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Page 1-Introduction including goals and objectives
Coach #1-Translation into Spanish
Coach #2-Tips and highlights
Title of Book:How to successfully complete a research paper while avoiding plagiarism
Grade level:9th-12th grades
Genre: Informative
Content Area: English Language Arts

Page 2-Table of contents

Page 3-How to use coaches

      Hi, my name is Hali. When you click on me I will translate portions of the text into Spanish.

          Hello, I’m Monty! Click on me for additional tips and clarification.

       Howdy, my name is Bot. Click on me for questions to get you thinking!
Page 4-Prior preparation needed/What is plagiarism?

Gather pencil or pen, paper, and head to the library. Have your topic already chosen. Find
sources within the library. Use this book to ensure success while completing the research topic
in order to avoid plagiarism.

                      WHAT IS PLAGIARISM, SO YOU CAN AVOID IT?

Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is using or copying someone else’s words or ideas deliberately or
through carelessness, and presenting them as if they were your own. In order to avoid plagiarism and
risk failure and possible suspension, simply follow this guided instruction outlining how to correctly cite
all sources. You are on your way to creating a successful research paper.
Plagiarism is . . .
Plagiarism is Pretending Another’s Information is Your Own
     ● Copying another’s entire paper and claiming it as one’s own
     ● Copying information from a source and pretending that information is one’s own.
Plagiarism is Using Quotation Marks Incorrectly
     ● Copying information from a source word for word without putting quotes around those words--
          whether or not the source is cited there in the paper or on the works cited page
Plagiarism is Improper Citation
     ● Copying information from a source but changing the words around without providing an in-text
          citation--whether or not the source is cited on the works cited page.
Plagiarism is Sloppy Documentation
     ● Copying information incorrectly, putting quotation marks around it, including a proper in-text
          citation, citing it properly on the works cited page.
     ● Copying information correctly with quotation marks, including a proper in-text citation, but no
          citation on the works cited page.
Plagiarism is Quoting Inaccurately
     ● Changing the spelling of a word, changing a letter from upper to lower case, or changing the
          verb tense in an exact quotation without indicating it as such with brackets or ellip

 Hali                    Translate into Spanish:
                         Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is using or copying someone else’s
                         words or ideas deliberately or through carelessness, and presenting
                         them as if they were your own. Plagiarism is pretending another’s
                         information is your own, using quotation marks incorrectly, improper
                         citation, sloppy documentation, and quoting inaccurately.

 Monty                   As you can see there are many different examples of plagiarism.
                         Plagiarism can easily be avoided if you take accurate notes and keep
                         track of sources consulted.

 Bot                     What materials will you need to take with you to the library to ensure
                         accurate notes and keeping track of sources?
page 4 continued
Page 5-How to begin
Prior to beginning your research, you need to have narrowed down your topic. In preparation to
begin, have a writing utensil and notebook ready, including your topic, and head to the library.

 Hali              Translate into Spanish:
                   Prior to beginning your research, you need to have narrowed down
                   your topic. In preparation to begin, have a writing utensil and
                   notebook ready, including your topic, and head to the library.

 Monty             Looking for a way to keep your notes organized? Get a three
                   ring binder and insert three dividers. Label one divider Books,
                   one divider Internet Sources, and one divider Anthologies/
                   Encyclopedias. Write information down from each source on a
                   piece of paper and file in the appropriate place. You could do the
                   same with folders on a computer.

 Bot               Next we will cover how to properly cite a book. What
                   information from a book do you think is needed to construct a
                   proper citation?

Page 6-How to write down citations from book

1. Single author
For a work with one author, begin the entry with the author's last name, followed by a comma; then
give the author's first name, followed by a period.
Tannen, Deborah.

2. Multiple authors
For works with two or three authors, name the authors in the order in which they are listed in the
source. Reverse the name of only the first author.
Walker, Janice R., and Todd Taylor.

Wilmut, Ian, Keith Campbell, and Colin Tudge.

Basic format for a book

For most books, arrange the information into three units, each followed by a period and one space:
    1. The author's name
    2. The title and subtitle, underlined
    3. The place of publication, the publisher, and the date.

