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My name is Tina Woodley. I was born in St. Kitts, and grew up in St. Eustatuis . Later, I lived in 
Holland, Austria and Germany.  I am currently enjoying a healthy lifestyle on the beautiful island of Bonaire.
 After a career in sports and competing for 17 years I decided to share my experience in physical fitness and 
nutrition to work as a personal coach. During this time, I collected tools, tips and tricks which I'd like to share 
with other women. 
As a woman of a certain age, I look great and feel wonderful. That's  why I want to share my fitness and 
nutrition secrets with other women. If you fear the aging process, I have some good news for you. Maintaining a 
healthy lifestyle, a young and vibrant look and an endless supply of energy can be easier than you think. It 
doesn't have to break the bank. It won't require an exhausting  effort!
 This is true for women of all ages but especially for women over 40.
EVERY DAY A DAY YOUNGER is your guide to turning back the clock. Its principles apply to
all stages of this intriguing journey we call “life.” After reading Every Day, A Day Younger, you
will look younger, you will feel younger,you will finally understand that age is just a number.
EVERY DAY A DAY YOUNGER goes beyond physical well-being. It encompasses your
spiritual, intellectual and emotional health.
I write from the view-point of a woman in her 50's. It coincides with The Change, also known
as menopause. I did not feel any of the changes. On chilly nights, I waited for those so-called
hot flashes to warm me up. They never came.
I believe it is time to see age in a new light and to do so one must stop thinking of getting
older. I think of myself as ageless. To quote Satchell Paige:
Actress Helen Hayes knew what she was talking about, when she said: "I believe if you rest, you rust!" My hair is not getting thinner, I am not getting any
freckles on my hands and face and I am not any more tired than before. This is what 50 feels like! There was, however, one dramatic change. It seems I
went to bed with a small waist and got up with a round bottom with a protruding stomach. It took me one whole year to understand what was happening to
my body. I felt powerless in the battle against my hormones. I tried a philosophical approach as everybody said ‘fifty was a new era’.
Still, I was angry. Although I had exercises all my life, up to this point I really did not truly realize the importance of my active lifestyle. That’s when I realized
my friends were still telling me how young I look. People who met me for the first time all thought I was 35 - some even thought I was younger. Men younger
than my 29 year-old daughter would make passes at me, not knowing I could be their mother. Thank you sport! Thank you exercise! I wrote EVERY DAY A
DAY YOUNGER to share my insights on wholistic healthy living, and to present my readers with a toolbox for optimal health.
In good health,
Tapping into Your Inner Fountain of
“I feel like I always have felt, but I look older. Still, I feel young!” I hear this quite often. Maybe you
have said it to yourself as a positive statement: it is good to feel young. Problems arise when the
way you feel contradicts the way people perceive you.
Other people – particularly those in your age group – see your physical shell and make rapid
assessments: “You need to slow down”, “Are you not a grandmother yet? “ “Aren’t you too old for
that aerobic class?” It is ok when younger people think so, because it is the way they routinely
think. Still, with the exception of a daughter just entering her teens, younger people who really know
you won’t think of you as being old. Doctors, however, are notorious for this. So, wherever you are
and whoever you are with, hold firm to your truth. “You are as young as you feel.”
Louis Caroll's Poem on Aging
You are old, Father William," the young man said,
"And your hair has become very white;
And yet you incessantly stand on your head—
Do you think, at your age, it is right?"
"In my youth," Father William replied to his son,
"I feared it might injure the brain;
But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none,
Why, I do it again and again."
"You are old," said the youth, "As I mentioned before,
And have grown most uncommonly fat;
Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door—
Pray, what is the reason of that?"
"In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his grey locks,
"I kept all my limbs very supple
By the use of this ointment—one shilling the box—
Allow me to sell you a couple?"
"You are old," said the youth, "And your jaws are too weak
For anything tougher than suet;
Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak—
Pray, how did you manage to do it?"
"In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law,
And argued each case with my wife;
And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw,
Has lasted the rest of my life."
"You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose
That your eye was as steady as ever;
Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose—
What made you so awfully clever?"
"I have answered three questions, and that is enough,"
Said his father; "don't give yourself airs!
Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff?
Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!"
Your Inner Life
Forget botox. Forget plastic surgery.
A rich inner life is the key to eternal youth.
