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Essay on Indigenous People
What does the future hold for the indigenous peoples around the world? There is no clear answer, to
this question. Each and every government must review the past treatment and the current conditions
to determine what should [could] be done, to improve the lives of their indigenous peoples. The
issues of the past are vast in number and unique to each government. The issues include: political
power, education, environment, land [territory], intellectual property, poverty and the list goes on.
According to, Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos "the United Nations proclaimed 1995–2004
the International Decade of the World'sIndigenous Peoples" (76). Today, there are still unresolved
issues that confront the very existence of the more content...
This is the only way to stop the acts of injustice long–term. Perhaps, the indigenous peoples could
[should] use the media to get a voice and to make others aware of the issues involving their treatment.
Secondly, nations like the United States and Austria that have in the past shown nation pride of
their indigenous peoples, on the worldwide stage, could promote the agenda of indigenous
peoples. In Austria, there are many famous athletes like Benn Harradine, a discus thrower who
holds the record his native country. In the 2000 Olympics, Cathy Freeman, a track and field star,
won the 400 meter track event to capture worldwide notoriety for the indigenous peoples of Austria.
In the United States, the American Indians are not often seen as celebrities. Perhaps, if American
Indians were given the same celebrity status as their counter parts in the industry of acting there
would be someone to promote their cause. Whatever the case maybe there is a need to have a
cheerleader a drum major to promote cause and the political agenda for indigenous peoples on the
nation stage. Just as Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader of the 1960's, promoted the injustice
to African–Americans that lead to the civil rights movement; indigenous peoples need to organize in
the same way.
Clearly, education has to be the main focus for all people, not only indigenous people, but for all
people. However, indigenous peoples need to become better educated in order to
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Creative Person
A creative person is someone who uses their imagination and intuition to create something new or to
make changes to something that already exists. Creative people have many attributes such as
openness to new experiences, observance, curiosity, personal freedom, a willingness to take risks,
self reliance, persistence and the freedom from fear of failure. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are
the two most commonly used methods of creative motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to
motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards,
such as money or grades. The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or
from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on more content...
It would be good for me to develop non–attachment also as I can't get attached to things I do and I
always want my preferences. It would also be good for me to develop skills that could be used in a
group situation as I do not work well in a group. Van Gundy's also had a list of ten things that would
help me work better in a group.
There are also aspects that can damage or destroy a person's creativity. There are six factors that
when brought upon a person who is doing something creative, will undermine both the intrinsic
interest and creative potential of the project. The six factors are:
1.Expected Evaluation: If a person is expecting somebody to be evaluating their work they will
worry about criticisms the person might make. The pressure will cause a person's creativity to be
2.Surveillance: Creativity would also be harmed if there is a person constantly peering over your
shoulder as you are trying to be creative.
3.Reward: Although the incentive of a reward might help someone, it might also harm creativity as
I believe a person would be trying to hard to do something they cant and also trying to make
something to perfect and never accepting the good work they have done.
4.Competition: If a person is in competition with another they might focus all their energy on the
competition rather than creativity of the project.
5.Restricted Choice: If people have boundaries in what they are
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Human Personality Essay
A quote that I live by is, "People don't always behave the way you want them to, but it doesn't mean
the way they behave is wrong." This says to me that I cannot change anyone because I do not
understand or like the way someone does something. Trying to do this is trying to change one's
human personality. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional.
Every person has a different personality and some personalities mesh better than others. Human
personality should always be praised and no one should ever put anyone down for having a
different personality. It is truly just allowing people to be who they are unless they are in violation
of other human's rights. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, " more content...
Examples of laws like this would be: wearing a seat belt, the possession of guns, the right to
abortion, and the ability to buy alcohol on Sundays. These types of laws are there because
someone else says that it is wrong to do these things. Trying to prevent supposedly wrong things
from happening seems like good intent but is actually unjust. An example of this is seat belt laws
that try to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt in the event of a car accident. But if the
driver or their passengers do not want to buckle up why should the law force them. It may seem
strange for some people to not want to wear their seat belt but it is just because they have a
different personality. The only just laws are the ones that punish those that actually degrade
someone's human personality. Rape, murder, robbery, and fraud are all examples of this. When
someone rapes another they are taking away their free will to do whatever they choose. And those
who commit that crime should be punished. But to create laws to prevent rapes from occurring is
unjust. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is
wrong. People have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they deserve
the consequences of their actions. In conclusion, human personality is the essential character of a
human being. It is not clear what uplifts and what degrades human personality because it is human
nature to
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Essay on We the People
Unit 1 Speech 2: What are the fundamental characteristics of a constitutional government?
