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Encounters in Excellence presents

A film lecure by Richard Kern
Presented at your school on: ___________

sponsored by The Batchelor Foundation

             A Supplement for Teachers
Life of the Bays

	       The	following	 supplement	will	clarify	and	provide	depth	 to	subjects	 focused	upon	in	“Life	of	the	 Bays.”		 If	these	
materials	can	be	taught	in	the	classroom	a	few	days	prior	to	the	students	seeing	the	film,	the	students	will	gain	more	from	
the	presentation.


	       In	 discussions	 of	 the	 major	 ecosystems	 of	
South	 Florida,	 the	 Everglades	 steals	 much	 of	 the	
spotlight.	 	 However,	 Florida Bay,	 Biscayne Bay	
and	 the	 Florida Keys	 are	 equally	 fascinating	 and	
equally	 important	 when	 considering	 the	 overall	
environmental	 health	 of	 our	 region.	 	 They	 face	
many	 of	 the	 same	 problems	 including	 pollution,
redirected water flow	and	exotic invasive species	
that	are	contributing	to	their	deterioration.
	       In	 the	 movie	 LIFE	 OF	 THE	 BAYS	 the	
relationship	of	the	various	habitats	found	in	the	bays	
and	keys	will	be	explored.		Attention	will	be	given	to	
many	of	the	fascinating	life-forms	that	reside	there,	
as	 well	 as	 the	 impact	 human	 beings	 have	 on	 their	


						1.	Florida’s	CORAL	REEFS	can	be	found	to	the	east	and	south	of	the	Florida	Keys	just	beyond	the	
sea	grass	communities.		Tiny	sea	animals	called	coral	polyps	build	these	reefs	by	secreting	calcium	
carbonate,	creating	stony	skeletons	one	upon	the	other	over	many	years.		Corals	are	ancient,	the	first	
known	corals	appearing	over	500	million	years	ago.		We	get	a	sense	of	how	the	geology	and	climate	of	
the	earth	has	shifted	over	time	when	we	realize	that	most	of	the	Florida	Keys	are	built	upon	exposed,	
ancient	coral	reefs.
	        In	and	around	the	reefs	live	a	large	variety	of	beautiful	tropical	fish,	as	well	as	colorful	sponges	
and	exotic	soft corals	(sea	whips,	sea	rods	and	sea	fans,	also	called	gorgonians), sea anemones,	
marine	 worms	 and	 a	 host	 of	 other	 interesting	 creatures.	 	 Many	 of	 these	 creatures	 have,	 over	 time,	
adapted	uniquely	to	the	complex	landscape	of	the	reef	in	order	to	survive.		The	balloonfish,	for	example	
has	adapted	the	defensive	ability	to	inflate	its	body,	revealing	dozens	of	spines.		The	green moray eel	
is	an	ambush	predator	that	likes	to	hide	in	the	crevasses	of	the	coral	reefs.		It	has	a	second	set	of	jaws	
in	the	back	of	its	throat	to	prevent	prey	from	escaping	its	grip.
	        In	 order	 for	 coral	 reefs	 to	 grow,	 several	 environmental	 factors	 are	 essential.	 	 Only	 in	 warm,	
shallow,	and	clear,	and	fairly	calm	waters	will	corals	thrive.		Therefore,	the	waters	of	South	Florida	are	
the	only	places	off	the	continental	U.S.	coast	where	live	coral	reefs	exist.		(SC.7.E.6.4, SC.7.L.15.2)

						2.	The	SEA	GRASS	community	begins	just	beyond	the	shadow	of	the	mangrove	trees	where	the	
water	 is	 shallow	 enough	 for	 sunlight	 to	 penetrate	 and	 calm	 enough	 for	 the	 grasses	 to	 stay	 rooted.	
Three	species	of	grasses	grow	here:	Cuban	shoal	grass,	manatee	grass,	and	turtle grass-	turtle	grass	
being	by	far	the	most	important.
	        These	beds	of	mostly	turtle	grass	are	considered	to	be	the	main	nursery	grounds	for	fish	and	
invertebrates	in	American	tropical	water.		Here	in	the	grass	beds	juvenile	fish	grow	and	develop.		As	

