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L0079 - 2009-08-27
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This presentation describes Eclipse Modeling Framework – EMF. It has two basic
Introduce you to the EMF techniques needed in the rest of the course
Introduce you to the architecture and components of the EMF project
This presentation is developed for MDD 2010 course at ITU, Denmark.
L0061 - 2008-04-27
What is EMF?
 A modeling & data integration framework
 Exploits the facilities offered in Eclipse to…
 Generate code without losing user customizations (merge)
 Automate important tasks (such as registering the runtime information)
 Improve extensibility
 Provide a UI layer
 What is an EMF “model”?
 Specification of your application’s data
Object attributes
Relationships (associations) between objects
Operations available on each object
Simple constraints (e.g. cardinality) on objects and relationships
 Essentially it represents the class diagram of the application
 Based on eMOF
 Can be used to represent itself – so it is its own meta model!
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Creating the Ecore Model
 Representing the modeled domain in Ecore is the first step in using EMF
 Ecore can be created…
 Directly using the EMF editors
 Through a graphical UI provided by external contributions
 By converting a model specification for which a Model Importer is available
 Model Importers available in EMF
 Java Interfaces
 UML models expressed in Rational Rose® files
 XML Schema
 Choose the one matching your perspective or skills
L0061 - 2008-04-27
EMF Tools: Model Import and Generation
Generator Features:
 Customizable JSP-like templates
 JDT-integrated, command-line,
or Ant
 Fully supports regeneration and
* Eclipse IDE-integrated
or RCP-based
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Model Importers Available in EMF
Annotated Java Interfaces
* @model
public interface Contact {
* Returns the name of the contact.
* @return the name
* @model
public String getName();
* Returns the locations of the contact.
* @return a list of the locations
* @model containment="true" opposite="contact"
public EList<Location> getLocations();
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Kick Start EMF
 Create “Empty EMF Project”
 Create “Ecore Model”
 Add “stuff” to the model
 Create EMF Model
 Edit genmodel file
 Generate Java code
 Test new model file
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Kick Start EMF
Edit Files If Needed
 Change values using the Properties view
 .ecore
 Change Ns Prefix to “cm”
 Change Ns URI to “”
 Change Containment to true for all 1:n references
 .genmodel
 Change Model Name to “CM”
 Change Edit/Children and Edit/Create Child to true for all 1:n references
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Lab Exercise
 Create EMF model and an editor for the following model
 Optionally type is an enumeration with the values HOME and WORK
 The rest of the attributes are Strings
 Check that an editor can be created and write a file…
 Check in alternative editor
type, street,
city, country
L0061 - 2008-04-27
EMF Files
 modelname.ecore
 Ecore model file in XMI format
 Canonical form of the model
 modelname.genmodel
 A “generator model” for specifying generator options
 Contains decorators for Ecore model elements, providing details that would
otherwise pollute the model (e.g. target directories for code generation)
 EMF code generator is an EMF .genmodel editor
 Automatically kept in synch with .ecore file
L0061 - 2008-04-27
EMF Architecture
EMF Runtime
EMF Tools
Core Edit
Model EditorApplication
Eclipse Platform
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Ecore Model Editor
 A graphical editor is a better approach
 GMF Ecore Diagram Example (
 Omondo EclipseUML (
 UML2 project (
L0061 - 2008-04-27
EMF Generator
 Similar layout to Ecore model editor
 Automatically keeps in synch with .ecore
 Generate code with pop-up menu actions
 Generate Model Code
 Generate Edit Code
 Generate Editor Code
 Generate Test Code
 Generate All
 Code generation options in Properties
 Generator > Reload to reload .genmodel
and .ecore files from original model
L0061 - 2008-04-27
The EMF Meta Information Model
L0061 - 2008-04-27
The EMF Meta Object Model
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Ecore Model for Purchase Orders
shipTo : String
billTo : String
productName : String
quantity : int
price : float0..*
. . .
