brian covello research science disease health college medicine paper diabetes mathematics undergraduate dna report chicago reu presentation review differential equations math technology healthcare insulin resistance insulin brachistochrone tautochrone neural florida southern college brain interdisciplinary dna damage nsf university university of chicago physics radiation project diabetes mellitus diabetes mellitus ii neurite outgrowth neurons biochemistry publication abstract propagation microscopy nanotechnology chemistry plasmon nano resolution optics application biology telecommunications light transformations representation trigonometry groups homomorphism algebra vector symmetry pure mathematics automorphism linear wolfram huygens geometry cycloid analytical methods perpendicular solving avenue christiaan huygens pathway history glia lipids cell growth powerpoint dendrite proteins axon journal article type 1 assignment healthcare system illness nature education linkedin citizens twitter facebook how to papers united states type 2 type 2 diabetes write anatomy hypoglycemia hyperglycemia physiology dm investigation glucagon news applied math applied mathematics applied model galileo mathematical model analytics isochronous pendulum natural selection homologous recombination deinococcus repair deinococcus radiodurans radiodurans stressors florida lakeland science review journal article gaussian integers theory data congruent numbers number theory mechanics deterministic classical mechanics analytic methods analytic nsfu proteomics genetics dna damage response science paper radiotherapy spring mass primitive pythagorean triple fibonacci identity fibonacci proofs neuron repair science report resistance microbiology science research evolution honors poster science poster proposal semester introduction group representation theory nanophotonics physical chemistry
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