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Programming and 
PyCon India, 2014 
Chetan Giridhar
• Programming tasks: 
o I/O bound 
o CPU bound 
• Say, you’re doing I/O 
o Will it complete immediately? When will it be done? 
o Wont they block you?
Blocking I/O: Example 
import requests 
r = requests.get(‘’) 
• What if the request takes a long time? 
• Operation blocks until all the data is recieved from the server 
Can we do something in the meanwhile? 
Can we run another task, concurrently?
Non Blocking / Async 
• Non-blocking means the ability to make continuous 
progress at all times 
• Resources needed for a response must not be 
• As such it can enable both lower latency, higher 
Programming Models 
Synchronous model 
Threaded model 
Asynchronous model 
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
• Task = make a call to 
• Say, Task = Task1 = Task2 = Task 3 = 400ms 
• Sync Model 
o Time taken = Task1+ Task2 + Task3 = 1.2 sec 
• Threaded Model 
o Time taken = 510 ms 
• Async Model 
o Time taken = 460 ms 
What’s the 
magic here?
Async Paradigm 
• Clients requests the event driven web server; 
• requests are processed by event loop; 
• event handlers cater to events with callbacks 
Client Event driven server I/O loop 
Event driven I/O loop 
IO loop handles 
Event Handlers
Reactor Pattern 
• Typical non blocking frameworks work on a 
philosophy of single threaded event loop 
o keeps polling for events 
Waiting for Events 
Handling Events
More Details! 
• Framework typically maintains a list of file 
descriptors(fd), events to monitor and 
corresponding event handlers for each of the fd 
• Listening to events on a fd is a kernel space task 
o epoll, [kqueue/select] – libraries provide event notifications in a non-blocking 
• Epoll watches file descriptors (sockets) and returns 
needed (READ, WRITE & ERROR) events
Async way 
• Async strategy aims for: 
o Making I/O tasks non blocking 
o I/O tasks would run independently 
o generate an event when tasks are complete 
o with help of callbacks 
• Benefits 
o No need to wait till blocking I/O tasks are complete 
o More responsive real time applications 
o Thread safety isn't an issue 
• Can we solve any other Python problems with this 
o Eliminating GIL?
Async in Python 
• Frameworks 
o Tornado 
o Twisted 
o Gevent 
• Modules 
o Tulip 
o Asyncio
Async in Python 
• Frameworks 
o Tornado 
o Twisted 
o Gevent 
• Modules 
o Tulip 
o Asyncio
• Part of Python library 
o The latest module for async application development 
• Only for Python > 3.4 
o Incompatible with prior versions 
• A whole new way to development 
o Let’s you write self contained, synchronous looking tasks 
o Run two infinite loops at the same time on the same thread 
• Works with other framework 
o Tornado, Twisted, GEvent
• Write single threaded concurrent code 
• Principle of Interleaved execution of subroutines 
• Co-operative scheduling 
o Only one task at a time 
• Based on libevent 
o Select, kpoll, kqueue
Asyncio: Components 
Event loop 
Co-routines, Futures, Tasks 
Transports, Protocols
Asyncio: Components 
• Event loop 
o Register, executing and cancelling calls 
o Schedule execution of a task (co-routine) 
o Creates transport (async client and server) 
o Runs I/O callbacks (Watches file descriptors) 
o Thread interface 
o [BaseEventLoop.create_task()] or async() 
o [asyncio.get_event_loop()]
Asyncio: Components 
• Co-routine 
o Generator (“yield from”) 
o suspended at preset execution points, and 
o resumed later by keeping track of local state 
o @coroutine decorator
Asyncio: Components 
• Task 
o responsible for executing a coroutine 
o If coroutine yields from a future, the task suspends the execution of the 
coroutine and waits for the future 
o coroutine restarts when future is done 
o Subclass of class Future 
o [async(coroutine)] 
o BaseEventLoop.create_task(coro)
Asyncio: Components 
• Future 
o A class 
o for results that are 
available later 
import asyncio 
def slow_operation(future): 
yield from asyncio.sleep(1) <- Co-routine suspend 
future.set_result('Future is done!') 
