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Liposuction: It’s Also for Guys

Though plastic surgery in the past has seemed to be primarily a girl-thing, more and more men are
considering the virtues of cosmetic enhancements to help make themselves more marketable in today’s
workplace. There are several reasons why surgical procedures have become more popular with men. As
the number of people who have gone under the knife continues to rise, cosmetic surgery has become
significantly less taboo. And men are finding that if they want that big promotion at work, it’s vital to
look young and healthy.

Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures out there today for both men and
women. While the number of plastic surgery procedures that were performed between 2010 and 2011
in the United States only rose by about 1%, liposuction surgery has increased in popularity by a
whopping 14% and men are making up a much larger proportion of the surgeries performed each year.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the number of men who have
been seeking out plastic surgery procedures has risen exponentially since the late 1990’s. For example,
in 2011, almost 10% of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States were done on males. That’s
an incredible 121% increase over the past 16 years! Men who are considering plastic or cosmetic
procedures need to know that these days, they’re definitely not alone.

As more men begin to see the virtues of tighter skin and less flab, liposuction procedures have begun
targeting the male population more effectively. Abdominal etching and other procedures capable of
producing truly amazing results are catching the attention of men around the globe who have worked
diligently for an elusive six pack that never takes shape no matter how many hours they spend in the

Some experts believe that the media has helped to drive interest in procedures like liposuction.
Television shows that feature makeovers, for example, have perhaps given plastic surgery a more
palatable image in the eyes of men. According to Renato Salz, vice president of the International Society
of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, “In the past few years, plastic surgery is everywhere. All those nip-and tuck
shows have brought plastic surgery to a common ground.” Both men and women are much more likely
to admit to having had procedures like liposuction performed because finally, plastic surgery has been
put in the spotlight.

Technologies in liposuction have definitely helped to fuel men’s interest in procedures. Not only can
they seek out procedures to build that six-pack or provide an incredibly etched physique, but they can
often return to work in only a few days. Liposuction is considerably less risky these days because doctors
typically use local rather than general anesthesia for procedures. As a result, patients need not spend
the night in the hospital and recovery is quicker. Men who are seeking out liposuction surgery to help
keep themselves looking younger longer should be please to know that people between 35 and 64 years
of age account for 71% of the plastic surgery procedures today.
After Liposuction, Regular Exercise and Healthy DietKeeps the Fat off

Liposuction can do many things. It can help both men and women get rid of stubborn areas of fat on the
body. It can create an etched and sculpted appearance that’s nearly impossible to achieve with only diet
and exercise. And it can help patients increase their self-esteem and self-image. But after surgery,
patients are still responsible for adhering to healthy lifestyle habits in order to keep their new look

For patients who don’t have a healthy lifestyle to begin with, it’s important to start as soon as possible if
liposuction is in the forecast. Diet and exercise are a good place to start, but patients need to realize
that if they smoke or drink a lot, they may need to modify these habits before pursuing a procedure.
Smoking especially can wreak havoc on the body, making it more difficult for patients to heal following
surgery. A patient who smokes is more likely to heal slowly following liposuction and experience other
complications. Most doctors recommend that patients stop smoking at least 2 weeks before their
scheduled operation.

Many patients mistakenly believe that after liposuction surgery, they won’t be able to gain the fat back
where it was initially removed. This isn’t entirely true. Though fat cells are removed during liposuction,
some still remain and if a proper, healthy diet isn’t enforced, patients may see a decline in their results
over time. The good news is that patients who take the time to plan healthy meals and eat right are
likely to have liposuction results that last a really long time.

Exercise is also important following liposuction surgery. Indeed, it’s valuable for patients to take up an
exercise regime before their surgery and form a solid habit. If patients have a good habit going before
their liposuction surgery, they’ll be significantly more likely to maintain it after the fact. It’s a challenge
to start a healthy new habit and a much better strategy to do that part of the work before liposuction
surgery rather than after. Once you’ve established an exercise routine that works for you, it will be
much easier to return to it following your procedure. Individuals who are able to successfully maintain a
healthy amount of exercise will be much more likely to maintain their liposuction results.

A study in Brazil recently considered the potentially negative effects of liposuction on patients who were
susceptible to gaining fat after their procedure. Specifically, researchers wanted to know if the fat
gained would contribute to heart or metabolic issues. Patients who followed a healthy lifestyle
including regular exercise and a calorie-restricted diet were able to keep off extra pounds and maintain
reasonable health. In contrast, patients who did not follow a healthy lifestyle following liposuction were
more likely to develop visceral fat, the dangerous type of fat that can lead to health issues down the

Patients undergoing liposuction need to be prepared to maintain a healthy lifestyle after their procedure
in order to keep the fat off, but also to keep their bodies in tip top condition. Though patients are often
more concerned about appearance than inner health, the two are intimately intertwined and following
liposuction it is vital that patients follow a lifestyle that will help them get lasting results from their
The Truth about Liposuction and Man Boobs

Though excess abdominal fat can be embarrassing for men, there’s nothing worse than man boobs at
the beach. There are certain areas on a man’s body that tend to resist diet and exercise: love handles
and man boobs. So what can you do to get rid of these problem areas once they develop? Sometimes,
liposuction or other types of surgery are the only option for me who want to look their best.

Hormones can cause all kinds of havoc for both men and women. For men, however, hormones can
sometimes cause the development of love handles, or excess fat on the sides of the lower abdomen.
The fat may wrap around the waist and into the lower back region as well. Gynecomastia, or man boobs,
can also manifest as a result of how men’s hormones work. Even very fit individuals such as body
builders, athletic instructors, or coaches can have fat distributed inexplicably in these areas. If you’ve got
man boobs or love handles, despite being relatively lean and fit, you’re not alone.

A little bit of fat and flab in a man’s breasts can signify either true gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia.
True gynecomastia may require the surgical removal of glandular tissues in the breasts in order to
achieve a “normal” appearance. In contrast, psuedogynecomastia may be treatable with a simple
liposuction procedure. Pseudogynecomastia may develop due to weight gain. Both gynecomastic and
pseudogynecomastia may also develop in response to prescription medications, the onset of adolescent,
an underlying medical issues, or the use of certain recreational drugs.

While some men may need to have a large volume of tissue removed from the breasts, other men may
have very little. The use of just a liposuction procedure or liposuction plus a glandular excision
procedure will depend on analysis by a qualified plastic surgery who is skilled in doing these kinds of

Some men who have liposuction done on their man boobs will go ahead and have liposuction performed
on other areas of the body, such as the love handles as well in the same procedure. It is significantly less
costly to have several procedures performed at the same time so men who opt for simultaneous
surgeries are usually getting a good deal. Plastic surgeons who are working on more than just one area
of the body at one time will be able to sculpt the areas such that they blend nicely with each other and
the rest of the physique.

Men who have liposuction done on their breasts, may see changes in their areolas as the skin overlying
their pectoralis muscles tighten. The areolas often diminish in size in response to the removal of fatty
tissues and glands which represents yet another plus for men considering this procedure. Many men
who have had the procedure done wish they had gone ahead with it sooner. Getting those man boobs
removed can significantly enhance a man’s self-image and self-confidence. Whether you have a lot of fat
or just a little to remove, liposuction may be the answer if you’re ready to rid yourself of man boobs
once and for all.
Benefits of SmartLipo Triplex

One of the reasons why liposuction has grown so much in popularity over the past ten years is because
the technology underlying body sculpting procedures has significantly increased. The number of
liposuction procedures performed between 2010 and 2011 rose by 14% according to the American
Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.Traditional liposuction procedures often involved an extensive
recovery period that just isn’t necessary today with the new, technologically sophisticated options that
are available. If you’re considering SmartLipo Triplex for an upcoming liposuction procedure, you can
rest easy knowing that this liposuction technology is revered worldwide.