is represented in Ecore as
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents the base class for all other EMF meta entities
 Includes annotations, which can save arbitrary data for all objects
 documentation, XSD namespace, etc…
 all non-core attributes from @model javadoc declarations are recorded as
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents an element with a name (just about everything)
 Includes
 name – the name of the element
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents an element with a type (attribute, reference, operation, parameter)
 Includes
 type – the type of the object (either EClass or EDataType)
 lowerBound, upperBound, many (t) and required (t) – the cardinality of the
element in respect to the type
 ordered – the ordering of elements
 unique – for multiplicity-many elements, whether elements are unique in the
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents the common functionality for classes and data types
 typeParameters – the generic type parameters for the class
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents a class with contained attributes and references
 abstract – whether the class can be instantiated
 interface – whether the implementation class is generated
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents a primitive data type
 Many predefined data types
 Enumerations
Ecore Data Type
Java Primitive
Type or Class
EBoolean boolean
EChar Char
EFloat Float
EString java.lang.String
EByteArtray byte[ ]
EBooleanObject java.lang.Boolean
EFloatObjhect java.lang.Float
EJavaObject java.lang.Object
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents a member of a class (attribute or reference)
 Includes
 transient – whether the value is stored in any external representations
 volatile – whether the value is calculated when needed
 changeable – whether the value can be changed via a set-method
 unsettable – whether the value can be a special null value
 derived – whether the value is derived from other attributes
 defaultValue – any default value
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents an attribute of a class
 id – whether the attribute is an ID in the class – the first ID attribute is special
IDs are used for references in external representations – e.g. XML
L0061 - 2008-04-27
 Represents a reference to a class
 opposite – the opposite relation
 resolveProxies – whether references are resolved automatically
 containment, container (t) – whether the reference is contained in/a container
for the opposite object
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Generated Code
 Code is generated using JET – Java Emitter Templates
 Based on PHP-like or JSP-like language (.javajet files)
 Consult plug-ins org.eclipse.emf.codegen.*
 Many @model attributes change the generated code
 Especially on EStructualFeature, EAttribute and EReference
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Generated Code
Overriding Methods
 There are several ways to override generated code
 All generated code annotated with @generated javadoc
If code is changed, change the comment to @generated NOT
 Add Gen suffix to original method name to original code with custom code
 Methods without @generated marker are left alone during regeneration
* @generated NOT
public void setName(String newName) {
assert newName != null;
* @generated
public void setNameGen(String newName) {
* @generated
public void setName(String newName) {
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Generated Code
Simple Attributes
 Simple attributes hold no surprises
 Notification constructed when needed
 Attribute identified by ID
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String newName) {
String oldName = name;
name = newName;
if (eNotificationRequired())
eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET,
ContactPackage.LOCATION__NAME, oldName, name));
* @model
public String getName();
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Generated Code
Multi-Valued Attributes and References
 Different than the “normal” Java design pattern
 Only one method per attribute or reference
public List<Location> getLocations();
public void addLocation(Location location);
public void removeLocation(Location location);
public void clearLocations();
public EList<Location> getLocations();
contact.addLocation(location); contact.getLocations().add(location);
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Generated Code
Volatile Attributes and References
 Volatile attributes and references get (near-)empty bodies
* @generated
public String getSurname() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Lab Exercise
 Use previous model
 Add new read-only attribute in Contact named fullName:
 Returns “<firstName> <familyName>”
 Remember to make it transient – why?
 Check result in editor: correct and read-only
 Extra: make the attribute changeable
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Model Change Notification
 Every EMF object is also a Notifier
 Send notification (Notification) whenever an attribute or reference is changed
 EMF objects can be “observed” in order to update views and dependent objects
 For various reasons a model change listener is also called an adaptor
Adapter poObserver = ...
