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LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Practice Description: Student Beginners can use This or Part I of our Daily Yoga. The poses are simple and detailed. The same for our other parts as well. Beginners have to enter
                      Parts II and beyond of any practice with caution and patience.

Asana: 1 - Sukhasana ( Easy Pose )
                           Series/Group:           Sitting & Twists
                           Benefits/Comments:      A nice Practice opener and Brings focus and intent to practice. This is a meditative pose. Sit and relax into the position. The
                                                   more time you have for this pose the better. Use deep breathing to aid in relaxation.
                           Variation Comments:     Sitting on your mat or clean carpet floor is fine. Use a blanket or block if desired.
                           Transition Out:         N/A
                           Drishti:                Nose
                           Low/High Reps:          1/3

                                    Technique:     1
                                    Description:   Sitting in any cross leg position and place your hands on your knees. You may also place your index finger and thumb in Jana
                                                   Mudra. Lengthen your spine from tailbone to top of head. Tuck your chin to elongate you cervical spine and lower the knees
                                                   below the hips. If you find that the knees will not lower below the hips, prop yourself up on a blanket or block. The higher the sit
                                                   bones are raised off the floor, the more the hamstrings and hips can relax. This will allow the knees to start to relax downward
                                                   below the hips and toward the floor. From your waist down your spine is growing deep into the earth, from the waist up your
                                                   spine is reaching for the light. Feel the opposing forces of energy in your spine as you practice Sukhasana.

                                    Technique:     2
                                    Description:   Hold meditative posture as long as you can be comfortable and increase the duration as your practice progresses.
                                    Technique:     3
                                    Description:   Exhale release your crossed legs, feet on floor, hands on knees, straight back.

Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll )
                           Series/Group:           Sitting & Twists
                           Benefits/Comments:      From the Easy Meditative Pose, transition to this warm up for your neck. Warms up your neck with gentle stretching. Neck rolls
                                                   are beneficial for releasing tension which accumulates around the head, neck and shoulders.
                           Variation Comments:     Full Asana
                           Transition Out:         Sukhasana
                           Drishti:                Nose
                           Low/High Reps:          1/3

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                                Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                               Page 1 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll )

                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Sitting in any comfortable cross leg position, rest your hands on your knees and lengthen your spine. Place a block or blanket
                                                under your sit bones to support a straight spine. Neck rolls are beneficial for releasing tension which accumulates around the
                                                head, neck and shoulders. Focus on your breath as you slowly rotate in even circles. Imagine a paintbrush on the top of your
                                                head, as your rotate the neck you are painting a beautiful on stroke circle on the ceiling. If during this painting process you feel a
                                                kink in the neck, move even slower as not to show that kink in your one stroke painting. Never force the neck through the kinks.

                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Start by looking down, feeling the muscle at the back of the neck stretching.

                                 Technique:     3
                                 Description:   Rotate the head to the left shoulder keeping your shoulders still.

                                 Technique:     4
                                 Description:   As you gently take the head back feel the throat opening and the spine remaining strong and long.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                              Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                                Page 2 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll )

                                 Technique:     5
                                 Description:   Finally, complete your rotation with the right ear moving towards the right shoulder, then down again. Stay with these gentle
                                                rotations for one minute moving left first, then reverse to the right for another minute.

                                 Technique:     6
                                 Description:   Exhale release.

Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog )
                         Series/Group:          Sitting & Twists
                         Benefits/Comments:     This is excellent for Yoga Therapy, it will aid in repairing the back and builds strength. Warms the spine in preparation for other
                                                asanas and it will stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands if you take the chin to chest on the cat movement. Began to Flex
                                                your back into mini curls. In therapy, this will relief any pain, cramps, and gas issues. Variation: You can use a secure chair or
                                                futon to hold on to as a hand base, as you allow your upper body to bend over the chair or secure surface, do the same
                                                movement as the cat and dog pose. Began to Flex your back into mini curls. Stand up straight, thereafter; to stretch the back in
                         Variation Comments:    Full Asana
                         Transition Out:        Sukhasana
                         Drishti:               Various
                         Low/High Reps:         5/8
                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Enter from Child's Pose or Downward Dog.
                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Exhale come to your hands and knees, toes tucked under, hands under shoulders, arms straight.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                             Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                               Page 3 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog )

                                Technique:     3          Drishti: Third Eye
                                Description:   Inhale your head and sit bones up, creating a sway position with the spine. Chest is open, shoulders move down the back, gaze
                                               third eye.

                                Technique:     4
                                Description:   Exhale your head down arching your spine like a Halloween cat. It will stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands if you take the
                                               chin to chest on the cat movement. It is as if you are choking your throat. Imagine on the down movement you are taking the
                                               forehead to the pubic bone.

                                Technique:     5
                                Description:   Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as is comfortable. See suggested guideline in low/high reps. Cakravaksana can be
                                               practiced at any time to warm and prepare the spine for other yoga positions.
                                Technique:     6
                                Description:   Exhale into Child's Pose to complete Cakravaksana. Rest and hold for 8 breaths.

                                Technique:     7
                                Description:   Inhale your arms out in front of you.
                                Technique:     8
                                Description:   Exhale flip your toes under and lift your sit bones into Downward Dog. Hold for 5 breaths.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                             Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                              Page 4 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog )

                                 Technique:     9
                                 Description:   Exhale release your knees to the floor and come through to a sitting position.

Asana: 4 - Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog )
                         Series/Group:          Standing
                         Benefits/Comments:     Builds strength, releases hamstrings, opens hips and low back. It helps open and improve flexibility of the shoulders. This pose
                                                can help you regain your energy. Also a Transition Pose for Sun Salutations.
                         Variation Comments:    Variation with bent knees
                         Transition Out:        Balasana (Child's Pose)
                         Drishti:               Towards Navel
                         Low/High Reps:         1/1

                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Lie down with your stomach on the floor. Place the palms of your hands on the floor beside your chest. Your elbows are bent
                                                and pulling in towards your sides. Your feet should be hip width apart (about one foot) with your toes flipped under. Your face is
                                                towards the floor.

                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Exhale pushing your hips up and keeping your tailbone high. Bend your knees. Keep your hands flat on the floor, press the
                                                knuckles of your index fingers and the mounds of your thumbs in to the floor. Fingers are spread and your thumbs are relaxed.
                                                In most cases, the lines of your wrist are parallel with the line at the top of your mat. Arms are straight, hands are shoulder width
                                                apart. Roll your upper arm bones (humerus) away from each other creating broad shoulders. Drop the head, drishti is navel, this
                                                will create space in the cervical spine. In this pose, the energy moves through the armpits to the floor, not through the ribs.
                                                Keep your ribs in line with your body. It's important to have an experienced teacher to help you develop this idea of keeping the
                                                ribs in the body as you practice Downward Dog. When a student practices Downward Dog with ribs out of the body, it is usually
                                                the student's lack of awareness of Uddiyana Bandha (the diaphragm area) that allows the ribs to fall out of the body towards the
                                                floor. Your feet are 6-8 inches apart with your toes in and heels out. Engage your bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths.
                                 Technique:     3
                                 Description:   Exhale release the asana and lower yourself to the floor into Child's Pose.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                             Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                                Page 5 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 5 - Balasana ( Child's Pose )
                         Series/Group:           Forward Bends
                         Benefits/Comments:      This is a resting pose which can be a counterpose between asanas.            Gently releases neck and back tension while gently
                                                 stretching the hips, thighs and ankles.
                         Variation Comments:     Arms extended.
                         Transition Out:         Sukhasana
                         Drishti:                Nose
                         Low/High Reps:          1/1

                                  Technique:     1
                                  Description:   Kneeling down, sit on your heels with your big toes touching. Your knees may separate about a hip width apart.
                                  Technique:     2
                                  Description:   Exhale simply fold forward with your front body resting on your thighs and your head resting on the floor. Extend your arms
                                                 forward on the floor. While resting in Child's Pose, be sure that the skin on your forehead is moving towards your nose, as this is
                                                 most restful on the brain. Avoid allowing the skin on the forehead to be stretched towards your hairline. Hold for 5 breaths or as
                                                 long as necessary to clear the effects of any previous pose.

