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Quality Assurance	
CECS 542
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	
Photo	credit:	Nathan	Dumlao,	Unsplash
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 2
Learning	Goals	
•  Founda@ons	of	quality	
– Quality	criteria	for	RE	
– Construc@ve	and	
analy@cal	Quality	
•  QA	for	Artefacts	
•  Techniques	for	Quality	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 3	
Context Layer
System Layer
Requirements Layer
Stakeholder Model Objectives
& Goals
& Rules
Data Model
System Vision
Architecture Overview
Function Model
Fun 1
Fun 2
Component Model
Data Model
Behaviour Model
Business Case
Deployment Requirements
System Constraints
Domain Model
Service ModelUsage Model
Quality Requirements
Risk List
Project Scope
Process Requirements
Overview:	Quality	Assurance	
•  Mo@va@on	and	Terminology	
•  Quality	of	Requirements	Documents	
•  Principles	of	Quality	Assurance	
•  Techniques	for	construc@ve	QA	
•  Techniques	for	analy@cal	QA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 4	
K	Rayker,	stock.xchng
0	 5	 10	 15	 20	 25	 30	 35	
Incomplete	/	hidden	reqs.	
Moving	targets	
Time	boxing	
Separa@on	reqs.	from	known	solu@ons	
Underspecified	reqs.	
Communica@on	flaws	to	customer	
Inconsistent	reqs.	
Communica@on	flaws	in	team	
Missing	traceability	
Gold	pla@ng	
Unclear	non-func@onal	reqs.	
Terminological	problems	
Insufficient	support	by	customer	
Unclear	responsibili@es	
Vola@le	domain		
Weak	access	to	customer	needs	
Insufficient	support	by	project	lead	
Technically	unfeasible	reqs.	
High	degree	of	innova@on	vs.	need	for	formal	acceptance	
Overall	frequency	
Cause	for	project	fail	
Recap:	Challenges	in	prac@ce	
Requirements	are	o.en...	
•  Incomplete	
•  Not	agreed	upon	
•  Contradictory	
•  Not	measurable	
•  Unfounded		
•  Irreproducible		
Mendez	et	al.	Naming	the	Pain	in	Requirements	Engineering	–	The	NaPiRE-Report
One	of	the	many	challenges...	
Terminology	in	the	context	of	quality	
assurance	in	RE	
Quality	defect		
•  Incorrect	(invalid)	requirement:	Requirement	that	does	not	reflect	the	
inten@on	of	the	stakeholder	(in	the	sense	of	„validity“)	
•  Quality	defect:	Requirement	that	can	be	valid,	but	has	qualita@ve	defects,	
e.g.	missing	measurability,	low	understandability,	contradictory,	...	
•  Interrela@on	of	those	two:		
–  Incorrect	requirements	are	ojen	hidden	due	to	quality	defects	
–  Correctness	of	requirements	ojen	viewed	as	quality	criterium	
Valida7on	and	Verifica7on	
•  Valida@on:	Check	of	requirement	w.r.t.	correctness		(it‘s	a	valid	
requirement,	meaning	it	represents	the	inten@on	of	the	stakeholder)	
•  Verifica@on:	Check	of	system	w.r.t.	fulfillment	of	requirements	
•  Both	are	part	of	QA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 7
Quality	Assurance	in	Requirements	
•  Def.	QA	in	RE:	Applica@on	of	systema@c	measures	for	
iden@fying	quality	defects	and	assuring	the	quality	of	the	
requirements	specifica@ons.	
à Check	of	quality	criteria,	e.g.:	
§  Correctness	
§  Completeness	
§  Consistency	
§  Traceability	
§  ...	(see	following	slides)	
à The	examina@on	can	be	conducted		
construc@ve	or	analy@cal		
using	a	formal	procedure.	