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Persistence and Serialization
 Serialized data is referred to as a resource
 Data can be spread out among a number
of resources in a resource set
 One resource is loaded at a time, even if it
has references to objects in other
resources in the resource set
 Proxies exist for objects in other
 Lazy or demand loading of other
resources as needed
 A resource can be unloaded
Resource 2Resource 1
resource 2
resource 1 uri 1 resource 1
uri 2 resource 2
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Recording Changes
 EMF provides facilities for recording the changes made to instances of an Ecore model
 Change Model
 An EMF model for representing changes to objects
 Directly references affected objects
 Includes “apply changes” capability
 Change Recorder
 EMF adapter
 Monitors objects to produce a change description (an instance of the change
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Change Recorder
 Can be attached to EObjects, Resources, and ResourceSets
 Monitors changes to the objects and their contents trees
 Produces a description of the changes needed to return to the original state (a reverse
 Result: a change description with one change, setting billTo to “123 Elm St.”
PurchaseOrder order = ...
order.setBillTo("123 Elm St.");
ChangeRecorder recorder = new ChangeRecorder();
order.setBillTo("456 Cherry St.");
ChangeDescription change = recorder.endRecording();
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Example: Transaction Capability
 If any part of the transaction fails, undo the changes
ChangeRecorder changeRecorder = new ChangeRecorder(resourceSet);
try {
// modifications within resource set
} catch (Exception e) {
L0061 - 2008-04-27
What does the Transaction API Provide?
 A transactional editing environment
 Safe read and write access to EMF resources from multiple concurrent threads
 Commit protocol providing mechanisms for ensuring model integrity:
Validation of the changes performed during the transaction (constraints) using
the Validation Framework
Pre-commit listeners proactively performing concomitant changes (triggers) to
maintain consistency of dependencies
Automatic rollback of changes on failure to validate or complete triggers
Supports transaction nesting
L0061 - 2008-04-27
Validation Framework
 Model objects validated by external EValidator
 Detailed results accumulated as Diagnostics
 Essentially a non-Eclipse equivalent to IStatus
 Records severity, source plug-in ID, status code, message, other arbitrary data,
and nested children
public interface Evalidator {
Boolean validate(EObject eObject,
DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map Context);
boolean validate(EClass eClass, EOjbect eObject,
DiagnosticChain, diagnostics, Map context);
boolean validate(EDataType eDataType, Object value,
DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context);
L0079 - 2009-08-27
Question/Exercise 1
 Implement the data model for Noware Travel as an ecore model in EMF
 Take care that the model can be validated by the built-in tools of EMF
 Which relations are containment relations?
 In a real-world scenario, which attributes should be strings, enumerations or relations
to other entities – e.g. Parameter name, Flight destinationTown and Item name.
L0079 - 2009-08-27
Question/Exercise 2
 Generate an EMF editor from the .ecore model
 Implement the travel packages from previous lecture
 Question 2: Model an “adventure” travel package to Thailand, which includes either
a trekking tour or a parachute tour. Model a “family” travel to Gran Canaria, which
includes renting a car. For each package, also what data is required for ordering
the package
 Question 3: The family Hansen wants a Family travel package to Gran Canaria.
Draw the instance of the Family package with data for the Hansen family. For
instance, we need to know how many persons they are to order the right size of a
hotel room. This information is not present in the model from question 2. In the
model, we only described what data was required for model instances. The real
customer must provide the real data.
L0079 - 2009-08-27
Question/Exercise 3
 Given your EMF model, informally describe the types of validation that can/should be
performed on a concrete instance of a family travel in the form “this attribute should
be equal to this attribute” and “this object should only have n children”…
L0087 - 2010-09-19
Syllabus (”Pensum”)
 The reading materials for this lecture is in the form of the following three items:
 These slides
 "Essential EMF" by Ed Merks and James Sugrue - link) - Very good and
quite essential overview of EMF
 "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Tutorial" by Lars Vogel - http:// - as always, a good tutorial by Lars
L0061 - 2008-04-27
More Information
 “EMF – Eclipse Modeling Framework” by Frank Budinsky, David Steinberg, Ed Merks,
and Raymond Ellersick (ISBN 978- 0321331885)
 “Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Java Emitter Template (JET) - Tutorial”
Very good introduction JET – as well as a very short introduction to EMF itself.
