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COSC 426: Augmented Reality

           Mark Billinghurst

            August 1st 2012

     Lecture 4: AR Developer Tools
Low Level AR Libraries
Low Level AR Libraries
  ARToolKit
    Marker based tracking
  FLARToolKit
    Flash version of ARToolKit
    Simple Spatial Template Tracking
  Opira
    Robust Natural Feature Tracking
What is ARToolKit?
  Marker Tracking Library for AR applications
     Open Source, Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS)
  Overlays 3D virtual objects on real markers
     Uses single tracking marker
     Determines camera pose information (6 DOF)
  ARToolKit Websites
How it Works
ARToolKit Software
  ARToolKit version: 2.65 or later
  Currently two license models
     Open Source (GPL): ARToolKit 2.72
     Commercial (ARToolWorks): ARToolKit 4.0
  OS: Linux, Windows, MacOS X, iPhone/Android
  Programming language: C
  Related software
       ARToolKit Professional: Commercial version
       ARToolKitPlus: Advanced version
       NyARToolkit: Java and C# version
       FLARToolKit: Flash version
ARToolKit Family

                                   ARToolKit NFT
                           ARToolKit Plus

            JARToolKit (Java)

       ARToolKit (Symbian)
                                   FLARToolKit (Flash)
                   - Java, C#,
                   - Android, WM
                                     FLARManager (Flash)
ARToolKit Structure



  Three key libraries:
     AR32.lib – ARToolKit image processing functions
     ARgsub32.lib – ARToolKit graphics functions
     ARvideo.lib – DirectShow video capture class
Additional Software
  ARToolKit just provides tracking
    For an AR application you’ll need more software
  High level rendering library
    Open VRML, Open Inventor, osgART, etc
  Audio Library
    Fmod, etc
  Peripheral support
What does ARToolKit Calculate?
  Position of makers in the camera coordinates
  Pose of markers in the camera coordinates
  Output format
    3x4 matrix format to represent the
     transformation matrix from the marker
     coordinates to the camera coordinates
Coordinate Systems
From Marker To Camera
  Rotation & Translation

    TCM : 4x4 transformation matrix
         from marker coord. to camera coord.
AR Application Development
An ARToolKit Application
   Initialization
     Load camera and pattern parameters
  Main Loop
     Step1. Image capture and display
     Step2. Marker detection
     Step3. Marker identification
     Step4. Getting pose information
     Step5. Object Interactions/Simulation
     Step6. Display virtual objects
  End Application
     Camera shut down
Sample ARToolKit Applications
 Ex. 1: Simple video display
 Ex. 2: Detecting a marker
 Ex. 3: Using pattern
 Ex. 4: Getting a 3D information
 Ex. 5: Virtual object overlay
Ex 1: Simple Video Display
  Program : sample1.c
  Key points
    Loop structure
    Video image handling
    Camera parameter handling
    Window setup
    Mouse and keyboard handling
Sample1.c – video initialization
  Configure the video input
   vconf = <video configuration string>
  Start video capture
  In init(), open the video
   arVideoOpen( vconf );
   arVideoInqSize(&xsize, &ysize);
  When finished, close the video path
Changing Image Size
  For input capture "
   vconf = “videoWidth=320,videoHeight=240";
   Note – the camera must support this image size

  For display
   argInit( &cparam, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

The second parameter means zoom ratio for display
  image size related to input image.
Graphics handling: libARgsub
  Set up and clean up the graphics window
   void argInit( ARParam *cparam, double zoom,
               int fullFlag, int xwin, int ywin,
               int hmd_flag );
   void argCleanup( void );

   cparam:              camera parameter
   zoom:                zoom ratio
   fullFlag:            0: normal, 1: full screen mode
   Xwin, ywin: create small window for debug
   hmd_flag:            0: normal, 1: optical see-through mode
Sample1.c Main Function
!argMainLoop( mouseEvent,     !!
   !keyEvent, mainLoop);           !
Graphics handling: libARgsub
  Go into the iterative cycle
  void argMainLoop(
     void (*mouseFunc)(int btn,int state,int x,int y),
     void (*keyFunc)(unsigned char key, int x, int y),
     void (*mainFunc)(void)

