computer vision lexbfs chordal graphs machine learning deep learning smart surveillance activity recognition video activity recognition language esterel market shift food autonomy probabilistic programming uncertainity machine vision decentralization network artificial intelligence internet of things iot ubiquitous computing machine philosophy technology brave machines innovation ai community backto tomorrow digital wellbeing software development istanbul hackathon blockcircus blockchain dfst devfest gdgdevfest gdg computer #computer vision future art of technology futurism bilgisayar gorusu derinogrenme rgbd sensors motion-detection scenarios intelligent tracking modelization language design edge detection image processing topology fix point theorem kissing disks touching circles koebe theorem planar graphs graph representations by touching domains minimal vertex separators extremities triangulated graphs lex bfs lex m antescofo syncronous languages music composition temporal syncronyzation mcs mvs peo interval graphs bfs critic systems realtime programming start up interview market analysis prediction m&a strategy quantitative
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