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Write An Essay About My Writing Process
An essay is a section of writing that systematically examines and assesses a subject matter or
concern. Basically, an essay is intended to get an individual's educational view on a specific
material. The essay can be true–life. Meaning the author of the essay is trying to say the fact, not
only amuse you. A decent lengthy essay ought to be made up of an introductory paragraph and
visibly state the subject matter to be discussed in the main body. The points should be plainly
specified in individual paragraphs and illustrated or warranted. A closing paragraph summarizes
the key facts of the paper, in which you repeat your view or give a stable thought of the subject
matter. My previous essays were missing some of the material mentioned. For example, I would
watch television and try to write an essay or I would limit the amount of words used on my essay
paper. In what type of environment do you do your best writing? In my computer room. How would more content...
This may sound strange, but I tend to write better when I am under pressure. Therefore, I would
not recommend any one to write a paper the way I do. I also understand that this is the way
teachers tell you not to write a paper. I printed the quick guide to grammar and usage called
Writing Elements by Timothy P. Goss and Sabrina M. Goss. First, I would use the clarity and style
because it doesn't matter how many extraordinary words I can place into a paragraph. Because if
the person reading the paper doesn't understand what I am writing he or she will be bored and not
understand what I am talking about. Writing papers with clarity and style are vital fundamentals in
any written information. Another one is the writing process. This is a process of creating an essay
by using drafting, publishing, editing, revising, pre– writing, and final
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How I Learned And Developed My Writing Skills
This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I
was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer.
Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting,
proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and
will need to be follow to improve student's writing.
I feel my writing has improved due to the help of the writing process and all the writing
assignments I experienced. I was able utilized each of these components this semester. I wrote
various journals and two essays, which were very challenging to me. The first essay I was asked to
write, was a Narrative essay about an experience in which later I questioned my actions. At first, I
was very nervous due to I have never written an essay before. I did not even know where to begin.
I struggled during the whole process of writing an essay. My biggest problem of all was putting
my thoughts in order so I could make sense of what I wanted to say. I brainstorm for days trying
to figure out a topic. With the help of the eLearning text information on module 2, how to choose
a topic and developing a working thesis I started to write down some ideas. With the help of
Module 3, Introduction to Narrative Essay, and the examples that were provided, I was able to start
getting some ideas of what I wanted to write about. I finally came up with, Moving away
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Assignment 1: My Writing Process
My writing process is like a baby learning how to walk. During their first year, the baby is busy
developing coordination and muscle strength in every part of their body. They will learn to sit,
roll over, and crawl before moving on to pulling up and standing. From then on, it's a matter of
gaining confidence and balance before they start walking. They will fall over and over again but
likewise, they will try over and over again until they're off and eventually running. High school for
me was like a baby's first year when it's preparing to start walking and this quarter in EWRT 211 was
when I gave the first baby steps. With more practice, I'll be walking with ease in no time. I believe I
will be successful in EWRT 1A. I am ready for EWRT 1A
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My Essay: What I Learned About Writing
What I have learned about writing is that it is a lot harder than it looks. You might think that you
can come up with something right off the spot and write it down and have it be a very good essay,
but the truth is that you have to actually have to spend some time with the writing and sometimes it
might even take hours for you to write a good essay but the hours are worth it, take it from the guy
who learned it the hard way. In my writing I changed some of the words because some of the words
in the essay were a little under classed, so I changed those under classed word to better words. I
did this so that my essay would sound a little more interesting and a little more mature. So basically
I took the words in essay that seemed
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Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay
As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an
essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be
successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully
developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on
incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back
to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy
sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these
challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face more content...
I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and
explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved
upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with
incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis
statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can
be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my
sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability
to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal
entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my
written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my
English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over
my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the
paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies
would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon
their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a
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My Writing Essay
My Writing
In the past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others
having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and
how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a
becoming a more prosperous writer.
What I Really Learned in English 100
Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he
said that if I go one mile to meet him, he will go two miles to meet me, which seems more that fair.
As an assignment I am told that I have to write what I learned in English 100 and how that it
prepared me for English 200. Well sincehonesty is the best way more content...
Having taken many writing classes I have learned many things about writing. I enjoy writing and
can often write many pages about things that I am interested in. I know that I have more learning to
do about writing, and hopefully in the next couple weeks my knowledge of writing will have
expanded and my writing will have improved.
My Experience With Writing Arguments
I am unaware of any writing arguments. The only thing I can really think of is writing a research
paper with the intent to change people's minds on a certain subject. I remember researching for
weeks in the library, looking through magazine after magazine. I had searched for enough
information to write a ten–page paper. The writing process of the paper took several weeks but
when I had finished, all the hard work was worth the effort. I learned many things from that course
such as that you need to search for all the information you can because it is better to have too much
information than not enough. Also that course taught me many things about making references to
the authors of the articles I used for my paper. I remember writing out note card after note card and
keeping all the necessary information about each book or magazine. That course taught me to
become a better writer and to respect how much detail really goes into a research paper like I had
written. Other than that, I have not really had much experience in
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My Greatest Strength When Writing
My greatest strength when writing is brainstorming and coming up with different ideas to write
about. First, I gather all my information from my source or sources and put it in my own words.
Next, I write down my ideas on paper. Then, I summarize what I wrote and try to make it better.
