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Happiness Index - By BK Shivani
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1. Physical health and emotional health is the package for the smooth journey of our life.
2. When we are emotionally healthy, we can handle all situations efficiently. The root for all our physical problems and
illness is emotional instability.
3. Happiness means to be mentally or emotionally healthy, it is a state of being where I feel comfortable.
4. A lot of effort is required in sustaining our roles and responsibilities, when we are not checking our state of mind.
5. Without being happy, we cannot give happiness to others.
6. Only when we are emotionally healthy, can we take care of the emotions of others.

1. In every situation, we have a choice. Either we empower ourselves or become vulnerable to outer situations.
2. The outer situations should not change our inner state of mind.
3. Every day, we need to take out some time for our mind in order to remain healthy and powerful.
4. Everything we are doing in our life is for happiness, but we need to check who is creating that happiness:
situations or us?
5. Emotional protection protects us from outer situations.
6. Let’s take care of our responses, rather than blaming others for their reactions.

1. We were trying to buy our happiness through materialistic objects.
2. Anything which is on our mind even when it is not physically present there, is attachment.
3. Today, we have mixed the feelings of happiness and physical comfort that diverts our mind from experiencing real
4. We are creating pain, hurt, jealousy and all such emotions just to acquire more and more objects in the perception
that they give me happiness.
5. I am the creator of my thoughts as well as feelings.
6. Physical objects don’t have any feelings, thus they cannot create any kind of feelings whether happiness or sadness
within us, they give me comfort.

1. Happiness is a feeling created by my thoughts. Thoughts are the source of my feelings.
2. Thoughts are a conversation with our own self. If we create positive thoughts, we are going to feel good and positive.
If we are experiencing pain, we need to check and change the quality of our thoughts.
3. The THOUGHTS that we create are followed by FEELINGS. Depending on our feelings about a person or a
situation will develop our ATTITUDE towards them.
4. As will be the attitude so will be the ACTION. Any action done repeatedly becomes our HABIT. All our habits put
together becomes our PERSONALITY.
5. As the personality comes out into the field of action, we are creating our DESTINY. So our thoughts play an
important role in creating our destiny.

1. The quality of thoughts we create in our mind generate corresponding feelings. Therefore, our happiness is directly
linked to what we choose to think.
2. In challenging situations we lose our happiness because we have been living in the illusion that the external situation
decides our inner state.
3. When we blame external situations, other people or even God for our current state of mind, we cease to take
responsibility of our own creation – our thoughts, words and actions. External situations are only a stimulus and we
always have the choice in every situation.
4. We always have the power to create positive thoughts, irrespective of the situation. Happiness is a personal choice.

1. The Law of Karma states: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means whatever we are presently
experiencing is the return of what we once sent out.
2. Since thoughts are the foundation of our words and actions, it is really our thoughts that create our destiny. Even
thought is a karma.

3. We must be careful about the kind of energy we are giving to oneself, to people, and to the outside world with our
thoughts, words and actions. The more powerful and positive thoughts we create in the present, the more secure will be
our future.
4. When an obstacle comes in our way due to a negative karma which we performed in the past, we can remain stable
internally by remembering: ‘I am a powerful being and can face it’.
5. We must spend time in the morning with one selves preparing for each day with an empowering conversation

1. The thoughts we create make our destiny. Creating the right thoughts when faced with a challenge will not just help
us overcome it, but also change the situation.
2. To change the way we think, we must know the source of our thoughts. Our thoughts depend upon the
INFORMATION that we feed our mind with. The second factor that drives our thoughts is PAST EXPERIENCES.
3. In the morning, the mind is fresh and works like a blotting paper. Being silent, it can absorb the information received
by it. So the quality of information that we feed in the morning determine the thoughts that we create through the day.
4. To clear the mind of the load of negative experience of the day, write it down at night. Do not focus on the situation,
but on how we could have responded differently to the same situations.

1. The strongest influence on our thoughts is that of our BELIEF SYSTEMS. Beliefs gathered on our life’s journey,
particularly during our formational years.
2. Our belief system is like the operating system in the computer. Everything depends on it - the quality of our
thoughts, feelings, attitude, personality and finally our destiny.
3. If we feel hurt or jealous at someone else’s praise, we must pause and question what belief system is creating
discomfort inside? Replace the old belief with the truth – “I am unique and need not compare myself with others”.
4. Reinforcing a positive belief system through such self-counseling creates our new destiny of harmony within and in

