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By Lincoln Campbell
Creating my dream of being a Y.B.E (young black entrepreneur) was a lot harder 
than I ever realized 
Things got so messed up, there were times where I felt like my dream died but for 
some reason I never quit on them. 
Nowadays I do the things I want to do 
No longer do I have to wake up at a certain time, commute across the city and listen 
to boss tell me what to do 
No longer do I have to build another man's dream and sacrifice mine 
A short 12 months in the past,I thought I was going to be trapped on a construction 
site for the rest of my life 
A short 12 months ago I was letting my past define my future 
Just a short 12 months from today, I almost threw my lifelong dreams out the window, 
conformed to the rules of society and quit on everything I ever dreamed of. 
I'd like to say it was a walk in the park but what I want to do is KEEP IT 100 with you 
and let you know that yeah it was struggle for me to come up. 
Now I want to share some stuff that totally changed my life. It gave me a brand new 
outlook for the better 
If I hadn't found out these things I probably would have died with my dreams inside of 
me or even worst died in the street 
But before I share the stuff that radically changed my life I want to share a little bit 
about my story so you can get to know me better 
My girl used to call me a closed book!
See growing up I was one of those quiet kids, I always scared to express my 
thoughts, feeling and my dreams but now I've learned to face my fear and I know if I 
don't take action on my dreams they will never happen. 
I understand that by keeping it 100% real with people reading this book and sharing 
my true story even though it is hard for me to do, it will help a lot of people. 
I was always someone who just didn't care in life about getting things done right way. 
My main goal was to always get things done the quickest and easiest. 
The truth is I had the same attitude with my goals and dreams. It lead to many 
sleepless cold anxious nights not understanding why I hit a brick wall every time I went 
after my dreams 
Growing up you could say I was a little different, I always felt like nobody understood 
me, even though I enjoyed the things other kids did. I grew in a rural area where there 
were mainly all white people. 
I got picked on and was called names a lot a child simply because I was different 
from the majority of kids around the way. So I had to get tough and learn to defend 
myself as a youngin 
They built up my hood in about '87 and it quickly became more diverse but before that 
My cousins introduced me to hip hop and I fell in love 
As a matter fact one of my biggest influence growing up was hip hop, I can say it 
actually raised me 
I would drown out all the noise from a dysfunctional household and all the negativity 
from my neighborhood and immerse myself in the culture 
Buying all the clothes, keeping myself fresh, buying everyone of my favourite cds and 
owning every Source & XXL magazines since the earlier 90's
My favourite MC's growing up were Redman (Whut Thee Album, first tape I ever 
bought) Wu Tang Clan, Jigga, Mobb Deep & Biggie. 
I remember listen, listening for hours on end taking my Walkman with me everywhere 
I went, even on my paper route. 
Reading all the stories about how they came up from nothing. 
I felt like FINALLY, some people who understood me 
It really made me feel like I could do it too and my dreams of what was actually 
possible were molded through hip hop 
Through hearing the stories of artists and their rise from poverty to fame I learned if 
your dreams were big enough you could achieve anything. You just have to go out 
there and get it 
I learned if you want to become successful you have to surround yourself with 
successful people who were achieving the goals you wanted to achieve 
My favorite artists tought me the importance of having an the right old head(mentor). 
They would say " If it wasn't for my old head I would have never understood the game 
or potentially been killed" 
I also learned the power of a mastermind. That is when a group of people come 
together with one goal, one vision in mind and put their heads together so they can 
move mountains. The Mastermind is so powerful like Wu tang or Rockafella in its hay 
To make a long story short.... 
This beliefs stuck with me my entire life. Actually when I went to high school I didn't go 
to the one that was closest to my house. Me and a couple homies decided we were 
going to go to the school with the best football team. 
So we convinced our parents and decided to take the public transit across town every 
day to get to school
Football practice after school was rough. Getting home at like 7 or 8 pm every night. It 
took a toll on us mentally and physically but we didn't care we were willing to do 
whatever it took to achieve the goal we set our mind on. 
And we won The Provincial Championship for grades nine and ten 
Even though I didn't play much football after grade eleven because I got distracted. I 
knew that us getting together with that team at the present point it time was crucial to 
us winning the championship those two years. 