В·In what ways does constitutional government mean limited government?
В·Describe at least three provisions of the Constitution that provide a means of preventing the abuse
or misuse of government power. Explain how these provisions work in our system of government
The fundamental characteristics of a constitutional government contain of a written document which
establishes the rules, rights, and principles of the government. These characteristics are the
establishment of individual rights, federalism, higher law, separation of powers, and checks and
balances. The establishment of all these rules, rights, and principles are all more content...
An example of checks and balances is the two–third vote of Congress to approve a bill that the
president has vetoed. Another provision of the Constitution that provides a means of preventing the
abuse or misuse of governmental power is higher law which is to be obeyed by the government in
the U.S. Constitution. The higher laws were established to protect individual rights. The
government cannot use any of its power to take these rights away from any person without due
process of law or in times of war. The last but not least provision that prevents the misuse or abuse
of governmental power is the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was put into our Constitution to help
each person receive the rights they deserve, and to limit the government's power in order to secure
people's rights. The Constitution is the highest law in the United States, higher law is used in our
government today in every aspect because we live based on the Constitution. Checks and balances
is used in our system of government today because they still limit each branch and give them
certain powers. The executive branch still can veto bills from the legislature, and the judicial branch
still may declare a law constitutional and unconstitutional. The Bill of Rights will always be used in
the life of Americans. It is used today by giving U.S. citizens the rights they should receive and
limits the governments powers on their rights. We still have these rights
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Essay about Managing People
Managing People
The history of managing people has reflected prevailing beliefs and attitudes held in society about
employees, the response of employers to public policy (for example, health and safety and
employment legislation) and reactions to trade union growth. In the early stages of the Industrial
Revolution, the extraordinary codes of discipline and fines imposed by factory owners were, in part,
a response to the serious problem of imposing standards of discipline and regularity on an untrained
workforce. In the 1840s common humanity and political pressure began to combine with
enlightened self–interest among a few of the larger employers to make them aware of alternative
ways more content...
I will conclude with the controversy between the Modernist and Post–Modernist paradigms in regard
to management science and empirical research. A fundamental belief in Modernism is that all
problems can be solved rationally by the application of scientific and social theory, and thus justify
management theories that aim to explain human behaviour. Post–Modernists argue that it is
impossible to derive a universal truth, and therefore empirical studies do not reflect the reality within
Artist and poet create theirs works in response to the time in which they lives, wars emerge out of
economic and political pressure. Companies change their structures in response to the need to follow
their customers overseas, for instance. Therefore, to better understand the Human ResourceГ‚'s role
in organisation today, itГ‚'s necessary to understand first how companies themselves are changing
and the trend that are causing these change to occur. Perhaps the most important, organisations today
are under intense pressure to be better, faster, and more competitive. The combined effects of the
globalisation, the dematerialisation of economic activity, the acceleration of technological and social
change, and the emergence of new trends toward a service society and the information age. The
trends that have dramatically
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Essay on Profile of a Person
Raphael Colmanette 1
Dr.McDonough 10/16
First Year Writing
Clash Of Cultures
There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals, different
experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I realized
that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay that I
have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is kind
of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A lot of
stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I was kind
of lost, because I do not know a lot of more content...
The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he
is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known
here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know,
but actually he was way more than that.
Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know
about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about
Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures.
He lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to
live in a property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I
think it would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his
parents. His dad was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the
company changed place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the
difficulties of change home to another country, and especially the big change of culture.
Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years
and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to get
used to
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Essay on People Pleaser
Who would you like to sit before you today, what is your pleasure? I assure you, look at me in
different light because I can be whatever you want. I belong to a society populated by chameleons:
people who constantly change personalities to appease their company. I call this morphing ability the
chameleon–complex, in which there are two degrees: the complete chameleon and the partial
chameleon. Which are we? This is a personal awareness many do not care to reach. In fact, most
would rather swallow glass. But, after we make this realization, we look for someone or something
to blame (could it be the media, peer pressure, or even our parents?!).
