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Feb 21, 2012                                                                                                                     inspired by the work of Daniel Plohmann
Ange Albertini 2012                                                                    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
x0              x1     x2       x3      x4                 x5              x6           x7           x8           x9          xA          xB      xC xD           xE        xF
                 aconst_                                             iconst_*                                               lconst_*                  fconst_*               dconst_*
0x     nop
                   null      *m1        *0      *1                 *2         *3                *4          *5            *0         *1           *0        *1     *2    *0          *1
             *ipush                   ldc*                                                   *load                                              iload_*                          lload_*...
1x                                                                                                                             1

         b* 1      s*    2     * 1 *_w 2      *2_w 2               i*              l*           f*         d*             a*           *0         *1        *2     *3    *0          *1
     ...lload_*                               fload_*                                                dload_*                                    aload_*                           *aload...
2x        *2        *3         *0       *1       *2                *3             *0             *1        *2             *3           *0         *1        *2     *3     i*         l*
     ...*aload                                                                                           *store                                            istore_*             lstore_*...

          f*        d*          a*      b*      c*             s*                  i*            l*        f*             d*           a*         *0        *1     *2    *3          *0
     ...lstore_*                                          fstore_*                                             dstore_*                                    astore_*              *astore...
4x        *1        *2         *3       *0      *1             *2                 *3             *0        *1             *2           *3         *0        *1     *2    *3          i*
     ...*astore                                                                                      pop*                                      dup*
5x        l*        f*         d*       a*      b*                 c*             s*              *        *2              *         *_x1       *_x2        *2 *2_x1 *2_x2
                     *add                                                *sub                                                *mul                                      *div
6x        i*        l*          f*      d*      i*                 l*              f*            d*         i*            l*           f*         d*         i*     l*    f*         d*
                     *rem                                                *neg                                    *shl                      *shr                *ushr           *and
7x        i*        l*          f*      d*      i*                 l*              f*            d*         i*            l*           i*          l*        i*     l*    i*         l*
               *or                 *xor                                         i2*                                     l2*                               f2*                         d2*...
8x        i*        l*          i*       l*
                                                     2             *l              *f            *d         *i            *f           *d          *i        *l    *d     *i         *l
     ...d2*                i2*                                          fcmp*                       dcmp*                                      if*                            2 if_icmp*..
9x        *f        *b         *c       *s
                                                                    *l       *g                  *l        *g            *eq          *ne         *lt      *ge     *gt   *le       *eq    2

     ...if_icmp*                                                   if_acmp*                                                             *switch                                  *return...
Ax                                                   2                                    2                                                             v
                                                                                               goto       jsr           ret
         *ne        *lt       *ge       *gt    *le                *eq       *ne                       2           2            1    table* lookup* i*               l*    f*         d*
     ...*return                *static 2              *field                                         invoke*                                               *newarray array
                                                                                                                                  xxunusedxxx1  new                               athrow
          a*         *       get* put*         get*         *put               *virtual   2 *special 2  *static 2 *interface 4                         2    * 1 a* 2 length
     check instance           monitor*        (pref.)      multi                          if*                                       break
                                                                                                        goto_w        jsr_w
       cast 2      of    2 *enter *exit        wide anewarray              3     *null        *nonnull            4            4    point

Fx                                                                                                                                                                        *1        *2

              misc             arithmetic                  flow
             constants           logical                  method
           immediates         conversion                  object
             locals           comparison                  system
               stack           conditional               undefined

