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new things we can do with
new things we can do with
new things we can do with
Date: Instant
An Instantisa point on the time line
Instant start = ;
Instant end = ;
Date: Duration
A «duration»isthe amount of timebetweeninstants
Instant start = ;
Instant end = ;
Duration elapsed = Duration.between(start, end) ;
long millis = elapsed.toMillis() ;
Date: Duration
Thereisan arithmeticon durations
Instant start = ;
Instant end = ;
Duration elapsed = Duration.between(start, end) ;
long millis = elapsed.toMillis() ;, ChronoUnit.SECONDS) ;
Date: Duration
Theprecisionof the time lineis10-9 s (nanosecond)
Date: Duration
Theprecisionof the time lineis10-9 s (nanosecond)
Youthink it’shigh precision?
Date: Duration
Theprecisionof the time lineis10-9 s (nanosecond)
Youthink it’shigh precision?
Wellthe l of the
Higgs bosonis10-23 s
Date: LocalDate
ALocalDateis an «everyday » date
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate shakespeareDoB =
LocaleDate.of(1564, Month.APRIL, 23) ;
Date: Period
A «period»is theamount of time betweenlocal dates
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate shakespeareDoB =
LocaleDate.of(1564, Month.APRIL, 23) ;
Period p = shakespeareDoB.until(now) ;
System.out.println("# years = " + p.getYears()) ;
Date: Period
A «period»is theamount of time betweenlocal dates
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate shakespeareDoB =
LocaleDate.of(1564, Month.APRIL, 23) ;
Period p = shakespeareDoB.until(now) ;
System.out.println("# years = " + p.getYears()) ;
long days = shakespeareDoB.until(now, ChronoUnit.DAYS) ;
System.out.println("# days = " + days) ;
Date: TemporalAdjuster
Arithmeticwith localdates
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate nextSunday =
now.with( ;
Date: TemporalAdjuster
Arithmeticwith localdates
Atoolboxof 14staticmethods
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate nextSunday =
now.with( ;
Date: TemporalAdjuster
Arithmeticwith localdates
Atoolboxof 14staticmethods
LocalDate now = ;
LocalDate nextSunday =
now.with( ;
Date: LocalTime
ALocalTimeisan everydaytime: ex. 10:20
LocalTime now = ;
LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(10, 20) ; // 10:20
Date: LocalTime
ALocalTimeisan everydaytime: ex. 10:20
LocalTime now = ;
LocalTime time = LocalTime.of(10, 20) ; // 10:20
LocalTime lunchTime = LocalTime.of(12, 30) ;
LocalTime coffeeTime = lunchTime.plusHours(2) ; // 14:20
Date: ZonedTime
Set<String> allZonesIds = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds() ;
String ukTZ = ZoneId.of("Europe/London") ;
Date: ZonedTime
1564, Month.APRIL.getValue(), 23, // year / month / day
10, 0, 0, 0, // h / mn / s / nanos
); // prints 1564-04-23T10:00-00:01:15[Europe/London]
Date: ZonedTime
Arithmeticon localizedtime
ZonedDateTime currentMeeting =
LocalDate.of(2014, Month.APRIL, 18), // LocalDate
LocalTime.of(9, 30), // LocalTime
ZonedDateTime nextMeeting =;
Date: ZonedTime
Arithmeticon localizedtime
ZonedDateTime currentMeeting =
LocalDate.of(2014, Month.APRIL, 18), // LocalDate
LocalTime.of(9, 30), // LocalTime
ZonedDateTime nextMeeting = ;
ZonedDateTime nextMeetingUS =
nextMeeting.withZoneSameInstant(ZoneId.of("US/Central")) ;
Date: Formatter
ZonedDateTime nextMeetingUS =
// prints 2014-04-12T03:30:00-05:00[US/Central]
// prints Sat, 12 Apr 2014 03:30:00 -0500
Date: bridgeswith java.util.Date
Date date = Date.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = date.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date: bridgeswith java.util.Date
TimeStamp time = TimeStamp.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = time.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date date = Date.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = date.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date: bridgeswith java.util.Date
Date date = Date.from(localDate); // API -> legacy
LocalDate localDate = date.toLocalDate(); // legacy -> new API
TimeStamp time = TimeStamp.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = time.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date date = Date.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = date.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date: bridgeswith java.util.Date
Time time = Time.from(localTime); // API -> legacy
LocalTime localTime = time.toLocalTime(); // legacy -> new API
Date date = Date.from(localDate); // API -> legacy
LocalDate localDate = date.toLocalDate(); // legacy -> new API
TimeStamp time = TimeStamp.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = time.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Date date = Date.from(instant); // API -> legacy
Instant instant = date.toInstant(); // legacy -> new API
Building a Streamon a String
Building aStreamon the lettersof a String:
String s = "hello";
IntStream stream = s.chars(); // stream on the letters of s
Building a Streamon a String
Building aStreamon the lettersof a String:
String s = "hello";
IntStream stream = s.chars(); // stream on the letters of s
Building a Streamon a String
Building aStreamon the lettersof a String:
String s = "hello";
IntStream stream = s.chars(); // stream on the letters of s
> HELLO7269767679
Building a Streamon a String
Building aStreamon the lettersof a String:
String s = "hello";
IntStream stream = s.chars(); // stream on the letters of s
s.chars() // IntStream
.forEach(System.out::println); // Prints an int!
