oregon economy outlook employment forecast revenue economic lottery jobs income corporate tax revenue marijuana tax budget wages growth population personal income general fund tobacco estate 2015-17 housing taxes tax collections migration great recession video lottery gains biennium covid-19 2019-21 education demographics kicker educational attainment trends covid 2017-19 job 2013-15 recession construction affordability exports county cigarette labor force manufacturing unemployment household formation portland pandemic working from home corporate activity tax consumer spending household income prices liquor state high-technology 2007 personal 2015 urban job polarization portland metro portland msa rent rural timber belt millennials 2014 demand occupation washington alcohol inflation 2021-23 productivity 2020 health care workforce 2019-21 biennium 2017-19 biennium withholding forest sector timber harvest wood products timber gdp public sector permits median household income recreational marijuana new construction supply personal income tax vice u.s. us home value beer start-up capital gains regional united states region tourism high tech cluster state gdp semiconductors software hardware marion county salem salem msa polk county willamette valley 2016 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 counties business net migration history median economics rural america industrial structure rural oregon college degree impact state comparison business formation high-tech start-ups ownership economic growth california las vegas gaming baby boomers industry parents age southern oregon medford recovery spending transportation cost shipping costs industrial production consumer demand rail port trucking import export supply chain alaska native american indican asian black white non-hispanic white ethnicity race men women in-person school work from home dads moms population growth pent-up demand federal policy vaccine professor higher education childcare substitute teachers tribal pools community centers teachers schools libraries layoffs aging new business development research failures closures formation federal aid cares act special session mortgage rates interest rates renters buying access equality internet remote telecommute broadband downturn cat tax collection economcy social distancing initial claims for unemployment insurance coranvirus income tax 2021 tariffs log exports private federal logging retirements consumer housing starts cte career portland region tax law change tax cuts and jobs act middle-wage jobs middle class issues issue headwinds headwind economic mobility economic disparities disparities deaths births home price coast america costs 2019 2018 tax reform wildfires 2017-19 bn slot machines line games consumer survey usage sin wine root-setting years working-age population middle-wage low-wage high-wage timber mills mills mechanization automation early 1980s recession 1970s forest harvest 20171-9 agency employees public employment-population ratio loss states epop employment share corporate income tax state budget confidence builders labor sentiment land use developers building lots labor costs buildable lots permitting builder sales corporate excise tax expensive price west brewpub kegs breweries bottles cans brewery production facility internation update east north central mountain average wage west north central wage division labor market new england middle atlantic south atlantic pacific travel lodging business cycle slack revenues 2017 computer and electronic equipment manufacturing sector corvallis linn county benton county corvallis msa albany msa albany mid-valley columbia baker coos columbia gorge clackamas benton clatsop central powerball projection technology science stem health college engineering degree math bachelor's full employment wage growth 1980s coos bay early 80s recession bend historical census central oregon family south coast demographic decline analysis improvement expansion cyclical unemployment underemployment unemployment gap labor force participation rate underemployment gap total employment gap u-6 u-3 particiaption gap corporate profits gazelles venture capital regional comparison local sector traded sector dynamism r&d innovation research and development new firms new products entrepreneurship overview home prices mortgage market analysis homeownership housing market home affordabilty housing bubble rental metropolitan msa population impacts economy west coast young and restless timber counties moving montana south dakota nevada arizona entertainment casino pari-mutuels state revenues betting bet gambling state taxes corporate tax projections state of oregon mother stay-at-home mom children dad father stay at home child retail sales border tax effect tax structure tax incidence equity income level business cylce city size olcc oregon liquor control commission josephine southern jackson grants pass josephine county jackson county ashland
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