 “EMF – Eclipse Modeling Framework” by Frank Budinsky, David Steinberg, Ed Merks,
and Raymond Ellersick (ISBN 978- 0321331885)
 “Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Java Emitter Template (JET) - Tutorial”
Very good introduction JET – as well as a very short introduction to EMF itself.

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  • 1. L0079 - 2009-08-27 Redistribution and other use of this material requires written permission from The RCP Company. ITU - MDD - EMF This presentation describes Eclipse Modeling Framework – EMF. It has two basic purposes: Introduce you to the EMF techniques needed in the rest of the course Introduce you to the architecture and components of the EMF project This presentation is developed for MDD 2010 course at ITU, Denmark.
  • 2. L0061 - 2008-04-27 2 What is EMF?  A modeling & data integration framework  Exploits the facilities offered in Eclipse to…  Generate code without losing user customizations (merge)  Automate important tasks (such as registering the runtime information)  Improve extensibility  Provide a UI layer  What is an EMF “model”?  Specification of your application’s data  Object attributes  Relationships (associations) between objects  Operations available on each object  Simple constraints (e.g. cardinality) on objects and relationships  Essentially it represents the class diagram of the application  Based on eMOF  Can be used to represent itself – so it is its own meta model!
  • 3. L0061 - 2008-04-27 3 Creating the Ecore Model  Representing the modeled domain in Ecore is the first step in using EMF  Ecore can be created…  Directly using the EMF editors  Through a graphical UI provided by external contributions  By converting a model specification for which a Model Importer is available  Model Importers available in EMF  Java Interfaces  UML models expressed in Rational Rose® files  XML Schema  Choose the one matching your perspective or skills
  • 4. L0061 - 2008-04-27 4 EMF Tools: Model Import and Generation Generator Features:  Customizable JSP-like templates (JET)  JDT-integrated, command-line, or Ant  Fully supports regeneration and merge I M P O R T GENERATE Ecore Model UML XML Schema Java model Java edit Java editor* * Eclipse IDE-integrated or RCP-based Java model
  • 5. L0061 - 2008-04-27 5 Model Importers Available in EMF Annotated Java Interfaces /** * @model */ public interface Contact { /** * Returns the name of the contact. * * @return the name * @model */ public String getName(); /** * Returns the locations of the contact. * @return a list of the locations * @model containment="true" opposite="contact" */ public EList<Location> getLocations(); }
  • 6. L0061 - 2008-04-27 6 Kick Start EMF  Create “Empty EMF Project”  Create “Ecore Model”  Add “stuff” to the model  Create EMF Model  Edit genmodel file  Generate Java code  Test new model file
  • 7. L0061 - 2008-04-27 7 Kick Start EMF Edit Files If Needed  Change values using the Properties view  .ecore  Change Ns Prefix to “cm”  Change Ns URI to “”  Change Containment to true for all 1:n references  .genmodel  Change Model Name to “CM”  Change Edit/Children and Edit/Create Child to true for all 1:n references
  • 8. L0061 - 2008-04-27 8 Lab Exercise  Create EMF model and an editor for the following model  Optionally type is an enumeration with the values HOME and WORK  The rest of the attributes are Strings  Check that an editor can be created and write a file…  Check in alternative editor Contact Manager 0..n firstName, familyName Location 0..n type, street, city, country
  • 9. L0061 - 2008-04-27 9 EMF Files  modelname.ecore  Ecore model file in XMI format  Canonical form of the model  modelname.genmodel  A “generator model” for specifying generator options  Contains decorators for Ecore model elements, providing details that would otherwise pollute the model (e.g. target directories for code generation)  EMF code generator is an EMF .genmodel editor  Automatically kept in synch with .ecore file
  • 10. L0061 - 2008-04-27 10 EMF Architecture EMF Runtime EMF Tools Core Edit Codegen Model EditorApplication Generates Eclipse Platform
  • 11. L0061 - 2008-04-27 11 Ecore Model Editor  A graphical editor is a better approach  GMF Ecore Diagram Example (  Omondo EclipseUML (  UML2 project (
  • 12. L0061 - 2008-04-27 12 EMF Generator  Similar layout to Ecore model editor  Automatically keeps in synch with .ecore changes  Generate code with pop-up menu actions  Generate Model Code  Generate Edit Code  Generate Editor Code  Generate Test Code  Generate All  Code generation options in Properties view  Generator > Reload to reload .genmodel and .ecore files from original model form
  • 13. L0061 - 2008-04-27 13 The EMF Meta Information Model 0..1 EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* attributeType opposite superTypes referenceType