Finally, I form sentences and
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My Experience In English Writing
English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to
advance their knowledge. Not only does English provide an advancement in knowlege, but has
created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why
English is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in
America including mine. I began taking English from a young age which allowed me to take
advanced placement English IV my senior year at Tupelo High School. Advanced Placement English
IV allowed me to further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome
obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any other thing in life there
are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was
something that was very challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to
organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in my English class
was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write
about the experience I had while hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had
many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my thoughts, so that it
flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around
more then I should have and this became a problem. I learned
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My Essay Of My Writing
As a writer my essays have varied in many different ways. My stronger essays, in my opinion,
were the ones that had topics I could connect with. While writing about a topic I am passionate
about or familiar with, writing comes easy to me. Writing seems natural when I can connect with
the topic that it just flows right out of me, like I am telling a story. I love to write and I love to
learn new things on how to improve my writing. Throughout my entire life I will need the skills to
write correctly and I have learned many this year.
I chose the writing from sophomore year, "Umbrella Superstitions", because it was the essay that I
received the highest grade on. After re–reading my essay, I have noticed many errors along the way;
including pronunciation, grammar, citations and sentence variations. Sophomore year our focus was
not based on grammar or sentence variety but more on the topic of which we were assigned. While more content...
I would like to improve on sentence variety, word choice, organization of paragraphs and the flow
of my essay. The most important out of all would be how my essay flows. As a writer, I do not
want to bore my reader with choppy sentences and tangents. I feel like the flow of the essay is
what makes a good essay. When an essay includes incorrect puncations, such as commas, the
essay seems out of place. When there are choppy or long drawn out sentences, it bores the reader
and is hard for one to continue to read. Also, if I go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the
topic of my essay, it is meaningless to the reader and shows that I cannot stay ontopic. Punctuation
is important for the essay to flow and be easy to read. An essay should be only based on the topic
that was given. The reader should not have to focus on all the things that are wrong, such as
puncations and sentence variety, but instead the meaning and the point the essay is trying to
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How My Writing Has Changed Essay
My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will
explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved.
Aspects of My Writing during High School
During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple
journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and
procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term
paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped
me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper
finished. I spent time on the paper more content...
I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I
wrote my term paper my senior year I was well organized. I was required to write about an event
in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at
all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards
about the different topics, which allowed me to gather all my information and organize it in which
different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and it
all flowed together.
How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing
I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For
my science classes, I have written several labs in the form of essays. Writing the essays was
different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me
a while to gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will
definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years.
The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to
class there would be a topic on the board. I took five minutes each day to write about the given
topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think
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Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to
prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing
especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits
in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfectessay, story, letter, and
assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will
improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different
point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting
feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me
Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on
more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I
disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the
way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point.
Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative
with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps
writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this
is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole
essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that
helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was
one of the easiest things about writing the essay.
Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a
teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of
protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the
essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic
errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't
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Essay My Thoughts on Writing
My Thoughts on Writing
The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in
my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and feelings to other people. I don't give a damn
about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was
informed that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a
purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore, unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the
sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication
to learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or
projecting more content...
A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole
crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me she couldn't remember what many of them
were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as
something written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with
its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is acceptable. When I consider the sheer
tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that
most of it is intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's
of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade book. "Commitment" is a term
applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it.
Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made
contact and saying something Important? Or do we just get comfortable doing it? Like being an
accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be
some people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort
of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in fact be miserable, but at least is stable.
There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a
promotion," and most especially: "I feel good
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Essay About My Writing Style
If you would have asked me what writing was before I started highschool, I would have said
something like "writing is hard. Its hours of stress and research on a very boring topic so you can
get a good grade. I hate writing." If you ask me what writing is now that I've graduated from High
school I would say "writing is very hard. Writing is a beautiful way to express your thoughts and
emotions. I love writing." What changed my mind in those 3 years? My creative writing class. In that
class I was taught writing is not grammar. Writing is not punctuation, flow, or structure. Writing is
thoughts put together with grammar, punctuation, flow, and structure (Kyle Nelson). If writing is
more than just the rules of english, what is good writing, how can you be a good writer, and why
should you write?
What is good writing? The best writing I have more content...
Writing is one of the most popular forms of communication these days. With social media and
text messaging in our pockets, writing is more convenient than face to face conversation. The
problem with texting and social media posts is how hard it is to read emotion in the short
passages. In person it's easy to tell how someone is feeling by their tone of voice, facial
expressions, body language etc. If you learn how to write well you can better express what you're
feeling even from miles away. Writing can also help you get a better job. I took a business class
where we learned how to write a good resume. We were taught that wording is the most important
part. For example instead of saying I was a sandwhich maker at Wendy's, I would say that I was a
food preparation specialist at a national chain. See the difference? But you can write for more than
just "productive" reasons. You can write for fun! Write a poem for your mom for mother's day,
write a short story, how you feel, what you did today, write about that cute boy in your class. Just
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When most people hear the term "writing", they don't really associate this with a single course
that they have taken in high school or college. Rather, most people view "writing" as a process
that evolves as we become capable of thinking in more abstract manners. The effectiveness of our
writing is determined by our ability to think abstractly as well as how confident we are in our
composition abilities. If we are lacking either of these two qualities, then the quality of our writing
will suffer. I feel as if my writing has greatly improved after taking English 103. Over the course
of this semester, my confidence in writing has improved greatly. In high school, I didn't really
know how to write effectively. I wasn't really sure what was considered to be "good writing" until
I took AP* English. However, even while I was taking this "Advanced Placement" class, I was still
trying to figure out how to really create "good writing". I feel as if this had something to do with
the fact that I never really had to work with the rules of grammar intensively. After taking this course,
however, I now have a much better understanding of how to correctly use proper grammar. I also
improved on using transitional phrases in my writing. I have implemented my understanding of
proper grammar and transitional phrases in both my writing inside and outside of this class as a
result. In looking back on the three essays that I wrote this semester, I did notice several changes and
improvements in
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Leadership Theories Essay
Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University
When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand
the secret behind outstanding leadership, history has created and revealed leadership theories, starting
with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to
Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging
Leadership. When environmental and societal changes occurred, the approaches were modified as
scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history.