1. Our thoughts are created on the basis of our belief system. For example, if we believe ‘anger is natural’, we will
allow ourselves to be angry.
2. Experiment with positive belief system such as ‘peace is natural’ or ‘I am a happy being’ and see the change in life.
If it is giving us a comfortable feeling, it means the belief system is the truth.
3. Going on a holiday simply takes us into a new environment, thereby distracting our mind from our disturbing
thoughts, which may revert when the holiday finishes.
4. When we watch TV or movies, we allow the visual to completely overpower us and feed our mind with ready-to-
consume thoughts. This suppresses our inner creativity. So we must be very careful in choosing what we watch

1. Today entertainment is a stimulus that creates emotions of happiness or pain; both of which create hormones in the
body, which we get addicted to and they make us feel good.
2. While watching TV also watch your mind in between. There are three stages that we go through while watching TV
– first, we watch it like a detached observer; second, we start to pass judgment about what we see; third, we get
completely involved such that we start to experience the same emotion as the character and we completely lose our
mind’s ability to create choose its thoughts.
3. Instead of creating pain after watching some bad news, our responsibility is to send vibrations of peace, love; but that
would happen only if I am detached.
4. In meditation, we consciously choose to send out good wishes to the world. The positive energy is first experienced
by the person who is meditating, and then travels to those it is created for and spreads into the environment

1. We are in the habit of looking for happiness in the past or future. The present is therefore spent in wait and
2. As soon as our happiness becomes dependant on others or things outside, it starts to fluctuate. There is fear of losing
those objects or people and we become anxious to gain people’s approval. It leads to emotional insecurity.
3. Happiness and fear can never go together. When we are not dependant on others for our happiness, there is freedom
from fear and we become natural in our dealings with them.
4. The energy we create while interacting with others is the foundation of our bonding with them. It is not just our
words and actions, but also our thoughts and energy created inside while speaking or acting that are transferred to them

1. When we view life as a detached observer, our mind becomes stable. We can then choose the way we respond
instead of giving automatic reactions to other’s behavior.

2. Being judgmental about others sucks us into their roles and our energy gets drained. Let us experiment by not being
judgmental for one day and see how relaxed we feel.
3. When we do not judge others as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, we accept them. Acceptance means we accept that they are
different; it does not necessarily mean that we agree with them.
4. We create around 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts each day. When we watch our thoughts, they became slow. We realize
that we are the creator of our own thoughts

1. When our belief changes from “I want happiness” to “I am happiness”, the experience of it becomes so much easier.
We work on ourselves internally to access or create happiness within.
2. The simplest way to experience happiness is to have a positive talk with oneself at the beginning of each day. Check
the leakages of happiness through negative thoughts and attitudes and plug those with positive, elevated thoughts.
3. Passing judgment on others, criticizing them or having expectations from others mentally leads us to frustration,
leaks our energy and finally takes us away from the experience of happiness.
4. Sometimes, our mental process is so automatic that we cannot figure out our thoughts. In that case, we can check our
feelings. Through the feeling we can judge the quality of thoughts and replace negative with positive ones

1. Expectations can often be so subtle and automatic that we may not even realize they exist, until we feel frustrated by
their non-fulfillment.
2. If we get disturbed when something does not happen the way we wanted it to be, it means we were unconsciously
holding on to an expectation.
3. Expectation means wanting someone or something to behave the way we think is ‘correct’. By expecting, we want
the world around us to run according to us.
4. While making rules and regulations for people, we need to include them so that it becomes easier for them to
understand and follow them.
5. In our personal list of expectation from the self we must put ‘happiness’ on the top. It means we promise to take
responsibility of our happiness irrespective of whether others meet our expectations or not.

1. Each time we remember the past, we experience the same painful emotions all over again as our past is transported
into our present.
2. The present moment is lost in brooding over that which ceases to exist or in worrying about that which may not even
happen. In the process, the power of ‘now’ remains largely unutilized.
3. We remind ourselves of a negative past experience repeatedly so that it doesn’t happen to us again, but each time we
do it, we relive the bitterness all over again, and deplete our power.
4. Self-empowerment is the only way to protect ourselves of negativity and that is possible by living in the present.
Forgetting the past is actually the only way to make sure that it does not repeat.
5. When the mind is disturbed, pause and check what it is thinking. Often the thoughts will be about the past or the
future, direct the mind into the present

1. Rajyoga teaches us that we are a soul and not a body. The soul is a point of energy which is eternal and
indestructible. The body is a perishable costume we acquire to play our role on earth and to settle our karmic accounts
with other souls.
2. ‘Death’ is simply a junction where the soul sheds its previous bodily costume and takes on another one to play a new
role through rebirth.
3. We feel the flow of love and pain from each other when we are together. The energy exchange continues even when
we are physically separated or one of us is in a new costume.
4. If we are in pain because of the absence of a loved one, vibrations of pain keep traveling to that soul, making it
difficult for him to settle in his new role. We must thus remain stable not just for ourselves and the family around but
also for the soul that has left the body. We must in fact consciously send out vibrations of love and peace to that soul so
that it can have a smooth transition

1. When we postpone our happiness to a point in future when our desires would be fulfilled, our present is wasted in
fear, worrying about ‘what if our goal is not achieved’. Fear and happiness can never go together.
2. While worrying, we create a frightful image of the future and keep scaring ourselves with it. In the process, there is
constant leakage of our mental energy.
3. Whatever we posses today – possessions, relationships and even our body – will leave us one day, so it is futile to
fear their loss. Instead, we must make the most while we have them.

