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Papish V. Board Of Curator Case Study
Papish v. Board of Curators of the University of Missouri (1973) was a case concerning a student's
indecent publication on a university campus and whether or not a student remains protected under
the First Amendment. It was the first and the only case submitted to the Supreme Court concerning a
university newspaper. Upon the newspaper's publication, the student was expelled in the middle of
the spring semester after the university did not approve of its content.
While the First Amendment does protect the right to freedom of speech, university officials have
some authority in defining the limitations of freedom of speech and press on a campus setting.
However, this mostly applies to private colleges, as students enrolled in public universities often
receive protection under the First ... Show more content on ...
The court ruled in favor of the university of the basis, "based on the university's defense that focused
on the time and place of distributing the newspaper issue, the student's being on academic probation,
and the issue of indecent speech, the Eighth Circuit affirmed in its favor" ( ). The primary reason for
the court ruling in favor of the university, however, was that they believed that the student's freedom
of expression could be limited if the publication was indecent and offensive to the university
The Supreme Court decided differently, however, "citing in a six–to–three judgment, in a relatively
brief per curium opinion that was not signed by any of the members of the majority, the Supreme
Court reversed in favor of the student"(). The court may have ruled in this manner during
deliberations because the Eighth Circuit's ruling came just before the Court's judgment in Healy v.
James (1972). This case stated that officials at public higher education institutions do not have the
ability to enforce reasonable rules governing student
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Charactersitics of a Museum, Questions and Answers
1. What are, in your opinion, the characteristics of the museum idea?
As I remember from my travelling experience, a museum exists in each city, even the smallest one
and sometimes even in villages. Visiting a museum at least once a year is a compulsory part of any
school programme in my country, Russia. However, what is a museum? What are reasons for its
existing? Who and how chooses display units for exhibitions from the huge variety of items in the
All these questions can be answered if to determine the characteristics of the museum idea.
Museums are public instituitons. Their number has increased and their role has transformed over the
last fifty years. They attract a great number of people, from tourists to citizens, from children to
adults. However, in order to understand which institution can be called a museum, it is necessary to
examine the main objectives of its existence.
The most obvious aim is an educational one since museums serve for society in order to conserve,
research and communicate material evidence of people and their environment. Museums give
people the opportunity to determine their place in the world, understand their cultural identity,
develop self–respect and respect for others. Nethertheless, to conduct this educational mission,
careful and meaningful selection of objects is required. After being chosen, all the items need to be
preserved for future generations under proper conserving conditions such as good light, air
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The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay
Positioned alongside Central Park in the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive
collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The
context of museum, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a
certain set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct
meanings about each individual object within the museum. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual
Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical
settings."An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly
different meaning if it was put on sale by a street vendor, like the ones who set up their tables in
close proximity to the Met. The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the
relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that surrounds it.
These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is
exhibited, and how the exhibits within a museum is planned out. Museums subsequently have the
ability to control how these relationships are established which influences the way a viewer is able
to construct meaning. When a visitor observes an object on display at the Met, they instinctively
construct a certain set of
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This Essay Will Be Discussing The Forms Of Communication
This essay will be discussing the forms of communication applicable to the career path of my
choice. Since I have an interest in ancient history and have always held an appreciation for museums
my chosen career is museum curatorship which will have several forms of necessary
communication, however, I have chosen to focus on three specific areas. Firstly, professional
communication, secondly techniques to overcome communication barriers (cognitive restructuring
and systematic desensitisation) and thirdly, communication techniques to assist in handling
intercultural communication. Each of these communicative methods will be necessary in order to
ensure that there is a lack of distortion among. By utilising these methods of communication I ...
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If employees recognize their respective duties and understand their rank within the system and how
best to communicate with their colleagues then achieving organisational cohesion will be straight
The modes of communication in the workplace (both formal and informal) will be quintessential in
ensuring that order is maintained and communication between colleagues and departments is
effective and allows little room for distortion. In the position of curator I will need to ensure that the
communication channels between employees with my department are organised and allow for
information to be transmitted successfully. If the flow of formal messages between myself, my
supervisors, and my department is smooth then the chances of distortion causing malfunctions in the
work environment are easier to manage (DeFleaur et al, 2014). When managing relations with not
only my own workplace but also other organisations the necessity for the hierarchy of
communication to be clear and concise is absolute in order to ensure the relationship with involved
parties remains favourable and no mistakes are made when handling any transactions; particularly
those relating to an exchange of physical artifacts. Of course informal communication is also
unavoidable, even crucial, in a work environment. Human connections can be advantageous in this
career path which often deals in the exchange of artifacts with other associations. Within my own
workplace however informal
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Field Museum Reflection
I visited the Ancient American exhibit at the Field Museum and analyzed the voices that I heard
within the different sections: the researchers, the curators or the people. Throughout the exhibit, I
heard different voices, but the strongest voice I heard was the curators who put together the exhibit.
The museum did a successful job at attaining all the facts about the Ancient Americans despite the
lack of native people to get information from, but they were unsuccessful at capturing the people's
voice within the exhibit. In the Ice Age portion, I heard the voice of researchers because it was
presented as a bunch of facts and referred to everyone as third person, there was no personalized
aspect. There were numerous portions where it was nothing ... Show more content on ...
The giant sun stone in Empire Builders had the voice of the people. It was something that really
stood out and screamed culture to me. I could really imagine all of the work and care it took to
build, and I thought about the skill the people must have needed to be able to build it. The "Box of
Treasures" film clip gave a better insight into the lifestyle of the people than the museum. The film
talked about the traditions the people had, the traditions they had to give up, the suffering that they
went through, what they did to perish through these sufferings, and how they felt and how the
people from the culture that are alive today feel about it all. It also showed the people engaging in
these different activities and cultures. The museum was unsuccessful in showing the emotions of the
people of the past or the current ones who are alive today. Although there were boards about what
those alive had to say, they did not have much emotion reflecting how it is to live in that culture.
This could be due to museum, or due to a lack of connection between the people and their
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Postmodern Concepts' Influence on Museology
Postmodern concepts have influenced curation and exhibitions, under the effect of museum
classifications which determine the audiences' perspectives on exhibitions. Postmodernism is highly
influential and appealing because it is avant–garde (challenging past traditions). People appreciate
new concepts, especially those that challenge the concept of art. The process of curation not only
considers the organisation of the exhibition but is highly influenced by conceptual frameworks,
postmodernism being part of the world agency. Museum classifications affect different audience
perspectives because, while letting them explore the different meanings of art, they must be able to
fully communicate to artists and understand their audience to let ... Show more content on ...
Museums were established for the recognition and preservation of historical artefacts. With this in
mind, when the audience views an object in a museum, they may recognise it as being historically
important and other works not exhibited, especially by female artists, fail to reach recognition due to
the exclusion of curators and art collectors' prejudiced opinions. This ignorance of acknowledging
female artists was very common among galleries in the 19th century, and even today. In 1985, the
feminist activist group, Guerilla Girls, set out to highlight the injustice shown to female artists. In
1989, At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, they compared female nudes and artists with male nudes
and artists and found that, in the Modern Art sections, there were less than 5% of female artists, but
85% nude females. In 2011, 22 years later, they conducted the same comparison and found that 4%
of artists were women but 76% were nude. The National Gallery of London, which contains more
than 2,300 works, revealed to have only 11 artists as women. It is this sexist and racial
discrimination that many artworks are undermined for its value. We look at historical artefacts as
works that were deemed worthy of
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Utopian Australia Exhibition: Curator Request Essay
Utopian Australia Exhibition
Dear, selection committee
As curator I wish to recommend the inclusion of artworks by Danie Mellor and Cia Guo–Qiang for
the upcoming exhibition "Utopian Australia – the Lucky Country?".
Utopia is defined as "an imagined place or state in which everything is perfect". Danie Mellor and
Cia Guo Qiang, both explore this idea of transformation through landscape, culture and country,
employing symbols, narratives, traditions and materials to convey their own ideas on Utopia. To
persuade you in this decision the deconstructing of the artwork, artists, compositional features and
the individual meaning of the artwork and why this fits into the theme of the exhibition will be
One of the most unique ... Show more content on ...
Danie Mellor, plays a significant role in the Indigenous/ Torres Strait Islander art world, with
multiple awards from many different exhibitions. Through his continuing trademark, appearing in
many of his artworks, he uses blue and white drawings and mixed media watercolours in ornate gold
frames. These help express his concern with his Indigenous heritage and, with imaginative
conceptual depth, describe historical incidents in a way that is also strikingly crafted and decorative.
Mellor uses these colours in a number of his pieces and there is a clear reference to an imperial
heritage and their association with Spode china designs and Britain's presence in China in the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, whilst simultaneously exploring and colonising Australia. It
may also serve to demonstrate a growing influence of Asian culture within Australia.
Mellor's 'Cultural Warriors', possesses many different themes such as the colonial histories, early
European settlement and the destruction of native inhabitants. Each message is conveyed through
the use of powerful focal points, in this piece the two big kangaroos fighting, by placing them in the
center. Their size compared to the rest of the piece, contrasts therefore accentuating their presence,
as though they are characters on a stage in front of a backdrop.
The piece has a symmetric appeal. This equality is created through the arrangement of the two
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World War I Was One Of The Most Drastic Events During...
World War I was one of the most drastic events in American history. It had an unequaled
contribution to shaping modern–day American culture. "WWI and American Art" successfully
documents a fragile moment in American History from the Perspective of the visual artist. The
curators achieve this by communicating some important historical facts. This review intends to
expound on how these works exemplify these facts and to provide a criticism of its effectiveness.
The exhibition is organized systematically and chronologically, as well as sequentially. Each
segment has a title, supplemented by a detailed description which gives context to the content. This
makes for easy transitioning through the various sections of the show. To the curator's credit, the
audience will find these descriptions extremely useful. Without them as a guide it would be difficult
to keep track of the sequence in which the objects are organized. The personal accounts of the
artist's experience of the war are also useful. They add a context to the circumstances surrounding
the artist during that time. Such a device strengthens the viewer's understanding of the object being
displayed. Through this exhibition, the curators have managed to expertly communicate a few
historical truths. Firstly, that American artists responded to war in creative ways; exemplified by the
variety of works on display. Secondly, American artists had a position on the War. They were actual
vocal members of society who
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Metropolitan Museum Of Art Analysis
Upon visiting the virtual art collection of "The Metropolitan Museum of Art," (TMMoA), the home
page noted that the "Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History," (TMMoA), had multiple different galleries
of art dating from 8000 BCE to the contempory times. Their timeline collection is organized in a
chronological format, which I believe makes it very easy to locate different types of art belonging to
a certain time period and it appears that no one gallery is more important than another. The timeline
I chose was the prehistoric period dating from 3800 B.C.E. to 1600 B.C.E., (TMMoA). The first
piece of art that I found was a ceramic jar that was painted brown with black decorations of what
appears to be a goat with very big horns. The curator had noted
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Relational Leadership Model Essay
As an ethical and successful leader I believe that one must remember is that you should always
considers your followers over yourself. Without them, you are not able to get anything done. You are
best able to gage if your being a successful leader if others are willing to follow you to accomplish
positive change. If you are always considering others then it is easy to maintain an ethical approach
because you make yourself more aware of what could be viewed as unethical within not only your
contextual view but also others who think differently then you. The Relational Leadership Model is
useful to build the mindset for thinking about others if you focus on the ethical and empowering side
of the model (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R, 2013). The way your treat those around
you makes an important statement to your leadership style. Over all we do see men and woman in
the field of museum work but the way they are treated is vastly different. Male curators will be
involved in a more science and research field while women will usually fill the maintenance and
care role. These two positions area not equally respected though they both use the title of curator. To
maintain a collection is admirable but why collect if no information is obtained. So the woman in
these positions are just a stepping stone for a researcher to come in and reap the rewards of
intellectual discovery. The difficulties to practicing this form of leadership is that it is impossible to
consider every
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Lane County Historical Museum
Cheyenne Dickenson AAD 410 Winter 2017 Lane County Historical Museum On February 7th we
visited the Lane County Historical Museum. Faith Kreskey, the exhibits curator, facilitated the tour,
and gave us an inside look at her job and the challenges of the museum. Topics included: staffing,
collections care, facilities, budgeting, the museum's recent history, community partnerships, and
exhibits. One theme I kept coming up against was the idea of a history museum. In the context of a
mid–size western American county, it seems that cutting the exhibits to around 1920 is extremely
limiting considering the start of European settlement was around 1850. That leaves the other 96
years, or over half of the history of Lane County, unaccounted for. I ... Show more content on ...
