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To Batch Or Not To Batch
         Luca Mearelli 2011
First and foremost, we believe that speed
is more than a feature. Speed is the most
important feature. If your application is
                            application is
slow, people won’t use it.
       people won’t use it.
Fred Wilson

                                       @lmea #rubyday
Not all the interesting features are fast

          Interacting with remote API
          Sending emails
          Media transcoding
          Large dataset handling

                                            @lmea #rubyday
Anatomy of an asynchronous action

        The app decides it needs to do a long operation
        The app asks the async system to do the
        operation and quickly returns the response
        The async system executes the operation out-

                                                 @lmea #rubyday
Asynchronous jobs
Queues & workers

                    @lmea #rubyday

        @lmea #rubyday

       scheduled operations
       unrelated to the requests
       low frequency
       longer run time

                                   @lmea #rubyday
Anatomy of a cron batch: the rake task

  namespace :export do
    task :items_xml => :environment do
      # read the env variables
      # make the export

                                         @lmea #rubyday
Anatomy of a cron batch: the shell script

  # this goes in script/
  cd /usr/rails/MyApp/current
  export RAILS_ENV=production

  echo "Item Export Full started: `date`"
  rake export:items_xml XML_FOLDER='data/exports'
  echo "Item Export Full completed: `date`"

                                                    @lmea #rubyday
Anatomy of a cron batch: the crontab entry

  0 0 1 * *    /usr/rails/MyApp/current/script/    >> /usr/rails/
  MyApp/current/log/dump_item_export.log          2>&1

  30 13 * * *    cd /usr/rails/MyApp/current; ruby /usr/rails/MyApp/current/script/
  runner -e production "Newsletter.deliver_daily" >> /usr/rails/MyApp/current/log/
  newsletter_daily.log          2>&1

                                                                     @lmea #rubyday
Cron helpers



                                        @lmea #rubyday
Whenever: schedule.rb

  # adds ">> /path/to/file.log 2>&1" to all commands
  set :output, '/path/to/file.log'

  every 3.hours do
    rake "my:rake:task"

  every, :at => '4:30 am' do
    runner "MyModel.task_to_run_at_four_thirty_in_the_morning"

  every :hour do # Many shortcuts available: :hour, :day, :month, :year, :reboot
    command "/usr/bin/my_great_command", :output => {:error =>
  'error.log', :standard => 'cron.log'}

                                                                  @lmea #rubyday
Cracken: raketab

  59 * * * * thing:to_do > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1

  @daily solr:reindex > /tmp/solr_daily.log 2>&1

  # also @yearly, @annually, @monthly, @weekly, @midnight, @hourly

                                                                     @lmea #rubyday
Cracken: raketab.rb do |cron|
    cron.schedule 'thing:to_do > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1',
                  :every => mon..fri

    cron.schedule 'first:five:days > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1',
                  :days => [1,2,3,4,5]

    cron.schedule 'first:day:q1 > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1',
                  :the => '1st', :in => [jan,feb,mar]

    cron.schedule 'first:day:q4 > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1',
                  :the => '1st', :months => 'October,November,December'

                                                                   @lmea #rubyday
Queues & Workers

        un-scheduled operations
        responding to a request
        mid to high frequency
        mixed run time

                                  @lmea #rubyday
Queues & Workers

 Delayed job


                                                    @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job

         Any object method can be a job
         Db backed queue
         Integer-based priority
         Lifecycle hooks (enqueue, before, after, ... )

                                                      @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job: simple jobs

  # without delayed_job

  # with delayed_job

  # always asyncronous method
  class Newsletter
    def deliver
      # long running method
    handle_asynchronously :deliver

  newsletter =

                                     @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job: handle_asyncronously

  handle_asynchronously :sync_method,
                        :priority => 20

  handle_asynchronously :in_the_future,
                        :run_at => { 5.minutes.from_now }

  handle_asynchronously :call_a_class_method,
                        :run_at => { when_to_run }

  handle_asynchronously :call_an_instance_method,
                        :priority => {|i| i.how_important }

                                                                     @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job

  class NewsletterJob <, :emails)
    def perform
      emails.each { |e| NewsMailer.deliver_text_to_email(text, e) }