Historical more content...
LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT)
CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work
environment and tasks, and the external environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's
proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership styles, as
well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or
unfavorable results, followed by the path–goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and
substitutes–for–leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with
situational variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders
are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating power and influence. Followers should
be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities
and personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader
worldviews that influence this approach: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic
perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce
the best outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic
communication are crucial to the generation of success conditions. RL lead teams into
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Essay On My Writing Skills
Throughout the semester I made tremendous gains as a writer and a future health professional. I
came into this class extremely nervous about what was in store, but knew it would be a difficult
course and would challenge my writing skills. After our many assignments and readings, I am more
prepared than ever to take my skills into the professional world.
It took practice and several revisions, but my writing skills improved immensely, and I achieved the
course goals in different ways with each assignment. The IMRaD and cover letter increased my
research abilities. I had to plan a topic, find relevant information, and communicate the findings
effectively. For that assignment it was expected of me to be able to adjust the health literacy to best
fit each document. The IMRaD was a more professional and informative tone, while the patient
letter was personal and empathetic. I am now able to adjust my health literacy to best fit the target
audience and successfully share the information. All of the papers furthered my knowledge on APA
format. I previously had little experience with that format, but now it has become much easier. APA
is the primary format of my first major, psychology, so it was extremely helpful to fine tune my
skills in more content...
I am aware of the injustices that occur in the medical field and can now use my knowledge and
position to change this and address stereotypes. Writing the Community Profile and IMRaD
increased my research skills and ability to read health information and communicate it to different
audiences. After writing the patient letter it's easier for me to empathize and gain trust with patients
while delivering difficult news. The health document taught me how to inform a group on a relevant
topic while maintaining their health literacy level. That assignment also improved my group work
skills and how to use all of our different strengths to produce a high quality
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My Essay: The Writing Process
The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need
to be organized when writing. The process begins in the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay
and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person"
takes when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important
and needed information. I check to see the topic of the essay, all the requirements such as the length
of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience.
Each of these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps
me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my essay and structure more content...
Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best
friend and my worse enemy on several occasions when writing papers. It has taught me that I can
write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that
should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles
relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my articles from class. I go through the articles and I
underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This
process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either
beginning,middle,and end or paragraph one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and
I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be able to
be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On
the piece of paper I write the topic under each section based on where it needs to
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Luxor Cosmetics Essay
"Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic"
Date: March 25th, 2013
Week–4 assignment
MSAA 609: Cost Management
Executive Summary
An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A
company without a proper business strategy and master budgeting plan would usually faces
tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's
business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these
items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013)
Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and
cosmetic more content...
For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that
Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009)
Nail Polish
Ending inventory at 12/31/2007
Ending inventory at 12/31/2008
Ending inventory at 12/31/2009
Ending inventory at 12/31/2010
The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009).
The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in
innovation and changes so often as the other products. The surplus in inventory is a big
disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of
storage. For all these reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that
Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt, making it harder to pay out
as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales
(productions) or increase its actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and
research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory would decrease
and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009)
Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor
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Experience Of Writing
Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an
experience with it. College, High School, Middle School, etc. We all have written something at
some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside
of school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry,
Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few
reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a
journal to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences
worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool,
and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would
call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP
was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to graduate. I have been out of school for two
years since that more content...
I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very
good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of down I began to write songs mostly R&B and
as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of
songs, and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the
people who have heard them but I am very skittish about singing in front of people. I mostly do it
for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day
turn out to become something
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the
basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things
like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers,
documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I
predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with
no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic
and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I
need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or
have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge
to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays,
and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in
my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to
do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex
education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will
have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I
can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am
talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that
other nurses will not
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Reflection On My Writing Skills
My writing skills which I have worked on over the few months I have been in English 102 have
changed quite a bit in my opinion. There are many things which I have improved upon that were
amongst my weaker writing skills when the year began. On the opposite side of that point, there are
also many things which I still need to improve upon if I want to truly elevate my writing to a level
that I will be confident in. Finally, I have gained new skills outside of writing from this class,
particularly the activities which we did in class at various points throughout the year. These things
all cumulate together to give me an appreciation of English courses which I did not previously have.
Throughout this semester there are many skills that I have noticed have improved through the
constant writing of essays for this class. The one that I find most noticeable is a habit I had long
struggled with which was essentially my tendency to be over necessarily wordy when writing my
essays. I believe that I was able to somewhat fix this subconsciously, just by knowing that I was no
longer in high school, and could no longer get by with just attempting to fill up my word count. I
also believe I have greatly improved in my topic selection. In high school I would throw caution to
the wind and just pick whatever topic came to mind just in an effort to get it done. I have been
much more calculated in college, and I believe that it has helped me write better essays. While these
were the
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I Am Confident For My Writing
Writing has never been my strong suit so I understood why I had been placed into EWRT 211.
Before this class I had not written an essay since I was a junior in high school (six years ago). I
have always struggled with writing, but it was not until my first diagnostic essay that I realized how
terrible my writing skills were. Everything about the diagnostic essay screamed that I did not know
what I was doing. Since then, I have noticed a vast improvement in my writing. This class has
taught me how to become a better writer by creating stronger theses and by knowing why rough
drafts are important to writing. Nevertheless, I still need to develop better strategies to manage my
writing. I chose my essays, What Influences Teens To Become Adults and Resilience Among College
Students, because they demonstrate my growth throughout this class. Even though I still need to
improve on managing my writing, I am confident in moving to EWRT 1A because I have learned
how to create strong theses, and how rough drafts have a great impact on my writing.
