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Refactoring Patterns
Naresha K

About me
Developer, Coach, Consultant
Founder & Organiser
Bangalore Groovy User Group
noun: a change made to the internal structure
of software to make it easier to understand
and cheaper to modify without changing its
observable behaviour
verb: to restructure software by applying
a series of refactorings without changing
its observable behaviour.
Red Green
Address Common Code Smells
A code smell is a surface indication that
usually corresponds to a deeper problem in
the system. The term was first coined by Kent
Beck while helping me with
my Refactoring book.
~ Martin Fowler
{ Code Smells }
Long Methods
Duplicated Code Large Class
Long Param List
Primitive Obsession
Data Class
Inappropriate Intimacy
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue * 2
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue * 2
Duplicate Code
Reinventing the wheel
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) * 2
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue * 2
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue + 1
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue + 1
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue + 1
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
maxValue * 2
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue + 1
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue * 2
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue
if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) {
maxValue = value1
} else if (value2 > value3) {
maxValue = value2
} else {
maxValue = value3
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3)
maxValue * 2
private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
maxValue * 2
Inline Method
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
maxValue + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3))
maxValue * 2
int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) + 1
int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) {
Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) * 2
Importance of small steps
in refactoring
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for(number in numbers) {
println number
External Iterator
Internal Iterator
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for(number in numbers) {
println number
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
numbers.forEach { println it }
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Refactoring to
Idiomatic Groovy
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
for(number in numbers) {
println number
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
numbers.each { println it }
def evenNumbers = []
numbers.each { number ->
if (number % 2 == 0) {
evenNumbers << number
def evenNumbers = numbers
.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
def sum = 0
numbers.each {
sum += it
def sum = numbers.inject(0,
{ result, number -> result + number }
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def result = [:]
numbers.forEach { number ->
result[number] = number * number
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def result = numbers.collectEntries {
[it, it * it]
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
Extract Closure
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll({ it % 2 == 0 })
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def isEven = { it % 2 == 0 }
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll(isEven)
Inline Closure
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def isEven = { it % 2 == 0 }
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll(isEven)
List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
numbers.forEach { number ->
if(number % 2 == 0 ){
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number
To Functional Style
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
numbers.forEach { number ->
if(number % 2 == 0 ){
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = numbers
.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
.collect { it * it }
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
numbers.forEach { number ->
if(number % 2 == 0 ){
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number
def square = { it * it }
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
numbers.forEach { number ->
if(number % 2 == 0 ){
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number)
def square = { it * it }
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
numbers.forEach { number ->
if(number % 2 == 0 ){
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number)
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
evenNumbers.forEach { number ->
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number)
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
evenNumbers.forEach { number ->
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number)
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers.collect(square)
squaresOfEvenNumbers.forEach { number ->
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number
def square = { it * it }
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers
.collect ( square )
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = squaresOfEvenNumbers.sum()
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers.collect(square)
squaresOfEvenNumbers.forEach { number ->
sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number
def square = { it * it }
def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers
.collect ( square )
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = squaresOfEvenNumbers.sum()
def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = numbers
.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
.collect (square)
class Multiplier {
private final int times
Multiplier(int times) {
this.times = times
int multiply(int number) {
times * number
Multiplier doubler = new Multiplier(2)
Multiplier triple = new Multiplier(3)
println doubler.multiply(10)
println triple.multiply(10)
def multiply = { int times, int number ->
times * number
def doubler = multiply.curry(2)
def triple = multiply.curry(3)
println doubler(10)
println triple(10)
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
println numbers
.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
.find { it > 2 }
To Streams API
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
println numbers
.findAll { it % 2 == 0 }
.find { it > 2 }
def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
println numbers
.filter { it % 2 == 0 }
.filter { it > 2 }
interface CanSwim {
def swim()
class Fish implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Fish Swimming"
class Person implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Person Swimming"
To Dynamic Groovy
interface CanSwim {
def swim()
class Fish implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Fish Swimming"
class Person implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Person Swimming"
CanSwim swimmer = new Person() //new Fish()
interface CanSwim {
def swim()
class Fish implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Fish Swimming"
class Person implements CanSwim {
def swim() {
println "Person Swimming"
def swimmer = new Person() //new Fish()
class Employee {
def employeeId
def firstName
def lastName
def dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
class Employee {
def employeeId
def firstName
def lastName
def dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
To Static Groovy
class Employee {
def employeeId
def firstName
def lastName
def dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
Exception in thread "main" groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException:
No such property: firstname for class
class Employee {
def employeeId
def firstName
def lastName
def dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
Error:(17, 30) Groovyc: [Static type checking] -
The variable [firstname] is undeclared.
