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A3 INC.:

Draft:     1

Date:      June 10, 2009

Authors:   Ali Raza (
           Amin Bandeali (
           Arash Sharif (
1. Introduction                                                                          1
   1.1. What is ADD                                                                      1
   1.2. Applying ADD in Real World                                                       1
     1.2.1. Step 1: Inputs                                                               1
     1.2.2. Step 2: Requirement Conformation:                                            1
     1.2.3. Step 3: Identify all elements                                                1
     1.2.4. Step 4: Choose the element                                                   1
     1.2.5. Step 5: Identify architecture Drivers                                        1
     1.2.6. Step 6: Initiate the architectural patterns and allocate the responsibilities1
     1.2.7. Step 7: Define interface for instantiated elements                           1
     1.2.8. Step 8: Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for
     instantiated element.                                                               2
     1.2.9. Step 9: Repetition                                                           2
2. Software Architecture Design - LAS                                                    2
   2.1. Introduction                                                                     2
   2.2. Function Requirements                                                            2
     2.2.1. Acquire Lead                                                                 2
     2.2.2. Allocate Lead                                                                2
   2.3. Design constraints                                                               2
     2.3.1. SLA (Service Level Agreement)                                                2
     2.3.2. Performance                                                                  2
     2.3.3. Operating Environment                                                        3
   2.4. Quality Attribute Requirement                                                    3
     2.4.1. Availability                                                                 3
     2.4.2. Security                                                                     3
     2.4.3. Modifiability                                                                3
3. Attribute Driven Design                                                               3
   3.1. Inputs                                                                           3
     3.1.1. Functional Requirements                                                      3
     3.1.2. Constraints                                                                  3
     3.1.3. Quality Scenarios                                                            4
   3.2. First Iteration                                                                  4
     3.2.1. Choose an Element to Decompose                                               4
     3.2.2. Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers                                      4
     3.2.3. Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers                   5
     3.2.4. Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities             9
     3.2.5. Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated
     elements                                                                          11
   3.3. Second Iteration                                                               11
     3.3.1. Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement Information                        11
     3.3.2. Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers                                    12
     3.3.3. Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers                 12
     3.3.4. Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities           14
     3.3.5. Define interfaces for Instantiated Elements                                14
     3.3.6. Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated
     elements                                                                          15
LAS - ADD                                                                             1

   1.1.What is ADD
The ADD Attribute Driven Design approach is developed by SEI. It is a method
where we can achieve the software architecture by decomposing process on the
quality attributes base on the Software Requirement Specification. ADD follows a
recursive process that decomposes of the system element by applying architectural
tactics and patterns that satisfy its driving quality attribute requirement.

In ADD architectural drivers are such as function requirement, design constraints and
quality attribute requirement.

This document focuses on choosing the selected patterns and models, which used to
determine whether the architecture satisfies the architecture drivers.

   1.2.Applying ADD in Real World
Following are the steps for Software Architecture Design by using ADD.

       1.2.1.Step 1: Inputs
The inputs for ADD are functional requirements, quality attribute requirements and

       1.2.2.Step 2: Requirement Conformation:
Confirm there is sufficient requirements information in order to apply ADD method

       1.2.3.Step 3: Identify all elements
List all the elements based on the requirements

       1.2.4.Step 4: Choose the element
Choose the element of the system to decompose

       1.2.5.Step 5: Identify architecture Drivers
Identify the architectural drivers for the elements which have chosen for the

       1.2.6.Step 6: Initiate the architectural patterns and
          allocate the responsibilities
Initiate the architectural patterns and allocate the responsibilities by using the
tactics, quality attribute and assign the responsibilities based on the requirements for
the particular decomposed element

       1.2.7.Step 7: Define interface for instantiated
This step will documents what others (elements) can use and on what they can
depend however this is different from the signature. This step also analyzes the
LAS - ADD                                                                              2

decomposition element in terms of structure (view), concurrency view and runtime
(deployment view) which uncovers the interaction assumptions for the child
modules. We must document three views such as restart, deployment and
Data integrity. We also need to evaluate the alternative patterns by using the
mentioned views.

       1.2.8.Step 8: Verify and refine requirements and
          make them constraints for instantiated element.
The decomposition thus far must be verified and if the child module needs more
decomposition then we much be prepare for their own decomposition by using
functional requirements, constraints and quality scenarios.

       1.2.9.Step 9: Repetition
Need to Repeat from Step 4 to Step 8 until all the elements get decomposed.

2.Software Architecture Design - LAS
The Lead Allocation System (LAS) project will allocate any lead to the partner who
placed the highest bid. The process will now become more efficient for marketing
department, customers and partners.

   2.2.Function Requirements

       2.2.1.Acquire Lead
Lead providers shall be able to allocate leads through the LAS. Lead providers could
be other web or middleware systems.

       2.2.2.Allocate Lead
Allocate Lead is the feature of the LAS which will allow partners to view lead based
on their zip code and ssn; then bid on the full lead to purchase.

   2.3.Design constraints
       2.3.1.SLA (Service Level Agreement)
During the lead allocation process the partners shall be able to place a bid on the
lead(s) for a period of 5 second, a time period that the lead shall be locked. After 5
secs the bids of the partners that responded shall be analyzed. System shall allocate
leads to the highest bidder.