adults	they	find	their	home	largely	on	the	coral	reefs.		Long,	flat	grass	blades	provide	lots	of	surface	
area	 for	 attachment	 of	 filamentous	 algae	 plus	 many	 tiny	 invertebrates	 like	 hydroids,	 tunicates,	 and	
tube	worms.		Hosts	of	minute	mollusks	crawl	on	the	blades,	and	so	food	supplies	are	plentiful	for	fish.	        	
Since	the	grass	grows	densely,	it	provides	good	cover	from	predators	too.
	       In	addition	to	providing	a	structure	for	other	marine	life	to	grow	and	flourish,	sea	grasses	are	also	
a	valuable	food	source	for	many	important	residents	of	the	bay.		Turtle	grass	constitutes	the	main	diet	
of	the	green sea turtle,	the West Indian manatee	and	the	variegated sea urchin,	which	consumes	
more	sea	grass	than	either	the	turtle	or	the	manatee.
	       An	important	role	played	by	sea	grass	communities	near	coral	reefs	is	to	strain	out	sediment	
drifting	towards	the	ocean	and	help	keep	the	water	clear.		As	we	learned	earlier,	clear	water	is	important	
for	the	growth	of	corals.	(SC.912.L.17.3)

						3.	The	MANGROVE	FRINGE,	linking	land	and	water	environments,	consists	of	4	species	of	trees.	         	
On	 the	 land	 side	 are	 the	 buttonwoods	 and	 white mangroves.	 	 Closer	 to	 the	 water	 are	 the	 black
mangroves	and	lastly	the	most	important	species	-	the	red mangrove	-	grows	directly	in	the	salt	water.	     	
Two	characteristics	make	mangrove	trees	uniquely	suited	for	shoreline	growth:		they	tolerate	salt	and	
they	can	survive,	even	flourish,	in	various	levels	of	flooding	and	tidal	surge.
	        Mangroves	are	important	in	stabilizing	the	land.		They	also	help	to	block	the	flow	of	salt	water	
which	helps	to	create	estuaries	which	are	transitional	zones	where	fresh	water	from	the	inland	mixes	
with	salt	water	from	the	ocean,	important	feeding	grounds	for	many	species	of	wading	birds.		Mangroves	
also	provide	protection	and	nutrition	for	many	species	of	young	fish,	shrimp	and	lobsters.			
	        The	coral	reefs,	grass	beds	and	mangrove	fringe	are	linked	together	in	a	complex	relationship	
that	sustains	all	of	the	life	of	the	bays.		Mangroves	are	the	link	between	land	and	sea.		Their	prop-
roots	create	a	buffer-zone	that	protects	the	mainland	and	the	hardwood	hammocks	(another	important	
ecosystem	of	the	keys	and	coastal	mainland)	from	storm	winds.		The	erosive	properties	of	water	are	
monumental.		The	mangroves	take	root	along	the	coast	line	and	also	help	to	prevent	coastal	erosion	
caused	by	the	powerful	tides	and	currents.	
         The leaf of the red mangrove is the base of the food web	 for	 the	 bay	 ecosystem.	 	 The	
mangroves	shed	their	leaves,	which	fall	into	the	water	and	are	broken	down	by	bacteria	and	fungi.		The	
resulting	waste	material	washes	 out	with	the	tides	and	currents	to	the	sea	grasses	and	coral	 reefs.	      	
The	nutrients	from	the	mangrove	leaves	are	consumed	by	plankton	which	in	turn	feed	tiny	fish	and	
invertebrates	in	the	grass	beds.		(SC.6.E.6.1, SC.912.L.17.3, SC.912.L.17.9)

