The Grand Research Challenges for TEL. A shortlist.

il y a 12 ans 707 Vues

The university in a box

il y a 12 ans 1169 Vues

Technology and the Grand Challenge for Future Learning

il y a 13 ans 536 Vues

Monitoring Conceptual Development

il y a 13 ans 320 Vues

The MUPPLE competence continuum

il y a 13 ans 442 Vues

Meaningful Interaction Analysis

il y a 13 ans 1138 Vues

Latent Semantics & Social Interaction

il y a 13 ans 743 Vues

Grand Challenges in Technology-Enhanced Learning

il y a 13 ans 954 Vues

The afterlife of 'living deliverables': angels or zombies?

il y a 13 ans 2361 Vues

PLE widgets using natural language processing

il y a 13 ans 912 Vues

Science 2.0 and language technology

il y a 14 ans 805 Vues

PLEs and textmining for lifelong learning

il y a 14 ans 447 Vues

Mash-Up Personal Learning Environments

il y a 14 ans 1808 Vues

Bringing together what belongs together

il y a 14 ans 439 Vues

Blogofolios: distributed e-portfolios

il y a 14 ans 317 Vues

The Geometry of Learning

il y a 14 ans 852 Vues