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                The Six Pillars of Character®
CHARACTER COUNTS!" and "The Six Pillars of Character" ®are registered
 trademarks of Josephson Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

All information contained within this presentation can be credited to the
      Josephson Institute and their CHRACTER COUNTS! ® program.
Acronym: TRRFCC

Students can use this acronym to help them remember
that people with good character are terrific:
  T rustworthiness
  R espect
  R esponsibility
  F airness
  C aring
  C itizenship
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
Color Scheme
Trustworthiness : blue
    Think "true blue"
Respect : yellow/gold
    Think the Golden Rule
Responsibility : green
    Think being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and
    reliable like an oak
Fairness : orange
    Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share fairly with friends
Caring : red
    Think of a heart
Citizenship : purple
    think regal purple as representing the state

Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

   Be honest
   Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal
   Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do
   Have the courage to do the right thing
   Build a good reputation
   Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country

Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
Lesson on Trustworthiness
Overview: Children learn about the need for trust by working together.
         An object made from LEGOS or other building-block materials
         LEGOS or blocks to make a replica of the object (enough for each group)
         Ask: When do we need to trust other people? Field answers. Ask: When do people need to trust you?
         Define and discuss cooperation and teamwork. Emphasize the importance of trusting the accuracy of
         information when people work together. Say: When we work together to achieve a goal, we must trust
         each other. Can anyone explain why? Discuss examples of what may go wrong when people work
         together but don’t trust each other. Ask: How can we get others to trust us? List answers.
         Divide the children into groups and distribute building blocks. Make sure the model object is hidden
         from view. Introduce the activity. Say: We're going to practice teamwork and show our trustworthiness
         by constructing an exact copy of an object made out of blocks (or LEGOS, etc.). The problem is, the
         object is hidden and only one person from each group will be allowed to see it. This person must go
         back and tell the rest of his/her group how to build it based on what he/she saw. Those in the groups
         must take turns adding a piece to build their replica. The person who saw the object is not allowed to
         touch the replica his/her group is building.
         When all groups have finished, discuss the process. Ask the children to explain what skills were
         needed, how they showed trustworthiness, and the effect it had on the outcome.

Adapted from an idea submitted by Herb Gould, a CHARACTER COUNTS! Character Development Seminar trainer and
police officer in Waverly, Tennessee.
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

   Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule
   Be tolerant and accepting of differences
   Use good manners, not bad language
   Be considerate of the feelings of others
   Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone
   Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
Lesson on Respect

Overview - Children will learn the importance of listening, an important aspect of respect.
   Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele Maria Surat (or any story that points out the role
   listening plays in understanding)
   Drawing paper
   Read or summarize Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele Maria Surat.
   In this story, a Vietnamese girl named Hoa is teased and ridiculed at her new American
   school because of her language and dress. In one instance, she is taunted by a classmate and
   fights back. To settle the dispute and teach the children a lesson, the principal orders the
   two children to complete an unusual assignment. The girl must tell her tormentor about
   Vietnam, and the boy who teased her must listen and write down her story. This leads to a
   friendship between the two children — and ultimately to the whole school creating a
   fundraiser to help reunite Hoa’s family.
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Respect Cont…..

     Discuss how this story illustrates the importance of listening and how our
     viewpoints about other people change if we take time to understand them

     Inform the students that they will practice listening. Divide students into pairs.
     Instruct them to tell each other about their family and what they like to do
     together. Have each child draw a picture of an activity that their listening partner
     shared about his or her family.

     Have the children share with the class what they learned about their partners
     from listening to them. If possible, have the children share pictures of their
     partner’s family.
This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store:
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

   Do what you are supposed to do
   Plan ahead
   Persevere: keep on trying!
   Always do your best
   Use self-control
   Be self-disciplined
   Think before you act — consider the consequences
   Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes
   Set a good example for others
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Responsibility