Take the information about the book from its title page and copyright page. Use a short form of the
publisher's name; omit terms such as Press, Inc., and Co. except when naming university presses
(Harvard UP, for example). If the copyright page lists more than one date, use the most recent one.

Author with an editor
Begin with the author and title, followed by the name of the editor. The abbreviation "Ed."
means "Edited by," so it is the same for one or multiple editors.
Kerouac, Jack. Atop an Underwood. Ed. Paul Marion. New York:
      Penguin, 2000.

An entry for a work with an editor is similar to that for a work with an author except that the name is
followed by a comma and the abbreviation "ed." for "editor" (or "eds." for "editors").
Craig, Patricia, ed. The Oxford Book of Travel Stories. Oxford:
      Oxford UP, 1996.

 Hali               Translate into Spanish: Above are examples of how write down citations
                    from books with a single author, multiple authors, author with an editor, and

 Monty              What is the difference between an author and an editor? An author is
                    someone who writes books. An editor is someone who produces a book
                    by selecting and arranging items that someone else has authored. A book
                    might contain selected short stories by Jack Kerouac. That same book might
                    have an editor that selected the stories to include and determined in what
                    order they should appear.

page 6 continued
Page 7-How to write down citation from internet source

 Work from a service such as InfoTrac or DISCUS
Libraries pay for access to databases through subscription services such as DISCUS. When you
retrieve a work from a subscription service, give as much of the following information as is available:
Publication information for the source (see citations for articles)
1. The name of the database, underlined
2. The name of the service
3. The name and location of the library where you retrieved the article
4. The date on which you retrieved the article
5. The URL of the service
Johnson, Kirk. "The Mountain Lions of Michigan." Endangered Species
      Update 19.2 (2002): 27+. Expanded Academic Index. DISCUS.
      U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 26 Nov. 2002 <http://
      Work from a service such as InfoTrac or DISCUS
Libraries pay for access to databases through subscription services such as DISCUS. When you
retrieve a work from a subscription service, give as much of the following information as is available:
Publication information for the source (see citations for articles)
1. The name of the database, underlined
2. The name of the service
3. The name and location of the library where you retrieved the article
4. The date on which you retrieved the article
5. The URL of the service
Johnson, Kirk. "The Mountain Lions of Michigan." Endangered Species
      Update 19.2 (2002): 27+. Expanded Academic Index. DISCUS.
      U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 26 Nov. 2002 <http://>.>.

 Hali               Translate into Spanish: Above are examples on how to write a citation for
                    an internet source. An example is given for a library subscription based
                    database and a [freely available internet source? like CNN?]

 Monty              Having trouble determining if an item should be cited as coming from a
                    subscription service or as a freely available web site? Ask your teacher or
                    school media specialist.

Page 8-How to write down citation from anthology or encyclopedia
Encyclopedia or dictionary entry
When an encyclopedia or a dictionary is well known, simply list the author of the entry (if there is
one), the title of the entry, the title of the reference work, the edition number (if any), and the date of
the edition.
Posner, Rebecca. "Romance Languages." The New Encyclopaedia
      Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987.

"Sonata." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language.
     4th ed. 2000.

Work in an anthology (This is what your literature book is.)
Give the elements in this order:
    1. The name of the author of the selection (not the name of the editor of the anthology)
    2. The title of the selection
    3. The title of the anthology
    4. The name of the editor, preceded by "Ed." for "Edited by"
    5. Publication information
    6. The pages on which the selection appears

If you wish, you may cross-reference two or more works from the same anthology. Provide an entry
for the anthology. Then in separate entries list the author and title of each selection, followed by the
last name of the editor of the anthology and the page numbers on which the selection appears.
Desai, Anita. "Scholar and Gypsy." Craig 251-73.

Malouf, David. "The Kyogle Line." Craig 390-96.

Alphabetize the entry for the anthology under the name of its editor (Craig); alphabetize the entries
for the selections under the names of the authors (Desai, Malouf).

 Hali              Translate into Spanish: Follow the examples above for citing
                   an dictionary, encyclopedia, or anthology.

 Monty             What is a difference between an encyclopedia and an
                   anthology? An anthology is a book that has writings of a
                   similar form, like your literature book, or of a similar topic but
                   by various authors. An encyclopedia contains brief articles
                   on a wide range of subjects or various aspects of a particular
                   field, often arranged alphabetically.

