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Beyond Disease
30 ways to prevent disease and
optimize nutrition on a budget.

                1            2/04/12
“Let your food be your medicine,
                                and your medicine be your food.”

Hippocrates, 460 - 400 BCE, Greek Physician.
Hippocrates is often called the father of modern
  medicine. He taught that the body must be
treated as a whole and not just a series of parts.

                                            2                      2
We Have Serious Health Challenges
  A few generations ago, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and
  obesity were rare diseases of the wealthy. Now we see  1.Diabetes
  them everywhere. We identify a new malady every week,
  and see an increase in degenerative disease all over the                    2. Heart Disease
  planet. What is at the root of our declining health?
  Click here for Health Trend Graphs                                          3. Cancer
                                                                              4. Obesity
                                                                              5. Gluten Intolerance
                                                              How can         6. Dairy Intolerance
                                                            I make myself
                                                                              7. Arthritis
                                                                              8. Autism
                                                                              9. Alzheimer’s
                                                                              10. Food Allergies
                                                                              11. Tooth decay
                                                                              12. Hypoglycemia
                                                                              13. Metabolic syndrome
                                                                              14. Hypertension
                                                                              15. Dementia
                                                                              16. Fibromyalgia
                                                                              17.   Candida
                                                                              18.   Celiac disease
 Diabetes is one of the top diagnoses,                                        19.   Irritable Bowl syndrome
                                                                              20.   Insomnia
affecting 346 million people worldwide.                                       21.   Anxiety
                                                                              22.   High cholesterol
       World Health Organization                                              23.   Panic attacks
                                                                              24.   Epilepsy
                                                                              25.   ADD
                                                     3                        26.
                                                                                    Autism etc.
                                                                              29.   Toxic poisoning
30 Ways to Prevent Disease and
                 Optimize Nutrition on a Budget
1. Chew slowly and savor your meals. It sounds silly, but chewing is the simplest way to increase absorption.
Plants contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Your body has to sort out all these nutrients at the molecular level.
Chewing is pleasurable. The teeth break food into small digestible pieces. Saliva mixes with food to begin the
digestion process. Give it a good head start by chewing well. One study showed the single most important
factor in longevity is not WHAT we eat, but simply chewing it well and higher nutrient absorption.

                                  2.   Prepare food with love, joy and abandon. The simple joy, thought and
                                       effort you put into preparing food passes into the food. Then it passes
                                       into the people who eat it. Why do we think Mom’s homemade food
                                       tastes better? It’s full of love! That’s why I like to prepare food with joy
                                       and abandon!

                                  3.   Eat with Gratitude. A simple thank you or a thought of gratitude opens
                                       your body to receive. It actually helps to make food compatible to your

                                       body so that it can be well absorbed. This could mean you say grace
                                       formally. Or it could be a simple reflection as you take your first bite.
Prepare food with love and abandon!

  4. Avoid empty refined food, sugars, caffeine and alcohol. Empty
  nutrition foods are the often big ticket items in our food budget.
  If we spend less on soft drinks, coffee, sweets, and empty snacks,
  we have more money to spend where there’s real nutrition.
5. Go for the Life Force
Eat living food, close to the source. This is the secret to health.
OK, this is simple. The sun’s energy brings life force in the form
of light to the Earth, which is absorbed by plants in
photosynthesis. This energy can be consumed by animals and
humans and transformed into life force. This life force is
strongest at the source, when the plants (or animals) are alive.

Each step in processing the food reduces the life force present.
So every time a food is sliced, diced, desiccated, dried,
powdered, stored and especially heated at high temperatures, it
loses life force. This is a simple reminder to consume the
freshest foods closest to their original form.
                                                                                  Raw corn vs. cooked corn

                                                      We can see the life fore in foods with Kirlian photography.
                                                      It shows the electrical voltage pattern in these vegetables.
                                                      Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian discovered in 1939 how to
                                                      photograph the electrical field of any object. View Video

                                                           Energetic photos show that food energy is strongest at
                                                           the source. Once a plant is picked, cooked, dried, frozen
                                                             or powdered, it loses nutritive value at every step.
Organic mushroom (left) vs. mushroom
    grown with pesticides. (right)