> 7269767679
Building a Streamon a String
Building aStreamon the lettersof a String:
String s = "hello";
IntStream stream = s.chars(); // stream on the letters of s
s.chars() // IntStream
.mapToObj(letter -> (char)letter) // Stream<Character>
.forEach(System.out::println); // Prints a Character
Building aStreamfrom a regexp
// book is a looooooooong String
Stream<String> words =
.splitAsStream(book) ;
String s1 = "hello" ;
String s2 = " world!" ;
String s3 = s1 + " " + s2 ;
The ignorant tellshim towrite:
StringBuffer sb1 = new StringBuffer("hello") ;
sb1.append(" world") ;
String s3 = sb1.toString() ;
Theseasonneddevtellshim towrite:
StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder("hello") ;
sb1.append(" world") ;
String s3 = sb1.toString() ;
(andiswrong too…)
Becausethe newbieis right (evenif hedoesn’tknow)
String s1 = "hello" ;
String s2 = " world!" ;
String s3 = s1 + " " + s2 ;LINENUMBER 10 L2
NEW java/lang/StringBuilder
INVOKESTATIC java/lang/String.valueOf(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/String;
INVOKESPECIAL java/lang/StringBuilder.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
LDC " "
INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/StringBuilder.append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/StringBuilder.append(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
INVOKEVIRTUAL java/lang/StringBuilder.toString()Ljava/lang/String;
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ") ;
sj.add("one").add("two").add("three") ;
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ") ;
sj.add("one").add("two").add("three") ;
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> one, two, three
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ") ;
sj.add("one") ;
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> one
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ", "{", "}") ;
sj.add("one").add("two").add("three") ;
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> {one, two, three}
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ", "{", "}") ;
sj.add("one") ;
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> {one}
The Java8 well-traineddevwrites:
// The JDK 8 way
StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ", "{", "}") ;
// we dont put anything in it
String s = sj.toString() ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> {}
Andit’snearlyaccessiblefrom the String classitself:
// From the String class, with a vararg
String s = String.join(", ", "one", "two", "three");
> one, two, three
Andit’snearlyaccessiblefrom the String classitself:
// From the String class, with an Iterable
String [] tab = {"one", "two", "three"} ;
String s = String.join(", ", tab) ;
System.out.println(s) ;
> one, two, three
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
Isit reallythat useful?
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
Isit reallythat useful?