def got_result(future): 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() <- Event loop 
future = asyncio.Future() <- Future object 
asyncio.async(slow_operation(future)) <- Task 
Asyncio: Components 
• transport 
o represent connections such as sockets, SSL connection and pipes 
o Async socket operations 
• Usually frameworks implement e.g. Tornado 
• protocols 
o represent applications such as HTTP client/server, SMTP, and FTP 
o Async http operation 
o [loop.create_connection()]
Example: Asyncio Redis 
import asyncio 
import asyncio_redis 
def my_subscriber(channels): 
connection = yield from asyncio_redis.Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379) 
subscriber = yield from connection.start_subscribe() 
yield from subscriber.subscribe(channels) 
while True: 
reply = yield from subscriber.next_published() 
print('Received: ', repr(reply.value), 'on channel', 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
Example: Asyncio ‘Tasks’ 
import asyncio 
def factorial(name, number): 
f = 1 
for i in range(2, number+1): 
print("Task %s: Compute factorial(%s)..." % (name, i)) 
yield from asyncio.sleep(1) 
f *= i 
print("Task %s: factorial(%s) = %s" % (name, number, f)) 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
tasks = [ 
asyncio.async(factorial("A", 2)), 
asyncio.async(factorial("B", 3)), 
asyncio.async(factorial("C", 4))] 
Async in Python 
• Frameworks 
o Tornado 
o Twisted 
o Gevent 
• Modules 
o Tulip 
o Asyncio
Tornado Async 
• Event Loop => tornado.ioloop 
• Coroutine => tornado.gen.coroutine 
• Future => tornado.concurrent.future 
• Transport/Protocol => tornado.iostream 
• Bridge the gap => tornado.platform.asyncio – 
Combines asyncio and tornado in same event loop
Tornado Async Http 
import tornado.ioloop 
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient 
def handle_request(response): 
'''callback needed when a response arrive''' 
if response.error: 
print("Error:", response.error) 
Before Event Loop Starts! 
b'{"ip": ""}n' 
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() # initialize http client 
http_client.fetch(”", handle_request) 
print("Before Event Loop Starts!") 
tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() # start the tornado ioloop
Tornado Coroutine 
import tornado.web 
import tornado.gen 
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient 
class GenAsyncHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): 
def get(self): 
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() 
response = yield http_client.fetch("") 
application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", 
GenAsyncHandler), ]) 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
gen.coroutine schedules the generator 
to be resumed when the Future is 
‘yield’ makes the function a generator 
The generator in turn returns a Future 
In this case, response, will resolve with 
response from fetch or an exception
Tornado Engine 
class MainHandlerAsync(tornado.web.RequestHandler): 
def get(self): 
req = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest("",) 
client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() 
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(client.fetch, req) 
application = tornado.web.Application([ 
(r"/async", MainHandlerAsync), 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) 
Let’s create our Future! 
import time 
import datetime 
from tornado.concurrent import return_future 
class AsyncHTTPClient(object): 
def fetch(self, url, callback=None): 
print("In my fetch") 
result = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) 
import tornado.web 
import tornado.gen 
from myfuture import AsyncHTTPClient 
def test(arg): 
print('In test:' + arg) 
class GenAsync(tornado.web.RequestHandler): 
def get(self): 
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() 
r = yield http_client.fetch(“”,test) 
application = tornado.web.Application([ 
(r"/", GenAsync),]) 
if __name__ == "__main__": 
Blocking vs Async
Work to be achieved
Performance Results 
ab -n 500 -c 10 http://localhost:8888/blocking 
ab -n 500 -c 10 http://localhost:8888/async 
Time per request 
Async Blocking 
Requests per second 
Async Blocking 
• Async programming is an efficient, easy to 
understand design and code 
• Python asyncio module is comprehensive 
• Has generic use cases for vast variety of 
o Responsive web applications 
o Networking applications 
• Requires a new way to program and design
• Async programming is not a holistic solution 
• It has its own pros and cons 
o Suitable for primarily I/O bound applications 
o Needs enough tasks available to run 
• asyncio module is only available for Python 3 