Your inner life is your anchor.
It keeps you centered.
It gives you the strength you need to face the outside world.
Every woman has her own, unique inner life.
Some find it in mysticism and religion.
Others become scholars,
gaining new knowledge, simply for the sake of knowing more.
Whatever its configuration, your inner life belongs to you.
A part of you is eternal, since matter cannot be destroyed.
This concept helps keep you young
because it leads to an eternal source of vitality,
insight, hope and promise.
Travel the World
At age 21, I received an invitation to
compete in the first powerlifting contest in the USA.
Not only did this benefit my career;
it introduced me to the world of international travel.
As I travelled to different countries,
I made new friends, learned about different cultures
and became a better person.
Travel introduces us to new experiences.
It opens our mind, gives us a global perspective,
and keeps us from getting stuck in our ways.
That, in itself, gives you a youthful perspective on life.
Likewise, the trials and tribulations of
travel build confidence,
and confidence contributes to a youthful demeanor.
Re-Defining Home
Travel re-defines your definition of the word “home.”
After living in many countries, (Bonaire, Holland, Austria, Germany, Bonaire) I realized home is wherever you feel well.
For some, this is not an easy decision.
In many circumstances, your objectivity and subjectivity will engage in battle.
Here are some examples:
You want to stay near your birthplace, in order to be near family, but you can no longer tolerate your country's politics. Your ongoing anger at your government's policies cause stress, and
stress destroys your health.
You love the excitement of the big city, but crime, pollution, crowded commutes and corportate competitiveness interfere with your enjoyment. Once again, the stress monster destroys you
You have a pre-existing medical condition, and your country's health care policies are extremely expensive.
You love where you live, but rents are so high that you spend hours at work, and never get a chance to enjoy your surroundings.
You move to the high altitude mountains of Colorado, Utah or Europe. At first, the ability to ski and hike works wonders. As you get older, your doctor informs you that the higher elevations
are wreaking havoc on your lungs.
Your country of origin does not respect older people.
In these situations, some people just grin and bear it.
On the other hand, people who travel know that there are many other alternatives, and that moving to another country is challenging, but not impossible.
Open Your Mind
“Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever”
The immortal words of the snarky Judge Judy
Simply Put: People who are set in their ways and closed-minded are dumb, and dumb people age quickly.
Here are some of the key signs of aging:
Saying things like “We have always done it this way!”
Criticizing people who are different or who seem to be expressing themselves too freely
An abnormal concern with playing it safe in all aspects of life
Developing new habits leaves room for spontaneity. Spontaneity leaves room for serendipity. Serendipity is
the key to eternal youth. Here's a game plan:
Give new ideas and images a chance
Understand that everyone has his or her own view of the truth
Remember you can change your belief, opinion or ideology
Discovering Confidence
Concrete confidence is unshakable; however, confidence based only on how you look or what people think about you is easily lost. If your confidence is shaky,
pretend that it is not. You can act as if your confidence is solid, even when you feel it is not. You must hold on to a sort of selfishness that makes you worthy for
others to cling to. As you do this, your life will gain depth and texture.
Stand up for yourself, set strong and healthy boundaries, honour the warrior inside of you. Acknowledge your inner warrior. Respect yourself!
For example, some of us hear this often: “Well, at your age there are just a few things you must put up with” or “You are looking good for your age”. My question
then is usually, “Which age is that?” How am I suppose to be looking and at what age? When it comes to your life and your body, it is your decision. You must take
the responsibility. You should realize that nobody can give you the right formula to your own happiness (including this book). Always allow your intuition to guide
Start doing things your way. I don’t mean the little insignificant things of life, but the things that really matter, things that make you feel alive: Like where you live, the
work you do, what you eat or your health decisions. Your liveliness, animation and energy in action or expression even your longevity, may depend on having your
say in your life and getting your way.
Human beings need both solitude and community. It's often difficult to balance the two. We should listen to one another, respect other people’s opinions and
sometimes put our desires aside for the benefit of family or community. But we should not listen so well that we give up talking to ourselves. Respect others, but
insist on respect in return. Losing your sense of self causes grief and sadness. Constant grief hastens the aging process.
Beauty Is a State of Mind
Embrace the idea of beauty as a state of well-being
Understand the difference between natural, inner beauty and cosmetic beauty
Find the beauty in every human being
Celebrate your own beauty
Never conform to media standards of beauty!