  Delayed::Job.enqueue'lorem ipsum...',

                                                                  @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job

  RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job -n 2 --min-priority 10 start

  RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job stop

  rake jobs:work

                                                                  @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job: checking the job status

         The queue is for scheduled and running jobs
         Handle the status outside Delayed::Job object

                                                  @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job: checking the job status

  # Include this in your initializers somewhere
  class Queue < Delayed::Job
    def self.status(id)
      self.find_by_id(id).nil? ? "success" : (job.last_error.nil? ? "queued" : "failure")

  # Use this method in your poll method like so:
  def poll
      status = Queue.status(params[:id])
      if status == "success"
        # Success, notify the user!
      elsif status == "failure"
        # Failure, notify the user!

                                                                                @lmea #rubyday
Delayed job: checking the job status

  class AJob <

    def perform

    def success(job)
      # record success of
      Rails.cache.write("status:#{}", "success")


  # a helper
  def job_completed_with_success(job_id)"status:#{job_id}")=="success"

                                                         @lmea #rubyday

         Redis-backed queues
         Queue/dequeue speed independent of list size
         Forking behaviour
         Built in front-end
         Multiple queues / no priorities

                                                 @lmea #rubyday
Resque: the job

  class Export
    @queue = :export_jobs

    def self.perform(dataset_id, kind = 'full')
      ds = Dataset.find(dataset_id)

                                                  @lmea #rubyday
Resque: enqueuing the job

  class Dataset
    def async_create_export(kind)
      Resque.enqueue(Export,, kind)

  ds = Dataset.find(100)

                                              @lmea #rubyday
Resque: persisting the job

  # jobs are persisted as JSON,
  # so jobs should only take arguments that can be expressed as JSON
      'class': 'Export',
      'args': [ 100, 'full' ]

  # don't do this: Resque.enqueue(Export, self, kind)
  # do this:
  Resque.enqueue(Export,, kind)

                                                                       @lmea #rubyday
Resque: generic async methods

  # A simple async helper
  class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base
    # This will be called by a worker when a job needs to be processed
    def self.perform(id, method, *args)
      find(id).send(method, *args)

    # We can pass this any Repository instance method that we want to
    # run later.
    def async(method, *args)
      Resque.enqueue(Repository, id, method, *args)

  # Now we can call any method and have it execute later:

  @repo.async(:update_network_source_id, 34)

                                                                         @lmea #rubyday
Resque: anatomy of a worker

  # a worker does this:
  loop do
    if job = reserve
      sleep 5

                              @lmea #rubyday
Resque: working the queues

  $ QUEUES=critical,high,low rake resque:work
  $ QUEUES=* rake resque:work
  $ PIDFILE=./ QUEUE=export_jobs rake environment resque:work

  task "resque:setup" => :environment do
    AppConfig.a_parameter = ...

                                                                          @lmea #rubyday
Resque: monit recipe

  # example monit monitoring recipe
  check process resque_worker_batch_01
    with pidfile /app/current/tmp/pids/

    start program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /app/current; RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=batch_queue nohup
  rake environment resque:work & > log/worker_01.log && echo $! > tmp/pids/'" as uid
  deploy and gid deploy

    stop program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /app/current && kill -s QUIT `cat tmp/pids/` && rm
  -f tmp/pids/; exit 0;'"

    if totalmem is greater than 1000 MB for 10 cycles then restart # eating up memory?

    group resque_workers

                                                                                @lmea #rubyday
Resque: built-in monitoring

                              @lmea #rubyday
Resque plugins



  More at:

                                                      @lmea #rubyday

        Simple trackable jobs for resque
        Job instances have a UUID
        Jobs can report their status while running

                                                     @lmea #rubyday

  # inheriting from JobWithStatus
  class ExportJob < Resque::JobWithStatus

    # perform is an instance method
    def perform
      limit = options['limit'].to_i || 1000
      items = Item.limit(limit)
      total = items.count
      exported = []
      items.each_with_index do |item, num|
        at(num, total, "At #{num} of #{total}")
        exported << item.to_csv
      end, 'w') { |f| f.write(exported.join("n")) }


                                                                            @lmea #rubyday

  job_id = SleepJob.create(:length => 100)
  status = Resque::Status.get(job_id)

  # the status object tell us:
  status.pct_complete #=> 0
  status.status #=> 'queued'
  status.queued? #=> true
  status.working? #=> false
  status.time #=> Time object
  status.message #=> "Created at ..."