The system shall allocate the lead no later than 8 sec and would concurrently process
no more than 10 leads at one time. If the system would receive more than 10 leads,
it would queue the rest and process them as a FIFO.
LAS - ADD                                                                               3

       2.3.3.Operating Environment
Web Server: Windows IIS 6.0
Database: SQL server 2005
Runtime Environments: .NET CLR (Server)
Browsers: MS IE 6.0+, Firefox 1.2+
OS: Windows 2003 Server

   2.4.Quality Attribute Requirement
LAS shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year bearing
significant hardware malfunction. It might be wise to consider a separate system in
the future to detect faults in LAS and restart it if need be. There shall be a backup
system that could be

Every request need to authenticate and every response need to authorize by using
Active Directory (AD)

LAS needs to control the time and cost to implement during the development,
testing, and fixing phase. Also LAS must use object oriented paradigm in order to
achieve the modifiability quality attribute.

3.Attribute Driven Design
       3.1.1.Functional Requirements
Reviewing the Software Requirement Specification we see that there are two system
features that encapsulate three use cases. The system features are the following:
Acquire Lead - Lead providers shall be able to allocate leads through the LAS. Lead
providers could be other web or middleware systems.
Allocate Lead - Allocate Lead is the feature of the LAS which will allow partners to
view lead based on their zip code and SSN, then bid on the full lead to purchase.

Reviewing the Software Requirement Specification there are several constraints that
we need to consider. They are the following:
   • End product will be DLL(s) that can be referenced by different types of
      applications, including Web Services.
   • The runtime environment will be the .NET CLR.
   • OOD shall be used with a clear separation of objects that consume data and
      objects that produce data.
LAS - ADD                                                                                4

   •   Interfaces between components shall be designed to only take primitive types
       and return primitive types.

       3.1.3.Quality Scenarios
   •   The system needs to allocate the lead no later than 8 sec and would
       concurrently process no more than 10 leads at one time. If the system
       receives more than 10 leads, it should handle them using a queue.
   •   LAS needs to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
       bearing significant hardware malfunction. The LAS architecture should
       accommodate this using some sort of backup system.
   •   LAS should only allow trusted sources access to API calls. If the API calls are
       from un-trusted sources, then LAS should deny access.
   •   The API calls should be secure so that malicious third party persons/software
       cannot view information going to and from the LAS.

   3.2.First Iteration
Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement Information
After reviewing the inputs, the architecture team has determined that there sufficient
requirements information.

       3.2.1.Choose an Element to Decompose
Since this is the first iteration, the architecture team has decided to start at the root,
which is LAS.

       3.2.2.Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers
Reviewing the Input section of this document the architecture team found the
following Architectural drivers and their priorities:
#                 Architectural           Section     Importance     Difficulty
                  Drivers                 Discussed
1                 Scenario 1              1.3         Medium         High
                  Allocate Lead
2                 Scenario 2              1.3         Medium         Medium
                  System availability
3                 Scenario 3              1.3         High           Medium
                  Trusted access only
4                 Scenario 4              1.3         High           Medium
                  Secure access
5                 Requirement 1           1.1         High           Medium
                  Acquire Lead
6                 Requirement 2           1.1         High           High
                  Allocate Lead
7                 Constraint 1            1.2         Medium         Low
                  Compiled DLLs
8                 Constraint 2            1.2         Medium         Low
                  Run in .NET CLR
9                 Constraint 3            1.2         Medium         Low
                  OOD used
10                Constraint 4            1.2         High           Low
LAS - ADD                                                                           5

                 Primitive API calls

       3.2.3.Choose Design Concept that Satisfies
          Architectural Drivers
The architecture team reviewed the candidate architectural drivers and identified
some design concerns with them. They are listed in the table below.
AD#              Design Concern
1                Performance, Resource Arbitration
2                Availability, Fault Recovery
3                Security, Resisting Attacks
4                Security, Resisting Attacks
5                Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect
6                Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect
7                Modifiability, Localize Modification
8                Modifiability, (N/A)
9                Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect
10               Modifiability, Localize Modification

After reviewing the candidate architectural drivers the architecture team determined
that several patterns and tactics can be used to achieve them. They are listed in the
following matrix:

AD #          Design           Pattern (pros/cons)     Pattern (pros/cons)
1             Performance -    FIFO                    Fixed-Priority
              Resource         Pros- Easy to           Pros- Flexibility for
              Arbitration      implement               priority
                               Cons – No flexibility   Cons – Difficult to
                               for priority            implement
2             Availability –   Spare                   Active Redundancy
              Fault Recovery   Pros – Easy to          Pros – Data will be
                               configure               up to date. Also,
                               Cons – Data will not    recovery time will
                               be up to date and       be milliseconds.
                               recovery time will be   Cons – Need
                               minutes.                additional
                                                       monitoring and
                                                       switching software
3             Security -       Limit Access            Authorize users
              Resisting        Pros – High Security    Pros – Dynamic.
              Attacks          Cons – Need to know     Easy to modify
                               IP address of           Cons – Need
                               incoming request        additional software
                                                       such as Active
4             Security –       Authenticate Users      Maintain Data
LAS - ADD                                                                      6

