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65 Twisting Reality? (Update)
By Gerald J. Furnkranz
Reality in American society is under a vicious attack. Lies, deception and propaganda foisted on
Americans to manipulate our democracy to socialism and beyond! Seems elites want a totalitarian state.
Truth as rare as integrity in America! The abandonment of integrity is a major player in the exile of truth,
therefore reality!
Americans have always been subject to the influenced of media manipulating their minds! Writers of
newspapers and books swaying the thinking of the people. Some educational, others with intention of
indoctrination of people.
Television upon its inception presented a new power to do so. However in the early naïve days of
communication and television it was not so insidious. They were not pervasive mechanisms for lying.
While some used the media mechanisms to lie and manipulate, there were others that still disseminated
truth, balancing the information presented.
With the advent of our massive technological age, the battle is leaning heavily in favor of the lies.
Addressing issues based on interpretation, even preferences and desires not facts and truth. Once Brian
Williams an influential NBC news caster advertised, “We’ll tell you the news and what to think about it.”
Lies brought him down. But, a model for a way of thinking by most of the news media today. Partisan
minions promoting partisan dogma. As integrity was being erased in American society, media news
embraced propaganda!
The miracle of American democracy (Democratic Republic) the Constitution was drafted to be a
blueprint for our government. Freedom of speech and press were cornerstones of our democratic
society. People could voice their thoughts, opinions and ideas without fear of retribution from
Unlike totalitarian states where government controlled the press, media and controlling people’s speech
and thoughts. Government uses communication links to spread political propaganda to advance their
tyranny and shackle the minds of the people with lies and deceptions.
The saying “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is proving itself to be true in the
miraculous experiment of American Democracy! Our “Founding Fathers” wove into our constitutional
framework a system of “Checks and Balances” for the three branches of government to keep a
suspicious eye on each other. Studiously checking the other two for overstepping their boundaries!
Those founding fathers had an implicit mistrust of government and the untrustworthy politician types it
With the prosperity our democracy has fostered, the attraction of power and profit has become so
attractive to the politician types. A magnet to corruption like flies to crap! Seems politicians are enticed
by the stench of corruption!
The massive mechanisms of technology have enthralled those with tyrant potential to take the selfish
paths, ignoring the statesmen’s course. Not representing the people for the good of the people.
Government seems to have taken up the courses of crime and corruption for politician’s family
businesses. The massive media machine has presented the opportunity for corrupt politicians to mold
the nation’s thinking to benefit themselves and their elitist cronies at the expense of the people. The
conduits of propaganda have become so pervasive and powerful, the corrupt have been projecting a
false reality before the eyes of the people. A vision comprised of lies and deceptions.
Elites from all segments of society have joined together to usurp power for themselves and oppress and
enslave the people for their selfish purposes. I call them “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”,
actually the dregs of society at the top of the financial food chain. (Primary examples: Joe Biden, John
Kerry, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, Bill Gates, just a few
examples of the many.) Those thinking they are so smart that they are doing the people a favor herding
them like cattle, chattel under a tyranny they consider their benevolent rule. Sucking up the people’s
freedoms and independence for the imprisonment they consider better for the people, but really only
better for themselves. They see lying as their entitlement. Lying to the lowly “WE the People” because
they see us a so stupid and inferior we are not worthy of the truth.
With the new technological advancements, particularly in communications, the bottom feeders have
unleashed a massive mind manipulating machine! Television, computers, electronic notebooks, cell
phones, internet and social media dominating the attention of the people, to an addictive degree.
Bottom feeders controlling the content of the information on these platforms can distort and bastardize
reality. Placing false realities before the eyes of the people.
Mark Zuckerburg Lord of Face Book a powerful tech giant, admittedly aided the FBI and DOJ in the
canceling of news about the Hunter Biden Laptop. The FBI covering up the laptop to assist the Joe Biden
Presidential campaign, and it worked. Virtual Reality the coming innovation where the narrative before
us can be totally constructed in fantasy lies and deceptions. Zuckerburg’s Meta Verse, following his lying
leadership can easily wander into the Meta perverse. A universe with fake news, coverups, and amazing
and addictive false realities that will suck people into his and his ally government’s wandering wanton
The FBI infiltrated, manipulated and controlled Twitter’s ability to cancel and distort truth. Colluding
with the sensitive Twitter imbedded cabal of cockroaches and rat socialists. They canceled information
revealing Democrat Party corruption and created fictional narratives about conservative corruption. Like
the false Trump Russian Collusion that led to years of investigation, meant only to sully Trump’s name!
False information that directed to two phony impeachment vigilante lynchings and the January 6th
Democrat Kangaroo Court! Also the Hunter Biden Laptop coverup!
Marketing Misinformation
Marketing, a method to sell products and ideas, taught in colleges and universities as established
courses. Marketing has an implicit dishonesty at its’ core. An easy tool to corrupt with brainwashing,
lying by omission and out right blatant dishonesty. Used honestly an effective tool to communicate with
people. Used with selfish dishonest intentions, a villainous tool for manipulating and controlling people’s
minds. It has become a major tool of mind control. Drum beating corrupt ideas and philosophies into the
heads of the people. Pounding political dogma ruthlessly into the minds of the people for the purpose of
power and control.
Tech Media Monopolies
Tech Monopolies like Face Book, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Tik Tok and many more control what is
perceived as reality. Pounding home their drumbeat of lies and deception they project and image of the
false realities they want the people to believe! Canceling truth like that of the Hunter Biden laptop
which seems to implicate President Biden in selling out America(ns) for personal gain. Or the false
Trump Russian Collusion to tar and feather Trump, making way for a crooked, corrupt, incompetent Joe
Biden for the purpose of selling out America to China for the Globalist, socialist Bottom Feeders.
Education Industry Corruption
Colleges & Universities (Dumbing Down)
Our Colleges & Universities have been Dumbing Down our children for decades. Bringing them into
adulthood where they are automatons to Bottom Feeders infesting those institutions. Thomas Jefferson
pointed out “Good public education is essential to democracy”! I have come to the conclusion, “Poor
public education is essential to socialism”! Our system of higher education populated with mostly
Socialist Democrats have geared the system to that “Dumbing Down” of students. Preparing them and
brainwashing them for the introduction of society degrading socialism.