Without a strong thesis an essay falls apart and fails to let the reader know what they are trying to
say. For instance, in my rough draft Stop of Reality my thesis was very vague and did not meet the
requirements for the essay. It stated, "Although the injustice that these [Native American] women
face still continue to this day, the women these three tribes face...will slowly begin to see justice for
the crimes that were committed upon them"
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My Goals For Future Writing
One goal that I want to achieve in my future writing is, to be able to write a developed essay with
clear research to back up my thesis statement in around an hour and a half. My essay will be
developed by having a clear analysis of addressing the topic and communicating the central message
and theme that I want to portray. I want to at least finish a piece of writing; specifically an essay, in
about an estimate of an hour and a half so that it improves my writing pace with still maintaining
on topic. My second goal that I want to achieve in my future writing is, to be able to persuade my
audience using pathos, logos, and ethos in any writing pieces that require persuasion; specifically in
speeches. I want to be able to persuade an audience
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My Writing Experience
Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the
literal sense is a way that we understand text or symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning.
Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others
through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through
reading and writing this experience is created. From the beginning of this course, my only prior
experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had
an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the
significance of these subjects was never put forth in such a way until I took this course. I discovered
through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our
"nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more
I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something
that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and through this I was able to create more structured
ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was
extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is
was also something that created a better voice in my writing. The understanding of reading and
writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing
overall. Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with
others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although it may never be something perfect,
writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with
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Writing My Essay

  • 1. Write An Essay About My Writing Process An essay is a section of writing that systematically examines and assesses a subject matter or concern. Basically, an essay is intended to get an individual's educational view on a specific material. The essay can be true–life. Meaning the author of the essay is trying to say the fact, not only amuse you. A decent lengthy essay ought to be made up of an introductory paragraph and visibly state the subject matter to be discussed in the main body. The points should be plainly specified in individual paragraphs and illustrated or warranted. A closing paragraph summarizes the key facts of the paper, in which you repeat your view or give a stable thought of the subject matter. My previous essays were missing some of the material mentioned. For example, I would watch television and try to write an essay or I would limit the amount of words used on my essay paper. In what type of environment do you do your best writing? In my computer room. How would more content... This may sound strange, but I tend to write better when I am under pressure. Therefore, I would not recommend any one to write a paper the way I do. I also understand that this is the way teachers tell you not to write a paper. I printed the quick guide to grammar and usage called Writing Elements by Timothy P. Goss and Sabrina M. Goss. First, I would use the clarity and style because it doesn't matter how many extraordinary words I can place into a paragraph. Because if the person reading the paper doesn't understand what I am writing he or she will be bored and not understand what I am talking about. Writing papers with clarity and style are vital fundamentals in any written information. Another one is the writing process. This is a process of creating an essay by using drafting, publishing, editing, revising, pre– writing, and final Get more content on
  • 2. How I Learned And Developed My Writing Skills This semester I was surprised by how much I actually learned and developed my writing skills. I was given the opportunity to learn the many steps that it is required to become a good writer. Writing requires a lot of work. It consists of various steps; prewriting, drafting, rewriting, proofreading and publishing. . All of these components are extremely important, and necessary, and will need to be follow to improve student's writing. I feel my writing has improved due to the help of the writing process and all the writing assignments I experienced. I was able utilized each of these components this semester. I wrote various journals and two essays, which were very challenging to me. The first essay I was asked to write, was a Narrative essay about an experience in which later I questioned my actions. At first, I was very nervous due to I have never written an essay before. I did not even know where to begin. I struggled during the whole process of writing an essay. My biggest problem of all was putting my thoughts in order so I could make sense of what I wanted to say. I brainstorm for days trying to figure out a topic. With the help of the eLearning text information on module 2, how to choose a topic and developing a working thesis I started to write down some ideas. With the help of Module 3, Introduction to Narrative Essay, and the examples that were provided, I was able to start getting some ideas of what I wanted to write about. I finally came up with, Moving away Get more content on
  • 3. Assignment 1: My Writing Process My writing process is like a baby learning how to walk. During their first year, the baby is busy developing coordination and muscle strength in every part of their body. They will learn to sit, roll over, and crawl before moving on to pulling up and standing. From then on, it's a matter of gaining confidence and balance before they start walking. They will fall over and over again but likewise, they will try over and over again until they're off and eventually running. High school for me was like a baby's first year when it's preparing to start walking and this quarter in EWRT 211 was when I gave the first baby steps. With more practice, I'll be walking with ease in no time. I believe I will be successful in EWRT 1A. I am ready for EWRT 1A Get more content on
  • 4. My Essay: What I Learned About Writing What I have learned about writing is that it is a lot harder than it looks. You might think that you can come up with something right off the spot and write it down and have it be a very good essay, but the truth is that you have to actually have to spend some time with the writing and sometimes it might even take hours for you to write a good essay but the hours are worth it, take it from the guy who learned it the hard way. In my writing I changed some of the words because some of the words in the essay were a little under classed, so I changed those under classed word to better words. I did this so that my essay would sound a little more interesting and a little more mature. So basically I took the words in essay that seemed Get more content on