  Swap buffers
  void argSwapBuffers( void );
Sample1.c - mainLoop Function
 if( dataPtr = (ARUint8 *)
 arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) {
 argDispImage(dataPtr, 0, 0 );
Image capture: libARvideo
  Return the pointer for captured image
    ARUint8 *arVideoGetImage( void );
  Pixel format and byte size are defined in config.h
    #define    AR_PIX_FORMAT_BGR
    #define    AR_PIX_SIZE       3
Graphics handling: libARgsub
  Set the window for 2D drawing
   void argDrawMode2D( void );
  Set the window for 3D drawing
   void argDrawMode3D( void );
   void argDraw3dCamera( int xwin, int ywin );
  Display image
   void argDispImage( ARUint8 *image,
                     int xwin, int ywin );
Ex. 2: Detecting a Marker
  Program : sample2.c
  Key points
    Threshold value
    Important external variables
    arDebug – keep thresholded image
    arImage – pointer for thresholded image
    arImageProcMode – use 50% image for image
Sample2.c – marker detection
/* detect the markers in the video frame */
if(arDetectMarker(dataPtr, thresh,
  &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) {
for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) {
Sample2.c – marker_info structure
  typedef struct {
    int area;
    int id;
    int dir;
    double cf;
    double pos[2];
    double line[4][3];
    double vertex[4][2];
  } ARMarkerInfo; !
Ex. 3: Using a Pattern
  Program : sample3.c
  Key points
    Pattern files loading
    Structure of marker
     -  Region features
     -  Pattern Id, direction
     -  Certainty factor
    Marker identification
Making a pattern template
  Use of utility program:
  Show the pattern
  Put the corner of red line
   segments on the left-top
   vertex of the marker
  Pattern stored as a
   template in a file
  1:2:1 ratio determines the
   pattern region used
Sample3.c – Pattern File Loading
int patt_id;
char *patt_name = “Data/kanjiPatt”

/* load pattern file */
if(patt_id=arLoadPatt (patt_name) < 0)
  printf ("Pattern file load error !! n");
Checking for known patterns
/* check for known patterns */
    k = -1;
for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) {
    if( marker_info[i].id == patt_id) {
   /* you've found a pattern */
   printf("Found pattern: %d n",patt_id);
   if( k == -1 ) k = i;
   /* make sure you have the best pattern
  (highest confidence factor) */
   if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[i].cf )
           k = i;
Ex. 4 – Getting 3D information
  Program : sample4.c
  Key points
    Definition of a real marker
    Transformation matrix
    -  Rotation component
    -  Translation component
Sample4.c – Transformation matrix
double marker_center[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
double marker_width = 80.0;
double marker_trans[3][4];

    marker_center, marker_width,
Finding the Camera Position
This function sets transformation matrix from marker
  to camera into marker_trans[3][4]."
  arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k],     marker_center,
      marker_width, marker_trans);

You can see the position information in the values of
 " Xpos = marker_trans[0][3];
      Ypos = marker_trans[1][3];
      Zpos = marker_trans[2][3];
ARToolKit Coordinate Frame
Ex. 5- Virtual Object Display
  Program : sample5.c
  Key points
     OpenGL parameter setting
     Setup of projection matrix
     Setup of modelview matrix
Appending your own OpenGL code
Set the camera parameters to OpenGL Projection matrix.
   argDraw3dCamera( 0, 0 );
Set the transformation matrix from the marker to the camera to
   the OpenGL ModelView matrix.
   argConvGlpara(marker_trans, gl_para);
   glLoadMatrixd( gl_para );

After calling these functions, your OpenGL objects are
drawn in the real marker coordinates.
3D CG Model Rendering
  ARToolKit does not have a function to handle
   3D CG models.
  3rd party CG rendering software should be
    OpenVRML
    OpenSceneGraph
    etc
Loading Multiple Patterns
  Sample File: LoadMulti.c
     Uses object.c to load
  Object Structure
   typedef struct {
     char       name[256];
     int        id;
     int        visible;
     double     marker_coord[4][2];
     double     trans[3][4];
     double     marker_width;
     double     marker_center[2];
   } ObjectData_T;
Finding Multiple Transforms
  Create object list
ObjectData_T        *object;

  Read in objects - in init( )
read_ObjData( char *name, int *objectnum );

  Find Transform – in mainLoop( )
for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) {
    ..Check patterns
    ..Find transforms for each marker
Drawing Multiple Objects
  Send the object list to the draw function
draw( object, objectnum );
  Draw each object individually
for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) {
   if( object[i].visible == 0 ) continue;
   argConvGlpara(object[i].trans, gl_para);
   draw_object( object[i].id, gl_para);
Limitations of ARToolKit
  Partial occlusions cause tracking failure
  Affected by lighting and shadows
  Tracking range depends on marker size
  Performance depends on number of markers
      cf artTag, ARToolKitPlus
  Pose accuracy depends on distance to marker
  Pose accuracy depends on angle to marker
ARToolKit in the World