6. Eat organic nutrient dense foods.
Whole Food Markets nationwide use the ANDI system to measure foods.
ANDI means Aggregate Nutrient Density Index. ANDI = Nutrients / Calories (H=N/C).
ANDI was developed by Dr. Fuhrman, who believes that 90% of the daily diet should
be comprised of nutrient rich plant foods (high ANDI score) with their health-
promoting phytochemicals. These are the foods that are richest in micronutrients
and benefit health and longevity. Green leafy vegetables top the ANDI list. If you
like to measure your foods, optimize your nutrients rather than calories.
Studies show that organic food has higher vitamin and mineral content. Eating
organic also helps us keep our bodies free of harmful toxins. Read More

                                                                                     Dr. Fuhrman uses the ANDI
                                                                                      Index to measure foods.

                                                              Kale is king!             Soft Drinks are lowest.
The ANDI Scale:            ANDI score = 1000              ANDI score = 0.6

7. Eat the whole food, not just part of it. We often discard 20 – 50% of a vegetable
into the garbage. Peels, leafy tops, stems and seeds are highly nutritious.

8. Blend whole foods to increase nutrient absorption by 500%! Blending at high
speed micronizes the fiber, making it more digestible. Blending saves money by
using the whole food. It saves time spent chopping, grating and dicing. It allows us
to use whole foods when they are fresh.

9. Cook at low temperatures. Raw and lightly steamed foods retain essential
nutrients and enzymes. Valuable enzymes are lost at temperatures above 118° F.
Light cooking often increases digestibility by softening fiber gently without
destroying so many nutrients. High temperatures like in baking and frying
destroys valuable nutrients. Read More                                                  Throwing away food scraps is
                                                                                       throwing money in the garbage.

                                              10. Cultivate healthy intestinal flora in your body. Instead of
                                                  viewing bacteria as the enemy, make them your friends! Use
                                                  bacteria to optimize your health by building build a healthy
                                                  balance in your body. Bacteria will make your life easier.
                                                   Take a good probiotic supplement to stimulate healthy
                                                   digestive bacteria. Buy or make cultured dairy products like
                                                   yogurt and kefir, which are alive with beneficial acidophilus
                                                   bacteria. Eat fermented foods, such as live pickled vegetables
                                                   and Kim Chi. These are easy to absorb as they’re already
                                                   partially digested. Have patience, as it takes time to rebuild
  Cultivate friendly bacteria in your gut,         healthy intestinal flora. This is the foundation of your health.
  and use them to optimize your health!

11. Eat less food, and enjoy it more. Studies show that eating less can be a key to
  longevity. Overeating even a little is very stressful on the organs. When we eat
  less, it is easier to savor it more, save money and maintain a stable healthy weight.

                 12. Hydrate your body well by drinking 15 – 30 minutes before meals,
                 rather than during meals to optimize nutrient absorption. Drinking

                 water during meals dilutes valuable digestive enzymes.

13. Save money on juices and juicing. Commercial juices are expensive and high in
fructose sugars, just like soft drinks. However fresh, raw juices can be highly beneficial,
especially during fasting, cleansing and digestive healing. In general it is best to consume
the whole fruit. Pulp from juicing is high in nutrition and a great addition to baked goods.

14. Breathe deeply every day. This wakes up the circulation, massages the organs and
opens your cells to LIFE.

15. Exercise regularly. Movement stimulates circulation and balance between all the
body systems, nerves, blood and lymph. Exercise massages the internal organs. It doesn’t
have to be strenuous. Sometimes gentle, deep movement is best.

               16. Eat when you’re hungry during daylight hours. Listen to
               your body. Digestion is strongest in the daytime before 2PM,
               and then it declines. After sundown your absorption is lowest.

17. Healthy food costs a bit more. But the cost of disease is much higher!
I have friends who save money buying cheap groceries, but forget about the triple bypass
heart surgery. They forget the cost of medications, pain and time lost, since they’re paid
in part by insurance. A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best insurance policy, and your
best ways to keep medical costs down. When you plan your food budget, consider the
cost of disease, the price of health insurance and the value of your enjoyment of life.

18. Plan meals around what’s in your kitchen. There are often several days of
healthy meals hidden in our cupboards and refrigerator if we just look around.