                                  Technique:     3
                                  Description:   Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine.
                                  Technique:     4
                                  Description:   Exhale release the pose.

Asana: 6 - Morning Stretch Asana ( Morning Stretch )
                         Series/Group:           Supine
                         Benefits/Comments:      Morning Stretch is a gently way to bring awareness and flexibility into your spine before rising out of bed or after Savasana. It can
                                                 be practiced easily any time of the day to release tension that may accumulate along the lateral muscles of the spine. This can
                                                 be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat.
                         Variation Comments:     Full Asana
                         Transition Out:         N/A
                         Drishti:                Nose
                         Low/High Reps:          1/1

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                              Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                                Page 6 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 6 - Morning Stretch Asana ( Morning Stretch )

                                  Technique:     1
                                  Description:   Lie flat on your back with your palms down. Try to gently press the arch of the lower back into the floor.

                                  Technique:     2
                                  Description:   Inhale bring your arms overhead and lift your spine off the floor. Point through your toes and extend your legs and arms away
                                                 from each other. Make sure your shoulders, back of head, and sit bones do not leave the floor.

                                  Technique:     3
                                  Description:   Exhale bring your arms down along your sides and release your lower lumbar to the floor. Repeat 10-20 times. **Note** This is
                                                 a rhythmic movement practiced with the breath. Inhales take your spine up and arms back over your head, while exhales return
                                                 the arms along your sides and the spine to the floor.

Asana: 7 - Hip Warmer Pose ( Hip Warmer Pose )
                         Series/Group:           Supine
                         Benefits/Comments:      This pose will help you get in touch with the range of motion between the top of your femur bone and the pelvis. The space
                                                 between the head of your femur bone and the pelvis is what allows our pelvis to tilt forward for forward bending. Warming this
                                                 area up with this smooth circular movement can help prepare the pelvic area for forward bends. This movement originates at the
                                                 top of your femur bone. Students often complain of a clicking in the hip when practicing this movement. If this clicking is
                                                 uncomfortable, make this movement just above the click. If you can not find the place just above the click, just move slowly and
                                                 smoothly through this area. This can be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat.
                         Variation Comments:     Full Pose
                         Transition Out:         Sukhasana
                         Drishti:                Nose
                         Low/High Reps:          1/1

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                              Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                            Page 7 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 7 - Hip Warmer Pose ( Hip Warmer Pose )

                                Technique:     1
                                Description:   Lie flat on your back and inhale your right knee up.

                                Technique:     2
                                Description:   Exhale your knee to the right opening your hips.

                                Technique:     3
                                Description:   Continue this exhale as you extend the leg out.

                                Technique:     4
                                Description:   Bring your leg back in front of you keeping your foot off the floor.
                                               Inhale start over. Repeat this circular motion 10 times on each side.

                                Technique:     5
                                Description:   Exhale release.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                            Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                 Page 8 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 8 - Pavanamuktasana ( Wind Removing Pose )
                         Series/Group:          Supine
                         Benefits/Comments:     As the name suggests, helps prevent and relieve gas. It also helps improve flexibility of the hips. This can be done on your bed
                                                or futon when not on the yoga mat.
                         Variation Comments:    Full Asana
                         Transition Out:        Savasana or Sukhasana
                         Drishti:               Nose
                         Low/High Reps:         1/1