• Also explore other methods of concurrency: 
o Eventlets 
o STM 
o Multiprocessing/threads 
o Special languages e.g. GO, Scala 
• Understand and use 
• asyncio – 
• Python asyncio – 
• Tornado – 
• Multithreading – 
• Event loop: 
Contact Us 
• Chetan Giridhar 
• Vishal Kanaujia 
Asyncio: example 
import asyncio 
def create(): 
yield from asyncio.sleep(3.0) 
print("(1) create file") 
def write(): 
yield from asyncio.sleep(1.0) 
print("(2) write into file") 
def close(): 
print("(3) close file") 
def test(): 
yield from asyncio.sleep(2.0) 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
print("Pending tasks at exit: %s" % asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop)) 
Python Async Modules 
• Asynccore 
• Asyncchat 
• Gevent 
• Twisted 
• Eventlets
Concurrency Techniques 
• Multithreading/processing 
• Green Threads 
Tornado + AsyncIO 
from tornado.platform.asyncio import AsyncIOMainLoop 
from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient 
import asyncio 
AsyncIOMainLoop().install() -- # Tell Tornado to use the asyncio eventloop 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() -- # get the loop 
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() -- # the Tornado HTTP client 
def aio_fetch(client, url, **kwargs): 
fut = asyncio.Future() 
client.fetch(url, callback=fut.set_result, **kwargs) 
return fut 
def main(): 
print("fetching my site") 
mysite = yield from aio_fetch(http_client, "") 
print("hello httpbin") 
httpbin = yield from aio_fetch(http_client, "" % mysite.code) 
Co-routine v/s Callback 
import asyncio 
def just_print_messages(loop): 
print('Just print') 
loop.call_later(1, just_print_messages, loop) 
def main(): 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
loop.call_soon(just_print_messages, loop) 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
import asyncio 
def just_print_messages(): 
while True: 
print('Just print') 
yield from asyncio.sleep(1) 
def main(): 
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() 
if __name__ == '__main__': 
Async in NodeJS 
request is an 
var http = require(‘http’); 
var server = http.createServer; 
server.on(‘request’, function(request,response) { 
response.end(‘Hello World’); 
console.log(‘Server running on port 8001’);

Contenu connexe


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Async programming and python

  • 1. Async Programming and Python PyCon India, 2014 Chetan Giridhar
  • 2. Basics • Programming tasks: o I/O bound o CPU bound • Say, you’re doing I/O o Will it complete immediately? When will it be done? o Wont they block you?
  • 3. Blocking I/O: Example import requests r = requests.get(‘’) r.status_code • What if the request takes a long time? • Operation blocks until all the data is recieved from the server Can we do something in the meanwhile? Can we run another task, concurrently?
  • 4. Non Blocking / Async • Non-blocking means the ability to make continuous progress at all times • Resources needed for a response must not be monopolized • As such it can enable both lower latency, higher throughput
  • 5. Programming Models Synchronous model time time time Threaded model Asynchronous model Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
  • 6. Math • Task = make a call to • Say, Task = Task1 = Task2 = Task 3 = 400ms • Sync Model o Time taken = Task1+ Task2 + Task3 = 1.2 sec • Threaded Model o Time taken = 510 ms • Async Model o Time taken = 460 ms What’s the magic here?
  • 7. Async Paradigm • Clients requests the event driven web server; • requests are processed by event loop; • event handlers cater to events with callbacks Client Event driven server I/O loop Event driven I/O loop Request IO loop handles request Event Handlers
  • 8. Reactor Pattern • Typical non blocking frameworks work on a philosophy of single threaded event loop o keeps polling for events Reactor Pattern Waiting for Events Handling Events
  • 9. More Details! • Framework typically maintains a list of file descriptors(fd), events to monitor and corresponding event handlers for each of the fd • Listening to events on a fd is a kernel space task o epoll, [kqueue/select] – libraries provide event notifications in a non-blocking way • Epoll watches file descriptors (sockets) and returns needed (READ, WRITE & ERROR) events
  • 10. Async way • Async strategy aims for: o Making I/O tasks non blocking o I/O tasks would run independently o generate an event when tasks are complete o with help of callbacks • Benefits o No need to wait till blocking I/O tasks are complete o More responsive real time applications o Thread safety isn't an issue • Can we solve any other Python problems with this mechanism? o Eliminating GIL?