19. Organize your kitchen for the most efficient way YOU like to prepare foods.       Spending more on food is your
Good organization often takes the drudgery out of meal preparation.                   insurance policy. How can we
                                                                                     measure the true cost of disease?
20. Learn to prepare food to maximize AVAILABLE nutrition.
Some foods are high in nutrient content, but they are hard to digest, so their nutrients go right through the
digestive tract without being absorbed. For example, a whole grain may be high on the nutrition charts, but if
you grind it and eat it raw, you will absorb very little. After cooking it can be digested, but with difficulty.
However if you soak or sprout the grain and then cook it briefly at a low temperature, you get the MAXIMUM
AVAILABLE NUTRITION. Take broccoli stems for example. You can eat them raw, but they may not be well
absorbed. But if you steam them lightly, it becomes a delicious food, highly nutritious and easily absorbed.
Digestion is one of the most taxing processes the body must do. To benefit from foods efficiently, we need the
nutrients to be AVAILABLE. High temperature cooking destroys enzymes and nutrients. Steaming is a good way
of cooking to maintain nutrient value.
Many people believe that raw food is a better way to eat, and they are often right. However, nutrients are often
better absorbed when they are lightly cooked or served warm. Learn to prepare foods in order to maximize the
AVAILABLE nutrition and life force, which may include sprouting and heating some foods.

21. Take responsibility for the long-term effects of your choices.
    Paying less for food may seem like the right decision on a budget.
    After all, money is limited. But money is only one measure of
    value. We are responsible for our choices and their implications.
    For example, do you want to buy cheaper GMO oils and GMO
    sweeteners, knowing that they may damage the environment and
    that honeybees are at risk worldwide? If you’re willing to eat food
    grown with pesticides, are you also willing to risk the loss of
                                                                             How Earth-sustainable are your choices?
    healthy topsoil for generations? Are you willing to endanger
                                                                              Our health depends on our ability to
    animal species and that live downstream from those farms?
                                                                                 harmonize Nature and money.

    Vote with your fork. If you feel strongly about the environment, you can play an important role by choosing foods
    that do not produce pollution and toxins. It virtually impossible to measure the implications and hidden future
    costs or our decisions today. However this does not change the fact that we are responsible for our choices.

                                   22. Improve your absorption of grains by soaking or sprouting. Studies show that
                                   soaking and sprouting releases anti-nutrients that make whole grains indigestible.
                                   It activates the plant’s natural processes to soften and pre-digest the seed.
                                  Make your own sprouts with beans and grains to pre-digest them and optimize
                                  your nutritional benefit. One-fourth cup of raw seeds costs just pennies, and will
                                  produce a quart of high-nutrient, digestible food. Use the sprouts in salads, or cook
                                  them in soups. Dry grains can be efficiently stored and sprouted anytime you need
  Sprouts cost pennies to make them. Use sprouted grains in salads, sandwiches, soups, and blend them into cakes.
and they’re loaded with nutrients.

23. Increase your nutrient absorption by following simple food
combining guidelines. Some foods break down easily together, so
our digestive juices work synergistically and nutrient absorption is
good (Ex: veggies + carbs OR veggies + protein). Other foods do not
combine well, and may not be completely digested (Ex: protein +
carbs). The main points of food combining are to avoid eating
proteins and carbs together in the same meal. Fruits are best
absorbed when eaten alone. For more information read here.
24. Rotate your food. This means you vary your diet to give your
digestion a break. Nutritionists say it takes four days for a given food
to pass completely through the digestion. You can help maintain
digestive wellness by adding something to every meal that you have            Optimize your nutrient absorption
NOT consumed in the last four days. If you have food sensitivities, try       and stretch your food dollar with
eliminating a suspected food from your diet for four days, and see if             these simple guidelines.
you feel better.

 25. Buy local produce to insure more freshness. Nutrition in fruits and vegetables is highest when it is picked,
 and decreases rapidly after that. Local vendors are often more responsive to customers’ needs.
 26. Use resources sustainably. This is a simple state of awareness and an unwritten rule that exists throughout
 Nature. If you care for your environment and treat it with respect, you will be taken care of too.

                  27. Avoid Dead Food & Poisons. Dead food is empty of life force. It is a waste of energy for your
                  body to sort through a lot of useless junk and discard most of it. This causes digestive stress,
                  accelerated ageing and intestinal imbalance. Poisons are worse. These are substances that offer
                  no benefit at all, and cause harm. The body must either remove them or store them in the least
                  harmful site. Save your health and avoid them.