                                                                                                                                                                  JVM (Java)
x0               x1         x2             x3            x4               x5           x6             x7        x8              x9      xA       xB            xC         xD              xE           xF
                                                           ldarg.*                                                   ldloc.*                                           stloc.*                                   ldarg*
0x            nop              break
                                           *0             *1       *2                    *3           *0              *1       *2              *3       *0       *1          *2              *3            *.s        *a.s
            starg.s                 ldloc                                                                                                            ldc.i4.*
1x                              *.s      *a.s
                                                      stlock.s ldnull
                                                                                     *m1              *0              *1       *2              *3       *4       *5          *6       *7                   *8         *s
                                   ldc.*                                                                                              call*                                  br*                                       b*.s...
2x              *i4             *i8       *r4             *r8
                                                                                     dup             pop             jmp
                                                                                                                                *           *i
                                                                                                                                                                 *.s      *false.s *true.s                 eq         ge
          ...b*.s                                                                        b*.un.s                                            br                                          b*
3x              gt               le         lt            ne            ge               gt           le              lt        *         *false       *true    *eq         *ge       *gt                  *le         *lt
                                        b*.un                                                                                                                                                                       ldind.* …
4x               ne             ge         gt             le             lt
                                                                                                      *i1            *u1       *i2       *u2            *i4     *u4           *i8            *i            *r4         *r8
            ...ldind.*                                                      stind.*                                                                                    div*                       rem*
5x              *ref            *ref       *i1            *i2           *i4      *i8                  *r4            *r8
                                                                                                                               add         sub         mul
                                                                                                                                                           *      *.un                       *           *.un
                                                                  shr                                                                                 conv.*
6x              or              xor        shl
                                                              * *.un
                                                                         neg                         not
                                                                                                                      *i1      *i2         *i4    *i8     *r4      *r8                   *u4               *u8
                                                                cast                                                                                         ldfld*                                           ldsfld*
7x           cpobj             ldobj      ldstr       newobj
                                                                        isinst                     conv.r.un                              unbox throw
                                                                                                                                                           *        *a
                                                                                                                                                                                                            *        *a
                                                      conv.ovf.i*.un                                           conv.ovf.u*.un                   conv.ovf.*.un
8x           stsfld            stobj
                                            1            2           4     8                          1             2       4               8      i       u
                                                                                                                                                                  box                  newarr          ldlen        ldelema
                                                                     ldelem.*                                                                                                                                      stelem.*...
9x              *i1             *u1        *i2          *u2      *i4     *u4                          *i8             *i       *r4             *r8     *ref      *i           *i1        *i2               *i4        *i8
          ...stelem.*                                                  unbox.
Ax              *r4             *r8       *ref
                                                      ldelem stelem
Bx                                                        *i1           *u1              *i2         *u2        *i4            *u4             *i8     *u8
                                           ref            ck                                        mkref
Cx                                       anyval         finite                                       any
                                          conv.*                         conv.ovf.*                   add.ovf*                  mul.ovf*                 sub.ovf*           end                   leave*
Dx          ldtoken
                                *u2        *u1              *i           *i     *u                    *        *.un             *    *.un                *    *.un        finally            *             *.s

Ex           conv.u

FE                                                 c*                                                      ld*ftn                                ldarg*                             ldloc*
             arglist                                                                                                                                            starg                                  stloc        localloc
     0x                         *eq        *gt    *gt.un                 *lt        *lt.un             *             virt                       *      *a                      *   *a
FE                              end        un                                        init                                      init                    re                          ref                 read
                                                 volatile.              tail.                  constrained. cpblk                              no.                        sizeof
     1x                        filter   aligned.                                     obj                                       blk                   throw                       anytype               only.

                      misc                   immediates                    arithmetic                       fields                    prefix
                      system                   stack                           logical                      array
                      args                       method                   conversion                  references
                      locals                    conditional                     object                       flow
                  constants                     indirects                     exception                comparison                undefined                      Common Intermediate Language (.Net)
x0              x1          x2               x3   x4          x5         x6         x7         x8             x9         xA          xB            xC           xD            xE              xF
                                      move*                          move-wide*                         move-object*                        move-result*                   move-                return*
0x         nop
                            *        /from16      /16           *     /from16           /16        *    /from16            /16         *        -wide         -object exception          -void             *
            return*                                   const                                          const-wide                         const-string          const-              monitor              check
1x       -wide      -object               /4      /16           *     /high16           /16     /32           *         /high16        *       -jumbo          class        enter         exit          cast
       instance      array                   new*           filled-new-array            fill-                          goto                          *-switch                  cmp*-float         cmp*-double
2x         of       length          *instance *array            *      -range array-data
                                                                                                              *            /16       /32      packed* sparse*                   l           g              l
     cmp*-double cmp-                                               if-*                                                                  if-*z
3x         g         long                 eq       ne          lt          ge            gt       le         eq             ne         lt         ge               gt          le
                                                                                                 aget                                                                                                        aput...
4x                                                              *       -wide        -object   -bool       -byte          -char    -short           *          -wide       -object       -bool          -byte
     ...aput                                                                iget                                                                                   iput
5x        -char           -short           *     -wide -object          -bool          -byte   -char      -short             *     -wide       -object          -bool        -byte       -char         -short
                                                sget                                                                                 sput                                                             invoke-*...
6x            *           -wide       -object -bool -byte               -char         -short       *      -wide          -object   -bool        -byte          -char        -short      virtual        super
     ...invoke-*                                                                 invoke-*/range                                                  neg*           not*         neg*         not*               neg*...
7x         -direct        -static   -interface             virtual      super        -direct -static -interface                                   -int            -int       -long       -long          -float
     ...neg*                          int-to-*                         long-to-*                              float-to                       double-to-*                                 int-to-*
8x        -double          long         float   double int               float       double      int       long          double       int        long           float        byte         char          short
                                                                           *-int                                                                                                                           *-long...
9x          add            sub          mul       div        rem         and             or     xor         shl            shr      ushr         add             sub          mul          div           rem
     ...*-long                                                                                              *-float                                                        *-double
Ax          and             or           xor      shl        shr        ushr            add     sub         mul            div      rem          add             sub          mul          div           rem
                                                                      *-int/2addr                                                                                                                 *-long/2addr...
Bx          add            sub          mul       div        rem         and             or     xor         shl            shr      ushr         add             sub          mul          div           rem
     ...*-long/2addr                                                                                   *-float/2addr                                                    *-double/2addr
Cx          and             or           xor      shl        shr        ushr            add     sub         mul            div      rem          add             sub          mul          div           rem
                                                  *-int/lit16                                                                                           *-int/lit8
Dx         add            sub           mul       div        rem         and             or     xor         add            sub      mul           div            rem          and          or            xor
                     *-int/lit8                                                                                                                                                        execute
Ex         shl            shr         ushr                                                                                                                                              inline