 Bot               Now you know how to property cite sources! Next we will talk
                   about how to arrange the sources on a works cited page.

Page 9-How to organize sources into works cited page correctly?

                 WORKS CITED EXAMPLE

                                                                           Anderson 5
                                         Works Cited
Aberfoyle, John. The Importance of Spenser. New York: Double Day, 1979.
Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 130." Elements of Literature. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and
Winston, 2000.
Williams, Carlos. "The Sun Shines Softly on the Trees." In the Orchard. Chicago: Random
House, 1999.

Hali              Translate to Spanish: Here is an example of how to arrange your works cited

Monty              Sources are arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

Bot               Can you think of different ways in which sources can be used in your paper
                  or project?

Page 10-Begin using sources-what is a paraphrase?

A paraphrase is when you take another’s words and ideas, rewriting them into your own words.
To avoid plagiarism, you should put aside what you have read, write it in your own words,
then double check that it should not be a direct quote. When you paraphrase, you are not
only summarizing, you are including many points. Due to the fact that you are paraphrasing
another’s words and ideas, following the paraphrase you must put the author’s last name and
page # within parenthesis.

Hali               Translate into Spanish: Above text.

Monty             In order to paraphrase you need to make sure that you understand the text that
                  you would like to paraphrase. Reread the text several times if necessary to make
                  sure you understand its meaning.
Page 11-Begin using sources-what is a direct quote?

A direct quote is when you copy another’s words or ideas directly into your paper. If you use a
direct quote, this thought belongs to someone else, so you must place it exactly as found within
quotation marks, and follow it with the author’s last name and page # within parenthesis.

 Hali               Translate into Spanish: above text

 Monty              Use quotations sparingly as using too many quotations will prevent the work
                   from being your own original thoughts or material.

 Bot               Do I need to quote the fact that the world is round?
Page 12-Begin using sources-what all needs documented?


1.    In general, you do not need to document information that appears in several sources or facts that
appear in standard reference books. For example, a statement like ”Hamlet is considered Shakespeare’s
most important tragic work”. Main facts of an author’s life also do not need to be credited.
2.    Document the sources of quotations.
3.    Document any original thought or theory that belongs to an author. This includes paraphrasing.
4.    Document unusual, little known, or questionable facts and statistics.

 Hali                Translate into Spanish: above text

 Monty              Information that appears in several sources or facts that appear in standard
                    reference books is known as common knowledge. When in doubt? It is better
                    to be safe than sorry. Cite if you are not sure.
Page 13-How to properly cite a direct quotation

Key information-Write it EXACTLY as you see it, same spelling, punctuation, same everything.
Put it within quotation marks, followed by the Author and page # in parenthesis , or use boxes
below as a guide for variations. No matter what, quote it, cite who wrote it or said it.
 Guidelines for Using Quotations

 1.     Quote a whole sentence, introducing it in your own words.
 Exp. Margaret Wilson sums up Hurston’s belief in this way: “she saw people as

 2.     Quote part of the sentence in a sentence of your own.
 Exp. The long sermon “was taken almost verbatim from Hurston’s field notes”
 (Hemenway 197).

 3.     Quote just one word or a few words in a sentence of your own.
 Exp. Eatonville was where she heard the local storytellers tell their “lies” (Hurston 197).

 4.      Use ellipses (three spaced periods) to indicate omissions from quotations.
 Exp. According to Lillian Howard, “she learned to view the good old lies . . . as invaluable
 as folklore . . .” (Hurston 136).

 5.      Set off longer quotations as “blocks.”
 For quotes longer than 4 typed lines, indent the entire quote over and double space as in
 the rest of the papers.

 Hali               Translate into Spanish: Above are examples of how to properly cite a direct

 Monty              Specific rules of punctuation may vary depending on the citation style that you
                    are using. The most commonly used citations styles are APA and MLA.
Page 14-How to properly cite a paraphrase or idea

Even though you do not use a direct quote, which would be contained within quotation marks,
to avoid plagiarism, you need to cite all ideas which are not your own. For example, if you are
writing a research paper on Dracula, and find out that the character was fashioned after Vlad
the Impaler, you need to follow this fact with the author’s name and page# within parenthesis.

