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Go Conference 2019 Autumn
c-bata c_bata_
Distributed Bayesian Optimization Framework
CyberAgent AI Lab
c-bata c_bata_
go-prompt, kube-prompt
y = f(x)x y
y x

FFM 0.02
Grid Search / Random Search
[Eric et al., 2010]
[Eric et al., 2010]
• : 

• : 

• :

( )
[Eric et al., 2010]

( )
[Eric et al., 2010]

( )
[Eric et al., 2010]
[Eric et al., 2010]
[Eric et al., 2010]
package main
import (
bayesopt ""
var (
px1 = bayesopt.UniformParam{Name: "X1", Max: 10, Min: -10}
px2 = bayesopt.UniformParam{Name: "X2", Max: 10, Min: -10}
searchSpace = []bayesopt.Param{px1, px2}
func objective(params map[bayesopt.Param]float64) float64 {
x1 := params[px1]
x2 := params[px2]
return math.Pow(x1-1, 2) + math.Pow(x2-2, 2)
func main() {
o := bayesopt.New(
x, y, err := o.Optimize(objective)
if err != nil { ... }


$ go get
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
float64 error
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
(x1, x2) = (2, -5)
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
SuggestUniform SuggestLogUniform
SuggestInt SuggestCategorical
x1 x2
[-10, 10]
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
$ go run _examples/simple_tpe/main.go
2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=0 state=Complete evaluation=47.674293
2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=1 state=Complete evaluation=16.564975
2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=2 state=Complete evaluation=22.229764
2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=3 state=Complete evaluation=132.160176
2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=4 state=Complete evaluation=38.056051
2019/10/28 01:55:34 Best evaluation=0.038327 (x1=2.181604, x2=-4.926880)
package main
import (
_ ""
func main() {
db, err := gorm.Open("sqlite3", "db.sqlite3")
if err != nil { ... }
defer db.Close()
storage := rdb.NewStorage(db)
study, _ := goptuna.LoadStudy(
$ pip install optuna bokeh mysqlclient
$ optuna dashboard 
> --storage mysql+mysqldb://
> -—study yourstudy
import ...
func main() {
db, _ := gorm.Open(“mysql",
“user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/yourdb" +
storage := rdb.NewStorage(db)
defer db.Close()
study, _ := goptuna.LoadStudy(
$ goptuna create-study 
> --storage mysql+mysqldb://
> -—study yourstudy
goputna.LoadStudy study
: _examples/concurrency
• optuna.visualization.plot_contour(st
• optuna.visualization.
• optuna.visualization.plot_optimizati
• optuna.visualization.plot_parallel_c
• optuna.visualization.plot_slice(stud
package main
import (
bo ""
var (
px1 = bo.UniformParam{Name: "X1", Max: 10, Min: -10}
px2 = bo.UniformParam{Name: "X2", Max: 10, Min: -10}
searchSpace = []bo.Param{px1, px2}
func objective(params map[bo.Param]float64) float64 {
x1 := params[px1]
x2 := params[px2]
return math.Pow(x1-1, 2) + math.Pow(x2-2, 2)
func main() {
o := bo.New(
x, y, err := o.Optimize(objective)
if err != nil { ... }
package main
import (
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10)
x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10)
return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil
func main() {
study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy(
err = study.Optimize(objective, 100)
if err != nil { ... }
v, _ := study.GetBestValue()
params, _ := study.GetBestParams()
Define-and-Run interface
Define-by-Run interface

10 epochs
trial #1
trial #2
trial #3
trial #4
trial #5
trial #6
trial #7
trial #8
trial #9
30 epochs 90 epochs
[Jamieson and Talwalkar, 2016] [Li et al., 2018]

1 ISUCON Alibaba Cloud ecs.sn1ne.large (vCPUx2, Mem 4.0GiB) 3
2 ISUCON9 9560 9100
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{

func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{

func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{
suggest text/template
nginx.conf systemd
func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) {
// Go application
goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64)
goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128)
goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096)
goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128)
campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2)
// Nginx
nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16)
nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096)
nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100)
// MySQL
innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800)
innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit",
[]string{"0", "1", "2"})
innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{
Go MySQL client (net/http).Client Nginx MySQL

200 37 53 77s 40s 709 11 367 74s 711M 0 fsync


Go MySQL client Nginx MySQL

50 23 4 28s 5 210M 0 27M 341M
Optuna x.264
(by Takeru Ohta a.k.a. @sile)
• Goptuna

LibFFM [Juan et al., 2016] 

• Optuna

RocsDB by @sile

• BoTorch/Ax (Facebook)

HHVM JIT Compiler 

• [Eric et al., 2010] Eric Brochu, Vlad M. Cora, and Nando de Freitas. A tutorial on Bayesian optimization of expensive cost
functions, with application to active user modeling and hierarchical reinforcement learning. 2010. arXiv:1012.2599.