class Employee {
def employeeId
def firstName
def lastName
def dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
class Employee {
String employeeId
String firstName
String lastName
LocalDateTime dateOfBirth
def toSummaryString() {
"$employeeId -> $firstname"
class Greeter {
String message
def greet() {
def runTypeChecked(Greeter greeter) {
println greeter.greet()
def runCompileStatic(Greeter greeter) {
println greeter.greet()
def greeter = new Greeter(message: 'Good Morning')
greeter.metaClass.greet = { "Hello, ${delegate.message}" }
Hello, Good Morning
Good Morning
class MyService {
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
def m1() {}
def m2(){
Introduce Meta-programming
class MyService implements ApplicationContextAware {
ApplicationContext context
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
def m1() {}
def m2() {
MyService service = context.getBean('myService')
void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext)
throws BeansException {
context = applicationContext
def grailsApplication
def init = { servletContext ->
private def injectSelfProxy(){
for (sc in grailsApplication.serviceClasses) {
String propertyName = sc.propertyName
sc.clazz.metaClass.getMyProxy = { ->
class MyService {
ApplicationContext context
@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW)
def m1() {}
def m2() {
Introduce Traits
class Product {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
//other fields
class Order {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
//other fields
class Product {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
//other fields
class Order {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
//other fields
trait BusinessObject {
class Product implements BusinessObject {
//other fields
class Order implements BusinessObject {
//other fields
trait BusinessObject {
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
class Technologies extends ArrayList {
def filterGr8() {
this.findAll { it.startsWith('Gr')}
Technologies list =
[‘Groovy', 'Grails', 'Gradle', 'Java'] as Technologies
println list
println list.filterGr8()
Replace Inheritance
with Delegation
class Technologies {
private List list
Technologies(List list) {
this.list = list
def filterGr8() {
list.findAll { it.startsWith('Gr') }
Thank You

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Groovy Refactoring Patterns

  • 2. About me Developer, Coach, Consultant Founder & Organiser Bangalore Groovy User Group
  • 4. noun: a change made to the internal structure of software to make it easier to understand and cheaper to modify without changing its observable behaviour verb: to restructure software by applying a series of refactorings without changing its observable behaviour. Refactoring
  • 7. A code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system. The term was first coined by Kent Beck while helping me with my Refactoring book. ~ Martin Fowler
  • 8. { Code Smells } Long Methods Duplicated Code Large Class Long Param List Primitive Obsession Data Class Inappropriate Intimacy
  • 9. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue * 2 }
  • 10. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue * 2 } Duplicate Code Reinventing the wheel
  • 11. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) * 2 }
  • 12.
  • 13. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue * 2 }
  • 14. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue + 1 } int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue + 1 } private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue } Extract Method
  • 15. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue + 1 } private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue * 2 }
  • 16. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue + 1 } private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue * 2 }
  • 17. private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue if (value1 > value2 && value1 > value3) { maxValue = value1 } else if (value2 > value3) { maxValue = value2 } else { maxValue = value3 } maxValue } private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) }
  • 18. private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) } int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = max(value1, value2, value3) maxValue * 2 }
  • 19. private int max(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) } int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) maxValue * 2 } Inline Method
  • 20. int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) maxValue + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { int maxValue = Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) maxValue * 2 } int calculateM1(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) + 1 } int calculateM2(int value1, int value2, int value3) { Math.max(value1, Math.max(value2, value3)) * 2 } Inline Variable
  • 21. Importance of small steps in refactoring
  • 22.
  • 23. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for(number in numbers) { println number }
  • 25. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for(number in numbers) { println number } List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] numbers.forEach { println it } List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] numbers.forEach(System.out.&println)
  • 26.
  • 28. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for(number in numbers) { println number } def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] numbers.each { println it }
  • 29. def evenNumbers = [] numbers.each { number -> if (number % 2 == 0) { evenNumbers << number } } def evenNumbers = numbers .findAll { it % 2 == 0}
  • 30. def sum = 0 numbers.each { sum += it } def sum = numbers.inject(0, { result, number -> result + number } )
  • 31. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def result = [:] numbers.forEach { number -> result[number] = number * number } List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def result = numbers.collectEntries { [it, it * it] }
  • 32.
  • 33. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
  • 35. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0} List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll({ it % 2 == 0 }) List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def isEven = { it % 2 == 0 } def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll(isEven)
  • 37. List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def isEven = { it % 2 == 0 } def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll(isEven) List<Integer> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0}
  • 38.
  • 39. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 numbers.forEach { number -> if(number % 2 == 0 ){ sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number } }
  • 41. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 numbers.forEach { number -> if(number % 2 == 0 ){ sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number } } def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = numbers .findAll { it % 2 == 0 } .collect { it * it } .sum()
  • 42.