4. Happiness is not dependant on anything outside, it is a conscious choice we make. Rajyoga teaches us that we do not
need anything external to feel complete

1. We are a human ‘being’ not a human ‘doing’. We do not need to ‘do’ anything to feel happy as we are originally
complete and happy.
2. The being or the soul is nothing but energy. So, it does not need matter, but the energy of positive thoughts to
complete it.
3. We must view challenges as ‘opportunities’ instead of ‘obstacles’. Understand that the ‘obstacle’ is not ‘standing in
the way’, but ‘it is the way’. Questioning about problems in life destroys our inner power to fly over them.
4. Release yourself of the hurt created in the past by ‘forgiving others’. Not forgiving ‘others’ is a self-inflicted abuse
which makes us bear the weight of a self-created pain in the past throughout the journey

1. Living in the present does not mean we stop planning. It implies that we don’t programme our mind to postpone its
happiness until something ‘desirable’ happens in the future.
2. We should work towards maintaining inner stability by not getting disturbed by others’ behaviour. This saves a lot of
time and energy wasted in getting hurt and recovering from it. When we live in the present and focus on inner progress,
energy is conserved.
3. Discussing hurt from the past either passes it on to others or makes us relive the pain all over again.
4. Stress is equal to pressure divided by resilience. Instead of focusing on how big the pressure (challenge) is, we must
focus on increasing our inner power or resilience because that is what is in our control.

1. Stress is always proportionate to pressure divided by my inner strength. Pressure is created by many external factors
that are not in my control.
2. Under any situation, 10% depends upon the pressure and remaining 90% depends upon my inner strength, which is
in my control. By focusing on my inner strength, my stress will keep on reducing.
3. Fear is created when I have expectations and am attached to the outcome or result of my performance. So, when this
unknown fear keeps on accumulating inside, it drains my inner strength and thus, stress is created.
4. Criticism always disempowers others. My role should be to guide or motivate others to improve their performances.
This should not be just limited to words, but it is also important to create the right kind of thoughts.

1. Any belief system which is making me feel uncomfortable is not right for me and I need to change it.
2. Every morning check the quality of your thoughts and consciously create positive and powerful thoughts.
3. To relax and become stress-free, we need to give one minute break to our mind after every hour in a day. We check
our thoughts and consciously create powerful and positive thoughts for the situation.
4. The most fatal belief related to stress is that someone else is responsible for my stress. Stress is my response for outer
situations. Response is formed by the kind of thoughts created by me in respect to outer situations.
5. We have a choice, either to create stress or to create happiness through the power of our thoughts.

1. Stress is mainly created due to lack of self-awareness about: Who Am I? When I consider myself as the body, and
relate myself to my achievements, possessions, my thoughts become limited and stress is created.
2. Raj yoga Meditation teaches us how to change limited into unlimited. When we realize our true self, that we are a
pure energy, then our journey doesn’t remain limited to just one birth, but it becomes unlimited from one costume
(body) to another.
3. Our fundamental responsibility is to remain happy. Every soul has the responsibility to empower oneself and then to
empower each and every soul coming in contact with them.
4. ‘I’ am the body is the main fatal belief which creates series of wrong beliefs. Raj yoga Meditation helps us to realize
our true self that I am not this body, but I am a soul residing inside the body

1. To remain tension-free and to lead a stable life, become aware of your thoughts by watching your thoughts and
become silent.
2. Practice watching your thoughts every morning and before going to sleep. During the day give a minute break after
every hour and watch your thoughts.
3. Try to speak less and only when necessary. With fewer words and less thoughts, a lot of our energy is conserved.
Speak less, speak slowly and speak softly.