I'll never forget the feeling of excitement playing in The Skydome and achieving our 
big lofty goal of winning the championship those two years 
Here where my career as a Y.B.E. started 
Since before I played football or even went to high school I had the these big 
DREAMS and I decided I wanted to be a rapper 
I wanted to live the lifestyle of success and impact the world somehow. I felt as if the 
quickest and easier way was to start rapping so I could be like all my heroes 
So I would write my little raps get in front of the mirror and spit my bars but it just 
wouldn't come out right. I tried writing for days, weeks and even months but I felt as if 
I couldn't get it right, my insecurities held me back. 
I was scared of being judged by my friends or worst off being humiliated in a freestyle 
competition. My pride and my ego held me back from just going out there and doing 
After a bunch failed attempts of rapping in the mirror and recording myself at home I 
quit. I was my biggest critic before anyone else could hear me 
I just kept on listening and immersing myself in the culture, studying and memorizing 
music . I became sort of the analytical hip hop specialist
After years of struggling to even come up with an idea, I remember my family 
members would laugh at my vision. They would tell me there is no unity, there's 
nobody who cares enough to guide you in the right direction, go to college, you can't 
be successful without a 4 or 5 year degree 
I almost believed them but I just stuck to my guns and told them "I care" 
I looked them right in the eye and told them I'm gonna to do it no matter what and I'm 
bringing who ever wants to come with me along for the ride 
I wasn't joking either. So I did what any young crazed hip hop kid would do with big 
dreams I hit the block 
I became a hustler but not just a regular old hustler I became the MAN. In 2002 I had 
my whole city and a out of town spot Rocking but it wasn't long before I seen the 
inside of cell 
From 20 to about 32 I was in and out of pen 
The hardships I faced I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy 
I remember preparing this big Valentine's Day lunch for my girl who drive 7.5 hours 
every other weekend to come visit (open visit). Pizza, Cake, the whole works and 
when I tried to bring it to the visiting room the guards said hell no, on purpose just to 
be JERKS! 
After telling her about it on the phone I had to walk into the visiting room empty 
handed and tell her "Babe, the guards wouldn't let me bring it in” 
That just crushed me on the inside 
It made me feel weak and small as a man, I was disgusted with my circumstance 
I said to myself "what kind of man, gets told what to do day in, and day out. Has 
absolutely no control over his life and can't even do something special for his wifey 
on Valentine's day
I decided that day February 12th, 2012 that I was never ever going back 
When I was finally released August of 2012, I started working construction. I was 
studying to become a gas technician. It was great at first knowing that I wasn't going 
to go back illegal and I was going to be free from all the bull of the system 
But working outside all day in the hot sun and the freezing cold and going to school a 
night got old fast. 
I hit a financial bottom. 
A bottom that I had never experienced before I felt trapped and alone. My dreams of 
being successful were slowly dying. Everyday felt like Ground Hog Day you know that 
movie with Bill Murray, the someday over and over 
It was depressing 
I wasn’t going anywhere in life 
This ain't what I wanted, I wanted to be rich, impact lives and bring as many people as 
I could with me 
"What should I do?" I asked myself 
I can't go on living like this but forget going back to the street 
One thing I realized when I was locked is that, it's great when you and your people 
are getting rich but when you have to tear down another set of people to accomplish 
your dreams. 
Your accomplishments are truly meaningless 
Why not lift as many people up as high as possible and build them into the powerful 
beings they truly want to be
I decided to go searching on my laptop for "ways to make money with hip hop online " 
I'm not exactly sure why but the idea sort of downloaded in my brain. 
I started hearing that hip hop blogs and websites was where all the money was made 
Then I found something, a system. It hit every angle of the lifestyle I wanted to live 
and I could plug right in 
No boss, no alarm clock, nothing like that, just the ability to make money from 
anywhere I want in the world 
On top of all that I had no overhead, no physical products to ship, just selling 
When I found this system I was in AWE 
Then I thought to myself, is this one of the internet scams you hear about? 
I looked at the screen, I looked at my surrounds, I thought about what my life had 
become and I just took action and got in 
I was hungry for change and I was willing to take the risk if it meant I could 
accomplish my DREAMS 
I was still working construction at the time and I started building my business part time 
I had no experience with internet marketing at all and that's when things got difficult 
I wish I could tell you it was an overnight success but I'm gonna to give you the "Raw 
Uncut Truth" 
Listening to hip hop, as much as it motivated me and got me in that mindset for 
success it didn't tell me how hard I would have to work to attain success in the real 
I was a bit naive and I was always " The short cut guy" but I said to myself "Short cut 
is what got you here, broke at 32". 