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
.reduce(0, (a1, a2) -> Integer.max(a1, a2));
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
Isit reallythat useful?Nicetowrite methodreferences
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
.reduce(0, Integer::max);
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
Numbers:new methods
Methodmax,min, sum
// max method available on number wrapper classes
long max = Long.max(1L, 2L);
long sum = Long.sum(1L, 2L);
Numbers:new methods
// JDK 7
long l = 3141592653589793238L;
int hash = new Long(l).hashCode(); // -1985256439
Numbers:new methods
// JDK 7
long l = 3141592653589793238L;
int hash = new Long(l).hashCode(); // -1985256439
// JDK 8
long l = 3141592653589793238L;
int hash = Long.hashCode(l); // -1985256439
I/O:readingtext files
// Java 7 : try with resources and use of Paths
Path path = Paths.get("d:", "tmp", "debug.log");
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(path)) {
stream.filter(line -> line.contains("ERROR"))
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// handle the exception
I/O:readingtext files
Files.listreturnsthe content ofthe directory
// Java 7 : try with resources and use of Paths
Path path = Paths.get("c:", "windows");
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.list(path)) {
stream.filter(path -> path.toFile().isDirectory())
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// handle the exception
I/O:readinga tree of subdirs
Files.walkreturns the contentof the subtree
// Java 7 : try with resources and use of Paths
Path path = Paths.get("c:", "windows");
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(path)) {
stream.filter(path -> path.toFile().isDirectory())
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// handle the exception
I/O:readinga tree of subdirs
Files.walkcan limitthe depthof exploration
// Java 7 : try with resources and use of Paths
Path path = Paths.get("c:", "windows");
try (Stream<Path> stream = Files.walk(path, 2)) {
stream.filter(path -> path.toFile().isDirectory())
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// handle the exception
ForEach: consumesthe elements
Doesn’tworkon arrays
// method forEach defined on Iterable
List<String> strings =
Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three") ;
strings.forEach(System.out::println) ;
> one, two, three
Collection<String> strings =
Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four");
// works « in place », no Collections.unmodifiable...
Collection<String> list = new ArrayList<>(strings);
// returns true if the list has been modified
boolean b = list.removeIf(s -> s.length() > 4);
> one, two, four
List: replaceAll
Replacesan objectwith its transform
List<String> strings =
Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four");
// works « in place », no Collections.unmodifiable...
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(strings);
// returns nothing
List: sort
Sorts aList in place,takesaComparator
List<String> strings =
Arrays.asList("one", "two", "three", "four");
// works « in place », no Collections.unmodifiable...
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(strings);
// returns nothing
list.sort(Comparator.naturalOrder()) ;
> four, one, three, two
What else?
Comparator.naturalOrder() ;
What else?
public static
<T extends Comparable<? super T>> Comparator<T> naturalOrder() {
return (Comparator<T>)
enum NaturalOrderComparator
implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
INSTANCE; // What is this???
enum NaturalOrderComparator
implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
public class MySingleton {
private MySingleton() {}
public static MySingleton getInstance() {
// some buggy double-checked locking code
return INSTANCE;
enum NaturalOrderComparator
implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
public int compare(Comparable<Object> c1, Comparable<Object> c2) {
return c1.compareTo(c2);
enum NaturalOrderComparator
implements Comparator<Comparable<Object>> {
public int compare(Comparable<Object> c1, Comparable<Object> c2) {
return c1.compareTo(c2);
public Comparator<Comparable<Object>> reversed() {
return Comparator.reverseOrder();
The goodol’ way!
// comparison using the last name
Comparator<Person> compareLastName =
new Comparator<Person>() {
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
return p1.getLastName().compareTo(p2.getLastName());
// comparison using the last name then the first name
Comparator<Person> compareLastNameThenFirstName =
new Comparator<Person>() {
public int compare(Person p1, Person p2) {
int lastNameComparison =
return lastNameComparison == 0 ?
The JDK 8 way!
Comparator.comparingBy(Person::getLastName); // static method
The JDK 8 way!
Comparator.comparingBy(Person::getLastName) // static method
.thenComparing(Person::getFirstName); // default method
The JDK 8 way!
Comparator.comparingBy(Person::getLastName) // static method
.thenComparing(Person::getFirstName) // default method
Dontlikethe natural order?
Comparator<Person> comp = Comparator.naturalOrder();
Comparator<Person> reversedComp = Comparator.reversedOrder();
Dontlikethe natural order?
Comparator<Person> comp = Comparator.comparingBy(Person::getLastName);
Comparator<Person> reversedComp = comp.reversed();
Andwhat aboutnullvalues?
Comparator<Person> comp =
Andwhat aboutnullvalues?
Comparator<Person> comp =
Andwhat aboutnullvalues?