  • 5. Challenges That I Face As Writer Essay As a writer there are many elements of writing that I struggle with, especially when composing an essay. When writing an essay, there are usually many skills that need to be used in order to be successful with the writing assignment. Many times in writing I struggle with explaining and fully developing the supporting details and ideas in my essay. I would also like to improve on incorporating clear topic sentences and concluding sentences, connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis. Lastly, improvement can be made in my writing by avoiding awkward or wordy sentences. Writers face numerous challenges in their writing but strive to overcome or improve these challenges with each piece they write. Writers often face more content... I am looking to improve on this challenge as a writer by focusing on explaining my quotes and explanations in a more supportive way that relates back to the thesis. Writing can be improved upon endlessly by minimizing your challenges as a writer. In writing an essay I also struggle with incorporating clear topic sentences and connecting my paragraphs ideas back to my thesis statement. This struggle is based on last years' experience with writing essays. This struggle can be improved upon by concentrating on what exactly my thesis is stating and building my sentences to relate and explain the thesis further. Improving on this will allow my writing ability to increase and help me become a more successful writer. When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year's experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don't flow with the paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing. Writers develop strategies that help them to overcome or improve upon their struggles and challenges in their writing. As a Get more content on
  • 6. My Writing Essay My Writing In the past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a becoming a more prosperous writer. What I Really Learned in English 100 Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he said that if I go one mile to meet him, he will go two miles to meet me, which seems more that fair. As an assignment I am told that I have to write what I learned in English 100 and how that it prepared me for English 200. Well sincehonesty is the best way more content... Having taken many writing classes I have learned many things about writing. I enjoy writing and can often write many pages about things that I am interested in. I know that I have more learning to do about writing, and hopefully in the next couple weeks my knowledge of writing will have expanded and my writing will have improved. My Experience With Writing Arguments I am unaware of any writing arguments. The only thing I can really think of is writing a research paper with the intent to change people's minds on a certain subject. I remember researching for weeks in the library, looking through magazine after magazine. I had searched for enough information to write a ten–page paper. The writing process of the paper took several weeks but when I had finished, all the hard work was worth the effort. I learned many things from that course such as that you need to search for all the information you can because it is better to have too much information than not enough. Also that course taught me many things about making references to the authors of the articles I used for my paper. I remember writing out note card after note card and keeping all the necessary information about each book or magazine. That course taught me to become a better writer and to respect how much detail really goes into a research paper like I had written. Other than that, I have not really had much experience in Get more content on
  • 7. My Greatest Strength When Writing My greatest strength when writing is brainstorming and coming up with different ideas to write about. First, I gather all my information from my source or sources and put it in my own words. Next, I write down my ideas on paper. Then, I summarize what I wrote and try to make it better. Finally, I form sentences and Get more content on
  • 8. My Experience In English Writing English is a core concept in the Untied States and other countries that has allowed inviduals to advance their knowledge. Not only does English provide an advancement in knowlege, but has created a way for individuals to share their thoughts and feelings through writing. Which is why English is one of the four subjects that is required to be taught in almost every school district in America including mine. I began taking English from a young age which allowed me to take advanced placement English IV my senior year at Tupelo High School. Advanced Placement English IV allowed me to further my education in writing, which in return allowed me to overcome obstacles, low points and discover strengths I never knew I had. Like any other thing in life there are always obstacles individuals face everyday, for me in my English IV class writing was something that was very challenging. The first challenge writing presented to me was trying to organize all of my thoughts, so that it made sense. The first essay I ever wrote in my English class was a journal entry about a memorable experience, so with that being said I decided I would write about the experience I had while hunting with my Dad. The hunting experience with my dad had many different parts, and one of my biggest challenges I had was organizing my thoughts, so that it flowed correctly. Since I was telling a story within my journal I realized that I was jumping around more then I should have and this became a problem. I learned Get more content on
  • 9. My Essay Of My Writing As a writer my essays have varied in many different ways. My stronger essays, in my opinion, were the ones that had topics I could connect with. While writing about a topic I am passionate about or familiar with, writing comes easy to me. Writing seems natural when I can connect with the topic that it just flows right out of me, like I am telling a story. I love to write and I love to learn new things on how to improve my writing. Throughout my entire life I will need the skills to write correctly and I have learned many this year. I chose the writing from sophomore year, "Umbrella Superstitions", because it was the essay that I received the highest grade on. After re–reading my essay, I have noticed many errors along the way; including pronunciation, grammar, citations and sentence variations. Sophomore year our focus was not based on grammar or sentence variety but more on the topic of which we were assigned. While more content... I would like to improve on sentence variety, word choice, organization of paragraphs and the flow of my essay. The most important out of all would be how my essay flows. As a writer, I do not want to bore my reader with choppy sentences and tangents. I feel like the flow of the essay is what makes a good essay. When an essay includes incorrect puncations, such as commas, the essay seems out of place. When there are choppy or long drawn out sentences, it bores the reader and is hard for one to continue to read. Also, if I go off on a tangent that has nothing to do with the topic of my essay, it is meaningless to the reader and shows that I cannot stay ontopic. Punctuation is important for the essay to flow and be easy to read. An essay should be only based on the topic that was given. The reader should not have to focus on all the things that are wrong, such as puncations and sentence variety, but instead the meaning and the point the essay is trying to Get more content on
