penalties copyrights patents ipr in protection of biodiversity ipr india diversification portfolio investment management investment the concept markowitz model assumptions problems of diversification simple diversification markowitz model merger and acquisition types of merger types of strategic alliance strategic alliance strategy acquisition merger disadvantages advantages terms related with insurance types of general insurance types of life insurance general insurance life insurance orientation proper deployment deployment induction prior employment selection recruitment acts labours act indian labour industrial irl rules legislation labour lab education higher education concord founder of havells havells storytelling qimat rai gupta qrg geographical location non bale able fine infringement law government industrial design trade secrat trade marks intellectual property rights successful supply chain operations management operations professional excellence in supply chain professional excellence decision in supply chain supply chain decision supply chain biological diversity penalties 2002 act biological diversity biological diversity act biological trademarks protection ipr in biodiversity biodiversity module indian economic environment indian environment indian ecnomy economics economy business communications communications communication marketing management market marketing public relations
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