        invoke-                               iget-*quick                      iput-*quick                             invoke-*-quick
Fx   direct-empty                        *       -wide -object             *     -wide     -object       virtual    virtual/range super super/range

               misc                          object            conversion
              moves                           flow                arithmetic
              method                     conditional

                                                                                                                                    Dalvik Virtual Machine (android)
               literals                      transfer
              system                         logical          undefined
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF                                                                    x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
                                                                                                    PUSH TWO            SLDT SGDT
0x                         ADD
                                                                                                     CS BYTE       0x   STR SIDT
                                                                                                                        VERx SMSW
                                                                                                                                                                       UD2     fetch
                                                                                                    PUSH DS
1x                         ADC                                                      SBB
                                                                                                     POP DS
                                                                                                                   1x                                       prefetch
                                                                                                                                                              nta       HINT NOP

2x                         AND                     ES:      DAA                     SUB             CS:    DAS     2x     MOV CR/DR

3x                         XOR                     SS:      AAA                     CMP             DS:    AAS     3x       RDTSC

4x                                                        INC / DEC                                                4x                                CMOVcc

5x                                                       PUSH /POP                                                 5x
      PUSHA                                        oper. addr
6x    POPA
                         BOUND   ARPL    FS: GS:    size override
                                                                    PUSH IMUL PUSH IMUL        INS / OUTS          6x
7x                                                             Jcc                                                 7x
                                          TEST      XCHG                     MOV                LEA MOV POP        8x                                  Jcc
     NOP                                                            CBW/CWD
9x                                   XCHG                           CWDE/CDQ
                                                                             CALL WAIT    PUSHF / LAHF             9x                                 SETcc

Ax           MOV EAX                      MOVS      CMPS             TEST           STOS / LODS      SCAS          Ax PUSHFS CPUID
                                                                                                                                     BT    SHLD
                                                                                                                                                            PUSH GS
                                                                                                                                                             POP GS
                                                                                                                                                                       BTS SHRD        *FENCE   IMUL

                                                                                                                                                        POP    BT
Bx                                                            MOV                                                  Bx CMPXCHG LSS BTR LFS / LGS   MOVZX CNT UD
                                                                                                                                                                   BTC BSF / BSR MOVZX

Cx      shifts
                          RETN LES / LDS                MOV
                                                                                   RETF INT3 INT    INTO IRET      Cx    XADD                        CMP
                                                                                                                                                     XCHG              BSWAP

Dx               rotations               AAM AAD SALC XLAT                             {FPU}                       Dx
Ex         LOOPs                 JECXZ       IN / OUT                    CALL / JMP             IN / OUT           Ex
                                                   TEST/NOT/NEG                                     INC CALL/JMP
                 IceBP   REPcc: HLT          CMC                          Clear/Set Flags
Fx   exclusive
                                                                                                    DEC PUSH       Fx

                   misc                      arithmetic                     flow
                 memory/reg                    logical                     group
                                                flags                      prefix
                  obsolete                   comparison                   system
                   stack                     conditional                  hidden
     usermode only, no extra instruction set                                                                                                                                             x86
x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF                                                                    x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF
                                                                                                                        SLDT SGDT
                                                                                                           TWO                                                                  pre
0x                         ADD                                                      OR                     BYTE    0x   STR SIDT
                                                                                                                        VERx SMSW
                                                                                                                                                                       UD2     fetch