  • 14. L0061 - 2008-04-27 14 The EMF Meta Object Model ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* type opposite superTypes
  • 15. L0061 - 2008-04-27 15 Ecore Model for Purchase Orders PurchaseOrder shipTo : String billTo : String Item productName : String quantity : int price : float0..* items 0..* EClass (name="PurchaseOrder") EAttribute (name="shipTo") EAttribute (name="billTo") EReference (name="items") EClass (name="Item") EAttribute (name="productName") . . . eReferenceType is represented in Ecore as
  • 16. L0061 - 2008-04-27 16 EModelElement  Represents the base class for all other EMF meta entities  Includes annotations, which can save arbitrary data for all objects  documentation, XSD namespace, etc…  all non-core attributes from @model javadoc declarations are recorded as annotations ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 17. L0061 - 2008-04-27 17 ENamedElement  Represents an element with a name (just about everything)  Includes  name – the name of the element ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 18. L0061 - 2008-04-27 18 ETypedElement  Represents an element with a type (attribute, reference, operation, parameter)  Includes  type – the type of the object (either EClass or EDataType)  lowerBound, upperBound, many (t) and required (t) – the cardinality of the element in respect to the type  ordered – the ordering of elements  unique – for multiplicity-many elements, whether elements are unique in the container ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 19. L0061 - 2008-04-27 19 EClassifier  Represents the common functionality for classes and data types  typeParameters – the generic type parameters for the class ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 20. L0061 - 2008-04-27 20 EClass  Represents a class with contained attributes and references  abstract – whether the class can be instantiated  interface – whether the implementation class is generated ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 21. L0061 - 2008-04-27 21 EDataType  Represents a primitive data type  Many predefined data types  Enumerations Ecore Data Type Java Primitive Type or Class EBoolean boolean EChar Char EFloat Float EString java.lang.String EByteArtray byte[ ] EBooleanObject java.lang.Boolean EFloatObjhect java.lang.Float EJavaObject java.lang.Object ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 22. L0061 - 2008-04-27 22 EStructuralFeature  Represents a member of a class (attribute or reference)  Includes  transient – whether the value is stored in any external representations  volatile – whether the value is calculated when needed  changeable – whether the value can be changed via a set-method  unsettable – whether the value can be a special null value  derived – whether the value is derived from other attributes  defaultValue – any default value ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 23. L0061 - 2008-04-27 23 EAttribute  Represents an attribute of a class  id – whether the attribute is an ID in the class – the first ID attribute is special  IDs are used for references in external representations – e.g. XML ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 24. L0061 - 2008-04-27 24 EReference  Represents a reference to a class  opposite – the opposite relation  resolveProxies – whether references are resolved automatically  containment, container (t) – whether the reference is contained in/a container for the opposite object ENamedElement EModelElement 0..1 ETypedElementEClassifier EStructuralFeature EAttribute EReference EClass EDataType 0..* 0..* 0..* typ e opposite superTypes
  • 25. L0061 - 2008-04-27 25 Generated Code  Code is generated using JET – Java Emitter Templates  Based on PHP-like or JSP-like language (.javajet files)  Consult plug-ins org.eclipse.emf.codegen.*  Many @model attributes change the generated code  Especially on EStructualFeature, EAttribute and EReference
  • 26. L0061 - 2008-04-27 26 Generated Code Overriding Methods  There are several ways to override generated code  All generated code annotated with @generated javadoc  If code is changed, change the comment to @generated NOT  Add Gen suffix to original method name to original code with custom code  Methods without @generated marker are left alone during regeneration /** * @generated NOT */ public void setName(String newName) { assert newName != null; setNameGen(newName); } /** * @generated */ public void setNameGen(String newName) { … } /** * @generated */ public void setName(String newName) { … }
  • 27. L0061 - 2008-04-27 27 Generated Code Simple Attributes  Simple attributes hold no surprises  Notification constructed when needed  Attribute identified by ID public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String newName) { String oldName = name; name = newName; if (eNotificationRequired()) eNotify(new ENotificationImpl(this, Notification.SET, ContactPackage.LOCATION__NAME, oldName, name)); } /** * @model */ public String getName();