28. Read nutrition labels and be aware. Labels do tell the major ingredients in a
product, so you can note any item you wish to avoid. But nutrition labels do not
tell you how fresh a food is, if it has been micro-waved, heated or if it contains
any life force. Manufacturers are not required to list GMO (genetically modified)
ingredients or nano-particles (micro-technology) used in food.
Any ingredient with 0.5 grams or less per serving can be listed as zero on the
label. Manufacturers may legally use a very small serving size, or add highly
concentrated sweeteners, flavorings and dyes without reporting them. Labels
don’t list chemicals or cleaning agents left behind by industrial processing and
                                                                                         Learn how to read labels,
storage. Labels do not tell us if the ingredient comes from Kansas, Brazil or China.
                                                                                         and know they don’t tell
USDA labeling requirements.
                                                                                             you everything.

                                   29. Use clean, filtered water. Our bodies are 70% - 90% water. Water conducts
                                   electricity, and our bodies are electro-magnetic systems. Like many other
                                   materials, water has awareness and memory. You can improve your health and
                                   the health of the people around you by using pure water that has been
                                   filtered and activated or blessed by various means. Most public water systems
                                   contain chlorine bleach and other chemicals that may not want to drink.
                                   30. Acknowledge your deeper self, your higher self, and harmonize your life
                                   on all levels. Your body will be happier. The world we see and touch with our
                                   five senses is a small subset of the real world. It is widely known that the
                                   universe consists of many dimensions. This is not mysterious, but a very real
                                   part of our lives. In order to have physical health, we must harmonize our lives
                                   on ALL these levels. Maybe you already have a sixth sense. You can learn to
Our lives and bodies are           listen to it and increase your awareness of higher levels of life by doing a
more than meets the eye.           regular inner practice such as meditation, yoga, qigong, prayer or shamanism.

“You don't have to cook fancy or
      complicated masterpieces –
just good food from fresh ingredients.”
                      Julia Child

Jane’s Books: Click on images to link to slide books.

                                           By Jane Barthelemy, MBA, CBP, CRM, Certified
                                          BodyTalk Practitioner, Reiki Master, opera diva,
                                          chef, jewelry designer, author, teacher, speaker.

                                                   Jane Body Talk
View Videos at:

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Mocha Buttercream Frosting

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Beyond Disease

  • 1. Beyond Disease 30 ways to prevent disease and optimize nutrition on a budget. 1 2/04/12
  • 2. “Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food.” Hippocrates Hippocrates, 460 - 400 BCE, Greek Physician. Hippocrates is often called the father of modern medicine. He taught that the body must be treated as a whole and not just a series of parts. 2 2
  • 3. We Have Serious Health Challenges A few generations ago, diabetes, cancer, arthritis and obesity were rare diseases of the wealthy. Now we see 1.Diabetes them everywhere. We identify a new malady every week, and see an increase in degenerative disease all over the 2. Heart Disease planet. What is at the root of our declining health? Click here for Health Trend Graphs 3. Cancer 4. Obesity 5. Gluten Intolerance How can 6. Dairy Intolerance I make myself 7. Arthritis disease-resistant? 8. Autism 9. Alzheimer’s 10. Food Allergies 11. Tooth decay 12. Hypoglycemia 13. Metabolic syndrome 14. Hypertension 15. Dementia 16. Fibromyalgia 17. Candida 18. Celiac disease Diabetes is one of the top diagnoses, 19. Irritable Bowl syndrome 20. Insomnia affecting 346 million people worldwide. 21. Anxiety 22. High cholesterol World Health Organization 23. Panic attacks 24. Epilepsy 25. ADD 3 26. 27. 28. Autism etc. PMS Gastro-interitis 29. Toxic poisoning
  • 4. 30 Ways to Prevent Disease and Optimize Nutrition on a Budget 1. Chew slowly and savor your meals. It sounds silly, but chewing is the simplest way to increase absorption. Plants contain fiber, vitamins and minerals. Your body has to sort out all these nutrients at the molecular level. Chewing is pleasurable. The teeth break food into small digestible pieces. Saliva mixes with food to begin the digestion process. Give it a good head start by chewing well. One study showed the single most important factor in longevity is not WHAT we eat, but simply chewing it well and higher nutrient absorption. 2. Prepare food with love, joy and abandon. The simple joy, thought and effort you put into preparing food passes into the food. Then it passes into the people who eat it. Why do we think Mom’s homemade food tastes better? It’s full of love! That’s why I like to prepare food with joy and abandon! 3. Eat with Gratitude. A simple thank you or a thought of gratitude opens your body to receive. It actually helps to make food compatible to your X body so that it can be well absorbed. This could mean you say grace formally. Or it could be a simple reflection as you take your first bite. Prepare food with love and abandon! 4. Avoid empty refined food, sugars, caffeine and alcohol. Empty nutrition foods are the often big ticket items in our food budget. If we spend less on soft drinks, coffee, sweets, and empty snacks, we have more money to spend where there’s real nutrition. 4
  • 5. 5. Go for the Life Force Eat living food, close to the source. This is the secret to health. OK, this is simple. The sun’s energy brings life force in the form of light to the Earth, which is absorbed by plants in photosynthesis. This energy can be consumed by animals and humans and transformed into life force. This life force is strongest at the source, when the plants (or animals) are alive. Each step in processing the food reduces the life force present. So every time a food is sliced, diced, desiccated, dried, powdered, stored and especially heated at high temperatures, it loses life force. This is a simple reminder to consume the freshest foods closest to their original form. Raw corn vs. cooked corn We can see the life fore in foods with Kirlian photography. It shows the electrical voltage pattern in these vegetables. Russian scientist Semyon Kirlian discovered in 1939 how to photograph the electrical field of any object. View Video Energetic photos show that food energy is strongest at the source. Once a plant is picked, cooked, dried, frozen or powdered, it loses nutritive value at every step. Organic mushroom (left) vs. mushroom grown with pesticides. (right) 5
  • 6. 6. Eat organic nutrient dense foods. Whole Food Markets nationwide use the ANDI system to measure foods. ANDI means Aggregate Nutrient Density Index. ANDI = Nutrients / Calories (H=N/C). ANDI was developed by Dr. Fuhrman, who believes that 90% of the daily diet should be comprised of nutrient rich plant foods (high ANDI score) with their health- promoting phytochemicals. These are the foods that are richest in micronutrients and benefit health and longevity. Green leafy vegetables top the ANDI list. If you like to measure your foods, optimize your nutrients rather than calories. Studies show that organic food has higher vitamin and mineral content. Eating organic also helps us keep our bodies free of harmful toxins. Read More Dr. Fuhrman uses the ANDI Index to measure foods. www.EatRightAmerica Kale is king! Soft Drinks are lowest. The ANDI Scale: ANDI score = 1000 ANDI score = 0.6 6