 Hali               Translate into Spanish: above text

 Monty              Quotations are not needed because you are not quoting exact words. But it’s
                   still important to properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.

 Bot               A checklist of what is needed to construct a works cited page and in text citations
                   would be great to have.
Page 15-Double-check to avoid plagiarism-checklist of works cited page

                   WORKS CITED PAGE FORMAT

-Last name and page number are in the upper right hand corner
-“Works Cited” is centered on the page 1 inch from the top
-The entire Works Cited is double spaced including the space between title and 1st entry
-“Works Cited” is not in quotation marks, underlined, or in bold font
-The entries are not numbered
-The entries are in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name, or if no author, the title of the
book or article
-All the required sources are listed
-The 2nd line of each entry and each consecutive line of that entry is indented 5 spaces
-Title of books, magazines, newspapers, etc. are underlined or italicized
-Titles of articles are placed in quotation marks
Book source
-Author’s last name is followed by a comma and the entire name is followed by a period
-A period follows the title of the book, magazine, etc.
-A colon follows the place of publication
-A comma follows the name of the publisher
-A period follows the copyright year
-Author’s last name is followed by a comma and the entire name is followed by a period
-Title of article is in quotation marks
-Periods are located in correct places (After article, not after journal, after volume)
-Issue date is given in day/month/year format and followed by a colon
-Page numbers are followed by a period.

Page 16-Double-check to avoid plagiarism-checklist of internal citations


*You placed EVERYTHING copied word for word in quotation marks
*You have cited all paraphrased information
*Documentation has correct form (Documentation is the first word from the works cited entry EXACTLY
as it appears on the works cited entry and is followed by a page number or np).
*All quotes and paraphrases documented and on the works cited page. Internal documentation and
works cited must match!
Works Cited
*Sources are listed that are used in the paper (no extras)
*Follow proper format (Alphabetical order, reverse indentations, correct citations)
Page 17-Documentation of sources used to create this book
Coach #1-Translation into Spanish

The Purdue Online Writing Lab. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue University,
  2005-201. Web. Oct. 2011. <>

