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5:25 5:30 5:31 5:32 5:34 5:40 6:15 6:18 6:20 6:25 6:28 6:30 6:30 6:32 6:35 6:38 6:40 6:45 7:25 7:27 7:28 7:29 7:30 7:40
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7:25 7:30 7:31 7:32 7:34 7:40 8:15 8:18 8:20 8:25 8:28 8:30 8:30 8:32 8:35 8:38 8:40 8:45 9:25 9:27 9:28 9:29 9:30 9:40
* 7:25 7:35 7:36 7:37 7:39 7:45 8:40 * 8:40 9:25 9:30 9:32 9:34 9:35 9:55
7:40 7:45 7:46 7:47 7:49 7:55 8:30 8:33 8:35 8:40 8:43 8:45 8:45 8:47 8:50 8:53 8:55 9:00 9:40 9:42 9:43 9:44 9:45 9:55
7:55 8:00 8:01 8:02 8:04 8:10 8:45 8:48 8:50 8:55 8:58 9:00 9:00 9:02 9:05 9:08 9:10 9:15 9:55 9:57 9:58 9:59 10:00 10:10
8:10 8:15 8:16 8:17 8:19 8:25 9:00 9:03 9:05 9:10 9:13 9:15 9:15 9:17 9:20 9:23 9:25 9:30 10:10 10:12 10:13 10:14 10:15 10:25
8:25 8:30 8:31 8:32 8:34 8:40 9:15 9:18 9:20 9:25 9:28 9:30 9:30 9:32 9:35 9:38 9:40 9:45 10:25 10:27 10:28 10:29 10:30 10:40
8:40 8:45 8:46 8:47 8:49 8:55 9:30 9:33 9:35 9:40 9:43 9:45 9:45 9:47 9:50 9:53 9:55 10:00 10:40 10:42 10:43 10:44 10:45 10:55
8:55 9:00 9:01 9:02 9:04 9:10 9:45 9:48 9:50 9:55 9:58 10:00 10:00 10:02 10:05 10:08 10:10 10:15 10:55 10:57 10:58 10:59 11:00 11:10
9:10 9:15 9:16 9:17 9:19 9:25 10:00 10:03 10:05 10:10 10:13 10:15 10:15 10:17 10:20 10:23 10:25 10:30 11:10 11:12 11:13 11:14 11:15 11:25
9:25 9:30 9:31 9:32 9:34 9:40 10:15 10:18 10:20 10:25 10:28 10:30 10:30 10:32 10:35 10:38 10:40 10:45 11:25 11:27 11:28 11:29 11:30 11:40
9:55 10:00 10:01 10:02 10:04 10:10 10:45 10:48 10:50 10:55 10:58 11:00 11:00 11:02 11:05 11:08 11:10 11:15 11:55 11:57 11:58 11:59 12:00 12:10
10:25 10:30 10:31 10:32 10:34 10:40 11:15 11:18 11:20 11:25 11:28 11:30 11:30 11:32 11:35 11:38 11:40 11:45 12:25 12:27 12:28 12:29 12:30 12:40
10:55 11:00 11:01 11:02 11:04 11:10 11:45 11:48 11:50 11:55 11:58 12:00 12:00 12:02 12:05 12:08 12:10 12:15 12:55 12:57 12:58 12:59 13:00 13:10
11:25 11:30 11:31 11:32 11:34 11:40 12:15 12:18 12:20 12:25 12:28 12:30 12:30 12:32 12:35 12:38 12:40 12:45 13:25 13:27 13:28 13:29 13:30 13:40
11:55 12:00 12:01 12:02 12:04 12:10 12:45 12:48 12:50 12:55 12:58 13:00 13:00 13:02 13:05 13:08 13:10 13:15 13:55 13:57 13:58 13:59 14:00 14:10
12:25 12:30 12:31 12:32 12:34 12:40 13:15 13:18 13:20 13:25 13:28 13:30 13:30 13:32 13:35 13:38 13:40 13:45 14:25 14:27 14:28 14:29 14:30 14:40
12:55 13:00 13:01 13:02 13:04 13:10 13:45 13:48 13:50 13:55 13:58 14:00 14:00 14:02 14:05 14:08 14:10 14:15 14:55 14:57 14:58 14:59 15:00 15:10