Overview - When we talk to students about responsibility, we can't do so without mentioning stakeholders.
While this can be an abstract concept for little learners to master, it’s critical in their understanding of the
responsibility pillar.
Materials - A tent stake (or picture of a stake) to use as a visual to help explain the job of the stake in the
ground: to hold something up, like your tent. Ask if anyone knows what a “stakeholder” is. Explain that a
"stakeholder" is anyone who might support or hold you up and have a stake in your choices, in the outcome
of your decisions.
     Ask the students this simple question, "Who will care?" Have students stand up to represent the
     stakeholders as they name them. For example:
         Who will care if you show up late for a baseball or soccer game? Expect answers like the
         umpire, our teammates, the other team, the other coach, our fans, the other team’s fans, the team
         who plays next, etc. If you take it out far enough, everyone in the room will be standing

     Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Responsibility Cont…

  Try a few more; have your students answer aloud or make a list of
      Who will care if you don't let your dog in at night?
      Who will care if you sneak out of the house after your curfew to drive
     around with friends?
      Who will care if you choose never to recycle anything?
     Who will care if you don't do your homework?
      Who will care if you don't pick up after yourself at home? in the
     Who will care if you don't show up for a play dates?
     Who will care if you promise to give a friend a ride to skate night and you
     forget and go without him/her?
  Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Responsibility cont…
    CLOSURE: Here's a little ditty that encapsulates the responsibility pillar
    that you can use as an echo poem or sing to the tune of Where is
    What's Responsibility?
    Staying in control of me!
    Doin' my chores faithfully,
    Making choices carefully.
    Thinkin' 'bout the stakeholders.
    Thinkin' 'bout the consequences.
    You can count on me –
 This lesson was submitted by Barbara Gruener, counselor at Westwood
 Elementary School, Friendswood, Texas.
 Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

   Play by the rules
   Take turns and share
   Be open-minded; listen to others
   Don’t take advantage of others
   Don’t blame others carelessly
   Treat all people fairly
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Fairness
Overview - Students hypothesize and what the optimal size
would be for a jack-o-lantern and estimate its circumference.
Then they discuss the importance of being fair in not judging
others by their physical characteristics.
   Examples of different-sized pumpkins
   Writing paper
   Orange construction paper

Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November
A Lesson on Fairness cont….
   Show students images or real-life examples of pumpkins. Ask the class to describe the
   features of these pumpkins, including color, shape, texture and size.
   Ask students to define “jack-o-lantern,” explaining when and why these novelties appear.
   Describe the following scenario to your students:
       We are going on an imaginary field trip to visit a pumpkin patch today. Your task is to pick
       the perfect pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern. Yours will be on display to celebrate
   Introduce the term circumference to students. To introduce this concept to younger
   students, draw a diagram of a pumpkin pie to demonstrate the relationship between a circle
   and a round object.
   Pass the ball of yarn to each student, instructing them to cut a length of yarn they feel is the
   perfect-sized pumpkin. Ask students to predict the length of their piece of yarn.
   Using rulers, have students measure their length of yarn and record this number in their
   writing journals. Introduce various units of measurement to older students.
   Compare these measurements by asking students to lay their yarn pieces on the floor. You
   may wish to create a graph of these results with students’ names on the x-axis and
   measurements on the y-axis. Younger students can create an ordered list of their names
   according to the size of their strings.
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Fairness Cont….
    Ask students to vote for the length they feel best represents the perfect
    pumpkin. When students have voiced their opinions, prompt a class
    discussion on the impossibility of forming such conclusions. Say,
        There is no such thing as a perfect- sized pumpkin! All pumpkins, big or
        little, are ideal for celebrating Halloween. A pumpkin patch needs all
    Explain that an important part of being fair means keeping an open
    mind and not judging people by their differences. To reinforce this
    concept, have students write a reflective paragraph on what they
    learned about fairness.
    Encourage students to create a pumpkin of any size from construction
    paper. Have students cut out their pumpkins and paste their paragraphs
    Create a class pumpkin patch with these cutouts on a classroom wall or
    bulletin board. This will stand as a fun fall reminder that fairness means
    appreciating everyone’s unique qualities.
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

    Be kind
    Be compassionate and show you care
    Express gratitude
    Forgive others
    Help people in need
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Caring

   Overview - Students learn what it means to give and
   receive compliments and why it’s important. This
   activity helps them learn to initiate friendships and
   make others feel good about themselves. It's most
   effective when done regularly as a 10- to 15-minute
   Materials - Light color or white construction paper
   (cut paper into 3 x 4 "tickets" prior to the activity)
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Caring cont….


