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Gund Exchange Sept 11, 2020
Soil carbon: A silver bullet for
climate change mitigation?
Finding a middle way
Modeled SOC change in top 2 meters of the soil. Histogram is of SOC loss (Mg C/ha), positive values
indicate loss. Sanderman et al. 2017 PNAS. Total loss 133 Gt C (488 Gt CO2e)
25-70% of agricultural soil carbon stock
has been lost in the last 12,000 years
More than half of agricultural
land is moderately or severely
affected by soil degradation
1,500 Gt of soil organic carbon (C) in upper
100 cm
Soil carbon stocksAdapted from slide from Aldyen Donelly
Global SOC stock includes 550 Gt in peatlands
The Carbon clock is ticking
2 °C and 1.5 °C pathways
require negative
Mercator Institute
Roe et al. 2017
https://www.mcc- 1.5°C
Global estimates of soil carbon potential in
• Technical potential of 2 to
5 GtCO2/yr in agriculture
(Fuss et al. 2018)
• ~1.2 GtCO2e/yr
economic potential at
USD 10/tCO2e (Bossio et
al. 2020)
• SOC sequestration rates
and areas vary
• Uncertainties due to land
area, depth, and soil,
subsoil and landscape
Paustian et al. 2016
A Grand Challenge
Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation
• An opportunity that should be “neither dismissed nor exaggerated.”
(Bossio et al. 2020)
• A live debate that is pushing our knowledge forward (Rumpel et al.
….So how to move forward?
Time to move from
discussion of
potentials toward
The issues
No guarantee that what you
add will stay
• Agriculture is a driver of
soil carbon loss
• Need constant OM inputs
• Slow gains, quick losses
• Stability of storage:
Permanence and
You can’t easily tell how
much has been stored
• High variability over space
and depth at farm and
project scales
• Activity-based indicators
and data are poor
• 3-5 years to see change
Large-scale, sustained change is tough
(1) biophysical limits (water, nutrients, energy, exogenous inputs,
GHG trade-offs), (2) socio-economic barriers (C price, need for
ongoing incentives, slow policy change, investment risk, land tenure
etc), (3) context-specific solutions
Current public policy and private investment initiatives
are small scale, but offer entry points
• NDCs: At least 27 UNFCCC parties’ Nationally Determined
contributions refer to soil carbon and 11 have targets – more can be
done to specify targets
• Government initiatives: Australia’s Carbon Farming Initiative (50
registered farmers) and California’s Healthy Soils Program provide C
market incentives and subsidies to farmers
• Private sector initiatives Indigo’s Terraton Initiative: 1 trillion tons, 5
billion ha $12-24/ha, aim for quantification methods, technologies, and
innovative finance. Corporates: Danone, Mars, Bayer, Coca Cola,
Fonterra, Diageo and Olam. Entrepreneurs: KOFAR
• C-Market projects: Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (World Bank
Biocarbon Fund): 37,000 smallholders, 1 MtCO2e verified mitigation
from trees and soil in East Africa, since 2009. VERRA indicates ~12
projects developed or in pipeline.
Adapted from slide by D. Bossio
Croplands - green
Grazing lands - blue
Intensity of color indicates higher
SOC potential
Soil carbon potential over next 20 years
in crop and grazing lands (IPCC)
SOC specified in NDC
Address barriers to implementation
Stakeholders consultation. Farmers (world, ≈ 1500)
Slide courtesy of Claire Chenu
Adoption of a practice that
stores/preserves carbon
Market based on adoption
of sequestering practices
or management options
“New” market approachs are ready
Slide courtesy of M. Bernoux
• World Bank’s Agriculture investment portfolio for adaptation or mitigation has
nearly doubled since 2016/17 from 28% to 56%
• Plan to increase share of projects with Climate Smart Agriculture ‘triple wins’ to 66% by 2025
• Reaching at least 20 countries and 10 million farmers
• Soil health enhancing practices will form a portion of these investments.