Patients who are in the market for a liposuction procedure typically have three primary concerns:
results, safety, and recovery. Everyone wants to get great results from their liposuction procedure that
at least meets or perhaps even exceeds their expectations. The technology used to produce great results
using SmartLipo Triplex is state-of-the-art and designed specifically to address these patient concerns.
Laser technologies can be remarkably precise and skin tightening in the targeted area of the body can
help to enhance the results. Patients who have undergone surgery using the SmartLipo Triplex system
typically report that their results were on par with their hopes and expectations.

Safety is another concern for patients who are considering liposuction. In the past, traditional
liposuction techniques often left patients open to issues such as infection, profound swelling or bruising.
SmartLipo Triplex, however, is a much gentler method of removing fat from the targeted areas on the
body. Because laser energy is used to melt the fat cells before suctioning them out of the body, patients
don’t have to contend with large incisions following the procedure. Smaller cannulas (tubes through
which fat is suctioned) can be used to suction the fat out of the body which means smaller incisions are
required to accomplish the patient’s goals. Smaller incisions mean less scarring and a diminished risk of

Because SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive procedure, doctors typically use only local anesthetic
to numb the target area of the body rather than general anesthesia. General anesthesia was much more
dangerous to patients than local anesthesia. As a result, the safety of SmartLipo Triplex has been
significantly enhanced. Many of the risks associated with conventional liposuction had to do with the
use of general anesthesia.

SmartLipo Triplex administers laser energy to the targeted area in a regulated manner. Side effects and
serious health issues are rare. Laser energy is evenly distributed throughout the area being treated to
prevent heat burns. The recovery period from a SmartLipo Triplex procedure is therefore less intense
than recovery from a traditional liposuction procedure. Patients experience less discomfort during
recovery and are able to get on their feet in a reasonable period of time (days, rather than weeks)
following the procedure. Patients may continue to see improvement in their appearance for several
months following the procedure as the skin overlying the treated area continues to tighten. And what’s
more, as long as patients are diligent about adhering to a healthy lifestyle, the results from their
procedure will be long-lasting.
What is SmartLipo Triplex?

Whether you’re new to the idea of liposuction or you’ve been researching liposuction technologies for
awhile, you’ve probably heard of SmartLipo Triplex. That’s because this advanced laser body sculpting
technology is used to perform cutting-edge liposuction procedures that produce top of the line results.
Patients who are considering some of the more technologically advanced options in liposuction should
look closely at SmartLipo Triplex. It’s the first multiplex triple wavelength laser liposuction technology of
its kind and patients who have opted to use it for body contouring are raving about their results.

Let’s face it. There are tons of different liposuction options on the market today. It can be difficult to
choose which one is right for you. SmartLipo Triplex has become popular mostly because it speeds up
the surgery itself and offers results that are more precise. Patients also tend to experience faster
recovery from their surgery. As a result, this liposuction technology has become incredibly popular
among individuals hoping to get rid of excess fat with a minimal amount of pain and discomfort.

SmartLipo was originally approved by the FDA in 2006 as a laser liposuction device that can be used to
rid patients of both small and larger volumes of fat from targeted areas of the body. Because SmartLipo
Triplex uses laser technologies to achieve results, it is able to cause less pain and trauma to the body
than traditional methods. Surrounding tissues are less likely to be disrupted as the fat cells are being
melted by the SmartLipo Triplex laser. In the past, fat cells had to be manually dislodged from their
location which meant that sometimes blood vessels and nerves were damaged in theprocess.

SmartLipo Triplex works by producing more powerful and more effective energies than SmartLipo or
SmartLipo MPX. These laser energies are up to 40 times more capable of melting fat in the targeted
areas of the body. Three wavelengths of energy including 1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm are used in a
precisely controlled manner to sculpt the ideal physique.

SmartLipo Triplex is not only able to contour the body, but also shape, tone, and tighten the skin which
can be an important aspect of getting the results you really want from liposuction treatment. If the skin
fails to tighten up after liposuction, the skin in the treated areas may look flabby and the results may be
less than desirable. Laser liposuction technologies are able to increase the elasticity of the skin by aiming
heat energies at the tissues to promote the development of healthy collagen. Traditional liposuction
techniques had to be performed on patients with adequately elastic skin already to ensure positive
results from the procedure.

Not only do patients spend less time in surgery, but they also spend less time recovering from their
SmartLipo Triplex procedure, a major advantage for individuals with busy lives. SmartLipo Triplex is a
legitimate option for patients who desire a technologically advanced technique that is safe and
extremely precise to sculpt the body while keeping the recovery period to a minimum.
Is SmartLipo Triplex Right for You?

There are so many liposuction technologies that have been developed in the past ten years, many
patients struggle to decide which ones are right for them. Though the development of tumescent
liposuction techniques was truly a turning point in liposuction history, new technologies have mostly
sought to refine the body sculpting possibilities. Through enhanced precision and special methods of
dislodging fat for removal from the body, these new technologies have decreased the size of incisions
that are required during liposuction surgery and enhanced the precision that plastic surgeons are able to
achieve in the final outcome.

SmartLipo Triplex is a technology that’s been in refinement since before 2006 when the first generation
SmartLipo workstation was developed. In 2006, this SmartLipo technology received FDA approval for use
in ridding the body of excess fat and since that time surgeons and scientists have worked to produce
even more effective laser liposuction technologies. SmartLipo is well-known among surgeons who
regularly perform liposuction surgeries. SmartLipo Triplex is the most advanced laser lipolysis system
available to diminish treatment time and reduce the amount of time that patients spend in recovery.

Regular tumescent liposuction techniques that don’t make use of the added technologies offered by
SmartLipo Triplex can still produce very respectable results. However, many patients still choose to go
ahead with the enhanced technologies because of the added benefits of using lasers. The lasers that are
used in SmartLipo Triplex treatments are able to specifically target fat cells, reducing trauma to the
surrounding tissues such as nerves and blood vessels. This is important during recovery when swelling
and bruising can inhibit the process of healing and make it difficult for patients to see their positive

There are three wavelengths of light that are emitted using SmartLipo Triplex. These include 1064 nm,
1440 nm, and 1320 nm. By incorporating three wavelengths of energy into the treatment process,
doctors can target tissues specifically to achieved desirable effects. Avoiding trauma to surrounding
tissues is important, but patients who have undergone SmartLipo Triplex treatments also enjoy the fact
that laser energies can be directed at the skin to enhance elasticity. For patients who are older or who
simply have poor elasticity to their skin, SmartLipo Triplex may be the answer to their problem. Lasers
are directed at overlying skin tissues to promote the development of new collagen which significantly
increase the patient’s skin elasticity.