  • 10. How My Writing Has Changed Essay My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved. Aspects of My Writing during High School During my English courses throughout high school, I learned many things from writing simple journals, research papers, and a single term paper. During high school, I was laid back and procrastinated for much of my work. During the latter part of high school when I wrote my term paper my senior year, I found out that working a little every night writing a few paragraphs helped me out greatly. I was not just throwing something together just to get the grade and the paper finished. I spent time on the paper more content... I do this so the information is true, and also in order from which events have occurred. When I wrote my term paper my senior year I was well organized. I was required to write about an event in history. I chose India Uprising of 1877 as the topic of my paper. This topic was not interesting at all, but I chose to write about it. When I finished writing my thesis and outline, I wrote note cards about the different topics, which allowed me to gather all my information and organize it in which different events occurred. When I was finished with the paper, it sounded and read consistently and it all flowed together. How These Experiences Prepared Me for College Writing I have written many different types of papers for all of my classes throughout high school. For my science classes, I have written several labs in the form of essays. Writing the essays was different for me because I did not really know that science had much to do with writing. It took me a while to gather all the information I needed to finish my lab assignments. Writing lab reports will definitely help me in my science courses in the next four years. The journals I have written came from my four years of high school English. Everyday I came to class there would be a topic on the board. I took five minutes each day to write about the given topic. It was brainstorming and giving our input on whatever the topic was. I think Get more content on
  • 11. Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfectessay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me improve. Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay. Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't Get more content on
  • 12. Essay My Thoughts on Writing My Thoughts on Writing The only thing I care about; the only thing I hope to get from this course, is some improvement in my ability to write what I think –– explain ideas and feelings to other people. I don't give a damn about anything else, and so far I haven't been disappointed. At the beginning of the course I was informed that we were going to be discussing exposition, which isn't so much a kind of writing as a purpose or attitude behind it. This purpose is to explore, unfold, or develop an idea or issue. And the sense I've gotten from our discussion is that the attitude is one of intellectual honesty, of dedication to learning something and reporting what's there , instead of protecting preconceived notions or projecting more content... A friend of mine has already graduated from a university, and she recently went through a whole crate of papers she wrote in the process. She told me she couldn't remember what many of them were about; couldn't even remember writing most of them. We've talked about "themewriting"as something written for and from a closed environment: a mini–universe apart from everyday life, with its own abbreviated rules, in which oversimplification is acceptable. When I consider the sheer tonnage of the stuff that's written every midquarter and finals week around here, it sure seems that most of it is intended to, deserves to, and does head right for the wastebasket immediately when it's of no further use in that universe: after it's recorded in the grade book. "Commitment" is a term applied to solid exposition, and themewriting frequently lacks it. Does anyone like to do this –– does it provide a warm, human, joyous feeling of having made contact and saying something Important? Or do we just get comfortable doing it? Like being an accountant: is there a real sense of joy to be found in adding up columns of figures? There may be some people who would tell me "sure, it's fun," but I think actually they're just feeling safe in a sort of half–sleep state which isn't exactly happy and may in fact be miserable, but at least is stable. There may be a different kind of warmth, reserved for "a job well done," and "I might get a promotion," and most especially: "I feel good Get more content on
  • 13. Essay About My Writing Style If you would have asked me what writing was before I started highschool, I would have said something like "writing is hard. Its hours of stress and research on a very boring topic so you can get a good grade. I hate writing." If you ask me what writing is now that I've graduated from High school I would say "writing is very hard. Writing is a beautiful way to express your thoughts and emotions. I love writing." What changed my mind in those 3 years? My creative writing class. In that class I was taught writing is not grammar. Writing is not punctuation, flow, or structure. Writing is thoughts put together with grammar, punctuation, flow, and structure (Kyle Nelson). If writing is more than just the rules of english, what is good writing, how can you be a good writer, and why should you write? What is good writing? The best writing I have more content... Writing is one of the most popular forms of communication these days. With social media and text messaging in our pockets, writing is more convenient than face to face conversation. The problem with texting and social media posts is how hard it is to read emotion in the short passages. In person it's easy to tell how someone is feeling by their tone of voice, facial expressions, body language etc. If you learn how to write well you can better express what you're feeling even from miles away. Writing can also help you get a better job. I took a business class where we learned how to write a good resume. We were taught that wording is the most important part. For example instead of saying I was a sandwhich maker at Wendy's, I would say that I was a food preparation specialist at a national chain. See the difference? But you can write for more than just "productive" reasons. You can write for fun! Write a poem for your mom for mother's day, write a short story, how you feel, what you did today, write about that cute boy in your class. Just Get more content on
  • 14. When most people hear the term "writing", they don't really associate this with a single course that they have taken in high school or college. Rather, most people view "writing" as a process that evolves as we become capable of thinking in more abstract manners. The effectiveness of our writing is determined by our ability to think abstractly as well as how confident we are in our composition abilities. If we are lacking either of these two qualities, then the quality of our writing will suffer. I feel as if my writing has greatly improved after taking English 103. Over the course of this semester, my confidence in writing has improved greatly. In high school, I didn't really know how to write effectively. I wasn't really sure what was considered to be "good writing" until I took AP* English. However, even while I was taking this "Advanced Placement" class, I was still trying to figure out how to really create "good writing". I feel as if this had something to do with the fact that I never really had to work with the rules of grammar intensively. After taking this course, however, I now have a much better understanding of how to correctly use proper grammar. I also improved on using transitional phrases in my writing. I have implemented my understanding of proper grammar and transitional phrases in both my writing inside and outside of this class as a result. In looking back on the three essays that I wrote this semester, I did notice several changes and improvements in Get more content on