Overview:	Quality	Assurance	
•  Mo@va@on	and	Terminology	
•  Quality	of	Requirements	Documents	
•  Principles	of	Quality	Assurance	
•  Techniques	for	construc@ve	QA	
•  Techniques	for	analy@cal	QA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 9	
K	Rayker,	stock.xchng
Recap:	Requirements,	documents,	
artefacts,	repositories	
•  A	requirement	is	a	demanded	characteris@c	of	a	
system	or	process.	
•  We	dis@nguish	
–  Syntac@c	representa@on:	Text,	table,	diagram,	formula	
–  Seman@c	representa@on:	Content	–	informal	or	formal	
•  A	requirements	document	or	artefact	
–  Contains	a	number	of	requirements	
–  Has	a	structure	
•  Delimita@on:	A	requirements	repository	(database	for	
requirements)	serves	for	storing	large	sets	of	
requirements	(and	requirements	artefacts)	
QA	of	requirements	documents	
•  Quality	of	requirements	documents	is	crucial	for	project	
success.	à	Why	is	that?	What	is	based	on	them?	
•  We	need	specific	procedures	for	QA	
•  Relevance	of	the	quality	criteria	needs	to	be	determined	by	
the	further	use	of	the	documents.	
UCI	winter	2014	 Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 11
Focus of quality assurance in RE
Perspec@ves	in	QA	in	RE	
•  We	dis@nguish	the	quality	of		
–  Requirements	documents	/	artefacts	
–  Sets	of	requirements	/	statements	
–  Individual	requirements	
–  Systems	
Context Layer
System Layer
Requirements Layer
Stakeholder Model Objectives
& Goals
& Rules
Data Model
System Vision
Architecture Overview
Function Model
Fun 1
Fun 2
Component Model
Data Model
Behaviour Model
Business Case
Deployment Requirements
System Constraints
Domain Model
Service ModelUsage Model
Quality Requirements
Risk List
Project Scope
Process Requirements
Overview:	Quality	Assurance	
•  Mo@va@on	and	Terminology	
•  Quality	of	Requirements	Documents	
•  Principles	of	Quality	Assurance	
•  Techniques	for	construc@ve	QA	
•  Techniques	for	analy@cal	QA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 13	
K	Rayker,	stock.xchng
Analytical QS
Depending	on	the	quality	criteria,	responsible	for	checking	are:	
•  Project	team	members	with	domain	knowledge	during	elabora@on	of	the	
requirements,	e.g.	„correctness“	à	this	is	called	construc@ve	QA	
•  External/neutral	quality	responsibles	who	perform	checks,	e.g.	
„traceability“	and	„understandability“	à	this	is	called	analy@cal	QA	
à	Which	measures	can	you	think	of	for	performing	either	of	these?	
Constructive QS
Principle	of	construc@ve	and	analy@cal	QA	
Context Layer
System Layer
Requirements Layer
Stakeholder Model Objectives
& Goals
& Rules
Data Model
System Vision
Architecture Overview
Function Model
Fun 1
Fun 2
Component Model
Data Model
Behaviour Model
Business Case
Deployment Requirements
System Constraints
Domain Model
Service ModelUsage Model
Quality Requirements
Risk List
Project Scope
Process Requirements
Project	team	
Classifica@on	of	QA	
Autom.	sta@c	
checking	Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 15	
Note:	this	is	a	general	
classifica@on	of	QA,	and		
not	all	of	it	applies	to		
QA	within	RE.
Overview:	Quality	Assurance	
•  Mo@va@on	and	Terminology	
•  Quality	of	Requirements	Documents	
•  Principles	of	Quality	Assurance	
•  Techniques	for	construc@ve	QA	
–  Reference	Models	
–  Quality	criteria	according	to	IEEE	830	
–  Linguis@cs	
–  Guidelines	
•  Techniques	for	analy@cal	QA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 16	
K	Rayker,	stock.xchng
Reference	Models	
•  AMDiRE	
•  IEEE	830	
•  Cockburn	template	
•  UML2	standard	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 17
Construc@ve	QA	in	RE:	Examina@on	of	
Quality	Criteria	acc.	to	IEEE	830-1998	
•  Completeness:	Systema@cally	run	through		
all	cases	(You	can	only	find	incompleteness,		
not	guarantee	completeness!)	
