introduction example more of java simple java program an application with two classes logical operators bitwise operators precedence of java operators miscoperators assignment operators relational operators arithmetic operators why java? history jdk versions features/characteristics of java jdk edition abstract class multiple inheritance abstract class number and the java wrapper classes inheritence method overriding example terminology method overriding super keyword inheritance in java the class called object final method and classes application of oop basic concepts of object-oriented programming benefits of oop object-oriented paradigm the if…else statement decision making statements the switch statement simple if statement the else if ladder nesting of if..else statements rules apply to a switch statement the if statement integer constant constants data types string constant real constants backslash character constant character constants class definition creating objects constructor syntax of object the class hierarchy supported system java and world wide web how java is differ from c programming how java is differ from c++ programming c++ and java java and internet hardware and software requirements c java environment examples compiling and running of applets with appletviewer embedding apllets in html files life cycle of applets methods of applets introduction to applets
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