The readings from these past weeks on on issues of race and cultural patrimony were too
informative considering the Native American exhibits I have attended, my work in an anthropology
museum, and anthropology classes I have taken. Somehow, Cooper's "The Long Road to
Repatriation" provided more context and weight to the historical atrocities against Native Americans
than any of my other educational experiences. To be fair, I am not a scholar of Native history, but I
am certainly not uninformed, and it should not take a scholar or be a native person to understand
these issues. As Lonetree mentioned, the Holocaust Museum presents a difficult subject and forces
the visitor to "confront inhumanity" (106). I think the impact of this information as an educational
experience in a museum would have a huge impact on current social and political tensions. I hope to
see museums make more concerted efforts to educate the public. Too many exhibits are of the
"passive, didactic looking" than like the engaging Object Stories program (Dartt, Murawski).
Exhibits should seek to tell untold narratives, and programs should be places of communication and
cross–cultural encounters. For too long, difficult confrontations have been avoided, both inside the
museum, and by dominant communities
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Art Museum Diversity
Background of study Art museums in the United States have been credited with reasonable growth
and advances toward organizational practices, research shows that gender equality, ethnic and racial
profiles of the staff remain less diverse than it could be presumed (Dudley, 2013). The initial study
of art museum diversity of the United States art sector indicated that 60 percent of the total museum
workers had been positioned as curators, educators and conservationists. White women mainly
occupied these positions. Research has shown that there have been inexistent pipelines throughout
history, resulting in the presumed leadership positions for underrepresented minorities. These
statistics demonstrate the acutely low position of minorities in museum operations ranging from
history to present. Various studies have shown critical discrepancies in the leaderships of the
museums, In particular, the majority of minority groups have been placed in inferior positions such
as security, human resource and finance while the ... Show more content on ...
This process is based primarily on the ability and willingness of higher–level management to realize
the more difficult and uneasy perspectives of both the conscious and unconscious impacts that
shapes the art institutional culture that generates the contemporary imbalances. Diversity amongst
art museum curators has been a major challenge in the United States, particularly due to the
isolation of art museum institutions according to the racial orientations of the people. Research into
the United States art museum has shown that the leadership in the museum, including directors and
chief curators, has been approximated as equally staffed by both genders (Candlin,
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Animal Observation Essay
1. What have the museum curators identified as the central theme of this exhibit? Explain how
curators understand this topic, its causes, and its consequences. How is this particular interpretation
reflected in the exhibit? (Give specific examples). [10 points, 1 paragraph] The central theme of the
exhibit focuses on a period of time that they call the Anthropocene, a proposed epoch that is defined
by humanity's effects on the environment. The curators take a multi–disciplinary approach to the
topic by looking to geology, biology, and climate science to draw stronger conclusions. They also
ask for visitor feedback in several parts of the exhibit to gauge a social level of the impacts.
Specifically, the exhibit displays the preserved bodies of several different extinct animals and
explains how humans were directly responsible for their ... Show more content on ...
The information was believable because you had direct examples of human intervention staring
back at you as you read about how humans were in some way responsible for their decline and
demise. 3. What was the most striking item/object/text in this exhibit to you? Why? [10 points, 1
paragraph] The most striking object in the exhibit was the Stephens Island wren, a small flightless
songbird that lived on a tiny island in New Zealand. It was discovered the same year that it was
declared extinct, because of a pregnant cat that was brought to the island by a human living in the
lighthouse on the island. Seeing this unique little songbird wiped out totally by accident really drove
the point home that much of human impact on the environment is totally accidental. 4. What is a
potential "hole" or omission in this exhibit? This is a broad question – it can be a particular item or
object; a type of evidence; an audience; a theme or topic, etc. [15 points, 2–3
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Case Study Frederick Historical Society
Question #4:
When constructing an exhibit, the museum staff must ask themselves: What demographic are we
designing this exhibit for. Correspondingly, the museum staff ponders what is the line of sight for
the targeted demographic, so they know where to place the artifacts and how the exhibit should be
structured. Similarly, the museum staff must predict how the public will respond to their exhibit and
the necessary precautions to avoid negative reviews. Most importantly, the museum staff must
question if the exhibit can offend a certain demographic and the steps they will need to take to
properly represent that society. When creating an exhibit, the museum staff must contemplate how
the structure and content will relate to the audience and what is the best approach to have interaction
between the exhibit and its attended audience. ... Show more content on ...
At the Frederick Historical Society, we have a room for newly obtained artifacts that need to be
catalogued. When an object is catalogued its expected location and current condition is documented
along with a summary about the object's significance. Also, at the Historical Society they have
limited their collection to only artifacts that have a relation to Frederick, this decision allows our
collection to maintain somewhat controllable. Correspondingly, if we have an abundance of an
objects i.e. chairs from the 1800's, we will not accept the newly donated materials or we will turn
the object into a hands–on activity. This approach is similar to the hands–on muskets at the Civil
War and Medicine Museum. Furthermore, the Historical Society has an offsite facility to help
manage its enormous collection. Most importantly, it is the job of the collection manager to ensure
that all objects are catalogued correctly and placed in the proper
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Analysis: The Night Of The Museum
In the movie, "The Night of the Museum", things go wrong all of the time. A curator has to maintain
order and educate people about the items in the museum. This paper will explore the job description,
work environment, pay, and overall job outlook for curator. The duties and responsibilities of being
a curator is what makes being a curator so interesting. Curator take care of their collections, they
also research teams in their collections, and they directing affairs of the museum. According to
United States Department of Labor "most curators work at museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical
gardens, nature centers, and historical sites." Curators may work at a desk or could also work with
the public. A curators has to be able to talk to people, also has to see details in every little thing. But
like in the, "Night of the Museum", the curator had to be the boss and saw details. A curator can't be
shy. It is important to work in that type of environment but is also important to have knowledge
about the pay of a curator. It's important to have a good paying career to live a good life. According
to United States Department of Labor "the median annual wage for archivists, curators, and museum
workers was $47,230 in May 2016." A curator can also make up to $53,360. The pay of a ... Show
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Curators teach programs and conduct researching at their museum. A curator is the boss at the
museum. When a new piece arrives the curator has to oversee what happen with it so nothing goes
wrong. But if the piece goes missing the curator has to do everything in their power to find it and fix
it. Being a curator is interesting, they oversee everything that goes on at the museum, curator get to
see unbelievable pieces of art. According to Merlin Mann " A great curator is somebody who pays
attention well and then gives you context for understanding why you might want to pay attention to
it." To be a good curator, pay more attention to
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How Are Museum Curators Incorporating New Technology Into...
Abigail Fisher
I202 Final Assignment
May 4, 2015
Research Question:
How are museum curators incorporating new technology into exhibits to enhance participation from
a younger generations of Americans?
According to an article written by the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and
Collaboratory museums across the United States are feeling more and more inclined to move toward
interactive exhibits. In order to do so, they are beginning to incorporate technologies into a visitor's
experience (Future). Therefore, this incorporation of technology and experience is directly related to
the study of social informatics.
Traditionally, research for museum exhibits has come from the fields of cognitive and behavioural
sciences to look at the pull that visitor's may feel towards a certain exhibit and how well the visitor
was able to obtain knowledge from the exhibit (Lehn). Now, social informatics, the interdisciplinary
study of the relationship between information technology and society, is also being used within the
museum culture in order to understand how much better a visitor experience can be when done with
technology. It also, however, raises the question of best for whom? The largest selection of patrons
to museums generally are from the baby boomer generation with younger generations of Americans
being the smallest section of museum participators. How can technology encourage the young
without alienating the old?
Subordinate questions:
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Synthesis Essay Museum
Museums collect information to show to the public for educational advancement and personal
enjoyment. Museum curators have a very imperative job, when it comes to the success of a museum.
Museum curators take the time and dedication to find artifacts that not only fit the theme of the
museum but they also have to consider price, authenticity, and origin. The artifacts chosen mush
hold a "Wow" factor registering remembrance and relevance into the minds of its visitors. The
artifacts should be chosen based upon significance not the monetary value.
The goal of any business is to make a profit, museums are no different. Capture hearts, attention,
and pocketbooks. The museum curators must choose artifacts and things to feature in exhibits that
will allure and attract guests and bring profit to the museum. The two problems facing museums
success is "money and management'' (source A, Rockefeller). The excerpt from an autobiography
written by a fellow Rockefeller highlights the fiscal burden the management of a museum inflicts
upon the owners. With the lack of support from trustees, who showed more support toward some
"exhibitions, acquisitions, and programs." rather than others, the Museum of Modern Arts
floundered under pressure creating a endless financial cycle featuring deficits, debt, ... Show more
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This museum possesses the potential to serve as a universal locus; the attributes collect the attention
of people of all ages and walks of life. In comparison to the Charles W. Peele museum the
Metropolitan museum features a Holocaust exhibit complete with art, artifacts, and personal Nazi
collections that will attract a more mature audience. The Peele museum is primarily for amusement
while the Met is to advance the education of contemporary matters and live out its mission, to keep
the public informed of "all aspects of its collection through illustrated publications" and "bring
profound conviction of the unlawful and immoral spoliation of art" (source
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The Discovery Of The Museum Curator
Becoming the museum curator is an important title, they pick and choose the 5% of the total art, the
museum has to be viewed by the public. The curator must be wise and make exhibits that flow as
well as get the point across to the visitors coming to see the museum. Curating this exhibit, I have
chosen three works of ancient Greek art that will tell a story and inform visitors about three of the
most well–known Greek gods. A statue of Zeus from the first A.D, a Kylix of Hades and
Persephone, and the Chariot of Poseidon. This collection of ancient Greek artwork shows the sons of
the titan Chrono's, and it depicts them in their natural habitat.
Hades is the oldest of the titan Cronus sons and best associated with Satan from the Cristian
religion. Hades was supposed to inherit all of the lands above, but with an unfortunate draw of the
straws with his brothers Poseidon, and Zeus. Hades was bound to the land down under known as
Hades. For the exhibit the museum has chosen a wonderful ancient Greek Kylix, this depicts the
daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest/ Queen of the underworld Persephone, and the king of the
underworld Hades. "Hades and Persephone banqueting. On a long couch of which the legs are partly
seen, Hades, supporting a large keras on his left, holding up a fluted phiale in his right, reclines to
right, leaning on two embroidered cushions". This artwork depicts the love of the cold blooded god
of the underworld and his beautiful wife. Hades actually fell in
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The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay
Positioned alongside Central Park within the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of
Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive
collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The
context of museums, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a
set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings
about each individual object within a museum. By analyzing two separate works on exhibit at the
Met, I will pose the argument that museums offer a unique expression of a world view that is
dictated through every element of its construction.
An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different
meaning if it were for sale by a street vendor, such as the individuals who set up their tables only a
few feet away from the Met. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects
obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings." The different meanings that
objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object
itself and the environment that it is located in. These relationships often involve the kind of audience
that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibit is laid out. Museums
subsequently have the ability
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Moxey And Cosgrove Analysis
Within his book Visual Time, which offers an unorthodox approach to the study of art history,
Moxey writes: "The history of art faces the disconcerting possibility that the time it imagines,
history's very architecture, is neither uniform nor linear but rather multivalent and discontinuous
(Moxey 1)". Indeed, though time within the practice of art history may in actuality be anachronic, or
without a distinct order, it is not regarded as so at Wellesley's Davis Museum; here, the architecture
of time is as linear as the physical architecture of the museum's modern exterior. The physical and
representational mapping of the Davis' use of chronological time is especially present by floor
layout. The permanent collections are on the second, fourth, and fifth levels. Segmented by
geography, which both Moxey and Cosgrove discuss, the second floor's collection of art and
artifacts dates as far back as 2000 BCE and encompasses six of the world's seven continents. It is
important to note that the stairs are set at the heart of the museum, allowing museum goers to
approach a floor's collection from four different starting points. Though probably not intentional,
this somewhat equalizes the collections featured on the second floor. Each geographic location are
quartered off into makeshift galleries with the two largest being the African and the ... Show more
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The former illustrates Moxey's ideas regarding translation, conversation across eras. The later also
does this, as some of the medieval pillars are the victim of spolia, and are in fact roman pillars with
medieval capitals. Also, putting medieval work, the quintessential western era, in a wing gallery
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Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Theory
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory in Organizational Diversity
Psychologist Abraham Maslow established a theory of motivation to justify how people in diverse
organizations behave. His human requirements theory states that humans are never completely
satisfied; that they crave satisfaction and those requirements can be classified into a hierarchy based
upon importance. The lowest level of importance includes peoples' desire to satisfy their physical
needs, such as hunger and thirst. Following the lowest level, individuals need basic security and
stability. After physical and safety needs are satisfied, individuals have the desire to gain acceptance
into a group and to establish meaningful relationships. Once this need is somewhat fulfilled, one
will strive for self–confidence and personal achievement. Lastly, an individual must realize their
potential or they will become dissatisfied and discontent. This theory assists managers to motivate
subordinates in a diverse workplace by ensuring low–level needs are met first. Then, management
will be able to pursue supervising employees as they complete more multifaceted tasks. An effective
manager influences employees positively by creating a safe work environment, providing the
necessary tools and resources and involving employees in decision–making processes (Maslow,
1943, 1954).