                                             @lmea #rubyday

        Queueing for future execution
        Scheduling jobs (like cron!)

                                        @lmea #rubyday

  # run a job in 5 days
  Resque.enqueue_in(5.days, SendFollowupEmail)

  # run SomeJob at a specific time
  Resque.enqueue_at(5.days.from_now, SomeJob)

                                                 @lmea #rubyday

  namespace :resque do
    task :setup do
      require 'resque'
      require 'resque_scheduler'
      require 'resque/scheduler'

      Resque.redis = 'localhost:6379'

      # The schedule doesn't need to be stored in a YAML, it just needs to
      # be a hash. YAML is usually the easiest.
      Resque::Scheduler.schedule = YAML.load_file('your_resque_schedule.yml')

      # When dynamic is set to true, the scheduler process looks for
      # schedule changes and applies them on the fly.
      # Also if dynamic the Resque::Scheduler.set_schedule (and remove_schedule)
      # methods can be used to alter the schedule
      #Resque::Scheduler.dynamic = true

  $ rake resque:scheduler

                                                                                   @lmea #rubyday
Resque-scheduler: the yaml configuration

    cron: "0 0 * * *"
    class: QueueDocuments
    queue: high
    description: "This job queues all content for indexing in solr"

    cron: "30 6 * * 1"
    class: Export
    queue: low
    args: full
    description: "This job does a weekly export"

                                                                      @lmea #rubyday
Other (commercial)



                                                 @lmea #rubyday
Other (historical)

  Beanstalkd and Stalker

  Backgroundjob (Bj)


                                                                 @lmea #rubyday
Other (different approaches)