Find a definition of beauty that conveys your inner being
Give yourself flowers.
Flowers are an energetic life form.
They put energy as well as beauty into a room.
Give yourself this energy.
As we said before, engage your Powerhouse.
As a three-time winner of the Ms. Holland title,
I learned the importance of beautiful alignment,
and a strong, centered stance.
Learn to move beautifully.
One of the most wonderful love songs ever written
starts with these words:
“Something in the way she moves, attracts me like no other lover.”
My daughter, Sasha Van Duyn, expresses beauty with her art work. .
Surround Yourself with Friends who
Make You Feel Beautiful
One of the advantages of being an adult is being able to choose many
of the people whom you call friends. This means you can choose
people who see your beauty and acknowledge your value. Those men
and women who see your beauty and acknowledge your value are not
just people who want to please you, but people who really do see your
beauty and because they do, they help you see it as well. They really
acknowledge your value. Those are also the people who help you grow
The Four Universal Healing Salves
When Did You Stop Dancing?
The birth of Swing Dance coincided with the Great Depression.
During this dark era of United States history,
some people jumped out of their windows and ended their lives.
Others, despite the gloom and doom,
crowded into the dance halls and danced the night away.
Dancing is not just good exercise.
It makes you happy.
And happy people stay young.
"If you just set people in motion, they'll heal themselves"
_Gabrielle Roth
When Did You Stop Singing?
Some people like to combine dancing with singing. That could explain the hundreds of
YouTube videos of Pharell Williams' “Happy.” Some even feature people in their 70's
and 80's!
In August 2013, Time Magazine published an article titled “Singing Changes Your
Brain.” Here's an interesting quote:
"When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and
emotional landscape. Group singing, for those who have done it, is the most
exhilarating and transformative of all. It takes something incredibly intimate, a sound
that begins inside you, shares it with a roomful of people and it comes back as
something even more thrilling: harmony."
Stacy Horn, author of “Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing With Others,”
notes that it's possible that group singing stimulates endorphins, - the same happiness
hormones that occur during aerobic exercise! Group singing can also release oxicotin,
which alleviates stress and anxiety.
When Did You Stop Being
Enchanted By Stories?
The website called notes that stories help us in three different
1. Emotional Connection: Storytelling is like opening a window into the minds
of the listeners. Stories give a chance to experience a variety of emotions
without the risk of those emotions themselves.
2. Understanding Others: Well-told stories can help us to learn about other
cultures, ideas and ways of thinking. They can offer opportunities to know how
past generations responded to challenges.
3. Growing Intimacy: People are thirsty to know that they are seen and heard
in our overstimulated society. When personal and life stories are shared, there’s
a chance to know that “I am not alone.”
When Did You Stop Finding Comfort
in the Sweet Territory of Silence?
Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu
"Silence brings Clarity to thought.
The Clarity of Silence gives you the pristine gift of Wise Choice
Wise Choices will ultimately lead to a Beautiful Life"
Anna D. LeClaire The Transformative Power of Silence
Even if you don't like to meditate, take time out for silence.
Meditation as Rejuvenation
Studies have shown that people who meditated on a daily basis for many years have a younger physiology. Physiological aging indicators include:
Short-term memory
Vision problems
Increased blood pressure
Muscle and joint inflexibility
Meditation induces a state of consciousness similar to thinking, dreaming or deep sleep. It is easy to learn. I have been doing it for years. It's part of the secret to my
competition success. Although it takes time and discipline to master meditation, it is the best stress reducer . Reduced stress sets back the clock in your apprearance and your
overall health. Things that once stressed you out no longer bother you. The lack of stress shows in your face.
Meditation itself can be as simple as sitting comfortably with your back straight (in bed, in a chair, or cross-legged on the floor), resting your hands in your lap or on a knee and
observing your breathing. It is not a breathing exercise, but a watching exercise. The watching is the meditation. If you have tried meditation before and it did not work, don’t
give up. Try again beginning with ten minutes a day.
There is never only one way to get where you want to go so if you prefer not to meditate, you can pray or sit still with your thoughts or write down your plan for the day.
However you choose to relax and find inner peace, try to do it every day at about the same time.