If you’re especially concerned about safety and recovery, SmartLipo Triplex is a great choice when it
comes to liposuction. There is less bleeding involved with t and minimal risk of complications associated
with the procedure. Patients spend less time in surgery which means that they can get on with recovery
more quickly. Though there are always risks involved with any surgical procedure, SmartLipo Triplex is a
relatively safe procedure that produces impeccable results consistent with patients’ expectations. If
you’re interested in using the latest technologies in liposuction to get results you really want, SmartLipo
Triplex might be right for you.
High Definition Liposuction Enhances Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

It is remarkably frustrating to religiously follow a healthy diet and exercise program with little or no
success at reaching your final goal. Not only can such a situation leave you feeling helpless and hopeless,
but it can seriously impact your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you’re athletic and you’re striving for
a six-pack or turtle tummy with no success, don’t lose hope. It’s possible to get a lean and sculpted look
without having to work-out for 8 hours a day. High definition liposuction has made it possible for
relatively fit individuals to get the body they’ve always wanted.

Though regular liposuction techniques can help remove unwanted fat from the body, high definition
liposuction takes the process one step further. The procedure is particularly appropriate for patients
who are close to their ideal body weight because it sculpts the body such that target areas look
muscular and athletic. Individuals who are not athletic or fit to begin with may not benefit as readily
from high definition liposuction.

Men and women who work hard to keep their bodies fit and trim may be frustrated by their genetic
predisposition to fatty deposits in certain areas of the body. A woman who jogs 20 miles each week may
still have saddle bags or excess fat on her thighs and abdomen. This can seriously impact her self-
esteem. But high definition liposuction can help people in this situation to achieve the contours that
they really want and define musculature for a refined, athletic appearance.

Men are constantly questing after the elusive six-pack, using sports enhancing nutritional supplements,
lifting weights, and doing anything possible to get a thoroughly masculine appearance. Unfortunately,
however, it can be quite challenging to get that six pack with diet and exercise alone. Men can work for
years to try to achieve muscle-building goals. Some nutritional supplements do more harm than good
and as testosterone declines as men grow older, muscle mass is naturally harder to build. But many men
are finding that high definition liposuction can help them achieve their appearance goals, which can
provide them with a major boost in self-confidence.

High definition liposuction is especially appropriate for patients who wish to tighten skin after losing
weight naturally. The procedure is able to produce a very smooth and sculpted appearance. Patients
who wish to define muscle groups in their core following pregnancy or weight loss are prime candidates
for the procedure. High definition liposuction can help patients get rid of extra inches anywhere on the
body, but especially around the waist, thigh, and hip area.

Patients who aren’t terribly interested in losing weight, but rather wish for a more sculpted appearance
are ideal for high definition liposuction. Despite the discouragement of having excess fat despite
consistent exercise and a healthy diet, high definition liposuction can assist patients in achieving the
look they really want. Finally achieving one’s personal goals and expectations can be life-changing and
many patients who seek out high definition liposuction experience a boost in self-esteem, self-
confidence, and self-image.
What You Need to Know about VASER High Definition Liposuction

The idea of having rock solid, sculpted abs without a lot of time at the gym may sound really appealing,
but is it realistic? High definition liposuction is a surgical procedure that resembles, in many ways,
traditional or tumescent liposuction. A tube called a “cannula” is inserted through a small incision in the
targeted area of the body to suction out excess fat. But the results of high definition liposuction are epic.
Patients walk away with a slimmer profile, but also sometimes a turtle tummy or a six-pack as well. High
definition liposuction is a technique used to create a toned, sculpted, athletic appearance in both men
and women. And believe it or not, getting high definition abs (or any other part of the body) is totally

The technology used to create these awesome effects was initially developed in the 1990’s. The
ultrasonic energy used in high definition liposuction procedures was first put into practice in the 1980’s,
but there were side effects such as tissue damage from over-exposure to the ultrasonic waves, leading
to complications. Today, those initial problems associated with ultrasonic energy have been worked out.
Tools such as VASER (Vibration, Amplification, of Sound Energy at Resonance) that are able to make use
of ultrasound have been developed and used with great success.

VASER is third-generation technology that utilizes ultrasonic energy waves delivered in pulses through a
specially developed probe. The energy pulsates in order to prevent over-exposure to the ultrasonic
waves and therefore avoid many of the undesirable side effects. Dr. William W. Cimino of Lafayette,
Colorado developed the system in 1998. It allows plastic surgeons to specifically target different layers
of fat to create a more sculpted appearance to the muscles. Doctors use VASER on various areas of the
body including the hips and flanks, abdominals and upper back, breasts, arms, gluteus and leg muscles.
Fat in these areas is liquefied by the ultrasonic energy and then suctioned out of the body using the
cannula. By melting the fat cells, plastic surgeons are able to create a more toned appearance.

Ultrasonic energy causes less trauma on the surrounding tissues than regular tumescent liposuction. The
energy waves are used to break down cellular membranes around fat cells to release the fatty tissues
from the target areas. Ultrasound is selectively delivered to the fat in the body without affecting the
other tissues in any way which makes this procedure notably safe in comparison with less
technologically advanced tumescent liposuction procedures.

Plastic surgeons who are proficient with high definition techniques remove excess fat from the body and
then uses landmarks such as the rectus abdominus, linea alba, lineasemilunaris, and tendinous
intersections to guide the placement of superficial liposuction that is done to highlight these underlying
features of the musculature. Additional fat cells may also be transferred to the target area to create the
appearance of more muscular volume and definition in certain areas. Though it may seem too good to
be true, high definition liposuction is for real and the results are striking. Talk with your plastic surgeon
to find out whether high definition liposuction is for you.
Minimally Invasive Liposuction Techniques Take Center Stage

Liposuction has come a long way over the past forty years. Traditional liposuction techniques were
brutal on the body and sometimes left behind scarring and undesirable body contours. Technology
however, has greatly improved the success of liposuction with minimally invasive techniques growing
more and more popular with each passing year.

Though the first liposuction procedure was technically performed in the 1920’s on a French model, this
procedure actually diminished interest in the procedure when the patient lost her leg due to gangrene.
It was decades before interest in the technique was resurrect. The first successful liposuction
procedures were performed in the mid-1970’s and in the early 1980’s, physicians worked with various
techniques, but few advancements took shape. However, in 1985, Klein and Lillis developed something
they called the “tumescent technique” that would revolutionize liposuction.

Tumescent liposuction involved injections of high volumes of fluid containing a mixture of lidocaine,
epinephrine, and bicarbonate. General anesthesia wasn’t required because the procedure utilized local
anesthetic instead. This significantly reduced the risks involved in liposuction procedures. The popularity
of the procedure thus began to grow.

Liposuction really began to take off in the 1990’s with the development of ultrasound and laser-assisted
technologies. However, the innovations in liposuction also led to unexpected complications. Using laser
or ultrasonic energies could lead to heat injuries of the internal organs and other tissues. Refinement
was necessary in order to develop workable techniques like those that are available today.

Understandably, patients today are drawn to the refined liposuction techniques that make it possible to
achieve maximum change with as little downtime as possible. By changing fat cells from a solid to a
liquid form, plastic surgeons have realized that they are able to use smaller cannulas to suction it out of
the body. Smaller cannulas translate into smaller incisions and smaller incisions mean a lessened chance
of infection. Patients who have smaller incisions to contend with also tend to heal faster and therefore
experience shorter recovery periods.

Minimally invasive liposuction techniques are all the rage right now because most of the people who
consider liposuction today lead busy lives. A long, drawn out recovery period isn’t an option for them.
And everyone is concerned about the safety of procedures. Further, using ultrasound or laser
technologies, plastic surgeons have been able to obtain coveted high definition results while at the same
time offering patients short recovery periods and less risk of scarring and infection.