                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Exhale lie flat on your back.
                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Inhale your right leg up. Interlace your fingers tight at the webbing and clasp your knee just below the kneecap. Gently exhale
                                                your knee into your right armpit. Your left leg should be relaxed completely. Use the strength of your arms to bring the knee into
                                                a comfortable position. Pull your elbows into you waist and your shoulders down you back. Avoid allowing your chin to fly. Pull it
                                                down as to place the cervical spine on the floor. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

                                 Technique:     3
                                 Description:   Exhale your leg down using the abdominal muscles as you gracefully release your right leg to the floor.
                                 Technique:     4
                                 Description:   Inhale your left leg up. Remember, your fingers are tightly interlaced at the webbing and your clasp is positioned just below the
                                                kneecap. Gently exhale your knee into your left armpit. Your right leg is completely relaxed and your spine is lengthening across
                                                the floor. Hold 5-10 breaths.

                                 Technique:     5
                                 Description:   Exhale your left leg down in a controlled manner.
                                 Technique:     6
                                 Description:   Inhale both legs up and clasp opposite elbows. If opposite elbows are not within reach, clasp opposite forearms or opposite wrist.
                                                Gently pull your knees towards your chest and allow the weight of your sit bones to drop towards the floor. Keep the back of your
                                                neck long. Hold for 5-10 breaths.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                              Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                             Page 9 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 8 - Pavanamuktasana ( Wind Removing Pose )

                                 Technique:     7
                                 Description:   Exhale release both your legs to the floor.

Asana: 9 - Jathara Parivartanasana (modified) ( Revolved Abdomen Pose (modified) )
                         Series/Group:          Supine
                         Benefits/Comments:     Works the internal and external obliques helping to trim and firm the abdomen. This can be done on your bed or futon when not
                                                on the yoga mat.
                         Variation Comments:    Variation with legs crossed.
                         Transition Out:        Sukhasana
                         Drishti:               Nose
                         Low/High Reps:         1/1

                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Lying flat on your back, place your feet on the floor about 6 inches from your buttocks.

                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Inhale your knees up. Place your right leg across your left leg. Crossing your legs increases the depth of the twist and stretch.
                                                Feel the lower back and shoulders on the floor as you prepare to twist.

                                 Technique:     3
                                 Description:   Exhale twist from your waist and take your knees to the left. Attempt to keep your right shoulder grounded as you feel the torso
                                                stretching diagonally from right shoulder. Hold this position for one minute while breathing deeply. This pose benefits the large
                                                intestine and releases the lower back.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                              Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                           Page 10 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 9 - Jathara Parivartanasana (modified) ( Revolved Abdomen Pose (modified) )

                                 Technique:     4
                                 Description:   Inhale up slowly and gently uncross your legs. Now, cross your left leg over your right leg.

                                 Technique:     5
                                 Description:   Exhale twist from your waist and take your knees to the right. Attempt to keep your left shoulder grounded as you feel the torso
                                                stretching diagonally from left shoulder. Hold this position for one minute while breathing deeply.

                                 Technique:     6
                                 Description:   Inhale bring your knees back to center and to your chest. Uncross your legs. Clasp your hands just below your knees, and rock
                                                up to sitting. If you would like a gentler way to come to sitting, roll on to your side. Use the hand of your arm that is not on the
                                                floor to help lift you up and into a sitting position.
                                 Technique:     7
                                 Description:   Exhale release.

Asana: 10 - Sukhasana (extended) ( Easy Pose (extended) )
                         Series/Group:          Forward Bends
                         Benefits/Comments:     Stretches the back, shoulders and arms. Opens the hips.
                         Variation Comments:    Variation with Arms Extended
                         Transition Out:        Sukhasana
                         Drishti:               Nose
                         Low/High Reps:         1/1

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                             Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                              Page 11 of 12
LDM Yoga University Teacher
LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well.
Asana: 10 - Sukhasana (extended) ( Easy Pose (extended) )

                                 Technique:     1
                                 Description:   Support your hips with one or two blankets. Sit in cross-legged position with your feet extended 6-8 inches from your groin line.

