The meaning of christmas is the gift of love

il y a 8 ans 265 Vues

Muslim radicalization is an oxymoron

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TNE (The New Engineering), 2nd Ed by Eugene F. Adiutori

il y a 8 ans 327 Vues

Love grows as you give it away

il y a 8 ans 118 Vues

Math cad prime quadratic equation derivation

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Liquid propellant charges for gun and mortar ammunition

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Math cad vm-001 stress-strain transformations

il y a 9 ans 884 Vues

Psychological projection is part of 'the human condtion'

il y a 9 ans 315 Vues

Math cad mdof response to non-harmonic load (jcb-edited)

il y a 9 ans 390 Vues

Math cad fourier analysis (jcb-edited)

il y a 9 ans 1158 Vues

Math cad damped, forced vibrations (jcb-edited)

il y a 9 ans 1001 Vues

Math cad embedded footing - combined (jcb-edited)

il y a 9 ans 611 Vues

Unwritten laws of Engineering

il y a 9 ans 468 Vues