World Bank Commitments to Action on Climate Change
and Soils in Agriculture
Slide adapted from M. van
Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (KACP)
• The first soil carbon project earning carbon credits
• Pilot project helped 60,000 farmers on 45,000 hectares (ha) to adopt
sustainable agricultural land management practices leading to carbon
• First credits earned in 2016 - 10,790 VCUs since then
World Bank Investment examples
• increase agricultural productivity and enhance resilience to climate
change risks in smallholder farming and pastoral communities
• Up-scaling climate smart agricultural practice (including improving soil
investments, promoting crop diversification, and agro-forestry) and
strengthening the enabling environments.
• Project will benefit about 522,000 households of smallholder farmers,
agro-pastoralists, and pastoralists directly, 340,000 households benefiting
from the county-level and public-private partnership investments and
over 600 micro-small-and-medium enterprises
Kenya Climate-smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) ($250m)
Slide from M.
Verra’s work on SOC Accounting
23 September 2020
• Expert Ag Land
Management Working
Group (ALM WG)
• New accounting
• Incorporate technology
• Adapt VCS rules
Photo source Sentinel-hub
Slide courtesy of Stefan Jirka, VERRA
5Confidential © 2020 Indigo
Growers enroll in
Indigo’s carbon
offset program
Indigo establishes
Indigo supports farmer
in transitioning to
regenerative practices
Indigo gathers
data manually
and automatically
Indigo algorithm processes
data to quantify GHG
abatement and soil carbon
Offsets are
verified and
Value of offset
is transferred
to grower
Indigo sells offsets
3 5 6 7 842
Indigo Carbon is developing an end-to-end carbon offering for
growers to be paid for carbon abatement and sequestration
9Confidential © 2020 Indigo
The Terraton Experiment is producing a comprehensive soil and
grower dataset on each sampled field
Protocol Data Produced
SOIL CARBON Soil Organic C (SOC) and Total C
to 1 METER
SOC and Total C, Texture, Total N, pH, CEC,
Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Bulk Density
pH, Nutrients, OM, Soil Respiration,
Wet Aggregate Stability
Agronomic Management History,
Production, Profitability, Qualitative Insights
Community sequencing to identify microbes,
arthropods, and other fauna
Areas sampled to date Planned 2020
Terraton Experiment Soil Sampling Operations: 3,330+
unique soil samples at shallow and deep depths have
been collected in 2019-2020
We are working with university and institutional research collaborators to analyze and publish our results
Agreements with farmers or farmer associations to implement RECSOIL and
gain access to technical support and financial incentives).
GSOC map
GSOCseq map
GSOC-MRV Protocol
Manual of good practices
VGSSM + SSM Protocol
Global SOC Monitoring System
SOPs for soil organic carbon
Slide courtesy of R. Vargas, FAO
KOFAR products
• Rotuba
• Locally-produced organic fertilizer, commonly
sold in 50kg bags
• Inputs are sourced from agricultural residues
• Increases soil organic matter, which supports
root formation and water retention
• Nano
• Enzyme formula developed in the United
• Includes organic plant growth regulators,
nucleic acids, glycosides, & others
• Stimulates microbial life in soil; spurs growth
of beneficial fungi
Nano-supported roots on the
left; synthetic fertilizer-
supported roots on the rightAdapted slide of D. Gromko
Global agenda for collective action on soil
Foster vision and
awareness for
action, led by
champion actors
investment case
through pilot funding
of commercially
viable soil carbon
Identify and support
farmer incentives
Vermeulen et al. 2019
Getting the balance right
Source Campbell et al. 2019
• Set standards for optimal outcomes
• Monitor for negative impacts or create safeguards/no
go zones
We have a grand challenge, but we can work on it!
Action is needed on multiple fronts; it not just a technical implementation
• Set ambitious targets and work toward for large-scale, systemic change
across the public and private sector institutions, esp. incentives,
advisory services, novel technical options, political will. This will take
• Test priorities and strategies with iterative, adaptive approaches that
consider optimizing impacts and trade-offs.
• Improve understanding of mitigation potentials and implementation
successes with monitoring of networks of long-term sites on farmers’
Thank you!