1x                         ADC                                                      SBB                            1x                                       prefetch
                                                                                                                                                              nta       HINT NOP

2x                         AND                   ES:                                SUB             CS:            2x     MOV CR/DR

3x                         XOR                   SS:                                CMP             DS:            3x       RDTSC

4x                                                          REX:                                                   4x                                CMOVcc

5x                                                    PUSH /POP                                                    5x
                                                 oper. addr
6x                            MOVSXD   FS: GS:    size override
                                                                  PUSH IMUL PUSH IMUL          INS / OUTS          6x
7x                                                           Jcc                                                   7x
                                        TEST      XCHG                       MOV                LEA MOV POP        8x                                  Jcc
     NOP                                                          CBW/CWD
9x                                 XCHG                           CWDE/CDQ
                                                                                      WAIT   PUSHF / LAHF          9x                                 SETcc

Ax           MOV EAX                   MOVS       CMPS             TEST             STOS / LODS      SCAS          Ax PUSHFS CPUID
                                                                                                                                     BT    SHLD
                                                                                                                                                            PUSH GS
                                                                                                                                                             POP GS
                                                                                                                                                                       BTS SHRD        *FENCE   IMUL

                                                                                                                                                        POP    BT
Bx                                                          MOV                                                    Bx CMPXCHG LSS BTR LFS / LGS   MOVZX CNT UD
                                                                                                                                                                   BTC BSF / BSR MOVZX

Cx      shifts
                         RETN          VEX2/3        MOV
                                                                                  RETF INT3 INT            IRET    Cx    XADD                        CMP
                                                                                                                                                     XCHG              BSWAP

Dx               rotations                              XLAT                           {FPU}                       Dx
Ex         LOOPs              JECXZ       IN / OUT                  CALL              JMP       IN / OUT           Ex
                                                 TEST/NOT/NEG                                       INC CALL/JMP
                 IceBP   REPcc: HLT       CMC                          Clear/Set Flags
Fx   exclusive
                                                                                                    DEC PUSH       Fx

                   misc                    arithmetic                      flow
                 memory/reg                 logical                        group
                                             flags                         prefix
                  obsolete                comparison                    system
                   stack                  conditional                   hidden
     usermode only, no extra instruction set                                                                                                                                   x86-64
Android   1
.Net      1 p355-469



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Opcodes tables (compact)