  Hundreds of projects
  Large research community
  Flash AS3 Version of the ARToolKit
     (was ported from NyARToolkit the Java Version of the ARToolkit)

    enables augmented reality in the Browser
    uses Papervision3D for as 3D Engine
    available at
    dual license, GPL and commercial license
AR Application Components
                   Adobe Flash

                   Papervision 3D

private function mainEnter(e:Event):void {
              /* Capture video frame*/

            /* Detect marker */
            if (detector.detectMarkerLite(raster, 80) && detector.getConfidence() > 0.5)
                       //Get the transfomration matrix for the current marker position

                      //Translates and rotates the mainContainer so it looks right

                      //Render the papervision scene
FLARToolKit Examples
Papervision 3D
  Flash-based 3D-Engine
  Supports
    import of 3D Models
    texturing
    animation
    scene graph
  alternatives: Away3d, Sandy,…
Source Packages
  „Original“ FLARToolkit (Libspark, Saqoosha) ( )

  Start-up-guides
     Saqoosha ( )
     Miko Haapoja ( )
  „Frameworks“
     Squidder MultipleMarker – Example (
      markers/ )
     FLARManager ( )
Other Languages
  NyARToolKit
    AS3, Java, C#, Processing, Unity, etc
  openFrameworks
    Support for other libraries
      -  Kinect, Audio, Physics, etc
void testApp::update(){ //capture video and detect markers
    if (mov.isFrameNew()) {
        img.setFromPixels(mov.getPixels(), ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight());
        gray = img;
void testApp::draw(){ //draw AR objects
    ofSetColor(0xffffff); mov.draw(0, 0);
    for (int i=0; i<tracker.markers.size(); i++) {
        ARMarkerInfo &m = tracker.markers[i];
        ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 100); ofCircle(0,0,25); ofSetColor(0);
AR Tools
Building Compelling AR Experiences



             tools       Authoring

          components     Tracking, Display

                                     Sony CSL © 2004
AR Authoring
  Software Libraries
      osgART, Studierstube, MXRToolKit
  Plug-ins to existing software
      DART (Macromedia Director), mARx, Unity,
  Stand Alone
      AMIRE, BuildAR, etc
  Next Generation
      iaTAR (Tangible AR)
mARx Plug-in

  3D Studio Max Plug-in
  Can model and view AR content at the same time

    Stand alone application
    Visual interface for AR model viewing application
    Enables non-programmers to build AR scenes
Plug-ins for 3D authoring tools

  Unity - Game development tool (
  Esperient Creator – General interactive 3D authoring
Metaio Design
  Complete commercial authoring platform
    Offers viewer and editor tools
    Drag and drop tools
    3D model import
Total Immersion D’Fusion Studio
  Complete commercial authoring platform
    Multi-platform
    Markerless tracking
    Scripting
    Face tracking
    Finger tracking
    Kinect support
  AR-Media
     Google sketch-up plug-in
  LinceoVR
     AR/VR authoring package
  Libraries
     JARToolKit, MXRToolKit, ARLib, Goblin XNA
OSGART Programming Library
  Integration of ARToolKit with a High-Level
   Rendering Engine (OpenSceneGraph)
  OSGART= OpenSceneGraph + ARToolKit

  Supporting Geometric + Photometric Registration

  C++ (but also Python, Lua, etc).
  Multiple Video Input supports:
     Direct (Firewire/USB Camera), Files, Network by
      ARvideo, PtGrey, CVCam, VideoWrapper, etc.
  Benefits of Open Scene Graph
     Rendering Engine, Plug-ins, etc
Advanced Authoring: iaTAR (Lee 2004)

  Immersive AR Authoring
  Using real objects to create AR applications
More Information
•  Mark Billinghurst	


•  Websites	


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426 lecture 4: AR Developer Tools

