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Software Vulnerability
What does Remote code executing mean?
Legal Aspects (for Germany)
• § 202b Abfangen von Daten
• Wer unbefugt sich oder einem anderen unter Anwendung von technischen
Mitteln nicht für ihn bestimmte Daten (§ 202a Abs. 2) aus einer
nichtöffentlichen Datenübermittlung oder aus der elektromagnetischen
Abstrahlung einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage verschafft, wird mit
Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft, wenn die
Tat nicht in anderen Vorschriften mit schwererer Strafe bedroht ist.
• § 202c Vorbereiten des Ausspähens und Abfangens von
• Wer eine Straftat nach § 202a oder § 202b vorbereitet, indem er
• Passwörter oder sonstige Sicherungscodes, die den Zugang zu Daten (§ 202a
Abs. 2) ermöglichen, oder
• Computerprogramme, deren Zweck die Begehung einer solchen Tat ist,
• herstellt, sich oder einem anderen verschafft, verkauft, einem anderen
überlässt, verbreitet oder sonst zugänglich macht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe
bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
Legal Aspects (for Switzerland)
• Art. 144 Datenbeschädigung
• Wer unbefugt elektronisch oder in vergleichbarer Weise gespeicherte oder
übermittelte Daten verändert, löscht oder unbrauchbar macht, wird, auf
Antrag, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft
• Hat der Täter einen grossen Schaden verursacht, so kann auf
Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu fünf Jahren erkannt werden. Die Tat
wird von Amtes wegen verfolgt.
• Wer Programme, von denen er weiss oder annehmen muss, dass sie zu
den in Ziffer 1 genannten Zwecken verwendet werden sollen, herstellt,
einführt, in Verkehr bringt, anpreist, anbietet oder sonst wie zugänglich
macht oder zu ihrer Herstellung Anleitung gibt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis
zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft.
• Handelt der Täter gewerbsmässig, so kann auf Freiheitsstrafe von einem
Jahr bis zu fünf Jahren erkannt werden.
What are NOT the goals of this workshop
• Teaching how to write malware
• Hacking course
• Reverse engineering
• Cracking Software
• Motivate you to break the law
• But: to secure software it is important to understand how it will
be attacked
What are the goals of this workshop
• Sensitize for commonest mistakes
• It’s easy to redirect the program flow if a programmer do not care
• If a programmer care it may be harder to exploit
• Software won’t be perfect secured
• Keep at least script kiddies out
• Explain principles of
• Finding software exploits
• Using software exploits
• Present existing counter mechanisms
• Small project
• Goal: redirect original program flow to shell code
• Shell code: compiled code sequence
• = series of opcodes (e.g. 0xEB 0x06 0x90 0x90)
• In this case: malicious code to be executed
• How comes the shell code into the program?
• How to jump to the shell code?
Windows Process and Memory management
Push: decrement stack pointer
Grows to higher addresses
Program image:
PE header
.text (code)
.data (data), etc.
Additional Heap
Space for DLLs DLLs have header, .text, .data, etc
Shared user page
No Access
PED: Process Execution Block:
location of main executable
dll addresses, heap infos
Basic: Function Calls
• Each function has its own stack frame (space for local variables)
• Stack pointer: points on the top of the stack frame.
• Frame/Base pointer: points on the button of the stack frame.
• Instruction Pointer: points on the next instruction to be executed.
• Before entering a function:
• Push function parameter on the stack
• Push current Instruction pointer to the stack
• Used to return the program flow
• Push Base Pointer to the stack
• After entering a function:
• MOV EBP, ESP (current stack pointer becomes new base pointer)
Basic: Function Calls
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
1. after program initialization
Basic: Function Calls
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
2. push function parameter
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Function Calls
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
3. Push instruction pointer
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Function Calls
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
4. push base pointer
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Function Calls
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
5. new stack frame:
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Stack space allocation
• Local variables of a function are stored on the current stack frame
• decrement stack pointer to store a new variable on top of the stack
• How to allocate arrays?
• SUB ESP, <arraysize>
• decrement stack pointer with array size
• How to store data in a array?
