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Liver and Biliary Tract

       Fadel Muhammad Garishah
School of Medicine, Diponegoro University
           50 Years Anniversary
Macrostructure of Liver

                                                    The liver is the largest visceral
                                                    organ in the body and is primarily
                                                    in the right hypochondrium and
                                                    epigastric region, extending into the
                                                    left hypochondrium
                                                    The right lobe of liver is the
                                                    largest lobe, whereas the left lobe
                                                    of liver is smaller.
                                                    The porta hepatis serves as the
                                                    point of entry into the liver for the
                                                    hepatic arteries and the portal vein,
                                                    and the exit point for the hepatic
•   Vascularization from the Hepatic Artery
•   Venous drainages come into Liver from Portal Hepatic Vein, receiving drainage from
    intestines (Mesenteric Veins, and Splenic Vein)
•   From Liver, the sinusoids united into Hepatic Vein, that drainages into Inferior Cava
Microstructure of Liver
                                            The Lobule Model: hexagonal lobules
                                            oriented around the terminal tributaries of
                                            the hepatic vein (terminal hepatic veins), with
                                            portal tracts at the periphery of the lobule.
                                            The hepatocytes in the vicinity of the terminal
                                            hepatic vein are called “centrilobular”; those
                                            near the portal tract are “periportal”

•   The acinar model: the hepatocytes near the terminal hepatic veins are the distal
    apices of roughly triangular acini, whose bases are formed by the penetrating septal
    venules from the portal vein extending out from the portal tracts. In the acinus the
    parenchyma is divided into three zones, zone 1 being closest to the vascular supply,
    zone 3 abutting the terminal hepatic venule and most remote from the afferent
    blood supply, and zone 2 being intermediate.                 
Which one is the
central vein? Which
  one is the triad
Microstructure of Liver

Between the plates of hepatocytes are vascular sinusoids. The sinusoids are lined
by fenestrated and discontinuous endothelial cells. Deep to the endothelial cells
lies the space of Disse, into which protrude abundant microvilli of hepatocytes.
Scattered Kupffer cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system are attached to the
luminal face of endothelial cells, and fat-containing hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are
found in the space of Disse. Between abutting hepatocytes are bile canaliculi, these
channels drain into the canals of Hering, ductular structures that connect the bile
canaliculi to bile ductules in the periportal region.
• Zonation of the parenchyma is an important concept
  because of the gradient of activity displayed by many
  hepatic enzymes, and the zonal distribution of
  certain types of hepatic injury.
• While the acinar model best describes the
  physiologic relationships between hepatocytes and
  their vascular supply, the histopathology of the liver
  is usually discussed on the basis of a lobular
Metabolism of Bilirubin
• Classic Theory
  Hb---(release Globin)---Hematin---
  (release Fe)---Protoporphyrin---
  -- Bilirubin