            Resisting         Pros – Easy to use in    Confidentiality
            Attacks           conjunction with         Pros – Software
                              Authorize users          such as SSL exist
                              Cons – Need              and is easy to
                              additional software      implement
                              or man power to          Cons – Need to
                              manage user              purchase SSL
                              registration             certificate.
5           Modifiability,    Hide information         Use an
            Prevent Ripple    Pros – Traditional.      Intermediary
            Effect            People are most          Pros – Easy to
                              familiar with it         understand.
                              Cons – Depends           Cons – Tedious to
                              strongly on skills and   implement.
                              talents of the person
                              implementing it.
6           Modifiability,    Hide information         Use an
            Prevent Ripple    Pros – Traditional.      Intermediary
            Effect            People are most          Pros – Easy to
                              familiar with it         understand.
                              Cons – Depends           Cons – Tedious to
                              strongly on skills and   implement.
                              talents of the person
                              implementing it.
7           Modifiability –   Maintain Semantic        Limit Possible
            Localize          Coherence                Options
            Modifications     Pros – Creates           Pros – Requires
                              reusability as well as   zero development
                              preventing ripple        time
                              effects                  Cons – Requires
                              Cons – Time              senior
                              consuming. Requires      management buy
                              talented                 in
8           N/A               N/A                      N/A
9           Modifiability,    Hide information         Use an
            Prevent Ripple    Pros – Traditional.      Intermediary
            Effect            People are most          Pros – Easy to
                              familiar with it         understand.
                              Cons – Depends           Cons – Tedious to
                              strongly on skills and   implement.
                              talents of the person
                              implementing it.
10          Modifiability –   Generalize the           Anticipate Expected
            Localize          Module                   Changes
            Modifications     Pros – Makes             Pros – Fits in nicely
                              communication with       with Maintain
                              modules much             Semantic
                              simpler.                 Coherence pattern.
                              Cons – Makes the         Cons – Difficult to
                              inner workings of the    determine what to
                              module somewhat          anticipate for.
                              more complex, hence
LAS - ADD                                                                           7

                                requiring more
                                qualified people.
   •   For AD # 1 the architecture team selected the FIFO pattern. The reason for
       this was mainly because of the simplicity of implementing such a pattern and
       although it does not exceed the requirements, it certainly meets them. Also,
       there are resources on the team that are very familiar with this pattern
   •   For AD # 2 the architecture team selected Active Redundancy pattern. This
       choice was because the team decided that since the spare is not up to date
       and it takes minutes to recover it is vastly inferior to the Active Redundancy
   •   For AD # 3 the architecture team selected Authorize Users patterns. This
       choice was because the team decided that limiting access to certain IP
       addresses was really not practical for a web based application since managing
       client IP addresses would be too restrictive and sometimes, not possible.
   •   For AD # 4 the architecture team decided that both Authenticate Users and
       Maintain Data Confidentiality patterns will be required because of their
       relationship to each other. They have good synergy and really cannot exist
       without coexisting in this instance.
   •   For AD # 5 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This
       choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of
       the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern.
   •   For AD # 6 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This
       choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of
       the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern.
   •   For AD # 7 the architecture team selected Maintaining Symantec Coherence
       pattern. This choice was made because the architecture team decided that
       depending on management to limit possible options, even though they might
       agree initially, is not realistic.
   •   N/A
   •   For AD # 9 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This
       choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of
       the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern.
   •   For AD #10 the architecture team decided that a combination of both the
       Generalize the Module and Anticipate Expected Changes pattern would be a
       good way to go. The reason for this choice was because since the API for the
       LAS needs to work for other platforms having the inner workings of the
       middleware adjust based on the primitive input types would be ultra helpful.
       To have this architecture team decided that it would have to think 2 steps
       ahead and anticipate what changes would occur.
                 THEY RELATE TO EACH OTHER
After examining the patterns identified so far, the architecture team decided to use
event-driven architecture (EDA) to allow loosely coupled objects and packages a way
of communication. This type of architecture meets and exceeds the patterns
identified so far. The description of EDA is outside the scope of this document.

Since this is the first iteration, the architecture team determined the following
component UML as an appropriate high level view for the EDA pattern.
LAS - ADD                                                                       8

 LAS API Adapter   Dispatch Allocate Lead Event

                                            Listen Allocate Lead Event

                                                        Allocate Lead Service
LAS - ADD                                                                                                                        9

             3.2.4.Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate

                                       Lead Allocation System (LAS)

                                                  LAS API Adapter

                                                                                 Allocate Lead Service
                         Acquire Lead Service

    Lead Providers
                                                Allocate Lead FIFO computation                                 Lead Acquirers

                                                 Security Service

                         Redundant LAS                 Redundant LAS                Redundant LAS
                         Server 1                      Server 2                     Server 3

            RESPONSIBILITIES                       TO       ELEMENTS             ACCORDING TO      PATTERN

Element #                   Element Name                            Architectural Driver                    Pattern (s)
1                           LAS API Adapter                         7, 8, 9, 10                             Generalize the
                                                                                                            Hide information,
                                                                                                            Maintain Semantic
                                                                                                            Anticipate Expected

2                           Acquire Lead Service                    5                                       Hide information
3                           Allocate Lead                           6                                       Hide information
4                           Allocate Lead FIFO                      1                                       FIFO
5                           Security Service                        3, 4                                    Authenticate Users,
LAS - ADD                                                                             10

                                                                    Maintain Data
                                                                    Authorize Users
6                  Redundant LAS           2                        Active Redundancy
                   servers 1, 2, 3

                 AMONG ITS CHILDREN.
    •   LAS API Adapter – This element is responsible for receiving API calls,
        interpreting them and passing them along to other elements.
    •   Acquire Lead Service – This element is responsible for receiving leads from
        lead providers and preparing them to be allocated to lead acquirers.
    •   Allocate Lead Service – This element is responsible for providing lead heading
        to lead acquirers that ask for it. It is also responsible for accepting bids and
        sending complete leads to lead providers.
    •   Allocate Lead FIFO – This element is responsible for the FIFO algorithm
        computation to handle multiple lead acquirers requesting leads
    •   Security Service – This element is responsible for making sure only trusted
        lead providers and lead acquirers have access to LAS and they are who they
        say they are.
    •   Redundant LAS server 1, 2, 3 – These elements would act as mirrored
        duplicates in case the primary LAS server experiences problems.
Element                       Requires                      Provides
LAS API Adapter               Primitive type input from     TO LEAD PROVIDER: A
                              lead providers or lead        lead recorded successful
                              acquirers. This would be      message and transaction
                              lead information from the     reference number.
                              lead providers and lead       TO LEAD ACQUIRER: A
                              request information from      lead heading. An interface
                              lead acquirers. It would      to allow the lead provider
                              also require trusted user     to place a bid, and the full
                              information such as a         lead if the lead acquirer
                              username and password.        decided to buy the lead.
                                                            The interface should also
                                                            provide a transaction
                                                            reference number.
                                                            TO ACQUIRE LEAD
                                                            SERVICE: The lead
                                                            TO ALLOCATE LEAD
                                                            SERVICE: The request for
                                                            a lead information
Acquire Lead Service          FROM LAS API ADAPTER:         TO SECURITY SERVICE:
                              Lead information. Trusted     Trusted user information
                              user information
Allocate Lead Service         FROM LAS API ADAPTER:         TO ALLOCATE LEAD FIFO
                              Lead request information.     COMPUTATION: Lead
                              Lead bid information.         request information. Lead
                              Trusted user information      bid information.
                                                            TO SECURITY SERVICE:
LAS - ADD                                                                           11

