What does it take to be architect (for Cjicago JUG)

il y a 4 ans 638 Vues

What does it take to be an architect

il y a 4 ans 193 Vues

VoxxedDays Minsk - Building scalable WebSocket backend

il y a 5 ans 924 Vues

Building scalable web socket backend

il y a 5 ans 633 Vues

Latency tracing in distributed Java applications

il y a 6 ans 1078 Vues

Distributed transactions in SOA and Microservices

il y a 6 ans 1421 Vues

Best practices of building data streaming API

il y a 6 ans 2270 Vues

Database transaction isolation and locking in Java

il y a 6 ans 2661 Vues

Networking in Java with NIO and Netty

il y a 6 ans 11907 Vues

Profiling distributed Java applications

il y a 6 ans 1078 Vues