  • 1. Opcodes' tables Compact This file is free to modify and re-use, with no restrictions, even commercially. it's an OpenOffice document. 1 grab its content via: svn export 2 rezip with subdirectories as opcodes_tables_compact.ods opcodes tables are available as compact and complete form. Feb 21, 2012 inspired by the work of Daniel Plohmann Ange Albertini 2012  Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
  • 2. x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF aconst_ iconst_* lconst_* fconst_* dconst_* 0x nop null *m1 *0 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *0 *1 *0 *1 *2 *0 *1 *ipush ldc* *load iload_* lload_*... 1x 1 b* 1 s* 2 * 1 *_w 2 *2_w 2 i* l* f* d* a* *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 ...lload_* fload_* dload_* aload_* *aload... 2x *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 i* l* ...*aload *store istore_* lstore_*... 3x 1 f* d* a* b* c* s* i* l* f* d* a* *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 ...lstore_* fstore_* dstore_* astore_* *astore... 4x *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 i* ...*astore pop* dup* 5x l* f* d* a* b* c* s* * *2 * *_x1 *_x2 *2 *2_x1 *2_x2 swap *add *sub *mul *div 6x i* l* f* d* i* l* f* d* i* l* f* d* i* l* f* d* *rem *neg *shl *shr *ushr *and 7x i* l* f* d* i* l* f* d* i* l* i* l* i* l* i* l* *or *xor i2* l2* f2* d2*... 8x i* l* i* l* iinc 2 *l *f *d *i *f *d *i *l *d *i *l ...d2* i2* fcmp* dcmp* if* 2 if_icmp*.. 9x *f *b *c *s lcmp *l *g *l *g *eq *ne *lt *ge *gt *le *eq 2 ...if_icmp* if_acmp* *switch *return... Ax 2 2 v goto jsr ret *ne *lt *ge *gt *le *eq *ne 2 2 1 table* lookup* i* l* f* d* ...*return *static 2 *field invoke* *newarray array Bx 2 xxunusedxxx1 new athrow a* * get* put* get* *put *virtual 2 *special 2 *static 2 *interface 4 2 * 1 a* 2 length check instance monitor* (pref.) multi if* break Cx 2 goto_w jsr_w cast 2 of 2 *enter *exit wide anewarray 3 *null *nonnull 4 4 point impdep* Fx *1 *2 misc arithmetic flow constants logical method immediates conversion object locals comparison system stack conditional undefined JVM (Java)
  • 3. x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF ldarg.* ldloc.* stloc.* ldarg* 0x nop break *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *0 *1 *2 *3 *.s *a.s starg.s ldloc ldc.i4.* 1x *.s *a.s stlock.s ldnull *m1 *0 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *s ldc.* call* br* b*.s... 2x *i4 *i8 *r4 *r8 dup pop jmp * *i ret *.s *false.s *true.s eq ge ...b*.s b*.un.s br b* 3x gt le lt ne ge gt le lt * *false *true *eq *ge *gt *le *lt b*.un ldind.* … 4x ne ge gt le lt switch *i1 *u1 *i2 *u2 *i4 *u4 *i8 *i *r4 *r8 ...ldind.* stind.* div* rem* 5x *ref *ref *i1 *i2 *i4 *i8 *r4 *r8 add sub mul * *.un * *.un and shr conv.* 6x or xor shl * *.un neg not *i1 *i2 *i4 *i8 *r4 *r8 *u4 *u8 callvirt cast ldfld* ldsfld* 7x cpobj ldobj ldstr newobj class isinst conv.r.un unbox throw * *a stfld * *a conv.ovf.i*.un conv.ovf.u*.un conv.ovf.*.un 8x stsfld stobj 1 2 4 8 1 2 4 8 i u box newarr ldlen ldelema ldelem.* stelem.*... 9x *i1 *u1 *i2 *u2 *i4 *u4 *i8 *i *r4 *r8 *ref *i *i1 *i2 *i4 *i8 ...stelem.* unbox. Ax *r4 *r8 *ref ldelem stelem any conv.ovf.* Bx *i1 *u1 *i2 *u2 *i4 *u4 *i8 *u8 ref ck mkref Cx anyval finite any conv.* conv.ovf.* add.ovf* mul.ovf* sub.ovf* end leave* Dx ldtoken *u2 *u1 *i *i *u * *.un * *.un * *.un finally * *.s stind.i Ex conv.u FE c* ld*ftn ldarg* ldloc* arglist starg stloc localloc 0x *eq *gt *gt.un *lt *lt.un * virt * *a * *a FE end un init init re ref read volatile. tail. constrained. cpblk no. sizeof 1x filter aligned. obj blk throw anytype only. misc immediates arithmetic fields prefix system stack logical array args method conversion references locals conditional object flow constants indirects exception comparison undefined Common Intermediate Language (.Net)