  • 15. Leadership Theories Essay LEADERSHIP HISTORY 1 Leadership History Tatiana M. Castaneda Vasquez Regent University LEADERSHIP HISTORY Abstract 2 When power no longer guarantees the success, leadership becomes essential. In search of understand the secret behind outstanding leadership, history has created and revealed leadership theories, starting with Great Man approach, the identification of Trait and Characteristics, and later shifting to Behavior Theory, fomenting Contingency and Influence Models, concluding with Emerging Leadership. When environmental and societal changes occurred, the approaches were modified as scholar attempt of interpreting society and the impact that leaders have in history. LEADERSHIP HISTORY 3 Historical more content... LEADERSHIP HISTORY Contingency Theories (CT) 5 CT interpret effective leadership as affected by situational variables, including the followers, work environment and tasks, and the external environment (Daft, 2005, p.111). CT includes Fiedler's proposal of predominance and interaction between relationship or taskoriented leadership styles, as well as Hersey and Blanchard's focus on the characteristics of followers as producing favorable or unfavorable results, followed by the path–goal theory, Vroom Jago model, and substitutes–for–leadership approaches. If the leader understands how to properly interrelate with situational variables, the possibilities for success would be maximized. Influence Theories Leaders are challenged to persuade followers effectively integrating power and influence. Followers should be motivated, shaped and guided through Charismatic Leadership, "influence based...on the qualities and personality of the leader." (Daft, 2005, p.24). Bolman and Terrence (1991) identify four Leader worldviews that influence this approach: Structural, Human Resources, Political and Symbolic perspectives. The balanced perspective of leaders is directly related to Leadership vision to produce the best outcomes. (Daft, 2005). Relational Theories (RL) Motivation, empowerment, and strategic communication are crucial to the generation of success conditions. RL lead teams into
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  • 17. Essay On My Writing Skills Throughout the semester I made tremendous gains as a writer and a future health professional. I came into this class extremely nervous about what was in store, but knew it would be a difficult course and would challenge my writing skills. After our many assignments and readings, I am more prepared than ever to take my skills into the professional world. It took practice and several revisions, but my writing skills improved immensely, and I achieved the course goals in different ways with each assignment. The IMRaD and cover letter increased my research abilities. I had to plan a topic, find relevant information, and communicate the findings effectively. For that assignment it was expected of me to be able to adjust the health literacy to best fit each document. The IMRaD was a more professional and informative tone, while the patient letter was personal and empathetic. I am now able to adjust my health literacy to best fit the target audience and successfully share the information. All of the papers furthered my knowledge on APA format. I previously had little experience with that format, but now it has become much easier. APA is the primary format of my first major, psychology, so it was extremely helpful to fine tune my skills in more content... I am aware of the injustices that occur in the medical field and can now use my knowledge and position to change this and address stereotypes. Writing the Community Profile and IMRaD increased my research skills and ability to read health information and communicate it to different audiences. After writing the patient letter it's easier for me to empathize and gain trust with patients while delivering difficult news. The health document taught me how to inform a group on a relevant topic while maintaining their health literacy level. That assignment also improved my group work skills and how to use all of our different strengths to produce a high quality Get more content on
  • 18. My Essay: The Writing Process The Writing Process My writing process is very simple yet slightly confusing for those who need to be organized when writing. The process begins in the classroom when the teacher assigns a essay and gives me a prompt. Then it begins to break down into the basic steps that the "typical person" takes when writing. First, I examine the prompt and dissect it like a frog,taking out all the important and needed information. I check to see the topic of the essay, all the requirements such as the length of the essay and the type of paper it needs to be. Once that is done I find the intended audience. Each of these steps are essential to the type of evidence and quotes that will be used . It also helps me begin to start thinking about how I want to begin my essay and structure more content... Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. This action has been my best friend and my worse enemy on several occasions when writing papers. It has taught me that I can write a paper that should take 2 weeks in 2 hours and that I can take 2 weeks to write a paper that should be done in 2 hours. Once the procrastination process is over I either look up articles relevant to the topic of the paper or I gather my articles from class. I go through the articles and I underline/highlight any important information. I begin somewhat of a brainstorm process. This process includes me taking out a sheet of paper separating it into sections. The sections are either beginning,middle,and end or paragraph one,paragraph two ,paragraph three etc. I back track and I begin to eliminate the evidence. I keep three to four pieces of the evidence that will be able to be expanded on the most. Based on that I decide what each paragraph or section will be about. On the piece of paper I write the topic under each section based on where it needs to Get more content on
  • 19. Luxor Cosmetics Essay "Case Analysis of Luxor Cosmetic" REGIS UNIVERSITY Date: March 25th, 2013 Week–4 assignment MSAA 609: Cost Management Executive Summary An effective business strategy and budgeting is very essential in a manufacturing industry. A company without a proper business strategy and master budgeting plan would usually faces tremendous challenges and losses during its business operations. The importance of company's business strategies and budgeting plans, as well as the challenges and losses in the absence of these items has clearly presented in this case study. ("Wiley," 2013) Luxor Cosmetics is a cosmetic company which manufactures variety of lipstick, nail polish, and cosmetic more content... For instance, from schedule A: inventory movement expressed in WSP in exhibit 1, shows that Luxor's inventory increases every year, except its inventory on creams. (Hopkins, 2009) Lipstick Nail Polish Creams Ending inventory at 12/31/2007 9.5 9.5 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2008 11.5 11.5 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2009 13.5 14 9.5 Ending inventory at 12/31/2010 15 14.4 9.7 The detail full version of this table is presented in appendix 1 in page number 8 (Hopkins, 2009). The company's creams inventory remains constant because it does not follow a trend in
  • 20. innovation and changes so often as the other products. The surplus in inventory is a big disadvantage since; last year's products may not be in style this year in addition to the cost of storage. For all these reasons their cash flow is less in comparison with previous years causing that Luxor Cosmetics keeps increasing their bank loans, creating more debt, making it harder to pay out as 2011. In this particular situation the company could have either decrease its budgeted sales (productions) or increase its actual sales by improving more effective marketing strategy and research and development of its products in the markets. This way their inventory would decrease and their cash flow would increase. (Hopkins, 2009) Further, through effective marketing strategy Luxor Get more content on