Of course, there are non-invasive “liposuction” techniques that are currently on the market as well
today, but these don’t produce the same dramatic results that are possible with minimally invasive
procedures. Many patients choose to split the difference and go for a high definition, minimally invasive
liposuction procedure rather than experimenting with non-invasive procedures. But though tumescent
liposuction is still available today, many patients choose to go with higher tech procedures in order to
diminish risks and increase the probability that they’ll end up with results that exceed their
Liposuction Body Contouring after Weight Loss

Obesity is a major problem in the United States today. More than one third of the population (37.5%) is
considered obese. This fact has led to the development of surgical techniques designed to help
individuals lose weight quickly with a minimal amount of effort. Bariatric surgeries include a variety of
different procedures such as the gastric band, the removal or a part of the stomach, and gastric bypass
surgery. Though these surgeries can have tremendous health benefits for patients including profound
weight loss, recovery from diabetes, and improvement of cardiovascular health issues, they often aren’t
able to help patients achieve their ideal appearance goals. Despite the fact that bariatric surgery and
profound weight loss can have desirable health benefits, patients who have lost a lot of weight often
end up with areas of the body with flabby skin.

After major weight loss, patients often turn to body contouring in order to achieve the appearance
they’ve longed for. Body contouring procedures can improve appearance by re-shaping and creating
more tone in the underlying tissues that support the skin and fat. By removing excess tissues that are
often leftover following weight loss, patients can feel good about the way they look which can help
motivate them to continue to eat right and exercise every day.

When patients lose a lot of weight very quickly, such as what happens following bariatric surgeries, it’s
not uncommon for the skin in certain areas of the body to lack the necessary elasticity to conform to the
new, smaller body size. This can be remarkably disheartening to patients who have worked hard and
suffered the rigors of profound weight loss. Body contouring can address issues related to sagging skin.

Various areas of the body may be affected by diminished skin elasticity. The upper arms, for example,
may be especially prone to sagging and loose skin. By removing the excess skin in this area, patients can
achieve a more normal appearance. Breast tissues also tend to sag following major weight gain and then
loss. The nipples may hang downward. Patients who wish to repair these issues will have to consider a
breast lift to correct the issue.

The abdominals are a common problem area, especially among individuals who have gained a lot of
weight. The skin in the abdomen can become stretched and sag below the belt line in an apron-like
overhand. The excess skin in this area can make it difficult for patients to exercise and certainly
contributes to low self-esteem despite the loss of extra pounds. It can be discouraging to patients who
have undergone weight loss treatment to have to contend with an overhang of skin around the
abdomen. However, body contouring can help repair the issue.

Hanging pockets of excess skin are also prevalent in the buttocks, thighs, and groin. Through body
contouring surgery, patients can get rid of the excess tissues while supporting underlying structures to
achieve a very natural-looking appearance that will help motivate them to continue to stay in shape.
Today, many bariatric surgeons recommend that patients look at body contouring as the final step in
profound weight loss. Body contouring allows patients to see themselves as they hoped to appear when
they first started their weight loss journey.
Body Contouring Using Liposuction

There are a variety of different body contouring procedures available to individuals who have
successfully lost a lot of weight using gastric bypass surgery. These include abdominoplasty, full body lift,
cellulite treatments, abdominal etching, and liposuction. The purpose of each of these procedures is to
help reshape the body while defining, toning, and improving the musculature, skin elasticity, and
contour of the physique. Both men and women can benefit from body contouring after undergoing
profound weight loss and one of the most popular surgeries used to create a finished appearance is

During liposuction surgery, target areas of the body are injected with a special tumescing solution that
will cause fat cells to become swollen, hard, and numb. The solution contains a mixture of lidocaine,
epinephrine, and bicarbonate and acts as a local anesthetic as well as changing the size and texture of
the fat cells. Once the target area has been injected with the solution and the cells have become swollen
with the fluid, the liposuction surgeon makes incisions that will be used to remove the fat cells from the

A cannula, or small tube, is inserted into the incisions in the target area and fat cells are suctioned out of
the body. There are a variety of liposuction techniques and technologies that can be used to remove the
fatty tissues. For example, laser lipolysis or ultrasonic energy may be used to melt the fat cells into a
liquid form before they are suctioned out of the body. There are pros and cons to each liposuction
technique. Body contouring however, can be performed using just about any of the liposuction
procedures available today.

It may be necessary to excise the extra skin leftover after extreme weight loss in order to achieve the
most appealing appearance. However, in some cases, it may be possible to use laser lipolysis or
ultrasound technologies to promote the development of collagen in the skin. Specialized wavelengths of
energy can be directed at skin tissues during liposuction procedures to encourage new collagen growth
and thus, increased elasticity. For individuals who have recently lost a lot of weight, enhance laser or
ultrasound technologies may be an essential aspect of body contouring using liposuction. Encouraging
enhanced skin elasticity may be necessary to produce an aesthetically appealing final result.

Liposuction is a viable surgical procedure for anyone who has tried diet and exercise and found that
certain fatty deposits on the body refuse to go away. Whether you’ve lost a lot of weight or just five
pounds, this paradigm can be frustrating, but liposuction offers patients the opportunity to achieve the
body shape they really want without starving themselves or working out for 8 hours a day. If you’ve
gone through the motions of losing a lot of weight and you have just a few more pounds to lose in
isolated areas of the body, liposuction is an excellent choice for body contouring. Following gastric
bypass or other bariatric surgeries, many patients feel that liposuction is the final step in a long journey
toward getting the body they really want.
How Body Contouring Liposuction Can Help You

Though body contouring refers to a set of surgical procedures that are particularly geared at
individuals who have undergone extreme weight loss, people of average weight and build can
also benefit from these procedures. In patients who have lost a lot of weight, body contouring
is usually geared at removing the excess skin that exists in certain areas of the body, but body
contouring procedures may also be appropriate for women who were pregnant and wish to
have more tone and definition in the mid-section. Anyone who has excess fat or skin in isolated
areas of the body may be good candidates for these procedures and the excellent results that
are possible through the new technologies that are available today.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is often used for body contouring because it can be
applied to isolated areas of the body to eliminate the excess fat. It goes nicely with other
procedures such as a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty to produce a very tight and toned
abdomen, for example. Though liposuction itself is not a good weight loss procedure (doctors
usually will only remove up to about 6 pounds of fat), it can still produce striking results that
simply aren’t possible with just diet and exercise. Even if you’re genetically predisposed to
carrying fat on your belly or your thighs, liposuction can be used to rid the body of the extra fat
in these areas.

Plastic surgeons who are skilled at liposuction are able to sculpt one area of the body to
complement the rest of the physique. There are a variety of different liposuction technologies
that might be recommended for patients who are hoping to use body contouring to achieve an
aesthetically pleasing appearance. For individuals who need additional elasticity in the skin,
laser or ultrasonic technologies may be the best choice because they can encourage increased
elasticity in the skin through the development of collagen. Specialized energy wavelengths can
be directly targeted at the skin overlying the treated areas in order to promote enhance
elasticity which can have pronounced effects on the final results of the surgery.

Be sure that you track down a plastic surgeon who is board certified and qualified to perform
your body contouring procedure. If you’re having liposuction surgery, specifically question your
doctor to find out about his or her skills, training, and experience at performing body
contouring using lipolysis. Finding the right doctor is an important first step toward getting
great results.