• Lamberg Theory
  (release Fe and Protein)---
Unconjugated (indirect): Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
generated in the bone marrow are disposed of in the spleen
when they get old or damaged. This releases hemoglobin, which
is broken down to heme as the globin parts are turned into
amino acids. The heme is then turned into unconjugated
bilirubin, not soluble in water, bound to albumin and sent to the
Conjugated (direct): In the liver it is conjugated with glucuronic
acid by the enzyme glucuronyltransferase, making it soluble in
water. (bilirubin covalently bound to albumin, which appears in
serum when hepatic excretion of conjugated bilirubin is
impaired in patients with hepatobiliary disease).
Perbedaan Antara Bilirubin Indirek/Direk
Bilirubin Indirek/Unconjugated bilirubin   Bilirubin Direk/Conjugated Bilirubin
•   Afinitas otak, toksik                  • Tidak memiliki afinitas dengan SSP,
•   Tidak mewarnai jaringan                  kurang toksik dibanding Indirek
•   Tidak larut dalam air                  • Mewarnai jaringan lain
•   Hijman/Bergh positif dengan alkohol    • Larut air
                                           • Hijman/Bergh positif tanpa alkohol
1. Prehepatik/Hemolitik
2. Hepatik/Parenkim
3. Posthepatik/Obstruktif
1. Ikterus Akibat Kenaikan Produksi Bilirubin
a. Ikterus hemolitik: peningkatan hemolisis
   eritrosit, akut/kronik. Hemolytic Anemia, Sickle Cell
   Anemia, Malaria, Thalassemia, Keracunan dan
   a.    Pada bayi yang baru lahir, destruksi eritrosit tinggi, tapi enzim
         Glukoronil transferase masih rendah.
   b.    Defisiensi GT menyebabkan bilirubin indirek meninggi, terikat
         albumin, larut lemak, toksisitas SSP, menyebabkan kernikterus
         (ikterus dan kejang).
b. Diseritropoietik (shunt) hiperbilirubinemia: maturasi
   abnormal eritrosit, destruksi prematur pada sumsum
   tulang. Tapi di perifer tetap normal.
2. Ikterus Akibat Gangguan Uptake Bilirubin Hepatosit
   Penyakit Gilbert: Familial inherited, Autosomal Dominan,
   Gangguan Uptake Bilirubin, menyebabkan nonfamilial
   hemolitik acholuric.

3. Ikterus Akibat Gangguan Konjugasi Bilirubin Hepatosit
 a. Fisiologik pada neonatus, membaik 2-3 minggu setelah
 b. Sindroma Crigler Najj
Diagnostic Of Liver
Laboratory Assessment
– Biochemistry
– Immunology/Serologic
Histopathologic Biopsy
Radiologic diagnostic
Bilirubin unconjugated and conjugated
Hepatic enzymes: ALT, AST and γ-GT
Albumin: a low serum albumin concentration is an
important manifestation of liver failure, which results in
peripheral oedema and contributes to the presence of
ascites, due to a reduction in plasma oncotic pressure.
Blood clotting factors: the risk of unexpected haemorrhage
Laboratory Assessment
Laboratory Assesment
Histopatologic Biopsy
Acute Liver Injury

   HAV menunjukkan
   injury yang direct pada
   HBV menunjukkan
   immune mediated
   hepatosit injury
   HCV juga menggunakan
   mediasi sistem immune
   dalam prosesnya
Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) - infectious hepatitis
–   'faecal-oral' spread
–   relatively short incubation period
–   sporadic or epidemic
–   directly cytopathic virus
–   no carrier state
–   mild illness, full recovery usual.
Young people, often mild, jaundice rarely appear, virus excreted
before the jaundice (isolation of patient absence)
Specific diagnosis is made by seeking an IgM-class antibody to
HAV in the patient's serum; this indicates recent infection. A
carrier state does not exist.
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) – serum hepatitis
– spread by blood, blood-contaminated instruments, blood products and
  venereally, narcotics needle, tattoo needle, transmitted between
  homosexual males via anal sexual acts
– relatively long incubation period
– liver damage by antiviral immune reaction
– carrier state exists
– relatively serious infection.
high incidence of the carrier state in underdeveloped countries
and the virus can be transmitted vertically from mother to child-
in utero, during delivery or through intimate post-natal contact.
Specific diagnosis is made by seeking the hepatitis B surface
antigen (HBsAg, formerly known as 'Australia antigen' because it
was first detected in the serum of an Australian aborigine).
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) – serum hepatitis
 – spread by blood, blood-contaminated instruments, blood products and possibly
 – relatively short incubation period
 – often asymptomatic
 – fluctuating liver biochemistry
 – tendency to chronicity.
In many countries, transmission of HCV by blood transfusion and blood
product administration is much less common now that donors are
screened for HCV.
The initial illness is often asymptomatic and the abnormalities of liver
biochemistry (e.g. raised serum transaminases) are usually fluctuant.
However, despite these misleadingly benign signals, the infection is
prone to chronicity and cirrhosis is a frequent consequence eventually.
Specified diagnosis via PCR will be recognized the serotype of virus.
Hepatitis E virus and other non-A, non-B viruses
There are other authentic hepatitis viruses. The best
characterised is a water-borne agent, distinct from HAV,
that has been responsible for outbreaks of hepatitis in
India; it has been designated hepatitis E virus (HEV).
Fortunately, the disease rarely progresses to chronicity
and, as with HAV, full recovery is usual except in pregnancy,
when it is associated with a high mortality rate.
Other non-A, non-B viruses associated with blood
transfusions and blood products include hepatitis G virus
and the TT virus. Their role in liver disease appears to be
relatively minor.
Delta agent and other nonhepatitis viruses
Delta agent is a defective RNA virus that requires the
presence of HBV, which supplies the outer layers of the
viral coat, for its replication and assumed role as a
pathogen. Its main effect is to aggravate the consequences
of HBV infection.
Alcoholic Hepatitis