  • 21. Experience Of Writing Writing, it has it's good, and it's bad. Regardless of who you are however, you have had an experience with it. College, High School, Middle School, etc. We all have written something at some point in our lives. Personally I haven't been exposed to massive amounts of writing outside of school although, I do enjoy writing songs. There's many different types from Novels, Poetry, Music, all the way to texting. Most people I feel enjoy writing and as do I. I enjoy writing for a few reasons,One. It allows me to relieve stress or anything on my mind and keep sane. I have a journal to keep track of days for later memories and I add to it every day. I have a few experiences worth sharing as well. One of my first experiences seriously writing is when, I was in Highschool, and had to write a speech. I spent four days writing this speech. Although it wasn't what you would call outstandingly fun. The speech was for my graduation on the last day of school BSEP. BSEP was a project all seniors had to complete and pass to graduate. I have been out of school for two years since that more content... I began writing songs about a year ago. The drive really came out of nowhere I wasn't in a very good place emotionally. Since I was feeling kind of down I began to write songs mostly R&B and as well as Hip Hop. Writing these however doesn't require much punctuation. I write a lot of songs, and I have compiled about 30 total in the past year. I get a lot of good feedback from the people who have heard them but I am very skittish about singing in front of people. I mostly do it for self satisfaction in my own head it helps me relax. I'm also building a skill that might one day turn out to become something Get more content on
  • 22. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 23. Reflection On My Writing Skills Reflection My writing skills which I have worked on over the few months I have been in English 102 have changed quite a bit in my opinion. There are many things which I have improved upon that were amongst my weaker writing skills when the year began. On the opposite side of that point, there are also many things which I still need to improve upon if I want to truly elevate my writing to a level that I will be confident in. Finally, I have gained new skills outside of writing from this class, particularly the activities which we did in class at various points throughout the year. These things all cumulate together to give me an appreciation of English courses which I did not previously have. Throughout this semester there are many skills that I have noticed have improved through the constant writing of essays for this class. The one that I find most noticeable is a habit I had long struggled with which was essentially my tendency to be over necessarily wordy when writing my essays. I believe that I was able to somewhat fix this subconsciously, just by knowing that I was no longer in high school, and could no longer get by with just attempting to fill up my word count. I also believe I have greatly improved in my topic selection. In high school I would throw caution to the wind and just pick whatever topic came to mind just in an effort to get it done. I have been much more calculated in college, and I believe that it has helped me write better essays. While these were the Get more content on
  • 24. I Am Confident For My Writing Writing has never been my strong suit so I understood why I had been placed into EWRT 211. Before this class I had not written an essay since I was a junior in high school (six years ago). I have always struggled with writing, but it was not until my first diagnostic essay that I realized how terrible my writing skills were. Everything about the diagnostic essay screamed that I did not know what I was doing. Since then, I have noticed a vast improvement in my writing. This class has taught me how to become a better writer by creating stronger theses and by knowing why rough drafts are important to writing. Nevertheless, I still need to develop better strategies to manage my writing. I chose my essays, What Influences Teens To Become Adults and Resilience Among College Students, because they demonstrate my growth throughout this class. Even though I still need to improve on managing my writing, I am confident in moving to EWRT 1A because I have learned how to create strong theses, and how rough drafts have a great impact on my writing. Without a strong thesis an essay falls apart and fails to let the reader know what they are trying to say. For instance, in my rough draft Stop of Reality my thesis was very vague and did not meet the requirements for the essay. It stated, "Although the injustice that these [Native American] women face still continue to this day, the women these three tribes face...will slowly begin to see justice for the crimes that were committed upon them" Get more content on
  • 25. My Goals For Future Writing One goal that I want to achieve in my future writing is, to be able to write a developed essay with clear research to back up my thesis statement in around an hour and a half. My essay will be developed by having a clear analysis of addressing the topic and communicating the central message and theme that I want to portray. I want to at least finish a piece of writing; specifically an essay, in about an estimate of an hour and a half so that it improves my writing pace with still maintaining on topic. My second goal that I want to achieve in my future writing is, to be able to persuade my audience using pathos, logos, and ethos in any writing pieces that require persuasion; specifically in speeches. I want to be able to persuade an audience Get more content on
  • 26. My Writing Experience Reading and writing has always created a sense of understanding for me in my art. Reading in the literal sense is a way that we understand text or symbols in our minds which in turn create meaning. Writing also in a literal sense is our way of communicating our knowledge and emotions to others through symbols in text. The human experience for all people includes communication and through reading and writing this experience is created. From the beginning of this course, my only prior experience with reading and writing were high school level course over literature and reading. I had an average level of rhetoric,reading,writing and language overall however, understanding the significance of these subjects was never put forth in such a way until I took this course. I discovered through this course that reading is a combination of not only our "visual information" but also our "nonvisual information". My comprehension of reading has evolved from more content... I feel that organization is both a strength and a weakness in my writing. Free writing is something that helped me gain a better sense of my ideas and through this I was able to create more structured ideas. However, the formation of a structurally sound essay that contains writing that flows was extremely difficult for myself. Fluidity was a challenge throughout my time in this course, but is was also something that created a better voice in my writing. The understanding of reading and writing in this course was extremely meaningful for me and made a huge impact on my writing overall. Writing motivates me and inspires me in my own work to create stories and share with others what I feel is memorable and should be shared. Although it may never be something perfect, writing is something I wish to continue improving on and creating in order to share with Get more content on