  Cloud Crowd

                                                                              @lmea #rubyday

             @lmea #rubyday

                                                             @lmea #rubyday

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To Batch Or Not To Batch

  • 1. To Batch Or Not To Batch Luca Mearelli 2011
  • 2. First and foremost, we believe that speed is more than a feature. Speed is the most important feature. If your application is application is slow, people won’t use it. people won’t use it. Fred Wilson @lmea #rubyday
  • 3. Not all the interesting features are fast Interacting with remote API Sending emails Media transcoding Large dataset handling @lmea #rubyday
  • 4. Anatomy of an asynchronous action The app decides it needs to do a long operation The app asks the async system to do the operation and quickly returns the response The async system executes the operation out- of-band @lmea #rubyday
  • 5. Batch Asynchronous jobs Queues & workers @lmea #rubyday
  • 6. Batch @lmea #rubyday
  • 7. Cron scheduled operations unrelated to the requests low frequency longer run time @lmea #rubyday
  • 8. Anatomy of a cron batch: the rake task namespace :export do task :items_xml => :environment do # read the env variables # make the export end end @lmea #rubyday
  • 9. Anatomy of a cron batch: the shell script #!/bin/sh # this goes in script/ cd /usr/rails/MyApp/current export RAILS_ENV=production echo "Item Export Full started: `date`" rake export:items_xml XML_FOLDER='data/exports' echo "Item Export Full completed: `date`" @lmea #rubyday
  • 10. Anatomy of a cron batch: the crontab entry 0 0 1 * * /usr/rails/MyApp/current/script/ >> /usr/rails/ MyApp/current/log/dump_item_export.log 2>&1 30 13 * * * cd /usr/rails/MyApp/current; ruby /usr/rails/MyApp/current/script/ runner -e production "Newsletter.deliver_daily" >> /usr/rails/MyApp/current/log/ newsletter_daily.log 2>&1 @lmea #rubyday
  • 11. Cron helpers Whenever Craken @lmea #rubyday
  • 12. Whenever: schedule.rb # adds ">> /path/to/file.log 2>&1" to all commands set :output, '/path/to/file.log' every 3.hours do rake "my:rake:task" end every, :at => '4:30 am' do runner "MyModel.task_to_run_at_four_thirty_in_the_morning" end every :hour do # Many shortcuts available: :hour, :day, :month, :year, :reboot command "/usr/bin/my_great_command", :output => {:error => 'error.log', :standard => 'cron.log'} end @lmea #rubyday
  • 13. Cracken: raketab 59 * * * * thing:to_do > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1 @daily solr:reindex > /tmp/solr_daily.log 2>&1 # also @yearly, @annually, @monthly, @weekly, @midnight, @hourly @lmea #rubyday
  • 14. Cracken: raketab.rb do |cron| cron.schedule 'thing:to_do > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1', :every => mon..fri cron.schedule 'first:five:days > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1', :days => [1,2,3,4,5] cron.schedule 'first:day:q1 > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1', :the => '1st', :in => [jan,feb,mar] cron.schedule 'first:day:q4 > /tmp/thing_to_do.log 2>&1', :the => '1st', :months => 'October,November,December' end @lmea #rubyday
  • 15. Queues & Workers un-scheduled operations responding to a request mid to high frequency mixed run time @lmea #rubyday
  • 16. Queues & Workers Delayed job Resque @lmea #rubyday
  • 17. Delayed job Any object method can be a job Db backed queue Integer-based priority Lifecycle hooks (enqueue, before, after, ... ) @lmea #rubyday
  • 18. Delayed job: simple jobs # without delayed_job @user.notify!(@event) # with delayed_job @user.delay.notify!(@event) # always asyncronous method class Newsletter def deliver # long running method end handle_asynchronously :deliver end newsletter = newsletter.deliver @lmea #rubyday
  • 19. Delayed job: handle_asyncronously handle_asynchronously :sync_method, :priority => 20 handle_asynchronously :in_the_future, :run_at => { 5.minutes.from_now } handle_asynchronously :call_a_class_method, :run_at => { when_to_run } handle_asynchronously :call_an_instance_method, :priority => {|i| i.how_important } @lmea #rubyday
  • 20. Delayed job class NewsletterJob <, :emails) def perform emails.each { |e| NewsMailer.deliver_text_to_email(text, e) } end end Delayed::Job.enqueue'lorem ipsum...', User.find(:all).collect(&:email)) @lmea #rubyday
  • 21. Delayed job RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job -n 2 --min-priority 10 start RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job stop rake jobs:work @lmea #rubyday
  • 22. Delayed job: checking the job status The queue is for scheduled and running jobs Handle the status outside Delayed::Job object @lmea #rubyday
  • 23. Delayed job: checking the job status # Include this in your initializers somewhere class Queue < Delayed::Job def self.status(id) self.find_by_id(id).nil? ? "success" : (job.last_error.nil? ? "queued" : "failure") end end # Use this method in your poll method like so: def poll status = Queue.status(params[:id]) if status == "success" # Success, notify the user! elsif status == "failure" # Failure, notify the user! end end @lmea #rubyday