That is when I decided to go ALL in and go ALL out in my new business and take a 
trip down Hard Boulevard 
That When My Life Was Never the Same Again 
I'm going to share with you the Four Keys that gave me a totally new look on life and 
changed my world forever 
1.The Right Old Head (mentor) 
This is a lesson I learned early in life but at times I simply ignored it because I didn't 
think anybody really cared about me or my success 
But when I found to right mentor who truly cared, he gave me the right information for 
success and it was like everything changed overnight not income wise right away but 
my mindset. 
Whatever field you're in I suggest you find a mentor that connects with you internally 
and is living the kind of lifestyle you want to live 
You have to understand that you will have to prove to your mentor that it is worth 
investing time with you 
Their time is limited because they are the best at what they do 
Great mentors always want more people to mentor because they get so much 
satisfaction from saying I made an impact in that person's life 
I listened to everything my mentor said 
Not only was I able to quit my job in a year and start making enough income to do the 
things that I want with the people I want to do them with
I've been able to help to many others to see the light and start living life on their own 
I helped people understand that going to college and getting a job is not the only way 
And even if you have had hardships in life, you don't have to conform to the rules of 
society. YES you can still live your dreams, it's not too late for anyone 
I was living in potential my whole life. I needed someone to help me unleash my true 
potential sorta like show me the ropes, so I could start living life on my terms the way I 
was BORN to do it!! 
2. Shook Ones 
Growing up I was always afraid of criticism or people making fun of me, I let my pride 
get in the way of my potential 
A lot of people used to laugh at me when I used to say "I'm going to impact the world 
and change things for mankind" 
Nobody believed in me not my family, barely any of my friends, so I took a short cut 
in life. Got locked up and paid dearly for it 
Even after my release feeling embarrassed and humiliated, my VISION was still alive 
and the funniest thing was people laughed even harder at me know. Telling me my life 
was over go to college! Get a career! 
Because I had struggled for so long it's like I was being suffocated with negative 
opinions and outlooks on life. At times I felt stupid for even keeping the hope alive 
Then I started to realize the people who were judging me weren't doing ANYTHING 
great with their lives 
I started to not care about what they said and I said to myself 'Who are they to judge 
They weren't REAL enough to go for their dreams but had the nerve to judge me. 
Fear is the number one dream killer in the world today there are so many people out 
there with the potential to move mountains but they let fear cripple them from taking 
the first step 
I was so close to becoming one of them that is why it's so important to surround 
yourself with right people 
3.Money Security 
This is a lesson hip hop taught me early in life, I brought this mentality with me to 
street and it's very useful in everyday business " Buy the house before you buy the 
And my mentors reintroduced it to me like this "to get ahead of the Jones, you will 
have to stop looking at the Jones" 
He said " The first six successful months in business, no matter how much you make 
don't change your spending habits." 
He said save for the unexpected expenses, save for marketing, save to grow your 
business to bigger and better heights, create a foundation under your business that's 
Save all the flashy lifestyle for later, create better marketing because those people 
who are stunting from day one are the ones living month to month, you want to create 
a wealth that has longevity 
Good thing for me I'm just a simple man. all I really care about is making sure my 
family is well taken care of, we have a nice house to live in and a fly watch and 
maybe a fresh pair of Jordan's every so often 
I'm out here to build a legacy, so buying all the flashy stuff to impress people isn't 
really what I'm about.
I do enjoy going out for a nice dinner with the family and leaving a big tip. I remember 
how happy my girl would be when she got an extra $30 when she used to be 
bartender so I like paying it forward so someone else can experience the same in life 
4. Grind Hard 
I can't STRESS this enough 
my life was almost destroyed because I was looking for the short cut. I wasn't willing 
to put in the work to get what I wanted. 
I haven't met a single successful person who didn't bust their ass when launching their 
I wasn't sure why I believed I could take all the short cuts in life and still be as 
successful as I want to be, but now I know. I was just looking at the END RESULT 
and not looking at all the hard work it took someone to get to where they want to be 
The reality is when you start something with no experience you're going to have to 
work hard to develop new skills 
Yep, when your business is rocking you can put things on autopilot. 