• [James et al., 2011] James S. Bergstra, Remi Bardenet, Yoshua Bengio, and Balázs Kégl. Algorithms for hyper-
parameter optimization. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25. 2011.

• [Akiba at el., 2019] Takuya Akiba, Shotaro Sano, Toshihiko Yanase, Takeru Ohta, Masanori Koyama. 2019. Optuna: A
Next-generation Hyperparameter Optimization Framework. In The 25th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge
Discovery and Data Mining (KDD ’19), August 4–8, 2019.

• [Jamieson and Talwalkar, 2016] K. Jamieson and A. Talwalkar. Non-stochastic best arm identification and
hyperparameter optimization. In AISTATS, 2016.

• [Li et al., 2018] Liam Li, Kevin Jamieson, Afshin Rostamizadeh, Ekaterina Gonina, Moritz Hardt, Benjamin Recht, and
Ameet Talwalkar. Massively parallel hyperparameter tuning. arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05934, 2018.

• [Eggensperger et al., 2013] Eggensperger, K., Feurer, M., Hutter, F., Bergstra, J., Snoek, J., Hoos, H., and Leyton-Brown,
K.: Towards an Empirical Foundation for Assessing Bayesian Optimization of Hyperparameters, in NeurIPS workshop on
Bayesian Optimization in Theory and Practice (2013).

• [Juan et al., 2016] Yu-Chin Juan, Yong Zhuang, Wei-Sheng Chin, and Chih-Jen Lin. Field-aware factorization machines
for CTR prediction. In RecSys, pages 43–50, 2016.

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Grails 1.2 探検隊 -新たな聖杯をもとめて・・・-Grails 1.2 探検隊 -新たな聖杯をもとめて・・・-
Grails 1.2 探検隊 -新たな聖杯をもとめて・・・-

Plus de Masashi Shibata

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Masashi Shibata
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Masashi Shibata

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Goptuna Distributed Bayesian Optimization Framework at Go Conference 2019 Autumn

  • 1. Go Conference 2019 Autumn c-bata c_bata_ Distributed Bayesian Optimization Framework Goptuna
  • 2. CyberAgent AI Lab Masashi SHIBATA c-bata c_bata_ Python go-prompt, kube-prompt
  • 5.
  • 6. y = f(x)x y y x
  • 7.
  • 10.
  • 11. Grid Search / Random Search
  • 12. [Eric et al., 2010]
  • 13. [Eric et al., 2010] • : • : • : 
 ( )
  • 14. [Eric et al., 2010] ( )
  • 15. [Eric et al., 2010] ( )
  • 16. [Eric et al., 2010] L-BFGS
  • 17. [Eric et al., 2010]
  • 18. [Eric et al., 2010]
  • 19.
  • 20. package main import ( "log" "math" bayesopt "" ) var ( px1 = bayesopt.UniformParam{Name: "X1", Max: 10, Min: -10} px2 = bayesopt.UniformParam{Name: "X2", Max: 10, Min: -10} searchSpace = []bayesopt.Param{px1, px2} ) func objective(params map[bayesopt.Param]float64) float64 { x1 := params[px1] x2 := params[px2] return math.Pow(x1-1, 2) + math.Pow(x2-2, 2) } func main() { o := bayesopt.New( searchSpace, bayesopt.WithRandomRounds(10), bayesopt.WithRounds(100), bayesopt.WithMinimize(true)) x, y, err := o.Optimize(objective) if err != nil { ... } log.Printf(...) }
  • 22.
  • 23. 
 $ go get
  • 24. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) }
  • 25. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) } goptuna.Trial float64 error
  • 26. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) } (x1, x2) = (2, -5)
  • 27. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) } SuggestUniform SuggestLogUniform SuggestInt SuggestCategorical x1 x2 [-10, 10]
  • 28. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) }
  • 29. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) }
  • 30. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) }
  • 31. package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) } $ go run _examples/simple_tpe/main.go 2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=0 state=Complete evaluation=47.674293 2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=1 state=Complete evaluation=16.564975 2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=2 state=Complete evaluation=22.229764 2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=3 state=Complete evaluation=132.160176 2019/10/28 01:55:34 [INFO] Trial finished: trialID=4 state=Complete evaluation=38.056051 : 2019/10/28 01:55:34 Best evaluation=0.038327 (x1=2.181604, x2=-4.926880)
  • 32.
  • 33. package main import ( "" "" "" _ "" ) func main() { db, err := gorm.Open("sqlite3", "db.sqlite3") if err != nil { ... } defer db.Close() db.DB().SetMaxOpenConns(1) rdb.RunAutoMigrate(db) storage := rdb.NewStorage(db) study, _ := goptuna.LoadStudy( "study-name", goptuna.StudyOptionStorage(storage)) ... }
  • 34. $ pip install optuna bokeh mysqlclient $ optuna dashboard > --storage mysql+mysqldb:// goptuna:password@ > -—study yourstudy
  • 35. import ... func main() { db, _ := gorm.Open(“mysql", “user:pass@tcp(localhost:3306)/yourdb" + ”?parseTime=true”) storage := rdb.NewStorage(db) defer db.Close() study, _ := goptuna.LoadStudy( “study-name", goptuna.StudyOptionStorage(storage)) ... } $ goptuna create-study > --storage mysql+mysqldb:// goptuna:password@ > -—study yourstudy goputna.LoadStudy study : _examples/concurrency
  • 36. • optuna.visualization.plot_contour(st udy) • optuna.visualization. plot_intermediate_values(study) • optuna.visualization.plot_optimizati on_history(study) • optuna.visualization.plot_parallel_c oordinate(study) • optuna.visualization.plot_slice(stud y)
  • 37. package main import ( "log" "math" bo "" ) var ( px1 = bo.UniformParam{Name: "X1", Max: 10, Min: -10} px2 = bo.UniformParam{Name: "X2", Max: 10, Min: -10} searchSpace = []bo.Param{px1, px2} ) func objective(params map[bo.Param]float64) float64 { x1 := params[px1] x2 := params[px2] return math.Pow(x1-1, 2) + math.Pow(x2-2, 2) } func main() { o := bo.New( searchSpace, bo.WithRandomRounds(10), bo.WithRounds(100), bo.WithMinimize(true)) x, y, err := o.Optimize(objective) if err != nil { ... } log.Printf(...) } package main import ( "log" "math" "" "" ) func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { x1, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x1", -10, 10) x2, _ := trial.SuggestUniform("x2", -10, 10) return math.Pow(x1-2, 2) + math.Pow(x2+5, 2), nil } func main() { study, _ := goptuna.CreateStudy( "goptuna-example", goptuna.StudyOptionSampler(tpe.NewSampler())) err = study.Optimize(objective, 100) if err != nil { ... } v, _ := study.GetBestValue() params, _ := study.GetBestParams() log.Printf(...) } Define-and-Run interface go-bayesopt Define-by-Run interface Goptuna
  • 38. 
 10 epochs trial #1 trial #2 trial #3 trial #4 trial #5 trial #6 trial #7 trial #8 trial #9 30 epochs 90 epochs [Jamieson and Talwalkar, 2016] [Li et al., 2018] 