• Array begin + position
• Find “array begin” with fixed offset or LEA (load effective address) instruction
• Remember: a[4] == *(a+4)
Basic: Allocate Stack Array
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
6. Allocate array:
SUB ESP, 0x80
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Write to Stack Array
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
7. Allocate array:
ptr to argv[1]
Basic: Return from a function: LEAVE
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
8. Return: LEAVE
ptr to argv[1]
Leave Step 1: MOV ESP, EBP
Basic: Return from a function: LEAVE
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
9. Return: LEAVE
ptr to argv[1]
Leave Step 2: POP EBP
Basic: Return from a function: RET
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
int main(int argc, char** argv){
10. Return: RETN
ptr to argv[1]
Restore the instruction pointer
Stack smashing
• What can possibly go wrong?
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
strcpy(var, buffer);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
Stack smashing
• What can possible go wrong?
• strcpy terminates when
a ‘0’ character is reached
• What happens if argv[1]
is larger than 128 characters?
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
strcpy(var, buffer);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
Stack smashing
• What can possible go wrong?
• strcpy terminates when
a ‘0’ character is reached!
• What happens if argv[1]
is larger than 128 characters?
•  EBP and EIP are overwritten,
and possible other stack frames
 program will crash
void do_sth(char *buf){
char var[128];
strcpy(var, buffer);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
ptr to argv[1]
From stack smashing to exploiting
• Used to redirect the program flow
• Overwrite the return address of a function call with address of
injected shellcode
• Program flow is changed
•  Execute Shell code
• Software Exploit:
• An advanced version of stack smashing
• Use an buffer overflow attack
• Overwrite the stored EIP with a meaningful address
Shell code
• How to inject shell code in the
programs memory?
• Use program IO similar as for
overwriting EIP
• write OP_CODES into
input array behind EIP
ptr to argv[1]
Shell code
• How to start the shell code?
• Jump to address where shell code is stored
• BUT:
when executing on different machines the
address may be different!
• Additional:
0x00 in the address breaks the exploit
•  you cannot overwrite EIP with hardcoded
ptr to argv[1]
Shell code
• How to start the shell code?
• Idea:
After executing “ret” ESP points below
the stored EIP
•  search an address which contains jmp esp
• In a application dll (address is constant there)
• In a system dll (may differ in differentOS versions)
• Overwrite EIP with this address
• When ret is executed the program will jmp to
 jmp esp is executed
 shellcode is executed
ptr to argv[1]
Reliable jmp to Shell code
• Search for an address in the .text where JMP ESP is executed
• Overwrite EIP with this address.
• This is reliable, since the address of a program code is constant
• Search in shared libraries / DLLs for OP_CODES to jmp to the shell
• Not necessary JMP ESP
• CALL ESP effects the same
• use another register if it points on your shellcode
• May use multiple instructions like: POP; JMP ESP etc.
• depends on position of your shell code
Shell code development
Write shellcode:
• There is a metasploit compiler to create shellcode
• gcc –c filename and objdump –d
• Write own opcodes:
• Look in disassembly
• Search in opcode table
Find opcodes to jump to shell code
• Search in disassembly,
• or use debugger for op-code search
• First search in program, then in system libraries
Windbg/GNU GDB to find vulnerability
Windgb GNU GDB
breakpoint bp label address break file:line
Memory dump d address (e.g. “d esp”) • dump (binary/memory)
start_adr end_adr
• x function
• x $esp
x/x, x/d, x/u to dump hex, signed,
dump 4 words as hex:
x/4xw $sp
disassemble u/uf address/function_name disassemble
search in binary s start_addr end_addr pattern find start_addr end_addr pattern
show library
shown by default on the top of
the output
info sharedlibrary
Windbg can be installed as crash debugger using: „windbg –I“
void readfile(char *filename){
char file[10]; memset(file, 0, sizeof(file));
FILE *f = fopen(filename,"r");
if (!f) {
printf("FILE NOT FOUNDn");
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
int size = ftell(f);
printf("Size: %dn", size);
fread(file, size, 1, f);
printf("%s", file);
int main(int argc, char** argv){
char *filename = "C:/foo.txt";
printf("Open file: %sn", filename);
• Start application with large file will crash it!
(char file[10])  overflow)
• e.g. use a file with many ‘A‘
• Debugger shows an Access violation
• Dump stack
• Wingdb: “d esp“
• Stack contains many ‘A‘
 Base and stored Instruction Pointer are overwritten
 when returning Instruction Pointer is set to AAAA or 41414141
 behind the stack pointer there are many ‘A’  place shellcode here
• Dump the base pointer:
• Wingdb: “d ebp“
• EBP contains now the address 41414141
• ‘A‘ is 0x41 in ASCI
• Same for the instruction pointer
• How to find the address of the instruction pointer?