  • 43. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 numbers.forEach { number -> if(number % 2 == 0 ){ sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number * number } } def square = { it * it } def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 numbers.forEach { number -> if(number % 2 == 0 ){ sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number) } }
  • 44. def square = { it * it } def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 numbers.forEach { number -> if(number % 2 == 0 ){ sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number) } } def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0} evenNumbers.forEach { number -> sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number) }
  • 45. def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0} evenNumbers.forEach { number -> sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += square(number) } def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0} def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers.collect(square) squaresOfEvenNumbers.forEach { number -> sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number }
  • 46. def square = { it * it } def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 } def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers .collect ( square ) def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = squaresOfEvenNumbers.sum() def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = 0 def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0} def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers.collect(square) squaresOfEvenNumbers.forEach { number -> sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers += number }
  • 47. def square = { it * it } def evenNumbers = numbers.findAll { it % 2 == 0 } def squaresOfEvenNumbers = evenNumbers .collect ( square ) def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = squaresOfEvenNumbers.sum() def sumOfSuqaresOfEvenNumbers = numbers .findAll { it % 2 == 0 } .collect (square) .sum() Inline
  • 48.
  • 49. class Multiplier { private final int times Multiplier(int times) { this.times = times } int multiply(int number) { times * number } } Multiplier doubler = new Multiplier(2) Multiplier triple = new Multiplier(3) println doubler.multiply(10) println triple.multiply(10)
  • 50. def multiply = { int times, int number -> times * number } def doubler = multiply.curry(2) def triple = multiply.curry(3) println doubler(10) println triple(10)
  • 51.
  • 52. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] println numbers .findAll { it % 2 == 0 } .find { it > 2 }
  • 54. def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] println numbers .findAll { it % 2 == 0 } .find { it > 2 } def numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] println numbers .stream() .filter { it % 2 == 0 } .filter { it > 2 } .findFirst() .orElse(null)
  • 55.
  • 56. interface CanSwim { def swim() } class Fish implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Fish Swimming" } } class Person implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Person Swimming" } }
  • 58. interface CanSwim { def swim() } class Fish implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Fish Swimming" } } class Person implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Person Swimming" } } CanSwim swimmer = new Person() //new Fish() swimmer.swim()
  • 59. interface CanSwim { def swim() } class Fish implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Fish Swimming" } } class Person implements CanSwim { def swim() { println "Person Swimming" } } def swimmer = new Person() //new Fish() swimmer.swim()
  • 60.
  • 61. class Employee { def employeeId def firstName def lastName def dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } }
  • 62. class Employee { def employeeId def firstName def lastName def dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } }
  • 64. class Employee { def employeeId def firstName def lastName def dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } } Exception in thread "main" groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: firstname for class
  • 65. @TypeChecked class Employee { def employeeId def firstName def lastName def dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } } Error:(17, 30) Groovyc: [Static type checking] - The variable [firstname] is undeclared.
  • 66. @TypeChecked class Employee { def employeeId def firstName def lastName def dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } } @TypeChecked class Employee { String employeeId String firstName String lastName LocalDateTime dateOfBirth def toSummaryString() { "$employeeId -> $firstname" } }
  • 68. class Greeter { String message def greet() { message } } @TypeChecked def runTypeChecked(Greeter greeter) { println greeter.greet() } @CompileStatic def runCompileStatic(Greeter greeter) { println greeter.greet() }
  • 69. def greeter = new Greeter(message: 'Good Morning') greeter.metaClass.greet = { "Hello, ${delegate.message}" } runTypeChecked(greeter) runCompileStatic(greeter) Hello, Good Morning Good Morning
  • 70. @Transactional class MyService { @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) def m1() {} def m2(){ m1() } }
  • 72. @Transactional class MyService implements ApplicationContextAware { ApplicationContext context @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) def m1() {} def m2() { MyService service = context.getBean('myService') service.m1() } @Override void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { context = applicationContext } }
  • 73. def grailsApplication def init = { servletContext -> injectSelfProxy() } private def injectSelfProxy(){ for (sc in grailsApplication.serviceClasses) { String propertyName = sc.propertyName sc.clazz.metaClass.getMyProxy = { -> grailsApplication.mainContext .getBean(propertyName) } } }
  • 74. @Transactional class MyService { ApplicationContext context @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW) def m1() {} def m2() { myProxy.m1() } }
  • 76. class Product { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID() //other fields } class Order { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID() //other fields }
  • 77. class Product { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID() //other fields } class Order { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID() //other fields } trait BusinessObject { }
  • 78. class Product implements BusinessObject { //other fields } class Order implements BusinessObject { //other fields } trait BusinessObject { UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID() }
  • 79.
  • 80. class Technologies extends ArrayList { def filterGr8() { this.findAll { it.startsWith('Gr')} } } Technologies list = [‘Groovy', 'Grails', 'Gradle', 'Java'] as Technologies println list println list.filterGr8()
  • 82. class Technologies { @Delegate private List list Technologies(List list) { this.list = list } def filterGr8() { list.findAll { it.startsWith('Gr') } } }