Many people are genetically predisposed to holding onto fat stores in certain areas of their
bodies. Men often end up with love handles and sometimes even gynecomastia or man boobs.
Women typically struggle with saddlebags or excess fat in their hips, abdomen, and thighs.
Because people are genetically predisposed to carrying this excess fat in isolated areas of the
body, it can be remarkably difficult to get rid of it using strictly natural methods. Body
contouring procedures that utilize liposuction can help patients surmount these difficulties,
however and finally achieve the sculpted appearance they so desire.

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Liposuction for Men: 14% Rise in Popularity

  • 1. Liposuction: It’s Also for Guys Though plastic surgery in the past has seemed to be primarily a girl-thing, more and more men are considering the virtues of cosmetic enhancements to help make themselves more marketable in today’s workplace. There are several reasons why surgical procedures have become more popular with men. As the number of people who have gone under the knife continues to rise, cosmetic surgery has become significantly less taboo. And men are finding that if they want that big promotion at work, it’s vital to look young and healthy. Liposuction is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures out there today for both men and women. While the number of plastic surgery procedures that were performed between 2010 and 2011 in the United States only rose by about 1%, liposuction surgery has increased in popularity by a whopping 14% and men are making up a much larger proportion of the surgeries performed each year. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the number of men who have been seeking out plastic surgery procedures has risen exponentially since the late 1990’s. For example, in 2011, almost 10% of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States were done on males. That’s an incredible 121% increase over the past 16 years! Men who are considering plastic or cosmetic procedures need to know that these days, they’re definitely not alone. As more men begin to see the virtues of tighter skin and less flab, liposuction procedures have begun targeting the male population more effectively. Abdominal etching and other procedures capable of producing truly amazing results are catching the attention of men around the globe who have worked diligently for an elusive six pack that never takes shape no matter how many hours they spend in the gym. Some experts believe that the media has helped to drive interest in procedures like liposuction. Television shows that feature makeovers, for example, have perhaps given plastic surgery a more palatable image in the eyes of men. According to Renato Salz, vice president of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, “In the past few years, plastic surgery is everywhere. All those nip-and tuck shows have brought plastic surgery to a common ground.” Both men and women are much more likely to admit to having had procedures like liposuction performed because finally, plastic surgery has been put in the spotlight. Technologies in liposuction have definitely helped to fuel men’s interest in procedures. Not only can they seek out procedures to build that six-pack or provide an incredibly etched physique, but they can often return to work in only a few days. Liposuction is considerably less risky these days because doctors typically use local rather than general anesthesia for procedures. As a result, patients need not spend the night in the hospital and recovery is quicker. Men who are seeking out liposuction surgery to help keep themselves looking younger longer should be please to know that people between 35 and 64 years of age account for 71% of the plastic surgery procedures today.
  • 2. After Liposuction, Regular Exercise and Healthy DietKeeps the Fat off Liposuction can do many things. It can help both men and women get rid of stubborn areas of fat on the body. It can create an etched and sculpted appearance that’s nearly impossible to achieve with only diet and exercise. And it can help patients increase their self-esteem and self-image. But after surgery, patients are still responsible for adhering to healthy lifestyle habits in order to keep their new look pristine. For patients who don’t have a healthy lifestyle to begin with, it’s important to start as soon as possible if liposuction is in the forecast. Diet and exercise are a good place to start, but patients need to realize that if they smoke or drink a lot, they may need to modify these habits before pursuing a procedure. Smoking especially can wreak havoc on the body, making it more difficult for patients to heal following surgery. A patient who smokes is more likely to heal slowly following liposuction and experience other complications. Most doctors recommend that patients stop smoking at least 2 weeks before their scheduled operation. Many patients mistakenly believe that after liposuction surgery, they won’t be able to gain the fat back where it was initially removed. This isn’t entirely true. Though fat cells are removed during liposuction, some still remain and if a proper, healthy diet isn’t enforced, patients may see a decline in their results over time. The good news is that patients who take the time to plan healthy meals and eat right are likely to have liposuction results that last a really long time. Exercise is also important following liposuction surgery. Indeed, it’s valuable for patients to take up an exercise regime before their surgery and form a solid habit. If patients have a good habit going before their liposuction surgery, they’ll be significantly more likely to maintain it after the fact. It’s a challenge to start a healthy new habit and a much better strategy to do that part of the work before liposuction surgery rather than after. Once you’ve established an exercise routine that works for you, it will be much easier to return to it following your procedure. Individuals who are able to successfully maintain a healthy amount of exercise will be much more likely to maintain their liposuction results. A study in Brazil recently considered the potentially negative effects of liposuction on patients who were susceptible to gaining fat after their procedure. Specifically, researchers wanted to know if the fat gained would contribute to heart or metabolic issues. Patients who followed a healthy lifestyle including regular exercise and a calorie-restricted diet were able to keep off extra pounds and maintain reasonable health. In contrast, patients who did not follow a healthy lifestyle following liposuction were more likely to develop visceral fat, the dangerous type of fat that can lead to health issues down the road. Patients undergoing liposuction need to be prepared to maintain a healthy lifestyle after their procedure in order to keep the fat off, but also to keep their bodies in tip top condition. Though patients are often more concerned about appearance than inner health, the two are intimately intertwined and following liposuction it is vital that patients follow a lifestyle that will help them get lasting results from their procedure.
  • 3. The Truth about Liposuction and Man Boobs Though excess abdominal fat can be embarrassing for men, there’s nothing worse than man boobs at the beach. There are certain areas on a man’s body that tend to resist diet and exercise: love handles and man boobs. So what can you do to get rid of these problem areas once they develop? Sometimes, liposuction or other types of surgery are the only option for me who want to look their best. Hormones can cause all kinds of havoc for both men and women. For men, however, hormones can sometimes cause the development of love handles, or excess fat on the sides of the lower abdomen. The fat may wrap around the waist and into the lower back region as well. Gynecomastia, or man boobs, can also manifest as a result of how men’s hormones work. Even very fit individuals such as body builders, athletic instructors, or coaches can have fat distributed inexplicably in these areas. If you’ve got man boobs or love handles, despite being relatively lean and fit, you’re not alone. A little bit of fat and flab in a man’s breasts can signify either true gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia. True gynecomastia may require the surgical removal of glandular tissues in the breasts in order to achieve a “normal” appearance. In contrast, psuedogynecomastia may be treatable with a simple liposuction procedure. Pseudogynecomastia may develop due to weight gain. Both gynecomastic and pseudogynecomastia may also develop in response to prescription medications, the onset of adolescent, an underlying medical issues, or the use of certain recreational drugs. While some men may need to have a large volume of tissue removed from the breasts, other men may have very little. The use of just a liposuction procedure or liposuction plus a glandular excision procedure will depend on analysis by a qualified plastic surgery who is skilled in doing these kinds of operations. Some men who have liposuction done on their man boobs will go ahead and have liposuction performed on other areas of the body, such as the love handles as well in the same procedure. It is significantly less costly to have several procedures performed at the same time so men who opt for simultaneous surgeries are usually getting a good deal. Plastic surgeons who are working on more than just one area of the body at one time will be able to sculpt the areas such that they blend nicely with each other and the rest of the physique. Men who have liposuction done on their breasts, may see changes in their areolas as the skin overlying their pectoralis muscles tighten. The areolas often diminish in size in response to the removal of fatty tissues and glands which represents yet another plus for men considering this procedure. Many men who have had the procedure done wish they had gone ahead with it sooner. Getting those man boobs removed can significantly enhance a man’s self-image and self-confidence. Whether you have a lot of fat or just a little to remove, liposuction may be the answer if you’re ready to rid yourself of man boobs once and for all.