4. Where there is attachment, there will be fear of losing. With fear in a relationship, pain and hurt becomes natural.
5. Make a list of all your attachments and let them go one by one internally, this releases us from fear and pain

1. When you are in a problem, sit back with yourself for a few minutes, talk and counsel your self and then continue
with your work.
2. Check your happiness index every hour after checking your thoughts continuously. If there is hurt in a relationship,
then you cannot create happiness in the relationship.
3. I cannot love others, until I have learned to love my own self. By taking care of oneself, everything else is taken care
of automatically.
4. Spend few minutes in a day with oneself, especially in the morning. Make a plan of how am I going to ‘Be’ today
first and then what we are going to do in the whole day.
5. Take one value for each day and visualize yourself practicing that value. Remind yourself in the whole day by taking
one minute break after every hour

1. Whenever we are thinking of other people we are wasting our energy. Life is a series of moments. By thinking of
others who are not in our control, we are wasting valuable time of our lives.
2. Let’s not indulge ourselves in writing other’s script. They are fine with the way they are. Just remember, that drama
is going on and it is accurate.
3. Our inner conscience is constantly giving us right signals, if there is no clutter in our mind, only then we’ll be able to
catch or receive the right signals.
4. One of the most fatal belief which gives us all the pain and suffering is that the ‘world should go according to my
desires’ or ‘I can control other people’.
5. Stop evaluating others. Take it as a home-work that today; I will not interfere in anybody’s role in the world drama

1. Trust and respect are essential for any relationship. Where there is anger, trust and respect cannot survive in that
2. Respect means when we accept someone. But with anger, there would be no acceptance and thus, we cannot
empower people and the relationship.
3. Our positivity and right attitude towards others should give them courage to be honest with us. It will only happen
with unconditional acceptance and exchange of positive vibrations.
4. Trust is one of the biggest virtues which empowers others.
5. Awareness of our thoughts is very important. Personal and Professional relationships are made by our each and every
thought, rather than words or actions.

1. Anger is the energy of disturbance. When we become aware about our thoughts, then we can finish the anger at
thought level only.
2. The first stage of anger is the feeling of irritation. Irritation is when things are not happening in time. With irritation,
our energy gets disturbed. Conservation of energy is more important than conservation of time. Stop, check and counsel
yourself and accept whatever is happening around you.
3. We need to respect the choice of others. We cannot expect that everyone will work or behave according to us. The
main cause of our irritation is that others do not act or behave according to me. We just need to accept others behavior
in order to stop our irritation.
4. Time Management is the series of events, which include people and situations and both are not in our control. Time
is only manageable when the events work smoothly and it will only happen when we are stable inside.
5. Frustration is one level higher than irritation, when my expectations are not fulfilled, then we become frustrated

1. Frustration arises when we are trying to control people or situations, but is not happening. The feeling of resentment
arises when somebody says something wrong about us.
2. If somebody commits a mistake, and after that he is trying to apologize, then our thoughts and behavior should be of
forgiveness and trust, not of doubt.
3. Always remember, every word spoken in anger is a result of accumulated irritation or frustration of many incidents.
4. If somebody does or says something wrong to me my self esteem crashes badly. But we have to understand it is
nothing to do with me being bad or wrong. It’s the other person’s perspective. To overcome the feeling of hurt or
resentment, there is only one solution to forgive and forget others.
5. Somebody can only gives us pain once by saying some rude or harsh words to us, but we are constantly giving pain
to ourselves by not forgiving our self and others. We need to forgive ourselves for creating the pain.

1. If we have conviction that we are on the right journey, change is happening, then do not give up with obstacles
coming in the path.
2. To bring a change, it is very important to change our belief system, the deep-rooted sanskaars. Otherwise other
changes that occur are only temporary.
3. Meditation changes our belief system and then transformation of thoughts becomes natural. If we channelize our
thoughts from negative to positive and powerful thoughts, we get long-term benefits in our practical life. Then
meditation becomes a lifestyle.
4. Meditation is an appointment with the self. Do not stop or control thoughts. We will feel heavy if we try to achieve
thoughtless mind because mind’s function is to create thoughts. Try to focus on creating new positive thoughts.

1. The biggest fatal belief is that I am this body, position, status etc. In Rajyoga Meditation, this fundamental belief
system gets challenged that I am not this body, but I am the soul, who is the master of this body.
2. We were creating jealousy, competition, comparison, and hatred just because we thought that we are the body.
Rajyoga Meditation changes the consciousness of Who Am I.
3. When our focus shifts from body consciousness to soul consciousness, the exchange of energy is only respect. This
affects our state of being and also our relationships.
4. We all are souls, yet we are unique because of the thoughts we create.
5. As we keep our body clean and beautiful, now have to take care of ourselves also. There should be no anger,
jealousy or any such negative feeling. Take a pause and keep checking and cleaning it.