Cellular energy is diverted from essential metabolic pathways, such as fat
metabolism, to the metabolism of alcohol so fat accumulates in the liver
Acetaldehyde, the main product of alcohol metabolism, binds to liver cell
proteins, resulting in injured hepatocytes and an inflammatory reaction.
Alcohol stimulates collagen synthesis in the liver, leading to fibrosis and
eventually cirrhosis.
Drug-induced Hepatic Injury
Approximately 10% of all adverse reactions to drugs involve the
This is not surprising in view of the central role played by the
liver in metabolism and in the conjugation and elimination of
toxic substances from the body.
Through injury to the liver cells (hepatocellular), which is
pathologically indistinguishable from viral hepatitis, or to bile
production or excretion (cholestatic).
Predictable reactions will occur in any individual if a sufficient
dose is administered; examples include coagulative
centrilobular necrosis due to paracetamol overdose and
cholestatic jaundice due to methyl testosterone
Acute Biliary Obstruction
Acute obstruction of the main bile ducts is most commonly
due to gallstones. Clinically, it usually results in colicky pain
and jaundice. If there is superimposed infection of the
biliary tract, the ducts become inflamed (cholangitis) and
the patient develops a fever. Cholangitis can lead to the
formation of liver abscesses.
Chronic Hepatic Injury
Chronic Hepatic Injury
Chronic Hepatitis Injury: HBV, HCV, Alcoholic Hepatis,
Drugs induced, Autoimmune
Iron overload in Liver:
– Haemosiderosis is the name given to the mere presence of excess
  iron, in the form of haemosiderin, in the liver. The liver architecture
  is usually normal.
– Haemochromatosis is a more serious disorder in which the
  presence of excess iron, as haemosiderin, is associated with a risk
  of progression to cirrhosis.
Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration)
α1-Antitrypsin deficiency
Autoimmune Liver Disease
Sclerosing cholangitis: a chronic inflammatory process
affecting intrahepatic, and sometimes extrahepatic, bile
ducts. Initially, the ducts are surrounded by a mantle of
chronic inflammatory cells, but this is eventually replaced
by fibrosis and obliteration of the ducts.
Steatohepatitis is used for liver biopsies in which the only
abnormalities are steatosis (fat vacuoles in hepatocytes)
and inflammation. Fatty liver (e.g. diabetes mellitus,
obesity, hyperlipidaemia).
Cirrhosis Hepatis
– viral hepatitis (HBV and HCV)
– alcohol
– haemochromatosis
– autoimmune liver disease (autoimmune hepatitis and primary
  biliary cirrhosis)
– recurrent biliary obstruction (e.g. gallstones)
– Wilson's disease.
micronodular-nodules up to 3 mm diameter
macronodular-nodules greater than 3 mm diameter.
The major complications of cirrhosis are:
– liver failure
– portal hypertension
– liver cell carcinoma.
Liver Failure
– inadequate synthesis of albumin, clotting factors, etc.
– failure to eliminate endogenous products such as bilirubin,
  hormones, nitrogenous waste, etc.
Pathophysiological basis of clinical features of
           chronic liver disease
Oedema                       Reduced albumin synthesis resulting in