13:10 13:15 13:16 13:17 13:19 13:25 14:00 14:03 14:05 14:10 14:13 14:15 14:15 14:17 14:20 14:23 14:25 14:30 15:10 15:12 15:13 15:14 15:15 15:25
13:30 13:35 13:36 13:37 13:39 13:45 14:20 14:23 14:25 14:30 14:33 14:35 14:35 14:37 14:40 14:43 14:45 14:50 15:30 15:32 15:33 15:34 15:35 15:45
13:50 13:55 13:56 13:57 13:59 14:05 14:40 14:43 14:45 14:50 14:53 14:55 14:55 14:57 15:00 15:03 15:05 15:10 15:50 15:52 15:53 15:54 15:55 16:05
14:10 14:15 14:16 14:17 14:19 14:25 15:00 15:03 15:05 15:10 15:13 15:15 15:15 15:17 15:20 15:23 15:25 15:30 16:10 16:12 16:13 16:14 16:15 16:25
14:30 14:35 14:36 14:37 14:39 14:45 15:20 15:23 15:25 15:30 15:33 15:35 15:35 15:37 15:40 15:43 15:45 15:50 16:30 16:32 16:33 16:34 16:35 16:45
14:50 14:55 14:56 14:57 14:59 15:05 15:40 15:43 15:45 15:50 15:53 15:55 15:55 15:57 16:00 16:03 16:05 16:10 16:50 16:52 16:53 16:54 16:55 17:05
15:25 15:30 15:31 15:32 15:34 15:40 16:15 16:18 16:20 16:25 16:28 16:30 16:30 16:32 16:35 16:38 16:40 16:45 17:25 17:27 17:28 17:29 17:30 17:40
15:55 16:00 16:01 16:02 16:04 16:10 16:45 16:48 16:50 16:55 16:58 17:00 17:00 17:02 17:05 17:08 17:10 17:15 17:55 17:57 17:58 17:59 18:00 18:10
16:25 16:30 16:31 16:32 16:34 16:40 17:15 17:18 17:20 17:25 17:28 17:30 17:30 17:32 17:35 17:38 17:40 17:45 18:25 18:27 18:28 18:29 18:30 18:40
16:55 17:00 17:01 17:02 17:04 17:10 17:45 17:48 17:50 17:55 17:58 18:00 18:00 18:02 18:05 18:08 18:10 18:15 18:55 18:57 18:58 18:59 19:00 19:10
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19:55 20:00 20:01 20:02 20:04 20:10 20:45 20:48 20:50 20:55 20:58 21:00 21:00 21:02 21:05 21:08 21:10 21:15 21:55 21:57 21:58 21:59 22:00 22:10
20:55 21:00 21:01 21:02 21:04 21:10 21:45 21:48 21:50 21:55 21:58 22:00 22:00 22:02 22:05 22:08 22:10 22:15 22:55 22:57 22:58 22:59 23:00 23:10
21:45 21:50 21:51 21:52 21:54 22:00 22:55 22:58 23:00 23:05 23:08 23:10 23:20 23:22 23:25 23:28 23:30 23:35 0:25 0:27 0:28 0:29 0:30 0:40
El compliment d´aquests horaris està condicionat a la fluïdesa del trànsit
El cumplimiento de estos horarios están condicionados a la fluidez del tráfico
e16 - Les Roquetes - Sitges - Barcelona
e16 - Barcelona - Sitges - Les Roquetes
/ Urgell
La Masia Avda. Sofia Can Robert Gran Via 2
Gran Via
Gran Via
Gran Via 2 Can Robert
La Masia
Diagonal Diagonal
les Roquetes Sitges Sitges les Roquetes
* expedició amb final / Inici Plaça Francesc Macia, Av.Diagonal
(Dill a Div de 8:00 a 21:00)
Telèfon informació: 938937060