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happiness index theory

  • 1. 1 Happiness Index - By BK Shivani (Download audio/videos at OR ) EPISODE 01 1. Physical health and emotional health is the package for the smooth journey of our life. 2. When we are emotionally healthy, we can handle all situations efficiently. The root for all our physical problems and illness is emotional instability. 3. Happiness means to be mentally or emotionally healthy, it is a state of being where I feel comfortable. 4. A lot of effort is required in sustaining our roles and responsibilities, when we are not checking our state of mind. 5. Without being happy, we cannot give happiness to others. 6. Only when we are emotionally healthy, can we take care of the emotions of others. EPISODE 02 1. In every situation, we have a choice. Either we empower ourselves or become vulnerable to outer situations. 2. The outer situations should not change our inner state of mind. 3. Every day, we need to take out some time for our mind in order to remain healthy and powerful. 4. Everything we are doing in our life is for happiness, but we need to check who is creating that happiness: situations or us? 5. Emotional protection protects us from outer situations. 6. Let’s take care of our responses, rather than blaming others for their reactions. EPISODE 03 1. We were trying to buy our happiness through materialistic objects. 2. Anything which is on our mind even when it is not physically present there, is attachment. 3. Today, we have mixed the feelings of happiness and physical comfort that diverts our mind from experiencing real happiness. 4. We are creating pain, hurt, jealousy and all such emotions just to acquire more and more objects in the perception that they give me happiness. 5. I am the creator of my thoughts as well as feelings. 6. Physical objects don’t have any feelings, thus they cannot create any kind of feelings whether happiness or sadness within us, they give me comfort. EPISODE 04 1. Happiness is a feeling created by my thoughts. Thoughts are the source of my feelings. 2. Thoughts are a conversation with our own self. If we create positive thoughts, we are going to feel good and positive. If we are experiencing pain, we need to check and change the quality of our thoughts. 3. The THOUGHTS that we create are followed by FEELINGS. Depending on our feelings about a person or a situation will develop our ATTITUDE towards them. 4. As will be the attitude so will be the ACTION. Any action done repeatedly becomes our HABIT. All our habits put together becomes our PERSONALITY. 5. As the personality comes out into the field of action, we are creating our DESTINY. So our thoughts play an important role in creating our destiny. EPISODE 05 1. The quality of thoughts we create in our mind generate corresponding feelings. Therefore, our happiness is directly linked to what we choose to think. 2. In challenging situations we lose our happiness because we have been living in the illusion that the external situation decides our inner state. 3. When we blame external situations, other people or even God for our current state of mind, we cease to take responsibility of our own creation – our thoughts, words and actions. External situations are only a stimulus and we always have the choice in every situation. 4. We always have the power to create positive thoughts, irrespective of the situation. Happiness is a personal choice. EPISODE 06 1. The Law of Karma states: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means whatever we are presently experiencing is the return of what we once sent out. 2. Since thoughts are the foundation of our words and actions, it is really our thoughts that create our destiny. Even thought is a karma.
  • 2. 2 3. We must be careful about the kind of energy we are giving to oneself, to people, and to the outside world with our thoughts, words and actions. The more powerful and positive thoughts we create in the present, the more secure will be our future. 4. When an obstacle comes in our way due to a negative karma which we performed in the past, we can remain stable internally by remembering: ‘I am a powerful being and can face it’. 5. We must spend time in the morning with one selves preparing for each day with an empowering conversation EPISODE 07 1. The thoughts we create make our destiny. Creating the right thoughts when faced with a challenge will not just help us overcome it, but also change the situation. 2. To change the way we think, we must know the source of our thoughts. Our thoughts depend upon the INFORMATION that we feed our mind with. The second factor that drives our thoughts is PAST EXPERIENCES. 3. In the morning, the mind is fresh and works like a blotting paper. Being silent, it can absorb the information received by it. So the quality of information that we feed in the morning determine the thoughts that we create through the day. 4. To clear the mind of the load of negative experience of the day, write it down at night. Do not focus on the situation, but on how we could have responded differently to the same situations. EPISODE 08 1. The strongest influence on our thoughts is that of our BELIEF SYSTEMS. Beliefs gathered on our life’s journey, particularly during our formational years. 2. Our belief system is like the operating system in the computer. Everything depends on it - the quality of our thoughts, feelings, attitude, personality and finally our destiny. 3. If we feel hurt or jealous at someone else’s praise, we must pause and question what belief system is creating discomfort inside? Replace the old belief with the truth – “I am unique and need not compare myself with others”. 4. Reinforcing a positive belief system through such self-counseling creates our new destiny of harmony within and in relationships EPISODE 09 1. Our thoughts are created on the basis of our belief system. For example, if we believe ‘anger is natural’, we will allow ourselves to be angry. 