Confidence higher (and uncertainly lower) for more aggregate
estimates (sub-regional, regional)
• Legacy of long-term experiments with
research-grade measurements over
decadal+ time scales
• Empirical data and meta-analysis provide
good estimates of regional-national
averaged responses
• Generally good understanding of principles
and drivers– predictive modeling
 Comet Farm and Carbon Benefits
Project tools
Priority actions to meet climate targets
 Stop carbon loss
− Protect peatlands –32%-46% of all soil carbon (~500–700 Gt C), e.g. through
supply chain accountability and monitoring and enforcement of land use
 Promote significant carbon uptake
− Identify geographic priorities, regional strategies and country champions
− Create platforms for sharing knowledge and practices among farmers, locally,
regionally and globally.
− Support public-private investment (technical de-risking, project match making)
and viable carbon-markets
− Demonstrate benefits that balance crop productivity, SOC and SDG impacts
 Set ambitious policy and standards
− Increase ambition and specificity for SOC targets in NDCs and other policy
− Integrate SOC sequestration into national best practice and green finance
− Develop and harmonize low-cost monitoring systems
Relative contribution of additional carbon
Wetland restoration
12%Forest mgmt
Soil carbon
Chart Title
A/R Agroforestry Wetland restoration Forest mgmt Soil C Biochar
9.9 – 26 GTCO2e
Systemic transformational change
Improved advisory services, novel technologies,
strong C-market, policy subsidies and regulation, company offsets,
impact investing, farmer learning and social movements (regenerative
agriculture, agroecology)
Not just about building soil carbon.
• Essential to avoid soil carbon loss
• 1,500 Gt of soil organic carbon (C) in upper 100 cm
Soil carbon stocksAdapted from slide from Aldyen Donelly
Local scale measurement
Accuracy in direct field measurements depend on:
• Variability in C stocks and stock change rates
(sampling intensity)
 Requires multiple 10’s of samples
• Magnitude of change rate (re-sampling
 Requires resampling interval of 5 yrs +
• Accuracy of C stock determination at a point
(analytical methods)
 Spectroscopic analysis (MIR) can increase
throughput and reduce costs
 In situ (non-destructive) methods improving
but lower accuracy and other factors still limit
Conant & Paustian 2002
Adapted from slide
by K. Paustian
Direct measurement is too expensive
for routine use
Policy framework and initiatives
• NDCs: all sinks included, but total (C
seq and GHG reductions) is only 1/3
of what is needed (UNEP 2017)
• Many policy initiatives
 Forests: REDD+, Carbon Disclosure
Project and zero-
deforestation/deforestation-free supply
chain commitments
 Forest and land restoration: Bonn
 Soil carbon: 4p1000, Bonn Challenge,
Global Soil Partnership, ITPS and
Healthy Soils Facility
 Peatlands: Ramsar Convention
Forest management 88
Deforestation 76
Reforestation 76
Bioenergy 64
Croplands 53
Grasslands 50
Afforestation 47
Agric. residues 40
Cookstoves 35
Rice 28
Degraded lands 27
Agroforestry 23
Peatlands 9
Soil C 8
Richards et al 2016
NDCs: Number of countries
planning mitigation
• Quantify the contribution of SOC
sequestration to mitigation targets
• Provide sectoral or sub-sectoral targets
in addition to economy-wide targets
Increase NDC ambition by: Increase transparency for global SOC
How can countries include SOC in future NDCs?