                                 Technique:     2
                                 Description:   Inhale your spine up straight and strong.
                                 Technique:     3
                                 Description:   Exhale place your elbows on your knees and extend the front body away from the pelvis. Ground out through the sit bones. You
                                                are moving in two different directions. From your waist down extend your energy into the floor. From your waist up extend your
                                                energy through the top of the head. Hold for one minute. Breath!

                                 Technique:     4
                                 Description:   If you feel as if you can move deeper into this asana, extend your arms in front of you and fold forward from the pelvis. Feel your
                                                pelvis tilt forward as you remain grounded through the sit bones.
                                                Hold for one minute. Breathe!

                                 Technique:     5
                                 Description:   Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine.
                                 Technique:     6
                                 Description:   Now, switch your leg positions and repeat steps 3-4.
                                 Technique:     7
                                 Description:   Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine.
                                 Technique:     8
                                 Description:   Exhale release the pose.

Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM                                             Created by yGuide® Yoga Software                                                              Page 12 of 12

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Ldm session for beginners then other levels

  • 1. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Practice Description: Student Beginners can use This or Part I of our Daily Yoga. The poses are simple and detailed. The same for our other parts as well. Beginners have to enter Parts II and beyond of any practice with caution and patience. Asana: 1 - Sukhasana ( Easy Pose ) Series/Group: Sitting & Twists Benefits/Comments: A nice Practice opener and Brings focus and intent to practice. This is a meditative pose. Sit and relax into the position. The more time you have for this pose the better. Use deep breathing to aid in relaxation. Variation Comments: Sitting on your mat or clean carpet floor is fine. Use a blanket or block if desired. Transition Out: N/A Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/3 Technique: 1 Description: Sitting in any cross leg position and place your hands on your knees. You may also place your index finger and thumb in Jana Mudra. Lengthen your spine from tailbone to top of head. Tuck your chin to elongate you cervical spine and lower the knees below the hips. If you find that the knees will not lower below the hips, prop yourself up on a blanket or block. The higher the sit bones are raised off the floor, the more the hamstrings and hips can relax. This will allow the knees to start to relax downward below the hips and toward the floor. From your waist down your spine is growing deep into the earth, from the waist up your spine is reaching for the light. Feel the opposing forces of energy in your spine as you practice Sukhasana. Technique: 2 Description: Hold meditative posture as long as you can be comfortable and increase the duration as your practice progresses. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale release your crossed legs, feet on floor, hands on knees, straight back. Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll ) Series/Group: Sitting & Twists Benefits/Comments: From the Easy Meditative Pose, transition to this warm up for your neck. Warms up your neck with gentle stretching. Neck rolls are beneficial for releasing tension which accumulates around the head, neck and shoulders. Variation Comments: Full Asana Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/3 Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 1 of 12
  • 2. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll ) Technique: 1 Description: Sitting in any comfortable cross leg position, rest your hands on your knees and lengthen your spine. Place a block or blanket under your sit bones to support a straight spine. Neck rolls are beneficial for releasing tension which accumulates around the head, neck and shoulders. Focus on your breath as you slowly rotate in even circles. Imagine a paintbrush on the top of your head, as your rotate the neck you are painting a beautiful on stroke circle on the ceiling. If during this painting process you feel a kink in the neck, move even slower as not to show that kink in your one stroke painting. Never force the neck through the kinks. Technique: 2 Description: Start by looking down, feeling the muscle at the back of the neck stretching. Technique: 3 Description: Rotate the head to the left shoulder keeping your shoulders still. Technique: 4 Description: As you gently take the head back feel the throat opening and the spine remaining strong and long. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 2 of 12