2. Experiment with positive belief system such as ‘peace is natural’ or ‘I am a happy being’ and see the change in life. If it is giving us a comfortable feeling, it means the belief system is the truth. 3. Going on a holiday simply takes us into a new environment, thereby distracting our mind from our disturbing thoughts, which may revert when the holiday finishes. 4. When we watch TV or movies, we allow the visual to completely overpower us and feed our mind with ready-to- consume thoughts. This suppresses our inner creativity. So we must be very careful in choosing what we watch EPISODE 10 1. Today entertainment is a stimulus that creates emotions of happiness or pain; both of which create hormones in the body, which we get addicted to and they make us feel good. 2. While watching TV also watch your mind in between. There are three stages that we go through while watching TV – first, we watch it like a detached observer; second, we start to pass judgment about what we see; third, we get completely involved such that we start to experience the same emotion as the character and we completely lose our mind’s ability to create choose its thoughts. 3. Instead of creating pain after watching some bad news, our responsibility is to send vibrations of peace, love; but that would happen only if I am detached. 4. In meditation, we consciously choose to send out good wishes to the world. The positive energy is first experienced by the person who is meditating, and then travels to those it is created for and spreads into the environment EPISODE 11 1. We are in the habit of looking for happiness in the past or future. The present is therefore spent in wait and unhappiness. 2. As soon as our happiness becomes dependant on others or things outside, it starts to fluctuate. There is fear of losing those objects or people and we become anxious to gain people’s approval. It leads to emotional insecurity. 3. Happiness and fear can never go together. When we are not dependant on others for our happiness, there is freedom from fear and we become natural in our dealings with them. 4. The energy we create while interacting with others is the foundation of our bonding with them. It is not just our words and actions, but also our thoughts and energy created inside while speaking or acting that are transferred to them EPISODE 12 1. When we view life as a detached observer, our mind becomes stable. We can then choose the way we respond instead of giving automatic reactions to other’s behavior.
  • 3. 3 2. Being judgmental about others sucks us into their roles and our energy gets drained. Let us experiment by not being judgmental for one day and see how relaxed we feel. 3. When we do not judge others as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, we accept them. Acceptance means we accept that they are different; it does not necessarily mean that we agree with them. 4. We create around 40,000 to 50,000 thoughts each day. When we watch our thoughts, they became slow. We realize that we are the creator of our own thoughts EPISODE 13 1. When our belief changes from “I want happiness” to “I am happiness”, the experience of it becomes so much easier. We work on ourselves internally to access or create happiness within. 2. The simplest way to experience happiness is to have a positive talk with oneself at the beginning of each day. Check the leakages of happiness through negative thoughts and attitudes and plug those with positive, elevated thoughts. 3. Passing judgment on others, criticizing them or having expectations from others mentally leads us to frustration, leaks our energy and finally takes us away from the experience of happiness. 4. Sometimes, our mental process is so automatic that we cannot figure out our thoughts. In that case, we can check our feelings. Through the feeling we can judge the quality of thoughts and replace negative with positive ones EPISODE 14 1. Expectations can often be so subtle and automatic that we may not even realize they exist, until we feel frustrated by their non-fulfillment. 2. If we get disturbed when something does not happen the way we wanted it to be, it means we were unconsciously holding on to an expectation. 3. Expectation means wanting someone or something to behave the way we think is ‘correct’. By expecting, we want the world around us to run according to us. 4. While making rules and regulations for people, we need to include them so that it becomes easier for them to understand and follow them. 5. In our personal list of expectation from the self we must put ‘happiness’ on the top. It means we promise to take responsibility of our happiness irrespective of whether others meet our expectations or not. EPISODE 15 1. Each time we remember the past, we experience the same painful emotions all over again as our past is transported into our present. 2. The present moment is lost in brooding over that which ceases to exist or in worrying about that which may not even happen. In the process, the power of ‘now’ remains largely unutilized. 3. We remind ourselves of a negative past experience repeatedly so that it doesn’t happen to us again, but each time we do it, we relive the bitterness all over again, and deplete our power. 4. Self-empowerment is the only way to protect ourselves of negativity and that is possible by living in the present. Forgetting the past is actually the only way to make sure that it does not repeat. 5. When the mind is disturbed, pause and check what it is thinking. Often the thoughts will be about the past or the future, direct the mind into the present EPISODE 16 1. Rajyoga teaches us that we are a soul and not a body. The soul is a point of energy which is eternal and indestructible. The body is a perishable costume we acquire to play our role on earth and to settle our karmic accounts with other souls. 