  • 7. 7. Eat the whole food, not just part of it. We often discard 20 – 50% of a vegetable into the garbage. Peels, leafy tops, stems and seeds are highly nutritious. 8. Blend whole foods to increase nutrient absorption by 500%! Blending at high speed micronizes the fiber, making it more digestible. Blending saves money by using the whole food. It saves time spent chopping, grating and dicing. It allows us to use whole foods when they are fresh. 9. Cook at low temperatures. Raw and lightly steamed foods retain essential nutrients and enzymes. Valuable enzymes are lost at temperatures above 118° F. Light cooking often increases digestibility by softening fiber gently without destroying so many nutrients. High temperatures like in baking and frying destroys valuable nutrients. Read More Throwing away food scraps is throwing money in the garbage. 10. Cultivate healthy intestinal flora in your body. Instead of viewing bacteria as the enemy, make them your friends! Use bacteria to optimize your health by building build a healthy balance in your body. Bacteria will make your life easier. Take a good probiotic supplement to stimulate healthy digestive bacteria. Buy or make cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir, which are alive with beneficial acidophilus bacteria. Eat fermented foods, such as live pickled vegetables and Kim Chi. These are easy to absorb as they’re already partially digested. Have patience, as it takes time to rebuild Cultivate friendly bacteria in your gut, healthy intestinal flora. This is the foundation of your health. and use them to optimize your health! 7
  • 8. 11. Eat less food, and enjoy it more. Studies show that eating less can be a key to longevity. Overeating even a little is very stressful on the organs. When we eat less, it is easier to savor it more, save money and maintain a stable healthy weight. 12. Hydrate your body well by drinking 15 – 30 minutes before meals, rather than during meals to optimize nutrient absorption. Drinking X water during meals dilutes valuable digestive enzymes. 13. Save money on juices and juicing. Commercial juices are expensive and high in fructose sugars, just like soft drinks. However fresh, raw juices can be highly beneficial, especially during fasting, cleansing and digestive healing. In general it is best to consume the whole fruit. Pulp from juicing is high in nutrition and a great addition to baked goods. 14. Breathe deeply every day. This wakes up the circulation, massages the organs and opens your cells to LIFE. 15. Exercise regularly. Movement stimulates circulation and balance between all the body systems, nerves, blood and lymph. Exercise massages the internal organs. It doesn’t have to be strenuous. Sometimes gentle, deep movement is best. 16. Eat when you’re hungry during daylight hours. Listen to your body. Digestion is strongest in the daytime before 2PM, and then it declines. After sundown your absorption is lowest. 8
  • 9. 17. Healthy food costs a bit more. But the cost of disease is much higher! I have friends who save money buying cheap groceries, but forget about the triple bypass heart surgery. They forget the cost of medications, pain and time lost, since they’re paid in part by insurance. A healthy diet and lifestyle are your best insurance policy, and your best ways to keep medical costs down. When you plan your food budget, consider the cost of disease, the price of health insurance and the value of your enjoyment of life. 18. Plan meals around what’s in your kitchen. There are often several days of healthy meals hidden in our cupboards and refrigerator if we just look around. 19. Organize your kitchen for the most efficient way YOU like to prepare foods. Spending more on food is your Good organization often takes the drudgery out of meal preparation. insurance policy. How can we measure the true cost of disease? 20. Learn to prepare food to maximize AVAILABLE nutrition. Some foods are high in nutrient content, but they are hard to digest, so their nutrients go right through the digestive tract without being absorbed. For example, a whole grain may be high on the nutrition charts, but if you grind it and eat it raw, you will absorb very little. After cooking it can be digested, but with difficulty. However if you soak or sprout the grain and then cook it briefly at a low temperature, you get the MAXIMUM AVAILABLE NUTRITION. Take broccoli stems for example. You can eat them raw, but they may not be well absorbed. But if you steam them lightly, it becomes a delicious food, highly nutritious and easily absorbed. Digestion is one of the most taxing processes the body must do. To benefit from foods efficiently, we need the nutrients to be AVAILABLE. High temperature cooking destroys enzymes and nutrients. Steaming is a good way of cooking to maintain nutrient value. Many people believe that raw food is a better way to eat, and they are often right. However, nutrients are often better absorbed when they are lightly cooked or served warm. Learn to prepare foods in order to maximize the AVAILABLE nutrition and life force, which may include sprouting and heating some foods. 9
  • 10. 21. Take responsibility for the long-term effects of your choices. Paying less for food may seem like the right decision on a budget. After all, money is limited. But money is only one measure of value. We are responsible for our choices and their implications. For example, do you want to buy cheaper GMO oils and GMO sweeteners, knowing that they may damage the environment and that honeybees are at risk worldwide? If you’re willing to eat food grown with pesticides, are you also willing to risk the loss of How Earth-sustainable are your choices? healthy topsoil for generations? Are you willing to endanger Our health depends on our ability to animal species and that live downstream from those farms? harmonize Nature and money. Vote with your fork. If you feel strongly about the environment, you can play an important role by choosing foods that do not produce pollution and toxins. It virtually impossible to measure the implications and hidden future costs or our decisions today. However this does not change the fact that we are responsible for our choices. 22. Improve your absorption of grains by soaking or sprouting. Studies show that soaking and sprouting releases anti-nutrients that make whole grains indigestible. It activates the plant’s natural processes to soften and pre-digest the seed. Make your own sprouts with beans and grains to pre-digest them and optimize your nutritional benefit. One-fourth cup of raw seeds costs just pennies, and will produce a quart of high-nutrient, digestible food. Use the sprouts in salads, or cook them in soups. Dry grains can be efficiently stored and sprouted anytime you need Sprouts cost pennies to make them. Use sprouted grains in salads, sandwiches, soups, and blend them into cakes. and they’re loaded with nutrients. 10