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Storyboard 1

  • 1. Storyboard-Dawn,Karen, Keith, Michelle Text size/font/color titles:24/Britannic Bold/ tan background 2 75% Text size/font/color copy:16/Calibri/Red accent 2 25% Text size/font/color tips: 12/Verdana/Orange accent 6 50% Page 1-Introduction including goals and objectives Coach #1-Translation into Spanish Coach #2-Tips and highlights Title of Book:How to successfully complete a research paper while avoiding plagiarism Grade level:9th-12th grades Genre: Informative Content Area: English Language Arts Source
  • 2. Page 2-Table of contents Source
  • 3. Page 3-How to use coaches Hi, my name is Hali. When you click on me I will translate portions of the text into Spanish. Hello, I’m Monty! Click on me for additional tips and clarification. Howdy, my name is Bot. Click on me for questions to get you thinking!
  • 4. Page 4-Prior preparation needed/What is plagiarism? Gather pencil or pen, paper, and head to the library. Have your topic already chosen. Find sources within the library. Use this book to ensure success while completing the research topic in order to avoid plagiarism. WHAT IS PLAGIARISM, SO YOU CAN AVOID IT? Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is using or copying someone else’s words or ideas deliberately or through carelessness, and presenting them as if they were your own. In order to avoid plagiarism and risk failure and possible suspension, simply follow this guided instruction outlining how to correctly cite all sources. You are on your way to creating a successful research paper. WHAT IS PLAGIARISM SO YOU CAN AVOID IT? Plagiarism is . . . Plagiarism is Pretending Another’s Information is Your Own ● Copying another’s entire paper and claiming it as one’s own ● Copying information from a source and pretending that information is one’s own. Plagiarism is Using Quotation Marks Incorrectly ● Copying information from a source word for word without putting quotes around those words-- whether or not the source is cited there in the paper or on the works cited page Plagiarism is Improper Citation ● Copying information from a source but changing the words around without providing an in-text citation--whether or not the source is cited on the works cited page. Plagiarism is Sloppy Documentation ● Copying information incorrectly, putting quotation marks around it, including a proper in-text citation, citing it properly on the works cited page. ● Copying information correctly with quotation marks, including a proper in-text citation, but no citation on the works cited page. Plagiarism is Quoting Inaccurately ● Changing the spelling of a word, changing a letter from upper to lower case, or changing the verb tense in an exact quotation without indicating it as such with brackets or ellip Hali Translate into Spanish: Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is using or copying someone else’s words or ideas deliberately or through carelessness, and presenting them as if they were your own. Plagiarism is pretending another’s information is your own, using quotation marks incorrectly, improper citation, sloppy documentation, and quoting inaccurately. Monty As you can see there are many different examples of plagiarism. Plagiarism can easily be avoided if you take accurate notes and keep track of sources consulted. Bot What materials will you need to take with you to the library to ensure accurate notes and keeping track of sources?
  • 6. Page 5-How to begin Prior to beginning your research, you need to have narrowed down your topic. In preparation to begin, have a writing utensil and notebook ready, including your topic, and head to the library. Hali Translate into Spanish: Prior to beginning your research, you need to have narrowed down your topic. In preparation to begin, have a writing utensil and notebook ready, including your topic, and head to the library. Monty Looking for a way to keep your notes organized? Get a three ring binder and insert three dividers. Label one divider Books, one divider Internet Sources, and one divider Anthologies/ Encyclopedias. Write information down from each source on a piece of paper and file in the appropriate place. You could do the same with folders on a computer. Bot Next we will cover how to properly cite a book. What information from a book do you think is needed to construct a proper citation? Source
  • 7. Page 6-How to write down citations from book 1. Single author For a work with one author, begin the entry with the author's last name, followed by a comma; then give the author's first name, followed by a period. Tannen, Deborah. 2. Multiple authors For works with two or three authors, name the authors in the order in which they are listed in the source. Reverse the name of only the first author. Walker, Janice R., and Todd Taylor. Wilmut, Ian, Keith Campbell, and Colin Tudge. Basic format for a book For most books, arrange the information into three units, each followed by a period and one space: 1. The author's name 2. The title and subtitle, underlined 3. The place of publication, the publisher, and the date. Take the information about the book from its title page and copyright page. Use a short form of the publisher's name; omit terms such as Press, Inc., and Co. except when naming university presses (Harvard UP, for example). If the copyright page lists more than one date, use the most recent one. Author with an editor Begin with the author and title, followed by the name of the editor. The abbreviation "Ed." means "Edited by," so it is the same for one or multiple editors. Kerouac, Jack. Atop an Underwood. Ed. Paul Marion. New York: Penguin, 2000. Editor An entry for a work with an editor is similar to that for a work with an author except that the name is followed by a comma and the abbreviation "ed." for "editor" (or "eds." for "editors"). Craig, Patricia, ed. The Oxford Book of Travel Stories. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1996. Hali Translate into Spanish: Above are examples of how write down citations from books with a single author, multiple authors, author with an editor, and editor. Monty What is the difference between an author and an editor? An author is someone who writes books. An editor is someone who produces a book by selecting and arranging items that someone else has authored. A book might contain selected short stories by Jack Kerouac. That same book might have an editor that selected the stories to include and determined in what order they should appear.