After stammering through this process, the issue becomes: how deep are we buried beneath the more content...
I have honed the partial chameleon–complex, which is a skill I am quite proud of. But don't
misunderstand, my complex is merely a facet of my personality. I encompass everything you hear
about in popular songs on the radio. I am a distinct individual with a unique purpose, yet at the
same time I have a deep need to belong while bringing laughs and smiles to the lips of everyone I
know, regardless of my own emotions. I have torn myself down merely to be rebuilt and rebuilt
myself merely to be torn down.
Numerous time I have "remodeled" my personality for others, all the while trying to be everyone's
everything. More often than not this led to disappointment and discouragement when I was rejected
by the very individuals I wished to please. I am still covered in packaging, but personal freedom is
real to me. Pieces of my personality shine through gaps in the paper. I have found people develop
concepts of me, and no matter what I do they will always be there. I've come to accept and use these
to identify myself. And if you conceptualize me, your perception will transform me into anyone you
want. At the other end of the spectrum lies the complete chameleon: individuals anticipating the next
request from their most popular patron. The personalities which are requested become companions.
Lost in the abyss of packaging cultivated over they years, complex chameleons struggle for personal
freedom. Genuiness doesn't exist in such a
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Perception Essay
Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select,
organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects the way people
communicate with others. An individual's pattern of thinking can affect their perception of others.
Most people communicate best with people of similar cultures.
The articles that I read discussed Social Perception. Social Perception was described as interpreting
information about other people. If you feel that you are familiar with a person, you perceive to have a
better understanding of that person intention. The pattern of thinking can affect a person's
perception of others. The social contexts, in which you meet someone, can play more
(3) First Impression error allows a lasting impression to be formed based on an initial meeting. This
can be positive or negative. If you are going to a job interview and the interviewer sees your
appearance is neat and you are prepared of the interview, this could determine whether or not you
are chosen for the job. On the other hand if the interviewer sees that you are not dressed
appropriately for the interview and are unprepared this could also be a determining factor in whether
or not you get the job.
(4) Projection allows believe that other people have similar beliefs. If you are a person who believes
that all people are honest and truthful, projection is the belief that others share the same truthfulness
and honesty, and we know that is not true.
(5) Self– Fulfilling prophecy affects the outcome of expectations while interacting with others. An,
example of this is President Bush convinced Congress that invading Iraq would liberate the country
and make the world a safer place, without knowing that it would make the Iraqi rebels feel that we
were occupying their country and trying to take control the oil.
Comparing ourselves to others to see how we measure up and using past experiences can effect
perceptions that we have with others. There are many processes that influence perception.
Consciously deciding what information to pay attention to can influence many decisions we make.
Understanding different cultures and
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Essay on Identity
Identity is a state of mind in which someone recognizes/identifies their character traits that leads to
finding out who they are and what they do and not that of someone else. In other words it's
basically who you are and what you define yourself as being. The theme of identity is often
expressed in books/novels or basically any other piece of literature so that the reader can intrigue
themselves and relate to the characters and their emotions. It's useful in helping readers understand
that a person's state of mind is full of arduous thoughts about who they are and what they want to be.
People can try to modify their identity as much as they want but that can never change. The theme of
identity is a very strenuous topic to more content...
