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Considered the system of needs (Needs Analysis Report), articulated in the following areas: 
 Reception and Integration 
 Education and Training 
 Labor Market 
 Social Integration 
We have identified the following best practices, as may be seen from the table below: 
Areas Turkey Spain Italy Total 
Reception and Integration 
Education and Training 
Labor Market 
Social Integration 
“A scuola dell'altro, a scuola con l'altro” 
It is a project co-funded under the programme of the “European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants” and the Italian Ministry of Interior – Azione 2, 2009. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
The project promotes the cultural mediation in primary and secondary schools. It involves the public administration and various expressions of the social world (the third sector, voluntary associations of Italian and immigrant) in order to create a network between the operators. 
The outcomes of the project are to: 
 define a model for inclusive education for the young citizens of the third-countries. It involves students, teachers and families 
 support a better integration of foreign children in scholar age, through preparatory courses of Italian language teaching. It gives the young citizens support measures and guidance services 
 implement activities for intercultural dialogue, diversity education, conflict management and enhancement of cultural heritage in the school of origin, even with direct interventions to the families of Italian and foreign students 
 sensitize and update teachers and support staff, in order to improve the processes of integration of foreign children in schools 
 promote active and responsible collaboration 
 foster collaboration with operator, associations and institutions in order to achieve a common pathway in the process of schooling and integration of foreign students 
The project has implemented actions addressed to 
 the teachers and the operators (to enhance their awareness, to improve the processes of integration of foreign children in schools) 
 the families (promoting meetings for both foreign and Italian families, to increase the mutual knowledge and the understanding of diversity and integration) 
 the pupils with activities of Educational integration of foreign children (Italian language teaching, guidance and support school activities, mediation of conflicts related to racial discrimination, creation of a documentation center in a school "pole" with a collection of texts, films , music CDs ... related to foreign cultures)
 the stakeholders, sharing the results of the project with the local communities, in order to increase the awareness of the local communities. 
Re.Se.M. Puglia (Reliable Services for Migrants) - Multi- purpose center for the migrant 
The project started with the support of the Apulian regional grant Principi Attivi 2010. 
Cawin Qoxoti Puglia - Association 
Department for Educational Policies and youth, Hospitality and Peace of the City of Bari, Etnie association of social promotion, ASA S.r.l., Gruppo Lavoro rifugiati onlus, C.r.i.s.i. s.c.a.r.l. onlus, Parish of San Marcello, Parish of San Sabino, Meridia consorzio Coop. sociali onlus, Occupazione e Solidarietà, Informatici senza frontiere. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
The establishment of the Re.Se.M. Puglia center was made to give support to migrants and refugees who live in Apulia. The thousands of refugees recognized by the Territorial Commission, due to many administrative procedures (renewals stays and travel documents, family reunions, change of residence) continue for years to gravitate especially in the areas of the greater towns of the Region. The Re.Se.M. center facilitates the integration of the "new citizens" offering a materially help, supporting and acting as an interface with the institutions and public services. 
Cawin has created: 
- A multi-purpose center that has fostered integration and autonomy to migrants from their own basic needs 
- Lectures at the University of Bari, meetings at schools, awareness meetings in the multipurpose center in order to disseminate the objectives and results of the project 
- An internet point and phone center that is giving you the opportunity to migrants who live
in Bari to use telephony and internet at a very competitive cost. 
It is a project funded by the Region of Apulia in the context of the 2000-2006 Regional Small Grants. 
Occupazione e Solidarietà Scs - Cooperative for Employment and Social Solidarity 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
"Forgetting to beg" is not only the slogan to promote the cooperative Artezian, born in Bari in 2008 in the Roma camp in Japigia in the city of Bari, the only authorized camp on the territory. Daniel Tomescu confides that "forgetting to beg is the dream that warms the heart". He is the spokesman of the community that gathers around 130 people, more than a third of them are children who go to school and do not beg. "They are our strength and hope and - said Tomescu - when we are with the kids forget everything. Too, the hunger and the cold." 
Cleaning, small removals, porterage, gardening, recovery bulky and a small tailoring for women for the production of traditional Roma clothing, are the activities that is going to play the Cooperative. At day the cooperative is receipt of funding for the production of olive oil "Romolio" produced from olives harvested in their area of residence. 
Employment for People from Immigrant Communities (EPIC) 
The EPIC Programme is funded by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration (formerly the Office of the Minister for Integration) under the Department of Justice and Equality and co-financed under the European Social Fund Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013. 
The office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration (formerly the Office of the Minister for Integration) under the Department of Justice and Equality. 