•  Consistency:	Relate	all	to	one	system	model	
•  Unambiguity:	Check	phrasing	
•  Correctness:	Valida@on	
•  Structuredness:	Examine	structure	
•  Traceability:	Are	requirements	sufficiently	linked?	
•  Changeability:	Can	expected	changes	in	requirements	be	
conducted	efficiently?	
•  Understandability:	Check	formula@ons	
•  Agreed	upon:	Check	with	stakeholders	
Checklist:	Ques@ons	and	Criteria	for	...	
•  Completeness:		
•  Consistency:	
•  Unambiguity:	
•  Correctness:	
•  Structuredness:	
•  Traceability:	
•  Changeability:	
•  Understandability:	
•  Agreed	upon:	
Checklist:	Ques@ons	and	Criteria	for	a	
spreadsheet	with	requirements	
•  Completeness:	Read	through,	are	there	s@ll	open	ques@ons?	Lead	
engineer,	stakeholder,	customer	
•  Consistency:	Check	for	requirements	conflicts	
•  Unambiguity:	language	check,	let	someone	else	read	it	whether	it	could	be	
•  Correctness:	check	with	stakeholder	
•  Structuredness:	adheres	to	template	/	outline,	has	a	breakdown	that	
makes	sense	
•  Traceability:	links	between	requirements	in	spreadsheet,	across	versions	
of	spreadsheet	
•  Changeability:	check	dependencies	between	requirements	(high	degree	of	
dependencies	means	low	changeability)	
•  Understandability:	let	someone	else	read	it	whether	it‘s	easy	to	
•  Agreed	upon:	check	with	stakeholder	
Linguis@cs	in	RE	
•  Classifica@on	of	linguis@c	quality	defects	
–  lexical/ontological	(what	does	„green“	mean?)	
–  syntac@c	(“I	saw	the	man	on	the	hill	with	a	telescope”)	
–  seman@c	(“All	persons	have	a	unique	na@onal	insurance	
–  pragma@c	(“The	trucks	shall	treat	the	roads	before	they	freeze“)	
–  weak	phrases:	(“as	soon	as	possible“)	
–  Omission	or	generaliza@on	
•  Syntax	paperns	
–  [when?]	[under	what	condi@ons?]	
<process>	<thing	to	be	processed>	[<process	detail>*]	
Exercise:	Improve	phrasing	
1. The	system	shall	respond	as	fast	as	possible.	
2. Students	take	10	courses	per	semester.	
Students	take	1000	courses	per	semester.	
3. Shortly	before	the	due	date	the	medium	is	
extended,	unless	somebody	else	reserved	it.	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 22
Phrasing:	Do‘s	and	Don‘ts	
1.  The	system	shall	respond	as	fast	as	possible.	
In	90%	of	all	cases,	the	system	shall	respond	to	all	queries	within	
2.  Students	take	10	courses	per	semester.	
Students	take	1000	courses	per	semester.	
Every	student	takes	10	courses	per	semester.	
3.  Shortly	before	the	due	date	the	medium	is	extended,	unless	
somebody	else	reserved	it.	
Three	days	before	the	due	date,	the	system	checks	whether	the	
medium	has	been	reserved.	If	not	reserved,	the	system	extends	the	
lending	period.	
Guidelines	&	Checklists	
How	would	you	write	a	guideline	and	a	checklist	
for	…	?	Team	up!	
•  Stakeholder	Model	
•  Goal	Model	
•  System	Vision	
•  Usage	Model	
•  Non-func@onal	Requirements	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 24
Overview:	Quality	Assurance	
•  Mo@va@on	and	Terminology	
•  Quality	of	Requirements	Documents	
•  Principles	of	Quality	Assurance	
•  Techniques	for	construc@ve	QA	
•  Techniques	for	analy@cal	QA	
– Checklists	
– Quality	Gates	
– Fagan	Inspec@ons	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 25	
K	Rayker,	stock.xchng
Exemplary	Check	list	according	to	
Lamsweerde	(1/2)	
•  General	check:	Must	be	clear	"what,	who,		
when,	where“	
•  Defect-based	criteria	(as	in	IEEE	830):	
–  ContradicJon	
–  Inadequacy	
–  Unmeasurability	
–  Unfeasibility	
–  Poor	structuring	
–  ...	