  • 1. COSC 426: Augmented Reality Mark Billinghurst August 1st 2012 Lecture 4: AR Developer Tools
  • 2. Low Level AR Libraries
  • 3. Low Level AR Libraries   ARToolKit   Marker based tracking   FLARToolKit   Flash version of ARToolKit   SSTT   Simple Spatial Template Tracking   Opira   Robust Natural Feature Tracking
  • 4. What is ARToolKit?   Marker Tracking Library for AR applications   Open Source, Multi-platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS)   Overlays 3D virtual objects on real markers   Uses single tracking marker   Determines camera pose information (6 DOF)   ARToolKit Websites
  • 6. ARToolKit Software   ARToolKit version: 2.65 or later   Currently two license models   Open Source (GPL): ARToolKit 2.72   Commercial (ARToolWorks): ARToolKit 4.0   OS: Linux, Windows, MacOS X, iPhone/Android   Programming language: C   Related software   ARToolKit Professional: Commercial version   ARToolKitPlus: Advanced version   NyARToolkit: Java and C# version   FLARToolKit: Flash version
  • 7. ARToolKit Family ARToolKit NFT ARToolKit ARToolKit Plus JARToolKit (Java) ARToolKit (Symbian) FLARToolKit (Flash) NyToolKit - Java, C#, - Android, WM FLARManager (Flash)
  • 8. ARToolKit Structure ARvideo.lib DirectShow   Three key libraries:   AR32.lib – ARToolKit image processing functions   ARgsub32.lib – ARToolKit graphics functions   ARvideo.lib – DirectShow video capture class
  • 9. Additional Software   ARToolKit just provides tracking   For an AR application you’ll need more software   High level rendering library   Open VRML, Open Inventor, osgART, etc   Audio Library   Fmod, etc   Peripheral support
  • 10. What does ARToolKit Calculate?   Position of makers in the camera coordinates   Pose of markers in the camera coordinates   Output format   3x4 matrix format to represent the transformation matrix from the marker coordinates to the camera coordinates
  • 12. From Marker To Camera   Rotation & Translation TCM : 4x4 transformation matrix from marker coord. to camera coord.
  • 14. An ARToolKit Application   Initialization   Load camera and pattern parameters   Main Loop   Step1. Image capture and display   Step2. Marker detection   Step3. Marker identification   Step4. Getting pose information   Step5. Object Interactions/Simulation   Step6. Display virtual objects   End Application   Camera shut down
  • 15. Sample ARToolKit Applications  Ex. 1: Simple video display  Ex. 2: Detecting a marker  Ex. 3: Using pattern  Ex. 4: Getting a 3D information  Ex. 5: Virtual object overlay
  • 16. Ex 1: Simple Video Display   Program : sample1.c   Key points   Loop structure   Video image handling   Camera parameter handling   Window setup   Mouse and keyboard handling
  • 17. Sample1.c – video initialization   Configure the video input vconf = <video configuration string>   Start video capture arVideoCapStart();   In init(), open the video arVideoOpen( vconf ); arVideoInqSize(&xsize, &ysize);   When finished, close the video path arVideoCapStop(); arVideoClose();
  • 18. Changing Image Size   For input capture " vconf = “videoWidth=320,videoHeight=240"; Note – the camera must support this image size   For display argInit( &cparam, 1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); The second parameter means zoom ratio for display image size related to input image.
  • 19. Graphics handling: libARgsub   Set up and clean up the graphics window void argInit( ARParam *cparam, double zoom, int fullFlag, int xwin, int ywin, int hmd_flag ); void argCleanup( void ); cparam: camera parameter zoom: zoom ratio fullFlag: 0: normal, 1: full screen mode Xwin, ywin: create small window for debug hmd_flag: 0: normal, 1: optical see-through mode
  • 20. Sample1.c Main Function main()! {! !init();! !argMainLoop( mouseEvent, !! !keyEvent, mainLoop); ! }!
  • 21. Graphics handling: libARgsub   Go into the iterative cycle void argMainLoop( void (*mouseFunc)(int btn,int state,int x,int y), void (*keyFunc)(unsigned char key, int x, int y), void (*mainFunc)(void) );   Swap buffers void argSwapBuffers( void );
  • 22. Sample1.c - mainLoop Function if( dataPtr = (ARUint8 *) arVideoGetImage()) == NULL ) { arUtilSleep(2); return; } argDrawMode2D(); argDispImage(dataPtr, 0, 0 ); arVideoCapNext(); argSwapBuffers();