  • 4. Benefits of SmartLipo Triplex One of the reasons why liposuction has grown so much in popularity over the past ten years is because the technology underlying body sculpting procedures has significantly increased. The number of liposuction procedures performed between 2010 and 2011 rose by 14% according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.Traditional liposuction procedures often involved an extensive recovery period that just isn’t necessary today with the new, technologically sophisticated options that are available. If you’re considering SmartLipo Triplex for an upcoming liposuction procedure, you can rest easy knowing that this liposuction technology is revered worldwide. Patients who are in the market for a liposuction procedure typically have three primary concerns: results, safety, and recovery. Everyone wants to get great results from their liposuction procedure that at least meets or perhaps even exceeds their expectations. The technology used to produce great results using SmartLipo Triplex is state-of-the-art and designed specifically to address these patient concerns. Laser technologies can be remarkably precise and skin tightening in the targeted area of the body can help to enhance the results. Patients who have undergone surgery using the SmartLipo Triplex system typically report that their results were on par with their hopes and expectations. Safety is another concern for patients who are considering liposuction. In the past, traditional liposuction techniques often left patients open to issues such as infection, profound swelling or bruising. SmartLipo Triplex, however, is a much gentler method of removing fat from the targeted areas on the body. Because laser energy is used to melt the fat cells before suctioning them out of the body, patients don’t have to contend with large incisions following the procedure. Smaller cannulas (tubes through which fat is suctioned) can be used to suction the fat out of the body which means smaller incisions are required to accomplish the patient’s goals. Smaller incisions mean less scarring and a diminished risk of infection. Because SmartLipo Triplex is a minimally invasive procedure, doctors typically use only local anesthetic to numb the target area of the body rather than general anesthesia. General anesthesia was much more dangerous to patients than local anesthesia. As a result, the safety of SmartLipo Triplex has been significantly enhanced. Many of the risks associated with conventional liposuction had to do with the use of general anesthesia. SmartLipo Triplex administers laser energy to the targeted area in a regulated manner. Side effects and serious health issues are rare. Laser energy is evenly distributed throughout the area being treated to prevent heat burns. The recovery period from a SmartLipo Triplex procedure is therefore less intense than recovery from a traditional liposuction procedure. Patients experience less discomfort during recovery and are able to get on their feet in a reasonable period of time (days, rather than weeks) following the procedure. Patients may continue to see improvement in their appearance for several months following the procedure as the skin overlying the treated area continues to tighten. And what’s more, as long as patients are diligent about adhering to a healthy lifestyle, the results from their procedure will be long-lasting.
  • 5. What is SmartLipo Triplex? Whether you’re new to the idea of liposuction or you’ve been researching liposuction technologies for awhile, you’ve probably heard of SmartLipo Triplex. That’s because this advanced laser body sculpting technology is used to perform cutting-edge liposuction procedures that produce top of the line results. Patients who are considering some of the more technologically advanced options in liposuction should look closely at SmartLipo Triplex. It’s the first multiplex triple wavelength laser liposuction technology of its kind and patients who have opted to use it for body contouring are raving about their results. Let’s face it. There are tons of different liposuction options on the market today. It can be difficult to choose which one is right for you. SmartLipo Triplex has become popular mostly because it speeds up the surgery itself and offers results that are more precise. Patients also tend to experience faster recovery from their surgery. As a result, this liposuction technology has become incredibly popular among individuals hoping to get rid of excess fat with a minimal amount of pain and discomfort. SmartLipo was originally approved by the FDA in 2006 as a laser liposuction device that can be used to rid patients of both small and larger volumes of fat from targeted areas of the body. Because SmartLipo Triplex uses laser technologies to achieve results, it is able to cause less pain and trauma to the body than traditional methods. Surrounding tissues are less likely to be disrupted as the fat cells are being melted by the SmartLipo Triplex laser. In the past, fat cells had to be manually dislodged from their location which meant that sometimes blood vessels and nerves were damaged in theprocess. SmartLipo Triplex works by producing more powerful and more effective energies than SmartLipo or SmartLipo MPX. These laser energies are up to 40 times more capable of melting fat in the targeted areas of the body. Three wavelengths of energy including 1064 nm, 1320 nm, and 1440 nm are used in a precisely controlled manner to sculpt the ideal physique. SmartLipo Triplex is not only able to contour the body, but also shape, tone, and tighten the skin which can be an important aspect of getting the results you really want from liposuction treatment. If the skin fails to tighten up after liposuction, the skin in the treated areas may look flabby and the results may be less than desirable. Laser liposuction technologies are able to increase the elasticity of the skin by aiming heat energies at the tissues to promote the development of healthy collagen. Traditional liposuction techniques had to be performed on patients with adequately elastic skin already to ensure positive results from the procedure. Not only do patients spend less time in surgery, but they also spend less time recovering from their SmartLipo Triplex procedure, a major advantage for individuals with busy lives. SmartLipo Triplex is a legitimate option for patients who desire a technologically advanced technique that is safe and extremely precise to sculpt the body while keeping the recovery period to a minimum.
  • 6. Is SmartLipo Triplex Right for You? There are so many liposuction technologies that have been developed in the past ten years, many patients struggle to decide which ones are right for them. Though the development of tumescent liposuction techniques was truly a turning point in liposuction history, new technologies have mostly sought to refine the body sculpting possibilities. Through enhanced precision and special methods of dislodging fat for removal from the body, these new technologies have decreased the size of incisions that are required during liposuction surgery and enhanced the precision that plastic surgeons are able to achieve in the final outcome. SmartLipo Triplex is a technology that’s been in refinement since before 2006 when the first generation SmartLipo workstation was developed. In 2006, this SmartLipo technology received FDA approval for use in ridding the body of excess fat and since that time surgeons and scientists have worked to produce even more effective laser liposuction technologies. SmartLipo is well-known among surgeons who regularly perform liposuction surgeries. SmartLipo Triplex is the most advanced laser lipolysis system available to diminish treatment time and reduce the amount of time that patients spend in recovery. Regular tumescent liposuction techniques that don’t make use of the added technologies offered by SmartLipo Triplex can still produce very respectable results. However, many patients still choose to go ahead with the enhanced technologies because of the added benefits of using lasers. The lasers that are used in SmartLipo Triplex treatments are able to specifically target fat cells, reducing trauma to the surrounding tissues such as nerves and blood vessels. This is important during recovery when swelling and bruising can inhibit the process of healing and make it difficult for patients to see their positive results. There are three wavelengths of light that are emitted using SmartLipo Triplex. These include 1064 nm, 1440 nm, and 1320 nm. By incorporating three wavelengths of energy into the treatment process, doctors can target tissues specifically to achieved desirable effects. Avoiding trauma to surrounding tissues is important, but patients who have undergone SmartLipo Triplex treatments also enjoy the fact that laser energies can be directed at the skin to enhance elasticity. For patients who are older or who simply have poor elasticity to their skin, SmartLipo Triplex may be the answer to their problem. Lasers are directed at overlying skin tissues to promote the development of new collagen which significantly increase the patient’s skin elasticity. If you’re especially concerned about safety and recovery, SmartLipo Triplex is a great choice when it comes to liposuction. There is less bleeding involved with t and minimal risk of complications associated with the procedure. Patients spend less time in surgery which means that they can get on with recovery more quickly. Though there are always risks involved with any surgical procedure, SmartLipo Triplex is a relatively safe procedure that produces impeccable results consistent with patients’ expectations. If you’re interested in using the latest technologies in liposuction to get results you really want, SmartLipo Triplex might be right for you.