Music, Memory and Mood
Facebook provides an excellent way to keep your mind young. Your “friends” group might range from age
20 to 80! YouTube was one of the best things to come to Facebook, because it allows your friends to
share their favorite music!
Something interesting happens when someone shares a music video from the past. At least one person
will say, “Wow! That song brings back memories!”
The words “brings back memories” are music –pun intended – to the ears. The results of many studies
point to the memory-saving power of music.
Dan Cohen is the founder of Music and Memory—a non-profit organization that promotes the health
benefits association with music. “A Place for Mom,” a facility that treats dementia patients, interviewed
“Music actually brings back functions of the brain. It offers a ‘back door” of memory retrieval that is
seemingly lost. In fact, while hearing and talking components are located in specific places in the brain,
music is located throughout the brain. So often music remains preserved, even if parts of the brain are
lost through dementia. And music from our youth is deeply embedded in our neuro-network, and it’s
cumulative over time. So if people listen to music for three hours a week over a 10-month period, many
of their cognitive test scores actually improve, according to a NY State DOH Dementia Grant program
study. If a drug became available that could do this, it would quickly be a multibillion dollar blockbuster.”
Exercise is like the Tin Man's (or woman's) oil can. It counteracts
many of the negative responses to growing older. These include:
Increased body fat
Decreased bone mass
Diminished strength
Flabby arms and thighs
Muscle and joint stiffness
Impaired balance
Slower metabolism
Your Powerhouse
Slouching compresses organs and impedes full breathing.
That's why you have to constantly remind yourself to stand tall.
Do this by lifting out of your solar plexus (the area just above your navel),
and separating your midriff from your lower abdomen.
This makes your waist look smaller, but it also does something else:
It makes you look powerful!
Nowadays, people refer to this region as “the core.”
As a former powerlifter, I believe that Joesph Pilates had a better word:
“The Powerhouse!”
All of your movements stem from your Powerhouse.
Therefore, drawing your belly button toward your spine is like
pushing the “up” button on the elevator.
It empowers the elevator to move up.
Speaking of upward movement,
how do you think powerlifters are able to lift so much weight?
Of course, they need strong arms and legs.
They need strong, toned, superficial abdominal muscles: the proverbial six-pack.
But it's the deeper core muscles, those closer to the spine, that protect your lower back and keep you balanced during those heavy lifts.
Stand Tall, Stand Proud
If I told you that you could instantly appear 5 kg thinner, look 10 years younger,
you would probably think I am trying to sell you something.
But it is possible.
The secret is in your how carry yourself.
The way you hold your body and move through the world reveals a lot about you.
In fact, posture is a prime representation of your inner self.
Standing straight and moving with grace tells the world you are somebody.
You look more confident whether you are or are not.
A professional can look at your postural alignment
and predict your injuries, your aging process,
and your skills at athletics activities, a
s well as your activities of daily living.
Consider the women who carry vessels of water and fruit on their heads.
Ascending the mountains and descending the valleys,
they never lose their balance.
This would not happen without perfect postural alignment.
Just imagine what would happen if these women slouched!
Strength Training
Check List
Do you notice fat where there used to be muscle?
Do you feel tired and worn out at the end of the day?
Is it more difficult to maintain your weight – even though you are eating less?
Do you worry that someday you will be limited physically?
Do you feel older than you like? Do you feel down and empty?
You can reverse this process with strength training.
If you’ve lost strength, you can regain it.
If your energy has sagged, you can raise it.
If you’ve lost muscle and gained fat, you can reverse that.
If you’ve become flabby, you can get thin.
If you feel older than you like, you can feel younger, stronger and more vigorous.
For many women past 35, the loss of strength and the lack of vigour is a painful experience. If you are experiencing this, you may have figured it’s all an inevitable
part of getting older. The main reason most people slow down when they feel older is that they lose about a third of their muscle mass between age 35 and 80.
Inactivity plays a major role in the loss of muscle mass.
Have you ever been bedridden for a few days? If yes, you will understand what I am talking about. Do you remember that weak feeling when you try to get up again?
So now you know what inactivity does to your body.
The first signs are that your legs get tire more quickly during a brisk walk, briefcases and grocery bags seem heavier, and even such a simple act as standing up from
a sofa becomes difficult.
If the process has begun, it can be reversed, if you’ve lost strength, you can regain it.

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Every day 2

  • 1.