Public Education
Successful to the extent higher education has infiltrated the dumbing down into our public education
system. All the way down to kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and pre-pre-K to three year old babies.
Subjects like Critical Race Theory, Gender Fluidity, Drag Queen Story Hours, and other mind bending
subjects that create fodder for their psychiatric and psychologist witch doctors! Seemingly in
preparation for using children for their perverted sexual pleasures. Indoctrinating robotic Critical Race
Theory instead of independent Critical Thinking which would damn today’s corrupt education system.
Gender fluidity flooding society with a multitude of genders and a myriad of pronouns to identify those
genders. Making it a guessing game to use the right pronoun, setting people up for offending the
spinning wheel of gender. Just another mechanism designed to make people unsure of where they
stand? Living in constant discomfort of when they will be accused of some sort of isms!
Twisted False Realities Projected
The Globalist, socialist “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” fabricate an “Alice in Wonderland”
like environment where it is made difficult for the people to grasp reality. They create false realities with
their manipulation of news, programs and truth to create unsure footing for people through life. Making
“We the People” unsure and insecure as we travel our daily paths. Establishing a “Twilight Zone”, of
fictional images presented as reality. Attacking the confidence and self-esteem of children and adults
while saying they are assisting the development of self-esteem and confidence. Just as they have done
with critical thinking! Educators telling us critical and independent thinking teachings are part of their
curriculum, when what they are teaching is the opposite, programed collective and consensus thought!
The highly distorted reality projected to the American people by the socialist Democrat Party is like the
mirror room in a carnival funhouse. Wavy glass and distorted reflections dizzily deforming everything
before our eyes. Boggling the brain with outlandish visions, creating a drunken stupor of one’s thoughts.
Crafting difficult detours to grasping reality! Making a haven for normal unreachable and abnormal
normal. Labeling truth as lies and lies as truth, right as wrong and wrong as right. Cutting away “We the
People’s” stabilizing anchors to reality!
This the purpose of the twisted realities, Democrats are foisting on the American people! Designed to
keep people off balance, uncertain, hypnotized in a dead eyed trance. Not just disorientation on the trip
through the funhouse. But a constant barrage of the bottom feeders spinning false narrative 24 hours a
day, seven days a week, year after year in their attempts to bend and break the minds of “We the
The Crises Cabal
Crises the mechanism used to initiate the oppression of the people! Global Warming evolving to
Climate Change used to oppress “We the People”. A lever used to frighten the people into accepting
wasteful use of the people’s treasure, so bottom feeders can dole it out where they wish. To cronies,
enemies of America and themselves. In the 70s, government was warning of the next “Ice Age”. Then it
switched to Global Warming. Then Climate Change, so any weather anomaly could be blamed and
declared an exploitable crisis.
Next the Covid19 pandemic presented another crisis! Yes, the epidemic existed, likely artificially from
China’s Wuhan lab. But the mismanagement of the disease for the Democrat’s philosophy Crises Chaos
Conspiracy, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Which also evolved that philosophy, “Creating crises to
exploit for political purposes”. So the bottom feeders manipulated the virus policies to accelerate the
opportunity for further oppression of the people.
Both Climate Change and Coronavirus policies serve the purpose of separating and isolating the
American people! Destroying fossil fuels restricts the movement of Americans. Keeping them isolated
from each other, abolishing freedom of movement. Limiting contact, therefore communication amongst
the people! The lockdowns during the virus have had the same socially dampening effects. Isolating,
actually exiling the people from one another. The masks served to do the same, creating a faceless
population, restricting contact and communication. All part of socialist, globalist Democrats pushing
America to socialism, using separation of the people.
President Joe Biden’s Crises Chaos Conspiracy for “Comprehensive Destruction of America”!
Joe Biden the “Quisling, Saboteur” American President and his Democrat Party have mounted the
freedom horse destroying it and riding it into the ground. Every Biden policy has taken areas of our
society and turned them into festering crises. On the very first day of Biden’s administration he began
his “Comprehensive Destruction of America Policies!” Biden with his deceptive sly smirk tells us all is
well, as he dives America to tyrannical hell!
Almost simultaneously upon assuming his Biden presidency, 1.) Opening Our Southern Border to mass
illegal immigration (6+ million to date) and 2.) Ending America’s Energy Independence. Then he attacked
3.) America’s Rule of Law with attacks on and defunding the police. This encouraged 4.) A major increase
in crime throughout the nation. In addition 5.) Biden attacked America’s Freedoms, 5a.) Of Speech like
the parents at the Virginia school board being tagged domestic Terrorists by the Department of Justice
and the FBI. 5b.) Of Press, the FBI colluding with Twitter and Face Book to silence stories in the press.
(Hunter Biden Laptop) 5c.) to survive, attacking middle class through the intentional destruction of
America’s economy. Inflation, covid policies killing businesses, Wasteful spending, endless printing
money! 6.) Self Defense 6a.) as a nation, weakening military 6a1.) Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal
muddle 6a2.) General Milley’s culling fiction White Supremist Trump supporters 6a3.) Teaching CRT (
Critical Race Theory) in the military and West Point 6b.) as individuals weakening laws, police, fueling
rising crime. 7.) Labeling white Americans “White Supremist” through Critical Race Theory
indoctrination. 8.) Branding Trump Supporters as “Semi Fascists”. 9.) The shooting war with the drug
cartels on the Southern border and invasion into America of those same drug thugs! 10.) FBI, DOJ, IRS,
CIA and many other government agencies weaponized for Democrat Partisan Politic corruption, rousting
and strong arming innocent American citizens!
Mark my words, even when the Dems turn on Biden when he out lives his usefulness, they knew exactly
what he was when they ran him for president. He did exactly what they wanted him to do, destroy
See my article “Biden’s Annihilation Nation”, for greater detail!
Reality TV
Reality TV the rage in entertainment today. Gives us scripted real housewives, congregating in hen
parties always sucking a glass of wine and stabbing each other in the back. Petty squabbling the main
lines. Kind of like we see from Congress and the Democrat and Republican Parties all the time. Most if
not all reality shows scripted for maximum dramatic effect. Nothing to do with reality.