  • 7. High Definition Liposuction Enhances Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence It is remarkably frustrating to religiously follow a healthy diet and exercise program with little or no success at reaching your final goal. Not only can such a situation leave you feeling helpless and hopeless, but it can seriously impact your self-esteem and self-confidence. If you’re athletic and you’re striving for a six-pack or turtle tummy with no success, don’t lose hope. It’s possible to get a lean and sculpted look without having to work-out for 8 hours a day. High definition liposuction has made it possible for relatively fit individuals to get the body they’ve always wanted. Though regular liposuction techniques can help remove unwanted fat from the body, high definition liposuction takes the process one step further. The procedure is particularly appropriate for patients who are close to their ideal body weight because it sculpts the body such that target areas look muscular and athletic. Individuals who are not athletic or fit to begin with may not benefit as readily from high definition liposuction. Men and women who work hard to keep their bodies fit and trim may be frustrated by their genetic predisposition to fatty deposits in certain areas of the body. A woman who jogs 20 miles each week may still have saddle bags or excess fat on her thighs and abdomen. This can seriously impact her self- esteem. But high definition liposuction can help people in this situation to achieve the contours that they really want and define musculature for a refined, athletic appearance. Men are constantly questing after the elusive six-pack, using sports enhancing nutritional supplements, lifting weights, and doing anything possible to get a thoroughly masculine appearance. Unfortunately, however, it can be quite challenging to get that six pack with diet and exercise alone. Men can work for years to try to achieve muscle-building goals. Some nutritional supplements do more harm than good and as testosterone declines as men grow older, muscle mass is naturally harder to build. But many men are finding that high definition liposuction can help them achieve their appearance goals, which can provide them with a major boost in self-confidence. High definition liposuction is especially appropriate for patients who wish to tighten skin after losing weight naturally. The procedure is able to produce a very smooth and sculpted appearance. Patients who wish to define muscle groups in their core following pregnancy or weight loss are prime candidates for the procedure. High definition liposuction can help patients get rid of extra inches anywhere on the body, but especially around the waist, thigh, and hip area. Patients who aren’t terribly interested in losing weight, but rather wish for a more sculpted appearance are ideal for high definition liposuction. Despite the discouragement of having excess fat despite consistent exercise and a healthy diet, high definition liposuction can assist patients in achieving the look they really want. Finally achieving one’s personal goals and expectations can be life-changing and many patients who seek out high definition liposuction experience a boost in self-esteem, self- confidence, and self-image.
  • 8. What You Need to Know about VASER High Definition Liposuction The idea of having rock solid, sculpted abs without a lot of time at the gym may sound really appealing, but is it realistic? High definition liposuction is a surgical procedure that resembles, in many ways, traditional or tumescent liposuction. A tube called a “cannula” is inserted through a small incision in the targeted area of the body to suction out excess fat. But the results of high definition liposuction are epic. Patients walk away with a slimmer profile, but also sometimes a turtle tummy or a six-pack as well. High definition liposuction is a technique used to create a toned, sculpted, athletic appearance in both men and women. And believe it or not, getting high definition abs (or any other part of the body) is totally realistic. The technology used to create these awesome effects was initially developed in the 1990’s. The ultrasonic energy used in high definition liposuction procedures was first put into practice in the 1980’s, but there were side effects such as tissue damage from over-exposure to the ultrasonic waves, leading to complications. Today, those initial problems associated with ultrasonic energy have been worked out. Tools such as VASER (Vibration, Amplification, of Sound Energy at Resonance) that are able to make use of ultrasound have been developed and used with great success. VASER is third-generation technology that utilizes ultrasonic energy waves delivered in pulses through a specially developed probe. The energy pulsates in order to prevent over-exposure to the ultrasonic waves and therefore avoid many of the undesirable side effects. Dr. William W. Cimino of Lafayette, Colorado developed the system in 1998. It allows plastic surgeons to specifically target different layers of fat to create a more sculpted appearance to the muscles. Doctors use VASER on various areas of the body including the hips and flanks, abdominals and upper back, breasts, arms, gluteus and leg muscles. Fat in these areas is liquefied by the ultrasonic energy and then suctioned out of the body using the cannula. By melting the fat cells, plastic surgeons are able to create a more toned appearance. Ultrasonic energy causes less trauma on the surrounding tissues than regular tumescent liposuction. The energy waves are used to break down cellular membranes around fat cells to release the fatty tissues from the target areas. Ultrasound is selectively delivered to the fat in the body without affecting the other tissues in any way which makes this procedure notably safe in comparison with less technologically advanced tumescent liposuction procedures. Plastic surgeons who are proficient with high definition techniques remove excess fat from the body and then uses landmarks such as the rectus abdominus, linea alba, lineasemilunaris, and tendinous intersections to guide the placement of superficial liposuction that is done to highlight these underlying features of the musculature. Additional fat cells may also be transferred to the target area to create the appearance of more muscular volume and definition in certain areas. Though it may seem too good to be true, high definition liposuction is for real and the results are striking. Talk with your plastic surgeon to find out whether high definition liposuction is for you.
  • 9. Minimally Invasive Liposuction Techniques Take Center Stage Liposuction has come a long way over the past forty years. Traditional liposuction techniques were brutal on the body and sometimes left behind scarring and undesirable body contours. Technology however, has greatly improved the success of liposuction with minimally invasive techniques growing more and more popular with each passing year. Though the first liposuction procedure was technically performed in the 1920’s on a French model, this procedure actually diminished interest in the procedure when the patient lost her leg due to gangrene. It was decades before interest in the technique was resurrect. The first successful liposuction procedures were performed in the mid-1970’s and in the early 1980’s, physicians worked with various techniques, but few advancements took shape. However, in 1985, Klein and Lillis developed something they called the “tumescent technique” that would revolutionize liposuction. Tumescent liposuction involved injections of high volumes of fluid containing a mixture of lidocaine, epinephrine, and bicarbonate. General anesthesia wasn’t required because the procedure utilized local anesthetic instead. This significantly reduced the risks involved in liposuction procedures. The popularity of the procedure thus began to grow. Liposuction really began to take off in the 1990’s with the development of ultrasound and laser-assisted technologies. However, the innovations in liposuction also led to unexpected complications. Using laser or ultrasonic energies could lead to heat injuries of the internal organs and other tissues. Refinement was necessary in order to develop workable techniques like those that are available today. Understandably, patients today are drawn to the refined liposuction techniques that make it possible to achieve maximum change with as little downtime as possible. By changing fat cells from a solid to a liquid form, plastic surgeons have realized that they are able to use smaller cannulas to suction it out of the body. Smaller cannulas translate into smaller incisions and smaller incisions mean a lessened chance of infection. Patients who have smaller incisions to contend with also tend to heal faster and therefore experience shorter recovery periods. Minimally invasive liposuction techniques are all the rage right now because most of the people who consider liposuction today lead busy lives. A long, drawn out recovery period isn’t an option for them. And everyone is concerned about the safety of procedures. Further, using ultrasound or laser technologies, plastic surgeons have been able to obtain coveted high definition results while at the same time offering patients short recovery periods and less risk of scarring and infection. Of course, there are non-invasive “liposuction” techniques that are currently on the market as well today, but these don’t produce the same dramatic results that are possible with minimally invasive procedures. Many patients choose to split the difference and go for a high definition, minimally invasive liposuction procedure rather than experimenting with non-invasive procedures. But though tumescent liposuction is still available today, many patients choose to go with higher tech procedures in order to diminish risks and increase the probability that they’ll end up with results that exceed their expectations.