  • 2. Preface My name is Tina Woodley. I was born in St. Kitts, and grew up in St. Eustatuis . Later, I lived in  Holland, Austria and Germany.  I am currently enjoying a healthy lifestyle on the beautiful island of Bonaire.  After a career in sports and competing for 17 years I decided to share my experience in physical fitness and  nutrition to work as a personal coach. During this time, I collected tools, tips and tricks which I'd like to share  with other women.  As a woman of a certain age, I look great and feel wonderful. That's  why I want to share my fitness and  nutrition secrets with other women. If you fear the aging process, I have some good news for you. Maintaining a  healthy lifestyle, a young and vibrant look and an endless supply of energy can be easier than you think. It  doesn't have to break the bank. It won't require an exhausting  effort!  This is true for women of all ages but especially for women over 40.
  • 3. Introduction EVERY DAY A DAY YOUNGER is your guide to turning back the clock. Its principles apply to all stages of this intriguing journey we call “life.” After reading Every Day, A Day Younger, you will look younger, you will feel younger,you will finally understand that age is just a number. EVERY DAY A DAY YOUNGER goes beyond physical well-being. It encompasses your spiritual, intellectual and emotional health. I write from the view-point of a woman in her 50's. It coincides with The Change, also known as menopause. I did not feel any of the changes. On chilly nights, I waited for those so-called hot flashes to warm me up. They never came. I believe it is time to see age in a new light and to do so one must stop thinking of getting older. I think of myself as ageless. To quote Satchell Paige:
  • 4. Actress Helen Hayes knew what she was talking about, when she said: "I believe if you rest, you rust!" My hair is not getting thinner, I am not getting any freckles on my hands and face and I am not any more tired than before. This is what 50 feels like! There was, however, one dramatic change. It seems I went to bed with a small waist and got up with a round bottom with a protruding stomach. It took me one whole year to understand what was happening to my body. I felt powerless in the battle against my hormones. I tried a philosophical approach as everybody said ‘fifty was a new era’. Still, I was angry. Although I had exercises all my life, up to this point I really did not truly realize the importance of my active lifestyle. That’s when I realized my friends were still telling me how young I look. People who met me for the first time all thought I was 35 - some even thought I was younger. Men younger than my 29 year-old daughter would make passes at me, not knowing I could be their mother. Thank you sport! Thank you exercise! I wrote EVERY DAY A DAY YOUNGER to share my insights on wholistic healthy living, and to present my readers with a toolbox for optimal health. In good health, Tina
  • 6. Tapping into Your Inner Fountain of Youth “I feel like I always have felt, but I look older. Still, I feel young!” I hear this quite often. Maybe you have said it to yourself as a positive statement: it is good to feel young. Problems arise when the way you feel contradicts the way people perceive you. Other people – particularly those in your age group – see your physical shell and make rapid assessments: “You need to slow down”, “Are you not a grandmother yet? “ “Aren’t you too old for that aerobic class?” It is ok when younger people think so, because it is the way they routinely think. Still, with the exception of a daughter just entering her teens, younger people who really know you won’t think of you as being old. Doctors, however, are notorious for this. So, wherever you are and whoever you are with, hold firm to your truth. “You are as young as you feel.”
  • 7. Louis Caroll's Poem on Aging You are old, Father William," the young man said, "And your hair has become very white; And yet you incessantly stand on your head— Do you think, at your age, it is right?" "In my youth," Father William replied to his son, "I feared it might injure the brain; But now that I'm perfectly sure I have none, Why, I do it again and again." "You are old," said the youth, "As I mentioned before, And have grown most uncommonly fat; Yet you turned a back-somersault in at the door— Pray, what is the reason of that?" "In my youth," said the sage, as he shook his grey locks, "I kept all my limbs very supple By the use of this ointment—one shilling the box— Allow me to sell you a couple?" "You are old," said the youth, "And your jaws are too weak For anything tougher than suet; Yet you finished the goose, with the bones and the beak— Pray, how did you manage to do it?" "In my youth," said his father, "I took to the law, And argued each case with my wife; And the muscular strength which it gave to my jaw, Has lasted the rest of my life." "You are old," said the youth, "one would hardly suppose That your eye was as steady as ever; Yet you balanced an eel on the end of your nose— What made you so awfully clever?" "I have answered three questions, and that is enough," Said his father; "don't give yourself airs! Do you think I can listen all day to such stuff? Be off, or I'll kick you down stairs!"