  • 11. 23. Increase your nutrient absorption by following simple food combining guidelines. Some foods break down easily together, so our digestive juices work synergistically and nutrient absorption is good (Ex: veggies + carbs OR veggies + protein). Other foods do not combine well, and may not be completely digested (Ex: protein + carbs). The main points of food combining are to avoid eating proteins and carbs together in the same meal. Fruits are best absorbed when eaten alone. For more information read here. 24. Rotate your food. This means you vary your diet to give your digestion a break. Nutritionists say it takes four days for a given food to pass completely through the digestion. You can help maintain digestive wellness by adding something to every meal that you have Optimize your nutrient absorption NOT consumed in the last four days. If you have food sensitivities, try and stretch your food dollar with eliminating a suspected food from your diet for four days, and see if these simple guidelines. you feel better. 25. Buy local produce to insure more freshness. Nutrition in fruits and vegetables is highest when it is picked, and decreases rapidly after that. Local vendors are often more responsive to customers’ needs. 26. Use resources sustainably. This is a simple state of awareness and an unwritten rule that exists throughout Nature. If you care for your environment and treat it with respect, you will be taken care of too. 27. Avoid Dead Food & Poisons. Dead food is empty of life force. It is a waste of energy for your body to sort through a lot of useless junk and discard most of it. This causes digestive stress, accelerated ageing and intestinal imbalance. Poisons are worse. These are substances that offer no benefit at all, and cause harm. The body must either remove them or store them in the least harmful site. Save your health and avoid them. 11
  • 12. 28. Read nutrition labels and be aware. Labels do tell the major ingredients in a product, so you can note any item you wish to avoid. But nutrition labels do not tell you how fresh a food is, if it has been micro-waved, heated or if it contains any life force. Manufacturers are not required to list GMO (genetically modified) ingredients or nano-particles (micro-technology) used in food. Any ingredient with 0.5 grams or less per serving can be listed as zero on the label. Manufacturers may legally use a very small serving size, or add highly concentrated sweeteners, flavorings and dyes without reporting them. Labels don’t list chemicals or cleaning agents left behind by industrial processing and Learn how to read labels, storage. Labels do not tell us if the ingredient comes from Kansas, Brazil or China. and know they don’t tell USDA labeling requirements. you everything. 29. Use clean, filtered water. Our bodies are 70% - 90% water. Water conducts electricity, and our bodies are electro-magnetic systems. Like many other materials, water has awareness and memory. You can improve your health and the health of the people around you by using pure water that has been filtered and activated or blessed by various means. Most public water systems contain chlorine bleach and other chemicals that may not want to drink. 30. Acknowledge your deeper self, your higher self, and harmonize your life on all levels. Your body will be happier. The world we see and touch with our five senses is a small subset of the real world. It is widely known that the universe consists of many dimensions. This is not mysterious, but a very real part of our lives. In order to have physical health, we must harmonize our lives on ALL these levels. Maybe you already have a sixth sense. You can learn to Our lives and bodies are listen to it and increase your awareness of higher levels of life by doing a more than meets the eye. regular inner practice such as meditation, yoga, qigong, prayer or shamanism. 12
  • 13. “You don't have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients.” Julia Child 13
  • 14. Jane’s Books: Click on images to link to slide books. By Jane Barthelemy, MBA, CBP, CRM, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Reiki Master, opera diva, chef, jewelry designer, author, teacher, speaker. Jane Body Talk Portland
  • 15. View Videos at: Paleo Chocolate Cake Paleo Mocha Buttercream Frosting Paleo Mexican Wedding Cookies Email: 15

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. What IS a Nutritarian? Simply put, a nutritarian is a person who strives for more micronutrients per calorie in their diet-style. A nutritarian understands that food has powerful disease-protecting and therapeutic effects and seeks to consume a broad array of micronutrients via their food choices. It is not sufficient to merely avoid fats, consume foods with a low glycemic index, lower the intake of animal products, or eat a diet of mostly raw foods. A truly healthy diet must be micronutrient rich and the micronutrient richness must be adjusted to meet individual needs. The foods with the highest micronutrient per calorie scores are green vegetables, colorful vegetables, and fresh fruits. For optimal health and to combat disease, it is necessary to consume enough of these foods that deliver the highest concentration of nutrients. A nutritarian is a person whose food choices are influenced by nutritional quality.