  • 3. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 2 - Neck Roll Asana ( Neck Roll ) Technique: 5 Description: Finally, complete your rotation with the right ear moving towards the right shoulder, then down again. Stay with these gentle rotations for one minute moving left first, then reverse to the right for another minute. Technique: 6 Description: Exhale release. Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog ) Series/Group: Sitting & Twists Benefits/Comments: This is excellent for Yoga Therapy, it will aid in repairing the back and builds strength. Warms the spine in preparation for other asanas and it will stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands if you take the chin to chest on the cat movement. Began to Flex your back into mini curls. In therapy, this will relief any pain, cramps, and gas issues. Variation: You can use a secure chair or futon to hold on to as a hand base, as you allow your upper body to bend over the chair or secure surface, do the same movement as the cat and dog pose. Began to Flex your back into mini curls. Stand up straight, thereafter; to stretch the back in recovery. Variation Comments: Full Asana Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Various Low/High Reps: 5/8 Technique: 1 Description: Enter from Child's Pose or Downward Dog. Technique: 2 Description: Exhale come to your hands and knees, toes tucked under, hands under shoulders, arms straight. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 3 of 12
  • 4. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog ) Technique: 3 Drishti: Third Eye Description: Inhale your head and sit bones up, creating a sway position with the spine. Chest is open, shoulders move down the back, gaze third eye. Technique: 4 Description: Exhale your head down arching your spine like a Halloween cat. It will stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands if you take the chin to chest on the cat movement. It is as if you are choking your throat. Imagine on the down movement you are taking the forehead to the pubic bone. Technique: 5 Description: Repeat steps 3 and 4 as many times as is comfortable. See suggested guideline in low/high reps. Cakravaksana can be practiced at any time to warm and prepare the spine for other yoga positions. Technique: 6 Description: Exhale into Child's Pose to complete Cakravaksana. Rest and hold for 8 breaths. Technique: 7 Description: Inhale your arms out in front of you. Technique: 8 Description: Exhale flip your toes under and lift your sit bones into Downward Dog. Hold for 5 breaths. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 4 of 12
  • 5. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 3 - Cakravakasana ( Cat and Dog ) Technique: 9 Description: Exhale release your knees to the floor and come through to a sitting position. Asana: 4 - Adho Mukha Svanasana ( Downward Dog ) Series/Group: Standing Benefits/Comments: Builds strength, releases hamstrings, opens hips and low back. It helps open and improve flexibility of the shoulders. This pose can help you regain your energy. Also a Transition Pose for Sun Salutations. Variation Comments: Variation with bent knees Transition Out: Balasana (Child's Pose) Drishti: Towards Navel Low/High Reps: 1/1 Technique: 1 Description: Lie down with your stomach on the floor. Place the palms of your hands on the floor beside your chest. Your elbows are bent and pulling in towards your sides. Your feet should be hip width apart (about one foot) with your toes flipped under. Your face is towards the floor. Technique: 2 Description: Exhale pushing your hips up and keeping your tailbone high. Bend your knees. Keep your hands flat on the floor, press the knuckles of your index fingers and the mounds of your thumbs in to the floor. Fingers are spread and your thumbs are relaxed. In most cases, the lines of your wrist are parallel with the line at the top of your mat. Arms are straight, hands are shoulder width apart. Roll your upper arm bones (humerus) away from each other creating broad shoulders. Drop the head, drishti is navel, this will create space in the cervical spine. In this pose, the energy moves through the armpits to the floor, not through the ribs. Keep your ribs in line with your body. It's important to have an experienced teacher to help you develop this idea of keeping the ribs in the body as you practice Downward Dog. When a student practices Downward Dog with ribs out of the body, it is usually the student's lack of awareness of Uddiyana Bandha (the diaphragm area) that allows the ribs to fall out of the body towards the floor. Your feet are 6-8 inches apart with your toes in and heels out. Engage your bandhas. Hold for 5 breaths. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale release the asana and lower yourself to the floor into Child's Pose. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 5 of 12