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory has particularly created a "glass ceiling" in art museum curating
by hindering individuals personal achievements,
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Should The Public Heritage Collections Be Done?
Accounting can be done in several different ways and the way it is done may result in consequences
for organizational behavior and management. (O 'Hare, n.d.) One issue is the failure of museum to
capitalize their collections and report them as assets. According to the Australian Accounting
Standards, annual general–purpose financial reports will be misrepresented if heritage and
collections are included as assets. One of the criteria's of an asset is to bring future economic
benefit. The question raised in relation to museum is whether the public heritage collections have
any future economic benefits deriving from the collections which is economic to the museum?
These arguments are very extensive and many museums can argue about the fact ... Show more
content on ...
Firstly, the asset must provide future economic benefit. Secondly, the reporting entity must control
the future economic benefits in such a way that it can enjoy the benefit and prevent others to benefit
from it. Finally, the transaction or event giving rise to the control must have occurred. (,
However, an asset is only recognized as per AASB 116 in financial statement if it is probable that
the future benefits from the asset will eventuate and if the item has a cost or value that can be
measured. (Leo, Hoggett & Sweeting, 2012) The term probable is means the like for the future
benefit is higher than less likely to happen. An element will be considered as an asset only if it
satisfy the probability of providing future benefits. (, n.d.) An item will usually have a
cost or value to use to measure reliably. The measurement of asset is made at its cost and appropriate
measurement basis will be based upon model of accounting being applied. (, n.d.) Items
that so not have a cost or cannot be measured reliably cannot be considered as an asset.
(, n.d.)
Museum and art collections include items such as work of arts, books, manuscripts, artefacts and
collectables which are held for their cultural or historical significance. These items are either
acquired at no or nominal cost. Therefore, they are measured at fair value. (, 2015) In
some cases where we cannot define the fair value of these items, they cannot
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Mission Statement Of Indian Art Museum
Assignment 1 – ARCV 140 – Imaginary Museum
Indian Art Gallery
Mission, Vision Statement and Staff
Mission Statement:– With the help of our collection, we try to introduce this art to the lives of
Vision Statement: – Indian Art Gallery is exists for becoming the best in field of art we will works
upon our weakness, strength, aspiration, opportunities, etc. we believe that to achieve museum's
mission successfully.
Goals and objectives of Indian Art Gallery
We will provide the high quality.
We will follow the professional strategy for effectiveness, mission responsibility and perfect
solutions to solve the problems.
We will represent the social, cultural and economic diversity of our religion.
To popularize the museum's collection and items for learning, schooling and entertainment.
To deliver display and programming that describes the museum's theme and target.
To be seriously connect with society events and ... Show more content on ...
The Indian Art Gallery recognized that documentation is important for the development, research
and preservation. It is the crucial part of the collection management. Documentation is the
responsibility of collection management that under the curator and other eligible staff.
Documentation will provide the evidence of the museum's legal ownership of the material and it
provide a legal written document. Any changes in the condition will be documented. Any work in
museum is done through the document if we gave the loan then it will be documented. If we are
purchase or sell the item then it will be documented. Legal documents dealing with the acquisition
must be kept in hard copy form and other copies are in different places.
In Indian Art Gallery we are now become modern we store all the data computer or laptops so it will
be easy for all the workers and for the security we save all the copies of documents on own person
site that will be open by only administration authority so nobody can steal our data.
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Cultural Relevance, Understanding And Education
Cultural relevance, understanding and education are the key areas that modern museums seem to be
addressing seriously. As a public institution a museum must consider its role in society, the way
culture is represented and displayed and most of all, how interpretation affects those not of museum
training backgrounds, for example a visitor or patron. Some would argue that art, is an expression of
a culture and its political and economic values (Hein 2006), while others would suggest that is the
artifacts of long lost peoples and cultures that have the most worth to the public (Sabeti 2015).
The mixture of these two mediums seems like an obvious step in achieving reinterpretation,
presenting political messages, and displaying the importance ... Show more content on ...
(Stam 1993). One way this may be interpreted is that a shift towards a more open, interactive style
of museum exhibition should be the starting point of exhibition planning and execution.
The discussions and in some cases successful installations of eco museums for example, represent
the ever shifting and changing people and cultures, instead of the static and non–changed ancient
cultural heritage of forgotten civilizations and their material culture. The eco museum provides no
exclusion of peoples or histories. With some limited success in exposing the cultures of ever
changing people and customs to a larger audience in eco–museums, other historical institutions have
frankly missed the mark. "The 'new museology' started with the intention of introducing a new
philosophy around how museums function and a changed relationships between museums and their
societies and communities" (McCall and Gray 2014).
The framework suggested in the museology based on how a new function of museums can be
achieved, really leaves one to ponder just how effective the application of literature surrounding
these ideas can actually be when put into practice. There is no clear checklist of steps to achieve
such a change in the framework and context of a museum as an educational institution, as a cultural
reference or as an open public forum, so the missing re–interpretation can sometimes be taken on by
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Climbing Roses: Steven Scanniello, Curator Of The...
Create Your Garden Dream with Climbing Roses
There are few plants that can rival the gorgeous climbing roses in the garden, creating the ambiance
of nostalgia and breath–taking beauty. Steven Scanniello, Curator of the Rockefeller Rose Garden,
New York, refers to Climbing roses as the "acrobats and aerialist" of the garden. Climbing roses can
be used in countless ways, such as cascading over fences, trellis or walls, softening hard landscapes,
concealing ugly structures or small building, accentuating windows or entryways. They can provide
a backdrop for other garden plants or make a stunning focal point, creating breath–taking
picturesque effects. Climbing roses are versatile. And if you choose healthy, disease resistant and
winter hardy ... Show more content on ...
Preferably the climbing rose is still dormant or just starting to break dormancy. However, old garden
roses, once blooming climbers or ramblers should be pruned just AFTER they finish blooming in
late spring or early summer.
How: Pruning Lg flowering climbing roses is a bit different than pruning other types of rosebushes.
To understand how to prune a climbing rose, you must understand the difference between the main
cane and lateral canes. Main canes are the structural portion of the plant, starting at the bottom and
going all the way to the top. Lateral canes are shorter, thinner branches that come off the main cane
and produce blooms at the tips.
It is best not to prune climbers for the first two or three years after planting, thus allowing the long
arching main canes to grow and mature. It is okay to remove dead, diseased or injured wood
anytime. Once established, climbers should be pruned annually. Some of the main canes can be cut
off at the base to thin the rose, but the remaining main canes should never be cut back more than ¼
length if at all. Lateral canes, however, can be pruned severely, 4 to 12– inches. Lateral canes can be
removed or pruned throughout the growing season and is easily done during deadheading.
Deadheading is the process of removing old or dying blooms, which in turn, encourages more
blooming. Once you
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Josh Ruffell Research Paper
Experienced Animal Keeper and Trainer Josh Ruffell
A wildlife expert who got his start as an animal keeper at Furry Friends Zoo in Lyndeborough, New
Hampshire, Josh Ruffell attended Salem State College (SSC) in Salem, Massachusetts, from 1996 to
1997. After completing general studies and biology coursework at SSC, he matriculated at
Moorpark College in Moorpark, California, where he completed the Exotic Animal Training and
Management Program with a focus on wildlife education and exotic animal training. Josh Ruffell's
responsibilities at Moorpark included training and caring for a number of wild animals including a
black leopard, an olive baboon, an American kestrel, a dromedary camel, a double yellow–headed
amazon parrot, and multiple spotted hyenas.
Josh Ruffell went on to serve as an animal trainer for various television and film production
companies in California and Osaka, Japan. From 2005 to 2008, he ... Show more content on ...
He most recently served a two–year tenure as assistant curator of the Australia Zoo in Beerwah,
Australia. This position placed Josh Ruffell in charge of six different departments and required
expertise in areas that ranged from wildlife shows and animal care to grounds–keeping and
audiovisual services.
Before becoming general assistant curator in 2013, Josh Ruffell served the Australia Zoo as a
curator of birds and reptiles. He has also completed extensive work as in the entertainment industry,
training animals for several international production companies and consulting on CBS's Survivor.
Mr. Ruffell also served as an animal keeper and general manager for New England Reptile
Distributors, where he oversaw all facets of daily operations for a 10,000–square–foot breeding
facility in Plaistow, New
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The Final Body Of Literature
The final body of literature I want to give notice to is the literature pertaining to how museums are
arranged by curators and other museum staff to effectively display their artifacts. I wish to dive into
this literature because part of my own research will be examining how the curators of the Cleveland
Museum of Art decided to arrange their ancient Greek exhibit. This pool of literature will help guide
me in different ways to interpret the set–up of the exhibit, the placement of the objects and try to
understand what the curator was trying to convey with their design decisions.
The first author I would like to discuss is Michael Baxendall. His article Exhibiting Intention: Some
Preconditions of the Visual Display of Culturally Purposeful Objects, is centered around
understanding the relationship between the visitor and the museum label as well as the intent
behinds the objects and the exhibit design. Baxendall has 2 major points in his article. The first point
and his own unique idea is the museum set. The museum set is "a sense of the museum as a treasure
house, educational instrument, secular temple, and the rest" . The typical adult visitor with this
mindset comes to museums expecting that he will view a large array of objects and learn interesting
cultural facts about them. This is the observer that most curators make their exhibits to interact with
and as such must be aware of their expectations.
However, the museum set seems to be just another way for Baxendall to
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Ulpanian Vs Ulpanius
Furthermore, Ulpanian and his contemporaries speak of adolescents, under twenty– five years of
age, being under the general direction and advice of curators, as a notorious principle of law at the
time. The establishment of this general rule is attributed by Capitolinus to the emperor M. Aurelius
in a passage which is subject to series of discussions. Savigny argues as follows– Up to the time of
Marcus Aurelius there were only three cases or kinds of Curatorship (Curatela) That which was
founded on the lex Plaetoria, by which a minor who wished to enter into a contract with another,
asked the praetor for a curator, stating the ground or occasion of the petition (reddita causa). One
object of the application was, to save the other contracting
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Review : Book Review
The reaction of the curators' fellow academics largely ranged from mixed to positive, with criticism
being much more nuanced and muted than the comment books and national press. Former Librarian
of the United States Congress and Historian, Daniel Boorstin, was a notable exception, who led the
charge against the exhibit commenting in the first guestbook that it was "perverse, historically
inaccurate [and] destructive." Most academic reviews were positive, especially praising the
catalogue which provided considerably more nuanced and detailed analysis that the wall texts. Some
historians found it hard to see what all the fuss was about, with Byron Pierce remarking that the
ideas expressed in the exhibit were "hardly controversial to ... Show more content on ...
Similarly, in the introduction, Broun stated that the show dealt with issues that "America still
struggles with today" while Truettner stated "Today, a century after America's creation myth was
ushered into the world, we struggle with its inadequacies and insensitivities," indicating that the
exhibition was indeed making a comment on contemporary society. This opened up a powerful line
of attack against the curators in the comment book with one guest writing, "It is ironic that an
exhibit which accuses all American frontier art as being the lowest form of false propaganda should
itself resort to propaganda of the most obvious, most popular kind." (in footnotes another accused
the curators of doig exactly what they accused the artists of doing) The historian Thomas Vale
mounted a similar criticism, wondering "what 'hidden agenda's' lurk in conscious or subconscious
minds of the writers" if one were to apply the same scepticism TWAA applied to Western artists.
Vale concludes that, much like the artists, the writers were simply reflecting the social concerns of
their times. As displayed throughout this dissertation, this was very much the case and had the
curators acknowledged this, they may have staved off some of the criticism,
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Essay on Should Art Museums Be Democratized?
The art museum is a place that collects and preserves very valuable and profound pieces of art
created by some of the most influential artists of all time. Not everyone can understand the emotions
and profound ideas that are expressed in old works of art. Only a fraction of all people can really
appreciate a fine work of art and understand its true meaning. Many people that go to the art
museum do not belong. They do not hold the higher level of education needed to look at a painting
and see its full potential. I do not think the people of art museums should put in the effort to
democratize these institutions mainly because you cannot train people to enjoy art, because
education of art is not valued, and because the elitism of the art ... Show more content on ...