Contenu connexe

Similaire à Horario linea e16 expres Barcelona - Sitges

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Similaire à Horario linea e16 expres Barcelona - Sitges (20)

Linea 341 3
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Planilha De 25 De Agosto
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Planilha De 25 De Agosto
Linea 280 1
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Horario onibus
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Planilha De 4 De Setembro
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Planilha De 4 De Setembro
Copiar De Rali Canal
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Horario linea e16 expres Barcelona - Sitges

  • 1. Hospitalet de Llobregat Hospitalet de Llobregat 5:25 5:30 5:31 5:32 5:34 5:40 6:15 6:18 6:20 6:25 6:28 6:30 6:30 6:32 6:35 6:38 6:40 6:45 7:25 7:27 7:28 7:29 7:30 7:40 5:55 6:00 6:01 6:02 6:04 6:10 6:45 6:48 6:50 6:55 6:58 7:00 7:00 7:02 7:05 7:08 7:10 7:15 7:55 7:57 7:58 7:59 8:00 8:10 6:10 6:15 6:16 6:17 6:19 6:25 7:00 7:03 7:05 7:10 7:13 7:15 7:15 7:17 7:20 7:23 7:25 7:30 8:10 8:12 8:13 8:14 8:15 8:25 6:25 6:30 6:31 6:32 6:34 6:40 7:15 7:18 7:20 7:25 7:28 7:30 7:30 7:32 7:35 7:38 7:40 7:45 8:25 8:27 8:28 8:29 8:30 8:40 6:40 6:45 6:46 6:47 6:49 6:55 7:30 7:33 7:35 7:40 7:43 7:45 7:45 7:47 7:50 7:53 7:55 8:00 8:40 8:42 8:43 8:44 8:45 8:55 6:55 7:00 7:01 7:02 7:04 7:10 7:45 7:48 7:50 7:55 7:58 8:00 8:00 8:02 8:05 8:08 8:10 8:15 8:55 8:57 8:58 8:59 9:00 9:10 7:10 7:15 7:16 7:17 7:19 7:25 8:00 8:03 8:05 8:10 8:13 8:15 8:15 8:17 8:20 8:23 8:25 8:30 9:10 9:12 9:13 9:14 9:15 9:25 7:25 7:30 7:31 7:32 7:34 7:40 8:15 8:18 8:20 8:25 8:28 8:30 8:30 8:32 8:35 8:38 8:40 8:45 9:25 9:27 9:28 9:29 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0:40 El compliment d´aquests horaris està condicionat a la fluïdesa del trànsit El cumplimiento de estos horarios están condicionados a la fluidez del tráfico e16 - Les Roquetes - Sitges - Barcelona Barcelona DE DILLUNS A DIVENDRES FEINERS e16 - Barcelona - Sitges - Les Roquetes Sepúlveda / Urgell Plaça Espanya Avda. Catalunya Avda. Catalunya Rocamar Càmping Sitges La Masia Avda. Sofia Can Robert Gran Via 2 Ciutat Judicial La Campana Plaça Espanya Gran Via/Urgell Gran Via 588 Gran Via 588 La Campana Ciutat Judicial Gran Via 2 Can Robert Passeig Vilanova La Masia Càmping Sitges Rocamar Diagonal Diagonal Barcelona DE DILLUNS A DIVENDRES FEINERS les Roquetes Sitges Sitges les Roquetes * expedició amb final / Inici Plaça Francesc Macia, Av.Diagonal (Dill a Div de 8:00 a 21:00) Telèfon informació: 938937060