2. ‘Death’ is simply a junction where the soul sheds its previous bodily costume and takes on another one to play a new role through rebirth. 3. We feel the flow of love and pain from each other when we are together. The energy exchange continues even when we are physically separated or one of us is in a new costume. 4. If we are in pain because of the absence of a loved one, vibrations of pain keep traveling to that soul, making it difficult for him to settle in his new role. We must thus remain stable not just for ourselves and the family around but also for the soul that has left the body. We must in fact consciously send out vibrations of love and peace to that soul so that it can have a smooth transition EPISODE 17 1. When we postpone our happiness to a point in future when our desires would be fulfilled, our present is wasted in fear, worrying about ‘what if our goal is not achieved’. Fear and happiness can never go together. 2. While worrying, we create a frightful image of the future and keep scaring ourselves with it. In the process, there is constant leakage of our mental energy. 3. Whatever we posses today – possessions, relationships and even our body – will leave us one day, so it is futile to fear their loss. Instead, we must make the most while we have them.
  • 4. 4 4. Happiness is not dependant on anything outside, it is a conscious choice we make. Rajyoga teaches us that we do not need anything external to feel complete EPISODE 18 1. We are a human ‘being’ not a human ‘doing’. We do not need to ‘do’ anything to feel happy as we are originally complete and happy. 2. The being or the soul is nothing but energy. So, it does not need matter, but the energy of positive thoughts to complete it. 3. We must view challenges as ‘opportunities’ instead of ‘obstacles’. Understand that the ‘obstacle’ is not ‘standing in the way’, but ‘it is the way’. Questioning about problems in life destroys our inner power to fly over them. 4. Release yourself of the hurt created in the past by ‘forgiving others’. Not forgiving ‘others’ is a self-inflicted abuse which makes us bear the weight of a self-created pain in the past throughout the journey EPISODE 19 1. Living in the present does not mean we stop planning. It implies that we don’t programme our mind to postpone its happiness until something ‘desirable’ happens in the future. 2. We should work towards maintaining inner stability by not getting disturbed by others’ behaviour. This saves a lot of time and energy wasted in getting hurt and recovering from it. When we live in the present and focus on inner progress, energy is conserved. 3. Discussing hurt from the past either passes it on to others or makes us relive the pain all over again. 4. Stress is equal to pressure divided by resilience. Instead of focusing on how big the pressure (challenge) is, we must focus on increasing our inner power or resilience because that is what is in our control. EPISODE 20 1. Stress is always proportionate to pressure divided by my inner strength. Pressure is created by many external factors that are not in my control. 2. Under any situation, 10% depends upon the pressure and remaining 90% depends upon my inner strength, which is in my control. By focusing on my inner strength, my stress will keep on reducing. 3. Fear is created when I have expectations and am attached to the outcome or result of my performance. So, when this unknown fear keeps on accumulating inside, it drains my inner strength and thus, stress is created. 4. Criticism always disempowers others. My role should be to guide or motivate others to improve their performances. This should not be just limited to words, but it is also important to create the right kind of thoughts. EPISODE 21 1. Any belief system which is making me feel uncomfortable is not right for me and I need to change it. 2. Every morning check the quality of your thoughts and consciously create positive and powerful thoughts. 3. To relax and become stress-free, we need to give one minute break to our mind after every hour in a day. We check our thoughts and consciously create powerful and positive thoughts for the situation. 4. The most fatal belief related to stress is that someone else is responsible for my stress. Stress is my response for outer situations. Response is formed by the kind of thoughts created by me in respect to outer situations. 5. We have a choice, either to create stress or to create happiness through the power of our thoughts. EPISODE 22 1. Stress is mainly created due to lack of self-awareness about: Who Am I? When I consider myself as the body, and relate myself to my achievements, possessions, my thoughts become limited and stress is created. 2. Raj yoga Meditation teaches us how to change limited into unlimited. When we realize our true self, that we are a pure energy, then our journey doesn’t remain limited to just one birth, but it becomes unlimited from one costume (body) to another. 3. Our fundamental responsibility is to remain happy. Every soul has the responsibility to empower oneself and then to empower each and every soul coming in contact with them. 4. ‘I’ am the body is the main fatal belief which creates series of wrong beliefs. Raj yoga Meditation helps us to realize our true self that I am not this body, but I am a soul residing inside the body EPISODE 23 1. To remain tension-free and to lead a stable life, become aware of your thoughts by watching your thoughts and become silent. 2. Practice watching your thoughts every morning and before going to sleep. During the day give a minute break after every hour and watch your thoughts. 3. Try to speak less and only when necessary. With fewer words and less thoughts, a lot of our energy is conserved. Speak less, speak slowly and speak softly.