The fictional drama movies of the past are better purveyors of reality than the so called phony reality
shows. The View, The Talk and The Real, where they kick their opinions around ad nauseum, when
somehow these bickering biddies have gained a reputation for intelligence and wisdom! Because they
have an elevated podium, they are granted undue illusions of intelligence and wisdom. Actually just
more purveyors of twisted reality!
“Reality Shows” packed on television with the fake news distorting life gives TV a stained mark of
twisted existence. Entertainment and information designed to distort the thinking and twist the mind of
“We the People” for bottom feeder power and control. News programs and sports news kicking minutia
around 24 hours a day. Minuscule events, insignificant in the real world kicked around for days, years.
Media still focusing on Trump, filling their air time with manufactured and gangrenous bloated fake
Trump News. Years of proven false accusations, taking people’s minds away from their pervasive
corruption that is destroying American Democracy. Twenty four hour sports shows, kicking minutia back
and forth. Talking heads regurgitating Dak Prescot’s contract, the Aaron Roger’s contract, now Lamar
Jackson’s contract! Multitudes of talking heads giving their opinions, batting the petty BS back and forth
ad nauseum. The long winded, repetition of hollow minutia to hypnotize, transfix people’s minds away
from the false realities they are selling. Mindless blather filling the ears and minds of the people,
distracting from reality! Marketing fantasy sports and sports betting to deflect people’s minds from the
dangerous reality of how bottom feeders are screwing up the world. Television filled with programs
supporting the conspiracies.
Joe Biden bragging about passing the “Respect for Marriage Act” actually past ten years ago! Used by
Biden to take attention away from his multitude of failed policies. Always the magician, Biden waving
the red cape in our face to hide his real purpose, “The Comprehensive Destruction of America”!
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas constantly and emphatically saying our Southern border is secure,
lying even when testifying before Congress! Documented on video many times, the epitome of the lying,
false face of Biden’s administration! Then facing his border agents denies he ever said it. Another
egregious example of constant lying from the Biden administration, a major purveyor of the twisted
reality dark depressing clouds covering, no smothering America(ns) today!
We have a new breed of success called reality stars! People proudly airing their dirty laundry, who get
on TV making asses of themselves. Whether they are miming the political class or the political class
imitating them, it is a nasty clown fest either way!
Predilection Toward Addiction
The power addicted are hooked on addiction. Themselves addicted to their quest for power. Rich and
successful without worries the power they have is never enough! Gluttony for more power the ambrosia
that drives them.
One of the ways to satisfy their need for more power is oppressing the people. Distorting the people’s
reality, making them subservient through their twisted reality illusions along the way. Another weapon
in their quest for power, a chemical addiction of the people. Creating a hellish society in which people
seek an escape from the false realities the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” have created.
How do they do this?
America’s “War on Drugs” has been conducted for almost 50 years now. A war we have been losing year
after year. I would submit, a war we never intended to win. Our government, politicians and elitist have
no intention of saving the people from drug addiction. They have devised multiple pronged attacks to
oppress and nullify the power of the people with chemical addiction.
Allied with big pharma, they have frightened the people into legal drug dependence. Drugs for
everything. To look younger, antiaging, removing the wrinkles from our faces by injecting poison into
them. To lose weight, creating a laziness that not only addicts to the drug, but addicts to the desire to
have everything come easy. Growing hair back, with all the detrimental side effects.
Drugs to ease our anxiety, stress, depression and worries. Drugging US into a state of numbness so we
don’t feel the ups and downs of life. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Latuda and numerous others protecting, no,
exiling people from their emotions. Disarming them of the abilities to cope with human conditions.
Making them dependent on a pill, which will only serve to enslave them.
Drugs like Ritalin designed to keep children from behaving like children. Stealing their young energy to
keep them docile for teacher’s indoctrinating in the class room. Forcing the desired discipline on them in
the classroom with a pill instead of teaching their minds to self-discipline. No wonder some children go
off the rails in violent ways. (See Kids Caught in the psychiatric Maelstrom” by Elizabeth E. Root, MSW,
MS Ed)
Constant scares seen on TV about all the dangers to life descending upon us. Marketing commercials
prescribing cures to save our lives. A deluge of warnings of this and that, and miracle cures to save us?
The Covid19 vaccines which have proven themselves quite ineffective in preventing getting Covid and
the spread of Covid. Yet, we are encouraged to get booster after booster for the benefit of “Big Pharma”
and government and big business bottom feeders. Even though an additional string of boosters is
proving to have negative effects!
Then the illegal drug trade, which has been a boon to drug lords, barbaric cartels and pushers for
decades. But not just the sellers of the drugs, but the politicians cementing power with the addiction of
the people. An alliance between drug cartels and politicians financially. Throwing the war on drugs
intentionally, pooling America’s treasure of dollars to be syphoned by bottom feeders and killing of its’
people for Climate Change population reduction. Dulling the minds of the people for socialism and
beyond, perhaps why marijuana is being legalized?
Sounds farfetched perhaps? But what really brings the plot, the conspiracy to light is Biden’s open
border. Not only 6+ million illegals pouring in from the South, but tons of drugs flooding in too, seeming
without concern. Enough Fentanyl to kill every person in America many times over. Fentanyl does not
overdose, it kills outright. A fragment the size of a grain of salt can kill. No, will kill! It is killing over
100,000 Americans a year. Biden administration giving China and drug cartels power over America. Not
only opening the door to drugs, but a billion dollar business of human trafficking, prostitution and sex
slavery nurtured by Biden’s policies. It is not a mistake. It is their plan for the “Comprehensive
Destruction of America”, pathway to socialism and beyond!
Many Ways to Addict and be Addicted
Our Nations Addiction
Beyond legal and illegal drugs, there are many ways to seduce others to addiction and be addicted! One
such our government employs is an addiction to debt! Our politicians comprising government projects a
policy of spending every cent they can get their grubby littles hands on. To the point where they spend
more than they can get their hands on driving the deficit to astronomical heights. A debt they
oppressively tax the people in a token effort to appear as though they have a concern for over spending.
Managing the national budget just another illusion, selfish politicians cast upon the people. In their
minds spending money signifies their addressing of the nation’s problems! Merely token gestures. Just
another twisting of reality to make it seem as though government has some higher purpose, other than
the waste, fraud, incompetence and corruption of government. Wasteful, fraudulent, incompetent and
corrupt spending the “Political Norms” politicians always espouse when so called novices enter the
political arena. Because waste, fraud, incompetence and corruption are the standards politicians aspire
to and from which they profit.