As they tried to get adjusted in New York City it was very hard for them to do since their families
wanted them to maintain their cultural roots but yet the girls wanted to be like everyone else was
so that they could feel comfortable. Trying to adjust to their new way of life is very difficult
especially in a city like New York where if you're not high–class you struggle along in often
dangerous community which is something their mother doesn't want them to become exposed to. As
they search for their cultural identity this also interferes with their personal identity. How the Garcia
Girls Lost Their Accents is story that is mostly told through Yolanda's point of view since she was
the one that in the family that most struggle with her own identity. She was born in the Dominican
Republic but when she came to New York City everything changed. As she tried to accommodate
herself she lost many of her old ways yet gained knowledge of the American ways. In Chapter 1
Yolanda returns to Dominican Republic after five years but she had changed a lot. It was hard
for her to speak Spanish the way she used to before and also difficult to remember any cultural
words. Her aunts explained to her that an "antojo" is a craving you have for something. At the
thought of this she decided to go into the countryside and search for some "guavas". As Yolanda
was in search for such fruits, two men with weapons asked her if Spanish if she needed help. "She
has been too
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Essay On People

  • 1. Essay on Indigenous People What does the future hold for the indigenous peoples around the world? There is no clear answer, to this question. Each and every government must review the past treatment and the current conditions to determine what should [could] be done, to improve the lives of their indigenous peoples. The issues of the past are vast in number and unique to each government. The issues include: political power, education, environment, land [territory], intellectual property, poverty and the list goes on. According to, Gillette Hall and Harry Anthony Patrinos "the United Nations proclaimed 1995–2004 the International Decade of the World'sIndigenous Peoples" (76). Today, there are still unresolved issues that confront the very existence of the more content... This is the only way to stop the acts of injustice long–term. Perhaps, the indigenous peoples could [should] use the media to get a voice and to make others aware of the issues involving their treatment. Secondly, nations like the United States and Austria that have in the past shown nation pride of their indigenous peoples, on the worldwide stage, could promote the agenda of indigenous peoples. In Austria, there are many famous athletes like Benn Harradine, a discus thrower who holds the record his native country. In the 2000 Olympics, Cathy Freeman, a track and field star, won the 400 meter track event to capture worldwide notoriety for the indigenous peoples of Austria. In the United States, the American Indians are not often seen as celebrities. Perhaps, if American Indians were given the same celebrity status as their counter parts in the industry of acting there would be someone to promote their cause. Whatever the case maybe there is a need to have a cheerleader a drum major to promote cause and the political agenda for indigenous peoples on the nation stage. Just as Martin Luther King Jr., a civil rights leader of the 1960's, promoted the injustice to African–Americans that lead to the civil rights movement; indigenous peoples need to organize in the same way. Clearly, education has to be the main focus for all people, not only indigenous people, but for all people. However, indigenous peoples need to become better educated in order to Get more content on
  • 2. Creative Person A creative person is someone who uses their imagination and intuition to create something new or to make changes to something that already exists. Creative people have many attributes such as openness to new experiences, observance, curiosity, personal freedom, a willingness to take risks, self reliance, persistence and the freedom from fear of failure. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations are the two most commonly used methods of creative motivation. Intrinsic motivation refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades. The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on more content... It would be good for me to develop non–attachment also as I can't get attached to things I do and I always want my preferences. It would also be good for me to develop skills that could be used in a group situation as I do not work well in a group. Van Gundy's also had a list of ten things that would help me work better in a group. There are also aspects that can damage or destroy a person's creativity. There are six factors that when brought upon a person who is doing something creative, will undermine both the intrinsic interest and creative potential of the project. The six factors are: 1.Expected Evaluation: If a person is expecting somebody to be evaluating their work they will worry about criticisms the person might make. The pressure will cause a person's creativity to be restricted. 2.Surveillance: Creativity would also be harmed if there is a person constantly peering over your shoulder as you are trying to be creative. 3.Reward: Although the incentive of a reward might help someone, it might also harm creativity as I believe a person would be trying to hard to do something they cant and also trying to make something to perfect and never accepting the good work they have done. 4.Competition: If a person is in competition with another they might focus all their energy on the competition rather than creativity of the project. 5.Restricted Choice: If people have boundaries in what they are Get more content on