  • 28. L0061 - 2008-04-27 28 Generated Code Multi-Valued Attributes and References  Different than the “normal” Java design pattern  Only one method per attribute or reference public List<Location> getLocations(); public void addLocation(Location location); public void removeLocation(Location location); public void clearLocations(); public EList<Location> getLocations(); contact.addLocation(location); contact.getLocations().add(location);
  • 29. L0061 - 2008-04-27 29 Generated Code Volatile Attributes and References  Volatile attributes and references get (near-)empty bodies /** * @generated */ public String getSurname() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }
  • 30. L0061 - 2008-04-27 30 Lab Exercise  Use previous model  Add new read-only attribute in Contact named fullName:  Returns “<firstName> <familyName>”  Remember to make it transient – why?  Check result in editor: correct and read-only  Extra: make the attribute changeable
  • 31. L0061 - 2008-04-27 31 Model Change Notification  Every EMF object is also a Notifier  Send notification (Notification) whenever an attribute or reference is changed  EMF objects can be “observed” in order to update views and dependent objects  For various reasons a model change listener is also called an adaptor Adapter poObserver = ... purchaseOrder.eAdapters().add(poObserver); adapter.notifyChanged() setBillTo() PurchaseOrder Adapter
  • 32. L0061 - 2008-04-27 32 Persistence and Serialization  Serialized data is referred to as a resource  Data can be spread out among a number of resources in a resource set  One resource is loaded at a time, even if it has references to objects in other resources in the resource set  Proxies exist for objects in other resources  Lazy or demand loading of other resources as needed  A resource can be unloaded Resource 2Resource 1 ResourceSet Client load demand-load resource 2 resource 1 uri 1 resource 1 uri 2 resource 2
  • 33. L0061 - 2008-04-27 33 Recording Changes  EMF provides facilities for recording the changes made to instances of an Ecore model  Change Model  An EMF model for representing changes to objects  Directly references affected objects  Includes “apply changes” capability  Change Recorder  EMF adapter  Monitors objects to produce a change description (an instance of the change model)
  • 34. L0061 - 2008-04-27 34 Change Recorder  Can be attached to EObjects, Resources, and ResourceSets  Monitors changes to the objects and their contents trees  Produces a description of the changes needed to return to the original state (a reverse delta)  Result: a change description with one change, setting billTo to “123 Elm St.” PurchaseOrder order = ... order.setBillTo("123 Elm St."); ChangeRecorder recorder = new ChangeRecorder(); recorder.beginRecording(Collections.singleton(order)); order.setBillTo("456 Cherry St."); ChangeDescription change = recorder.endRecording();
  • 35. L0061 - 2008-04-27 35 Example: Transaction Capability  If any part of the transaction fails, undo the changes ChangeRecorder changeRecorder = new ChangeRecorder(resourceSet); try { // modifications within resource set } catch (Exception e) { changeRecorder.endRecording().apply(); }
  • 36. L0061 - 2008-04-27 36 What does the Transaction API Provide?  A transactional editing environment  Safe read and write access to EMF resources from multiple concurrent threads  Commit protocol providing mechanisms for ensuring model integrity:  Validation of the changes performed during the transaction (constraints) using the Validation Framework  Pre-commit listeners proactively performing concomitant changes (triggers) to maintain consistency of dependencies  Automatic rollback of changes on failure to validate or complete triggers  Supports transaction nesting
  • 37. L0061 - 2008-04-27 37 Validation Framework  Model objects validated by external EValidator  Detailed results accumulated as Diagnostics  Essentially a non-Eclipse equivalent to IStatus  Records severity, source plug-in ID, status code, message, other arbitrary data, and nested children public interface Evalidator { Boolean validate(EObject eObject, DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map Context); boolean validate(EClass eClass, EOjbect eObject, DiagnosticChain, diagnostics, Map context); boolean validate(EDataType eDataType, Object value, DiagnosticChain diagnostics, Map context); ... }
  • 38. L0079 - 2009-08-27 38 Question/Exercise 1  Implement the data model for Noware Travel as an ecore model in EMF  Take care that the model can be validated by the built-in tools of EMF  Which relations are containment relations?  In a real-world scenario, which attributes should be strings, enumerations or relations to other entities – e.g. Parameter name, Flight destinationTown and Item name.