  • 24. Delayed job: checking the job status class AJob < def perform do_something(options) end def success(job) # record success of Rails.cache.write("status:#{}", "success") end end # a helper def job_completed_with_success(job_id)"status:#{job_id}")=="success" end @lmea #rubyday
  • 25. Resque Redis-backed queues Queue/dequeue speed independent of list size Forking behaviour Built in front-end Multiple queues / no priorities @lmea #rubyday
  • 26. Resque: the job class Export @queue = :export_jobs def self.perform(dataset_id, kind = 'full') ds = Dataset.find(dataset_id) ds.create_export(kind) end end @lmea #rubyday
  • 27. Resque: enqueuing the job class Dataset def async_create_export(kind) Resque.enqueue(Export,, kind) end end ds = Dataset.find(100) ds.async_create_export('full') @lmea #rubyday
  • 28. Resque: persisting the job # jobs are persisted as JSON, # so jobs should only take arguments that can be expressed as JSON { 'class': 'Export', 'args': [ 100, 'full' ] } # don't do this: Resque.enqueue(Export, self, kind) # do this: Resque.enqueue(Export,, kind) @lmea #rubyday
  • 29. Resque: generic async methods # A simple async helper class Repository < ActiveRecord::Base # This will be called by a worker when a job needs to be processed def self.perform(id, method, *args) find(id).send(method, *args) end # We can pass this any Repository instance method that we want to # run later. def async(method, *args) Resque.enqueue(Repository, id, method, *args) end end # Now we can call any method and have it execute later: @repo.async(:update_disk_usage) @repo.async(:update_network_source_id, 34) @lmea #rubyday
  • 30. Resque: anatomy of a worker # a worker does this: start loop do if job = reserve job.process else sleep 5 end end shutdown @lmea #rubyday
  • 31. Resque: working the queues $ QUEUES=critical,high,low rake resque:work $ QUEUES=* rake resque:work $ PIDFILE=./ QUEUE=export_jobs rake environment resque:work task "resque:setup" => :environment do AppConfig.a_parameter = ... end @lmea #rubyday
  • 32. Resque: monit recipe # example monit monitoring recipe check process resque_worker_batch_01 with pidfile /app/current/tmp/pids/ start program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /app/current; RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=batch_queue nohup rake environment resque:work & > log/worker_01.log && echo $! > tmp/pids/'" as uid deploy and gid deploy stop program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /app/current && kill -s QUIT `cat tmp/pids/` && rm -f tmp/pids/; exit 0;'" if totalmem is greater than 1000 MB for 10 cycles then restart # eating up memory? group resque_workers @lmea #rubyday
  • 33. Resque: built-in monitoring @lmea #rubyday
  • 34. Resque plugins Resque-status Resque-scheduler More at: @lmea #rubyday
  • 35. Resque-status Simple trackable jobs for resque Job instances have a UUID Jobs can report their status while running @lmea #rubyday
  • 36. Resque-status # inheriting from JobWithStatus class ExportJob < Resque::JobWithStatus # perform is an instance method def perform limit = options['limit'].to_i || 1000 items = Item.limit(limit) total = items.count exported = [] items.each_with_index do |item, num| at(num, total, "At #{num} of #{total}") exported << item.to_csv end, 'w') { |f| f.write(exported.join("n")) } complete(:filename=>local_filename) end end @lmea #rubyday
  • 37. Resque-status job_id = SleepJob.create(:length => 100) status = Resque::Status.get(job_id) # the status object tell us: status.pct_complete #=> 0 status.status #=> 'queued' status.queued? #=> true status.working? #=> false status.time #=> Time object status.message #=> "Created at ..." Resque::Status.kill(job_id) @lmea #rubyday
  • 38. Resque-scheduler Queueing for future execution Scheduling jobs (like cron!) @lmea #rubyday
  • 39. Resque-scheduler # run a job in 5 days Resque.enqueue_in(5.days, SendFollowupEmail) # run SomeJob at a specific time Resque.enqueue_at(5.days.from_now, SomeJob) @lmea #rubyday
  • 40. Resque-scheduler namespace :resque do task :setup do require 'resque' require 'resque_scheduler' require 'resque/scheduler' Resque.redis = 'localhost:6379' # The schedule doesn't need to be stored in a YAML, it just needs to # be a hash. YAML is usually the easiest. Resque::Scheduler.schedule = YAML.load_file('your_resque_schedule.yml') # When dynamic is set to true, the scheduler process looks for # schedule changes and applies them on the fly. # Also if dynamic the Resque::Scheduler.set_schedule (and remove_schedule) # methods can be used to alter the schedule #Resque::Scheduler.dynamic = true end end $ rake resque:scheduler @lmea #rubyday
  • 41. Resque-scheduler: the yaml configuration queue_documents_for_indexing: cron: "0 0 * * *" class: QueueDocuments queue: high args: description: "This job queues all content for indexing in solr" export_items: cron: "30 6 * * 1" class: Export queue: low args: full description: "This job does a weekly export" @lmea #rubyday
  • 42. Other (commercial) SimpleWorker SQS @lmea #rubyday
  • 43. Other (historical) Beanstalkd and Stalker Backgroundjob (Bj) BackgroundRb @lmea #rubyday
  • 44. Other (different approaches) Nanite Cloud Crowd @lmea #rubyday
  • 45. Ciao! @lmea #rubyday
  • 46. @lmea #rubyday