  • 6. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 5 - Balasana ( Child's Pose ) Series/Group: Forward Bends Benefits/Comments: This is a resting pose which can be a counterpose between asanas. Gently releases neck and back tension while gently stretching the hips, thighs and ankles. Variation Comments: Arms extended. Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Technique: 1 Description: Kneeling down, sit on your heels with your big toes touching. Your knees may separate about a hip width apart. Technique: 2 Description: Exhale simply fold forward with your front body resting on your thighs and your head resting on the floor. Extend your arms forward on the floor. While resting in Child's Pose, be sure that the skin on your forehead is moving towards your nose, as this is most restful on the brain. Avoid allowing the skin on the forehead to be stretched towards your hairline. Hold for 5 breaths or as long as necessary to clear the effects of any previous pose. Technique: 3 Description: Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine. Technique: 4 Description: Exhale release the pose. Asana: 6 - Morning Stretch Asana ( Morning Stretch ) Series/Group: Supine Benefits/Comments: Morning Stretch is a gently way to bring awareness and flexibility into your spine before rising out of bed or after Savasana. It can be practiced easily any time of the day to release tension that may accumulate along the lateral muscles of the spine. This can be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat. Variation Comments: Full Asana Transition Out: N/A Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 6 of 12
  • 7. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 6 - Morning Stretch Asana ( Morning Stretch ) Technique: 1 Description: Lie flat on your back with your palms down. Try to gently press the arch of the lower back into the floor. Technique: 2 Description: Inhale bring your arms overhead and lift your spine off the floor. Point through your toes and extend your legs and arms away from each other. Make sure your shoulders, back of head, and sit bones do not leave the floor. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale bring your arms down along your sides and release your lower lumbar to the floor. Repeat 10-20 times. **Note** This is a rhythmic movement practiced with the breath. Inhales take your spine up and arms back over your head, while exhales return the arms along your sides and the spine to the floor. Asana: 7 - Hip Warmer Pose ( Hip Warmer Pose ) Series/Group: Supine Benefits/Comments: This pose will help you get in touch with the range of motion between the top of your femur bone and the pelvis. The space between the head of your femur bone and the pelvis is what allows our pelvis to tilt forward for forward bending. Warming this area up with this smooth circular movement can help prepare the pelvic area for forward bends. This movement originates at the top of your femur bone. Students often complain of a clicking in the hip when practicing this movement. If this clicking is uncomfortable, make this movement just above the click. If you can not find the place just above the click, just move slowly and smoothly through this area. This can be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat. Variation Comments: Full Pose Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 7 of 12
  • 8. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 7 - Hip Warmer Pose ( Hip Warmer Pose ) Technique: 1 Description: Lie flat on your back and inhale your right knee up. Technique: 2 Description: Exhale your knee to the right opening your hips. Technique: 3 Description: Continue this exhale as you extend the leg out. Technique: 4 Description: Bring your leg back in front of you keeping your foot off the floor. Inhale start over. Repeat this circular motion 10 times on each side. Technique: 5 Description: Exhale release. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 8 of 12