• Use meaningful content for the exploit and dump eip:
• ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopquvwxyz
• The instruction pointer now contains: 63646566
• (intel is little endian)
•  EIP is where cdef is (look in ASCII table)
• How to place shell code?
• Place shellcode behind the instruction pointer on the stack
• dump ESP
• ESP is where the ’f’ is
• Simple shellcode: 9090eef4
•  twice NOP and jump back to esp
• eef4 is the opcode for “jmp esp”
• 0x90 is opcode for NOP
• What address to use to overwrite the EIP?
• ffe4 is the opcode for “jmp esp”
• Search this opcode in ddl and the binary
• Kernel32.dll is loaded in address space 7c800000 to 7c906000
• It contains ffe4 at 0x7c803234
•  replace cdef with 3432807c to execute jmp esp
•  Program hang in a loop
Entire Exploit generation (Python)
f = open('C:/foo.txt', 'w')
eip = chr (0x34) + chr (0x32) + chr (0x80) + chr(0x7c)
#jmp esp is on this address in dll
opcode = chr(0x90) + chr(0x90) +chr(0xff) + chr(0xe4)
# NOP, NOP, jmp esp
for i in offset1:
for i in eip:
for i in opcode:
• For some reason you cannot place your shellcode in ESP
• Search the shellcode in other registers:
• jmp EAX or jmp EBX
• Search the shellcode on the stack
• Search the address of the shellcode on the stack
• What if only a few bytes are usable for the shellcode
• What if
Gap between ESP and shellcode
• Sometimes it is not possible to write
the shellcode directly to ESP
• May overwritten by other data or
• OS counter mechanism.
• Assume you have 8 byte gap
 overwrite EIP with an address that
contains “pop pop ret”
 first bytes of the shellcode are address
of “jmp esp”
• Pop takes 4 byte from stack (32bit)
• ret loads the first stack value in EIP
• goto “jmp esp” address and execute
• popad removes 32bytes from stack if pop
is not enough
ptr to argv[1]
Search the address of the shellcode on the
• Sometimes the shellcode address is not in
any register
• but it can be found on the stack
• POP until you reached shellcode address
• execute ret to load the address to EIP
• if the gap is 8 bytes again overwrite EIP
with an address that points on a
“pop pop ret”
ptr to argv[1]
What if only a few bytes are usable for the
• Sometimes only a few bytes are usable
for shellcode behind EIP
• but you can place more shellcode above
• use the few bytes to jmp the the shellcode
• Small shellcode can be:
sub esp, 80
jmp esp
• Start shellcode with NOPs
• no exact jmp required Main
ptr to argv[1]
Array Shellcode
Counter Mechanisms
• GS
• Reorder variables on the stack. Put arrays to higher addresses
• Other variables cannot be overwritten, but still EIP
• Stack is not executable.
• Enforced by hardware.
• OS can disable it (required for JIT programs)
• You can ret to the lib function that disable DEP
• Stack Cookie
SEH (Structured Exception Handler) exploits
• a try-catch block runs in its own stack frame
• Information about the EH are pushed on the stack
• 8bytes:
• pointer to the next exception handler
(for the case the current exception handler
cannot handle the exception)
• pointer to the actual exception handler
•  Chain of exception handlers
• FFFFFFFF marks the end of the chain
 OS exception handler kicks in
ptr to argv[1]
SEH (Structured Exception Handler) exploits
• Cause an exception to kick EH in
• Overwrite the pointer to the next EH record
with some jmpcode (to jmp to shellcode)
e.g. eb069090 = jmp +06 NOP NOP
• Overwrite the EH with a pointer to an instruction
that will bring you back to next EH and execute
the jmpcode
(e.g. pop pop ret)
• The shellcode can be directly after the overwritten
next EH
next EH
Stack Cookies
• Compiler flag (only for string buffer)
• Random value is computed when application
starts (stack cookie)
• Stored in .data section on the program
• After saving EBP and EIP push stack cookie
on the stack
• To overwrite EIP you have to overwrite the
Stack Cookie
• Before ret the stack cookie will be checked.