  • 5. 5 4. Where there is attachment, there will be fear of losing. With fear in a relationship, pain and hurt becomes natural. 5. Make a list of all your attachments and let them go one by one internally, this releases us from fear and pain EPISODE 24 1. When you are in a problem, sit back with yourself for a few minutes, talk and counsel your self and then continue with your work. 2. Check your happiness index every hour after checking your thoughts continuously. If there is hurt in a relationship, then you cannot create happiness in the relationship. 3. I cannot love others, until I have learned to love my own self. By taking care of oneself, everything else is taken care of automatically. 4. Spend few minutes in a day with oneself, especially in the morning. Make a plan of how am I going to ‘Be’ today first and then what we are going to do in the whole day. 5. Take one value for each day and visualize yourself practicing that value. Remind yourself in the whole day by taking one minute break after every hour EPISODE 25 1. Whenever we are thinking of other people we are wasting our energy. Life is a series of moments. By thinking of others who are not in our control, we are wasting valuable time of our lives. 2. Let’s not indulge ourselves in writing other’s script. They are fine with the way they are. Just remember, that drama is going on and it is accurate. 3. Our inner conscience is constantly giving us right signals, if there is no clutter in our mind, only then we’ll be able to catch or receive the right signals. 4. One of the most fatal belief which gives us all the pain and suffering is that the ‘world should go according to my desires’ or ‘I can control other people’. 5. Stop evaluating others. Take it as a home-work that today; I will not interfere in anybody’s role in the world drama EPISODE 26 1. Trust and respect are essential for any relationship. Where there is anger, trust and respect cannot survive in that relationship. 2. Respect means when we accept someone. But with anger, there would be no acceptance and thus, we cannot empower people and the relationship. 3. Our positivity and right attitude towards others should give them courage to be honest with us. It will only happen with unconditional acceptance and exchange of positive vibrations. 4. Trust is one of the biggest virtues which empowers others. 5. Awareness of our thoughts is very important. Personal and Professional relationships are made by our each and every thought, rather than words or actions. EPISODE 27 1. Anger is the energy of disturbance. When we become aware about our thoughts, then we can finish the anger at thought level only. 2. The first stage of anger is the feeling of irritation. Irritation is when things are not happening in time. With irritation, our energy gets disturbed. Conservation of energy is more important than conservation of time. Stop, check and counsel yourself and accept whatever is happening around you. 3. We need to respect the choice of others. We cannot expect that everyone will work or behave according to us. The main cause of our irritation is that others do not act or behave according to me. We just need to accept others behavior in order to stop our irritation. 4. Time Management is the series of events, which include people and situations and both are not in our control. Time is only manageable when the events work smoothly and it will only happen when we are stable inside. 5. Frustration is one level higher than irritation, when my expectations are not fulfilled, then we become frustrated EPISODE 28 1. Frustration arises when we are trying to control people or situations, but is not happening. The feeling of resentment arises when somebody says something wrong about us. 2. If somebody commits a mistake, and after that he is trying to apologize, then our thoughts and behavior should be of forgiveness and trust, not of doubt. 3. Always remember, every word spoken in anger is a result of accumulated irritation or frustration of many incidents. 4. If somebody does or says something wrong to me my self esteem crashes badly. But we have to understand it is nothing to do with me being bad or wrong. It’s the other person’s perspective. To overcome the feeling of hurt or resentment, there is only one solution to forgive and forget others. 5. Somebody can only gives us pain once by saying some rude or harsh words to us, but we are constantly giving pain to ourselves by not forgiving our self and others. We need to forgive ourselves for creating the pain.
  • 6. 6 EPISODE 29 1. If we have conviction that we are on the right journey, change is happening, then do not give up with obstacles coming in the path. 2. To bring a change, it is very important to change our belief system, the deep-rooted sanskaars. Otherwise other changes that occur are only temporary. 3. Meditation changes our belief system and then transformation of thoughts becomes natural. If we channelize our thoughts from negative to positive and powerful thoughts, we get long-term benefits in our practical life. Then meditation becomes a lifestyle. 4. Meditation is an appointment with the self. Do not stop or control thoughts. We will feel heavy if we try to achieve thoughtless mind because mind’s function is to create thoughts. Try to focus on creating new positive thoughts. EPISODE 30 1. The biggest fatal belief is that I am this body, position, status etc. In Rajyoga Meditation, this fundamental belief system gets challenged that I am not this body, but I am the soul, who is the master of this body. 2. We were creating jealousy, competition, comparison, and hatred just because we thought that we are the body. Rajyoga Meditation changes the consciousness of Who Am I. 3. When our focus shifts from body consciousness to soul consciousness, the exchange of energy is only respect. This affects our state of being and also our relationships. 4. We all are souls, yet we are unique because of the thoughts we create. 5. As we keep our body clean and beautiful, now have to take care of ourselves also. There should be no anger, jealousy or any such negative feeling. Take a pause and keep checking and cleaning it.