  • 23. Image capture: libARvideo   Return the pointer for captured image   ARUint8 *arVideoGetImage( void );   Pixel format and byte size are defined in config.h   #define AR_PIX_FORMAT_BGR   #define AR_PIX_SIZE 3
  • 24. Graphics handling: libARgsub   Set the window for 2D drawing void argDrawMode2D( void );   Set the window for 3D drawing void argDrawMode3D( void ); void argDraw3dCamera( int xwin, int ywin );   Display image void argDispImage( ARUint8 *image, int xwin, int ywin );
  • 25. Ex. 2: Detecting a Marker   Program : sample2.c   Key points   Threshold value   Important external variables   arDebug – keep thresholded image   arImage – pointer for thresholded image   arImageProcMode – use 50% image for image processing -  AR_IMAGE_PROC_IN_FULL -  AR_IMAGE_PROC_IN_HALF
  • 26. Sample2.c – marker detection /* detect the markers in the video frame */ if(arDetectMarker(dataPtr, thresh, &marker_info, &marker_num) < 0 ) { cleanup(); exit(0); } for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) { argDrawSquare(marker_info[i].vertex,0,0); }
  • 27. Sample2.c – marker_info structure typedef struct { int area; int id; int dir; double cf; double pos[2]; double line[4][3]; double vertex[4][2]; } ARMarkerInfo; !
  • 28. Ex. 3: Using a Pattern   Program : sample3.c   Key points   Pattern files loading   Structure of marker information -  Region features -  Pattern Id, direction -  Certainty factor   Marker identification
  • 29. Making a pattern template   Use of utility program: mk_patt.exe   Show the pattern   Put the corner of red line segments on the left-top vertex of the marker   Pattern stored as a template in a file   1:2:1 ratio determines the pattern region used
  • 30. Sample3.c – Pattern File Loading int patt_id; char *patt_name = “Data/kanjiPatt” /* load pattern file */ if(patt_id=arLoadPatt (patt_name) < 0) { printf ("Pattern file load error !! n"); exit(0); }
  • 31. Checking for known patterns /* check for known patterns */ k = -1; for( i = 0; i < marker_num; i++ ) { if( marker_info[i].id == patt_id) { /* you've found a pattern */ printf("Found pattern: %d n",patt_id); if( k == -1 ) k = i; else /* make sure you have the best pattern (highest confidence factor) */ if( marker_info[k].cf < marker_info[i].cf ) k = i; } }
  • 32. Ex. 4 – Getting 3D information   Program : sample4.c   Key points   Definition of a real marker   Transformation matrix -  Rotation component -  Translation component
  • 33. Sample4.c – Transformation matrix double marker_center[2] = {0.0, 0.0}; double marker_width = 80.0; double marker_trans[3][4]; arGetTransMat(&marker_info[i], marker_center, marker_width, marker_trans);
  • 34. Finding the Camera Position This function sets transformation matrix from marker to camera into marker_trans[3][4]." arGetTransMat(&marker_info[k], marker_center, marker_width, marker_trans); You can see the position information in the values of marker_trans[3][4]." " Xpos = marker_trans[0][3]; Ypos = marker_trans[1][3]; Zpos = marker_trans[2][3];
  • 36. Ex. 5- Virtual Object Display   Program : sample5.c   Key points   OpenGL parameter setting   Setup of projection matrix   Setup of modelview matrix
  • 37. Appending your own OpenGL code Set the camera parameters to OpenGL Projection matrix. argDrawMode3D(); argDraw3dCamera( 0, 0 ); Set the transformation matrix from the marker to the camera to the OpenGL ModelView matrix. argConvGlpara(marker_trans, gl_para); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadMatrixd( gl_para ); After calling these functions, your OpenGL objects are drawn in the real marker coordinates.
  • 38. 3D CG Model Rendering   ARToolKit does not have a function to handle 3D CG models.   3rd party CG rendering software should be employed.   OpenVRML   OpenSceneGraph   etc
  • 39. Loading Multiple Patterns   Sample File: LoadMulti.c   Uses object.c to load   Object Structure typedef struct { char name[256]; int id; int visible; double marker_coord[4][2]; double trans[3][4]; double marker_width; double marker_center[2]; } ObjectData_T;
  • 40. Finding Multiple Transforms   Create object list ObjectData_T *object;   Read in objects - in init( ) read_ObjData( char *name, int *objectnum );   Find Transform – in mainLoop( ) for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) { ..Check patterns ..Find transforms for each marker }