Ascites                      Hypoalbuminaemia, secondary
                             hyperaldosteronism, portal hypertension

Haematemesis                 Ruptured oesophageal varices due to portal

Spider naevi Gynaecomastia   Hyperoestrogenism
Purpura and bleeding         Reduced clotting factor synthesis
Coma                         Failure to eliminate toxic gut bacterial
                             metabolites ('false neurotransmitters')

Infection                    Reduced Kupffer cell number and function
Hepatic Failure
Liver Failure
Portal Tension
Caput Medusae
Varices Oesophageii
Renal Failure
Cirrhosis Hepatis
Tumors of the Liver
Benign tumours of the liver include: liver cell adenoma,
angioma, bile duct hamartoma , focal nodular hyperplasia.
– Primary malignant tumours of the liver include:
    •   liver cell carcinoma (hepatocellular carcinoma)
    •   cholangiocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma of bile ducts)
    •   angiosarcoma (malignant neoplasm of vascular endothelium)
    •   hepatoblastoma (primary liver tumour in childhood).
– Secondary metastases include the entire gastrointestinal tract
  including pancreas and bowel, the lung and the breast.
Cysts of Liver
simple cysts
hydatid cysts: due to the parasite Echinococcus granulosus
choledochal cysts
Gall Bladder Pathology

       Fadel Muhammad Garishah
School of Medicine, Diponegoro University
Topography of Gallbladder
Hepatobilier ductal system
Congenital Gall Bladder Pathology
biliary atresia, in which there is failure of the biliary tree to
develop and normally anastomose with intrahepatic
choledochal cysts (see above), sometimes associated with
congenital hepatic fibrosis.
Diseases of Gall bladder
Carcinoma of the gallbladder
Carcinoma of the bile duct
Biliary obstruction

       Cholesterol stones may form if
       there is an imbalance between
       the ratio of cholesterol and bile
       salts; normally, the latter form
       micelles which have a
       hydrophilic exterior enclosing
       the hydrophobic cholesterol.
       Thus, gallstones can result from:
       an excess of cholesterol or a
       deficit of bile salts.
       Bile pigment, Cholesterol, or
       mixture of cholesterol and bile
Cholesterosis is the name given to the clinically
unimportant occurrence of cholesterol-laden macrophages
in the lamina propria of the gallbladder mucosa. This
occurrence gives the mucosa a yellow-speckled appearance
known as 'strawberry gallbladder'.
Cholecystitis is an inflammatory condition of the
– Usually associated with gallstones
– Initially sterile, then infected
– Complications include empyema and/or rupture
– Invariably associated with gallstones
– Fibrosis and Aschoff-Rokitansky sinuses
A mucocele of the gallbladder is the result of sterile
obstruction of the neck by a gallstone. The lack of
inflammation permits the gallbladder to distend with
mucus without rupturing.
                Carcinoma of Gallbladder
Usually an adenocarcinoma
Invariably associated with gallstones

  Carcinoma of Bile Ducts/Cholangiocarcinoma
Increased incidence in ulcerative colitis
Presents with jaundice
Biliary obstruction
Bile duct obstruction is a fairly common event and may be due to:
 –   gallstones
 –   carcinoma of the common bile duct
 –   carcinoma of the head of the pancreas
 –   inflammatory stricture of the common bile duct
 –   accidental surgical ligation of the common bile duct.
The patient becomes jaundiced, deeply so if the obstruction is not relieved,
with a raised conjugated serum bilirubin, pale stools and dark urine. A
raised serum alkaline phosphatase with only modest elevation of
transaminases is usual.
If the biliary obstruction persists, there is a risk that the static bile
becomes infected, causing cholangitis and liver abscesses. Lack of bile in
the small intestine interferes with the absorption of fat and fat-soluble
substances (e.g. some vitamins).
Diseases of intrahepatic bile ducts : A clinical picture similar to that of
biliary obstruction can result from diseases of intrahepatic bile ducts such
 – biliary atresia
 – primary biliary cirrhosis
 – sclerosing cholangitis.

