nichebees erp ln infor erp ln erp manufacturing nichebees erp discrete manufacturing cloud case study on premise to cloud application migration migration infrastructure amazon web services aws consulting digital tools single version of truth decision making automation re imagine erp digital transformation cost control in erp cost control inventory control budgetary control standard costing information technology supply chain microsoft bot framework microsoft's cognitive services luis language understanding intelligence service bot builder sdk microsoft bots chat bots ai artificial intelligence ato assemble to order eto revenue cost customer requirement product quality engineering engineer to order mobile apps service tracking integration with infor erp ln field services mobile solution mobility average cost lifo last in first out fifo first in first out stock out cost carrying cost procurement cost inventory valuation inventory cost avoidance cost saving continuous manufacturing batch manufacturing job shop manufacturing repetitive manufacturing high availability architecture data center server backup disaster recovery aws partner in hyderabad aws partner big data data analysis management linkedin case study application support monitoring cloud computing cloud integration sharepoint sharepoint integration with ln
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