  • 10. Liposuction Body Contouring after Weight Loss Obesity is a major problem in the United States today. More than one third of the population (37.5%) is considered obese. This fact has led to the development of surgical techniques designed to help individuals lose weight quickly with a minimal amount of effort. Bariatric surgeries include a variety of different procedures such as the gastric band, the removal or a part of the stomach, and gastric bypass surgery. Though these surgeries can have tremendous health benefits for patients including profound weight loss, recovery from diabetes, and improvement of cardiovascular health issues, they often aren’t able to help patients achieve their ideal appearance goals. Despite the fact that bariatric surgery and profound weight loss can have desirable health benefits, patients who have lost a lot of weight often end up with areas of the body with flabby skin. After major weight loss, patients often turn to body contouring in order to achieve the appearance they’ve longed for. Body contouring procedures can improve appearance by re-shaping and creating more tone in the underlying tissues that support the skin and fat. By removing excess tissues that are often leftover following weight loss, patients can feel good about the way they look which can help motivate them to continue to eat right and exercise every day. When patients lose a lot of weight very quickly, such as what happens following bariatric surgeries, it’s not uncommon for the skin in certain areas of the body to lack the necessary elasticity to conform to the new, smaller body size. This can be remarkably disheartening to patients who have worked hard and suffered the rigors of profound weight loss. Body contouring can address issues related to sagging skin. Various areas of the body may be affected by diminished skin elasticity. The upper arms, for example, may be especially prone to sagging and loose skin. By removing the excess skin in this area, patients can achieve a more normal appearance. Breast tissues also tend to sag following major weight gain and then loss. The nipples may hang downward. Patients who wish to repair these issues will have to consider a breast lift to correct the issue. The abdominals are a common problem area, especially among individuals who have gained a lot of weight. The skin in the abdomen can become stretched and sag below the belt line in an apron-like overhand. The excess skin in this area can make it difficult for patients to exercise and certainly contributes to low self-esteem despite the loss of extra pounds. It can be discouraging to patients who have undergone weight loss treatment to have to contend with an overhang of skin around the abdomen. However, body contouring can help repair the issue. Hanging pockets of excess skin are also prevalent in the buttocks, thighs, and groin. Through body contouring surgery, patients can get rid of the excess tissues while supporting underlying structures to achieve a very natural-looking appearance that will help motivate them to continue to stay in shape. Today, many bariatric surgeons recommend that patients look at body contouring as the final step in profound weight loss. Body contouring allows patients to see themselves as they hoped to appear when they first started their weight loss journey.
  • 11. Body Contouring Using Liposuction There are a variety of different body contouring procedures available to individuals who have successfully lost a lot of weight using gastric bypass surgery. These include abdominoplasty, full body lift, cellulite treatments, abdominal etching, and liposuction. The purpose of each of these procedures is to help reshape the body while defining, toning, and improving the musculature, skin elasticity, and contour of the physique. Both men and women can benefit from body contouring after undergoing profound weight loss and one of the most popular surgeries used to create a finished appearance is liposuction. During liposuction surgery, target areas of the body are injected with a special tumescing solution that will cause fat cells to become swollen, hard, and numb. The solution contains a mixture of lidocaine, epinephrine, and bicarbonate and acts as a local anesthetic as well as changing the size and texture of the fat cells. Once the target area has been injected with the solution and the cells have become swollen with the fluid, the liposuction surgeon makes incisions that will be used to remove the fat cells from the body. A cannula, or small tube, is inserted into the incisions in the target area and fat cells are suctioned out of the body. There are a variety of liposuction techniques and technologies that can be used to remove the fatty tissues. For example, laser lipolysis or ultrasonic energy may be used to melt the fat cells into a liquid form before they are suctioned out of the body. There are pros and cons to each liposuction technique. Body contouring however, can be performed using just about any of the liposuction procedures available today. It may be necessary to excise the extra skin leftover after extreme weight loss in order to achieve the most appealing appearance. However, in some cases, it may be possible to use laser lipolysis or ultrasound technologies to promote the development of collagen in the skin. Specialized wavelengths of energy can be directed at skin tissues during liposuction procedures to encourage new collagen growth and thus, increased elasticity. For individuals who have recently lost a lot of weight, enhance laser or ultrasound technologies may be an essential aspect of body contouring using liposuction. Encouraging enhanced skin elasticity may be necessary to produce an aesthetically appealing final result. Liposuction is a viable surgical procedure for anyone who has tried diet and exercise and found that certain fatty deposits on the body refuse to go away. Whether you’ve lost a lot of weight or just five pounds, this paradigm can be frustrating, but liposuction offers patients the opportunity to achieve the body shape they really want without starving themselves or working out for 8 hours a day. If you’ve gone through the motions of losing a lot of weight and you have just a few more pounds to lose in isolated areas of the body, liposuction is an excellent choice for body contouring. Following gastric bypass or other bariatric surgeries, many patients feel that liposuction is the final step in a long journey toward getting the body they really want.
  • 12. How Body Contouring Liposuction Can Help You Though body contouring refers to a set of surgical procedures that are particularly geared at individuals who have undergone extreme weight loss, people of average weight and build can also benefit from these procedures. In patients who have lost a lot of weight, body contouring is usually geared at removing the excess skin that exists in certain areas of the body, but body contouring procedures may also be appropriate for women who were pregnant and wish to have more tone and definition in the mid-section. Anyone who has excess fat or skin in isolated areas of the body may be good candidates for these procedures and the excellent results that are possible through the new technologies that are available today. Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is often used for body contouring because it can be applied to isolated areas of the body to eliminate the excess fat. It goes nicely with other procedures such as a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty to produce a very tight and toned abdomen, for example. Though liposuction itself is not a good weight loss procedure (doctors usually will only remove up to about 6 pounds of fat), it can still produce striking results that simply aren’t possible with just diet and exercise. Even if you’re genetically predisposed to carrying fat on your belly or your thighs, liposuction can be used to rid the body of the extra fat in these areas. Plastic surgeons who are skilled at liposuction are able to sculpt one area of the body to complement the rest of the physique. There are a variety of different liposuction technologies that might be recommended for patients who are hoping to use body contouring to achieve an aesthetically pleasing appearance. For individuals who need additional elasticity in the skin, laser or ultrasonic technologies may be the best choice because they can encourage increased elasticity in the skin through the development of collagen. Specialized energy wavelengths can be directly targeted at the skin overlying the treated areas in order to promote enhance elasticity which can have pronounced effects on the final results of the surgery. Be sure that you track down a plastic surgeon who is board certified and qualified to perform your body contouring procedure. If you’re having liposuction surgery, specifically question your doctor to find out about his or her skills, training, and experience at performing body contouring using lipolysis. Finding the right doctor is an important first step toward getting great results. Many people are genetically predisposed to holding onto fat stores in certain areas of their bodies. Men often end up with love handles and sometimes even gynecomastia or man boobs. Women typically struggle with saddlebags or excess fat in their hips, abdomen, and thighs. Because people are genetically predisposed to carrying this excess fat in isolated areas of the body, it can be remarkably difficult to get rid of it using strictly natural methods. Body contouring procedures that utilize liposuction can help patients surmount these difficulties, however and finally achieve the sculpted appearance they so desire.