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Liver and biliary tract pathology

  • 1. Liver and Biliary Tract Fadel Muhammad Garishah School of Medicine, Diponegoro University 50 Years Anniversary
  • 2. Macrostructure of Liver The liver is the largest visceral organ in the body and is primarily in the right hypochondrium and epigastric region, extending into the left hypochondrium The right lobe of liver is the largest lobe, whereas the left lobe of liver is smaller. The porta hepatis serves as the point of entry into the liver for the hepatic arteries and the portal vein, and the exit point for the hepatic ducts • Vascularization from the Hepatic Artery • Venous drainages come into Liver from Portal Hepatic Vein, receiving drainage from intestines (Mesenteric Veins, and Splenic Vein) • From Liver, the sinusoids united into Hepatic Vein, that drainages into Inferior Cava Vein
  • 3. Microstructure of Liver The Lobule Model: hexagonal lobules oriented around the terminal tributaries of the hepatic vein (terminal hepatic veins), with portal tracts at the periphery of the lobule. The hepatocytes in the vicinity of the terminal hepatic vein are called “centrilobular”; those near the portal tract are “periportal” • The acinar model: the hepatocytes near the terminal hepatic veins are the distal apices of roughly triangular acini, whose bases are formed by the penetrating septal venules from the portal vein extending out from the portal tracts. In the acinus the parenchyma is divided into three zones, zone 1 being closest to the vascular supply, zone 3 abutting the terminal hepatic venule and most remote from the afferent blood supply, and zone 2 being intermediate.
  • 4.
  • 5. Which one is the central vein? Which one is the triad portal?
  • 6. Microstructure of Liver Between the plates of hepatocytes are vascular sinusoids. The sinusoids are lined by fenestrated and discontinuous endothelial cells. Deep to the endothelial cells lies the space of Disse, into which protrude abundant microvilli of hepatocytes. Scattered Kupffer cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system are attached to the luminal face of endothelial cells, and fat-containing hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) are found in the space of Disse. Between abutting hepatocytes are bile canaliculi, these channels drain into the canals of Hering, ductular structures that connect the bile canaliculi to bile ductules in the periportal region.
  • 7. • Zonation of the parenchyma is an important concept because of the gradient of activity displayed by many hepatic enzymes, and the zonal distribution of certain types of hepatic injury. • While the acinar model best describes the physiologic relationships between hepatocytes and their vascular supply, the histopathology of the liver is usually discussed on the basis of a lobular architecture.
  • 8. Metabolism of Bilirubin • Classic Theory Hb---(release Globin)---Hematin--- (release Fe)---Protoporphyrin--- (Oxidized)---Biliverdin--(Reduction)- -- Bilirubin • Lamberg Theory Hb---(Oxidized)---Choleglobin--- (release Fe and Protein)--- Biliverdin---(reduction)---Bilirubin
  • 9. Bilirubin(s) Unconjugated (indirect): Erythrocytes (red blood cells) generated in the bone marrow are disposed of in the spleen when they get old or damaged. This releases hemoglobin, which is broken down to heme as the globin parts are turned into amino acids. The heme is then turned into unconjugated bilirubin, not soluble in water, bound to albumin and sent to the liver. Conjugated (direct): In the liver it is conjugated with glucuronic acid by the enzyme glucuronyltransferase, making it soluble in water. (bilirubin covalently bound to albumin, which appears in serum when hepatic excretion of conjugated bilirubin is impaired in patients with hepatobiliary disease).
  • 10. Perbedaan Antara Bilirubin Indirek/Direk Bilirubin Indirek/Unconjugated bilirubin Bilirubin Direk/Conjugated Bilirubin • Afinitas otak, toksik • Tidak memiliki afinitas dengan SSP, • Tidak mewarnai jaringan kurang toksik dibanding Indirek • Tidak larut dalam air • Mewarnai jaringan lain • Hijman/Bergh positif dengan alkohol • Larut air • Hijman/Bergh positif tanpa alkohol