Life Cycle of the Coral Polyp

	        Corals	belong	to	the	animal	phylum	Cnidaria.		Cnidarians	have	radial	symmetry	with	simple	body	
cavities,	and	they	all	have	stinging	cells	called	nematocysts.		Hydroids,	jellyfish	and	sea	anemones	are	
other	example	of	cnidarians.
	        The	reef	building	corals,	sometimes	called	“hard	corals”	or	“stony	corals,”	create	a	cup-shaped	
external	skeleton	which	they	build	by	secreting	calcium	carbonate.		The	soft	body	of	the	coral,	called	a	
polyp,	can	withdraw	its	many	tentacles	into	the	cup	for	protection.		At	night	the	tentacles	are	extended	
to	catch	plankton.
	        Corals	can	reproduce	sexually	or	asexually.		In	sexual	reproduction	sperm	are	released	from	the	
mouth	of	the	body	cavity	into	the	sea	where	they	may	drift	into	the	mouth	of	another	polyp	to	fertilize	the	
eggs	there.		This	is	called	“broadcast	spawning.”		Later,	the	fertilized	egg	leaves	through	the	mouth	of	
the	polyp	and	becomes	a	free-swimming	larva	called	a	“planula.”
	        After	 swimming	 for	 several	 weeks,	 the	 planula	 attaches	
itself	to	a	hard	surface.		At	first	just	a	small	depression	forms	on	
the	unattached	end.		Then	tiny	tentacles	begin	to	pop	up	around	
this	depression	which	soon	becomes	the	body	cavity	of	an	adult	
polyp.	 	 When	 the	 polyp	 is	 completely	 formed,	 it	 then	 begins	
secreting	its	hard	skeleton.
	        There	 is	 an	 interesting	 relationship	 between	 most	 coral	
varieties	 and	 a	 type	 of	 alga	 called	 zooxanthellae.	 	The	 single-
celled	algae	actually	live	within	the	tissue	of	the	coral	polyp.		The	
algae	 produce	 nutrients	 through	 photosynthesis	 which	 requires	
light.		This	is	why	clear,	shallow	water	is	important	for	coral	growth.	 	
The	 corals	 use	 oxygen	 given	 off	 by	 the	 zooxanthellae	 as	 a	 by-
product	 of	 photosynthesis.	 	The	 algae	 also	 help	 in	 the	 building	
of	the	coral	skeleton	and	in	transporting	certain	nutrients	within	
the	coral	polyp.		This	is	an	example	of	symbiotic	mutualism,	a	
relationship	in	which	both	organisms	benefit.		Zooxanthellae	are	also	used	by	other	forms	of	cnidarian	
life	such	as	certain	varieties	of	sea	anemones	and	jellyfish,	such	as	the	cassiopea,	which	is	also	called	
the	“upside-down	jellyfish.”
	        Corals	are	delicate	creatures,	and	the	landscape	of	the	reef	can	shift	dramatically	with	changes	
in	climate.		Coral bleaching	can	occur	with	a	rapid	shift	in	ocean	temperatures.		The	shocked	polyps	
expel	the	zooxanthellae	from	their	tissues,	which	usually	results	in	the	death	of	the	polyp.		Oceanic
acidification	is	the	result	of	the	rise	of	carbon	dioxide	levels	in	the	sea.		The	oceans	are	important	
for	absorbing	carbon	from	the	atmosphere	and	storing	it.		Too	much	acidity	in	the	water,	however,	can	
cause	the	external	calcium	carbonate	skeletons	of	the	coral	polyps	to	deteriorate.
	        It	is	worth	noting	that	gorgonians	(soft	corals),	although	growing	on	and	adding	much	beauty	to	the	
reefs,	differ	from	the	stony,	“reef-building”	corals.		They	form	flexible	skeletons,	and	their	polyp	tentacles	
                                                 always	 number	 8,	 with	 each	 tentacle	 often	 having	 tiny	
                                                 branches.		Hard	corals	have	smooth	tentacles,	numbering	
                                                 6	 or	 some	 multiple	 of	 6,	 on	 each	 polyp.	 	 (SC.7.L.17.2,
                                                 SC.912.L.17.4, SC912.E.7.9)

                                                            Life Cycle of the Red Mangrove

                                              	    From	 the	 tiny	 yellow	 flower	 of	 the	 red	 mangrove	 tree	
                                              grows	a	long,	thin	propagule.		The	propagule	is	not	like	a	
                                              typical	fruit.		Instead,	it	is	actually	a	young	plant	growing	on	
                                              the	parent	tree,	sometimes	for	over	a	year.		Like	mammals,	

mangroves	are	viviparous,	meaning	they	produce	live	embryonic	young	instead	of	dormant	seeds	like	
most	plants.
	       When	the	propagule	is	ready	to	fall,	it	can	be	as	much	as	16	inches	long.		When	it	does	fall,	often	
it	sinks	into	soft	mud	next	to	the	parent	tree	and	immediately	begins	to	grow.		Sometimes,	however,	
the	propagule	floats	away	and	is	carried	along	for	as	much	as	a	year	with	the	course	of	the	currents.	     	
Finally,	one	end	of	the	propagule	becomes	waterlogged	enough	to	pull	the	propagule	into	a	vertical	
position.		If	the	water	in	this	new	location	is	shallow	enough	and	free	from	much	turbulence,	the	new	
mangrove	will	sink	into	the	soil	below,	sprout	roots	and	leaves,	and	begin	life,	sometimes	very	far	from	
where	its	journey	began.		(SC.912.L.17.3)