Comparator<Person> comp =
Comparator<Person> comp =
Optionalhas beencreatedto tellthat this methodcouldreturn « no value»
Ex: max(),min()
Optionalhas beencreatedto tellthat this methodcouldreturn « no value»
Ex: max(),min(), average()
An Optionalisa wrappingtype,that can beempty
Optional<String> opt = Optional.<String>empty() ;
Optional<String> opt = Optional.of("one") ; // not null
Optional<String> opt = Optional.ofNullable(s) ; // may be null
An Optionalisa wrappingtype,that can beempty
HowcanI useit?
Optional<String> opt = ... ;
if (opt.isPresent()) {
String s = opt.get() ;
} else {
An Optionalisa wrappingtype,that can beempty
HowcanI useit?
String s = opt.orElse("") ; // this is a default value that
// is valid for our application
Optional<String> opt = ... ;
if (opt.isPresent()) {
String s = opt.get() ;
} else {
An Optionalisa wrappingtype,that can beempty
HowcanI useit?
String s = opt.orElseThrow(MyException::new) ; // lazy initialization
Optional:more patterns
An Optionalcanbe seenas aspecialStream
with zeroor oneelement
void ifPresent(Consumer<T> consumer) ;
Optional:more patterns
An Optionalcanbe seenas aspecialStream
with zeroor oneelement
void ifPresent(Consumer<T> consumer) ;
Optional<T> filter(Predicate<T> mapper) ;
Optional:more patterns
An Optionalcanbe seenas aspecialStream
with zeroor oneelement
void ifPresent(Consumer<T> consumer) ;
Optional<T> filter(Predicate<T> mapper) ;
Optional<U> map(Function<T, U> mapper) ;
Optional:more patterns
An Optionalcanbe seenas aspecialStream
with zeroor oneelement
void ifPresent(Consumer<T> consumer) ;
Optional<T> filter(Predicate<T> mapper) ;
Optional<U> map(Function<T, U> mapper) ;
Optional<U> flatMap(Function<T, Optional<U>> mapper) ;
Optional:new patternssighted!
public class NewMath {
public static Optional<Double> inv(Double d) {
return d == 0.0d ? Optional.empty() :
Optional.of(1/d) ;
public static Optional<Double> sqrt(Double d) {
return d < 0.0d ? Optional.empty() :
Optional.of(Math.sqrt(d)) ;
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d1 -> NewMath.inv(d1) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(d2 -> NewMath.sqrt(d2)) // Optional<Double>
) ;
doubles : [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
result : [1.0]
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d1 -> NewMath.inv(d1) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(d2 -> NewMath.sqrt(d2)) // Optional<Double>
) ;
doubles : [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
result : [1.0]
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d1 -> NewMath.inv(d1) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(d2 -> NewMath.sqrt(d2)) // Optional<Double>
.ifPresent(result::add) // Baaaaad pattern 
) ;
doubles : [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
result : [1.0]
Optional:new patternssighted!
Function<Double, Optional<Double>> f =
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(d -> NewMath.sqrt(d))// Optional<Double>
Optional:new patternssighted!
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
Optional:new patternssighted!
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
.orElse(Stream.empty()) // Stream<Double>
Optional:new patternssighted!
Function<Double, Stream<Double>> f =
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
.orElse(Stream.empty()) ; // Stream<Double>
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
.orElse(Stream.empty()) // Stream<Double>
) // Stream<Double>
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
.orElse(Stream.empty()) // Stream<Double>
) // Stream<Double>
.collect(Collectors.toList()) ;
Optional:new patternssighted!
List<Double> doubles = Arrays.asList(-1d, 0d, 1d) ;
List<Double> result = new ArrayList<>() ;
d -> NewMath.inv(d) // Optional<Double>
.flatMap(NewMath::sqrt) // Optional<Double>
.map(Stream::of) // Optional<Stream<Double>>
.orElse(Stream.empty()) // Stream<Double>
) // Stream<Double>
.collect(Collectors.toList()) ;
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
(key, value) -> System.out.println(key + " -> " + value)
) ;
What happensif keyisnot in themap?
