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Why Won’t Lisp Just Go
       Inroducing Lisp
      50 Years Young (2008), by permission of Conrad Barski, MD
Effort vs Productivity
                   (my subjective point of view)
                                 (not to scale)
                     (this chart has no meaning, it is a joke)


                   PAIP, On Lisp, SICP


                  The segafault that
                  made you leave C++

      Java Cookbook                                                          EJB3, J5EE, JMX,
                                                                        Me   Struts, JMS,
                                                                             Exhausted Permgen

                                                                             You are Here


           Java                          C++                     Lisp
 What is Lisp?
 How to get started
   Some Basics
   Some Common Recipes
 Wet your appetite for more
   Not so basic things
 Where to go next
What is Lisp?
 A Programming Language
 Brought to you by John McCarthy circa 1958
 Resistance is Futile...
    Garbage Collection, Closures, Functional, Object
    Oriented, AOP, DSLs, Conditions and Restarts,
    Continuations, what else ya got?
Welcome to the Family
 Common Lisp (Lisp 2)
    LispWorks, Alegro

    OpenMCL, SBCL, Clisp, ABCL and others

 Scheme (Lisp 1) by Sussman and Steele
    PLT, Chicken, Bigloo, Clojure, SISC, JScheme, and
 Less Common
    Dylan, Qi, Termite, ECL, Arc, and others...
Quick Start
  Windows, OS X, Linux

Ready Lisp

  OS X
Roll your own
   The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs
 Common Lisp

 Parentheses, lots and lots of parentheses
 Everything is an Expression
 Prefix Notation
 Lists, ‘cons’, pair
   Singly Linked List
Basics: Cons Cells, Lists
                          (), nil, the empty list, false

 1                  (list 1) (cons 1 nil)

 1    2             (cons 1 2)

 1              2         3              (list 1 2 3)

 (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
Basics: Expressions
(if test-p consequent otherwise)

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)   => 15

(let ((x 3)
      (y 2))
  (* x y))      => 6

(expt 2 42)     => 4398046511104
Basics: Functions
(defun test (n)
    ((= n 0)
	    (+ 1 n))
	    (- n 1))))

(funcall #'test 3)
(apply #’test ‘(3))

(mapcar #'test '(-2 -1 0 1 2))
=> (-3 -2 1 0 1)
Basics: Assignment
 (setf x '(a b c))
 => (A B C)

 (setf (car x) 1)
 => (1 B C)

 (setf (second x) 2)
 => (1 2 C)
Numeric Tower

 Ints and Floats, but also...
 Built in Bignum Support
 Built in Complex Numbers
Numeric Tower
(/ 1 3)               => 1/3
(* 33333 (/ 1 33333)) => 1

(expt 2 100)          => 1267650600228229401496703205376

(* #c(0 1) #c(0 1))   => -1
Familiar Data Structures
 Vectors (arrays)
 Hash Tables (map)
 Structures (records)
 Objects - CLOS
 Sequence Types (and streams)
Library System: ASDF
 ASDF - another system definition facility
   Like Ruby’s gem or Perl’s CPAN (but inscrutable)
 (require :asdf-install)
 (asdf-install:install :cl-ppcre)
Example: Fetch the Web

(require :drakma)
(use-package :drakma)
(defvar content nil)
(setf content
  (http-request quot;;))
(format t quot;len:~a~" (length content))
(format t quot;~a~" (subseq content 0 100))
Example: Serve the Web
(require :hunchentoot)
(use-package :hunchentoot)
(setq *dispatch-table*
      quot;/indexquot; 'index-page)))
(defun index-page ()
  quot;<h1>Hunchentoot Demo</h1>.quot;)
(defvar server
  (hunchentoot:start-server :port 4242))
Example: Process Files

(require :cl-ppcre)

(with-open-file (inp quot;.../input.txtquot; :direction :input)
  (loop for line = (read-line inp nil nil)
     while line
     (format t quot;~a~&quot;
	       (cl-ppcre:regex-replace quot;lis+pquot; line quot;lispquot;))))
Example: Unit Testing
(define-test test-flatten
 (assert-false (flatten))
 (assert-false (flatten '()))
 (assert-equal '(a)
               (flatten 'a))
 (assert-equal '(a)
               (flatten '(a)))
 (assert-equal '(a b c d)
               (flatten '(a (b (c (d)))))))
More Interesting Stuff

 Macros, Reader Macros, syntax-rules
   “To Err is Expected, To Recover, Divine” -- David B. Lamkins