  • 9. Page 7-How to write down citation from internet source Work from a service such as InfoTrac or DISCUS Libraries pay for access to databases through subscription services such as DISCUS. When you retrieve a work from a subscription service, give as much of the following information as is available: Publication information for the source (see citations for articles) 1. The name of the database, underlined 2. The name of the service 3. The name and location of the library where you retrieved the article 4. The date on which you retrieved the article 5. The URL of the service Johnson, Kirk. "The Mountain Lions of Michigan." Endangered Species Update 19.2 (2002): 27+. Expanded Academic Index. DISCUS. U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 26 Nov. 2002 <http:// Work from a service such as InfoTrac or DISCUS Libraries pay for access to databases through subscription services such as DISCUS. When you retrieve a work from a subscription service, give as much of the following information as is available: Publication information for the source (see citations for articles) 1. The name of the database, underlined 2. The name of the service 3. The name and location of the library where you retrieved the article 4. The date on which you retrieved the article 5. The URL of the service Johnson, Kirk. "The Mountain Lions of Michigan." Endangered Species Update 19.2 (2002): 27+. Expanded Academic Index. DISCUS. U of Michigan Lib., Ann Arbor. 26 Nov. 2002 <http://>.>. Hali Translate into Spanish: Above are examples on how to write a citation for an internet source. An example is given for a library subscription based database and a [freely available internet source? like CNN?] Monty Having trouble determining if an item should be cited as coming from a subscription service or as a freely available web site? Ask your teacher or school media specialist. Source
  • 10. Page 8-How to write down citation from anthology or encyclopedia Encyclopedia or dictionary entry When an encyclopedia or a dictionary is well known, simply list the author of the entry (if there is one), the title of the entry, the title of the reference work, the edition number (if any), and the date of the edition. Posner, Rebecca. "Romance Languages." The New Encyclopaedia Britannica: Macropaedia. 15th ed. 1987. "Sonata." The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th ed. 2000. Work in an anthology (This is what your literature book is.) Give the elements in this order: 1. The name of the author of the selection (not the name of the editor of the anthology) 2. The title of the selection 3. The title of the anthology 4. The name of the editor, preceded by "Ed." for "Edited by" 5. Publication information 6. The pages on which the selection appears If you wish, you may cross-reference two or more works from the same anthology. Provide an entry for the anthology. Then in separate entries list the author and title of each selection, followed by the last name of the editor of the anthology and the page numbers on which the selection appears. Desai, Anita. "Scholar and Gypsy." Craig 251-73. Malouf, David. "The Kyogle Line." Craig 390-96. Alphabetize the entry for the anthology under the name of its editor (Craig); alphabetize the entries for the selections under the names of the authors (Desai, Malouf). Hali Translate into Spanish: Follow the examples above for citing an dictionary, encyclopedia, or anthology. Monty What is a difference between an encyclopedia and an anthology? An anthology is a book that has writings of a similar form, like your literature book, or of a similar topic but by various authors. An encyclopedia contains brief articles on a wide range of subjects or various aspects of a particular field, often arranged alphabetically. Bot Now you know how to property cite sources! Next we will talk about how to arrange the sources on a works cited page. Source
  • 11.
  • 12. Page 9-How to organize sources into works cited page correctly? WORKS CITED EXAMPLE Anderson 5 Works Cited Aberfoyle, John. The Importance of Spenser. New York: Double Day, 1979. Shakespeare, William. "Sonnet 130." Elements of Literature. Austin: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 2000. Williams, Carlos. "The Sun Shines Softly on the Trees." In the Orchard. Chicago: Random House, 1999. Hali Translate to Spanish: Here is an example of how to arrange your works cited page. Monty Sources are arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Bot Can you think of different ways in which sources can be used in your paper or project? Source
  • 13. Page 10-Begin using sources-what is a paraphrase? A paraphrase is when you take another’s words and ideas, rewriting them into your own words. To avoid plagiarism, you should put aside what you have read, write it in your own words, then double check that it should not be a direct quote. When you paraphrase, you are not only summarizing, you are including many points. Due to the fact that you are paraphrasing another’s words and ideas, following the paraphrase you must put the author’s last name and page # within parenthesis. Hali Translate into Spanish: Above text. Monty In order to paraphrase you need to make sure that you understand the text that you would like to paraphrase. Reread the text several times if necessary to make sure you understand its meaning.