• So do not return, overwrite SEH to exploit
• Sometimes you can compute the value or
it is constant
• Overwrite stack cookie in .data
Stack Cookie
ptr to argv[1]
Final words
• Check array bounds
• ensure nobody can overwrite
• Be carefully with pointer arithmetic
• Use secure programming languages (C#, Java, Haskell, Ada)
• but down forget:
• it runs on a unsecure basis
• JAVA programs cannot be exploited with buffer overruns - theoretically
• JVM is written without focus on security  there are many issues!
• SoftBound +CETS: Complete andCompatible Full Memory Safety for C
• proven approach to eliminate all possible bufferoverflows!
• Most of this problem are not caused by OS or software, but by unsafe CPU-architectures.
• Possible futureCPU-architectures are less vulnerable (MILLCPU)
• on this architecture concept call stack cannot be overwritten to redirect program flow
• many popular exploiting technics become harder or impossible
• not classic buffer overruns, but there are other technics e.g. dangling pointers
Preventing Buffer Overflows
• ALWAY check array boundaries
• Do NOT forget to check for index overflows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
base bound
int array[4]:
ptr: array
• Iterate through the array:
• Boundary check:
array > base && array+elementsize < bound
Preventing Buffer Overflows
• ALWAY check array boundaries
• Do NOT forget to check for index overflows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
int array[4]:
ptr: array
• Boundary check:
array > base && array+elementsize < bound
• Point with long long *ptr2 on element 12:
• ptr2 > base: 12 > 9
• ptr2 + 1 < bound: 1 < 12
 Access to element 0!
Preventing Buffer Overflows
• ALWAY check array boundaries
• Do NOT forget to check for index overflows:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
int array[4]:
ptr: array ptr2
• Boundary check correct:
array > base && array+elementsize < bound
&& base < array+elementsize
• ptr2 > base: 12 > 9
• ptr2 + 1 < bound: 0 < 12
• ptr2 + 1 > base: 0 > 9 X
Any Questions?

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Software Vulnerability Detection and Prevention

  • 2. What does Remote code executing mean?
  • 3. Legal Aspects (for Germany) • § 202b Abfangen von Daten • Wer unbefugt sich oder einem anderen unter Anwendung von technischen Mitteln nicht für ihn bestimmte Daten (§ 202a Abs. 2) aus einer nichtöffentlichen Datenübermittlung oder aus der elektromagnetischen Abstrahlung einer Datenverarbeitungsanlage verschafft, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu zwei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft, wenn die Tat nicht in anderen Vorschriften mit schwererer Strafe bedroht ist. • § 202c Vorbereiten des Ausspähens und Abfangens von Daten • Wer eine Straftat nach § 202a oder § 202b vorbereitet, indem er • Passwörter oder sonstige Sicherungscodes, die den Zugang zu Daten (§ 202a Abs. 2) ermöglichen, oder • Computerprogramme, deren Zweck die Begehung einer solchen Tat ist, • herstellt, sich oder einem anderen verschafft, verkauft, einem anderen überlässt, verbreitet oder sonst zugänglich macht, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu einem Jahr oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft.
  • 4. Legal Aspects (for Switzerland) • Art. 144 Datenbeschädigung • Wer unbefugt elektronisch oder in vergleichbarer Weise gespeicherte oder übermittelte Daten verändert, löscht oder unbrauchbar macht, wird, auf Antrag, mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft • Hat der Täter einen grossen Schaden verursacht, so kann auf Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu fünf Jahren erkannt werden. Die Tat wird von Amtes wegen verfolgt. • Wer Programme, von denen er weiss oder annehmen muss, dass sie zu den in Ziffer 1 genannten Zwecken verwendet werden sollen, herstellt, einführt, in Verkehr bringt, anpreist, anbietet oder sonst wie zugänglich macht oder zu ihrer Herstellung Anleitung gibt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder Geldstrafe bestraft. • Handelt der Täter gewerbsmässig, so kann auf Freiheitsstrafe von einem Jahr bis zu fünf Jahren erkannt werden.
  • 5. What are NOT the goals of this workshop • Teaching how to write malware • Hacking course • Reverse engineering • Cracking Software • Motivate you to break the law • But: to secure software it is important to understand how it will be attacked
  • 6. What are the goals of this workshop • Sensitize for commonest mistakes • It’s easy to redirect the program flow if a programmer do not care • If a programmer care it may be harder to exploit • Software won’t be perfect secured • Keep at least script kiddies out • Explain principles of • Finding software exploits • Using software exploits • Present existing counter mechanisms • Small project
  • 7. Essentials • Goal: redirect original program flow to shell code • Shell code: compiled code sequence • = series of opcodes (e.g. 0xEB 0x06 0x90 0x90) • In this case: malicious code to be executed • How comes the shell code into the program? • How to jump to the shell code?