                                 Some Facts on the American Crocodile

	        Although	 still	 listed	 as	 endangered,	
the	 American	 Crocodile	 has	 rebounded	 in	
recent	 years.	 	 There	 may	 be	 close	 to	 2000	
in	 South	 Florida	 now.	 	 They	 also	 live,	 but	
not	 abundantly,	 in	 other	 locations	 around	
the	 Caribbean,	 Central	 and	 South	 America.	      	
Still,	the	crocodile	is	far	out-numbered	by	his	
close	relative,	the	American	Alligator,	whose	
Florida	population	is	estimated	to	be	over	one	
	        The	narrower	pointed	snout	is	the	most	
obvious	difference	between	the	crocodile	and	
the	alligator.		The	coloration	of	the	crocodile	
is	also	slightly	different,	showing	browner	and	
more	olive	hues	compared	to	the	grays	and	
blacks	of	the	alligator.
	        Crocodiles	 live	 in	 the	 brackish	 (salt	 mixed	 with	 fresh)	 waters	 of	 Biscayne	 and	 Florida	 Bays.	
Alligators	prefer	the	fresh	water	of	the	Everglades,	rivers	and	canals.
	        Disappearing	habitat	is	probably	the	biggest	danger	to	the	crocodile’s	survival;	therefore,	in	spite	
of	recent	increases,	their	future	is	still	uncertain.		Hypersalinity	of	the	bays	is	also	a	stress	factor.		Although	
crocodiles	have	salt	glands	in	their	mouths	for	removing	salt	from	the	water,	they	can	still	dehydrate	if	
the	salt	concentration	is	too	high.		Young	crocodiles	are	particularly	susceptible	to	dehydration.
	        American	 crocodiles	 are	 primarily	 hole-nesters.	 	An	 average	 of	 40	 three-inch,	 oval	 eggs	 are	
deposited	in	a	hole	dug	in	the	beach	sand.		Approximately	two	months	later	the	mother	helps	them	
hatch	by	digging	them	out	and	gently	cracking	the	eggs	and	carrying	the	babies	to	the	nearby	water	
just	as	the	alligator	does.		It	is	estimated	that	only	one	out	of	four	of	the	young	that	hatch	will	survive	to	
	        Interestingly,	in	recent	years	successful	nesting	has	occurred	in	the	protected	cooling	canals	of	
the	Turkey	Point	Nuclear	Power	Plant	in	Homestead,	Florida.		It	is	now	believed	that	10%	of	the	annual	
viable	hatchlings	are	coming	from	the	Turkey	Point	nests…a	refreshing	example	of	man’s	potential	to	
co-exist	with	nature	in	a	positive	way.		(SC.912.L.17.12)

                                             The Life of the Bays

	     As	residents	of	South	Florida,	we	have	a	close	connection	to	the	waters	and	life	of	our	bays.		The	
ocean	connects	us	with	much	of	the	world.		It	supports	our	economy	by	encouraging	trade,	and	tourism.	  	
We’re	fed	by	its	sea-life,	and	inspired	by	its	beauty.		As	we	continue	to	populate	this	area,	however,	
we	are	competing	more	and	more	for	land	and	resources.		As	our	appetite	for	technology	and	material	