BT, CPL, Ericsson, Matheson & Bank of Ireland, Cairde, Citizens Information Service, Dublin City North Volunteer Centre, The Equality Authority and the INOU. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
EPIC supports immigrants in Ireland to become financially independent and more socially integrated by entering employment or further education and training. This unique initiative has to date impacted the lives of over 1300 people from 95 nationalities. 69% of EPIC clients have found jobs or entered training or are volunteering. EPIC increases the job seeking skills of immigrants through a six week training module and One-to-One support with a Training and Employment Officer. The Pre-Employment Training is focused on increasing the job-readiness of migrants. It provides 6 weeks of Free classroom based training covering the following themes: 
 Professional English for the Workplace 
 CV and cover letter writing techniques 
 Telephone skills for job hunting and in the workplace 
 Advice on how to look for a job 
 Interview Skills 
 Information sessions to increase understanding of the Irish system and promote social integration. Topics include access to education and health, employment rights, social welfare to work and volunteering. 
 Computer Skills and Social Media
Caitríona Mac Aonghusa/Catherine Headon 
Joint Co-ordinators 
EPIC Programme 
30/31 Lower O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 
T: 01 874 3840 
(Istituti di Ricerca Regionali, di Sperimentazione e Aggiornamento Educativi) 
Grifo Multimedia Srl. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
INTERGROUND is a best practice of citizenship education and multiculturalism. It is an educational game proposed under the guide of Alberto Fornasari, Professor in University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. INTERGROUND is an integrated multimedia courseware for teaching intercultural education in primary and secondary schools. 
The aim of INTERGROUND is the spread of intercultural dialogue as main value shared by students and teachers, because in a pluralist society the dialogue between different cultures is a resource for growth and enrichment both for individual and collective experiences. 
The game INTERGROUND has been developed on practical experiences and didactic materials made by elementary and secondary schools of Apulia in a context of intercultural education, during a multi-year research and action carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the European Community. 
These experiences and materials are the subject of a lot of teaching units. They are full of ideas, insights, exercises, games and guidelines, and they are based on seven main topics: language, religion, history, music, science, mathematics and media.
The product focuses on the metaphor of the Metro intercultural hence the name INTERGROUND. The subway of multiculturalism is a network composed of seven lines, which represent the seven main topics, and each INTERGOUND stop corresponds to one or more teaching units. 
The metaphor of the subway enables you to highlight, through the intersections between the lines, the interdisciplinary nature of intercultural education. The intersections of the city of multiculturalism, are identified by single words (the words of intercultural). Some of them are useful to teach us more about us and others (identity, environment, traditions, festivals, units), others explain the patterns of symbolic functioning (stereotypes, culture) and social behavior (immigration, racism). And other words (communication, commerce, dialogue) are intended to build an educational differences. 
INTERGROUND is a game of deconstruction and construction, of decentralization and centralization which aims to create a plural thinking in which coexist different cultural, languages and habits. 
INTERGROUND is made up of two different supports: a couple of CD-ROMS (one addressed to the teachers and the other to the pupils) and a dedicated web site. 
S.O.F.I.I.A. - Sostegno Orientamento Formazione Imprenditoria per Immigrati in Agricoltura 
Co-funded by FEI, annual programme 2011- Action 2 “Orientamento al lavoro e sostegno all’occupabilità”- and by the Italian Minister of Home Affair 
Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry 
Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari (IAMB) 
Confcooperative Puglia 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
The project aimed at improving employability and promote the integration into the labor market of young third-country nationals engaged in agriculture through interventions to promote forms of self-employment in the agricultural sector. 
The project S.O.F.I.I.A. combines active employment policies, social policies and development policies through the involvement of the different actors operating in the field of entrepreneurship. This trend creates a virtuous circle of territorial cohesion essential for the future sustainability of the proposed interventions. 
The outcomes of the project are to: 
promote mobility paths and professional growth of citizens of third countries through the support of autonomous forms of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector; 
- facilitate the process of socio-professional integration of the recipients through the promotion and strengthening of informal skills and professional acquired; 
- facilitate the process of socio-cultural integration and policy of the nationals of third countries. 
The project has implemented actions addressed to
Third-country nationals aged 18 years and less than 35 years old, regardless of gender, lawfully resident in Italy and engaged in agriculture and agribusiness. 
In particular, the training service requires the involvement of a maximum number of participants equal to 20, with particular attention and inclusion of the most vulnerable and fragile with family responsibilities. 
“MISS – Mediazione interculturale sociale scolastica” 
European Fund for the Integration of third-country citizens, Action 5 "Intercultural Mediation", 2012 
Comune di Bari - Ripartizione Politiche Educative Giovanili 
- Etnie A.P.S. onlus 
- Sinergia Scs 
- Istituto Comprensivo Statale Japigia II – Torre a Mare 
- Liceo Linguistico e I. T .E Statale “Marco Polo” 
- Istituto Comprensivo "Mazzini-Modugno" di Bari 
- Istituto comprensivo EL/7- S.M. Santomauro Bari 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
General objective is to implement a working model focuses on the social and cultural mediation as a method for the integration of immigrants in the school and the city. 