You're going to have to grind hard at the start to lift that baby off the ground 
I'm sharing the things that I know are true because I experienced them and I want to 
save you time and pain 
I know it's been a bit of a long ride with me here today 
I been through a lot, so I wanted to able to share my trials and tribulations on my road 
to success so that it could help you if you wanted to receive the message 
If you want to find out exactly how I used three street principles to create a new life 
for myself. Where I'm able to live life on my terms and not follow the rules of society
visit my website here 
P.S. If you connected with this ebook, send me a private message on my personal 
facebook page let's kick it maybe I 
can help you with your dreams and goals 
If you’re happy with your lifestyle and your job right now this probably ain’t for you

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  • 2. Creating my dream of being a Y.B.E (young black entrepreneur) was a lot harder than I ever realized Things got so messed up, there were times where I felt like my dream died but for some reason I never quit on them. Nowadays I do the things I want to do No longer do I have to wake up at a certain time, commute across the city and listen to boss tell me what to do No longer do I have to build another man's dream and sacrifice mine A short 12 months in the past,I thought I was going to be trapped on a construction site for the rest of my life A short 12 months ago I was letting my past define my future Just a short 12 months from today, I almost threw my lifelong dreams out the window, conformed to the rules of society and quit on everything I ever dreamed of. I'd like to say it was a walk in the park but what I want to do is KEEP IT 100 with you and let you know that yeah it was struggle for me to come up. Now I want to share some stuff that totally changed my life. It gave me a brand new outlook for the better If I hadn't found out these things I probably would have died with my dreams inside of me or even worst died in the street But before I share the stuff that radically changed my life I want to share a little bit about my story so you can get to know me better My girl used to call me a closed book!
  • 3. See growing up I was one of those quiet kids, I always scared to express my thoughts, feeling and my dreams but now I've learned to face my fear and I know if I don't take action on my dreams they will never happen. I understand that by keeping it 100% real with people reading this book and sharing my true story even though it is hard for me to do, it will help a lot of people. I was always someone who just didn't care in life about getting things done right way. My main goal was to always get things done the quickest and easiest. The truth is I had the same attitude with my goals and dreams. It lead to many sleepless cold anxious nights not understanding why I hit a brick wall every time I went after my dreams Growing up you could say I was a little different, I always felt like nobody understood me, even though I enjoyed the things other kids did. I grew in a rural area where there were mainly all white people. I got picked on and was called names a lot a child simply because I was different from the majority of kids around the way. So I had to get tough and learn to defend myself as a youngin They built up my hood in about '87 and it quickly became more diverse but before that even My cousins introduced me to hip hop and I fell in love As a matter fact one of my biggest influence growing up was hip hop, I can say it actually raised me I would drown out all the noise from a dysfunctional household and all the negativity from my neighborhood and immerse myself in the culture Buying all the clothes, keeping myself fresh, buying everyone of my favourite cds and owning every Source & XXL magazines since the earlier 90's
  • 4. My favourite MC's growing up were Redman (Whut Thee Album, first tape I ever bought) Wu Tang Clan, Jigga, Mobb Deep & Biggie. I remember listen, listening for hours on end taking my Walkman with me everywhere I went, even on my paper route. Reading all the stories about how they came up from nothing. I felt like FINALLY, some people who understood me It really made me feel like I could do it too and my dreams of what was actually possible were molded through hip hop Through hearing the stories of artists and their rise from poverty to fame I learned if your dreams were big enough you could achieve anything. You just have to go out there and get it I learned if you want to become successful you have to surround yourself with successful people who were achieving the goals you wanted to achieve My favorite artists tought me the importance of having an the right old head(mentor). They would say " If it wasn't for my old head I would have never understood the game or potentially been killed" I also learned the power of a mastermind. That is when a group of people come together with one goal, one vision in mind and put their heads together so they can move mountains. The Mastermind is so powerful like Wu tang or Rockafella in its hay day. To make a long story short.... This beliefs stuck with me my entire life. Actually when I went to high school I didn't go to the one that was closest to my house. Me and a couple homies decided we were going to go to the school with the best football team. So we convinced our parents and decided to take the public transit across town every day to get to school