spews	carbon	into	our	atmosphere.		We	are	beginning	to	see	the	effects	of	carbon	and	greenhouse	
gasses	on	our	environment,	climate	and	weather	patterns.
	        Algae	blooms	(often	due	to	pollution	and	runoff	from	the	mainland)	and	turtle	grass	die-offs	in	
both	 bays	 have	 brought	 about	 dramatic	 decreases	 in	 fish,	 shrimp	 and	 lobster	 populations,	 as	 have	
over-fishing.		Off	the	keys,	the	delicate	and	slow	growing	coral	reefs	are	suffering	constant	damage	
from	bleaching,	acidification	and	other	stress-related	diseases.		Dragging	anchors	and	careless	divers	
also	destroy	the	coral	polyps,	and	propeller	scars	from	speeding	boats	have	caused	serious	damage	
to	the	sea	grass	beds.		In	fact,	most	of	the	environmental	problems	facing	our	bays	can	be	directly	or	
indirectly	attributed	to	human	pressure.
	        Along	with	the	key deer	over	a	dozen	species	of	plants	and	animals	in	the	keys’	hammocks	
alone	are	threatened	or	endangered	due	to	the	spread	of	human	population	and	infrastructure.		These	
same	factors	have	harmed	the	mangrove	shorelines	and	beaches	where	the	American Crocodile	and	
several	sea turtle	species	now	fight	for	survival.		In	the	waters	offshore	a	lovable	sea	mammal,	the	
West Indian Manatee,	has	made	some	small	gains	but	still	has	a	long	struggle	ahead.		He	is	large,	
slow,	and	frequently	surfaces	for	air	which	means	he	is	poorly	adapted	to	the	hundreds	of	boats	that	
cross	our	waters.		Many	manatees	are	struck	and	killed	each	year,	their	greatest	threat.			
	        All	 is	 not	 lost,	 however,	 and	 there	 are	 efforts	 to	 mitigate	 and	 hopefully	 reverse	 some	 of	 the	
damage	to	these	delicate	ecosystems.		Artificial	reefs	provide	new	homes	for	sea	life	while	attracting	
recreational	divers,	taking	some	of	the	pressure	off	our	coral	reefs.		Also,	experimenting	with	methods	
to	 cultivate	 and	 transplant	 coral	 fragments	 and	 sea	 grasses	 may	 lead	 to	 revitalization	 of	 our	 reefs	
and	grass	beds.		Technology	has	the	possibility	to	develop	and	utilize	new,	clean	methods	of	energy	
production,	 such	 as	 wind	 and	 solar.	 	As	 individuals,	 we	 can	 take	 small	 steps	 to	 reduce	 our	 carbon	
footprint	and	to	advocate	for	responsible	and	sustainable	ways	to	live	in	and	enjoy	South	Florida,	while	
encouraging	the	health	of	our	environment	and	protecting	the	life	of	the	bays.	 (SC.7.E.6.6, SC.7.L.15.3,
SC.912.L.17.15, SC.912.L.17.16, SC.912.L.17.17, SC.912.L.17.18, SC.912.E.6.6)

goods	rises,	so	does	our	need	for	energy.		Much	of	this	energy	comes	from	burning	fossil	fuels,	which	

Answers to Quiz (last page)

1.	b																										6.	F
2.	a,c,d																				7.	T
3.	b																										8.	T
4.	d																										9.	F
5.	c																										10.	F

                                            Suggested	Websites:

Multiple choice

1.		What	is	considered	to	be	the	base	of	the	food	web	for	Florida	Bay	and	Biscayne	Bay?		
(a)	shrimp	larvae		
(b)	mangrove	leaves	
(c)		fish	eggs	
(d)	turtle	grass

2.		Name	3	conditions	that	ocean	environments	must	have	for	coral	reefs	to	grow	well.	
(a)		warm	temperatures	
(b)	higher	than	usual	salinity	(saltiness)		
(c)	shallow	water	
(d)	clear	water	
(e)	deep	water	
(f)	fast	currents

3.		New	red	mangrove	trees	start	from….
(a)	sea	cucumbers		
(b)	propagules		
(c)	prop	roots		
(d)	anemones		
(e)	planula

4.		Coral	reefs	are	made	largely	from….
(a)	tiny	shells	pressed	together	over	many	years		
(b)	huge	boulders	upon	which	many	sea	plants	have	begun	to	grow				
(c)	skeletons	of	coral	shrimp	
(d)	exoskeletons	of	tiny	polyps

5.		Which	species	of	animal	consumes	the	most	turtle	grass?		
(a)	West	Indian	manatee	
(b)	lettuce	sea	slug		
(c)	variegated	sea	urchin	
(d)	green	sea	turtle

True or False

6.		The	American	alligator	has	a	narrower,	more	pointed	snout	than	the	American	crocodile.	____

7.		A	type	of	alga	called	zooxanthellae	lives	within	the	tissues	of	the	coral	polyp	in	an	important	
symbiotic	relationship.	____