More ambition and tougher targets needed to achieve 1.5 - 2°C
Paris Agreement targets
Examples to include SOC in second 5-year NDC cycle:
Leverage support for national policies,
technical capacity, climate finance
• Specifying SOC in relation to SOC-supporting measures already
included in NDCs
• Setting conditional SOC mitigation targets for developing countries
NDCs as
indicator of
policy action
on soil health
and climate
Slide courtesy of L. Wiese-Rozanova
Specification of measures in the Nationally
Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement
Countries specifying
SOC for this practice
Agroforestry/Silvo-pastoralism* Malawi, Palestine
Conservation agriculture Zambia
Grassland/ Pasture land management China, Japan, Uruguay
Organic amendments (manure, compost, biochar) Malawi
Reduced/stopped (crop residue) burning
Erosion control
Integrated soil fertility management
Reduced or no-tillage Uruguay
Residue retention (mulching) Malawi, Uruguay
Cover crops Uruguay
Mitigation Adaptation
31 36
21 13
14 16
12 10
12 6
9 41
6 13
5 6
3 3
2 1
1 1
*Measures specified in relation to SOC
Weise-Rozanova et al, 2020
UNEP Gap report 2017
Source: World Bank Group,
State and Trends of Carbon
Pricing 2020, May 2020
Verra is a Global Leader in Offset Markets
Annual volume of issuances by crediting mechanism
23 September 2020
Fig. 4 | Regenerative soil carbon practice
consistent with promotion
of functional diversity to increase soil
carbon persistence. Soil
management designed to increase
persistence of soil organic carbon1
should be investigated for its alignment
with functional diversity. The listed
management recommendations also
increase organic carbon input (for
example, greater plant diversity45) or
persistence unrelated to functional
diversity (for example, avoiding periodic
drainage also reduces aeration in
addition to movement of carbon). Inset
colours relate to the three aspects
of functional diversity (molecular, spatial
and temporal) also used in Figs.
2 and 3. Interactions of effects over time
require specific attention in future
research (indicated by italics).
Soil Carbon
is 25%
of our natural
Bossio et al. 2020, Nature Sustainability
But can also increase soil C by 8-88 Gt C
(over 20 years): e.g. reduced burning,
legume intercropping, agroforestry,
compost, manure, deep-rooted plants.
Issues: ambitious potentials, competition
for biomass, reversibility, MRV, prioritize
Cropland soil mitigation potential
Zomer et al. Nature
Global soil carbon storage
Slide courtesy of Aldyen Donnelly

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Soil carbon: A silver bullet for climate change mitigation? Finding a middle way

  • 1. Gund Exchange Sept 11, 2020 Soil carbon: A silver bullet for climate change mitigation? Finding a middle way
  • 2. Modeled SOC change in top 2 meters of the soil. Histogram is of SOC loss (Mg C/ha), positive values indicate loss. Sanderman et al. 2017 PNAS. Total loss 133 Gt C (488 Gt CO2e) 25-70% of agricultural soil carbon stock has been lost in the last 12,000 years
  • 3. More than half of agricultural land is moderately or severely affected by soil degradation
  • 4. 1,500 Gt of soil organic carbon (C) in upper 100 cm Soil carbon stocksAdapted from slide from Aldyen Donelly Global SOC stock includes 550 Gt in peatlands
  • 5.
  • 6. The Carbon clock is ticking 2 °C and 1.5 °C pathways require negative emissions Mercator Institute Roe et al. 2017 https://www.mcc- 1.5°C
  • 7. Global estimates of soil carbon potential in agriculture • Technical potential of 2 to 5 GtCO2/yr in agriculture (Fuss et al. 2018) • ~1.2 GtCO2e/yr economic potential at USD 10/tCO2e (Bossio et al. 2020) • SOC sequestration rates and areas vary • Uncertainties due to land area, depth, and soil, subsoil and landscape processes Paustian et al. 2016
  • 8.
  • 10. A Grand Challenge Soil carbon sequestration for climate change mitigation • An opportunity that should be “neither dismissed nor exaggerated.” (Bossio et al. 2020) • A live debate that is pushing our knowledge forward (Rumpel et al. 2019) ….So how to move forward?