1. Begin by finding opportunities to compliment the class (e.g., You all did a great job listening quietly when the principal
was here). Each time you compliment them, acknowledge it. (I just gave you a compliment. That means I told you
something nice about yourselves.)

2. The next day, remind the class about the compliments they received. Say: Now let’s play the "compliment game." I’ll
start by giving one of you a compliment. When you get a compliment, you get a ticket. Write your name at the top. Then
it’s your turn to give a compliment to someone else. Every time you give a compliment to someone, you also give the ticket
to that person.

3. Give three or four youngsters compliments that they, in turn, pass on to another child, each one writing his/her name at
the top of the ticket each time a compliment is received. When you stop the activity, save the tickets so the game can be
picked up where it was left off.

4. Resume the activity with the kids who last wrote their names on the tickets. Have them start by reading all the names on
their tickets to recognize everyone who has been complimented. When the slips of paper are full of names, give new
compliments and tickets to those who haven’t received any yet. Make sure all kids are recognized. Keep tickets that are
filled with names in a jar to show that the compliments remain valid.

Contributed by Laurie Kutcher, Coolidge Elementary School teacher (San Gabriel, CA).
This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store:

   Do your share to make your school and community better
   Get involved in community affairs
   Stay informed; vote
   Be a good neighbor
   Obey laws and rules
   Respect authority
   Protect the environment
Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER
COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
A Lesson on Citizenship

    Overview - Students learn how members of a community work together to help each other.
    Materials – None
       1. Discuss the word "community." Explain that communities are made up of many neighborhoods. Make
       sure they understand the meaning of community before proceeding. Discuss jobs that adults do that
       make their community work.

      2. Make a list of "community helpers" and the help they provide. Show how each person is necessary for
      the community to work.

      3. Create scenarios in which the kids act out what might happen if these community helpers were not

      4. Discuss ways that kids can be helpers in the community (e.g., recycling, taking out trash, keeping their
      school and parks clean, etc.).

This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store:
Adapted from the Character Education in Ohio: Sample Strategies handbook (Ohio Department of
Education, Columbus, OH), 1990.

Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”.
CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.