  • 8. Your Inner Life Forget botox. Forget plastic surgery. A rich inner life is the key to eternal youth. Your inner life is your anchor. It keeps you centered. It gives you the strength you need to face the outside world. Every woman has her own, unique inner life. Some find it in mysticism and religion. Others become scholars, gaining new knowledge, simply for the sake of knowing more. Whatever its configuration, your inner life belongs to you. A part of you is eternal, since matter cannot be destroyed. This concept helps keep you young because it leads to an eternal source of vitality, insight, hope and promise.
  • 9. Travel the World At age 21, I received an invitation to compete in the first powerlifting contest in the USA. Not only did this benefit my career; it introduced me to the world of international travel. As I travelled to different countries, I made new friends, learned about different cultures and became a better person. Travel introduces us to new experiences. It opens our mind, gives us a global perspective, and keeps us from getting stuck in our ways. That, in itself, gives you a youthful perspective on life. Likewise, the trials and tribulations of travel build confidence, and confidence contributes to a youthful demeanor.
  • 10. Re-Defining Home Travel re-defines your definition of the word “home.” After living in many countries, (Bonaire, Holland, Austria, Germany, Bonaire) I realized home is wherever you feel well. For some, this is not an easy decision. In many circumstances, your objectivity and subjectivity will engage in battle. Here are some examples: You want to stay near your birthplace, in order to be near family, but you can no longer tolerate your country's politics. Your ongoing anger at your government's policies cause stress, and stress destroys your health. You love the excitement of the big city, but crime, pollution, crowded commutes and corportate competitiveness interfere with your enjoyment. Once again, the stress monster destroys you health. You have a pre-existing medical condition, and your country's health care policies are extremely expensive. You love where you live, but rents are so high that you spend hours at work, and never get a chance to enjoy your surroundings. You move to the high altitude mountains of Colorado, Utah or Europe. At first, the ability to ski and hike works wonders. As you get older, your doctor informs you that the higher elevations are wreaking havoc on your lungs. Your country of origin does not respect older people. In these situations, some people just grin and bear it. On the other hand, people who travel know that there are many other alternatives, and that moving to another country is challenging, but not impossible.
  • 11. Open Your Mind “Beauty Fades, Dumb is Forever” The immortal words of the snarky Judge Judy Simply Put: People who are set in their ways and closed-minded are dumb, and dumb people age quickly. Here are some of the key signs of aging: Saying things like “We have always done it this way!” Criticizing people who are different or who seem to be expressing themselves too freely An abnormal concern with playing it safe in all aspects of life Developing new habits leaves room for spontaneity. Spontaneity leaves room for serendipity. Serendipity is the key to eternal youth. Here's a game plan: Give new ideas and images a chance Understand that everyone has his or her own view of the truth Remember you can change your belief, opinion or ideology
  • 12. Discovering Confidence Concrete confidence is unshakable; however, confidence based only on how you look or what people think about you is easily lost. If your confidence is shaky, pretend that it is not. You can act as if your confidence is solid, even when you feel it is not. You must hold on to a sort of selfishness that makes you worthy for others to cling to. As you do this, your life will gain depth and texture. Stand up for yourself, set strong and healthy boundaries, honour the warrior inside of you. Acknowledge your inner warrior. Respect yourself! For example, some of us hear this often: “Well, at your age there are just a few things you must put up with” or “You are looking good for your age”. My question then is usually, “Which age is that?” How am I suppose to be looking and at what age? When it comes to your life and your body, it is your decision. You must take the responsibility. You should realize that nobody can give you the right formula to your own happiness (including this book). Always allow your intuition to guide you! Start doing things your way. I don’t mean the little insignificant things of life, but the things that really matter, things that make you feel alive: Like where you live, the work you do, what you eat or your health decisions. Your liveliness, animation and energy in action or expression even your longevity, may depend on having your say in your life and getting your way. Human beings need both solitude and community. It's often difficult to balance the two. We should listen to one another, respect other people’s opinions and sometimes put our desires aside for the benefit of family or community. But we should not listen so well that we give up talking to ourselves. Respect others, but insist on respect in return. Losing your sense of self causes grief and sadness. Constant grief hastens the aging process.