The People’s Debt Addiction
Government’s addiction to debt has trickled down to “We the People”. The desire for more and more
has people going into debt with credit cards, bank loans and rent to own to get the things they want and
can’t afford. Politicians “Immediate Gratification Syndrome” has infected the people. The people see the
government abusing debt and see it as an alternative for them. Running up their debt for wants, not
needs. Often forgoing the needs for survival for the wants marketed into their brains. Buying societies
candies over essential survival foods.
That addicting the people to debt has camouflaged wage stagnation for the middle class for years. As
long as those people were addicted to buying on credit, they were not so aware of the meager increases
in wages they were receiving over the years. Even when wages started to gain, government behaviors
canceled them with inflation. Printing the value out of our dollars.
Then the government wanted to bail out the rich, paying off their college loans. Again attacking the
middle class financially. “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” pounding “WE the People” down
financially to oppress for service to the bottom feeders.
Digital Currency
Government uses many financial manipulations to oppress the people. Addicting to credit and debt just
one. As if addicting the American people to debt wasn’t enough, the government and bottom feeders
are looking to saddle Americans with digital currency. Placing total domination of the people’s finances
in the hands of a greedy, gluttonous, over reaching government elites.
It seems to me Crypto Currency is the pathway to Digital Currency, for which government is longing.
Crypto defined - a person who adheres or belongs secretly to a party, sect, or other group! not openly
avowed or declared —often used in combination! Crypto applied to currency creates an ominous sense
about that currency. It appears Crypto Currency supports the businesses of crooked, corruption and
covert conspiracies and crime. Government seeking to transfer economies to Digital Currency may be
setting “WE the People” up for even increased corruption and oppression of the people to socialism and
Fiat paper money has its’ weaknesses. Only the strength of economies supports the value of paper
money. When the economies are abused and sabotaged into faltering, the value of money decreases.
Example, the excess printing of money and wasteful government spending in America today causing
destructive inflation. Shrinking the value of the American dollar. Just think what government and
greedy, dishonest politicians could do when they could negatively affect the dollar and steal from your
bank accounts directly in seconds with a few key strokes of the computer?
I don’t know what is behind “Crypto Currency’s” value? Seems a marketing scam! The crypto
propaganda creates the interest and the buying, creating value for something that doesn’t even exist.
Seems like a scheme by government to entice the people to have our monetary systems put solely on
computer giving government complete control of trade and transactions. Can dip into we the people’s
saving at governments whim! Opening the door even wider to government corruption!
To me a word that seems suspect in regards to a person or persons! When hearing, the word Crypto, the
word Klepto comes immediately to mind! Klepto defined - An impulse control disorder that results in an
irresistible urge to steal. A mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges
to steal items that you generally don't really need. Forming compound words having the sense of
"theft", "thief", "stealing".
Excellent Example – Lorie Lightfoot, Chicago Mayor, Handcuffing Chicago Police and slapping them in leg
irons, destroying the cities rule of law. Allowing criminals to run free and rampant, then telling Chicago
Street vendors that are being constantly robbed they needed to deal in Digital Currency (Crypto
Currency) instead of real currency to avoid being robbed! Probably so she and government could rob
them easily with a few strokes of a computer keyboard! Lightfoot lite fingered and not very bright!
Lightfoot, the epitome of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder”!
Following the Four Horsemen
The Biden administration, his cabinet, and Democrat Party and the Globalist “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual
Bottom Feeders” are disciples of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War, Pestilence, Famine and
Death. Allied with the Four Horseman they have used their tactics to cull population for a major
“Climate Change” objective.
1.) Pestilence – Using Covid19 with their failed policies sacrificing the lives of hundreds of
thousands of people in America and millions around the world! Implementing and continuing
“Gain of Function Research” to create more deadly viruses!
2.) Famine – Restricting eating meat to combat so-called Climate Change, using corn for ineffective
methanol in gasoline serving so-called Climate Change and steering away from oil based
fertilizers, seriously restricting crop production around the world. Causing inflation causing
people difficulty in food purchasing. Joe Biden promising food shortages to America and the
world because of his Biden/Putin War. All for culling of population for Climate Change! The only
promise to the American people Biden has kept!
3.) War – The Biden/Putin War in Ukraine without consideration of the mass killing of the Ukraine
people, because it serves the culling of people for the reduction of overpopulation they see as a
cause of Climate Change. Casually putting the world on the precipice of “Nuclear War”!
4.) Death – All the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse put “We the People” on the path of death to
make the world a place compatible and comfortable for the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom
Feeders”! Cultivating crime, corruption, mayhem, murder and abortion to multiply death’s
Twisting Reality Summary
These issues the twisted reality our government and its’ cabal of Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom
Feeders are foisting on Americans. Projecting a false face of America they want us to see and believe.
Only for the betterment of the bottom feeder’s positions to oppress and rule the people.
Our government has become a parasite of the American people. Feeding on the people for the
sustenance and cancerous growth of profit and power of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders!
Those eating up the treasure, freedoms and lives of “We the People”! The population of the world’s first
democracy, a government of, by and for the people, turned into a slave nation! A result accepted by
“WE the People” allowing a government of corruption and crime to rule instead of a government of
integrity to represent the people, for the good of the people!
Climate Change, the excuse for the Davos Deities, those “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” to
implement their “Great Reset” placing themselves on the godly thrones to rule the people of earth. John
Kerry an arrogant bottom feeder sees himself as an alien savior of the world. What an exalted position
he has given himself as the Davos Deities bask in the narcissistic emanations Kerry radiates.
A high level Pfizer executive was filmed bragging about the companies “Gain of Function” research with
the Coronavirus! Bragging about the profitability it would cultivate to the company. Giggling like a little
school girl as he revealed his horrid story. Diminishing the atrocity by camouflaging it as “Directed
Forbes Magazine exposed gain of function research at Boston University, saying they had produced a
more deadly strain of Covid19. The university denied they had produced a deadlier stain, reporting it
was a less deadly strain to research whether the protein spikes were the cause of the transmission
increase in the Omicron strain. When we witnessed the dishonesty of Doctor Fauci, who helped finance
China’s gain of function research, we really cannot trust the scientific community’s words.