Their research shows that the highly educated visitors knew very much about the art inside the
museums before hand. They knew more names of artists, art styles, and art schools than any other
group. They did not need brochures or handouts and they stayed for long periods of time. The next
group they studied was the middle class visitors. They were eager to learn from the guides and
brochures. Even though they were not as sophisticated as the upper class, they wanted to learn more
about art. The least educated visitors found the art museum experience unsettling. The serious
atmosphere intimidated them, they knew almost nothing about the works of art, and they had trouble
understanding the labels and directions. They were also scared to ask questions because they did not
want to expose their lack of knowledge. Unlike the highly educated visitors who came alone or in
pairs, the least educated visitors were more comfortable to come in big groups and they did not
spend as much time there. The lower class should not come to the museum in the first place because
they can't relate to the works, they don't have the knowledge to comprehend them, and they felt
uncomfortable. They are better off going to a folklore museum where the handicrafts include skills
and refinements they could appreciate (Zolberg 58). In order to help the less educated visitors
appreciate the art museums would need to hire many educators to get the job
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The Smithsonian Museums
The purpose of museums is to serve the public in the fields of education and research. The pinnacle
of museum structure, for this country, is the Smithsonian, with its headquarters located in
Washington D.C. (Smithsonian). My future career goal is to get a curator position within one of the
nineteen museums that fall under the Smithsonian jurisdiction (Smithsonian). Though I will be
happy working in many other museums across this country I decided to choose the Smithsonian
because it is the Official National Museum for the United States. All other United Stated museums
base their business structure on the standard the Smithsonian sets. What is right and wrong in
museums' culture in the United States can be molded from the Smithsonian. The ... Show more
content on ...
The curator has a lot to deal with so there is a structure of positional power so that one person is not
completely overwhelmed. The structure of the museum field follows the positions form the top
being the main director, directors in specific fields then curators. After the curators, there is no
longer a hierarchy to follow but a branching of different disciplines, like: exhibition designer,
conservator, development, and accounting (Lancaster, A., & Houdyshell, A. 2019). With all these
different people being involved, a curator would benefit from knowing the Relational Leadership
Model. The ethical and empowering parts of the RLM section are important to be able to draw
different people together to work as a cohesive team (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R,
2013). Every position has its own possibility for leadership. One of the most propionate leaders in
the field of Museum curation is Franz Boaz. He started changing the mindset from ethnographic
anthropology to a more culturally bases idea (this removed a former white biases based racism). For
other leaders there is every one down the line is able to put their own input in to the curation of a
project. Dr. Francesca Marini discussed how her interns are designing the layout and researching the
information for new exhibits with minimal oversee from her. She makes sure they stay on tract but
besides that, the interns have free range to develop their exhibit. Marini explains that this happens in
all museums even up to the Smithsonian level because there is always more to do then there are
people to get it done. She says that the world of museums would not function well without the help
of interns and
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Black Athena
Similar to the section covering the Black Athena and the nuanced debated surrounding it, there is
another debate area that my research delves into that I will give a brief overview of. The debate can
be summarized in a single question; what is art and what is artifact? Obviously when asked that
question an answer immediately springs to our minds, most likely an image of a famous artwork we
were shown in elementary school and perhaps an image of an archaeological dig site but the
question stands; what is art and what is artifact? For some the difference is if the object had a
utilitarian use or if it was merely decoration and, for others there is no difference. But, for
researchers dealing with objects thousands of years old and scholars use ... Show more content on ...
Alpers is against obtrusive labels and displays that get in the way the audience enjoying the aesthetic
of the pieces even as she understands that outside information is needed for visitors who do not have
the same experience or knowledge as curators do on the objects. She is against them because it is
through these labels or lack of labels, that are interpretations of the objects history and culture by the
curator, that unintentional misrepresentations or possibly political statements could be made about
the object . Taking an object and placing it on display in an art museum already puts the idea of the
object having been made for aesthetic purposes only in their mind even if the item in question was
as mundane as a drinking
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The Guerrilla Girls By Valeria Napoleone Xx And Co Curator...
'Is it even worse in Europe?' the Guerrilla Girls' latest exhibition questions and examines todays art
museums in Europe on the controversial subject of diversity. This exhibition was supported by
Valeria Napoleone XX and Co–curator Nayia Yiakoumaki in helping the feminist group exhibit their
work at the Whitechapel gallery.
Revisiting back to their past project in 1986, the 'It's even worse in Europe' exhibition which
targeted mainstream art museum directors and artists, the Guerrilla Girls come back in 2016 to
question whether their original statistics have shifted over time.
Areas that the Guerrilla Girls particularly engage in are the cases of feminism, racism and sexism
particularly situated around the arts.
With this project, we wanted to pose the question 'Are museums today presenting a diverse history
of contemporary art or the history of money and power?' We focus on the understory, the subtext,
the overlooked and the downright unfair. Art can't be reduced to the small number of artists who
have won a popularity contest among bigtime dealers, curators and collectors. Unless museums and
Kunsthallen show as diverse as the cultures they claim to represent, they're just preserving the
history of wealth and power. ("Whitechapel gallery – Guerrilla Girls" web).
When approaching the Whitechapel Gallery in London, I was instantaneously drawn to the iconic,
bold banners mounted up on the gallery building, along with images pasted on the windows showing
the Guerrilla
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Museum Of Play
The experience of viewing artwork has advanced considerably throughout the eras; from private
collections that were strictly limited to viewing by wealthy and privileged individuals, to the rise of
public art institutions during the 19th century. Presently, Google has created innovative technology
that has made navigating through art institutions easily accessible to anyone with Internet; within a
few clicks of a button, the viewer can explore any art institution worldwide without leaving the
comfort of their home. I utilized Google Cultural Institute to visit The Strong National Museum of
Play located in Rochester, United States. I chose to explore The Strong National Museum of Play
because I was intrigued by its collection of interactive ... Show more content on ...
Also, the concept of visual technologies from Module 6 ties into the experience with the Google
Cultural Institute and how scientific innovations have resulted in image reproductions. Additionally,
the Google Cultural Institute is a representation of technological determinism and that this
technology can determine the direction society takes. Lastly, the course concept of cultural tourism
from Module 10: The Global Flow of Culture expresses that although technology is constantly
providing us with new ways to view artwork; people will still travel to different regions to see art. In
conclusion, the Google Cultural Institute is a very beneficial and educational tool that extended my
knowledge of concepts that I learned throughout the VISA 1Q98
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The Cultural Heritage Within The Uk
Museums have become crucial in society due to the sustainability of Cultural Heritage within the
UK. For relevance to future generations, museums and galleries must show their social purpose by
becoming increasingly aware of visitors wants need for a valuable experience. Through the
development of their customer service roles will help examine the ways in which museums can
expand their communication practices and achieve best practice (McLeod, 2012). Per ONS (Office
of National Statistics) states that since 2008, there has been 10 million visitors increase in the UK
museum market which suggest there has been a positive change in either the consumers visiting or
the museum ethos. This essay investigates the power of ethics within the museums setting regarding
human remains, the challenges that have arose as well as changes in the Museum sector, specifically
the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, that have become apparent over the past decade.
Tourism & Changes
Tourism is continually changing World–wide, including destinations that were inaccessible to
tourists until recently such as Borneo and New Guinea. City breaks and niche markets have also
become a new trend within tourism industry where a focus on medical tourism is increasingly
popular. Medical tourism is a developing industry that involves consumers choosing to travel abroad
for cosmetic procedures at a lower expense as well as medical procedures unavailable in their own
country (Snyder, 2011). Multiple
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Stolen Art of the Holocaust
While death was the major tragedy of the Holocaust, all of the art stolen was definitely a dark spot.
Most people don't realize, but the art was taken from all Jews and many others by the Nazis. Some
pieces of art have been found, but most still remain lost. Many that have been discovered are in
museums and are not given to the true owners. There should be efforts spent on finding and
recovering the art stolen by the Nazis to return it to their rightful owners. Hitler would have his
soldiers take the art from the homes where the Jews lived when they took them away. Sometimes, if
he wanted a specific work of art, he would have his people steal it or take it and kill the people who
owned it. He would have his men steal all of the art and other artifacts from the homes of every
person they took to the concentration camps, as well as those they simply killed in their homes.
Taking the art was his way of taking everything from them, and a way that he could show his
superiority over them. He took it because it was something they had that he wanted. Very few works
of art taken by Hitler have been found, and many that are discovered reside in museums. Some have
been discovered in museums or galleries in Austria, while thousands still remain lost. Recently, "a
long–lost Monet and other art treasures stolen from Jews during the Holocaust have been discovered
in the home of an 81–year–old German art collector," Julian states (Julian). Cornelius Gurlitt, the art
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The Practice Of Music And Enables Artists And Guest Curators
Preface Introduction
Have you ever rushed around Newcastle, totally preoccupied with the hectic hustle and bustle of city
life? Passersby are often too busy or late for something to really take in their surroundings. The
practice of busking has given Newcastle a soundtrack, a musical backdrop to the chaos of city life.
However, street performers are often restricted to limited areas in order to oblige the regulations set
out by the council.
This book introduces the aim of the project whereas to promote the practice of music and enables
artists and guest curators to explore their creativity while participating and engaging with music. A
platform provided to become the mass populist entertainment for the population.
Speaking of music ... Show more content on ...
The lack of interesting places for concert has affected people to have less interest in visiting music
spaces and there should be a suitable one for the use, enjoyment and also benefit the people of this
vibrant city.
It may not be the ultimate music space, but the premise of this project is to unite musicians with
supported facilities and give them the opportunity to promote their own music. Audiences will be
offered with a fully immersive ambience and a complete program of professional cultural
The book will demonstrate the intention of creating the music hall through its position first and
foremost as an entertainment, and secondly as a cultural presence that is increasingly seen as a key
element in regeneration plans.3
Nature of Subject / Topics
A lot of people's perception of buskers is both brutally frank and ironic despite this artistic practice
has always been as part of the contribution to this culture. They are far less appreciative of these
performances that are carried out with a genre which they could never normally encounter. In
consideration of the addressed matter, the music hall services as a stage that nurtures homegrown
talent and accommodates wandering players.
Given a few successful real life examples showing that there are indeed some of the world's most
famous artists started as street performers, from
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Collections in a Museum Essay
'Imagine you were in charge of a museum's collecting policy. What would you chose to collect and
how would you justify these decisions?' Introduction Collections play a crucial role in fulfilling a
museum's mission and purpose. A museum's collection is defined by its collection policy past and
present which in turn helps to shape the museum's goals and direction. As stewards of collections,
museums are expected to maintain the highest professional standards legally and ethically. The
development of written policies are necessary to govern the management of collections and to
establish the museum's collections related activities to support its mission and guide the priorities
and decision–making of its governing authority and its staff. ... Show more content on ...
A mission statement helps guide priorities and decision–making. Assessment must be done to
determine the current strengths and weaknesses of the existing collection. Any proposed acquisitions
should be able to address the limits in the existing collection or plug any gaps in the collection. The
acquisition strategy should ensure that objects to be accepted or otherwise acquired for museum
collection shall enhance and reflect the immediate and long term goals of the museum. The focus of
acquisitions should be to address conspicuous weakness in the current collection. At the National
Museum of Singapore, one of the conspicuous weaknesses includes objects which represent the
minority communities in Singapore, hence the need to acquire artefacts that address this gap. The
current collection is insufficient for presenting a balanced and objective narrative on the subject. The
museum will strive to acquire artefacts and specimens that generally are complete and in good
condition, and for which provenance is well documented regarding its history. All potential
acquisitions must be thoroughly researched in regards to their provenance, including proof of
ownership prior to acquisition. Acquisitions must not violate any international laws or conventions
and rights of the country. The Museum should only acquire if it has the resources to provide for
storage, protection and preservation of the objects under conditions that assure their
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Art Analysis: Less Than Art
Less Than: Art and reductionism and Denise Green: Beyond and Between – A painter's journey. A
comparative Essay written by Thomas Brooks, Benjamin Dutton, Jasmine Smith and Megan
Thomason. Collection displays inhibit the ideologies of a singular conceptual premise under the
constraints of the viability and range within the institutions collection, whereas the tasks involved in
composing a monographic show, including the original parameters of an institution͛ s collection,
result in further curatorial concerns (George 2015, 39). How does the curatorial rationale and
exhibition design influence the artworks displayed within a collection based exhibition? This essay
will critically ... Show more content on ...
The audience is inclined to take in Green͛ s practice at large rather than gaining a deeper insight into
each piece͛ s individual context (George, 2015, p. 39). Both curators convey their intentions through
the connections linking artist, content and context. This revised insight into the artists͛ practice is
transformed due to the associations drawn by the curator and presented to the viewer through the
exhibition rationale. The correlation between both showcases͛ intended premise combined with the
curators͛ selected pieces, assist the viewer in engaging with the artworks in a reinterpreted manner
from their original context. Due to the extensive assortment of practices incorporated in Less Than:
Art and Reductionism, the artists͛ intended meaning is adapted to fulfil the premise of the exhibition.