  • 12. 1. Ikterus Akibat Kenaikan Produksi Bilirubin a. Ikterus hemolitik: peningkatan hemolisis eritrosit, akut/kronik. Hemolytic Anemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Malaria, Thalassemia, Keracunan dan Hipersplenisme. a. Pada bayi yang baru lahir, destruksi eritrosit tinggi, tapi enzim Glukoronil transferase masih rendah. b. Defisiensi GT menyebabkan bilirubin indirek meninggi, terikat albumin, larut lemak, toksisitas SSP, menyebabkan kernikterus (ikterus dan kejang). b. Diseritropoietik (shunt) hiperbilirubinemia: maturasi abnormal eritrosit, destruksi prematur pada sumsum tulang. Tapi di perifer tetap normal.
  • 13. 2. Ikterus Akibat Gangguan Uptake Bilirubin Hepatosit Penyakit Gilbert: Familial inherited, Autosomal Dominan, Gangguan Uptake Bilirubin, menyebabkan nonfamilial hemolitik acholuric. 3. Ikterus Akibat Gangguan Konjugasi Bilirubin Hepatosit a. Fisiologik pada neonatus, membaik 2-3 minggu setelah kelahiran b. Sindroma Crigler Najj
  • 14. Diagnostic Of Liver Laboratory Assessment – Biochemistry – Immunology/Serologic Histopathologic Biopsy Radiologic diagnostic
  • 15. Biochemistry Bilirubin unconjugated and conjugated Hepatic enzymes: ALT, AST and γ-GT Albumin: a low serum albumin concentration is an important manifestation of liver failure, which results in peripheral oedema and contributes to the presence of ascites, due to a reduction in plasma oncotic pressure. Blood clotting factors: the risk of unexpected haemorrhage
  • 21. Immunopathogenesis HAV menunjukkan injury yang direct pada hepatosit HBV menunjukkan immune mediated hepatosit injury HCV juga menggunakan mediasi sistem immune dalam prosesnya
  • 22. Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) - infectious hepatitis Characteristics: – 'faecal-oral' spread – relatively short incubation period – sporadic or epidemic – directly cytopathic virus – no carrier state – mild illness, full recovery usual. Young people, often mild, jaundice rarely appear, virus excreted before the jaundice (isolation of patient absence) Specific diagnosis is made by seeking an IgM-class antibody to HAV in the patient's serum; this indicates recent infection. A carrier state does not exist.
  • 23. Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) – serum hepatitis Characteristics: – spread by blood, blood-contaminated instruments, blood products and venereally, narcotics needle, tattoo needle, transmitted between homosexual males via anal sexual acts – relatively long incubation period – liver damage by antiviral immune reaction – carrier state exists – relatively serious infection. high incidence of the carrier state in underdeveloped countries and the virus can be transmitted vertically from mother to child- in utero, during delivery or through intimate post-natal contact. Specific diagnosis is made by seeking the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg, formerly known as 'Australia antigen' because it was first detected in the serum of an Australian aborigine).
  • 24. Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) – serum hepatitis Characteristics: – spread by blood, blood-contaminated instruments, blood products and possibly venereally – relatively short incubation period – often asymptomatic – fluctuating liver biochemistry – tendency to chronicity. In many countries, transmission of HCV by blood transfusion and blood product administration is much less common now that donors are screened for HCV. The initial illness is often asymptomatic and the abnormalities of liver biochemistry (e.g. raised serum transaminases) are usually fluctuant. However, despite these misleadingly benign signals, the infection is prone to chronicity and cirrhosis is a frequent consequence eventually. Specified diagnosis via PCR will be recognized the serotype of virus.
