Earned Value numbers

il y a 10 ans 498 Vues

Focus on the nine I's (v9)

il y a 10 ans 8359 Vues

Notes on IT programmatic risk in 5 not so easy pieces

il y a 10 ans 1073 Vues

A credible pmb is the window to program

il y a 10 ans 3612 Vues

Glen alleman agile 04 ev+agile=success

il y a 10 ans 1461 Vues

Cpm 200 c technical performance measures - alleman (ppm)

il y a 10 ans 4909 Vues

Incose vee and the imp

il y a 10 ans 1148 Vues

Managing in the presence of uncertainty

il y a 10 ans 112801 Vues

32 Earned Value Management guidelines

il y a 11 ans 1199 Vues

Building a Risk Tolerant IMS

il y a 11 ans 1813 Vues

Seven Habits of Effective Project Managers

il y a 11 ans 1689 Vues

From each wbs element define a work

il y a 11 ans 385 Vues

Components of a successful program management process

il y a 11 ans 1386 Vues

Improving project performance presentation

il y a 11 ans 942 Vues

Capabilities based planning (v2)

il y a 11 ans 51086 Vues

Build an integrated master plan and integrated master

il y a 11 ans 6749 Vues

Acumen presentation (final)

il y a 11 ans 783 Vues

Vision goal csf kpi

il y a 11 ans 5321 Vues

10 taxonomy elements

il y a 11 ans 372 Vues