  • 11. Async in Python • Frameworks o Tornado o Twisted o Gevent • Modules o Tulip o Asyncio
  • 12. Async in Python • Frameworks o Tornado o Twisted o Gevent • Modules o Tulip o Asyncio
  • 13. Asyncio • Part of Python library o The latest module for async application development • Only for Python > 3.4 o Incompatible with prior versions • A whole new way to development o Let’s you write self contained, synchronous looking tasks o Run two infinite loops at the same time on the same thread • Works with other framework o Tornado, Twisted, GEvent
  • 14. Asyncio… • Write single threaded concurrent code • Principle of Interleaved execution of subroutines • Co-operative scheduling o Only one task at a time • Based on libevent o Select, kpoll, kqueue
  • 15. Asyncio: Components Event loop Co-routines, Futures, Tasks Transports, Protocols
  • 16. Asyncio: Components • Event loop o Register, executing and cancelling calls o Schedule execution of a task (co-routine) o Creates transport (async client and server) o Runs I/O callbacks (Watches file descriptors) o Thread interface o [BaseEventLoop.create_task()] or async() o [asyncio.get_event_loop()]
  • 17. Asyncio: Components • Co-routine o Generator (“yield from”) o suspended at preset execution points, and o resumed later by keeping track of local state o @coroutine decorator
  • 18. Asyncio: Components • Task o responsible for executing a coroutine o If coroutine yields from a future, the task suspends the execution of the coroutine and waits for the future o coroutine restarts when future is done o Subclass of class Future o [async(coroutine)] o BaseEventLoop.create_task(coro)
  • 19. Asyncio: Components • Future o A class o for results that are available later import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def slow_operation(future): yield from asyncio.sleep(1) <- Co-routine suspend future.set_result('Future is done!') def got_result(future): print(future.result()) loop.stop() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() <- Event loop future = asyncio.Future() <- Future object asyncio.async(slow_operation(future)) <- Task future.add_done_callback(got_result) try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.close()
  • 20. Asyncio: Components • transport o represent connections such as sockets, SSL connection and pipes o Async socket operations • Usually frameworks implement e.g. Tornado • protocols o represent applications such as HTTP client/server, SMTP, and FTP o Async http operation o [loop.create_connection()]
  • 21. Example: Asyncio Redis import asyncio import asyncio_redis @asyncio.coroutine def my_subscriber(channels): connection = yield from asyncio_redis.Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379) subscriber = yield from connection.start_subscribe() yield from subscriber.subscribe(channels) while True: reply = yield from subscriber.next_published() print('Received: ', repr(reply.value), 'on channel', loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() asyncio.async(my_subscriber('channel-1')) asyncio.async(my_subscriber('channel-2')) loop.run_forever()
  • 22. Example: Asyncio ‘Tasks’ import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def factorial(name, number): f = 1 for i in range(2, number+1): print("Task %s: Compute factorial(%s)..." % (name, i)) yield from asyncio.sleep(1) f *= i print("Task %s: factorial(%s) = %s" % (name, number, f)) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [ asyncio.async(factorial("A", 2)), asyncio.async(factorial("B", 3)), asyncio.async(factorial("C", 4))] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) loop.close()
  • 23. Async in Python • Frameworks o Tornado o Twisted o Gevent • Modules o Tulip o Asyncio
  • 24. Tornado Async • Event Loop => tornado.ioloop • Coroutine => tornado.gen.coroutine • Future => tornado.concurrent.future • Transport/Protocol => tornado.iostream • Bridge the gap => tornado.platform.asyncio – Combines asyncio and tornado in same event loop
  • 25. Tornado Async Http import tornado.ioloop from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient def handle_request(response): '''callback needed when a response arrive''' if response.error: print("Error:", response.error) else: print(’Success') print(response.body) Before Event Loop Starts! Success b'{"ip": ""}n' Callback http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() # initialize http client http_client.fetch(”", handle_request) print("Before Event Loop Starts!") tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() # start the tornado ioloop
  • 26. Tornado Coroutine import tornado.web import tornado.gen from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient class GenAsyncHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.gen.coroutine def get(self): http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() response = yield http_client.fetch("") print(response) application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", GenAsyncHandler), ]) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() gen.coroutine schedules the generator to be resumed when the Future is resolved ‘yield’ makes the function a generator The generator in turn returns a Future instance In this case, response, will resolve with response from fetch or an exception
  • 27. Tornado Engine class MainHandlerAsync(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.web.asynchronous @tornado.gen.engine def get(self): req = tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest("",) client = tornado.httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient() response = yield tornado.gen.Task(client.fetch, req) self.finish() application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/async", MainHandlerAsync), ]) if __name__ == "__main__": http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(application) http_server.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