                                                           Trusted user information
Allocate Lead FIFO           FROM ALLOCATE LEAD            TO ALLOCATE LEAD
Computation                  SERVICE: Lead request         SERVICE: Lead request
                             information. Lead bid         from queue. Lead bid
                             information.                  from queue.
Security Service             FROM ACQUIRE LEAD             TO ALLOCATE LEAD
                             SERVICE: Trusted user         SERVICE: Trusted user
                             information                   security information
                             FROM ALLOCATE LEAD            TO ACQUIRE LEAD
                             SERVICE: Trusted user         SERVICE: Trusted user
                             information                   security information
Redundant LAS servers 1,     N/A                           N/A
2, 3

       3.2.5.Verify and refine requirements and make them
          constraints for instantiated elements
After careful review of the elements, their responsibilities and their interfaces, the
architecture team decides that all the architectural drivers (functional requirements,
constraints, and quality scenarios) have been accounted for.

   3.3.Second Iteration
       3.3.1.Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement
This step is not necessary for the second iteration since it was done once at the
beginning of the ADD process.
3.2 Step 2. Choose an Element to Decompose
Current knowledge of the architecture

The security service element has chosen as the system to decompose. Specifically
when acquire lead and allocate lead services are targeted as per section 2.6.


Since this element is depending upon the third party active directory therefore it is
very difficult to achieve the element associated requirements.
In order to decompose this element, active directory component should be setup and
the users profiles need to be inserted.


Security element plays a vital role in the system as per SRS.
Partners need to be in active directory before LAS system broadcast the lead.
Secure Certificate Layer needs to be set before LAS will go live

LAS - ADD                                                                             12

Security has been identified a highest priority for the LAS as per the business vision
and SRS because this element has an direct impact on the overall LAS

       3.3.2.Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers
#                Architectural            Section      Importance        Difficulty
                 Drivers                  Discussed
1                Scenario 1               2.4.2        High              High
                 Authorize User
2                Scenario 2               2.4.2        High              Medium
                 Authenticate Users
3                Scenario 3               2.6          High              Medium
                 Trusted access only
4                Constraint 1             2.6          High              Low
                 Active Directory

       3.3.3.Choose Design Concept that Satisfies
          Architectural Drivers

The architecture team reviewed the candidate architectural drivers and identified
some design concerns with them. They are listed in the table below.
AD#              Design Concern
1                Security, Resisting Attacks, Authorize User
2                Security, Resisting Attacks, Authenticate User
3                Security, Resisting Attacks, Maintain integrity
4                Modifiability, Localize changes, Prevent Ripple Effect

After reviewing the candidate architectural drivers the architecture team determined
that several patterns and tactics can be used to achieve them. They are listed in the
following matrix:

AD #          Design             Pattern (pros/cons)       Pattern (pros/cons)
1             Security -         Access Matrix /           N/A
              Resisting          Authorization [1]
              Attacks,           Pros – Flexible
              Authorize User     Cons – Need
                                 additional resources
                                 to maintain the user
                                 profile and their roles
2             Security –         Authenticate Users        N/A
              Resisting          Pros – Reduce time,
              Attacks,           because for
              Authenticate       authenticate
LAS - ADD                                                                              13

              User             Enterprise uses
                               active directory
                               Cons – Needs extra
                               resource for the
3             Security,        Maintain Integrity       N/A
              Resisting        Pros – Software such
              Attacks,         as SSL exist and is
              Maintain         easy to implement
              integrity        Cons – Need to
                               purchase SSL
4             Modifiability,   Prevent Ripple Effect    N/A
              Localize         Pros – Enterprise
              changes,         standard, and easy
              Prevent Ripple   to configure
              Effect           Cons – Need to add
                               every partner.

Select patterns from the list and give rationale
There is no other alternative pattern has been identified for the each AD in section
                 THEY RELATE TO EACH OTHER
After examining the patterns identified so far, the architecture team decided to check
point security architecture for authentication and authorization of LAS by using AD.
Figure below will illustrate this pattern
LAS - ADD                                                                            14

       3.3.4.Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate


(Need to change following diagram where Security component needs to take out
from the LAS). Draw a diagram that how active directory, database for the user
profile and gateway needs to be interact with security component

             LAS               LAS              Active Directory

                          User Role

Element #          Element Name           Architectural Driver      Pattern (s)
1                  Active Directory       1, 4                      Authenticate,
                                                                    Prevent Ripple
2                  User role database     2                         Access Matrix /
3                  Gateway of LAS         3                         Maintain Integrity

                 AMONG ITS CHILDREN.
1. Active Directory: When users will try to invoke any LAS services, this element will
authenticate the users first and then allow users to entre in to the system
2. User role database: for the authorization level of the LAS services a database
needs to be created where user profiles will be stored.
3. Gateway: A new gateway needs to be purchased from the third party for secure
socket layer and configure it

       3.3.5.Define interfaces for Instantiated Elements

Element                       Requires                     Provides
Active Directory              A setup and configuration    It provides authentication
                              need to require for entire   and a system will be
                              LAS services.                secure after implementing
                                                           this element.
User role database            A setup as well as tables    It provides authorization
LAS - ADD                                                                                15

                              needs to be created for        for LAS services.
                              each and every LAS
                              service user. And also
                              identify the role.
Gateway                       Set up and configuration       It provides the 128 bit
                              for LAS system.                encryption for the entire
                                                             LAS system.