  • 25. Hepatitis E virus and other non-A, non-B viruses There are other authentic hepatitis viruses. The best characterised is a water-borne agent, distinct from HAV, that has been responsible for outbreaks of hepatitis in India; it has been designated hepatitis E virus (HEV). Fortunately, the disease rarely progresses to chronicity and, as with HAV, full recovery is usual except in pregnancy, when it is associated with a high mortality rate. Other non-A, non-B viruses associated with blood transfusions and blood products include hepatitis G virus and the TT virus. Their role in liver disease appears to be relatively minor.
  • 26. Delta agent and other nonhepatitis viruses Delta agent is a defective RNA virus that requires the presence of HBV, which supplies the outer layers of the viral coat, for its replication and assumed role as a pathogen. Its main effect is to aggravate the consequences of HBV infection.
  • 27. Alcoholic Hepatitis Cellular energy is diverted from essential metabolic pathways, such as fat metabolism, to the metabolism of alcohol so fat accumulates in the liver cells. Acetaldehyde, the main product of alcohol metabolism, binds to liver cell proteins, resulting in injured hepatocytes and an inflammatory reaction. Alcohol stimulates collagen synthesis in the liver, leading to fibrosis and eventually cirrhosis.
  • 28. Drug-induced Hepatic Injury Approximately 10% of all adverse reactions to drugs involve the liver. This is not surprising in view of the central role played by the liver in metabolism and in the conjugation and elimination of toxic substances from the body. Through injury to the liver cells (hepatocellular), which is pathologically indistinguishable from viral hepatitis, or to bile production or excretion (cholestatic). Predictable reactions will occur in any individual if a sufficient dose is administered; examples include coagulative centrilobular necrosis due to paracetamol overdose and cholestatic jaundice due to methyl testosterone
  • 29. Acute Biliary Obstruction Acute obstruction of the main bile ducts is most commonly due to gallstones. Clinically, it usually results in colicky pain and jaundice. If there is superimposed infection of the biliary tract, the ducts become inflamed (cholangitis) and the patient develops a fever. Cholangitis can lead to the formation of liver abscesses.
  • 31. Chronic Hepatic Injury Chronic Hepatitis Injury: HBV, HCV, Alcoholic Hepatis, Drugs induced, Autoimmune Iron overload in Liver: – Haemosiderosis is the name given to the mere presence of excess iron, in the form of haemosiderin, in the liver. The liver architecture is usually normal. – Haemochromatosis is a more serious disorder in which the presence of excess iron, as haemosiderin, is associated with a risk of progression to cirrhosis. Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) α1-Antitrypsin deficiency
  • 32. Autoimmune Liver Disease Sclerosing cholangitis: a chronic inflammatory process affecting intrahepatic, and sometimes extrahepatic, bile ducts. Initially, the ducts are surrounded by a mantle of chronic inflammatory cells, but this is eventually replaced by fibrosis and obliteration of the ducts. Steatohepatitis is used for liver biopsies in which the only abnormalities are steatosis (fat vacuoles in hepatocytes) and inflammation. Fatty liver (e.g. diabetes mellitus, obesity, hyperlipidaemia).
  • 33. Cirrhosis Hepatis Aetiology: – viral hepatitis (HBV and HCV) – alcohol – haemochromatosis – autoimmune liver disease (autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis) – recurrent biliary obstruction (e.g. gallstones) – Wilson's disease. micronodular-nodules up to 3 mm diameter macronodular-nodules greater than 3 mm diameter.
  • 34. The major complications of cirrhosis are: – liver failure – portal hypertension – liver cell carcinoma. Liver Failure – inadequate synthesis of albumin, clotting factors, etc. – failure to eliminate endogenous products such as bilirubin, hormones, nitrogenous waste, etc.