  • 28. Let’s create our Future! import time import datetime from tornado.concurrent import return_future class AsyncHTTPClient(object): @return_future def fetch(self, url, callback=None): print("In my fetch") time.sleep(0.02) result = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow()) callback(result) import tornado.web import tornado.gen from myfuture import AsyncHTTPClient def test(arg): print('In test:' + arg) class GenAsync(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @tornado.gen.coroutine def get(self): http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() r = yield http_client.fetch(“”,test) print(r) application = tornado.web.Application([ (r"/", GenAsync),]) if __name__ == "__main__": application.listen(8888) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()
  • 30. Work to be achieved
  • 31. Performance Results ab -n 500 -c 10 http://localhost:8888/blocking ab -n 500 -c 10 http://localhost:8888/async 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Time per request Async Blocking Async Blocking 200 150 100 50 0 Requests per second Async Blocking Async Blocking
  • 32. Learnings • Async programming is an efficient, easy to understand design and code • Python asyncio module is comprehensive • Has generic use cases for vast variety of applications o Responsive web applications o Networking applications • Requires a new way to program and design
  • 33. Recommendations • Async programming is not a holistic solution • It has its own pros and cons o Suitable for primarily I/O bound applications o Needs enough tasks available to run • asyncio module is only available for Python 3 applications • Also explore other methods of concurrency: o Eventlets o STM o Multiprocessing/threads o Special languages e.g. GO, Scala • Understand and use 
  • 34. References • asyncio – • Python asyncio – o o • Tornado – • Multithreading – • Event loop: html
  • 35. Contact Us • Chetan Giridhar o o • Vishal Kanaujia o o
  • 37. Asyncio: example import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def create(): yield from asyncio.sleep(3.0) print("(1) create file") @asyncio.coroutine def write(): yield from asyncio.sleep(1.0) print("(2) write into file") @asyncio.coroutine def close(): print("(3) close file") @asyncio.coroutine def test(): asyncio.async(create()) asyncio.async(write()) asyncio.async(close()) yield from asyncio.sleep(2.0) loop.stop() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() asyncio.async(test()) loop.run_forever() print("Pending tasks at exit: %s" % asyncio.Task.all_tasks(loop)) loop.close()
  • 38. Python Async Modules • Asynccore • Asyncchat • Gevent • Twisted • Eventlets
  • 39. Concurrency Techniques • Multithreading/processing • Green Threads • STM
  • 40. Tornado + AsyncIO from tornado.platform.asyncio import AsyncIOMainLoop from tornado.httpclient import AsyncHTTPClient import asyncio AsyncIOMainLoop().install() -- # Tell Tornado to use the asyncio eventloop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() -- # get the loop http_client = AsyncHTTPClient() -- # the Tornado HTTP client def aio_fetch(client, url, **kwargs): fut = asyncio.Future() client.fetch(url, callback=fut.set_result, **kwargs) return fut @asyncio.coroutine def main(): print("fetching my site") mysite = yield from aio_fetch(http_client, "") print("hello httpbin") httpbin = yield from aio_fetch(http_client, "" % mysite.code) print(httpbin.body) loop.run_until_complete(main())
  • 41. Co-routine v/s Callback import asyncio def just_print_messages(loop): print('Just print') loop.call_later(1, just_print_messages, loop) def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.call_soon(just_print_messages, loop) loop.run_forever() finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() import asyncio @asyncio.coroutine def just_print_messages(): while True: print('Just print') yield from asyncio.sleep(1) def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() try: loop.run_until_complete(just_print_messages()) finally: loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
  • 42. Async in NodeJS request is an var http = require(‘http’); event var server = http.createServer; server.on(‘request’, function(request,response) { response.writeHead(200); response.end(‘Hello World’); }).listen(8001); Callback console.log(‘Server running on port 8001’);

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Event loops use cooperative scheduling: an event loop only runs one task at a time. Other tasks may run in parallel if other event loops are running in different threads. While a task waits for the completion of a future, the event loop executes a new task.
  2. Event loop : Central execution device BaseEventLoop.add_reader(fd, callback, *args) Start watching the file descriptor for read availability and then call the callback with specified arguments. BaseEventLoop.remove_reader(fd) Stop watching the file descriptor for read availability. BaseEventLoop.add_writer(fd, callback, *args) Start watching the file descriptor for write availability and then call the callback with specified arguments. BaseEventLoop.remove_writer(fd) Stop watching the file descriptor for write availability.
  3. Add an example
  4. A Transport represents a connection – e.g. a socket, pipe, or SSL connection • typically implemented by the framework • A Protocol represents an application – e.g. an HTTP server or client • typically implemented by you!