  • 13. Beauty Is a State of Mind Embrace the idea of beauty as a state of well-being Understand the difference between natural, inner beauty and cosmetic beauty Find the beauty in every human being Celebrate your own beauty Never conform to media standards of beauty! Find a definition of beauty that conveys your inner being Give yourself flowers. Flowers are an energetic life form. They put energy as well as beauty into a room. Give yourself this energy. As we said before, engage your Powerhouse. As a three-time winner of the Ms. Holland title, I learned the importance of beautiful alignment, and a strong, centered stance. Learn to move beautifully. One of the most wonderful love songs ever written starts with these words: “Something in the way she moves, attracts me like no other lover.” My daughter, Sasha Van Duyn, expresses beauty with her art work. .
  • 14. Surround Yourself with Friends who Make You Feel Beautiful One of the advantages of being an adult is being able to choose many of the people whom you call friends. This means you can choose people who see your beauty and acknowledge your value. Those men and women who see your beauty and acknowledge your value are not just people who want to please you, but people who really do see your beauty and because they do, they help you see it as well. They really acknowledge your value. Those are also the people who help you grow younger.
  • 15. The Four Universal Healing Salves
  • 16. When Did You Stop Dancing? The birth of Swing Dance coincided with the Great Depression. During this dark era of United States history, some people jumped out of their windows and ended their lives. Others, despite the gloom and doom, crowded into the dance halls and danced the night away. Dancing is not just good exercise. It makes you happy. And happy people stay young. "If you just set people in motion, they'll heal themselves" _Gabrielle Roth
  • 17. When Did You Stop Singing? Some people like to combine dancing with singing. That could explain the hundreds of YouTube videos of Pharell Williams' “Happy.” Some even feature people in their 70's and 80's! In August 2013, Time Magazine published an article titled “Singing Changes Your Brain.” Here's an interesting quote: "When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and emotional landscape. Group singing, for those who have done it, is the most exhilarating and transformative of all. It takes something incredibly intimate, a sound that begins inside you, shares it with a roomful of people and it comes back as something even more thrilling: harmony." Stacy Horn, author of “Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing With Others,” notes that it's possible that group singing stimulates endorphins, - the same happiness hormones that occur during aerobic exercise! Group singing can also release oxicotin, which alleviates stress and anxiety.
  • 18. When Did You Stop Being Enchanted By Stories? The website called notes that stories help us in three different ways: 1. Emotional Connection: Storytelling is like opening a window into the minds of the listeners. Stories give a chance to experience a variety of emotions without the risk of those emotions themselves. 2. Understanding Others: Well-told stories can help us to learn about other cultures, ideas and ways of thinking. They can offer opportunities to know how past generations responded to challenges. 3. Growing Intimacy: People are thirsty to know that they are seen and heard in our overstimulated society. When personal and life stories are shared, there’s a chance to know that “I am not alone.”
  • 19. When Did You Stop Finding Comfort in the Sweet Territory of Silence? Silence is a source of great strength.” ~Lao Tzu "Silence brings Clarity to thought. The Clarity of Silence gives you the pristine gift of Wise Choice Wise Choices will ultimately lead to a Beautiful Life" Anna D. LeClaire The Transformative Power of Silence Even if you don't like to meditate, take time out for silence.
  • 20. Meditation as Rejuvenation Studies have shown that people who meditated on a daily basis for many years have a younger physiology. Physiological aging indicators include: Short-term memory Vision problems Increased blood pressure Muscle and joint inflexibility Meditation induces a state of consciousness similar to thinking, dreaming or deep sleep. It is easy to learn. I have been doing it for years. It's part of the secret to my competition success. Although it takes time and discipline to master meditation, it is the best stress reducer . Reduced stress sets back the clock in your apprearance and your overall health. Things that once stressed you out no longer bother you. The lack of stress shows in your face. Meditation itself can be as simple as sitting comfortably with your back straight (in bed, in a chair, or cross-legged on the floor), resting your hands in your lap or on a knee and observing your breathing. It is not a breathing exercise, but a watching exercise. The watching is the meditation. If you have tried meditation before and it did not work, don’t give up. Try again beginning with ten minutes a day. There is never only one way to get where you want to go so if you prefer not to meditate, you can pray or sit still with your thoughts or write down your plan for the day. However you choose to relax and find inner peace, try to do it every day at about the same time.