8.		Coral	reefs	often	protect	sea	grass	beds	from	destructive	strong	currents.	____

9.		Under	the	prop	roots	of	mangrove	trees	only	two	species	of	fish	can	survive.	____

10.		Where	mangrove	trees	grow	along	a	shoreline,	loose	sediment	erodes	away,	and	the	shoreline	
recedes.	____


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Life of bays supplement

  • 1. Encounters in Excellence presents LIFE OF THE BAYS A film lecure by Richard Kern Presented at your school on: ___________ sponsored by The Batchelor Foundation A Supplement for Teachers
  • 2. Life of the Bays The following supplement will clarify and provide depth to subjects focused upon in “Life of the Bays.” If these materials can be taught in the classroom a few days prior to the students seeing the film, the students will gain more from the presentation. Introduction In discussions of the major ecosystems of South Florida, the Everglades steals much of the spotlight. However, Florida Bay, Biscayne Bay and the Florida Keys are equally fascinating and equally important when considering the overall environmental health of our region. They face many of the same problems including pollution, redirected water flow and exotic invasive species that are contributing to their deterioration. In the movie LIFE OF THE BAYS the relationship of the various habitats found in the bays and keys will be explored. Attention will be given to many of the fascinating life-forms that reside there, as well as the impact human beings have on their future. Habitats 1. Florida’s CORAL REEFS can be found to the east and south of the Florida Keys just beyond the sea grass communities. Tiny sea animals called coral polyps build these reefs by secreting calcium carbonate, creating stony skeletons one upon the other over many years. Corals are ancient, the first known corals appearing over 500 million years ago. We get a sense of how the geology and climate of the earth has shifted over time when we realize that most of the Florida Keys are built upon exposed, ancient coral reefs. In and around the reefs live a large variety of beautiful tropical fish, as well as colorful sponges and exotic soft corals (sea whips, sea rods and sea fans, also called gorgonians), sea anemones, marine worms and a host of other interesting creatures. Many of these creatures have, over time, adapted uniquely to the complex landscape of the reef in order to survive. The balloonfish, for example has adapted the defensive ability to inflate its body, revealing dozens of spines. The green moray eel is an ambush predator that likes to hide in the crevasses of the coral reefs. It has a second set of jaws in the back of its throat to prevent prey from escaping its grip. In order for coral reefs to grow, several environmental factors are essential. Only in warm, shallow, and clear, and fairly calm waters will corals thrive. Therefore, the waters of South Florida are the only places off the continental U.S. coast where live coral reefs exist. (SC.7.E.6.4, SC.7.L.15.2) 2. The SEA GRASS community begins just beyond the shadow of the mangrove trees where the water is shallow enough for sunlight to penetrate and calm enough for the grasses to stay rooted. Three species of grasses grow here: Cuban shoal grass, manatee grass, and turtle grass- turtle grass being by far the most important. These beds of mostly turtle grass are considered to be the main nursery grounds for fish and invertebrates in American tropical water. Here in the grass beds juvenile fish grow and develop. As 1.
  • 3. adults they find their home largely on the coral reefs. Long, flat grass blades provide lots of surface area for attachment of filamentous algae plus many tiny invertebrates like hydroids, tunicates, and tube worms. Hosts of minute mollusks crawl on the blades, and so food supplies are plentiful for fish. Since the grass grows densely, it provides good cover from predators too. In addition to providing a structure for other marine life to grow and flourish, sea grasses are also a valuable food source for many important residents of the bay. Turtle grass constitutes the main diet of the green sea turtle, the West Indian manatee and the variegated sea urchin, which consumes more sea grass than either the turtle or the manatee. An important role played by sea grass communities near coral reefs is to strain out sediment drifting towards the ocean and help keep the water clear. As we learned earlier, clear water is important for the growth of corals. (SC.912.L.17.3) 3. The MANGROVE FRINGE, linking land and water environments, consists of 4 species of trees. On the land side are the buttonwoods and white mangroves. Closer to the water are the black mangroves and lastly the most important species - the red mangrove - grows directly in the salt water. Two characteristics make mangrove trees uniquely suited for shoreline growth: they tolerate salt and they can survive, even flourish, in various levels of flooding and tidal surge. Mangroves are important in stabilizing the land. They also help to block the flow of salt water which helps to create estuaries which are transitional zones where fresh water from the inland mixes with salt water from the ocean, important feeding grounds for many species of wading birds. Mangroves also provide protection and nutrition for many species of young fish, shrimp and lobsters. The coral reefs, grass beds and mangrove fringe are linked together in a complex relationship that sustains all of the life of the bays. Mangroves are the link between land and sea. Their prop- roots create a buffer-zone that protects the mainland and the hardwood hammocks (another important ecosystem of the keys and coastal mainland) from storm winds. The erosive properties of water are monumental. The mangroves take root along the coast line and also help to prevent coastal erosion caused by the powerful tides and currents. The leaf of the red mangrove is the base of the food web for the bay ecosystem. The mangroves shed their leaves, which fall into the water and are broken down by bacteria and fungi. The resulting waste material washes out with the tides and currents to the sea grasses and coral reefs. The nutrients from the mangrove leaves are consumed by plankton which in turn feed tiny fish and invertebrates in the grass beds. (SC.6.E.6.1, SC.912.L.17.3, SC.912.L.17.9) 2.