•  Quality-specific	criteria:	
–  Is	there	any	unspecified	response	in	this	operaJon	to	not	
receiving	an	expected	input	value,	or	receiving	it	too	early	or	too	
–  Does	the	logical	OR	of	the	input	condiJon	on	this	operaJon	form	
a	tautology?	
–  ...	 26
Exemplary	Check	list	according	to	
Lamsweerde	(2/2)	
•  Domain—specific	criteria:		
typical	issues	in	the	parJcular	domain	
•  Content-related	criteria:	
–  Templates	
•  all	fields	filled	
•  idenJfier	user	consistently	
•  statement	type	correct	
•  ...	
–  Graphical	nota@ons	
•  data	flow	consistent	
•  ER	Diagram	declaraJon	
•  ...	
–  Formal	specifica@ons	 27
Quality	Gates	
Specific	milestone	in	a	sojware	project	that	checks	
•  Content:	The	„usual“	quality	criteria:	
Completeness,	consistency,	...	
•  Documenta@on:	Compliance	with	format,	
understandability,	unambiguity,	...	
•  Accordance:	Every	requirement	agreed	upon,	
conflicts	resolved,	...	
Role Model Process Model
Project Scope
System Vision
Fagan	Inspec@on	
The	term	Fagan	inspecJon	refers	to	a	structured	
process	of	trying	to	find	defects	in	development	
documents.	It	includes	the	following	phases:	
•  Planning:	Moderator	plans	review	process	
•  Overview:	Author	describes	the	background	of	
the	document	under	inspec@on	
•  Prepara@on:	Every	reviewer	examines	the	
document	in	order	to	find	defects.	
•  Inspec@on	mee@ng:	A	specific	reader	walks	
through	the	document	chapter	by	chapter,	and	
the	inspectors	point	out	found	defects.	
•  Adapta@ons:	The	author	of	the	document	
corrects	the	found	defects	according	to	the	
ac@on	plan	agreed	upon	in	the	mee@ng.	
•  Follow-up	control:	The	inspectors	check	
whether	the	defects	were	fixed	correctly.	 29	
IEEE	730	–	2014:	IEEE	Standard	for	
Sojware	Quality	Assurance	Processes		
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 30
IEEE	730	–	2014:	IEEE	Standard	for	
Sojware	Quality	Assurance	Processes		
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 31
IEEE	730	–	2014:	IEEE	Standard	for	
Sojware	Quality	Assurance	Processes		
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 32
IEEE	730	–	2014:	IEEE	Standard	for	
Sojware	Quality	Assurance	Processes		
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 33
IEEE	730	–	2014:	IEEE	Standard	for	
Sojware	Quality	Assurance	Processes		
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 34
Take-away:	QA	
•  Defini@ons		
–  Quality	Assurance	
–  Quality	Defect	
•  Construc@ve	QA		
–  Guidelines	and	criteria	
–  Reference	models	
•  Analy@cal	QA	
–  Quality	gates	
–  Fagan	inspec@on	
–  Checklists	
•  IEEE	730	Std	for	SQA	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 35	
Context Layer
System Layer
Requirements Layer
Stakeholder Model Objectives
& Goals
& Rules
Data Model
System Vision
Architecture Overview
Function Model
Fun 1
Fun 2
Component Model
Data Model
Behaviour Model
Business Case
Deployment Requirements
System Constraints
Domain Model
Service ModelUsage Model
Quality Requirements
Risk List
Project Scope
Process Requirements
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 36	
Time	for	a	break
Requirements	Nego@a@on	
Dr.	Birgit	Penzenstadler	 37

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The (Em)Power of participatory storytelling
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