       3.3.6.Verify and refine requirements and make them
          constraints for instantiated elements
After careful review of the elements, their responsibilities and their interfaces, the
architecture team decides that all the architectural drivers (from the iteration 1)
have been accounted for.

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  • 1. A3 INC.: LEAD ALLOCATION SYSTEM ATTRIBUTE DRIVEN DESIGN Draft: 1 Date: June 10, 2009 Authors: Ali Raza ( Amin Bandeali ( Arash Sharif (
  • 2. CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1 1.1. What is ADD 1 1.2. Applying ADD in Real World 1 1.2.1. Step 1: Inputs 1 1.2.2. Step 2: Requirement Conformation: 1 1.2.3. Step 3: Identify all elements 1 1.2.4. Step 4: Choose the element 1 1.2.5. Step 5: Identify architecture Drivers 1 1.2.6. Step 6: Initiate the architectural patterns and allocate the responsibilities1 1.2.7. Step 7: Define interface for instantiated elements 1 1.2.8. Step 8: Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated element. 2 1.2.9. Step 9: Repetition 2 2. Software Architecture Design - LAS 2 2.1. Introduction 2 2.2. Function Requirements 2 2.2.1. Acquire Lead 2 2.2.2. Allocate Lead 2 2.3. Design constraints 2 2.3.1. SLA (Service Level Agreement) 2 2.3.2. Performance 2 2.3.3. Operating Environment 3 2.4. Quality Attribute Requirement 3 2.4.1. Availability 3 2.4.2. Security 3 2.4.3. Modifiability 3 3. Attribute Driven Design 3 3.1. Inputs 3 3.1.1. Functional Requirements 3 3.1.2. Constraints 3 3.1.3. Quality Scenarios 4 3.2. First Iteration 4 3.2.1. Choose an Element to Decompose 4 3.2.2. Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers 4 3.2.3. Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers 5 3.2.4. Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities 9 3.2.5. Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements 11 3.3. Second Iteration 11 3.3.1. Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement Information 11 3.3.2. Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers 12 3.3.3. Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers 12 3.3.4. Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities 14 3.3.5. Define interfaces for Instantiated Elements 14 3.3.6. Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements 15
  • 3. LAS - ADD 1 1.Introduction 1.1.What is ADD The ADD Attribute Driven Design approach is developed by SEI. It is a method where we can achieve the software architecture by decomposing process on the quality attributes base on the Software Requirement Specification. ADD follows a recursive process that decomposes of the system element by applying architectural tactics and patterns that satisfy its driving quality attribute requirement. In ADD architectural drivers are such as function requirement, design constraints and quality attribute requirement. This document focuses on choosing the selected patterns and models, which used to determine whether the architecture satisfies the architecture drivers. 1.2.Applying ADD in Real World Following are the steps for Software Architecture Design by using ADD. 1.2.1.Step 1: Inputs The inputs for ADD are functional requirements, quality attribute requirements and constraints. 1.2.2.Step 2: Requirement Conformation: Confirm there is sufficient requirements information in order to apply ADD method 1.2.3.Step 3: Identify all elements List all the elements based on the requirements 1.2.4.Step 4: Choose the element Choose the element of the system to decompose 1.2.5.Step 5: Identify architecture Drivers Identify the architectural drivers for the elements which have chosen for the decomposition 1.2.6.Step 6: Initiate the architectural patterns and allocate the responsibilities Initiate the architectural patterns and allocate the responsibilities by using the tactics, quality attribute and assign the responsibilities based on the requirements for the particular decomposed element 1.2.7.Step 7: Define interface for instantiated elements This step will documents what others (elements) can use and on what they can depend however this is different from the signature. This step also analyzes the
  • 4. LAS - ADD 2 decomposition element in terms of structure (view), concurrency view and runtime (deployment view) which uncovers the interaction assumptions for the child modules. We must document three views such as restart, deployment and Data integrity. We also need to evaluate the alternative patterns by using the mentioned views. 1.2.8.Step 8: Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated element. The decomposition thus far must be verified and if the child module needs more decomposition then we much be prepare for their own decomposition by using functional requirements, constraints and quality scenarios. 1.2.9.Step 9: Repetition Need to Repeat from Step 4 to Step 8 until all the elements get decomposed. 2.Software Architecture Design - LAS 2.1.Introduction The Lead Allocation System (LAS) project will allocate any lead to the partner who placed the highest bid. The process will now become more efficient for marketing department, customers and partners. 2.2.Function Requirements 2.2.1.Acquire Lead Lead providers shall be able to allocate leads through the LAS. Lead providers could be other web or middleware systems. 2.2.2.Allocate Lead Allocate Lead is the feature of the LAS which will allow partners to view lead based on their zip code and ssn; then bid on the full lead to purchase. 2.3.Design constraints 2.3.1.SLA (Service Level Agreement) During the lead allocation process the partners shall be able to place a bid on the lead(s) for a period of 5 second, a time period that the lead shall be locked. After 5 secs the bids of the partners that responded shall be analyzed. System shall allocate leads to the highest bidder. 2.3.2.Performance The system shall allocate the lead no later than 8 sec and would concurrently process no more than 10 leads at one time. If the system would receive more than 10 leads, it would queue the rest and process them as a FIFO.