  • 39. L0079 - 2009-08-27 39 Question/Exercise 2  Generate an EMF editor from the .ecore model  Implement the travel packages from previous lecture  Question 2: Model an “adventure” travel package to Thailand, which includes either a trekking tour or a parachute tour. Model a “family” travel to Gran Canaria, which includes renting a car. For each package, also what data is required for ordering the package  Question 3: The family Hansen wants a Family travel package to Gran Canaria. Draw the instance of the Family package with data for the Hansen family. For instance, we need to know how many persons they are to order the right size of a hotel room. This information is not present in the model from question 2. In the model, we only described what data was required for model instances. The real customer must provide the real data.
  • 40. L0079 - 2009-08-27 40 Question/Exercise 3  Given your EMF model, informally describe the types of validation that can/should be performed on a concrete instance of a family travel in the form “this attribute should be equal to this attribute” and “this object should only have n children”…
  • 41. L0087 - 2010-09-19 41 Syllabus (”Pensum”)  The reading materials for this lecture is in the form of the following three items:  These slides  "Essential EMF" by Ed Merks and James Sugrue - link) - Very good and quite essential overview of EMF  "Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) - Tutorial" by Lars Vogel - http:// - as always, a good tutorial by Lars
  • 42. L0061 - 2008-04-27 42 More Information  “EMF – Eclipse Modeling Framework” by Frank Budinsky, David Steinberg, Ed Merks, and Raymond Ellersick (ISBN 978- 0321331885)  “Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Java Emitter Template (JET) - Tutorial”   Very good introduction JET – as well as a very short introduction to EMF itself.  “EMF – Eclipse Modeling Framework” by Frank Budinsky, David Steinberg, Ed Merks, and Raymond Ellersick (ISBN 978- 0321331885)  “Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Java Emitter Template (JET) - Tutorial”   Very good introduction JET – as well as a very short introduction to EMF itself.

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Now it’s time for the lab.
  2. Class models classes themselves. Classes are identified by name and can have a number of attributes and references. To support inheritance, a class can refer to a number of other classes as its supertypes. Attribute models attributes, the components of an object&amp;apos;s data. They are identified by name, and they have a type. DataType models the types of attributes, representing primitive and object data types that are defined in Java, but not in EMF. Data types are also identified by name. Reference is used in modeling associations between classes; it models one end of such an association. Like attributes, references are identified by name and have a type. However, this type must be the Class at the other end of the association. If the association is navigable in the opposite direction, there will be another corresponding reference. A reference specifies lower and upper bounds on its multiplicity. Finally, a reference can be used to represent a stronger type of association, called containment; the reference specifies whether to enforce containment semantics.
  3. The complete EMF data model for a specific domain model (your model!) is normally always presents and can be queried to get relevant meta information. The model includes the following objects: EModelElement is the base class for all model classes. Includes support for annotations. ENamedElement specifies an element with a name – typically unique within the scope (e.g. attributes within a class). ETypedElement specifies an element with a type (either primitive – see EDataType – or a class – see EClass). Includes cardinality (lowerbound, upperbound), ordering and uniqueness. EStructuralFeature specifies a member of a class – either an attribute or a reference. EClassifier represents a type in the model – either a class or a data type
  4. Now it’s time for the lab.