  • 11. Time to move from discussion of potentials toward doing…
  • 12. The issues No guarantee that what you add will stay • Agriculture is a driver of soil carbon loss • Need constant OM inputs • Slow gains, quick losses • Stability of storage: Permanence and saturation You can’t easily tell how much has been stored • High variability over space and depth at farm and project scales • Activity-based indicators and data are poor • 3-5 years to see change Large-scale, sustained change is tough (1) biophysical limits (water, nutrients, energy, exogenous inputs, GHG trade-offs), (2) socio-economic barriers (C price, need for ongoing incentives, slow policy change, investment risk, land tenure etc), (3) context-specific solutions
  • 13. Current public policy and private investment initiatives are small scale, but offer entry points • NDCs: At least 27 UNFCCC parties’ Nationally Determined contributions refer to soil carbon and 11 have targets – more can be done to specify targets • Government initiatives: Australia’s Carbon Farming Initiative (50 registered farmers) and California’s Healthy Soils Program provide C market incentives and subsidies to farmers • Private sector initiatives Indigo’s Terraton Initiative: 1 trillion tons, 5 billion ha $12-24/ha, aim for quantification methods, technologies, and innovative finance. Corporates: Danone, Mars, Bayer, Coca Cola, Fonterra, Diageo and Olam. Entrepreneurs: KOFAR • C-Market projects: Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (World Bank Biocarbon Fund): 37,000 smallholders, 1 MtCO2e verified mitigation from trees and soil in East Africa, since 2009. VERRA indicates ~12 projects developed or in pipeline.
  • 14. Adapted from slide by D. Bossio Croplands - green Grazing lands - blue Intensity of color indicates higher SOC potential Soil carbon potential over next 20 years in crop and grazing lands (IPCC) SOC specified in NDC
  • 15. Address barriers to implementation Stakeholders consultation. Farmers (world, ≈ 1500) Slide courtesy of Claire Chenu
  • 16. Adoption of a practice that stores/preserves carbon Market based on adoption of sequestering practices or management options “New” market approachs are ready ©V.Chaplot–RainfedRiceLaoPDR Slide courtesy of M. Bernoux
  • 17. • World Bank’s Agriculture investment portfolio for adaptation or mitigation has nearly doubled since 2016/17 from 28% to 56% • Plan to increase share of projects with Climate Smart Agriculture ‘triple wins’ to 66% by 2025 • Reaching at least 20 countries and 10 million farmers • Soil health enhancing practices will form a portion of these investments. World Bank Commitments to Action on Climate Change and Soils in Agriculture Slide adapted from M. van Nieuwkoop
  • 18. Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project (KACP) • The first soil carbon project earning carbon credits • Pilot project helped 60,000 farmers on 45,000 hectares (ha) to adopt sustainable agricultural land management practices leading to carbon sequestration. • First credits earned in 2016 - 10,790 VCUs since then World Bank Investment examples Purpose: • increase agricultural productivity and enhance resilience to climate change risks in smallholder farming and pastoral communities How: • Up-scaling climate smart agricultural practice (including improving soil investments, promoting crop diversification, and agro-forestry) and strengthening the enabling environments. Impact: • Project will benefit about 522,000 households of smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists, and pastoralists directly, 340,000 households benefiting from the county-level and public-private partnership investments and over 600 micro-small-and-medium enterprises Kenya Climate-smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP) ($250m) Slide from M. Nieukoop
  • 19. Verra’s work on SOC Accounting 23 September 2020 • Expert Ag Land Management Working Group (ALM WG) • New accounting methodologies • Incorporate technology advances • Adapt VCS rules Photo source Sentinel-hub Slide courtesy of Stefan Jirka, VERRA
  • 20. 5Confidential © 2020 Indigo Growers enroll in Indigo’s carbon offset program Indigo establishes baseline 1 Indigo supports farmer in transitioning to regenerative practices Indigo gathers data manually and automatically Indigo algorithm processes data to quantify GHG abatement and soil carbon sequestration Offsets are verified and validated Value of offset is transferred to grower Indigo sells offsets 3 5 6 7 842 . Indigo Carbon is developing an end-to-end carbon offering for growers to be paid for carbon abatement and sequestration