There is so much of reality our government institutions, media, businesses and industry are distorting,
warping and lying about egregiously and frequently, practically nothing we hear can be believed! And
nothing in our government we need to trust can be trusted!

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65 Reality.docx

  • 1. 65 Twisting Reality? (Update) By Gerald J. Furnkranz Reality in American society is under a vicious attack. Lies, deception and propaganda foisted on Americans to manipulate our democracy to socialism and beyond! Seems elites want a totalitarian state. Truth as rare as integrity in America! The abandonment of integrity is a major player in the exile of truth, therefore reality! Americans have always been subject to the influenced of media manipulating their minds! Writers of newspapers and books swaying the thinking of the people. Some educational, others with intention of indoctrination of people. Television upon its inception presented a new power to do so. However in the early naïve days of communication and television it was not so insidious. They were not pervasive mechanisms for lying. While some used the media mechanisms to lie and manipulate, there were others that still disseminated truth, balancing the information presented. With the advent of our massive technological age, the battle is leaning heavily in favor of the lies. Addressing issues based on interpretation, even preferences and desires not facts and truth. Once Brian Williams an influential NBC news caster advertised, “We’ll tell you the news and what to think about it.” Lies brought him down. But, a model for a way of thinking by most of the news media today. Partisan minions promoting partisan dogma. As integrity was being erased in American society, media news embraced propaganda! The miracle of American democracy (Democratic Republic) the Constitution was drafted to be a blueprint for our government. Freedom of speech and press were cornerstones of our democratic society. People could voice their thoughts, opinions and ideas without fear of retribution from government. Unlike totalitarian states where government controlled the press, media and controlling people’s speech and thoughts. Government uses communication links to spread political propaganda to advance their tyranny and shackle the minds of the people with lies and deceptions. The saying “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is proving itself to be true in the miraculous experiment of American Democracy! Our “Founding Fathers” wove into our constitutional framework a system of “Checks and Balances” for the three branches of government to keep a
  • 2. suspicious eye on each other. Studiously checking the other two for overstepping their boundaries! Those founding fathers had an implicit mistrust of government and the untrustworthy politician types it attracts! With the prosperity our democracy has fostered, the attraction of power and profit has become so attractive to the politician types. A magnet to corruption like flies to crap! Seems politicians are enticed by the stench of corruption! The massive mechanisms of technology have enthralled those with tyrant potential to take the selfish paths, ignoring the statesmen’s course. Not representing the people for the good of the people. Government seems to have taken up the courses of crime and corruption for politician’s family businesses. The massive media machine has presented the opportunity for corrupt politicians to mold the nation’s thinking to benefit themselves and their elitist cronies at the expense of the people. The conduits of propaganda have become so pervasive and powerful, the corrupt have been projecting a false reality before the eyes of the people. A vision comprised of lies and deceptions. Elites from all segments of society have joined together to usurp power for themselves and oppress and enslave the people for their selfish purposes. I call them “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”, actually the dregs of society at the top of the financial food chain. (Primary examples: Joe Biden, John Kerry, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnel, Bill Gates, just a few examples of the many.) Those thinking they are so smart that they are doing the people a favor herding them like cattle, chattel under a tyranny they consider their benevolent rule. Sucking up the people’s freedoms and independence for the imprisonment they consider better for the people, but really only better for themselves. They see lying as their entitlement. Lying to the lowly “WE the People” because they see us a so stupid and inferior we are not worthy of the truth. With the new technological advancements, particularly in communications, the bottom feeders have unleashed a massive mind manipulating machine! Television, computers, electronic notebooks, cell phones, internet and social media dominating the attention of the people, to an addictive degree. Bottom feeders controlling the content of the information on these platforms can distort and bastardize reality. Placing false realities before the eyes of the people. Mark Zuckerburg Lord of Face Book a powerful tech giant, admittedly aided the FBI and DOJ in the canceling of news about the Hunter Biden Laptop. The FBI covering up the laptop to assist the Joe Biden Presidential campaign, and it worked. Virtual Reality the coming innovation where the narrative before us can be totally constructed in fantasy lies and deceptions. Zuckerburg’s Meta Verse, following his lying leadership can easily wander into the Meta perverse. A universe with fake news, coverups, and amazing and addictive false realities that will suck people into his and his ally government’s wandering wanton wonderlands! The FBI infiltrated, manipulated and controlled Twitter’s ability to cancel and distort truth. Colluding with the sensitive Twitter imbedded cabal of cockroaches and rat socialists. They canceled information revealing Democrat Party corruption and created fictional narratives about conservative corruption. Like the false Trump Russian Collusion that led to years of investigation, meant only to sully Trump’s name! False information that directed to two phony impeachment vigilante lynchings and the January 6th Democrat Kangaroo Court! Also the Hunter Biden Laptop coverup!