  • 41. Drawing Multiple Objects   Send the object list to the draw function draw( object, objectnum );   Draw each object individually for( i = 0; i < objectnum; i++ ) { if( object[i].visible == 0 ) continue; argConvGlpara(object[i].trans, gl_para); draw_object( object[i].id, gl_para); }
  • 42. Limitations of ARToolKit   Partial occlusions cause tracking failure   Affected by lighting and shadows   Tracking range depends on marker size   Performance depends on number of markers   cf artTag, ARToolKitPlus   Pose accuracy depends on distance to marker   Pose accuracy depends on angle to marker
  • 43. ARToolKit in the World   Hundreds of projects   Large research community
  • 44. FLARToolKit   Flash AS3 Version of the ARToolKit (was ported from NyARToolkit the Java Version of the ARToolkit)   enables augmented reality in the Browser   uses Papervision3D for as 3D Engine   available at   dual license, GPL and commercial license
  • 45. AR Application Components Adobe Flash Papervision 3D FLARToolkit
  • 46. private function mainEnter(e:Event):void { /* Capture video frame*/ capture.draw(vid); /* Detect marker */ if (detector.detectMarkerLite(raster, 80) && detector.getConfidence() > 0.5) { //Get the transfomration matrix for the current marker position detector.getTransformMatrix(trans); //Translates and rotates the mainContainer so it looks right mainContainer.setTransformMatrix(trans); //Render the papervision scene renderer.render(); } }
  • 48. Papervision 3D    Flash-based 3D-Engine   Supports   import of 3D Models   texturing   animation   scene graph   alternatives: Away3d, Sandy,…
  • 49. Source Packages   „Original“ FLARToolkit (Libspark, Saqoosha) ( )   Start-up-guides   Saqoosha ( )   Miko Haapoja ( )   „Frameworks“   Squidder MultipleMarker – Example ( markers/ )   FLARManager ( )
  • 50. Other Languages   NyARToolKit    AS3, Java, C#, Processing, Unity, etc   openFrameworks     Support for other libraries -  Kinect, Audio, Physics, etc
  • 51. void testApp::update(){ //capture video and detect markers mov.update(); if (mov.isFrameNew()) { img.setFromPixels(mov.getPixels(), ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight()); gray = img; tracker.setFromPixels(gray.getPixels()); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::draw(){ //draw AR objects ofSetColor(0xffffff); mov.draw(0, 0); for (int i=0; i<tracker.markers.size(); i++) { ARMarkerInfo &m = tracker.markers[i]; tracker.loadMarkerModelViewMatrix(m); ofSetColor(255, 255, 0, 100); ofCircle(0,0,25); ofSetColor(0); ofDrawBitmapString(ofToString(,0,0); } }
  • 53. Building Compelling AR Experiences experiences applications tools Authoring components Tracking, Display Sony CSL © 2004
  • 54. AR Authoring   Software Libraries   osgART, Studierstube, MXRToolKit   Plug-ins to existing software   DART (Macromedia Director), mARx, Unity,   Stand Alone   AMIRE, BuildAR, etc   Next Generation   iaTAR (Tangible AR)
  • 55. mARx Plug-in   3D Studio Max Plug-in   Can model and view AR content at the same time
  • 56. BuildAR    Stand alone application   Visual interface for AR model viewing application   Enables non-programmers to build AR scenes
  • 57. Plug-ins for 3D authoring tools   Unity - Game development tool (   Esperient Creator – General interactive 3D authoring (
  • 58. Metaio Design   Complete commercial authoring platform    Offers viewer and editor tools   Drag and drop tools   3D model import
  • 59. Total Immersion D’Fusion Studio   Complete commercial authoring platform    Multi-platform   Markerless tracking   Scripting   Face tracking   Finger tracking   Kinect support
  • 60. Others   AR-Media    Google sketch-up plug-in   LinceoVR    AR/VR authoring package   Libraries   JARToolKit, MXRToolKit, ARLib, Goblin XNA
  • 61. OSGART Programming Library   Integration of ARToolKit with a High-Level Rendering Engine (OpenSceneGraph) OSGART= OpenSceneGraph + ARToolKit   Supporting Geometric + Photometric Registration
  • 62. osgART:Features   C++ (but also Python, Lua, etc).   Multiple Video Input supports:   Direct (Firewire/USB Camera), Files, Network by ARvideo, PtGrey, CVCam, VideoWrapper, etc.   Benefits of Open Scene Graph   Rendering Engine, Plug-ins, etc
  • 63. Advanced Authoring: iaTAR (Lee 2004)   Immersive AR Authoring   Using real objects to create AR applications
  • 64. More Information •  Mark Billinghurst – •  Websites –