  • 4. Life Cycle of the Coral Polyp Corals belong to the animal phylum Cnidaria. Cnidarians have radial symmetry with simple body cavities, and they all have stinging cells called nematocysts. Hydroids, jellyfish and sea anemones are other example of cnidarians. The reef building corals, sometimes called “hard corals” or “stony corals,” create a cup-shaped external skeleton which they build by secreting calcium carbonate. The soft body of the coral, called a polyp, can withdraw its many tentacles into the cup for protection. At night the tentacles are extended to catch plankton. Corals can reproduce sexually or asexually. In sexual reproduction sperm are released from the mouth of the body cavity into the sea where they may drift into the mouth of another polyp to fertilize the eggs there. This is called “broadcast spawning.” Later, the fertilized egg leaves through the mouth of the polyp and becomes a free-swimming larva called a “planula.” After swimming for several weeks, the planula attaches itself to a hard surface. At first just a small depression forms on the unattached end. Then tiny tentacles begin to pop up around this depression which soon becomes the body cavity of an adult polyp. When the polyp is completely formed, it then begins secreting its hard skeleton. There is an interesting relationship between most coral varieties and a type of alga called zooxanthellae. The single- celled algae actually live within the tissue of the coral polyp. The algae produce nutrients through photosynthesis which requires light. This is why clear, shallow water is important for coral growth. The corals use oxygen given off by the zooxanthellae as a by- product of photosynthesis. The algae also help in the building of the coral skeleton and in transporting certain nutrients within the coral polyp. This is an example of symbiotic mutualism, a relationship in which both organisms benefit. Zooxanthellae are also used by other forms of cnidarian life such as certain varieties of sea anemones and jellyfish, such as the cassiopea, which is also called the “upside-down jellyfish.” Corals are delicate creatures, and the landscape of the reef can shift dramatically with changes in climate. Coral bleaching can occur with a rapid shift in ocean temperatures. The shocked polyps expel the zooxanthellae from their tissues, which usually results in the death of the polyp. Oceanic acidification is the result of the rise of carbon dioxide levels in the sea. The oceans are important for absorbing carbon from the atmosphere and storing it. Too much acidity in the water, however, can cause the external calcium carbonate skeletons of the coral polyps to deteriorate. It is worth noting that gorgonians (soft corals), although growing on and adding much beauty to the reefs, differ from the stony, “reef-building” corals. They form flexible skeletons, and their polyp tentacles always number 8, with each tentacle often having tiny branches. Hard corals have smooth tentacles, numbering 6 or some multiple of 6, on each polyp. (SC.7.L.17.2, SC.912.L.17.4, SC912.E.7.9) Life Cycle of the Red Mangrove From the tiny yellow flower of the red mangrove tree grows a long, thin propagule. The propagule is not like a typical fruit. Instead, it is actually a young plant growing on the parent tree, sometimes for over a year. Like mammals, 3.
  • 5. mangroves are viviparous, meaning they produce live embryonic young instead of dormant seeds like most plants. When the propagule is ready to fall, it can be as much as 16 inches long. When it does fall, often it sinks into soft mud next to the parent tree and immediately begins to grow. Sometimes, however, the propagule floats away and is carried along for as much as a year with the course of the currents. Finally, one end of the propagule becomes waterlogged enough to pull the propagule into a vertical position. If the water in this new location is shallow enough and free from much turbulence, the new mangrove will sink into the soil below, sprout roots and leaves, and begin life, sometimes very far from where its journey began. (SC.912.L.17.3) Some Facts on the American Crocodile Although still listed as endangered, the American Crocodile has rebounded in recent years. There may be close to 2000 in South Florida now. They also live, but not abundantly, in other locations around the Caribbean, Central and South America. Still, the crocodile is far out-numbered by his close relative, the American Alligator, whose Florida population is estimated to be over one million. The narrower pointed snout is the most obvious difference between the crocodile and the alligator. The coloration of the crocodile is also slightly different, showing browner and more olive hues compared to the grays and blacks of the alligator. Crocodiles live in the brackish (salt mixed with fresh) waters of Biscayne and Florida Bays. Alligators