 Functional Programming
 Pattern Matching (Unification)
What’s a Macro?
  A tool for Abstraction
  Code Generator

Macro: random-if

(defmacro random-if (prob consequent otherwise)
  `(if (< (random 1.0) ,prob))

(random-if 1/2
      (format t quot;went left~&quot;)
      (format t quot;went right~&quot;)
Macro: aprog1
(defmacro aprog1 (it &rest body)
  `(let ((it ,it))      give the thing   a name
                      let them use it
                 return it

(aprog1 (make-hash-table :test #’equal)
  (setf (gethash “a” it) 1)
  (setf (gethash “b” it) 2))
Macro: rcut
(defmacro rcut (&rest body)
 (let* ((formals (list))
         (map-tree #'(lambda (elt)
                       (if (symbol-equal '<> elt)
                            (push it formals)
   `#'(lambda ,(reverse formals)

(macroexpan-1 ‘(rcut (format “val:~a~&” <>)))
  => #'(LAMBDA (#:G2348) (FORMAT NIL quot;elt:~a~&quot; #:G2348))
Restarts: Structured Recovery
(defun file-size (file)
    (if (not (probe-file file))       ‘throw’
      (error 'file-not-found)
      (sb-posix:stat-size (sb-posix:stat file)))
    (file-not-found (new-file-size)
      :report quot;Specify missing size.quot;
      :interactive read-new-value

(defun bytes-used (files)
  (loop for file in files
	   summing (file-size file)))
Restarts in action
CL-USER> (format t quot;bytes:~a~&quot; (bytes-used '(quot;/etc/passwdquot; quot;/foo/barquot;)))
Condition FILE-NOT-FOUND was signalled.
   [Condition of type FILE-NOT-FOUND]

 0: [FILE-NOT-FOUND] Specify missing size.
 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level.
 2: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD quot;repl-threadquot; ...>)

  0: (FILE-SIZE quot;/foo/barquot;)
  1: (BYTES-USED (quot;/etc/passwdquot; quot;/foo/barquot;))
Enter a new value: 12
More Interesting Stuff

 Functional Programming
   Functions are first class - composable
   list comprehensions (cl-incf)
   pattern-matching (cl-unification, pcond)
 DSLs, mini-languages
First Class Functions
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x))
          '(1 2 3 4))       => ‘(3 4 5 6)

(defun curry (fn &rest args)
  #'(lambda (&rest rest)
      (apply fn (append args rest))))

(funcall (curry #'+ 2) 3)   => 5

(mapcar (curry #'+ 2)
    '(1 2 3 4))             => ‘(3 4 5 6)
First Class Functions

 (defun memoize (fn)
   (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
      #’(lambda (&rest args)
         (let ((key (format nil quot;~aquot; args)))
 	        (if (gethash key cache)
Return      (gethash key cache)
cache       (aprog1
 	            (apply fn args)
   	          (setf (gethash key cache) it)))))))

Add result to
cache and return
First Class Functions
(defun myfn (a b c)
  (format t quot;called: a:~a b:~a c:~a~&quot; a b c)
  (+ a b c))

(let ((mfn (memoize #'myfn))
      (args '(1 2 3))
      (args2 '(4 5 6)))
  (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args (apply mfn args))
  (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args (apply mfn args))
  (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args2 (apply mfn args2))
  (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args2 (apply mfn args2)))
called: a:1 b:2 c:3        not in cache
mfn (1 2 3): 6
mfn (1 2 3): 6             in cache
called: a:4 b:5 c:6        not in cache
mfn (4 5 6): 15
mfn (4 5 6): 15            in cache
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions
(defun lcmp-qsort (things)
  (cond ((null things)
	 (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot)))
	     (list pivot)
	       (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
List Comprehensions

(defun all-permutations (things)
    ((= 1 (length things))
     (list things))
	       (cons Head Tail)
        (<- Head things)
        (<- Tail
            (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
Pattern Matching: pcond
(defun ptest (names)
   ((and (:pat ((?first ?last) . ?rest)
	        (:re quot;(.+)oquot; ?first (before-o)))
    (format t quot;before-o: ~a~&quot; before-o)
    (ptest ?rest))))

(ptest '((quot;George quot; quot;Washingtonquot;) (quot;Johnquot; quot;Adamsquot;)))

