web scale discovery ebsco discovery service summon nikesh library discovery service primo central federated search km rdm federated searching worldcat local isim knowledge management resources discovery web scale discover service cloud discovery service ir information retrieval web 20 digital library library technology international school of information management unisys infosys library discovery platforms research data research data citation research data management discovery tools research library rdm research data management authentication technologies event management orcid library service platform lsp wsd eds google scholar worldcat discovery primo comparison of discovery services cloud library services worldcat ramina km 20 ecm 20 enterprise content management greenstone dspace oai pmh tagging foksonomy harvesting metadata metadata harvesting open archive oai oaipmh pmh social media twitter micro blogging trends google wave knowledge managment rdf semantic web ontology web 30 library science socialmedia uidai uid project personal knowledge management content management personal km sequence alignment bioinformatics uid unique identification number india
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