  • 35. Pathophysiological basis of clinical features of chronic liver disease Oedema Reduced albumin synthesis resulting in hypoalbuminaemia Ascites Hypoalbuminaemia, secondary hyperaldosteronism, portal hypertension Haematemesis Ruptured oesophageal varices due to portal hypertension Spider naevi Gynaecomastia Hyperoestrogenism Purpura and bleeding Reduced clotting factor synthesis Coma Failure to eliminate toxic gut bacterial metabolites ('false neurotransmitters') Infection Reduced Kupffer cell number and function
  • 36. Hepatic Failure Liver Failure Ascites Portal Tension Splenomegaly Caput Medusae Varices Oesophageii Renal Failure Cirrhosis Hepatis
  • 37. Tumors of the Liver Benign tumours of the liver include: liver cell adenoma, angioma, bile duct hamartoma , focal nodular hyperplasia. Malignant – Primary malignant tumours of the liver include: • liver cell carcinoma (hepatocellular carcinoma) • cholangiocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma of bile ducts) • angiosarcoma (malignant neoplasm of vascular endothelium) • hepatoblastoma (primary liver tumour in childhood). – Secondary metastases include the entire gastrointestinal tract including pancreas and bowel, the lung and the breast.
  • 38. Cysts of Liver simple cysts hydatid cysts: due to the parasite Echinococcus granulosus choledochal cysts
  • 39. Gall Bladder Pathology Fadel Muhammad Garishah School of Medicine, Diponegoro University
  • 42. Congenital Gall Bladder Pathology biliary atresia, in which there is failure of the biliary tree to develop and normally anastomose with intrahepatic structures choledochal cysts (see above), sometimes associated with congenital hepatic fibrosis.
  • 43. Diseases of Gall bladder Cholelithiasis Cholesterosis Cholecystitis Mucocele Carcinoma of the gallbladder Carcinoma of the bile duct Biliary obstruction
  • 44. Cholelithiasis Cholesterol stones may form if there is an imbalance between the ratio of cholesterol and bile salts; normally, the latter form micelles which have a hydrophilic exterior enclosing the hydrophobic cholesterol. Thus, gallstones can result from: an excess of cholesterol or a deficit of bile salts. Bile pigment, Cholesterol, or mixture of cholesterol and bile pigment
  • 45. Cholesterosis Cholesterosis is the name given to the clinically unimportant occurrence of cholesterol-laden macrophages in the lamina propria of the gallbladder mucosa. This occurrence gives the mucosa a yellow-speckled appearance known as 'strawberry gallbladder'.
  • 46. Cholecystitis Cholecystitis is an inflammatory condition of the gallbladder. Acute: – Usually associated with gallstones – Initially sterile, then infected – Complications include empyema and/or rupture Chronic: – Invariably associated with gallstones – Fibrosis and Aschoff-Rokitansky sinuses
  • 47. Mucocele A mucocele of the gallbladder is the result of sterile obstruction of the neck by a gallstone. The lack of inflammation permits the gallbladder to distend with mucus without rupturing. Carcinoma of Gallbladder Usually an adenocarcinoma Invariably associated with gallstones Carcinoma of Bile Ducts/Cholangiocarcinoma Adenocarcinoma Increased incidence in ulcerative colitis Presents with jaundice
  • 48. Biliary obstruction Bile duct obstruction is a fairly common event and may be due to: – gallstones – carcinoma of the common bile duct – carcinoma of the head of the pancreas – inflammatory stricture of the common bile duct – accidental surgical ligation of the common bile duct. The patient becomes jaundiced, deeply so if the obstruction is not relieved, with a raised conjugated serum bilirubin, pale stools and dark urine. A raised serum alkaline phosphatase with only modest elevation of transaminases is usual. If the biliary obstruction persists, there is a risk that the static bile becomes infected, causing cholangitis and liver abscesses. Lack of bile in the small intestine interferes with the absorption of fat and fat-soluble substances (e.g. some vitamins). Diseases of intrahepatic bile ducts : A clinical picture similar to that of biliary obstruction can result from diseases of intrahepatic bile ducts such as: – biliary atresia – primary biliary cirrhosis – sclerosing cholangitis.