  • 8. Windows Process and Memory management 0x00000000 0x7FFFFFFF 0x00400000 stack heap Push: decrement stack pointer Grows to higher addresses Program image: PE header .text (code) .data (data), etc. Additional Heap space Space for DLLs DLLs have header, .text, .data, etc PEB Shared user page No Access 0x7FFDF000 PED: Process Execution Block: location of main executable dll addresses, heap infos
  • 9. Basic: Function Calls • Each function has its own stack frame (space for local variables) • Stack pointer: points on the top of the stack frame. • Frame/Base pointer: points on the button of the stack frame. • Instruction Pointer: points on the next instruction to be executed. • Before entering a function: • Push function parameter on the stack • Push current Instruction pointer to the stack • Used to return the program flow • Push Base Pointer to the stack • After entering a function: • MOV EBP, ESP (current stack pointer becomes new base pointer)
  • 10. Basic: Function Calls Main stackframe void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 1. after program initialization Stack ESP EBP
  • 11. Basic: Function Calls Main stackframe void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 2. push function parameter Stack ptr to argv[1] ESP EBP
  • 12. Basic: Function Calls Main stackframe void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 3. Push instruction pointer Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP ESP EBP
  • 13. Basic: Function Calls void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 4. push base pointer Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP ESP EBP
  • 14. Basic: Function Calls void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 5. new stack frame: MOV EBP, ESP Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP ESPEBP
  • 15. Basic: Stack space allocation • Local variables of a function are stored on the current stack frame • decrement stack pointer to store a new variable on top of the stack • How to allocate arrays? • SUB ESP, <arraysize> • decrement stack pointer with array size • How to store data in a array? • Array begin + position • Find “array begin” with fixed offset or LEA (load effective address) instruction • Remember: a[4] == *(a+4)
  • 16. Basic: Allocate Stack Array void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 6. Allocate array: SUB ESP, 0x80 Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array
  • 17. Basic: Write to Stack Array void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 7. Allocate array: MOV ESP, ECX INC ECX Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array
  • 18. Basic: Return from a function: LEAVE void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 8. Return: LEAVE Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Leave Step 1: MOV ESP, EBP
  • 19. Basic: Return from a function: LEAVE void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 9. Return: LEAVE Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP Array Leave Step 2: POP EBP ESP
  • 20. Basic: Return from a function: RET void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; … } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } 10. Return: RETN Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP Array Restore the instruction pointer ESP
  • 21. Stack smashing • What can possibly go wrong? void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; strcpy(var, buffer); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) }
  • 22. Stack smashing • What can possible go wrong? • strcpy terminates when a ‘0’ character is reached • What happens if argv[1] is larger than 128 characters? void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; strcpy(var, buffer); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) }
  • 23. Stack smashing • What can possible go wrong? • strcpy terminates when a ‘0’ character is reached! • What happens if argv[1] is larger than 128 characters? •  EBP and EIP are overwritten, and possible other stack frames  program will crash void do_sth(char *buf){ char var[128]; strcpy(var, buffer); } int main(int argc, char** argv){ do_sth(argv[1]) } Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array
  • 24. From stack smashing to exploiting • Used to redirect the program flow • Overwrite the return address of a function call with address of injected shellcode • Program flow is changed •  Execute Shell code • Software Exploit: • An advanced version of stack smashing • Use an buffer overflow attack • Overwrite the stored EIP with a meaningful address
  • 25. Shell code • How to inject shell code in the programs memory? • Use program IO similar as for overwriting EIP • write OP_CODES into input array behind EIP Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode
  • 26. Shell code • How to start the shell code? • Jump to address where shell code is stored • BUT: when executing on different machines the address may be different! • Additional: 0x00 in the address breaks the exploit •  you cannot overwrite EIP with hardcoded address Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode
  • 27. Shell code • How to start the shell code? • Idea: After executing “ret” ESP points below the stored EIP •  search an address which contains jmp esp • In a application dll (address is constant there) • In a system dll (may differ in differentOS versions) • Overwrite EIP with this address • When ret is executed the program will jmp to address  jmp esp is executed  shellcode is executed Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode
  • 28. Reliable jmp to Shell code • Search for an address in the .text where JMP ESP is executed • Overwrite EIP with this address. • This is reliable, since the address of a program code is constant • Search in shared libraries / DLLs for OP_CODES to jmp to the shell code • Not necessary JMP ESP • CALL ESP effects the same • use another register if it points on your shellcode • May use multiple instructions like: POP; JMP ESP etc. • depends on position of your shell code
  • 29. Shell code development Write shellcode: • There is a metasploit compiler to create shellcode • gcc –c filename and objdump –d • Write own opcodes: • Look in disassembly • Search in opcode table Find opcodes to jump to shell code • Search in disassembly, • or use debugger for op-code search • First search in program, then in system libraries
  • 30. Windbg/GNU GDB to find vulnerability Windgb GNU GDB breakpoint bp label address break file:line Memory dump d address (e.g. “d esp”) • dump (binary/memory) start_adr end_adr • x function • x $esp x/x, x/d, x/u to dump hex, signed, unsigned dump 4 words as hex: x/4xw $sp disassemble u/uf address/function_name disassemble address/function_name search in binary s start_addr end_addr pattern find start_addr end_addr pattern show library addresses shown by default on the top of the output info sharedlibrary Windbg can be installed as crash debugger using: „windbg –I“
  • 31. Example void readfile(char *filename){ char file[10]; memset(file, 0, sizeof(file)); FILE *f = fopen(filename,"r"); if (!f) { printf("FILE NOT FOUNDn"); return; } fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END); int size = ftell(f); rewind(f); printf("Size: %dn", size); fread(file, size, 1, f); printf("%s", file); }
  • 32. Example int main(int argc, char** argv){ char *filename = "C:/foo.txt"; printf("Open file: %sn", filename); readfile(filename); }
  • 33. Example • Start application with large file will crash it! (char file[10])  overflow) • e.g. use a file with many ‘A‘ • Debugger shows an Access violation
  • 34. Example • Dump stack • Wingdb: “d esp“ • Stack contains many ‘A‘  Base and stored Instruction Pointer are overwritten  when returning Instruction Pointer is set to AAAA or 41414141  behind the stack pointer there are many ‘A’  place shellcode here
  • 35. Example • Dump the base pointer: • Wingdb: “d ebp“ • EBP contains now the address 41414141 • ‘A‘ is 0x41 in ASCI • Same for the instruction pointer
  • 36. Example • How to find the address of the instruction pointer? • Use meaningful content for the exploit and dump eip: • ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopquvwxyz • The instruction pointer now contains: 63646566 • (intel is little endian) •  EIP is where cdef is (look in ASCII table)
  • 37. Example • How to place shell code? • Place shellcode behind the instruction pointer on the stack • dump ESP • ESP is where the ’f’ is • Simple shellcode: 9090eef4 •  twice NOP and jump back to esp • eef4 is the opcode for “jmp esp” • 0x90 is opcode for NOP
  • 38. Example • What address to use to overwrite the EIP? • ffe4 is the opcode for “jmp esp” • Search this opcode in ddl and the binary • Kernel32.dll is loaded in address space 7c800000 to 7c906000 • It contains ffe4 at 0x7c803234 •  replace cdef with 3432807c to execute jmp esp •  Program hang in a loop
  • 39. Entire Exploit generation (Python) f = open('C:/foo.txt', 'w') offset1 = „ABCEDEFHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZab" eip = chr (0x34) + chr (0x32) + chr (0x80) + chr(0x7c) #jmp esp is on this address in dll opcode = chr(0x90) + chr(0x90) +chr(0xff) + chr(0xe4) # NOP, NOP, jmp esp for i in offset1: f.write(i) for i in eip: f.write(i) for i in opcode: f.write(i) f.close()
  • 40. Jumping • For some reason you cannot place your shellcode in ESP • Search the shellcode in other registers: • jmp EAX or jmp EBX • Search the shellcode on the stack • Search the address of the shellcode on the stack • What if only a few bytes are usable for the shellcode • What if