  • 5. Football practice after school was rough. Getting home at like 7 or 8 pm every night. It took a toll on us mentally and physically but we didn't care we were willing to do whatever it took to achieve the goal we set our mind on. And we won The Provincial Championship for grades nine and ten Even though I didn't play much football after grade eleven because I got distracted. I knew that us getting together with that team at the present point it time was crucial to us winning the championship those two years. I'll never forget the feeling of excitement playing in The Skydome and achieving our big lofty goal of winning the championship those two years Here where my career as a Y.B.E. started Since before I played football or even went to high school I had the these big DREAMS and I decided I wanted to be a rapper I wanted to live the lifestyle of success and impact the world somehow. I felt as if the quickest and easier way was to start rapping so I could be like all my heroes So I would write my little raps get in front of the mirror and spit my bars but it just wouldn't come out right. I tried writing for days, weeks and even months but I felt as if I couldn't get it right, my insecurities held me back. I was scared of being judged by my friends or worst off being humiliated in a freestyle competition. My pride and my ego held me back from just going out there and doing it. After a bunch failed attempts of rapping in the mirror and recording myself at home I quit. I was my biggest critic before anyone else could hear me I just kept on listening and immersing myself in the culture, studying and memorizing music . I became sort of the analytical hip hop specialist
  • 6. After years of struggling to even come up with an idea, I remember my family members would laugh at my vision. They would tell me there is no unity, there's nobody who cares enough to guide you in the right direction, go to college, you can't be successful without a 4 or 5 year degree I almost believed them but I just stuck to my guns and told them "I care" I looked them right in the eye and told them I'm gonna to do it no matter what and I'm bringing who ever wants to come with me along for the ride I wasn't joking either. So I did what any young crazed hip hop kid would do with big dreams I hit the block I became a hustler but not just a regular old hustler I became the MAN. In 2002 I had my whole city and a out of town spot Rocking but it wasn't long before I seen the inside of cell From 20 to about 32 I was in and out of pen The hardships I faced I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy I remember preparing this big Valentine's Day lunch for my girl who drive 7.5 hours every other weekend to come visit (open visit). Pizza, Cake, the whole works and when I tried to bring it to the visiting room the guards said hell no, on purpose just to be JERKS! After telling her about it on the phone I had to walk into the visiting room empty handed and tell her "Babe, the guards wouldn't let me bring it in” That just crushed me on the inside It made me feel weak and small as a man, I was disgusted with my circumstance I said to myself "what kind of man, gets told what to do day in, and day out. Has absolutely no control over his life and can't even do something special for his wifey on Valentine's day
  • 7. I decided that day February 12th, 2012 that I was never ever going back When I was finally released August of 2012, I started working construction. I was studying to become a gas technician. It was great at first knowing that I wasn't going to go back illegal and I was going to be free from all the bull of the system But working outside all day in the hot sun and the freezing cold and going to school a night got old fast. I hit a financial bottom. A bottom that I had never experienced before I felt trapped and alone. My dreams of being successful were slowly dying. Everyday felt like Ground Hog Day you know that movie with Bill Murray, the someday over and over It was depressing I wasn’t going anywhere in life This ain't what I wanted, I wanted to be rich, impact lives and bring as many people as I could with me "What should I do?" I asked myself I can't go on living like this but forget going back to the street One thing I realized when I was locked is that, it's great when you and your people are getting rich but when you have to tear down another set of people to accomplish your dreams. Your accomplishments are truly meaningless Why not lift as many people up as high as possible and build them into the powerful beings they truly want to be
  • 8. I decided to go searching on my laptop for "ways to make money with hip hop online " I'm not exactly sure why but the idea sort of downloaded in my brain. I started hearing that hip hop blogs and websites was where all the money was made Then I found something, a system. It hit every angle of the lifestyle I wanted to live and I could plug right in No boss, no alarm clock, nothing like that, just the ability to make money from anywhere I want in the world On top of all that I had no overhead, no physical products to ship, just selling information When I found this system I was in AWE Then I thought to myself, is this one of the internet scams you hear about? I looked at the screen, I looked at my surrounds, I thought about what my life had become and I just took action and got in I was hungry for change and I was willing to take the risk if it meant I could accomplish my DREAMS I was still working construction at the time and I started building my business part time I had no experience with internet marketing at all and that's when things got difficult I wish I could tell you it was an overnight success but I'm gonna to give you the "Raw Uncut Truth" Listening to hip hop, as much as it motivated me and got me in that mindset for success it didn't tell me how hard I would have to work to attain success in the real world