  • 21. 9Confidential © 2020 Indigo The Terraton Experiment is producing a comprehensive soil and grower dataset on each sampled field Protocol Data Produced SOIL CARBON Soil Organic C (SOC) and Total C BULK DENSITY Bulk Density SOIL CARBON to 1 METER SOC and Total C, Texture, Total N, pH, CEC, Macronutrients, Micronutrients, Bulk Density SOIL HEALTH pH, Nutrients, OM, Soil Respiration, Wet Aggregate Stability GROWER INTERVIEWS Agronomic Management History, Production, Profitability, Qualitative Insights SOIL MICROBIAL COMMUNITY Community sequencing to identify microbes, arthropods, and other fauna Areas sampled to date Planned 2020 Terraton Experiment Soil Sampling Operations: 3,330+ unique soil samples at shallow and deep depths have been collected in 2019-2020 We are working with university and institutional research collaborators to analyze and publish our results
  • 22. FAO RECSOIL program Agreements with farmers or farmer associations to implement RECSOIL and gain access to technical support and financial incentives). GSOC map GSOCseq map GSOC-MRV Protocol Manual of good practices VGSSM + SSM Protocol Global SOC Monitoring System SOPs for soil organic carbon Slide courtesy of R. Vargas, FAO
  • 23. KOFAR products • Rotuba • Locally-produced organic fertilizer, commonly sold in 50kg bags • Inputs are sourced from agricultural residues • Increases soil organic matter, which supports root formation and water retention • Nano • Enzyme formula developed in the United States • Includes organic plant growth regulators, nucleic acids, glycosides, & others • Stimulates microbial life in soil; spurs growth of beneficial fungi 23 Nano-supported roots on the left; synthetic fertilizer- supported roots on the rightAdapted slide of D. Gromko
  • 24. Global agenda for collective action on soil Foster vision and awareness for action, led by champion actors Demonstrate investment case through pilot funding of commercially viable soil carbon initiatives Identify and support farmer incentives Vermeulen et al. 2019
  • 25. Getting the balance right Source Campbell et al. 2019 • Set standards for optimal outcomes • Monitor for negative impacts or create safeguards/no go zones
  • 26. Conclusions We have a grand challenge, but we can work on it! Action is needed on multiple fronts; it not just a technical implementation problem. • Set ambitious targets and work toward for large-scale, systemic change across the public and private sector institutions, esp. incentives, advisory services, novel technical options, political will. This will take time. • Test priorities and strategies with iterative, adaptive approaches that consider optimizing impacts and trade-offs. • Improve understanding of mitigation potentials and implementation successes with monitoring of networks of long-term sites on farmers’ fields
  • 28. Confidence higher (and uncertainly lower) for more aggregate estimates (sub-regional, regional) • Legacy of long-term experiments with research-grade measurements over decadal+ time scales • Empirical data and meta-analysis provide good estimates of regional-national averaged responses • Generally good understanding of principles and drivers– predictive modeling capabilities  Comet Farm and Carbon Benefits Project tools
  • 29. Priority actions to meet climate targets  Stop carbon loss − Protect peatlands –32%-46% of all soil carbon (~500–700 Gt C), e.g. through supply chain accountability and monitoring and enforcement of land use boundaries  Promote significant carbon uptake − Identify geographic priorities, regional strategies and country champions − Create platforms for sharing knowledge and practices among farmers, locally, regionally and globally. − Support public-private investment (technical de-risking, project match making) and viable carbon-markets − Demonstrate benefits that balance crop productivity, SOC and SDG impacts  Set ambitious policy and standards − Increase ambition and specificity for SOC targets in NDCs and other policy − Integrate SOC sequestration into national best practice and green finance standards − Develop and harmonize low-cost monitoring systems
  • 30. Relative contribution of additional carbon sinks Afforestation/ reforestation 29% Agroforestry 1% Wetland restoration 12%Forest mgmt 22% Soil carbon 18% Biochar 18% Chart Title A/R Agroforestry Wetland restoration Forest mgmt Soil C Biochar 9.9 – 26 GTCO2e
  • 31. Systemic transformational change Improved advisory services, novel technologies, strong C-market, policy subsidies and regulation, company offsets, impact investing, farmer learning and social movements (regenerative agriculture, agroecology)