This is evident in Daniel McKewen͛ s Kafka On the Shore (2014) which explores capitalism through
the use of a financial algorithm depicted in the form of three over–sized gypsum and acrylic
polymer letter–forms mounted to the wall (QUT 2016). The conceptual premise of the work is
hidden from the viewer once placed within the context of the rationale, reductionism. At first the
viewer can visually relate this work to the premise of the exhibition due to its
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Papish V. Board Of Curator Case Study

  • 1. Papish V. Board Of Curator Case Study Papish v. Board of Curators of the University of Missouri (1973) was a case concerning a student's indecent publication on a university campus and whether or not a student remains protected under the First Amendment. It was the first and the only case submitted to the Supreme Court concerning a university newspaper. Upon the newspaper's publication, the student was expelled in the middle of the spring semester after the university did not approve of its content. While the First Amendment does protect the right to freedom of speech, university officials have some authority in defining the limitations of freedom of speech and press on a campus setting. However, this mostly applies to private colleges, as students enrolled in public universities often receive protection under the First ... Show more content on ... The court ruled in favor of the university of the basis, "based on the university's defense that focused on the time and place of distributing the newspaper issue, the student's being on academic probation, and the issue of indecent speech, the Eighth Circuit affirmed in its favor" ( ). The primary reason for the court ruling in favor of the university, however, was that they believed that the student's freedom of expression could be limited if the publication was indecent and offensive to the university community. The Supreme Court decided differently, however, "citing in a six–to–three judgment, in a relatively brief per curium opinion that was not signed by any of the members of the majority, the Supreme Court reversed in favor of the student"(). The court may have ruled in this manner during deliberations because the Eighth Circuit's ruling came just before the Court's judgment in Healy v. James (1972). This case stated that officials at public higher education institutions do not have the ability to enforce reasonable rules governing student ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Charactersitics of a Museum, Questions and Answers 1. What are, in your opinion, the characteristics of the museum idea? As I remember from my travelling experience, a museum exists in each city, even the smallest one and sometimes even in villages. Visiting a museum at least once a year is a compulsory part of any school programme in my country, Russia. However, what is a museum? What are reasons for its existing? Who and how chooses display units for exhibitions from the huge variety of items in the world? All these questions can be answered if to determine the characteristics of the museum idea. Museums are public instituitons. Their number has increased and their role has transformed over the last fifty years. They attract a great number of people, from tourists to citizens, from children to adults. However, in order to understand which institution can be called a museum, it is necessary to examine the main objectives of its existence. The most obvious aim is an educational one since museums serve for society in order to conserve, research and communicate material evidence of people and their environment. Museums give people the opportunity to determine their place in the world, understand their cultural identity, develop self–respect and respect for others. Nethertheless, to conduct this educational mission, careful and meaningful selection of objects is required. After being chosen, all the items need to be preserved for future generations under proper conserving conditions such as good light, air conditioning, ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay Positioned alongside Central Park in the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The context of museum, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a certain set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings about each individual object within the museum. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings."An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different meaning if it was put on sale by a street vendor, like the ones who set up their tables in close proximity to the Met. The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that surrounds it. These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibits within a museum is planned out. Museums subsequently have the ability to control how these relationships are established which influences the way a viewer is able to construct meaning. When a visitor observes an object on display at the Met, they instinctively construct a certain set of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. This Essay Will Be Discussing The Forms Of Communication This essay will be discussing the forms of communication applicable to the career path of my choice. Since I have an interest in ancient history and have always held an appreciation for museums my chosen career is museum curatorship which will have several forms of necessary communication, however, I have chosen to focus on three specific areas. Firstly, professional communication, secondly techniques to overcome communication barriers (cognitive restructuring and systematic desensitisation) and thirdly, communication techniques to assist in handling intercultural communication. Each of these communicative methods will be necessary in order to ensure that there is a lack of distortion among. By utilising these methods of communication I ... Show more content on ... If employees recognize their respective duties and understand their rank within the system and how best to communicate with their colleagues then achieving organisational cohesion will be straight forward. The modes of communication in the workplace (both formal and informal) will be quintessential in ensuring that order is maintained and communication between colleagues and departments is effective and allows little room for distortion. In the position of curator I will need to ensure that the communication channels between employees with my department are organised and allow for information to be transmitted successfully. If the flow of formal messages between myself, my supervisors, and my department is smooth then the chances of distortion causing malfunctions in the work environment are easier to manage (DeFleaur et al, 2014). When managing relations with not only my own workplace but also other organisations the necessity for the hierarchy of communication to be clear and concise is absolute in order to ensure the relationship with involved parties remains favourable and no mistakes are made when handling any transactions; particularly those relating to an exchange of physical artifacts. Of course informal communication is also unavoidable, even crucial, in a work environment. Human connections can be advantageous in this career path which often deals in the exchange of artifacts with other associations. Within my own workplace however informal ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Field Museum Reflection I visited the Ancient American exhibit at the Field Museum and analyzed the voices that I heard within the different sections: the researchers, the curators or the people. Throughout the exhibit, I heard different voices, but the strongest voice I heard was the curators who put together the exhibit. The museum did a successful job at attaining all the facts about the Ancient Americans despite the lack of native people to get information from, but they were unsuccessful at capturing the people's voice within the exhibit. In the Ice Age portion, I heard the voice of researchers because it was presented as a bunch of facts and referred to everyone as third person, there was no personalized aspect. There were numerous portions where it was nothing ... Show more content on ... The giant sun stone in Empire Builders had the voice of the people. It was something that really stood out and screamed culture to me. I could really imagine all of the work and care it took to build, and I thought about the skill the people must have needed to be able to build it. The "Box of Treasures" film clip gave a better insight into the lifestyle of the people than the museum. The film talked about the traditions the people had, the traditions they had to give up, the suffering that they went through, what they did to perish through these sufferings, and how they felt and how the people from the culture that are alive today feel about it all. It also showed the people engaging in these different activities and cultures. The museum was unsuccessful in showing the emotions of the people of the past or the current ones who are alive today. Although there were boards about what those alive had to say, they did not have much emotion reflecting how it is to live in that culture. This could be due to museum, or due to a lack of connection between the people and their ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Postmodern Concepts' Influence on Museology Postmodern concepts have influenced curation and exhibitions, under the effect of museum classifications which determine the audiences' perspectives on exhibitions. Postmodernism is highly influential and appealing because it is avant–garde (challenging past traditions). People appreciate new concepts, especially those that challenge the concept of art. The process of curation not only considers the organisation of the exhibition but is highly influenced by conceptual frameworks, postmodernism being part of the world agency. Museum classifications affect different audience perspectives because, while letting them explore the different meanings of art, they must be able to fully communicate to artists and understand their audience to let ... Show more content on ... Museums were established for the recognition and preservation of historical artefacts. With this in mind, when the audience views an object in a museum, they may recognise it as being historically important and other works not exhibited, especially by female artists, fail to reach recognition due to the exclusion of curators and art collectors' prejudiced opinions. This ignorance of acknowledging female artists was very common among galleries in the 19th century, and even today. In 1985, the feminist activist group, Guerilla Girls, set out to highlight the injustice shown to female artists. In 1989, At the Metropolitan Museum of Art, they compared female nudes and artists with male nudes and artists and found that, in the Modern Art sections, there were less than 5% of female artists, but 85% nude females. In 2011, 22 years later, they conducted the same comparison and found that 4% of artists were women but 76% were nude. The National Gallery of London, which contains more than 2,300 works, revealed to have only 11 artists as women. It is this sexist and racial discrimination that many artworks are undermined for its value. We look at historical artefacts as works that were deemed worthy of ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Utopian Australia Exhibition: Curator Request Essay Utopian Australia Exhibition Dear, selection committee As curator I wish to recommend the inclusion of artworks by Danie Mellor and Cia Guo–Qiang for the upcoming exhibition "Utopian Australia – the Lucky Country?". Utopia is defined as "an imagined place or state in which everything is perfect". Danie Mellor and Cia Guo Qiang, both explore this idea of transformation through landscape, culture and country, employing symbols, narratives, traditions and materials to convey their own ideas on Utopia. To persuade you in this decision the deconstructing of the artwork, artists, compositional features and the individual meaning of the artwork and why this fits into the theme of the exhibition will be discussed. One of the most unique ... Show more content on ... Danie Mellor, plays a significant role in the Indigenous/ Torres Strait Islander art world, with multiple awards from many different exhibitions. Through his continuing trademark, appearing in many of his artworks, he uses blue and white drawings and mixed media watercolours in ornate gold frames. These help express his concern with his Indigenous heritage and, with imaginative conceptual depth, describe historical incidents in a way that is also strikingly crafted and decorative. Mellor uses these colours in a number of his pieces and there is a clear reference to an imperial heritage and their association with Spode china designs and Britain's presence in China in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, whilst simultaneously exploring and colonising Australia. It may also serve to demonstrate a growing influence of Asian culture within Australia. Mellor's 'Cultural Warriors', possesses many different themes such as the colonial histories, early European settlement and the destruction of native inhabitants. Each message is conveyed through the use of powerful focal points, in this piece the two big kangaroos fighting, by placing them in the center. Their size compared to the rest of the piece, contrasts therefore accentuating their presence, as though they are characters on a stage in front of a backdrop. The piece has a symmetric appeal. This equality is created through the arrangement of the two kangaroos ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. World War I Was One Of The Most Drastic Events During... World War I was one of the most drastic events in American history. It had an unequaled contribution to shaping modern–day American culture. "WWI and American Art" successfully documents a fragile moment in American History from the Perspective of the visual artist. The curators achieve this by communicating some important historical facts. This review intends to expound on how these works exemplify these facts and to provide a criticism of its effectiveness. The exhibition is organized systematically and chronologically, as well as sequentially. Each segment has a title, supplemented by a detailed description which gives context to the content. This makes for easy transitioning through the various sections of the show. To the curator's credit, the audience will find these descriptions extremely useful. Without them as a guide it would be difficult to keep track of the sequence in which the objects are organized. The personal accounts of the artist's experience of the war are also useful. They add a context to the circumstances surrounding the artist during that time. Such a device strengthens the viewer's understanding of the object being displayed. Through this exhibition, the curators have managed to expertly communicate a few historical truths. Firstly, that American artists responded to war in creative ways; exemplified by the variety of works on display. Secondly, American artists had a position on the War. They were actual vocal members of society who ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Metropolitan Museum Of Art Analysis Upon visiting the virtual art collection of "The Metropolitan Museum of Art," (TMMoA), the home page noted that the "Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History," (TMMoA), had multiple different galleries of art dating from 8000 BCE to the contempory times. Their timeline collection is organized in a chronological format, which I believe makes it very easy to locate different types of art belonging to a certain time period and it appears that no one gallery is more important than another. The timeline I chose was the prehistoric period dating from 3800 B.C.E. to 1600 B.C.E., (TMMoA). The first piece of art that I found was a ceramic jar that was painted brown with black decorations of what appears to be a goat with very big horns. The curator had noted ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Relational Leadership Model Essay As an ethical and successful leader I believe that one must remember is that you should always considers your followers over yourself. Without them, you are not able to get anything done. You are best able to gage if your being a successful leader if others are willing to follow you to accomplish positive change. If you are always considering others then it is easy to maintain an ethical approach because you make yourself more aware of what could be viewed as unethical within not only your contextual view but also others who think differently then you. The Relational Leadership Model is useful to build the mindset for thinking about others if you focus on the ethical and empowering side of the model (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R, 2013). The way your treat those around you makes an important statement to your leadership style. Over all we do see men and woman in the field of museum work but the way they are treated is vastly different. Male curators will be involved in a more science and research field while women will usually fill the maintenance and care role. These two positions area not equally respected though they both use the title of curator. To maintain a collection is admirable but why collect if no information is obtained. So the woman in these positions are just a stepping stone for a researcher to come in and reap the rewards of intellectual discovery. The difficulties to practicing this form of leadership is that it is impossible to consider every ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Lane County Historical Museum Cheyenne Dickenson AAD 410 Winter 2017 Lane County Historical Museum On February 7th we visited the Lane County Historical Museum. Faith Kreskey, the exhibits curator, facilitated the tour, and gave us an