  • 5. LAS - ADD 3 2.3.3.Operating Environment Web Server: Windows IIS 6.0 Database: SQL server 2005 Runtime Environments: .NET CLR (Server) Browsers: MS IE 6.0+, Firefox 1.2+ OS: Windows 2003 Server 2.4.Quality Attribute Requirement 2.4.1.Availability LAS shall be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year bearing significant hardware malfunction. It might be wise to consider a separate system in the future to detect faults in LAS and restart it if need be. There shall be a backup system that could be 2.4.2.Security Every request need to authenticate and every response need to authorize by using Active Directory (AD) 2.4.3.Modifiability LAS needs to control the time and cost to implement during the development, testing, and fixing phase. Also LAS must use object oriented paradigm in order to achieve the modifiability quality attribute. 3.Attribute Driven Design 3.1.Inputs 3.1.1.Functional Requirements Reviewing the Software Requirement Specification we see that there are two system features that encapsulate three use cases. The system features are the following: Acquire Lead - Lead providers shall be able to allocate leads through the LAS. Lead providers could be other web or middleware systems. Allocate Lead - Allocate Lead is the feature of the LAS which will allow partners to view lead based on their zip code and SSN, then bid on the full lead to purchase. 3.1.2.Constraints Reviewing the Software Requirement Specification there are several constraints that we need to consider. They are the following: • End product will be DLL(s) that can be referenced by different types of applications, including Web Services. • The runtime environment will be the .NET CLR. • OOD shall be used with a clear separation of objects that consume data and objects that produce data.
  • 6. LAS - ADD 4 • Interfaces between components shall be designed to only take primitive types and return primitive types. 3.1.3.Quality Scenarios • The system needs to allocate the lead no later than 8 sec and would concurrently process no more than 10 leads at one time. If the system receives more than 10 leads, it should handle them using a queue. • LAS needs to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year bearing significant hardware malfunction. The LAS architecture should accommodate this using some sort of backup system. • LAS should only allow trusted sources access to API calls. If the API calls are from un-trusted sources, then LAS should deny access. • The API calls should be secure so that malicious third party persons/software cannot view information going to and from the LAS. 3.2.First Iteration Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement Information After reviewing the inputs, the architecture team has determined that there sufficient requirements information. 3.2.1.Choose an Element to Decompose Since this is the first iteration, the architecture team has decided to start at the root, which is LAS. 3.2.2.Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers Reviewing the Input section of this document the architecture team found the following Architectural drivers and their priorities: # Architectural Section Importance Difficulty Drivers Discussed In 1 Scenario 1 1.3 Medium High Allocate Lead Performance 2 Scenario 2 1.3 Medium Medium System availability 3 Scenario 3 1.3 High Medium Trusted access only 4 Scenario 4 1.3 High Medium Secure access 5 Requirement 1 1.1 High Medium Acquire Lead 6 Requirement 2 1.1 High High Allocate Lead 7 Constraint 1 1.2 Medium Low Compiled DLLs 8 Constraint 2 1.2 Medium Low Run in .NET CLR 9 Constraint 3 1.2 Medium Low OOD used 10 Constraint 4 1.2 High Low
  • 7. LAS - ADD 5 Primitive API calls only 3.2.3.Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers DESIGN CONCERNS The architecture team reviewed the candidate architectural drivers and identified some design concerns with them. They are listed in the table below. AD# Design Concern 1 Performance, Resource Arbitration 2 Availability, Fault Recovery 3 Security, Resisting Attacks 4 Security, Resisting Attacks 5 Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect 6 Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect 7 Modifiability, Localize Modification 8 Modifiability, (N/A) 9 Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect 10 Modifiability, Localize Modification ALTERNATIVE PATTERNS THAT ADDRESS THE CONCERNS After reviewing the candidate architectural drivers the architecture team determined that several patterns and tactics can be used to achieve them. They are listed in the following matrix: AD # Design Pattern (pros/cons) Pattern (pros/cons) Concern 1 Performance - FIFO Fixed-Priority Resource Pros- Easy to Pros- Flexibility for Arbitration implement priority Cons – No flexibility Cons – Difficult to for priority implement 2 Availability – Spare Active Redundancy Fault Recovery Pros – Easy to Pros – Data will be configure up to date. Also, Cons – Data will not recovery time will be up to date and be milliseconds. recovery time will be Cons – Need minutes. additional monitoring and switching software 3 Security - Limit Access Authorize users Resisting Pros – High Security Pros – Dynamic. Attacks Cons – Need to know Easy to modify IP address of Cons – Need incoming request additional software such as Active Directory 4 Security – Authenticate Users Maintain Data
  • 8. LAS - ADD 6 Resisting Pros – Easy to use in Confidentiality Attacks conjunction with Pros – Software Authorize users such as SSL exist Cons – Need and is easy to additional software implement or man power to Cons – Need to manage user purchase SSL registration certificate. 5 Modifiability, Hide information Use an Prevent Ripple Pros – Traditional. Intermediary Effect People are most Pros – Easy to familiar with it understand. Cons – Depends Cons – Tedious to strongly on skills and implement. talents of the person implementing it. 6 Modifiability, Hide information Use an Prevent Ripple Pros – Traditional. Intermediary Effect People are most Pros – Easy to familiar with it understand. Cons – Depends Cons – Tedious to strongly on skills and implement. talents of the person implementing it. 7 Modifiability – Maintain Semantic Limit Possible Localize Coherence Options Modifications Pros – Creates Pros – Requires reusability as well as zero development preventing ripple time effects Cons – Requires Cons – Time senior consuming. Requires management buy talented in professionals. 8 N/A N/A N/A 9 Modifiability, Hide information Use an Prevent Ripple Pros – Traditional. Intermediary Effect People are most Pros – Easy to familiar with it understand. Cons – Depends Cons – Tedious to strongly on skills and implement. talents of the person implementing it. 10 Modifiability – Generalize the Anticipate Expected Localize Module Changes Modifications Pros – Makes Pros – Fits in nicely communication with with Maintain modules much Semantic simpler. Coherence pattern. Cons – Makes the Cons – Difficult to inner workings of the determine what to module somewhat anticipate for. more complex, hence