  • 21. Music, Memory and Mood Facebook provides an excellent way to keep your mind young. Your “friends” group might range from age 20 to 80! YouTube was one of the best things to come to Facebook, because it allows your friends to share their favorite music! Something interesting happens when someone shares a music video from the past. At least one person will say, “Wow! That song brings back memories!” The words “brings back memories” are music –pun intended – to the ears. The results of many studies point to the memory-saving power of music. Dan Cohen is the founder of Music and Memory—a non-profit organization that promotes the health benefits association with music. “A Place for Mom,” a facility that treats dementia patients, interviewed Cohen: “Music actually brings back functions of the brain. It offers a ‘back door” of memory retrieval that is seemingly lost. In fact, while hearing and talking components are located in specific places in the brain, music is located throughout the brain. So often music remains preserved, even if parts of the brain are lost through dementia. And music from our youth is deeply embedded in our neuro-network, and it’s cumulative over time. So if people listen to music for three hours a week over a 10-month period, many of their cognitive test scores actually improve, according to a NY State DOH Dementia Grant program study. If a drug became available that could do this, it would quickly be a multibillion dollar blockbuster.”
  • 23. WHY EXERCISE? Exercise is like the Tin Man's (or woman's) oil can. It counteracts many of the negative responses to growing older. These include: Increased body fat Decreased bone mass Diminished strength Flabby arms and thighs Muscle and joint stiffness Impaired balance Slower metabolism
  • 24. Your Powerhouse Slouching compresses organs and impedes full breathing. That's why you have to constantly remind yourself to stand tall. Do this by lifting out of your solar plexus (the area just above your navel), and separating your midriff from your lower abdomen. This makes your waist look smaller, but it also does something else: It makes you look powerful! Nowadays, people refer to this region as “the core.” As a former powerlifter, I believe that Joesph Pilates had a better word: “The Powerhouse!” All of your movements stem from your Powerhouse. Therefore, drawing your belly button toward your spine is like pushing the “up” button on the elevator. It empowers the elevator to move up. Speaking of upward movement, how do you think powerlifters are able to lift so much weight? Of course, they need strong arms and legs. They need strong, toned, superficial abdominal muscles: the proverbial six-pack. But it's the deeper core muscles, those closer to the spine, that protect your lower back and keep you balanced during those heavy lifts.
  • 25. Stand Tall, Stand Proud If I told you that you could instantly appear 5 kg thinner, look 10 years younger, you would probably think I am trying to sell you something. But it is possible. The secret is in your how carry yourself. The way you hold your body and move through the world reveals a lot about you. In fact, posture is a prime representation of your inner self. Standing straight and moving with grace tells the world you are somebody. You look more confident whether you are or are not. A professional can look at your postural alignment and predict your injuries, your aging process, and your skills at athletics activities, a s well as your activities of daily living. Consider the women who carry vessels of water and fruit on their heads. Ascending the mountains and descending the valleys, they never lose their balance. This would not happen without perfect postural alignment. Just imagine what would happen if these women slouched!
  • 26. Strength Training Check List Do you notice fat where there used to be muscle? Do you feel tired and worn out at the end of the day? Is it more difficult to maintain your weight – even though you are eating less? Do you worry that someday you will be limited physically? Do you feel older than you like? Do you feel down and empty? You can reverse this process with strength training. If you’ve lost strength, you can regain it. If your energy has sagged, you can raise it. If you’ve lost muscle and gained fat, you can reverse that. If you’ve become flabby, you can get thin. If you feel older than you like, you can feel younger, stronger and more vigorous. For many women past 35, the loss of strength and the lack of vigour is a painful experience. If you are experiencing this, you may have figured it’s all an inevitable part of getting older. The main reason most people slow down when they feel older is that they lose about a third of their muscle mass between age 35 and 80. Inactivity plays a major role in the loss of muscle mass. Have you ever been bedridden for a few days? If yes, you will understand what I am talking about. Do you remember that weak feeling when you try to get up again? So now you know what inactivity does to your body. The first signs are that your legs get tire more quickly during a brisk walk, briefcases and grocery bags seem heavier, and even such a simple act as standing up from a sofa becomes difficult. If the process has begun, it can be reversed, if you’ve lost strength, you can regain it.