  • 32. Not just about building soil carbon. • Essential to avoid soil carbon loss • 1,500 Gt of soil organic carbon (C) in upper 100 cm Soil carbon stocksAdapted from slide from Aldyen Donelly
  • 33. Local scale measurement Accuracy in direct field measurements depend on: • Variability in C stocks and stock change rates (sampling intensity)  Requires multiple 10’s of samples • Magnitude of change rate (re-sampling frequency)  Requires resampling interval of 5 yrs + • Accuracy of C stock determination at a point (analytical methods)  Spectroscopic analysis (MIR) can increase throughput and reduce costs  In situ (non-destructive) methods improving but lower accuracy and other factors still limit applicability Conant & Paustian 2002 Adapted from slide by K. Paustian Direct measurement is too expensive for routine use
  • 34. Policy framework and initiatives • NDCs: all sinks included, but total (C seq and GHG reductions) is only 1/3 of what is needed (UNEP 2017) • Many policy initiatives  Forests: REDD+, Carbon Disclosure Project and zero- deforestation/deforestation-free supply chain commitments  Forest and land restoration: Bonn Challenge  Soil carbon: 4p1000, Bonn Challenge, Global Soil Partnership, ITPS and Healthy Soils Facility  Peatlands: Ramsar Convention Forest management 88 Deforestation 76 Reforestation 76 Bioenergy 64 Croplands 53 Grasslands 50 Afforestation 47 Agric. residues 40 Cookstoves 35 Rice 28 Degraded lands 27 Agroforestry 23 Peatlands 9 Soil C 8 Richards et al 2016 NDCs: Number of countries planning mitigation
  • 35. • Quantify the contribution of SOC sequestration to mitigation targets • Provide sectoral or sub-sectoral targets in addition to economy-wide targets Increase NDC ambition by: Increase transparency for global SOC accounting How can countries include SOC in future NDCs? More ambition and tougher targets needed to achieve 1.5 - 2°C Paris Agreement targets Examples to include SOC in second 5-year NDC cycle: Leverage support for national policies, technical capacity, climate finance • Specifying SOC in relation to SOC-supporting measures already included in NDCs • Setting conditional SOC mitigation targets for developing countries NDCs as indicator of policy action on soil health and climate Slide courtesy of L. Wiese-Rozanova
  • 36. Specification of measures in the Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement Measure/s Countries specifying SOC for this practice Agroforestry/Silvo-pastoralism* Malawi, Palestine Conservation agriculture Zambia Grassland/ Pasture land management China, Japan, Uruguay Organic amendments (manure, compost, biochar) Malawi Reduced/stopped (crop residue) burning Erosion control Integrated soil fertility management Reduced or no-tillage Uruguay Residue retention (mulching) Malawi, Uruguay Cover crops Uruguay Fallow Mitigation Adaptation 31 36 21 13 14 16 12 10 12 6 9 41 6 13 5 6 3 3 2 1 1 1 *Measures specified in relation to SOC Weise-Rozanova et al, 2020
  • 38. Source: World Bank Group, State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2020, May 2020 Verra is a Global Leader in Offset Markets Annual volume of issuances by crediting mechanism Numberofprojects VCS 23 September 2020
  • 39. Fig. 4 | Regenerative soil carbon practice consistent with promotion of functional diversity to increase soil carbon persistence. Soil management designed to increase persistence of soil organic carbon1 should be investigated for its alignment with functional diversity. The listed management recommendations also increase organic carbon input (for example, greater plant diversity45) or persistence unrelated to functional diversity (for example, avoiding periodic drainage also reduces aeration in addition to movement of carbon). Inset colours relate to the three aspects of functional diversity (molecular, spatial and temporal) also used in Figs. 2 and 3. Interactions of effects over time require specific attention in future research (indicated by italics).
  • 40. Soil Carbon is 25% of our natural solution 40 Bossio et al. 2020, Nature Sustainability
  • 41. But can also increase soil C by 8-88 Gt C (over 20 years): e.g. reduced burning, legume intercropping, agroforestry, compost, manure, deep-rooted plants. Issues: ambitious potentials, competition for biomass, reversibility, MRV, prioritize
  • 42. Cropland soil mitigation potential Zomer et al. Nature 2017
  • 43. Global soil carbon storage potential Slide courtesy of Aldyen Donnelly