  • 3. Human Personality Essay A quote that I live by is, "People don't always behave the way you want them to, but it doesn't mean the way they behave is wrong." This says to me that I cannot change anyone because I do not understand or like the way someone does something. Trying to do this is trying to change one's human personality. Human personality is what makes a person distinctive, unique, and exceptional. Every person has a different personality and some personalities mesh better than others. Human personality should always be praised and no one should ever put anyone down for having a different personality. It is truly just allowing people to be who they are unless they are in violation of other human's rights. Just as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, " more content... Examples of laws like this would be: wearing a seat belt, the possession of guns, the right to abortion, and the ability to buy alcohol on Sundays. These types of laws are there because someone else says that it is wrong to do these things. Trying to prevent supposedly wrong things from happening seems like good intent but is actually unjust. An example of this is seat belt laws that try to prevent anyone from getting seriously hurt in the event of a car accident. But if the driver or their passengers do not want to buckle up why should the law force them. It may seem strange for some people to not want to wear their seat belt but it is just because they have a different personality. The only just laws are the ones that punish those that actually degrade someone's human personality. Rape, murder, robbery, and fraud are all examples of this. When someone rapes another they are taking away their free will to do whatever they choose. And those who commit that crime should be punished. But to create laws to prevent rapes from occurring is unjust. These types of laws assume that people will do wrong and that their human personality is wrong. People have the right to do whatever they please whether it is moral or not and they deserve the consequences of their actions. In conclusion, human personality is the essential character of a human being. It is not clear what uplifts and what degrades human personality because it is human nature to Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on We the People Unit 1 Speech 2: What are the fundamental characteristics of a constitutional government? В·In what ways does constitutional government mean limited government? В·Describe at least three provisions of the Constitution that provide a means of preventing the abuse or misuse of government power. Explain how these provisions work in our system of government today. The fundamental characteristics of a constitutional government contain of a written document which establishes the rules, rights, and principles of the government. These characteristics are the establishment of individual rights, federalism, higher law, separation of powers, and checks and balances. The establishment of all these rules, rights, and principles are all more content... An example of checks and balances is the two–third vote of Congress to approve a bill that the president has vetoed. Another provision of the Constitution that provides a means of preventing the abuse or misuse of governmental power is higher law which is to be obeyed by the government in the U.S. Constitution. The higher laws were established to protect individual rights. The government cannot use any of its power to take these rights away from any person without due process of law or in times of war. The last but not least provision that prevents the misuse or abuse of governmental power is the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was put into our Constitution to help each person receive the rights they deserve, and to limit the government's power in order to secure people's rights. The Constitution is the highest law in the United States, higher law is used in our government today in every aspect because we live based on the Constitution. Checks and balances is used in our system of government today because they still limit each branch and give them certain powers. The executive branch still can veto bills from the legislature, and the judicial branch still may declare a law constitutional and unconstitutional. The Bill of Rights will always be used in the life of Americans. It is used today by giving U.S. citizens the rights they should receive and limits the governments powers on their rights. We still have these rights Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Managing People Managing People The history of managing people has reflected prevailing beliefs and attitudes held in society about employees, the response of employers to public policy (for example, health and safety and employment legislation) and reactions to trade union growth. In the early stages of the Industrial Revolution, the extraordinary codes of discipline and fines imposed by factory owners were, in part, a response to the serious problem of imposing standards of discipline and regularity on an untrained workforce. In the 1840s common humanity and political pressure began to combine with enlightened self–interest among a few of the larger employers to make them aware of alternative ways more content... I will conclude with the controversy between the Modernist and Post–Modernist paradigms in regard to management science and empirical research. A fundamental belief in Modernism is that all problems can be solved rationally by the application of scientific and social theory, and thus justify management theories that aim to explain human behaviour. Post–Modernists argue that it is impossible to derive a universal truth, and therefore empirical studies do not reflect the reality within organisations. Artist and poet create theirs works in response to the time in which they lives, wars emerge out of economic and political pressure. Companies change their structures in response to the need to follow their customers overseas, for instance. Therefore, to better understand the Human ResourceГ‚'s role in organisation today, itГ‚'s necessary to understand first how companies themselves are changing and the trend that are causing these change to occur. Perhaps the most important, organisations today are under intense pressure to be better, faster, and more competitive. The combined effects of the globalisation, the dematerialisation of economic activity, the acceleration of technological and social change, and the emergence of new trends toward a service society and the information age. The trends that have dramatically Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Profile of a Person Raphael Colmanette 1 Dr.McDonough 10/16 First Year Writing Clash Of Cultures There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals, different experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I realized that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay that I have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is kind of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A lot of stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I was kind of lost, because I do not know a lot of more content... The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know, but actually he was way more than that. Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures. He lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to live in a property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I think it would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his parents. His dad was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the company changed place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the difficulties of change home to another country, and especially the big change of culture. Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to get used to Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on People Pleaser Who would you like to sit before you today, what is your pleasure? I assure you, look at me in different light because I can be whatever you want. I belong to a society populated by chameleons: people who constantly change personalities to appease their company. I call this morphing ability the chameleon–complex, in which there are two degrees: the complete chameleon and the partial chameleon. Which are we? This is a personal awareness many do not care to reach. In fact, most would rather swallow glass. But, after we make this realization, we look for someone or something to blame (could it be the media, peer pressure, or even our parents?!). After stammering through this process, the issue becomes: how deep are we buried beneath the more content... I have honed the partial chameleon–complex, which is a skill I am quite proud of. But don't misunderstand, my complex is merely a facet of my personality. I encompass everything you hear about in popular songs on the radio. I am a distinct individual with a unique purpose, yet at the same time I have a deep need to belong while bringing laughs and smiles to the lips of everyone I know, regardless of my own emotions. I have torn myself down merely to be rebuilt and rebuilt myself merely to be torn down. Numerous time I have "remodeled" my personality for others, all the while trying to be everyone's everything. More often than not this led to disappointment and discouragement when I was rejected by the very individuals I wished to please. I am still covered in packaging, but personal freedom is real to me. Pieces of my personality shine through gaps in the paper. I have found people develop concepts of me, and no matter what I do they will always be there. I've come to accept and use these to identify myself. And if you conceptualize me, your perception will transform me into anyone you want. At the other end of the spectrum lies the complete chameleon: individuals anticipating the next request from their most popular patron. The personalities which are requested become companions. Lost in the abyss of packaging cultivated over they years, complex chameleons struggle for personal freedom. Genuiness doesn't exist in such a Get more content on
  • 8. Perception Essay PERCEPTION Perception is defined as how you look at others and the world around you. Being able to select, organize and intercept information starts the perceptual process. Perception affects the way people communicate with others. An individual's pattern of thinking can affect their perception of others. Most people communicate best with people of similar cultures. The articles that I read discussed Social Perception. Social Perception was described as interpreting information about other people. If you feel that you are familiar with a person, you perceive to have a better understanding of that person intention. The pattern of thinking can affect a person's perception of others. The social contexts, in which you meet someone, can play more content... (3) First Impression error allows a lasting impression to be formed based on an initial meeting. This can be positive or negative. If you are going to a job interview and the interviewer sees your appearance is neat and you are prepared of the interview, this could determine whether or not you are chosen for the job. On the other hand if the interviewer sees that you are not dressed appropriately for the interview and are unprepared this could also be a determining factor in whether or not you get the job. (4) Projection allows believe that other people have similar beliefs. If you are a person who believes that all people are honest and truthful, projection is the belief that others share the same truthfulness and honesty, and we know that is not true. (5) Self– Fulfilling prophecy affects the outcome of expectations while interacting with others. An, example of this is President Bush convinced Congress that invading Iraq would liberate the country and make the world a safer place, without knowing that it would make the Iraqi rebels feel that we were occupying their country and trying to take control the oil. Comparing ourselves to others to see how we measure up and using past experiences can effect perceptions that we have with others. There are many processes that influence perception. Consciously deciding what information to pay attention to can influence many decisions we make. Understanding different cultures and Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Identity Identity is a state of mind in which someone recognizes/identifies their character traits that leads to finding out who they are and what they do and not that of someone else. In other words it's basically who you are and what you define yourself as being. The theme of identity is often expressed in books/novels or basically any other piece of literature so that the reader can intrigue themselves and relate to the characters and their emotions. It's useful in helping readers understand that a person's state of mind is full of arduous thoughts about who they are and what they want to be. People can try to modify their identity as much as they want but that can never change. The theme of identity is a very strenuous topic to more content... As they tried to get adjusted in New York City it was very hard for them to do since their families wanted them to maintain their cultural roots but yet the girls wanted to be like everyone else was so that they could feel comfortable. Trying to adjust to their new way of life is very difficult especially in a city like New York where if you're not high–class you struggle along in often dangerous community which is something their mother doesn't want them to become exposed to. As they search for their cultural identity this also interferes with their personal identity. How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents is story that is mostly told through Yolanda's point of view since she was the one that in the family that most struggle with her own identity. She was born in the Dominican Republic but when she came to New York City everything changed. As she tried to accommodate herself she lost many of her old ways yet gained knowledge of the American ways. In Chapter 1 Yolanda returns to Dominican Republic after five years but she had changed a lot. It was hard for her to speak Spanish the way she used to before and also difficult to remember any cultural words. Her aunts explained to her that an "antojo" is a craving you have for something. At the thought of this she decided to go into the countryside and search for some "guavas". As Yolanda was in search for such fruits, two men with weapons asked her if Spanish if she needed help. "She has been too Get more content on