#netprax - "Big 5" apps and joining the conversation

il y a 11 ans 611 Vues

Creating Your Moodle Mix - University of Ballarat

il y a 11 ans 4800 Vues

7 Habits of Networked Academics

il y a 11 ans 23724 Vues

CloudDeakin Tool Guide for Teachers (slides) #fldeakin

il y a 11 ans 1155 Vues

When Educators Become Curators - keynote slides #moothr12

il y a 11 ans 42623 Vues

Personal Learning Network - guest lecture for @virtualmv

il y a 12 ans 2412 Vues

Digital Curation: What kind of curator are you? #converge11

il y a 12 ans 21938 Vues

Moodle Course Design: a high-wire act #mootnz11

il y a 12 ans 3404 Vues

You Are Not Alone - Presentation at #eTLC09 eFest 2009

il y a 14 ans 827 Vues

Planning & communication for online learning projects

il y a 16 ans 616 Vues