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
Person p = map.get(key);
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
Person p = map.getOrDefault(key, Person.DEFAULT_PERSON);
Map: put
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
map.put(key, person);
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
map.put(key, person);
map.putIfAbsent(key, person);
Map: replace
Replacesa valuefrom its key
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, newValue
map.replace("six", john) ;
// key, oldValue, newValue
map.replace("six", peter, john) ;
Replacesall the valuesfrom the map,using al
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, oldValue
(key, value) -> key + " -> " + value ;
) ;
Removesa key/ valuepair if it’s there
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, oldValue
map.remove("six", john) ;
Computesa valuefrom theexisting key/ valuepair
and al
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, oldValue
(key, person) -> key + "::" + person // person can be null
) ;
Computesa valuefrom a keythat isnot in themap
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, no existing value
key -> person
) ;
Computesa valuefrom theexisting key/ valuepair
and al
// the existing map
Map<String, Person> map = ... ;
// key, the existing value
key, person,
(key, person) -> newPerson // person cannot be null
) ;
The trick is: thesemethodsreturnthe value,whetheritwas there ofjust created
Buildingmapsof maps
Makingmapsof mapsbecomessoooeasy!
// the existing map
Map<String, Map<String, Person>> map = ... ;
// key, newValue
(key) -> HashMap::new
).put("two", john);
Computesthe new valuefrom theexisting value,the newly addedvalueand a l
// the existing map
Map<Long, String> map = ... ;
// key, otherValue
(value, otherValue) -> String.join(", ", value, otherValue)
) ;
Annotations in Java 7
An annotationcannotbeappliedmorethan once
@TestCase(param=1, expected=false),
@TestCase(param=2, expected=true)
public boolean even(int param) {
return param % 2 == 0;
Annotations in Java 8
Java8 makesit possible!
@TestCase(param=1, expected=false),
@TestCase(param=2, expected=true)
public boolean even(int param) {
return param % 2 == 0;
How does it work?
It’s a trick!
How does it work?
First: createtheannotations asusual
@interface TestCase {
int param();
boolean expected();
@interface TestCases {
TestCase[] value();
How does it work?
@interface TestCase {
int param();
boolean expected();
@interface TestCases {
TestCase[] value();
Type annotations
Annotationscanbenowput on types
Example1: tellthat a variableshould notbenull
private @NonNull List<Person> persons = ... ;
Type annotations
Annotationscanbenowput on types
Example1: tellthat a variableshould notbenull
Example2: the contentshouldnot benullneither
private @NonNull List<Person> persons = ... ;
private @NonNull List<@NonNull Person> persons = ... ;
long [] array = new long [...] ;
Arrays.parallelSetAll(array, index -> index % 3) ;
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)) ;
long [] array = new long [...] ;
Arrays.parallelPrefix(array, (l1, l2) -> l1 + l2) ;
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)) ;
long [] array = {1L, 1L, 1L, 1L} ;
> [1, 2, 3, 4]
Arrays.parallelSort:in placesorting
long [] array = new long [...] ;
Arrays.parallelSort(array) ;
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)) ;
Extension ofFuture
CompletableFuture<String> page =
) ;
Extension ofFuture
CompletableFuture<String> page =
() ->
readWebPage(url) // returns String
) ;
Nowwe cancreatepipelines
() ->
content -> getImages(content) // returns a List<Image>
) ; // returns a CompletableFuture<List<Image>>
Nowwe cancreatepipelines
() ->
content -> getImages(content) // returns a List<Image>
images -> images.forEach(System.out::println)
thenCompose():doesnot wrapthe result ina CF
() ->
content -> getImages(content) // returns List<Image>
allOf:returns whenall thetasks aredone(seealsoanyOf)
() ->
.thenCompose(content -> getImages(content))
.thenApply(image -> writeToDisk(image))
.join() ;
thenCombine:can combinemorethan one CF
Thelis appliedonce thetwo CF havecompleted
CompletableFuture cf1 = ... ;