  • 3. Marketing Misinformation Marketing, a method to sell products and ideas, taught in colleges and universities as established courses. Marketing has an implicit dishonesty at its’ core. An easy tool to corrupt with brainwashing, lying by omission and out right blatant dishonesty. Used honestly an effective tool to communicate with people. Used with selfish dishonest intentions, a villainous tool for manipulating and controlling people’s minds. It has become a major tool of mind control. Drum beating corrupt ideas and philosophies into the heads of the people. Pounding political dogma ruthlessly into the minds of the people for the purpose of power and control. Tech Media Monopolies Tech Monopolies like Face Book, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Tik Tok and many more control what is perceived as reality. Pounding home their drumbeat of lies and deception they project and image of the false realities they want the people to believe! Canceling truth like that of the Hunter Biden laptop which seems to implicate President Biden in selling out America(ns) for personal gain. Or the false Trump Russian Collusion to tar and feather Trump, making way for a crooked, corrupt, incompetent Joe Biden for the purpose of selling out America to China for the Globalist, socialist Bottom Feeders. Education Industry Corruption Colleges & Universities (Dumbing Down) Our Colleges & Universities have been Dumbing Down our children for decades. Bringing them into adulthood where they are automatons to Bottom Feeders infesting those institutions. Thomas Jefferson pointed out “Good public education is essential to democracy”! I have come to the conclusion, “Poor public education is essential to socialism”! Our system of higher education populated with mostly Socialist Democrats have geared the system to that “Dumbing Down” of students. Preparing them and brainwashing them for the introduction of society degrading socialism. Public Education Successful to the extent higher education has infiltrated the dumbing down into our public education system. All the way down to kindergarten, pre-kindergarten and pre-pre-K to three year old babies. Subjects like Critical Race Theory, Gender Fluidity, Drag Queen Story Hours, and other mind bending subjects that create fodder for their psychiatric and psychologist witch doctors! Seemingly in preparation for using children for their perverted sexual pleasures. Indoctrinating robotic Critical Race Theory instead of independent Critical Thinking which would damn today’s corrupt education system. Gender fluidity flooding society with a multitude of genders and a myriad of pronouns to identify those genders. Making it a guessing game to use the right pronoun, setting people up for offending the spinning wheel of gender. Just another mechanism designed to make people unsure of where they stand? Living in constant discomfort of when they will be accused of some sort of isms! Twisted False Realities Projected The Globalist, socialist “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” fabricate an “Alice in Wonderland” like environment where it is made difficult for the people to grasp reality. They create false realities with their manipulation of news, programs and truth to create unsure footing for people through life. Making
  • 4. “We the People” unsure and insecure as we travel our daily paths. Establishing a “Twilight Zone”, of fictional images presented as reality. Attacking the confidence and self-esteem of children and adults while saying they are assisting the development of self-esteem and confidence. Just as they have done with critical thinking! Educators telling us critical and independent thinking teachings are part of their curriculum, when what they are teaching is the opposite, programed collective and consensus thought! The highly distorted reality projected to the American people by the socialist Democrat Party is like the mirror room in a carnival funhouse. Wavy glass and distorted reflections dizzily deforming everything before our eyes. Boggling the brain with outlandish visions, creating a drunken stupor of one’s thoughts. Crafting difficult detours to grasping reality! Making a haven for normal unreachable and abnormal normal. Labeling truth as lies and lies as truth, right as wrong and wrong as right. Cutting away “We the People’s” stabilizing anchors to reality! This the purpose of the twisted realities, Democrats are foisting on the American people! Designed to keep people off balance, uncertain, hypnotized in a dead eyed trance. Not just disorientation on the trip through the funhouse. But a constant barrage of the bottom feeders spinning false narrative 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year after year in their attempts to bend and break the minds of “We the People”! The Crises Cabal Crises the mechanism used to initiate the oppression of the people! Global Warming evolving to Climate Change used to oppress “We the People”. A lever used to frighten the people into accepting wasteful use of the people’s treasure, so bottom feeders can dole it out where they wish. To cronies, enemies of America and themselves. In the 70s, government was warning of the next “Ice Age”. Then it switched to Global Warming. Then Climate Change, so any weather anomaly could be blamed and declared an exploitable crisis. Next the Covid19 pandemic presented another crisis! Yes, the epidemic existed, likely artificially from China’s Wuhan lab. But the mismanagement of the disease for the Democrat’s philosophy Crises Chaos Conspiracy, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. Which also evolved that philosophy, “Creating crises to exploit for political purposes”. So the bottom feeders manipulated the virus policies to accelerate the opportunity for further oppression of the people. Both Climate Change and Coronavirus policies serve the purpose of separating and isolating the American people! Destroying fossil fuels restricts the movement of Americans. Keeping them isolated from each other, abolishing freedom of movement. Limiting contact, therefore communication amongst the people! The lockdowns during the virus have had the same socially dampening effects. Isolating, actually exiling the people from one another. The masks served to do the same, creating a faceless population, restricting contact and communication. All part of socialist, globalist Democrats pushing America to socialism, using separation of the people. President Joe Biden’s Crises Chaos Conspiracy for “Comprehensive Destruction of America”! Joe Biden the “Quisling, Saboteur” American President and his Democrat Party have mounted the freedom horse destroying it and riding it into the ground. Every Biden policy has taken areas of our society and turned them into festering crises. On the very first day of Biden’s administration he began
  • 5. his “Comprehensive Destruction of America Policies!” Biden with his deceptive sly smirk tells us all is well, as he dives America to tyrannical hell! Almost simultaneously upon assuming his Biden presidency, 1.) Opening Our Southern Border to mass illegal immigration (6+ million to date) and 2.) Ending America’s Energy Independence. Then he attacked 3.) America’s Rule of Law with attacks on and defunding the police. This encouraged 4.) A major increase in crime throughout the nation. In addition 5.) Biden attacked America’s Freedoms, 5a.) Of Speech like the parents at the Virginia school board being tagged domestic Terrorists by the Department of Justice and the FBI. 5b.) Of Press, the FBI colluding with Twitter and Face Book to silence stories in the press. (Hunter Biden Laptop) 5c.) to survive, attacking middle class through the intentional destruction of America’s economy. Inflation, covid policies killing businesses, Wasteful spending, endless printing money! 6.) Self Defense 6a.) as a nation, weakening military 6a1.) Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal muddle 6a2.) General Milley’s culling fiction White Supremist Trump supporters 6a3.) Teaching CRT ( Critical Race Theory) in the military and West Point 6b.) as individuals weakening laws, police, fueling rising crime. 7.) Labeling white Americans “White Supremist” through Critical Race Theory indoctrination. 8.) Branding Trump Supporters as “Semi Fascists”. 9.) The shooting war with the drug cartels on the Southern border and invasion into America of those same drug thugs! 