=> before-o: Ge
=> before-o: J
DSLs, mini-languages
(define-syntax aprog1
  (syntax-rules (it)
    ((_ expression . body)
     (let ((it expression))

(macroexpand '(aprog1 (list) (set! it (cons ‘a it))))
(let ((it (list)))
   (set! it (cons 'a it))
DSLs, mini-languages

(define m
  (automation init
    (init : (c -> more))
    (more : (a -> more)
            (d -> more)
            (r -> end))
    (end :)))
DSLs, mini-languages
(define-syntax automation
  (syntax-rules (: ->)
    ((_ init-state
	     (state : (label -> target) ...)
	          (lambda (stream)
	 	            ((empty? stream) #t)
	 	              (case (first stream)
	 	                ((label) (target (rest stream)))
	 	                (else #f))))))
DSLs, mini-languages
  ((init (lambda (GenTemp%2)
           (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t)
                 (else (case (first GenTemp%2)
                         ((c) (more (rest GenTemp%2)))
                         (else #f))))))
   (more (lambda (GenTemp%2)
           (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t)
                 (else (case (first GenTemp%2)
                         ((a) (more (rest GenTemp%2)))
                         ((d) (more (rest GenTemp%2)))
                         ((r) (end (rest GenTemp%2)))
                         (else #f))))))
   (end (lambda (GenTemp%2)
           (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t)
                 (else (case (first GenTemp%2)
                         (else #f)))))))
That’s the overview, by permission of Conrad Barski, MD
Now where am I supposed to go?
 On-Line Resources

   Common Lisp Hyper Spec

   On Lisp (Paul Graham)

   Practical Common Lisp (Peter Siebel)

   JRMs Syntax Rules Primer

   Casting Spells with Lisp:
Now where am I supposed to go?

  PAIP (Peter Norvig)
  Practical Common Lisp (Peter Seibel)
  SICP (Ableson and Sussman)
  Common Lisp the Language (Guy Steele)
  ANSI Common Lisp (Paul Graham)