  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. 2,010 10,660 1 ISUCON Alibaba Cloud ecs.sn1ne.large (vCPUx2, Mem 4.0GiB) 3 2 ISUCON9 9560 9100
  • 42. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... }
  • 43. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... } (database/sql).DB
  • 44. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... } API 
  • 45. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... } campaign: 

  • 46. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... } Nginx suggest text/template nginx.conf systemd
  • 47. func objective(trial goptuna.Trial) (float64, error) { // Go application goMySQLOpenConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_open_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLIdleConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_idle_conns", 1, 64) goMySQLMaxLifetime, _ := trial.SuggestInt("mysql_client_max_lifetime", 1, 128) goHttpIdleConnsPerHost, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_max_idle_conns_per_host", 1, 4096) goHttpKeepAlive, _ := trial.SuggestInt("http_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 128) campaign, _ := trial.SuggestInt("campaign", 0, 2) // Nginx nginxWorkerProcesses, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_processes", 1, 16) nginxWorkerConns, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_worker_connections", 1, 4096) nginxKeepAliveTimeout, _ := trial.SuggestInt("nginx_keep_alive_timeout", 1, 100) // MySQL innoDBBufferPoolSize, _ := trial.SuggestInt("innodb_buffer_pool_size", 10, 3800) innoDBFlushLogAtTRXCommit, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical(“innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit", []string{"0", "1", "2"}) innodbFlushMethod, _ := trial.SuggestCategorical("innodb_flush_method", []string{ "fsync", "littlesync", "nosync", "O_DIRECT", "O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC", }) ... } MySQL Nginx
  • 48.
  • 49. Go MySQL client (net/http).Client Nginx MySQL SetMaxOpen Conns SetMaxIdleC onns SetConnMax Lifetime DialContext. Keepalive MaxIdleConn sPerHost worker_proc esses worker_conn ections keep_alive_ti meout innodb_buffe r_pool_size innodb_flush _log_at_trx_c ommit innodb_flush _method 10660 11160 (+500) 200 37 53 77s 40s 709 11 367 74s 711M 0 fsync Go MySQL client Nginx MySQL SetMaxOpenCo nns SetMaxIdleConn s SetConnMaxLife time worker_connecti ons innodb_buffer_p ool_size innodb_flush_log _at_trx_commit innodb_log_buff er_size innodb_log_file_ size 2010 2310 (+300) 50 23 4 28s 5 210M 0 27M 341M
  • 50. Optuna x.264 (by Takeru Ohta a.k.a. @sile)
  • 52. • Goptuna LibFFM [Juan et al., 2016] 
 • Optuna RocsDB by @sile
 • BoTorch/Ax (Facebook) HHVM JIT Compiler 

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  • 56.