. time to market) Agile programmer can choice from 12 principles for Why. and can realize how by what. Think about Why for this session (Tsuyoshi) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 18. I’ll share your conclusions later in English. Thank you! 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 19. Appendix. Technical element of iCAgile Agile Software Design + Programming every books are referenced by or 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 20. 1. Designing & Programming 1.1. Test Driven Development 1.1.1. The value of test-driven development 1.1.2. Identifying usage patterns to define the object or function interface 1.1.3. Identifying completeness of conditions that drive usage patterns in the code 1.1.4. Avoiding duplication in the conditions 1.1.5. Red-Green-Refactor 1.1.6. Test Speed Test Driven Development: By Example Test-Driven iOS Development Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests Kent Beck (2002) Graham Lee (2012) Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce (2009) required knowledge 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 21. 1. Designing & Programming Architecture (1.2.1) 1.2. Good Design Beck’s 4 rules of simple design(1.2.2) McCabe complexity (1.2.2) DRY (1.2.3.) SOLID (1.2.3.) 1.2.1. Role of Design-in-the-Large 1.2.2. Simple design 1.2.3. Evaluating Design and Design Principle 1.2.4. Design Patterns 1.2.5. Clean Programming 1.2.6. Listening to your tests Agile Software Development The Art of Readable Code Robert C. Martin (2011) Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher (2011) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 22. continue... Beck’s 4 rules of simple design Pass all tests Contains no duplications Express the intent of the programmers Minimizes the number of classes and methods Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Martin Fowler (2002) SOILD Single responsibility principle Open/Closed Principle Liskov substitution principle Interface segregation principle Dependency Inversion Principle If you want to understand SOLID , Read Agile Software Development! Design Patterns: Elements of 増補改訂版Java言語で学ぶ Reusable Object-Oriented Software デザインパターン入門  Erich Helm, Richard Johnson, Ralph Vissides, John Gamma(1994) 結城浩(2004) Pattern-oriented software architecture Frank Buschmann, etc (1996) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 23. continue... If you can’t understand OO, try these. Just Enough Software Architecture: A Risk-Driven Approach オブジェクト脳のつくり方 George Fairbanks (2010) 牛尾 剛 (2003) Agile Education by Object Game AGILE2011 session 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 24. 1. Designing & Programming 1.3. Technical Debt 1.3.1. Recognizing technical debt 1.3.2. Discussing technical debt choices with stakeholders. 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 25. 1. Designing & Programming DB, HTML refactoring (1.4.4. 1.4. Refactoring 1.4.1. Principles of refactoring 1.4.2. Code smells 1.4.3. Common refactorings 1.4.4. The larger world of refactoring 1.4.5. Refactoring Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code Refactoring Workbook Refactoring Databases: Martin Fowler , Kent Beck, John Brant, William C. Wake (2003) Evolutionary Database Design William Opdyke, Don Roberts(1999) Scott W. Ambler (2006) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 26. 1. Designing & Programming witout test code (1.5.2.) 1.5. Legacy code refactoring tools statically typed langage breaking down into steps catch errors with compiler dynamic language 1.5.1. Approaching legacy code breaking down into steps 1.5.2. Refactoring without test which are likely less error 1.5.3. Retrofitting test onto legacy code 「派生開発」を成功させるプロセス改善の技術と極意 Working Effectively With Legacy Code Michael Feathers (2004) 清水吉男(2007) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 27. 2. Testing 2.1. Acceptance Testing Unit Test (2.1.1.) 2.1.1. Types of tests to automate Component Test 2.1.2. Test as Specification and Documentation Acceptance Test 2.1.3. ATDD as aid to design thinking non-functional Test 2.1.4. Tester-Business-Developer Collaboration 2.1.5. ATDD Process ATDD 3 different forms (2.1.6.) a text based form ( cucumber) 2.1.6. ATDD Styles & Tools table (FIT) 2.1.7. Testing the system bypassing the user interface in code (xUnit) 2.1.8. Testing the system through the user interface 2.1.9. Cross-functional testing cucumber (2.1.8.) Robot Framework non-functional tests(2.1.9.) capacity response time security etc... ATDD by Example: A Practical Guide to Acceptance Test-Driven Development Markus Gartner (2012) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 28. 2. Testing 2.2. Programming the tests test doubles (2.2.6.) stub 2.2.1. Coding Tests by Intention mocks 2.2.2. Testing the tests fakes 2.2.3. Test execution time spies 2.2.4. Fixture Setup 2.2.5. Result Verification 2.2.6. Use test doubles 2.2.7. Refactoring Test xUnit Test patterns at least 3 different ways of verifying the test code (2.2.2.) xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code Gerard Meszaros (2007) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 29. 3. Teams and behaviors Class Diagrams (3.1.5.) Sequence Diagram 3.1. Collaboration Instance and Deployment diagrams CRC cards and similar 3.1.1. Collaboration Skills task and kanban board (3.1.6.) 3.1.2. Work allocation story maps 3.1.3. Stakeholder Conversations burn chart 3.1.4. Pair Programming cumulative flow diagrams 3.1.5. Communication design physical and electronic radiators 3.1.6. Information Radiators 3.1.7. Working spaces 3.1.8. Distributed teams UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling Language Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game Martin Fowler (2003) Alistair Cockburn (2006) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 30. 3. Teams and behaviors 3.1. Collaboration Communication Skills (3.1.1.) active listening self- or shared facilitation being open for suggestions & criticisms constructive criticism making sefe-to-be-honest safe-to-fail giving respect hygiene speaking up staying silent debating yielding recognizing defferent communication styles 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 31. 3. Teams and behaviors 3.2. Collective accountability 3.2.1. Collective accountability 3.2.2. Collective Ownership three models (3.2.2.) owner-only any-pair any-one Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change Kent Beck (1999) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 32. 3. Teams and behaviors 3.3. Team activity 3.3.1. Reflection workshops 3.3.2. Daily meetings Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great Esther Derby ,Diana Larsen (2006) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 33. 4. Structuring Work 4.1. Function-Based Development function units (4.1.1.) Primary work breakdown structure understanding the need for coarse-, 4.1.1. Developing in function units medium-, and fine-grained function 4.1.2. Slicing use case, story maps minimum- 4.1.3. Cross-functional constraints marketable features or feature lists 4.1.4. Technical risk reduction heuristic for good work unit Risk reduction (4.1.4.) spikes prototypes walking skeleton others Writing Effective Use Cases Alistair Cockburn (2000) User Stories Applied 要求開発 User Story Mapping Mike Cohn (2004) 山岸耕二他(2006) Jeff Patton (2013) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 34. 4. Structuring Work 4.2. Planning 4.2.1. Sizing 4.2.2. Planning at different granularities 4.2.3. Scheduling Risk Mitigation Items 4.2.4. Sequencing work Agile Estimating and Planning Mike Cohn (2005) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 35. 5. Environment 5.1. Leveraging tools 5.1.1. Version Control 5.1.2. Build Tools 5.1.3. Continuous Integration 5.1.4. Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation Continuous Integration: Improving Software Jez Humble, David Farley (2010) Quality and Reducing Risk Paul M. Duvall, Steve Matyas, Andrew Glover (2007) Pragmatic Guide to Git Travis Swicegood (2010) 12年11月16日金曜日
  • 36. Sorry Japanese only メソッド屋の日記 こんなプログラマはアジャイル出来ますって言ったらアカンやろ 12年11月16日金曜日