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Introduction To Lisp

  • 1. Why Won’t Lisp Just Go Away? Inroducing Lisp 50 Years Young (2008)
  • 3. Effort vs Productivity (my subjective point of view) (not to scale) (this chart has no meaning, it is a joke) 100 PAIP, On Lisp, SICP 75 The segafault that made you leave C++ 50 Java Cookbook EJB3, J5EE, JMX, Me Struts, JMS, Exhausted Permgen 25 You are Here 0 Java C++ Lisp
  • 4. Overview What is Lisp? How to get started Some Basics Some Common Recipes Wet your appetite for more Not so basic things Where to go next
  • 5. What is Lisp? A Programming Language Brought to you by John McCarthy circa 1958 Resistance is Futile... Garbage Collection, Closures, Functional, Object Oriented, AOP, DSLs, Conditions and Restarts, Continuations, what else ya got?
  • 6. Welcome to the Family Common Lisp (Lisp 2) LispWorks, Alegro OpenMCL, SBCL, Clisp, ABCL and others Scheme (Lisp 1) by Sussman and Steele PLT, Chicken, Bigloo, Clojure, SISC, JScheme, and others Less Common Dylan, Qi, Termite, ECL, Arc, and others...
  • 7. Quick Start LispBox Windows, OS X, Linux Ready Lisp OS X
  • 8. Roll your own Emacs SLIME The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs Common Lisp SBCL, CLISP paraedit-el
  • 9. Basics Parentheses, lots and lots of parentheses Everything is an Expression Prefix Notation Lists, ‘cons’, pair Singly Linked List
  • 10. Basics: Cons Cells, Lists car (), nil, the empty list, false cdr 1 (list 1) (cons 1 nil) 1 2 (cons 1 2) 1 2 3 (list 1 2 3) (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
  • 11. Basics: Expressions (if test-p consequent otherwise) (+ 1 2 3 4 5) => 15 (let ((x 3) (y 2)) (* x y)) => 6 (expt 2 42) => 4398046511104
  • 12. Basics: Functions (defun test (n) (cond ((= n 0) (+ 1 n)) (t (- n 1)))) (funcall #'test 3) (apply #’test ‘(3)) (mapcar #'test '(-2 -1 0 1 2)) => (-3 -2 1 0 1)
  • 13. Basics: Assignment (setf x '(a b c)) => (A B C) (setf (car x) 1) => (1 B C) (setf (second x) 2) => (1 2 C)
  • 14. Numeric Tower Ints and Floats, but also... Ratios Built in Bignum Support Built in Complex Numbers
  • 15. Numeric Tower 1/2 (/ 1 3) => 1/3 (* 33333 (/ 1 33333)) => 1 (expt 2 100) => 1267650600228229401496703205376 (* #c(0 1) #c(0 1)) => -1
  • 16. Familiar Data Structures Vectors (arrays) Hash Tables (map) Structures (records) Objects - CLOS Sequence Types (and streams)
  • 17. Library System: ASDF ASDF - another system definition facility Like Ruby’s gem or Perl’s CPAN (but inscrutable) (require :asdf-install) (asdf-install:install :cl-ppcre) Repository:
  • 18. Example: Fetch the Web (require :drakma) (use-package :drakma) (defvar content nil) (setf content (http-request quot;;)) (format t quot;len:~a~&quot; (length content)) (format t quot;~a~&quot; (subseq content 0 100))
  • 19. Example: Serve the Web (require :hunchentoot) (use-package :hunchentoot) (setq *dispatch-table* (list (create-prefix-dispatcher quot;/indexquot; 'index-page))) (defun index-page () quot;<h1>Hunchentoot Demo</h1>.quot;) (defvar server (hunchentoot:start-server :port 4242))
  • 20. Example: Process Files (require :cl-ppcre) (with-open-file (inp quot;.../input.txtquot; :direction :input) (loop for line = (read-line inp nil nil) while line do (format t quot;~a~&quot; (cl-ppcre:regex-replace quot;lis+pquot; line quot;lispquot;))))
  • 21. Example: Unit Testing (define-test test-flatten (assert-false (flatten)) (assert-false (flatten '())) (assert-equal '(a) (flatten 'a)) (assert-equal '(a) (flatten '(a))) (assert-equal '(a b c d) (flatten '(a (b (c (d)))))))
  • 22. More Interesting Stuff Macros, Reader Macros, syntax-rules Restarts “To Err is Expected, To Recover, Divine” -- David B. Lamkins Functional Programming Pattern Matching (Unification)
  • 23. What’s a Macro? A tool for Abstraction Code Generator Compiler defmacro define-macro syntax-rules
  • 24. Macro: random-if (defmacro random-if (prob consequent otherwise) `(if (< (random 1.0) ,prob)) ,consequent ,otherwise)) (random-if 1/2 (format t quot;went left~&quot;) (format t quot;went right~&quot;)
  • 25. Macro: aprog1 (defmacro aprog1 (it &rest body) `(let ((it ,it)) give the thing a name ,@body let them use it it)) return it (aprog1 (make-hash-table :test #’equal) (setf (gethash “a” it) 1) (setf (gethash “b” it) 2)) => #<HASH-TABLE :TEST EQUAL :COUNT 2 {BE49831}>
  • 26. Macro: rcut (defmacro rcut (&rest body)  (let* ((formals (list))         (new-body          (map-tree #'(lambda (elt)                        (if (symbol-equal '<> elt)                            (aprog1                             (gensym)                             (push it formals)                             it)                            elt))                    body)))    `#'(lambda ,(reverse formals)         ,@new-body))) (macroexpan-1 ‘(rcut (format “val:~a~&” <>))) => #'(LAMBDA (#:G2348) (FORMAT NIL quot;elt:~a~&quot; #:G2348))
  • 27. Restarts: Structured Recovery (defun file-size (file) (restart-case (if (not (probe-file file)) ‘throw’ (error 'file-not-found) (sb-posix:stat-size (sb-posix:stat file))) (file-not-found (new-file-size) :report quot;Specify missing size.quot; recovery :interactive read-new-value new-file-size))) (defun bytes-used (files) (loop for file in files summing (file-size file)))