CompletableFuture cf2 = ... ;
cf1.thenCombine(cf2, (b1, b2) -> b1 & b2) ; // can combine
// the results of CFs
thenCombine:can combinemorethan one CF
Thelis appliedonce thetwo CF havecompleted
CompletableFuture cf1 = ... ;
CompletableFuture cf2 = ... ;
cf1.thenCombine(cf2, (b1, b2) -> b1 & b2) ; // can combine
// the results of CFs
applyToEither:takesthe first availableresult
CompletableFuture cf1 = ... ;
CompletableFuture cf2 = ... ;
cf1.applyToEither(cf2, (b) -> ...) ; // applies to the first
// CF that returns
applyToEither:takesthe first availableresult
CompletableFuture cf1 = ... ;
CompletableFuture cf2 = ... ;
cf1.applyToEither(cf2, (b) -> ...) ; // applies to the first
// CF that returns
Atomic variables
From Java5:
AtomicLong atomic = new AtomicLong() ;
long l1 = atomic.incrementAndGet() ;
Atomic variables
Java8 brings:
AtomicLong atomic = new AtomicLong() ;
long l1 = atomic.incrementAndGet() ;
long l2 = atomic.updateAndGet(l -> l*2 + 1) ;
Atomic variables
Java8 brings:
AtomicLong atomic = new AtomicLong() ;
long l1 = atomic.incrementAndGet() ;
long l2 = atomic.updateAndGet(l -> l*2 + 1) ;
long l3 = atomic.accumulateAndGet(12L, (l1, l2) -> l1 % l2) ;
From Java8:
LongAdder adder = new LongAdder() ;
adder.increment() ; // in a thread
adder.increment() ; // in a 2nd thread
adder.increment() ; // in a 3rd thread
long sum = adder.sum() ;
Samething, withl:
LongAccumulator accu =
new LongAccumulator((l1, l2) -> Long.max(l1, l2), 0L) ;
accu.accumulate(value1) ; // in a thread
accu.accumulate(value2) ; // in a 2nd thread
accu.accumulate(value2) ; // in a 3rd thread
long sum = accu.longValue() ;
long stamp = sl.writeLock() ;
try {
} finally {
sl.unlockWrite(stamp) ;
long stamp = sl.readLock() ;
try {
} finally {
sl.unlockRead(stamp) ;
StampedLock sl= new StampedLock() ;
Exclusiveread/ write,but…
long stamp = sl.writeLock() ;
try {
} finally {
sl.unlockWrite(stamp) ;
long stamp = sl.readLock() ;
try {
} finally {
sl.unlockRead(stamp) ;
StampedLock sl= new StampedLock() ;
StampedLock sl= new StampedLock() ;
long stamp = sl.tryOptimisticRead() ;
// here we read a variable that can be changed in another thread
if (lock.validate(stamp)) {
// the read was not concurrent
} else {
// another thread acquired a write lock
TheoldConcurrentHashMapV7 has beenremoved
6000 linesof code
6000 linesof code
54 memberclasses
6000 linesof code
54 memberclasses
FYI: 58 classesin java.util.concurrent
6000 linesof code
54 memberclasses
FYI: 58 classesin java.util.concurrent
New patterns!
Forget aboutsize()
int count = map.size() ; // should not be used
count = map.mappingCount() ; // new method
Forget aboutsize()
int count = map.size() ; // should not be used
long count = map.mappingCount() ; // new method
Returnsthe 1st elementthat matches the predicate
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;, (key, value) -> value.length() < key) ;
Returnsthe 1st elementthat matches the predicate
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;, (key, value) -> value.length() < key) ;
Ifthere aremore than 10 elements,then thesearchwillbe conductedinparallel!
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;, (key, value) -> value.length() < key) ;
Ifthere aremore than 10 elements,then thesearchwillbe conductedinparallel!
Onecanpass0 or Long.MAX_VALUE
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;, (key, value) -> value.length() < key) ;
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;
(key, value) ->
System.out.println(String.join(key, "->", value)
) ;
ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, String> map = ... ;
(key, value) -> value.getName(), // transformation
(name1, name2) -> name1.length() > name2.length() ?
name1 : name2) // reduction
) ;
No ConcurrentHashSet
Set<String> set = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet() ;
No ConcurrentHashSet
Createsaconcurrenthashmapin which thevaluesare Boolean.TRUE
Actsas a concurrentset
Set<String> set = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet() ;
Thank you!

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API Asynchrones en Java 8


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