  • 9. I was a bit naive and I was always " The short cut guy" but I said to myself "Short cut is what got you here, broke at 32". That is when I decided to go ALL in and go ALL out in my new business and take a trip down Hard Boulevard That When My Life Was Never the Same Again I'm going to share with you the Four Keys that gave me a totally new look on life and changed my world forever 1.The Right Old Head (mentor) This is a lesson I learned early in life but at times I simply ignored it because I didn't think anybody really cared about me or my success But when I found to right mentor who truly cared, he gave me the right information for success and it was like everything changed overnight not income wise right away but my mindset. Whatever field you're in I suggest you find a mentor that connects with you internally and is living the kind of lifestyle you want to live You have to understand that you will have to prove to your mentor that it is worth investing time with you Their time is limited because they are the best at what they do Great mentors always want more people to mentor because they get so much satisfaction from saying I made an impact in that person's life I listened to everything my mentor said Not only was I able to quit my job in a year and start making enough income to do the things that I want with the people I want to do them with
  • 10. I've been able to help to many others to see the light and start living life on their own terms I helped people understand that going to college and getting a job is not the only way And even if you have had hardships in life, you don't have to conform to the rules of society. YES you can still live your dreams, it's not too late for anyone I was living in potential my whole life. I needed someone to help me unleash my true potential sorta like show me the ropes, so I could start living life on my terms the way I was BORN to do it!! 2. Shook Ones Growing up I was always afraid of criticism or people making fun of me, I let my pride get in the way of my potential A lot of people used to laugh at me when I used to say "I'm going to impact the world and change things for mankind" Nobody believed in me not my family, barely any of my friends, so I took a short cut in life. Got locked up and paid dearly for it Even after my release feeling embarrassed and humiliated, my VISION was still alive and the funniest thing was people laughed even harder at me know. Telling me my life was over go to college! Get a career! Because I had struggled for so long it's like I was being suffocated with negative opinions and outlooks on life. At times I felt stupid for even keeping the hope alive Then I started to realize the people who were judging me weren't doing ANYTHING great with their lives I started to not care about what they said and I said to myself 'Who are they to judge me?"
  • 11. They weren't REAL enough to go for their dreams but had the nerve to judge me. Fear is the number one dream killer in the world today there are so many people out there with the potential to move mountains but they let fear cripple them from taking the first step I was so close to becoming one of them that is why it's so important to surround yourself with right people 3.Money Security This is a lesson hip hop taught me early in life, I brought this mentality with me to street and it's very useful in everyday business " Buy the house before you buy the car" And my mentors reintroduced it to me like this "to get ahead of the Jones, you will have to stop looking at the Jones" He said " The first six successful months in business, no matter how much you make don't change your spending habits." He said save for the unexpected expenses, save for marketing, save to grow your business to bigger and better heights, create a foundation under your business that's unbreakable" Save all the flashy lifestyle for later, create better marketing because those people who are stunting from day one are the ones living month to month, you want to create a wealth that has longevity Good thing for me I'm just a simple man. all I really care about is making sure my family is well taken care of, we have a nice house to live in and a fly watch and maybe a fresh pair of Jordan's every so often I'm out here to build a legacy, so buying all the flashy stuff to impress people isn't really what I'm about.
  • 12. I do enjoy going out for a nice dinner with the family and leaving a big tip. I remember how happy my girl would be when she got an extra $30 when she used to be bartender so I like paying it forward so someone else can experience the same in life 4. Grind Hard I can't STRESS this enough my life was almost destroyed because I was looking for the short cut. I wasn't willing to put in the work to get what I wanted. I haven't met a single successful person who didn't bust their ass when launching their business I wasn't sure why I believed I could take all the short cuts in life and still be as successful as I want to be, but now I know. I was just looking at the END RESULT and not looking at all the hard work it took someone to get to where they want to be The reality is when you start something with no experience you're going to have to work hard to develop new skills Yep, when your business is rocking you can put things on autopilot. You're going to have to grind hard at the start to lift that baby off the ground I'm sharing the things that I know are true because I experienced them and I want to save you time and pain I know it's been a bit of a long ride with me here today I been through a lot, so I wanted to able to share my trials and tribulations on my road to success so that it could help you if you wanted to receive the message If you want to find out exactly how I used three street principles to create a new life for myself. Where I'm able to live life on my terms and not follow the rules of society
  • 13. visit my website here P.S. If you connected with this ebook, send me a private message on my personal facebook page let's kick it maybe I can help you with your dreams and goals If you’re happy with your lifestyle and your job right now this probably ain’t for you