inside look at her job and the challenges of the museum. Topics included: staffing, collections care, facilities, budgeting, the museum's recent history, community partnerships, and exhibits. One theme I kept coming up against was the idea of a history museum. In the context of a mid–size western American county, it seems that cutting the exhibits to around 1920 is extremely limiting considering the start of European settlement was around 1850. That leaves the other 96 years, or over half of the history of Lane County, unaccounted for. I ... Show more content on ... The readings from these past weeks on on issues of race and cultural patrimony were too informative considering the Native American exhibits I have attended, my work in an anthropology museum, and anthropology classes I have taken. Somehow, Cooper's "The Long Road to Repatriation" provided more context and weight to the historical atrocities against Native Americans than any of my other educational experiences. To be fair, I am not a scholar of Native history, but I am certainly not uninformed, and it should not take a scholar or be a native person to understand these issues. As Lonetree mentioned, the Holocaust Museum presents a difficult subject and forces the visitor to "confront inhumanity" (106). I think the impact of this information as an educational experience in a museum would have a huge impact on current social and political tensions. I hope to see museums make more concerted efforts to educate the public. Too many exhibits are of the "passive, didactic looking" than like the engaging Object Stories program (Dartt, Murawski). Exhibits should seek to tell untold narratives, and programs should be places of communication and cross–cultural encounters. For too long, difficult confrontations have been avoided, both inside the museum, and by dominant communities ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Art Museum Diversity Background of study Art museums in the United States have been credited with reasonable growth and advances toward organizational practices, research shows that gender equality, ethnic and racial profiles of the staff remain less diverse than it could be presumed (Dudley, 2013). The initial study of art museum diversity of the United States art sector indicated that 60 percent of the total museum workers had been positioned as curators, educators and conservationists. White women mainly occupied these positions. Research has shown that there have been inexistent pipelines throughout history, resulting in the presumed leadership positions for underrepresented minorities. These statistics demonstrate the acutely low position of minorities in museum operations ranging from history to present. Various studies have shown critical discrepancies in the leaderships of the museums, In particular, the majority of minority groups have been placed in inferior positions such as security, human resource and finance while the ... Show more content on ... This process is based primarily on the ability and willingness of higher–level management to realize the more difficult and uneasy perspectives of both the conscious and unconscious impacts that shapes the art institutional culture that generates the contemporary imbalances. Diversity amongst art museum curators has been a major challenge in the United States, particularly due to the isolation of art museum institutions according to the racial orientations of the people. Research into the United States art museum has shown that the leadership in the museum, including directors and chief curators, has been approximated as equally staffed by both genders (Candlin, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Animal Observation Essay 1. What have the museum curators identified as the central theme of this exhibit? Explain how curators understand this topic, its causes, and its consequences. How is this particular interpretation reflected in the exhibit? (Give specific examples). [10 points, 1 paragraph] The central theme of the exhibit focuses on a period of time that they call the Anthropocene, a proposed epoch that is defined by humanity's effects on the environment. The curators take a multi–disciplinary approach to the topic by looking to geology, biology, and climate science to draw stronger conclusions. They also ask for visitor feedback in several parts of the exhibit to gauge a social level of the impacts. Specifically, the exhibit displays the preserved bodies of several different extinct animals and explains how humans were directly responsible for their ... Show more content on ... The information was believable because you had direct examples of human intervention staring back at you as you read about how humans were in some way responsible for their decline and demise. 3. What was the most striking item/object/text in this exhibit to you? Why? [10 points, 1 paragraph] The most striking object in the exhibit was the Stephens Island wren, a small flightless songbird that lived on a tiny island in New Zealand. It was discovered the same year that it was declared extinct, because of a pregnant cat that was brought to the island by a human living in the lighthouse on the island. Seeing this unique little songbird wiped out totally by accident really drove the point home that much of human impact on the environment is totally accidental. 4. What is a potential "hole" or omission in this exhibit? This is a broad question – it can be a particular item or object; a type of evidence; an audience; a theme or topic, etc. [15 points, 2–3 ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Case Study Frederick Historical Society Question #4: When constructing an exhibit, the museum staff must ask themselves: What demographic are we designing this exhibit for. Correspondingly, the museum staff ponders what is the line of sight for the targeted demographic, so they know where to place the artifacts and how the exhibit should be structured. Similarly, the museum staff must predict how the public will respond to their exhibit and the necessary precautions to avoid negative reviews. Most importantly, the museum staff must question if the exhibit can offend a certain demographic and the steps they will need to take to properly represent that society. When creating an exhibit, the museum staff must contemplate how the structure and content will relate to the audience and what is the best approach to have interaction between the exhibit and its attended audience. ... Show more content on ... At the Frederick Historical Society, we have a room for newly obtained artifacts that need to be catalogued. When an object is catalogued its expected location and current condition is documented along with a summary about the object's significance. Also, at the Historical Society they have limited their collection to only artifacts that have a relation to Frederick, this decision allows our collection to maintain somewhat controllable. Correspondingly, if we have an abundance of an objects i.e. chairs from the 1800's, we will not accept the newly donated materials or we will turn the object into a hands–on activity. This approach is similar to the hands–on muskets at the Civil War and Medicine Museum. Furthermore, the Historical Society has an offsite facility to help manage its enormous collection. Most importantly, it is the job of the collection manager to ensure that all objects are catalogued correctly and placed in the proper ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Analysis: The Night Of The Museum In the movie, "The Night of the Museum", things go wrong all of the time. A curator has to maintain order and educate people about the items in the museum. This paper will explore the job description, work environment, pay, and overall job outlook for curator. The duties and responsibilities of being a curator is what makes being a curator so interesting. Curator take care of their collections, they also research teams in their collections, and they directing affairs of the museum. According to United States Department of Labor "most curators work at museums, zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, nature centers, and historical sites." Curators may work at a desk or could also work with the public. A curators has to be able to talk to people, also has to see details in every little thing. But like in the, "Night of the Museum", the curator had to be the boss and saw details. A curator can't be shy. It is important to work in that type of environment but is also important to have knowledge about the pay of a curator. It's important to have a good paying career to live a good life. According to United States Department of Labor "the median annual wage for archivists, curators, and museum workers was $47,230 in May 2016." A curator can also make up to $53,360. The pay of a ... Show more content on ... Curators teach programs and conduct researching at their museum. A curator is the boss at the museum. When a new piece arrives the curator has to oversee what happen with it so nothing goes wrong. But if the piece goes missing the curator has to do everything in their power to find it and fix it. Being a curator is interesting, they oversee everything that goes on at the museum, curator get to see unbelievable pieces of art. According to Merlin Mann " A great curator is somebody who pays attention well and then gives you context for understanding why you might want to pay attention to it." To be a good curator, pay more attention to ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. How Are Museum Curators Incorporating New Technology Into... Abigail Fisher I202 Final Assignment May 4, 2015 Research Question: How are museum curators incorporating new technology into exhibits to enhance participation from a younger generations of Americans? Background: According to an article written by the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory museums across the United States are feeling more and more inclined to move toward interactive exhibits. In order to do so, they are beginning to incorporate technologies into a visitor's experience (Future). Therefore, this incorporation of technology and experience is directly related to the study of social informatics. Traditionally, research for museum exhibits has come from the fields of cognitive and behavioural sciences to look at the pull that visitor's may feel towards a certain exhibit and how well the visitor was able to obtain knowledge from the exhibit (Lehn). Now, social informatics, the interdisciplinary study of the relationship between information technology and society, is also being used within the museum culture in order to understand how much better a visitor experience can be when done with technology. It also, however, raises the question of best for whom? The largest selection of patrons to museums generally are from the baby boomer generation with younger generations of Americans being the smallest section of museum participators. How can technology encourage the young without alienating the old? Subordinate questions: How ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Synthesis Essay Museum Museums collect information to show to the public for educational advancement and personal enjoyment. Museum curators have a very imperative job, when it comes to the success of a museum. Museum curators take the time and dedication to find artifacts that not only fit the theme of the museum but they also have to consider price, authenticity, and origin. The artifacts chosen mush hold a "Wow" factor registering remembrance and relevance into the minds of its visitors. The artifacts should be chosen based upon significance not the monetary value. The goal of any business is to make a profit, museums are no different. Capture hearts, attention, and pocketbooks. The museum curators must choose artifacts and things to feature in exhibits that will allure and attract guests and bring profit to the museum. The two problems facing museums success is "money and management'' (source A, Rockefeller). The excerpt from an autobiography written by a fellow Rockefeller highlights the fiscal burden the management of a museum inflicts upon the owners. With the lack of support from trustees, who showed more support toward some "exhibitions, acquisitions, and programs." rather than others, the Museum of Modern Arts floundered under pressure creating a endless financial cycle featuring deficits, debt, ... Show more content on ... This museum possesses the potential to serve as a universal locus; the attributes collect the attention of people of all ages and walks of life. In comparison to the Charles W. Peele museum the Metropolitan museum features a Holocaust exhibit complete with art, artifacts, and personal Nazi collections that will attract a more mature audience. The Peele museum is primarily for amusement while the Met is to advance the education of contemporary matters and live out its mission, to keep the public informed of "all aspects of its collection through illustrated publications" and "bring profound conviction of the unlawful and immoral spoliation of art" (source ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Discovery Of The Museum Curator Becoming the museum curator is an important title, they pick and choose the 5% of the total art, the museum has to be viewed by the public. The curator must be wise and make exhibits that flow as well as get the point across to the visitors coming to see the museum. Curating this exhibit, I have chosen three works of ancient Greek art that will tell a story and inform visitors about three of the most well–known Greek gods. A statue of Zeus from the first A.D, a Kylix of Hades and Persephone, and the Chariot of Poseidon. This collection of ancient Greek artwork shows the sons of the titan Chrono's, and it depicts them in their natural habitat. Hades is the oldest of the titan Cronus sons and best associated with Satan from the Cristian religion. Hades was supposed to inherit all of the lands above, but with an unfortunate draw of the straws with his brothers Poseidon, and Zeus. Hades was bound to the land down under known as Hades. For the exhibit the museum has chosen a wonderful ancient Greek Kylix, this depicts the daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest/ Queen of the underworld Persephone, and the king of the underworld Hades. "Hades and Persephone banqueting. On a long couch of which the legs are partly seen, Hades, supporting a large keras on his left, holding up a fluted phiale in his right, reclines to right, leaning on two embroidered cushions". This artwork depicts the love of the cold blooded god of the underworld and his beautiful wife. Hades actually fell in ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Metropolitan Museum Of Art Essay Positioned alongside Central Park within the heart of New York City, The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of the largest and most influential art museums in the world. The Met houses an extensive collection of curated works that spans throughout various time periods and different cultures. The context of museums, especially one as influential as the Met, inherently predisposes its visitors to a set of understandings that subtly influence how they interpret and ultimately construct meanings about each individual object within a museum. By analyzing two separate works on exhibit at the Met, I will pose the argument that museums offer a unique expression of a world view that is dictated through every element of its construction. An object placed on display behind a glass case inside a museum would hold a vastly different meaning if it were for sale by a street vendor, such as the individuals who set up their tables only a few feet away from the Met. Brent Plate in Religion, Art, and Visual Culture argues that "objects obtain different meanings in different locations and historical settings." The different meanings that objects are able to obtain is attributed to the relationships that are established between the object itself and the environment that it is located in. These relationships often involve the kind of audience that a museum attracts, where the work is exhibited, and how the exhibit is laid out. Museums subsequently have the ability ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Moxey And Cosgrove Analysis Within his book Visual Time, which offers an unorthodox approach to the study of art history, Moxey writes: "The history of art faces the disconcerting possibility that the time it imagines, history's very architecture, is neither uniform nor linear but rather multivalent and discontinuous (Moxey 1)". Indeed, though time within the practice of art history may in actuality be anachronic, or without a distinct order, it is not regarded as so at Wellesley's Davis Museum; here, the architecture of time is as linear as the physical architecture of the museum's modern exterior. The physical and representational mapping of the Davis' use of chronological time is especially present by floor layout. The permanent collections are on the second, fourth, and fifth levels. Segmented by geography, which both Moxey and Cosgrove discuss, the second floor's collection of art and artifacts dates as far back as 2000 BCE and encompasses six of the world's seven continents. It is important to note that the stairs are set at the heart of the museum, allowing museum goers to approach a floor's collection from four different starting points. Though probably not intentional, this somewhat equalizes the collections featured on the second floor. Each geographic location are quartered off into makeshift galleries with the two largest being the African and the ... Show more content on ... The former illustrates Moxey's ideas regarding translation, conversation across eras. The later also does this, as some of the medieval pillars are the victim of spolia, and are in fact roman pillars with medieval capitals. Also, putting medieval work, the quintessential western era, in a wing gallery devalues ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs Theory Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory in Organizational Diversity Psychologist Abraham Maslow established a theory of motivation to justify how people in diverse organizations behave. His human requirements theory states that humans are never completely satisfied; that they crave satisfaction and those requirements can be classified into a hierarchy based upon importance. The lowest level of importance includes peoples' desire to satisfy their physical needs, such as hunger and thirst. Following the lowest level, individuals need basic security and stability. After physical and safety needs are satisfied, individuals have the desire to gain acceptance into a group and to establish meaningful relationships. Once this need is somewhat fulfilled, one will strive for self–confidence and personal achievement. Lastly, an individual must realize their potential or they will become dissatisfied and discontent. This theory assists managers to motivate subordinates in a diverse workplace by ensuring low–level needs are met first. Then, management will be able to pursue supervising employees as they complete more multifaceted tasks. An effective manager influences employees positively by creating a safe work environment, providing the necessary tools and resources and involving employees in decision–making processes (Maslow, 1943, 1954). Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory has particularly created a "glass ceiling" in art museum curating by hindering individuals personal achievements, ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Should The Public Heritage Collections Be Done? Accounting can be done in several different ways and the way it is done may result in consequences for organizational behavior and management. (O 'Hare, n.d.) One issue is the failure of museum to capitalize their collections and report them as assets. According to the Australian Accounting Standards, annual general–purpose financial reports will be misrepresented if heritage and collections are included as assets. One of the criteria's of an asset is to bring future economic benefit. The question raised in relation to museum is whether the public heritage collections have any future economic benefits deriving from the collections which is economic to the museum? These arguments are very extensive and many museums can argue about the fact ... Show more content on ... Firstly, the asset must provide future economic benefit. Secondly, the reporting entity must control the future economic benefits in such a way that it can enjoy the benefit and prevent others to benefit from it. Finally, the transaction or event giving rise to the control must have occurred. (, n.d.) However, an asset is only recognized as per AASB 116 in financial statement if it is probable that the future benefits from the asset will eventuate and if the item has a cost or value that can be measured. (Leo, Hoggett & Sweeting, 2012) The term probable is means the like for the future benefit is higher than less likely to happen. An element will be considered as an asset only if it satisfy the probability of providing future benefits. (, n.d.) An item will usually have a cost or value to use to measure reliably. The measurement of asset is made at its cost and appropriate measurement basis will be based upon model of accounting being applied. (, n.d.) Items that so not have a cost or cannot be measured reliably cannot be considered as an asset. (, n.d.) Museum and art collections include items such as work of arts, books, manuscripts, artefacts and collectables which are held for their cultural or historical significance. These items are either acquired at no or nominal cost. Therefore, they are measured at fair value. (, 2015) In some cases where we cannot define the fair value of these items, they cannot ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Mission Statement Of Indian Art Museum Assignment 1 – ARCV 140 – Imaginary Museum Indian Art Gallery Mission, Vision Statement and Staff Mission Statement:– With the help of our collection, we try to introduce this art to the lives of people. Vision Statement: – Indian Art Gallery is exists for becoming the best in field of art we will works upon our weakness, strength, aspiration, opportunities, etc. we believe that to achieve museum's mission successfully. Goals and objectives of Indian Art Gallery We will provide the high quality. We will follow the professional strategy for effectiveness, mission responsibility and perfect solutions to solve the problems. We will represent the social, cultural and economic diversity of our religion. To popularize the museum's collection and items for learning, schooling and entertainment. To deliver display and programming that describes the museum's theme and target. To be seriously connect with society events and ... Show more content on ... DOCUMENTATION The Indian Art Gallery recognized that documentation is important for the development, research and preservation. It is the crucial part of the collection management. Documentation is the responsibility of collection management that under the curator and other eligible staff. Documentation will provide the evidence of the museum's legal ownership of the material and it provide a legal written document. Any changes in the condition will be documented. Any work in museum is done through the document if we gave the loan then it will be documented. If we are purchase or sell the item then it will be documented. Legal documents dealing with the acquisition must be kept in hard copy form and other copies are in different places. In Indian Art Gallery we are now become modern we store all the data computer or laptops so it will be easy for all the workers and for the security we save all the copies of documents on own person site that will be open by only administration authority so nobody can steal our data. 5. ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Cultural Relevance, Understanding And Education Cultural relevance, understanding and education are the key areas that modern museums seem to be addressing seriously. As a public institution a museum must consider its role in society, the way culture is represented and displayed and most of all, how interpretation affects those not of museum training backgrounds, for example a visitor or patron. Some would argue that art, is an expression of a culture and its political and economic values (Hein 2006), while others would suggest that is the artifacts of long lost peoples and cultures that have the most worth to the public (Sabeti 2015). The mixture of these two mediums seems like an obvious step in achieving reinterpretation, presenting political messages, and displaying the importance ... Show more content on ... (Stam 1993). One way this may be interpreted is that a shift towards a more open, interactive style of museum exhibition should be the starting point of exhibition planning and execution. The discussions and in some cases successful installations of eco museums for example, represent the ever shifting and changing people and cultures, instead of the static and non–changed ancient cultural heritage of forgotten civilizations and their material culture. The eco museum provides no exclusion of peoples or histories. With some limited success in exposing the cultures of ever changing people and customs to a larger audience in eco–museums, other historical institutions have frankly missed the mark. "The 'new museology' started with the intention of introducing a new philosophy around how museums function and a changed relationships between museums and their societies and communities" (McCall and Gray 2014). The framework suggested in the museology based on how a new function of museums can be achieved, really leaves one to ponder just how effective the application of literature surrounding these ideas can actually be when put into practice. There is no clear checklist of steps to achieve such a change in the framework and context of a museum as an educational institution, as a cultural reference or as an open public forum, so the missing re–interpretation can sometimes be taken on by an ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Climbing Roses: Steven Scanniello, Curator Of The... Create Your Garden Dream with Climbing Roses There are few plants that can rival the gorgeous climbing roses in the garden, creating the ambiance of nostalgia and breath–taking beauty. Steven Scanniello, Curator of the Rockefeller Rose Garden, New York, refers to Climbing roses as the "acrobats and aerialist" of the garden. Climbing roses can be used in countless ways, such as cascading over fences, trellis or walls, softening hard landscapes, concealing ugly structures or small building, accentuating windows or entryways. They can provide a backdrop for other garden plants or make a stunning focal point, creating breath–taking picturesque effects. Climbing roses are versatile. And if you choose healthy, disease resistant and winter hardy ... Show more content on ... Preferably the climbing rose is still dormant or just starting to break dormancy. However, old garden roses, once blooming climbers or ramblers should be pruned just AFTER they finish blooming in late spring or early summer. How: Pruning Lg flowering climbing roses is a bit different than pruning other types of rosebushes. To understand how to prune a climbing rose, you must understand the difference between the main cane and lateral canes. Main canes are the structural portion of the plant, starting at the bottom and going all the way to the top. Lateral canes are shorter, thinner branches that come off the main cane and produce blooms at the tips. It is best not to prune climbers for the first two or three years after planting, thus allowing the long arching main canes to grow and mature. It is okay to remove dead, diseased or injured wood anytime. Once established, climbers should be pruned annually. Some of the main canes can be cut off at the base to thin the rose, but the remaining main canes should never be cut back more than ¼ length if at all. Lateral canes, however, can be pruned severely, 4 to 12– inches. Lateral canes can be removed or pruned throughout the growing season and is easily done during deadheading. Deadheading is the process of removing old or dying blooms, which in turn, encourages more blooming. Once you ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Josh Ruffell Research Paper Experienced Animal Keeper and Trainer Josh Ruffell A wildlife expert who got his start as an animal keeper at Furry Friends Zoo in Lyndeborough, New Hampshire, Josh Ruffell attended Salem State College (SSC) in Salem, Massachusetts, from 1996 to 1997. After completing general studies and biology coursework at SSC, he matriculated at Moorpark College in Moorpark, California, where he completed the Exotic Animal Training and Management Program with a focus on wildlife education and exotic animal training. Josh Ruffell's responsibilities at Moorpark included training and caring for a number of wild animals including a black leopard, an olive baboon, an American kestrel, a dromedary camel, a double yellow–headed amazon parrot, and multiple spotted hyenas. Josh Ruffell went on to serve as an animal trainer for various television and film production companies in California and Osaka, Japan. From 2005 to 2008, he ... Show more content on ... He most recently served a two–year tenure as assistant curator of the Australia Zoo in Beerwah, Australia. This position placed Josh Ruffell in charge of six different departments and required expertise in areas that ranged from wildlife shows and animal care to grounds–keeping and audiovisual services. Before becoming general assistant curator in 2013, Josh Ruffell served the Australia Zoo as a curator of birds and reptiles. He has also completed extensive work as in the entertainment industry, training animals for several international production companies and consulting on CBS's Survivor. Mr. Ruffell also served as an animal keeper and general manager for New England Reptile Distributors, where he oversaw all facets of daily operations for a 10,000–square–foot breeding facility in Plaistow, New ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Final Body Of Literature The final body of literature I want to give notice to is the literature pertaining to how museums are arranged by curators and other museum staff to effectively display their artifacts. I wish to dive into this literature because part of my own research will be examining how the curators of the Cleveland Museum of Art decided to arrange their ancient Greek exhibit. This pool of literature will help guide me in different ways to interpret the set–up of the exhibit, the placement of the objects and try to understand what the curator was trying to convey with their design decisions. The first author I would like to discuss is Michael Baxendall. His article Exhibiting Intention: Some Preconditions of the Visual Display of Culturally Purposeful Objects, is centered around understanding the relationship between the visitor and the museum label as well as the intent behinds the objects and the exhibit design. Baxendall has 2 major points in his article. The first point and his own unique idea is the museum set. The museum set is "a sense of the museum as a treasure house, educational instrument, secular temple, and the rest" . The typical adult visitor with this mindset comes to museums expecting that he will view a large array of objects and learn interesting cultural facts about them. This is the observer that most curators make their exhibits to interact with and as such must be aware of their expectations. However, the museum set seems to be just another way for Baxendall to ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Ulpanian Vs Ulpanius Furthermore, Ulpanian and his contemporaries speak of adolescents, under twenty– five years of age, being under the general direction and advice of curators, as a notorious principle of law at the time. The establishment of this general rule is attributed by Capitolinus to the emperor M. Aurelius in a passage which is subject to series of discussions. Savigny argues as follows– Up to the time of Marcus Aurelius there were only three cases or kinds of Curatorship (Curatela) That which was founded on the lex Plaetoria, by which a minor who wished to enter into a contract with another, asked the praetor for a curator, stating the ground or occasion of the petition (reddita causa). One object of the application was, to save the other contracting ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Review : Book Review The reaction of the curators' fellow academics largely ranged from mixed to positive, with criticism being much more nuanced and muted than the comment books and national press. Former Librarian of the United States Congress and Historian, Daniel Boorstin, was a notable exception, who led the charge against the exhibit commenting in the first guestbook that it was "perverse, historically inaccurate [and] destructive." Most academic reviews were positive, especially praising the catalogue which provided considerably more nuanced and detailed analysis that the wall texts. Some historians found it hard to see what all the fuss was about, with Byron Pierce remarking that the ideas expressed in the exhibit were "hardly controversial to ... Show more content on ... Similarly, in the introduction, Broun stated that the show dealt with issues that "America still struggles with today" while Truettner stated "Today, a century after America's creation myth was ushered into the world, we struggle with its inadequacies and insensitivities," indicating that the exhibition was indeed making a comment on contemporary society. This opened up a powerful line of attack against the curators in the comment book with one guest writing, "It is ironic that an exhibit which accuses all American frontier art as being the lowest form of false propaganda should itself resort to propaganda of the most obvious, most popular kind." (in footnotes another accused the curators of doig exactly what they accused the artists of doing) The historian Thomas Vale mounted a similar criticism, wondering "what 'hidden agenda's' lurk in conscious or subconscious minds of the writers" if one were to apply the same scepticism TWAA applied to Western artists. Vale concludes that, much like the artists, the writers were simply reflecting the social concerns of their times. As displayed throughout this dissertation, this was very much the case and had the curators acknowledged this, they may have staved off some of the criticism, ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Essay on Should Art Museums Be Democratized? The art museum is a place that collects and preserves very valuable and profound pieces of art created by some of the most influential artists of all time. Not everyone can understand the emotions and profound ideas that are expressed in old works of art. Only a fraction of all people can really appreciate a fine work of art and understand its true meaning. Many people that go to the art museum do not belong. They do not hold the higher level of education needed to look at a painting and see its full potential. I do not think the people of art museums should put in the effort to democratize these institutions mainly because you cannot train people to enjoy art, because education of art is not valued, and because the elitism of the art ... Show more content on ... Their research shows that the highly educated visitors knew very much about the art inside the museums before hand. They knew more names of artists, art styles, and art schools than any other group. They did not need brochures or handouts and they stayed for long periods of time. The next group they studied was the middle class visitors. They were eager to learn from the guides and brochures. Even though they were not as