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Character counts

  • 1. CHARACTER COUNTS!® The Six Pillars of Character® CHARACTER COUNTS!" and "The Six Pillars of Character" ®are registered trademarks of Josephson Institute, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All information contained within this presentation can be credited to the Josephson Institute and their CHRACTER COUNTS! ® program.
  • 2. Acronym: TRRFCC Students can use this acronym to help them remember that people with good character are terrific: T rustworthiness R espect R esponsibility F airness C aring C itizenship Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 3. Color Scheme Trustworthiness : blue Think "true blue" Respect : yellow/gold Think the Golden Rule Responsibility : green Think being responsible for a garden or finances; or as in being solid and reliable like an oak Fairness : orange Think of dividing an orange into equal sections to share fairly with friends Caring : red Think of a heart Citizenship : purple think regal purple as representing the state Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 4. Trustworthiness Be honest Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal Be reliable — do what you say you’ll do Have the courage to do the right thing Build a good reputation Be loyal — stand by your family, friends, and country Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 5. Lesson on Trustworthiness Overview: Children learn about the need for trust by working together. Materials: An object made from LEGOS or other building-block materials LEGOS or blocks to make a replica of the object (enough for each group) Procedure: Ask: When do we need to trust other people? Field answers. Ask: When do people need to trust you? Define and discuss cooperation and teamwork. Emphasize the importance of trusting the accuracy of information when people work together. Say: When we work together to achieve a goal, we must trust each other. Can anyone explain why? Discuss examples of what may go wrong when people work together but don’t trust each other. Ask: How can we get others to trust us? List answers. Divide the children into groups and distribute building blocks. Make sure the model object is hidden from view. Introduce the activity. Say: We're going to practice teamwork and show our trustworthiness by constructing an exact copy of an object made out of blocks (or LEGOS, etc.). The problem is, the object is hidden and only one person from each group will be allowed to see it. This person must go back and tell the rest of his/her group how to build it based on what he/she saw. Those in the groups must take turns adding a piece to build their replica. The person who saw the object is not allowed to touch the replica his/her group is building. When all groups have finished, discuss the process. Ask the children to explain what skills were needed, how they showed trustworthiness, and the effect it had on the outcome. Adapted from an idea submitted by Herb Gould, a CHARACTER COUNTS! Character Development Seminar trainer and police officer in Waverly, Tennessee. Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 6. Respect Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule Be tolerant and accepting of differences Use good manners, not bad language Be considerate of the feelings of others Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 7. Lesson on Respect Overview - Children will learn the importance of listening, an important aspect of respect. Materials: Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele Maria Surat (or any story that points out the role listening plays in understanding) Drawing paper Crayons Procedure: Read or summarize Angel Child, Dragon Child by Michele Maria Surat. In this story, a Vietnamese girl named Hoa is teased and ridiculed at her new American school because of her language and dress. In one instance, she is taunted by a classmate and fights back. To settle the dispute and teach the children a lesson, the principal orders the two children to complete an unusual assignment. The girl must tell her tormentor about Vietnam, and the boy who teased her must listen and write down her story. This leads to a friendship between the two children — and ultimately to the whole school creating a fundraiser to help reunite Hoa’s family. Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 8. A Lesson on Respect Cont….. Discuss how this story illustrates the importance of listening and how our viewpoints about other people change if we take time to understand them better. Inform the students that they will practice listening. Divide students into pairs. Instruct them to tell each other about their family and what they like to do together. Have each child draw a picture of an activity that their listening partner shared about his or her family. Have the children share with the class what they learned about their partners from listening to them. If possible, have the children share pictures of their partner’s family. This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store: Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 9. Responsibility Do what you are supposed to do Plan ahead Persevere: keep on trying! Always do your best Use self-control Be self-disciplined Think before you act — consider the consequences Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes Set a good example for others Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 10. A Lesson on Responsibility Overview - When we talk to students about responsibility, we can't do so without mentioning stakeholders. While this can be an abstract concept for little learners to master, it’s critical in their understanding of the responsibility pillar. Materials - A tent stake (or picture of a stake) to use as a visual to help explain the job of the stake in the ground: to hold something up, like your tent. Ask if anyone knows what a “stakeholder” is. Explain that a "stakeholder" is anyone who might support or hold you up and have a stake in your choices, in the outcome of your decisions. Procedure Ask the students this simple question, "Who will care?" Have students stand up to represent the stakeholders as they name them. For example: Who will care if you show up late for a baseball or soccer game? Expect answers like the umpire, our teammates, the other team, the other coach, our fans, the other team’s fans, the team who plays next, etc. If you take it out far enough, everyone in the room will be standing Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 11. A Lesson on Responsibility Cont… Try a few more; have your students answer aloud or make a list of stakeholders: Who will care if you don't let your dog in at night? Who will care if you sneak out of the house after your curfew to drive around with friends? Who will care if you choose never to recycle anything? Who will care if you don't do your homework? Who will care if you don't pick up after yourself at home? in the classroom? Who will care if you don't show up for a play dates? Who will care if you promise to give a friend a ride to skate night and you forget and go without him/her? Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 12. A Lesson on Responsibility cont… CLOSURE: Here's a little ditty that encapsulates the responsibility pillar that you can use as an echo poem or sing to the tune of Where is Thumbkin? What's Responsibility? Staying in control of me! Doin' my chores faithfully, Making choices carefully. Thinkin' 'bout the stakeholders. Thinkin' 'bout the consequences. You can count on me – Responsibility! This lesson was submitted by Barbara Gruener, counselor at Westwood Elementary School, Friendswood, Texas. Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 13. Fairness Play by the rules Take turns and share Be open-minded; listen to others Don’t take advantage of others Don’t blame others carelessly Treat all people fairly Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 14. A Lesson on Fairness Overview - Students hypothesize and what the optimal size would be for a jack-o-lantern and estimate its circumference. Then they discuss the importance of being fair in not judging others by their physical characteristics. Materials Examples of different-sized pumpkins String Scissors Ruler Writing paper Pens Orange construction paper Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 15. A Lesson on Fairness cont…. Procedure Show students images or real-life examples of pumpkins. Ask the class to describe the features of these pumpkins, including color, shape, texture and size. Ask students to define “jack-o-lantern,” explaining when and why these novelties appear. Describe the following scenario to your students: We are going on an imaginary field trip to visit a pumpkin patch today. Your task is to pick the perfect pumpkin to carve into a jack-o-lantern. Yours will be on display to celebrate Halloween. Introduce the term circumference to students. To introduce this concept to younger students, draw a diagram of a pumpkin pie to demonstrate the relationship between a circle and a round object. Pass the ball of yarn to each student, instructing them to cut a length of yarn they feel is the perfect-sized pumpkin. Ask students to predict the length of their piece of yarn. Using rulers, have students measure their length of yarn and record this number in their writing journals. Introduce various units of measurement to older students. Compare these measurements by asking students to lay their yarn pieces on the floor. You may wish to create a graph of these results with students’ names on the x-axis and measurements on the y-axis. Younger students can create an ordered list of their names according to the size of their strings. Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 16. A Lesson on Fairness Cont…. Ask students to vote for the length they feel best represents the perfect pumpkin. When students have voiced their opinions, prompt a class discussion on the impossibility of forming such conclusions. Say, There is no such thing as a perfect- sized pumpkin! All pumpkins, big or little, are ideal for celebrating Halloween. A pumpkin patch needs all sizes. Explain that an important part of being fair means keeping an open mind and not judging people by their differences. To reinforce this concept, have students write a reflective paragraph on what they learned about fairness. Encourage students to create a pumpkin of any size from construction paper. Have students cut out their pumpkins and paste their paragraphs inside. Create a class pumpkin patch with these cutouts on a classroom wall or bulletin board. This will stand as a fun fall reminder that fairness means appreciating everyone’s unique qualities. Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 17. Caring Be kind Be compassionate and show you care Express gratitude Forgive others Help people in need Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 18. A Lesson on Caring Overview - Students learn what it means to give and receive compliments and why it’s important. This activity helps them learn to initiate friendships and make others feel good about themselves. It's most effective when done regularly as a 10- to 15-minute exercise. Materials - Light color or white construction paper (cut paper into 3 x 4 "tickets" prior to the activity) Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 19. A Lesson on Caring cont…. Procedure 1. Begin by finding opportunities to compliment the class (e.g., You all did a great job listening quietly when the principal was here). Each time you compliment them, acknowledge it. (I just gave you a compliment. That means I told you something nice about yourselves.) 2. The next day, remind the class about the compliments they received. Say: Now let’s play the "compliment game." I’ll start by giving one of you a compliment. When you get a compliment, you get a ticket. Write your name at the top. Then it’s your turn to give a compliment to someone else. Every time you give a compliment to someone, you also give the ticket to that person. 3. Give three or four youngsters compliments that they, in turn, pass on to another child, each one writing his/her name at the top of the ticket each time a compliment is received. When you stop the activity, save the tickets so the game can be picked up where it was left off. 4. Resume the activity with the kids who last wrote their names on the tickets. Have them start by reading all the names on their tickets to recognize everyone who has been complimented. When the slips of paper are full of names, give new compliments and tickets to those who haven’t received any yet. Make sure all kids are recognized. Keep tickets that are filled with names in a jar to show that the compliments remain valid. Contributed by Laurie Kutcher, Coolidge Elementary School teacher (San Gabriel, CA). This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store:
  • 20. Citizenship Do your share to make your school and community better Cooperate Get involved in community affairs Stay informed; vote Be a good neighbor Obey laws and rules Respect authority Protect the environment Volunteer Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.
  • 21. A Lesson on Citizenship Overview - Students learn how members of a community work together to help each other. Materials – None Procedure 1. Discuss the word "community." Explain that communities are made up of many neighborhoods. Make sure they understand the meaning of community before proceeding. Discuss jobs that adults do that make their community work. 2. Make a list of "community helpers" and the help they provide. Show how each person is necessary for the community to work. 3. Create scenarios in which the kids act out what might happen if these community helpers were not available. 4. Discuss ways that kids can be helpers in the community (e.g., recycling, taking out trash, keeping their school and parks clean, etc.). This lesson is from the Good Ideas book, available for purchase from the CHARACTER COUNTS! online store: Adapted from the Character Education in Ohio: Sample Strategies handbook (Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH), 1990.
  • 22. References Josephson Institute. “The Six Pillars of Character ®”. CHARACTER COUNTS ®. 4 November 2012.