  • 41. Gap between ESP and shellcode • Sometimes it is not possible to write the shellcode directly to ESP • May overwritten by other data or • OS counter mechanism. • Assume you have 8 byte gap  overwrite EIP with an address that contains “pop pop ret”  first bytes of the shellcode are address of “jmp esp” • Pop takes 4 byte from stack (32bit) • ret loads the first stack value in EIP • goto “jmp esp” address and execute shellcode • popad removes 32bytes from stack if pop is not enough Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode gap
  • 42. Search the address of the shellcode on the stack • Sometimes the shellcode address is not in any register • but it can be found on the stack • POP until you reached shellcode address • execute ret to load the address to EIP • if the gap is 8 bytes again overwrite EIP with an address that points on a “pop pop ret” Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode address gap Shellcode
  • 43. What if only a few bytes are usable for the shellcode • Sometimes only a few bytes are usable for shellcode behind EIP • but you can place more shellcode above • use the few bytes to jmp the the shellcode above: • Small shellcode can be: sub esp, 80 jmp esp • Start shellcode with NOPs • no exact jmp required Main stackframe Stack ptr to argv[1] EIP EBP EBP ESP Array Shellcode Shellcode
  • 44. Counter Mechanisms • GS • Reorder variables on the stack. Put arrays to higher addresses • Other variables cannot be overwritten, but still EIP • DEP • Stack is not executable. • Enforced by hardware. • OS can disable it (required for JIT programs) • You can ret to the lib function that disable DEP • Stack Cookie
  • 45. SEH (Structured Exception Handler) exploits • a try-catch block runs in its own stack frame • Information about the EH are pushed on the stack • 8bytes: • pointer to the next exception handler (for the case the current exception handler cannot handle the exception) • pointer to the actual exception handler •  Chain of exception handlers • FFFFFFFF marks the end of the chain  OS exception handler kicks in Main stackframe Stack EH ptr to argv[1] EIP Array EBP
  • 46. SEH (Structured Exception Handler) exploits • Cause an exception to kick EH in • Overwrite the pointer to the next EH record with some jmpcode (to jmp to shellcode) e.g. eb069090 = jmp +06 NOP NOP • Overwrite the EH with a pointer to an instruction that will bring you back to next EH and execute the jmpcode (e.g. pop pop ret) • The shellcode can be directly after the overwritten EH. next EH next EH FFFFFFFF EH1 EH2 EH3
  • 47. Stack Cookies • Compiler flag (only for string buffer) • Random value is computed when application starts (stack cookie) • Stored in .data section on the program • After saving EBP and EIP push stack cookie on the stack • To overwrite EIP you have to overwrite the Stack Cookie • Before ret the stack cookie will be checked. • So do not return, overwrite SEH to exploit • Sometimes you can compute the value or it is constant • Overwrite stack cookie in .data Main stackframe Stack EH EIP Stack Cookie Array ptr to argv[1] ESP
  • 48. Final words • Check array bounds • ensure nobody can overwrite • Be carefully with pointer arithmetic • Use secure programming languages (C#, Java, Haskell, Ada) • but down forget: • it runs on a unsecure basis • JAVA programs cannot be exploited with buffer overruns - theoretically • JVM is written without focus on security  there are many issues! • SoftBound +CETS: Complete andCompatible Full Memory Safety for C • proven approach to eliminate all possible bufferoverflows! • Most of this problem are not caused by OS or software, but by unsafe CPU-architectures. • Possible futureCPU-architectures are less vulnerable (MILLCPU) • on this architecture concept call stack cannot be overwritten to redirect program flow • many popular exploiting technics become harder or impossible • not classic buffer overruns, but there are other technics e.g. dangling pointers
  • 49. Preventing Buffer Overflows • ALWAY check array boundaries • Do NOT forget to check for index overflows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 base bound int array[4]: ptr: array • Iterate through the array: ++array; • Boundary check: array > base && array+elementsize < bound
  • 50. Preventing Buffer Overflows • ALWAY check array boundaries • Do NOT forget to check for index overflows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 boundbase int array[4]: ptr: array • Boundary check: array > base && array+elementsize < bound • Point with long long *ptr2 on element 12: • ptr2 > base: 12 > 9 • ptr2 + 1 < bound: 1 < 12  Access to element 0! ptr2
  • 51. Preventing Buffer Overflows • ALWAY check array boundaries • Do NOT forget to check for index overflows: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 boundbase int array[4]: ptr: array ptr2 • Boundary check correct: array > base && array+elementsize < bound && base < array+elementsize • ptr2 > base: 12 > 9 • ptr2 + 1 < bound: 0 < 12 • ptr2 + 1 > base: 0 > 9 X