  • 9. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 8 - Pavanamuktasana ( Wind Removing Pose ) Series/Group: Supine Benefits/Comments: As the name suggests, helps prevent and relieve gas. It also helps improve flexibility of the hips. This can be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat. Variation Comments: Full Asana Transition Out: Savasana or Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Technique: 1 Description: Exhale lie flat on your back. Technique: 2 Description: Inhale your right leg up. Interlace your fingers tight at the webbing and clasp your knee just below the kneecap. Gently exhale your knee into your right armpit. Your left leg should be relaxed completely. Use the strength of your arms to bring the knee into a comfortable position. Pull your elbows into you waist and your shoulders down you back. Avoid allowing your chin to fly. Pull it down as to place the cervical spine on the floor. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale your leg down using the abdominal muscles as you gracefully release your right leg to the floor. Technique: 4 Description: Inhale your left leg up. Remember, your fingers are tightly interlaced at the webbing and your clasp is positioned just below the kneecap. Gently exhale your knee into your left armpit. Your right leg is completely relaxed and your spine is lengthening across the floor. Hold 5-10 breaths. Technique: 5 Description: Exhale your left leg down in a controlled manner. Technique: 6 Description: Inhale both legs up and clasp opposite elbows. If opposite elbows are not within reach, clasp opposite forearms or opposite wrist. Gently pull your knees towards your chest and allow the weight of your sit bones to drop towards the floor. Keep the back of your neck long. Hold for 5-10 breaths. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 9 of 12
  • 10. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 8 - Pavanamuktasana ( Wind Removing Pose ) Technique: 7 Description: Exhale release both your legs to the floor. Asana: 9 - Jathara Parivartanasana (modified) ( Revolved Abdomen Pose (modified) ) Series/Group: Supine Benefits/Comments: Works the internal and external obliques helping to trim and firm the abdomen. This can be done on your bed or futon when not on the yoga mat. Variation Comments: Variation with legs crossed. Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Technique: 1 Description: Lying flat on your back, place your feet on the floor about 6 inches from your buttocks. Technique: 2 Description: Inhale your knees up. Place your right leg across your left leg. Crossing your legs increases the depth of the twist and stretch. Feel the lower back and shoulders on the floor as you prepare to twist. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale twist from your waist and take your knees to the left. Attempt to keep your right shoulder grounded as you feel the torso stretching diagonally from right shoulder. Hold this position for one minute while breathing deeply. This pose benefits the large intestine and releases the lower back. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 10 of 12
  • 11. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 9 - Jathara Parivartanasana (modified) ( Revolved Abdomen Pose (modified) ) Technique: 4 Description: Inhale up slowly and gently uncross your legs. Now, cross your left leg over your right leg. Technique: 5 Description: Exhale twist from your waist and take your knees to the right. Attempt to keep your left shoulder grounded as you feel the torso stretching diagonally from left shoulder. Hold this position for one minute while breathing deeply. Technique: 6 Description: Inhale bring your knees back to center and to your chest. Uncross your legs. Clasp your hands just below your knees, and rock up to sitting. If you would like a gentler way to come to sitting, roll on to your side. Use the hand of your arm that is not on the floor to help lift you up and into a sitting position. Technique: 7 Description: Exhale release. Asana: 10 - Sukhasana (extended) ( Easy Pose (extended) ) Series/Group: Forward Bends Benefits/Comments: Stretches the back, shoulders and arms. Opens the hips. Variation Comments: Variation with Arms Extended Transition Out: Sukhasana Drishti: Nose Low/High Reps: 1/1 Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 11 of 12
  • 12. LDM Yoga University Teacher LDM Session Aids Beginners. *Comments Added by Dr Moore. Other Levels are Welcome as well. Asana: 10 - Sukhasana (extended) ( Easy Pose (extended) ) Technique: 1 Description: Support your hips with one or two blankets. Sit in cross-legged position with your feet extended 6-8 inches from your groin line. Technique: 2 Description: Inhale your spine up straight and strong. Technique: 3 Description: Exhale place your elbows on your knees and extend the front body away from the pelvis. Ground out through the sit bones. You are moving in two different directions. From your waist down extend your energy into the floor. From your waist up extend your energy through the top of the head. Hold for one minute. Breath! Technique: 4 Description: If you feel as if you can move deeper into this asana, extend your arms in front of you and fold forward from the pelvis. Feel your pelvis tilt forward as you remain grounded through the sit bones. Hold for one minute. Breathe! Technique: 5 Description: Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine. Technique: 6 Description: Now, switch your leg positions and repeat steps 3-4. Technique: 7 Description: Inhale come up slowly with a straight spine. Technique: 8 Description: Exhale release the pose. Printed: 9/22/2008 7:00 AM Created by yGuide® Yoga Software Page 12 of 12