  • 9. LAS - ADD 7 requiring more qualified people. PATTERNS FROM THE LIST AND GIVE RATIONALE • For AD # 1 the architecture team selected the FIFO pattern. The reason for this was mainly because of the simplicity of implementing such a pattern and although it does not exceed the requirements, it certainly meets them. Also, there are resources on the team that are very familiar with this pattern • For AD # 2 the architecture team selected Active Redundancy pattern. This choice was because the team decided that since the spare is not up to date and it takes minutes to recover it is vastly inferior to the Active Redundancy pattern. • For AD # 3 the architecture team selected Authorize Users patterns. This choice was because the team decided that limiting access to certain IP addresses was really not practical for a web based application since managing client IP addresses would be too restrictive and sometimes, not possible. • For AD # 4 the architecture team decided that both Authenticate Users and Maintain Data Confidentiality patterns will be required because of their relationship to each other. They have good synergy and really cannot exist without coexisting in this instance. • For AD # 5 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern. • For AD # 6 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern. • For AD # 7 the architecture team selected Maintaining Symantec Coherence pattern. This choice was made because the architecture team decided that depending on management to limit possible options, even though they might agree initially, is not realistic. • N/A • For AD # 9 the architecture team selected Hide Information pattern. This choice was because of the natural nature of this pattern and also because of the tedious nature of the Use an Intermediary pattern. • For AD #10 the architecture team decided that a combination of both the Generalize the Module and Anticipate Expected Changes pattern would be a good way to go. The reason for this choice was because since the API for the LAS needs to work for other platforms having the inner workings of the middleware adjust based on the primitive input types would be ultra helpful. To have this architecture team decided that it would have to think 2 steps ahead and anticipate what changes would occur. THE PATTERNS IDENTIFIED SO FAR AND DECIDE HOW THEY RELATE TO EACH OTHER After examining the patterns identified so far, the architecture team decided to use event-driven architecture (EDA) to allow loosely coupled objects and packages a way of communication. This type of architecture meets and exceeds the patterns identified so far. The description of EDA is outside the scope of this document. PRELIMINARY ARCHITECTURAL VIEWS Since this is the first iteration, the architecture team determined the following component UML as an appropriate high level view for the EDA pattern.
  • 10. LAS - ADD 8 LAS API Adapter Dispatch Allocate Lead Event Listen Allocate Lead Event Allocate Lead Service
  • 11. LAS - ADD 9 3.2.4.Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities ELEMENTS Lead Allocation System (LAS) LAS API Adapter Allocate Lead Service Acquire Lead Service Lead Providers Allocate Lead FIFO computation Lead Acquirers Security Service Redundant LAS Redundant LAS Redundant LAS Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 RESPONSIBILITIES TO ELEMENTS ACCORDING TO PATTERN TYPE Element # Element Name Architectural Driver Pattern (s) 1 LAS API Adapter 7, 8, 9, 10 Generalize the Module, Hide information, Maintain Semantic Coherence, Anticipate Expected Change 2 Acquire Lead Service 5 Hide information 3 Allocate Lead 6 Hide information Service 4 Allocate Lead FIFO 1 FIFO computation 5 Security Service 3, 4 Authenticate Users,
  • 12. LAS - ADD 10 Maintain Data Confidentiality, Authorize Users 6 Redundant LAS 2 Active Redundancy servers 1, 2, 3 RESPONSIBILITIES ASSOCIATED PARENT ELEMENT AMONG ITS CHILDREN. • LAS API Adapter – This element is responsible for receiving API calls, interpreting them and passing them along to other elements. • Acquire Lead Service – This element is responsible for receiving leads from lead providers and preparing them to be allocated to lead acquirers. • Allocate Lead Service – This element is responsible for providing lead heading to lead acquirers that ask for it. It is also responsible for accepting bids and sending complete leads to lead providers. • Allocate Lead FIFO – This element is responsible for the FIFO algorithm computation to handle multiple lead acquirers requesting leads simultaneously. • Security Service – This element is responsible for making sure only trusted lead providers and lead acquirers have access to LAS and they are who they say they are. • Redundant LAS server 1, 2, 3 – These elements would act as mirrored duplicates in case the primary LAS server experiences problems. INTERFACES FOR INSTANTIATED ELEMENTS Element Requires Provides LAS API Adapter Primitive type input from TO LEAD PROVIDER: A lead providers or lead lead recorded successful acquirers. This would be message and transaction lead information from the reference number. lead providers and lead TO LEAD ACQUIRER: A request information from lead heading. An interface lead acquirers. It would to allow the lead provider also require trusted user to place a bid, and the full information such as a lead if the lead acquirer username and password. decided to buy the lead. The interface should also provide a transaction reference number. TO ACQUIRE LEAD SERVICE: The lead information TO ALLOCATE LEAD SERVICE: The request for a lead information Acquire Lead Service FROM LAS API ADAPTER: TO SECURITY SERVICE: Lead information. Trusted Trusted user information user information Allocate Lead Service FROM LAS API ADAPTER: TO ALLOCATE LEAD FIFO Lead request information. COMPUTATION: Lead Lead bid information. request information. Lead Trusted user information bid information. TO SECURITY SERVICE:
  • 13. LAS - ADD 11 Trusted user information Allocate Lead FIFO FROM ALLOCATE LEAD TO ALLOCATE LEAD Computation SERVICE: Lead request SERVICE: Lead request information. Lead bid from queue. Lead bid information. from queue. Security Service FROM ACQUIRE LEAD TO ALLOCATE LEAD SERVICE: Trusted user SERVICE: Trusted user information security information FROM ALLOCATE LEAD TO ACQUIRE LEAD SERVICE: Trusted user SERVICE: Trusted user information security information Redundant LAS servers 1, N/A N/A 2, 3 3.2.5.Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements After careful review of the elements, their responsibilities and their interfaces, the architecture team decides that all the architectural drivers (functional requirements, constraints, and quality scenarios) have been accounted for. 3.3.Second Iteration 3.3.1.Confirm there is Sufficient Requirement Information This step is not necessary for the second iteration since it was done once at the beginning of the ADD process. 3.2 Step 2. Choose an Element to Decompose Current knowledge of the architecture The security service element has chosen as the system to decompose. Specifically when acquire lead and allocate lead services are targeted as per section 2.6. AND DIFFICULTY Since this element is depending upon the third party active directory therefore it is very difficult to achieve the element associated requirements. In order to decompose this element, active directory component should be setup and the users profiles need to be inserted. CRITERIA Security element plays a vital role in the system as per SRS. Partners need to be in active directory before LAS system broadcast the lead. Secure Certificate Layer needs to be set before LAS will go live CRITERIA
  • 14. LAS - ADD 12 Security has been identified a highest priority for the LAS as per the business vision and SRS because this element has an direct impact on the overall LAS 3.3.2.Identify Candidate Architecture Drivers # Architectural Section Importance Difficulty Drivers Discussed In 1 Scenario 1 2.4.2 High High Authorize User 2 Scenario 2 2.4.2 High Medium Authenticate Users 3 Scenario 3 2.6 High Medium Trusted access only 4 Constraint 1 2.6 High Low Active Directory 3.3.3.Choose Design Concept that Satisfies Architectural Drivers DESIGN CONCERNS The architecture team reviewed the candidate architectural drivers and identified some design concerns with them. They are listed in the table below. AD# Design Concern 1 Security, Resisting Attacks, Authorize User 2 Security, Resisting Attacks, Authenticate User 3 Security, Resisting Attacks, Maintain integrity 4 Modifiability, Localize changes, Prevent Ripple Effect ALTERNATIVE PATTERNS THAT ADDRESS THE CONCERNS After reviewing the candidate architectural drivers the architecture team determined that several patterns and tactics can be used to achieve them. They are listed in the following matrix: AD # Design Pattern (pros/cons) Pattern (pros/cons) Concern 1 Security - Access Matrix / N/A Resisting Authorization [1] Attacks, Pros – Flexible Authorize User Cons – Need additional resources to maintain the user profile and their roles 2 Security – Authenticate Users N/A Resisting Pros – Reduce time, Attacks, because for Authenticate authenticate
  • 15. LAS - ADD 13 User Enterprise uses active directory Cons – Needs extra resource for the configuration. 3 Security, Maintain Integrity N/A Resisting Pros – Software such Attacks, as SSL exist and is Maintain easy to implement integrity Cons – Need to purchase SSL certificate. 4 Modifiability, Prevent Ripple Effect N/A Localize Pros – Enterprise changes, standard, and easy Prevent Ripple to configure Effect Cons – Need to add every partner. Select patterns from the list and give rationale There is no other alternative pattern has been identified for the each AD in section 3.4.2. THE PATTERNS IDENTIFIED SO FAR AND DECIDE HOW THEY RELATE TO EACH OTHER After examining the patterns identified so far, the architecture team decided to check point security architecture for authentication and authorization of LAS by using AD. Figure below will illustrate this pattern
  • 16. LAS - ADD 14 3.3.4.Instantiate Architectural Elements and Allocate Responsibilities ELEMENTS (Need to change following diagram where Security component needs to take out from the LAS). Draw a diagram that how active directory, database for the user profile and gateway needs to be interact with security component LAS LAS Active Directory Gateway Service s User Role RESPONSIBILITIES TO ELEMENTS ACCORDING TO PATTERN TYPE Element # Element Name Architectural Driver Pattern (s) 1 Active Directory 1, 4 Authenticate, Prevent Ripple Effect 2 User role database 2 Access Matrix / Authorization 3 Gateway of LAS 3 Maintain Integrity RESPONSIBILITIES ASSOCIATED PARENT ELEMENT AMONG ITS CHILDREN. 1. Active Directory: When users will try to invoke any LAS services, this element will authenticate the users first and then allow users to entre in to the system 2. User role database: for the authorization level of the LAS services a database needs to be created where user profiles will be stored. 3. Gateway: A new gateway needs to be purchased from the third party for secure socket layer and configure it 3.3.5.Define interfaces for Instantiated Elements Element Requires Provides Active Directory A setup and configuration It provides authentication need to require for entire and a system will be LAS services. secure after implementing this element. User role database A setup as well as tables It provides authorization
  • 17. LAS - ADD 15 needs to be created for for LAS services. each and every LAS service user. And also identify the role. Gateway Set up and configuration It provides the 128 bit for LAS system. encryption for the entire LAS system. 3.3.6.Verify and refine requirements and make them constraints for instantiated elements After careful review of the elements, their responsibilities and their interfaces, the architecture team decides that all the architectural drivers (from the iteration 1) have been accounted for.