sophisticated as the upper class, they wanted to learn more about art. The least educated visitors found the art museum experience unsettling. The serious atmosphere intimidated them, they knew almost nothing about the works of art, and they had trouble understanding the labels and directions. They were also scared to ask questions because they did not want to expose their lack of knowledge. Unlike the highly educated visitors who came alone or in pairs, the least educated visitors were more comfortable to come in big groups and they did not spend as much time there. The lower class should not come to the museum in the first place because they can't relate to the works, they don't have the knowledge to comprehend them, and they felt uncomfortable. They are better off going to a folklore museum where the handicrafts include skills and refinements they could appreciate (Zolberg 58). In order to help the less educated visitors appreciate the art museums would need to hire many educators to get the job ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Smithsonian Museums The purpose of museums is to serve the public in the fields of education and research. The pinnacle of museum structure, for this country, is the Smithsonian, with its headquarters located in Washington D.C. (Smithsonian). My future career goal is to get a curator position within one of the nineteen museums that fall under the Smithsonian jurisdiction (Smithsonian). Though I will be happy working in many other museums across this country I decided to choose the Smithsonian because it is the Official National Museum for the United States. All other United Stated museums base their business structure on the standard the Smithsonian sets. What is right and wrong in museums' culture in the United States can be molded from the Smithsonian. The ... Show more content on ... The curator has a lot to deal with so there is a structure of positional power so that one person is not completely overwhelmed. The structure of the museum field follows the positions form the top being the main director, directors in specific fields then curators. After the curators, there is no longer a hierarchy to follow but a branching of different disciplines, like: exhibition designer, conservator, development, and accounting (Lancaster, A., & Houdyshell, A. 2019). With all these different people being involved, a curator would benefit from knowing the Relational Leadership Model. The ethical and empowering parts of the RLM section are important to be able to draw different people together to work as a cohesive team (Komives, S. R., Lucas, N., & McMahon, T. R, 2013). Every position has its own possibility for leadership. One of the most propionate leaders in the field of Museum curation is Franz Boaz. He started changing the mindset from ethnographic anthropology to a more culturally bases idea (this removed a former white biases based racism). For other leaders there is every one down the line is able to put their own input in to the curation of a project. Dr. Francesca Marini discussed how her interns are designing the layout and researching the information for new exhibits with minimal oversee from her. She makes sure they stay on tract but besides that, the interns have free range to develop their exhibit. Marini explains that this happens in all museums even up to the Smithsonian level because there is always more to do then there are people to get it done. She says that the world of museums would not function well without the help of interns and ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. Black Athena Similar to the section covering the Black Athena and the nuanced debated surrounding it, there is another debate area that my research delves into that I will give a brief overview of. The debate can be summarized in a single question; what is art and what is artifact? Obviously when asked that question an answer immediately springs to our minds, most likely an image of a famous artwork we were shown in elementary school and perhaps an image of an archaeological dig site but the question stands; what is art and what is artifact? For some the difference is if the object had a utilitarian use or if it was merely decoration and, for others there is no difference. But, for researchers dealing with objects thousands of years old and scholars use ... Show more content on ... Alpers is against obtrusive labels and displays that get in the way the audience enjoying the aesthetic of the pieces even as she understands that outside information is needed for visitors who do not have the same experience or knowledge as curators do on the objects. She is against them because it is through these labels or lack of labels, that are interpretations of the objects history and culture by the curator, that unintentional misrepresentations or possibly political statements could be made about the object . Taking an object and placing it on display in an art museum already puts the idea of the object having been made for aesthetic purposes only in their mind even if the item in question was as mundane as a drinking ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. The Guerrilla Girls By Valeria Napoleone Xx And Co Curator... 'Is it even worse in Europe?' the Guerrilla Girls' latest exhibition questions and examines todays art museums in Europe on the controversial subject of diversity. This exhibition was supported by Valeria Napoleone XX and Co–curator Nayia Yiakoumaki in helping the feminist group exhibit their work at the Whitechapel gallery. Revisiting back to their past project in 1986, the 'It's even worse in Europe' exhibition which targeted mainstream art museum directors and artists, the Guerrilla Girls come back in 2016 to question whether their original statistics have shifted over time. Areas that the Guerrilla Girls particularly engage in are the cases of feminism, racism and sexism particularly situated around the arts. With this project, we wanted to pose the question 'Are museums today presenting a diverse history of contemporary art or the history of money and power?' We focus on the understory, the subtext, the overlooked and the downright unfair. Art can't be reduced to the small number of artists who have won a popularity contest among bigtime dealers, curators and collectors. Unless museums and Kunsthallen show as diverse as the cultures they claim to represent, they're just preserving the history of wealth and power. ("Whitechapel gallery – Guerrilla Girls" web). When approaching the Whitechapel Gallery in London, I was instantaneously drawn to the iconic, bold banners mounted up on the gallery building, along with images pasted on the windows showing the Guerrilla ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Museum Of Play The experience of viewing artwork has advanced considerably throughout the eras; from private collections that were strictly limited to viewing by wealthy and privileged individuals, to the rise of public art institutions during the 19th century. Presently, Google has created innovative technology that has made navigating through art institutions easily accessible to anyone with Internet; within a few clicks of a button, the viewer can explore any art institution worldwide without leaving the comfort of their home. I utilized Google Cultural Institute to visit The Strong National Museum of Play located in Rochester, United States. I chose to explore The Strong National Museum of Play because I was intrigued by its collection of interactive ... Show more content on ... Also, the concept of visual technologies from Module 6 ties into the experience with the Google Cultural Institute and how scientific innovations have resulted in image reproductions. Additionally, the Google Cultural Institute is a representation of technological determinism and that this technology can determine the direction society takes. Lastly, the course concept of cultural tourism from Module 10: The Global Flow of Culture expresses that although technology is constantly providing us with new ways to view artwork; people will still travel to different regions to see art. In conclusion, the Google Cultural Institute is a very beneficial and educational tool that extended my knowledge of concepts that I learned throughout the VISA 1Q98 ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. The Cultural Heritage Within The Uk Introduction Museums have become crucial in society due to the sustainability of Cultural Heritage within the UK. For relevance to future generations, museums and galleries must show their social purpose by becoming increasingly aware of visitors wants need for a valuable experience. Through the development of their customer service roles will help examine the ways in which museums can expand their communication practices and achieve best practice (McLeod, 2012). Per ONS (Office of National Statistics) states that since 2008, there has been 10 million visitors increase in the UK museum market which suggest there has been a positive change in either the consumers visiting or the museum ethos. This essay investigates the power of ethics within the museums setting regarding human remains, the challenges that have arose as well as changes in the Museum sector, specifically the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow, that have become apparent over the past decade. Tourism & Changes Tourism is continually changing World–wide, including destinations that were inaccessible to tourists until recently such as Borneo and New Guinea. City breaks and niche markets have also become a new trend within tourism industry where a focus on medical tourism is increasingly popular. Medical tourism is a developing industry that involves consumers choosing to travel abroad for cosmetic procedures at a lower expense as well as medical procedures unavailable in their own country (Snyder, 2011). Multiple ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Stolen Art of the Holocaust While death was the major tragedy of the Holocaust, all of the art stolen was definitely a dark spot. Most people don't realize, but the art was taken from all Jews and many others by the Nazis. Some pieces of art have been found, but most still remain lost. Many that have been discovered are in museums and are not given to the true owners. There should be efforts spent on finding and recovering the art stolen by the Nazis to return it to their rightful owners. Hitler would have his soldiers take the art from the homes where the Jews lived when they took them away. Sometimes, if he wanted a specific work of art, he would have his people steal it or take it and kill the people who owned it. He would have his men steal all of the art and other artifacts from the homes of every person they took to the concentration camps, as well as those they simply killed in their homes. Taking the art was his way of taking everything from them, and a way that he could show his superiority over them. He took it because it was something they had that he wanted. Very few works of art taken by Hitler have been found, and many that are discovered reside in museums. Some have been discovered in museums or galleries in Austria, while thousands still remain lost. Recently, "a long–lost Monet and other art treasures stolen from Jews during the Holocaust have been discovered in the home of an 81–year–old German art collector," Julian states (Julian). Cornelius Gurlitt, the art ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Practice Of Music And Enables Artists And Guest Curators Preface Introduction Have you ever rushed around Newcastle, totally preoccupied with the hectic hustle and bustle of city life? Passersby are often too busy or late for something to really take in their surroundings. The practice of busking has given Newcastle a soundtrack, a musical backdrop to the chaos of city life. However, street performers are often restricted to limited areas in order to oblige the regulations set out by the council. This book introduces the aim of the project whereas to promote the practice of music and enables artists and guest curators to explore their creativity while participating and engaging with music. A platform provided to become the mass populist entertainment for the population. Speaking of music ... Show more content on ... The lack of interesting places for concert has affected people to have less interest in visiting music spaces and there should be a suitable one for the use, enjoyment and also benefit the people of this vibrant city. It may not be the ultimate music space, but the premise of this project is to unite musicians with supported facilities and give them the opportunity to promote their own music. Audiences will be offered with a fully immersive ambience and a complete program of professional cultural entertainment. The book will demonstrate the intention of creating the music hall through its position first and foremost as an entertainment, and secondly as a cultural presence that is increasingly seen as a key element in regeneration plans.3 Nature of Subject / Topics A lot of people's perception of buskers is both brutally frank and ironic despite this artistic practice has always been as part of the contribution to this culture. They are far less appreciative of these performances that are carried out with a genre which they could never normally encounter. In consideration of the addressed matter, the music hall services as a stage that nurtures homegrown talent and accommodates wandering players.
  • 146. Given a few successful real life examples showing that there are indeed some of the world's most famous artists started as street performers, from ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Collections in a Museum Essay 'Imagine you were in charge of a museum's collecting policy. What would you chose to collect and how would you justify these decisions?' Introduction Collections play a crucial role in fulfilling a museum's mission and purpose. A museum's collection is defined by its collection policy past and present which in turn helps to shape the museum's goals and direction. As stewards of collections, museums are expected to maintain the highest professional standards legally and ethically. The development of written policies are necessary to govern the management of collections and to establish the museum's collections related activities to support its mission and guide the priorities and decision–making of its governing authority and its staff. ... Show more content on ... A mission statement helps guide priorities and decision–making. Assessment must be done to determine the current strengths and weaknesses of the existing collection. Any proposed acquisitions should be able to address the limits in the existing collection or plug any gaps in the collection. The acquisition strategy should ensure that objects to be accepted or otherwise acquired for museum collection shall enhance and reflect the immediate and long term goals of the museum. The focus of acquisitions should be to address conspicuous weakness in the current collection. At the National Museum of Singapore, one of the conspicuous weaknesses includes objects which represent the minority communities in Singapore, hence the need to acquire artefacts that address this gap. The current collection is insufficient for presenting a balanced and objective narrative on the subject. The museum will strive to acquire artefacts and specimens that generally are complete and in good condition, and for which provenance is well documented regarding its history. All potential acquisitions must be thoroughly researched in regards to their provenance, including proof of ownership prior to acquisition. Acquisitions must not violate any international laws or conventions and rights of the country. The Museum should only acquire if it has the resources to provide for storage, protection and preservation of the objects under conditions that assure their ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Art Analysis: Less Than Art Less Than: Art and reductionism and Denise Green: Beyond and Between – A painter's journey. A comparative Essay written by Thomas Brooks, Benjamin Dutton, Jasmine Smith and Megan Thomason. Collection displays inhibit the ideologies of a singular conceptual premise under the constraints of the viability and range within the institutions collection, whereas the tasks involved in composing a monographic show, including the original parameters of an institution͛ s collection, result in further curatorial concerns (George 2015, 39). How does the curatorial rationale and exhibition design influence the artworks displayed within a collection based exhibition? This essay will critically ... Show more content on ... The audience is inclined to take in Green͛ s practice at large rather than gaining a deeper insight into each piece͛ s individual context (George, 2015, p. 39). Both curators convey their intentions through the connections linking artist, content and context. This revised insight into the artists͛ practice is transformed due to the associations drawn by the curator and presented to the viewer through the exhibition rationale. The correlation between both showcases͛ intended premise combined with the curators͛ selected pieces, assist the viewer in engaging with the artworks in a reinterpreted manner from their original context. Due to the extensive assortment of practices incorporated in Less Than: Art and Reductionism, the artists͛ intended meaning is adapted to fulfil the premise of the exhibition. This is evident in Daniel McKewen͛ s Kafka On the Shore (2014) which explores capitalism through the use of a financial algorithm depicted in the form of three over–sized gypsum and acrylic polymer letter–forms mounted to the wall (QUT 2016). The conceptual premise of the work is hidden from the viewer once placed within the context of the rationale, reductionism. At first the viewer can visually relate this work to the premise of the exhibition due to its ... Get more on ...