  • 4. x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF move* move-wide* move-object* move-result* move- return* 0x nop * /from16 /16 * /from16 /16 * /from16 /16 * -wide -object exception -void * return* const const-wide const-string const- monitor check 1x -wide -object /4 /16 * /high16 /16 /32 * /high16 * -jumbo class enter exit cast instance array new* filled-new-array fill- goto *-switch cmp*-float cmp*-double 2x of length *instance *array * -range array-data throw * /16 /32 packed* sparse* l g l cmp*-double cmp- if-* if-*z 3x g long eq ne lt ge gt le eq ne lt ge gt le aget aput... 4x * -wide -object -bool -byte -char -short * -wide -object -bool -byte ...aput iget iput 5x -char -short * -wide -object -bool -byte -char -short * -wide -object -bool -byte -char -short sget sput invoke-*... 6x * -wide -object -bool -byte -char -short * -wide -object -bool -byte -char -short virtual super ...invoke-* invoke-*/range neg* not* neg* not* neg*... 7x -direct -static -interface virtual super -direct -static -interface -int -int -long -long -float ...neg* int-to-* long-to-* float-to double-to-* int-to-* 8x -double long float double int float double int long double int long float byte char short *-int *-long... 9x add sub mul div rem and or xor shl shr ushr add sub mul div rem ...*-long *-float *-double Ax and or xor shl shr ushr add sub mul div rem add sub mul div rem *-int/2addr *-long/2addr... Bx add sub mul div rem and or xor shl shr ushr add sub mul div rem ...*-long/2addr *-float/2addr *-double/2addr Cx and or xor shl shr ushr add sub mul div rem add sub mul div rem *-int/lit16 *-int/lit8 Dx add sub mul div rem and or xor add sub mul div rem and or xor *-int/lit8 execute Ex shl shr ushr inline invoke- iget-*quick iput-*quick invoke-*-quick Fx direct-empty * -wide -object * -wide -object virtual virtual/range super super/range misc object conversion moves flow arithmetic method conditional Dalvik Virtual Machine (android) literals transfer system logical undefined
  • 5. x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF PUSH TWO SLDT SGDT pre 0x ADD PUSH/POP OR CS BYTE 0x STR SIDT VERx SMSW UD2 fetch ES/SS PUSH DS 1x ADC SBB POP DS 1x prefetch nta HINT NOP 2x AND ES: DAA SUB CS: DAS 2x MOV CR/DR 3x XOR SS: AAA CMP DS: AAS 3x RDTSC SYS ENTER 4x INC / DEC 4x CMOVcc 5x PUSH /POP 5x PUSHA oper. addr 6x POPA BOUND ARPL FS: GS: size override PUSH IMUL PUSH IMUL INS / OUTS 6x 7x Jcc 7x ADD/ADC/AND/XOR 8x OR/SBB/SUB/CMP TEST XCHG MOV LEA MOV POP 8x Jcc NOP CBW/CWD 9x XCHG CWDE/CDQ CALL WAIT PUSHF / LAHF 9x SETcc Ax MOV EAX MOVS CMPS TEST STOS / LODS SCAS Ax PUSHFS CPUID POP FS BT SHLD PUSH GS POP GS BTS SHRD *FENCE IMUL POP BT Bx MOV Bx CMPXCHG LSS BTR LFS / LGS MOVZX CNT UD Btx BTC BSF / BSR MOVZX ENTER Cx shifts RETN LES / LDS MOV LEAVE RETF INT3 INT INTO IRET Cx XADD CMP XCHG BSWAP Dx rotations AAM AAD SALC XLAT {FPU} Dx Ex LOOPs JECXZ IN / OUT CALL / JMP IN / OUT Ex LOCK TEST/NOT/NEG INC CALL/JMP INC/DEC IceBP REPcc: HLT CMC Clear/Set Flags Fx exclusive access [i]MUL/[i]DIV DEC PUSH Fx misc arithmetic flow memory/reg logical group flags prefix obsolete comparison system stack conditional hidden usermode only, no extra instruction set x86
  • 6. x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF SLDT SGDT TWO pre 0x ADD OR BYTE 0x STR SIDT VERx SMSW UD2 fetch 1x ADC SBB 1x prefetch nta HINT NOP 2x AND ES: SUB CS: 2x MOV CR/DR 3x XOR SS: CMP DS: 3x RDTSC SYS ENTER 4x REX: 4x CMOVcc 5x PUSH /POP 5x oper. addr 6x MOVSXD FS: GS: size override PUSH IMUL PUSH IMUL INS / OUTS 6x 7x Jcc 7x ADD/ADC/AND/XOR 8x OR/SBB/SUB/CMP TEST XCHG MOV LEA MOV POP 8x Jcc NOP CBW/CWD 9x XCHG CWDE/CDQ CDQE/CQO WAIT PUSHF / LAHF 9x SETcc Ax MOV EAX MOVS CMPS TEST STOS / LODS SCAS Ax PUSHFS CPUID POP FS BT SHLD PUSH GS POP GS BTS SHRD *FENCE IMUL POP BT Bx MOV Bx CMPXCHG LSS BTR LFS / LGS MOVZX CNT UD Btx BTC BSF / BSR MOVZX ENTER Cx shifts RETN VEX2/3 MOV LEAVE RETF INT3 INT IRET Cx XADD CMP XCHG BSWAP Dx rotations XLAT {FPU} Dx Ex LOOPs JECXZ IN / OUT CALL JMP IN / OUT Ex LOCK TEST/NOT/NEG INC CALL/JMP INC/DEC IceBP REPcc: HLT CMC Clear/Set Flags Fx exclusive access [i]MUL/[i]DIV DEC PUSH Fx misc arithmetic flow memory/reg logical group flags prefix obsolete comparison system stack conditional hidden usermode only, no extra instruction set x86-64
  • 7. Android 1 2 .Net 1 p355-469 2 Java
  • 8. x0 0x SubLeq SubLeq