  • 28. Restarts in action CL-USER> (format t quot;bytes:~a~&quot; (bytes-used '(quot;/etc/passwdquot; quot;/foo/barquot;))) Condition FILE-NOT-FOUND was signalled. [Condition of type FILE-NOT-FOUND] Restarts: 0: [FILE-NOT-FOUND] Specify missing size. 1: [ABORT] Return to SLIME's top level. 2: [TERMINATE-THREAD] Terminate this thread (#<THREAD quot;repl-threadquot; ...>) Backtrace: 0: (FILE-SIZE quot;/foo/barquot;) 1: (BYTES-USED (quot;/etc/passwdquot; quot;/foo/barquot;)) ...snip... Enter a new value: 12 bytes:2900
  • 29. More Interesting Stuff Functional Programming Functions are first class - composable list comprehensions (cl-incf) pattern-matching (cl-unification, pcond) DSLs, mini-languages
  • 30. First Class Functions (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (+ 2 x)) '(1 2 3 4)) => ‘(3 4 5 6) (defun curry (fn &rest args) #'(lambda (&rest rest) (apply fn (append args rest)))) (funcall (curry #'+ 2) 3) => 5 (mapcar (curry #'+ 2) '(1 2 3 4)) => ‘(3 4 5 6)
  • 31. First Class Functions (defun memoize (fn) (let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal))) #’(lambda (&rest args) (let ((key (format nil quot;~aquot; args))) (if (gethash key cache) Return (gethash key cache) from cache (aprog1 (apply fn args) (setf (gethash key cache) it))))))) Add result to cache and return
  • 32. First Class Functions (defun myfn (a b c) (format t quot;called: a:~a b:~a c:~a~&quot; a b c) (+ a b c)) (let ((mfn (memoize #'myfn)) (args '(1 2 3)) (args2 '(4 5 6))) (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args (apply mfn args)) (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args (apply mfn args)) (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args2 (apply mfn args2)) (format t quot;mfn ~a: ~a~&quot; args2 (apply mfn args2))) => called: a:1 b:2 c:3 not in cache mfn (1 2 3): 6 mfn (1 2 3): 6 in cache called: a:4 b:5 c:6 not in cache mfn (4 5 6): 15 mfn (4 5 6): 15 in cache
  • 33. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 34. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 35. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 36. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 37. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 38. List Comprehensions (defun lcmp-qsort (things) (cond ((null things) things) (t (destructuring-bind (pivot . tl) things (append (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (< x pivot))) (list pivot) (lcmp-qsort (assemble x (<- x tl) (>= x pivot))))))))
  • 39. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 40. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 41. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 42. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 43. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 44. List Comprehensions (defun all-permutations (things) (cond ((= 1 (length things)) (list things)) (t (assemble (cons Head Tail) (<- Head things) (<- Tail (all-permutations (remove Head things)))))))
  • 45. Pattern Matching: pcond (defun ptest (names) (pcond:pcond ((and (:pat ((?first ?last) . ?rest) names) (:re quot;(.+)oquot; ?first (before-o))) (format t quot;before-o: ~a~&quot; before-o) (ptest ?rest)))) (ptest '((quot;George quot; quot;Washingtonquot;) (quot;Johnquot; quot;Adamsquot;))) => before-o: Ge => before-o: J
  • 46. DSLs, mini-languages (define-syntax aprog1 (syntax-rules (it) ((_ expression . body) (let ((it expression)) body it)))) (macroexpand '(aprog1 (list) (set! it (cons ‘a it)))) => (let ((it (list))) (set! it (cons 'a it)) it)
  • 47. DSLs, mini-languages (define m (automation init (init : (c -> more)) (more : (a -> more) (d -> more) (r -> end)) (end :)))
  • 48. DSLs, mini-languages (define-syntax automation (syntax-rules (: ->) ((_ init-state (state : (label -> target) ...) ...) (letrec ((state (lambda (stream) (cond ((empty? stream) #t) (else (case (first stream) ((label) (target (rest stream))) ... (else #f)))))) ...) init-state))))
  • 49. DSLs, mini-languages (letrec ((init (lambda (GenTemp%2) (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t) (else (case (first GenTemp%2) ((c) (more (rest GenTemp%2))) (else #f)))))) (more (lambda (GenTemp%2) (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t) (else (case (first GenTemp%2) ((a) (more (rest GenTemp%2))) ((d) (more (rest GenTemp%2))) ((r) (end (rest GenTemp%2))) (else #f)))))) (end (lambda (GenTemp%2) (cond ((empty? GenTemp%2) #t) (else (case (first GenTemp%2) (else #f))))))) init)
  • 50. That’s the overview, by permission of Conrad Barski, MD
  • 51. Now where am I supposed to go? On-Line Resources Common Lisp Hyper Spec On Lisp (Paul Graham) Practical Common Lisp (Peter Siebel) JRMs Syntax Rules Primer Casting Spells with Lisp:
  • 52. Now where am I supposed to go? Books PAIP (Peter Norvig) Practical Common Lisp (Peter Seibel) SICP (Ableson and Sussman) Common Lisp the Language (Guy Steele) ANSI Common Lisp (Paul Graham)