10.) FBI, DOJ, IRS, CIA and many other government agencies weaponized for Democrat Partisan Politic corruption, rousting and strong arming innocent American citizens! Mark my words, even when the Dems turn on Biden when he out lives his usefulness, they knew exactly what he was when they ran him for president. He did exactly what they wanted him to do, destroy America! See my article “Biden’s Annihilation Nation”, for greater detail! Reality TV Reality TV the rage in entertainment today. Gives us scripted real housewives, congregating in hen parties always sucking a glass of wine and stabbing each other in the back. Petty squabbling the main lines. Kind of like we see from Congress and the Democrat and Republican Parties all the time. Most if not all reality shows scripted for maximum dramatic effect. Nothing to do with reality. The fictional drama movies of the past are better purveyors of reality than the so called phony reality shows. The View, The Talk and The Real, where they kick their opinions around ad nauseum, when somehow these bickering biddies have gained a reputation for intelligence and wisdom! Because they have an elevated podium, they are granted undue illusions of intelligence and wisdom. Actually just more purveyors of twisted reality! “Reality Shows” packed on television with the fake news distorting life gives TV a stained mark of twisted existence. Entertainment and information designed to distort the thinking and twist the mind of “We the People” for bottom feeder power and control. News programs and sports news kicking minutia around 24 hours a day. Minuscule events, insignificant in the real world kicked around for days, years. Media still focusing on Trump, filling their air time with manufactured and gangrenous bloated fake Trump News. Years of proven false accusations, taking people’s minds away from their pervasive corruption that is destroying American Democracy. Twenty four hour sports shows, kicking minutia back and forth. Talking heads regurgitating Dak Prescot’s contract, the Aaron Roger’s contract, now Lamar
  • 6. Jackson’s contract! Multitudes of talking heads giving their opinions, batting the petty BS back and forth ad nauseum. The long winded, repetition of hollow minutia to hypnotize, transfix people’s minds away from the false realities they are selling. Mindless blather filling the ears and minds of the people, distracting from reality! Marketing fantasy sports and sports betting to deflect people’s minds from the dangerous reality of how bottom feeders are screwing up the world. Television filled with programs supporting the conspiracies. Joe Biden bragging about passing the “Respect for Marriage Act” actually past ten years ago! Used by Biden to take attention away from his multitude of failed policies. Always the magician, Biden waving the red cape in our face to hide his real purpose, “The Comprehensive Destruction of America”! DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas constantly and emphatically saying our Southern border is secure, lying even when testifying before Congress! Documented on video many times, the epitome of the lying, false face of Biden’s administration! Then facing his border agents denies he ever said it. Another egregious example of constant lying from the Biden administration, a major purveyor of the twisted reality dark depressing clouds covering, no smothering America(ns) today! We have a new breed of success called reality stars! People proudly airing their dirty laundry, who get on TV making asses of themselves. Whether they are miming the political class or the political class imitating them, it is a nasty clown fest either way! Predilection Toward Addiction The power addicted are hooked on addiction. Themselves addicted to their quest for power. Rich and successful without worries the power they have is never enough! Gluttony for more power the ambrosia that drives them. One of the ways to satisfy their need for more power is oppressing the people. Distorting the people’s reality, making them subservient through their twisted reality illusions along the way. Another weapon in their quest for power, a chemical addiction of the people. Creating a hellish society in which people seek an escape from the false realities the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” have created. How do they do this? America’s “War on Drugs” has been conducted for almost 50 years now. A war we have been losing year after year. I would submit, a war we never intended to win. Our government, politicians and elitist have no intention of saving the people from drug addiction. They have devised multiple pronged attacks to oppress and nullify the power of the people with chemical addiction. Allied with big pharma, they have frightened the people into legal drug dependence. Drugs for everything. To look younger, antiaging, removing the wrinkles from our faces by injecting poison into them. To lose weight, creating a laziness that not only addicts to the drug, but addicts to the desire to have everything come easy. Growing hair back, with all the detrimental side effects. Drugs to ease our anxiety, stress, depression and worries. Drugging US into a state of numbness so we don’t feel the ups and downs of life. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil, Latuda and numerous others protecting, no, exiling people from their emotions. Disarming them of the abilities to cope with human conditions. Making them dependent on a pill, which will only serve to enslave them.
  • 7. Drugs like Ritalin designed to keep children from behaving like children. Stealing their young energy to keep them docile for teacher’s indoctrinating in the class room. Forcing the desired discipline on them in the classroom with a pill instead of teaching their minds to self-discipline. No wonder some children go off the rails in violent ways. (See Kids Caught in the psychiatric Maelstrom” by Elizabeth E. Root, MSW, MS Ed) Constant scares seen on TV about all the dangers to life descending upon us. Marketing commercials prescribing cures to save our lives. A deluge of warnings of this and that, and miracle cures to save us? The Covid19 vaccines which have proven themselves quite ineffective in preventing getting Covid and the spread of Covid. Yet, we are encouraged to get booster after booster for the benefit of “Big Pharma” and government and big business bottom feeders. Even though an additional string of boosters is proving to have negative effects! Then the illegal drug trade, which has been a boon to drug lords, barbaric cartels and pushers for decades. But not just the sellers of the drugs, but the politicians cementing power with the addiction of the people. An alliance between drug cartels and politicians financially. Throwing the war on drugs intentionally, pooling America’s treasure of dollars to be syphoned by bottom feeders and killing of its’ people for Climate Change population reduction. Dulling the minds of the people for socialism and beyond, perhaps why marijuana is being legalized? Sounds farfetched perhaps? But what really brings the plot, the conspiracy to light is Biden’s open border. Not only 6+ million illegals pouring in from the South, but tons of drugs flooding in too, seeming without concern. Enough Fentanyl to kill every person in America many times over. Fentanyl does not overdose, it kills outright. A fragment the size of a grain of salt can kill. No, will kill! It is killing over 100,000 Americans a year. Biden administration giving China and drug cartels power over America. Not only opening the door to drugs, but a billion dollar business of human trafficking, prostitution and sex slavery nurtured by Biden’s policies. It is not a mistake. It is their plan for the “Comprehensive Destruction of America”, pathway to socialism and beyond! Many Ways to Addict and be Addicted Our Nations Addiction Beyond legal and illegal drugs, there are many ways to seduce others to addiction and be addicted! One such our government employs is an addiction to debt! Our politicians comprising government projects a policy of spending every cent they can get their grubby littles hands on. To the point where they spend more than they can get their hands on driving the deficit to astronomical heights. A debt they oppressively tax the people in a token effort to appear as though they have a concern for over spending. Managing the national budget just another illusion, selfish politicians cast upon the people. In their minds spending money signifies their addressing of the nation’s problems! Merely token gestures. Just another twisting of reality to make it seem as though government has some higher purpose, other than the waste, fraud, incompetence and corruption of government. Wasteful, fraudulent, incompetent and corrupt spending the “Political Norms” politicians always espouse when so called novices enter the political arena. Because waste, fraud, incompetence and corruption are the standards politicians aspire to and from which they profit.