  • 14. Page 11-Begin using sources-what is a direct quote? A direct quote is when you copy another’s words or ideas directly into your paper. If you use a direct quote, this thought belongs to someone else, so you must place it exactly as found within quotation marks, and follow it with the author’s last name and page # within parenthesis. Hali Translate into Spanish: above text Monty Use quotations sparingly as using too many quotations will prevent the work from being your own original thoughts or material. Bot Do I need to quote the fact that the world is round?
  • 15. Page 12-Begin using sources-what all needs documented? WHAT TO DOCUMENT TO AVOID PLAGIARISM 1. In general, you do not need to document information that appears in several sources or facts that appear in standard reference books. For example, a statement like ”Hamlet is considered Shakespeare’s most important tragic work”. Main facts of an author’s life also do not need to be credited. 2. Document the sources of quotations. 3. Document any original thought or theory that belongs to an author. This includes paraphrasing. 4. Document unusual, little known, or questionable facts and statistics. Hali Translate into Spanish: above text Monty Information that appears in several sources or facts that appear in standard reference books is known as common knowledge. When in doubt? It is better to be safe than sorry. Cite if you are not sure.
  • 16. Page 13-How to properly cite a direct quotation Key information-Write it EXACTLY as you see it, same spelling, punctuation, same everything. Put it within quotation marks, followed by the Author and page # in parenthesis , or use boxes below as a guide for variations. No matter what, quote it, cite who wrote it or said it. Guidelines for Using Quotations 1. Quote a whole sentence, introducing it in your own words. Exp. Margaret Wilson sums up Hurston’s belief in this way: “she saw people as people”(110). 2. Quote part of the sentence in a sentence of your own. Exp. The long sermon “was taken almost verbatim from Hurston’s field notes” (Hemenway 197). 3. Quote just one word or a few words in a sentence of your own. Exp. Eatonville was where she heard the local storytellers tell their “lies” (Hurston 197). 4. Use ellipses (three spaced periods) to indicate omissions from quotations. Exp. According to Lillian Howard, “she learned to view the good old lies . . . as invaluable as folklore . . .” (Hurston 136). 5. Set off longer quotations as “blocks.” For quotes longer than 4 typed lines, indent the entire quote over and double space as in the rest of the papers. Hali Translate into Spanish: Above are examples of how to properly cite a direct quotation. Monty Specific rules of punctuation may vary depending on the citation style that you are using. The most commonly used citations styles are APA and MLA.
  • 17. Page 14-How to properly cite a paraphrase or idea Even though you do not use a direct quote, which would be contained within quotation marks, to avoid plagiarism, you need to cite all ideas which are not your own. For example, if you are writing a research paper on Dracula, and find out that the character was fashioned after Vlad the Impaler, you need to follow this fact with the author’s name and page# within parenthesis. Hali Translate into Spanish: above text Monty Quotations are not needed because you are not quoting exact words. But it’s still important to properly cite your sources to avoid plagiarism. Bot A checklist of what is needed to construct a works cited page and in text citations would be great to have. professor-wearing-glasses-using-a-pointing-stick-while-teaching-his-students-in-class.jpg
  • 18. Page 15-Double-check to avoid plagiarism-checklist of works cited page WORKS CITED PAGE FORMAT -Last name and page number are in the upper right hand corner -“Works Cited” is centered on the page 1 inch from the top -The entire Works Cited is double spaced including the space between title and 1st entry -“Works Cited” is not in quotation marks, underlined, or in bold font -The entries are not numbered -The entries are in alphabetical order based on the author’s last name, or if no author, the title of the book or article -All the required sources are listed -The 2nd line of each entry and each consecutive line of that entry is indented 5 spaces -Title of books, magazines, newspapers, etc. are underlined or italicized -Titles of articles are placed in quotation marks Book source -Author’s last name is followed by a comma and the entire name is followed by a period -A period follows the title of the book, magazine, etc. -A colon follows the place of publication -A comma follows the name of the publisher -A period follows the copyright year Periodical -Author’s last name is followed by a comma and the entire name is followed by a period -Title of article is in quotation marks -Periods are located in correct places (After article, not after journal, after volume) -Issue date is given in day/month/year format and followed by a colon -Page numbers are followed by a period. Page 16-Double-check to avoid plagiarism-checklist of internal citations FINAL CHECKLIST PRIOR TO SUBMITTING YOUR RESEARCH PAPER Quotes
  • 19. *You placed EVERYTHING copied word for word in quotation marks *You have cited all paraphrased information *Documentation has correct form (Documentation is the first word from the works cited entry EXACTLY as it appears on the works cited entry and is followed by a page number or np). *All quotes and paraphrases documented and on the works cited page. Internal documentation and works cited must match! Works Cited *Sources are listed that are used in the paper (no extras) *Follow proper format (Alphabetical order, reverse indentations, correct citations)
  • 20. Page 17-Documentation of sources used to create this book Coach #1-Translation into Spanish The Purdue Online Writing Lab. The Writing Lab and OWL at Purdue and Purdue University, 2005-201. Web. Oct. 2011. <> Free-CGI-Illustration.jpg