prefer the fresh water of the Everglades, rivers and canals. Disappearing habitat is probably the biggest danger to the crocodile’s survival; therefore, in spite of recent increases, their future is still uncertain. Hypersalinity of the bays is also a stress factor. Although crocodiles have salt glands in their mouths for removing salt from the water, they can still dehydrate if the salt concentration is too high. Young crocodiles are particularly susceptible to dehydration. American crocodiles are primarily hole-nesters. An average of 40 three-inch, oval eggs are deposited in a hole dug in the beach sand. Approximately two months later the mother helps them hatch by digging them out and gently cracking the eggs and carrying the babies to the nearby water just as the alligator does. It is estimated that only one out of four of the young that hatch will survive to adulthood. Interestingly, in recent years successful nesting has occurred in the protected cooling canals of the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant in Homestead, Florida. It is now believed that 10% of the annual viable hatchlings are coming from the Turkey Point nests…a refreshing example of man’s potential to co-exist with nature in a positive way. (SC.912.L.17.12) The Life of the Bays As residents of South Florida, we have a close connection to the waters and life of our bays. The ocean connects us with much of the world. It supports our economy by encouraging trade, and tourism. We’re fed by its sea-life, and inspired by its beauty. As we continue to populate this area, however, we are competing more and more for land and resources. As our appetite for technology and material 4.
  • 6. spews carbon into our atmosphere. We are beginning to see the effects of carbon and greenhouse gasses on our environment, climate and weather patterns. Algae blooms (often due to pollution and runoff from the mainland) and turtle grass die-offs in both bays have brought about dramatic decreases in fish, shrimp and lobster populations, as have over-fishing. Off the keys, the delicate and slow growing coral reefs are suffering constant damage from bleaching, acidification and other stress-related diseases. Dragging anchors and careless divers also destroy the coral polyps, and propeller scars from speeding boats have caused serious damage to the sea grass beds. In fact, most of the environmental problems facing our bays can be directly or indirectly attributed to human pressure. Along with the key deer over a dozen species of plants and animals in the keys’ hammocks alone are threatened or endangered due to the spread of human population and infrastructure. These same factors have harmed the mangrove shorelines and beaches where the American Crocodile and several sea turtle species now fight for survival. In the waters offshore a lovable sea mammal, the West Indian Manatee, has made some small gains but still has a long struggle ahead. He is large, slow, and frequently surfaces for air which means he is poorly adapted to the hundreds of boats that cross our waters. Many manatees are struck and killed each year, their greatest threat. All is not lost, however, and there are efforts to mitigate and hopefully reverse some of the damage to these delicate ecosystems. Artificial reefs provide new homes for sea life while attracting recreational divers, taking some of the pressure off our coral reefs. Also, experimenting with methods to cultivate and transplant coral fragments and sea grasses may lead to revitalization of our reefs and grass beds. Technology has the possibility to develop and utilize new, clean methods of energy production, such as wind and solar. As individuals, we can take small steps to reduce our carbon footprint and to advocate for responsible and sustainable ways to live in and enjoy South Florida, while encouraging the health of our environment and protecting the life of the bays. (SC.7.E.6.6, SC.7.L.15.3, SC.912.L.17.15, SC.912.L.17.16, SC.912.L.17.17, SC.912.L.17.18, SC.912.E.6.6) goods rises, so does our need for energy. Much of this energy comes from burning fossil fuels, which Answers to Quiz (last page) 1. b 6. F 2. a,c,d 7. T 3. b 8. T 4. d 9. F 5. c 10. F Suggested Websites: 5.
  • 7. Quiz Multiple choice 1. What is considered to be the base of the food web for Florida Bay and Biscayne Bay? (a) shrimp larvae (b) mangrove leaves (c) fish eggs (d) turtle grass 2. Name 3 conditions that ocean environments must have for coral reefs to grow well. (a) warm temperatures (b) higher than usual salinity (saltiness) (c) shallow water (d) clear water (e) deep water (f) fast currents 3. New red mangrove trees start from…. (a) sea cucumbers (b) propagules (c) prop roots (d) anemones (e) planula 4. Coral reefs are made largely from…. (a) tiny shells pressed together over many years (b) huge boulders upon which many sea plants have begun to grow (c) skeletons of coral shrimp (d) exoskeletons of tiny polyps 5. Which species of animal consumes the most turtle grass? (a) West Indian manatee (b) lettuce sea slug (c) variegated sea urchin (d) green sea turtle True or False 6. The American alligator has a narrower, more pointed snout than the American crocodile. ____ 7. A type of alga called zooxanthellae lives within the tissues of the coral polyp in an important symbiotic relationship. ____ 8. Coral reefs often protect sea grass beds from destructive strong currents. ____ 9. Under the prop roots of mangrove trees only two species of fish can survive. ____ 10. Where mangrove trees grow along a shoreline, loose sediment erodes away, and the shoreline recedes. ____ 6.