  • 8. The People’s Debt Addiction Government’s addiction to debt has trickled down to “We the People”. The desire for more and more has people going into debt with credit cards, bank loans and rent to own to get the things they want and can’t afford. Politicians “Immediate Gratification Syndrome” has infected the people. The people see the government abusing debt and see it as an alternative for them. Running up their debt for wants, not needs. Often forgoing the needs for survival for the wants marketed into their brains. Buying societies candies over essential survival foods. That addicting the people to debt has camouflaged wage stagnation for the middle class for years. As long as those people were addicted to buying on credit, they were not so aware of the meager increases in wages they were receiving over the years. Even when wages started to gain, government behaviors canceled them with inflation. Printing the value out of our dollars. Then the government wanted to bail out the rich, paying off their college loans. Again attacking the middle class financially. “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” pounding “WE the People” down financially to oppress for service to the bottom feeders. Digital Currency Government uses many financial manipulations to oppress the people. Addicting to credit and debt just one. As if addicting the American people to debt wasn’t enough, the government and bottom feeders are looking to saddle Americans with digital currency. Placing total domination of the people’s finances in the hands of a greedy, gluttonous, over reaching government elites. It seems to me Crypto Currency is the pathway to Digital Currency, for which government is longing. Crypto defined - a person who adheres or belongs secretly to a party, sect, or other group! not openly avowed or declared —often used in combination! Crypto applied to currency creates an ominous sense about that currency. It appears Crypto Currency supports the businesses of crooked, corruption and covert conspiracies and crime. Government seeking to transfer economies to Digital Currency may be setting “WE the People” up for even increased corruption and oppression of the people to socialism and beyond. Fiat paper money has its’ weaknesses. Only the strength of economies supports the value of paper money. When the economies are abused and sabotaged into faltering, the value of money decreases. Example, the excess printing of money and wasteful government spending in America today causing destructive inflation. Shrinking the value of the American dollar. Just think what government and greedy, dishonest politicians could do when they could negatively affect the dollar and steal from your bank accounts directly in seconds with a few key strokes of the computer? I don’t know what is behind “Crypto Currency’s” value? Seems a marketing scam! The crypto propaganda creates the interest and the buying, creating value for something that doesn’t even exist. Seems like a scheme by government to entice the people to have our monetary systems put solely on computer giving government complete control of trade and transactions. Can dip into we the people’s saving at governments whim! Opening the door even wider to government corruption!
  • 9. To me a word that seems suspect in regards to a person or persons! When hearing, the word Crypto, the word Klepto comes immediately to mind! Klepto defined - An impulse control disorder that results in an irresistible urge to steal. A mental health disorder that involves repeatedly being unable to resist urges to steal items that you generally don't really need. Forming compound words having the sense of "theft", "thief", "stealing". Excellent Example – Lorie Lightfoot, Chicago Mayor, Handcuffing Chicago Police and slapping them in leg irons, destroying the cities rule of law. Allowing criminals to run free and rampant, then telling Chicago Street vendors that are being constantly robbed they needed to deal in Digital Currency (Crypto Currency) instead of real currency to avoid being robbed! Probably so she and government could rob them easily with a few strokes of a computer keyboard! Lightfoot lite fingered and not very bright! Lightfoot, the epitome of the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeder”! Following the Four Horsemen The Biden administration, his cabinet, and Democrat Party and the Globalist “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” are disciples of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War, Pestilence, Famine and Death. Allied with the Four Horseman they have used their tactics to cull population for a major “Climate Change” objective. 1.) Pestilence – Using Covid19 with their failed policies sacrificing the lives of hundreds of thousands of people in America and millions around the world! Implementing and continuing “Gain of Function Research” to create more deadly viruses! 2.) Famine – Restricting eating meat to combat so-called Climate Change, using corn for ineffective methanol in gasoline serving so-called Climate Change and steering away from oil based fertilizers, seriously restricting crop production around the world. Causing inflation causing people difficulty in food purchasing. Joe Biden promising food shortages to America and the world because of his Biden/Putin War. All for culling of population for Climate Change! The only promise to the American people Biden has kept! 3.) War – The Biden/Putin War in Ukraine without consideration of the mass killing of the Ukraine people, because it serves the culling of people for the reduction of overpopulation they see as a cause of Climate Change. Casually putting the world on the precipice of “Nuclear War”! 4.) Death – All the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse put “We the People” on the path of death to make the world a place compatible and comfortable for the “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders”! Cultivating crime, corruption, mayhem, murder and abortion to multiply death’s power! Twisting Reality Summary These issues the twisted reality our government and its’ cabal of Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders are foisting on Americans. Projecting a false face of America they want us to see and believe. Only for the betterment of the bottom feeder’s positions to oppress and rule the people. Our government has become a parasite of the American people. Feeding on the people for the sustenance and cancerous growth of profit and power of the Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders! Those eating up the treasure, freedoms and lives of “We the People”! The population of the world’s first democracy, a government of, by and for the people, turned into a slave nation! A result accepted by
  • 10. “WE the People” allowing a government of corruption and crime to rule instead of a government of integrity to represent the people, for the good of the people! Climate Change, the excuse for the Davos Deities, those “Elitist Pseudo Intellectual Bottom Feeders” to implement their “Great Reset” placing themselves on the godly thrones to rule the people of earth. John Kerry an arrogant bottom feeder sees himself as an alien savior of the world. What an exalted position he has given himself as the Davos Deities bask in the narcissistic emanations Kerry radiates. A high level Pfizer executive was filmed bragging about the companies “Gain of Function” research with the Coronavirus! Bragging about the profitability it would cultivate to the company. Giggling like a little school girl as he revealed his horrid story. Diminishing the atrocity by camouflaging it as “Directed Evolution”! Forbes Magazine exposed gain of function research at Boston University, saying they had produced a more deadly strain of Covid19. The university denied they had produced a deadlier stain, reporting it was a less deadly strain to research whether the protein spikes were the cause of the transmission increase in the Omicron strain. When we witnessed the dishonesty of Doctor Fauci, who helped finance China’s gain of function research, we really cannot trust the scientific community’s words. There is so much of reality our government institutions, media, businesses and industry are distorting, warping and lying about egregiously and frequently, practically nothing we hear can be believed! And nothing in our government we need to trust can be trusted!