Specific objectives are: 
 provide for the professional development of teachers in the city of Bari and of the intercultural mediators to promote and consolidate methods of intervention designed to promote integrated actions of inclusion and integration of immigrant children in the school system of the city 
 promote the inclusion and integration of immigrant children in schools through the enhancement of secretariat services, social and intercultural mediation in schools 
 support Public Administration in the provision of cultural mediation services with particular reference to the School 
 promote the integration of immigrants in the city of Bari through actions of social animation 
 make the school and its Italian and foreign pupils as actors of experience entertainment district through the organization of events for cultural integration in the streets and in the neighborhoods with the highest number of immigrants, promoting intercultural dialogue and the process of integration through party 
Work plan 
Focus groups and initial assessment of the needs of integration
The training seminars are designed to focus the needs in terms of action of intercultural mediation and support to the school in order to ease the path of mutual understanding and integration. 
Support To Schools in the action of school placement of Immigrants children 
Activate the service of social secretariat, activation of intercultural mediation services in schools 
activation of 4 laboratories aimed at the discovery and knowledge of the other through the arts , and to the prevention of acts of exclusion and / or intolerance 
ANIMATION on the territory 
Organization of an event aimed to cultural integration. School classes involved in the laboratories give life to cultural activities, such as exhibitions , shows, video productions ... 
The School Integration: systems, plans and projects for the school integration of immigrants 
University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Prof. Alberto Fornasari) 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
This document shows the inscription procedures and the educational practice for language teaching and intercultural education and it suggests to involve in the project all the resources of the territory regarding educational and social inclusion. 
The reception protocol suggests to favor a climate of reception and of attention towards relations, also with the foreign families, which prevent and remove possible obstacles to full integration suggests to promote the collaboration with other schools and with local agencies, also with training courses on reception and intercultural education establishes a common procedure to all schools in order to promote the integration of foreign pupils, to respond to their educational needs and to strengthen activities of linguistic and cultural support contains criteria, principles and instructions for the registration and inclusion of foreign pupils; defines tasks and roles of the school operators, traces the various possible phases of reception and activities that facilitate the acquisition of the Italian language; establishes the criteria for the evaluation of learning progress and competences constitutes a working tool which will be integrated and revised on the basis of the experiences in the various schools. is a document that must be approved by each School Committee must be integrated into the plan of studies of every institute 
The adoption of the protocol asks the teachers of the institute to assume collegial responsibility. However, the individual targets of the protocol are realized step by step by: 
• the headmaster
• the secretariat 
• teachers with special functions 
• individual professors from the Reception/Intercultural Commission of the School 
• Teachers, individually and collectively 
• Volunteers outside the school, activated by the local authorities via the laws of the sector, provided by the Ministry, chosen by the school. 
The adoption of the protocol requires all involved persons to operate in a network in order to optimize the resources and to adopt efficient ways of communication 
Alberto Fornasari
NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Language Café di Ferrara 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
A best practice of integration through non-formal learning methods is the Language Café. 
A Language Café is a sociable and friendly way to practise languages without attending formal classes. 
A Language Café provides a social space for people to meet, talk and learn languages together in an informal and sociable way. 
Language Cafes are run for and by the people who use them and can be found in all kinds of places such as cafés, libraries, cinemas, bookshops, schools, pubs and restaurants. 
Language Cafés are not clubs so you don’t have to be a member in order to get involved. Simply turn up at the time and place advertised and join in the conversation. 
Here’s the simple rules to follow: 
• To join Make sure that you have at least some ability to speak the language of the café you are attending as most are not suitable for beginners. 
• Introduce yourself, say who you are and why you have come. 
• Let the café organiser have your name and contact details so you can be kept in touch with Language Café activities. 
• Make sure you are aware of any Language Café rules or codes of conduct e.g. some cafes will ask you to buy a drink or pay a small contribution towards the café. 
• You can ask for information about these when you turn up for the first time. 
• Don’t worry about making mistakes in your language - everyone will be at different
• Don’t be afraid to have a go but it is also OK to just listen 
Café de la Paix, Piazzetta Corelli, 24 - Ferrara.
Easy Literacy Education 
(Support to Basic Eduation Programme) 
Turkish Ministry of National Education 
The project is implemented by the Ministry of National Education in cooperation with technical assistance in various fields employed by a consortium of consultancy companies (Carl Bro, Cambridge Education Consultants and SPAN Consultants) that has been contracted for this purpose by the European Commission. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
Project aims and structure: 
The overall aim of the project is to improve the living conditions of the population in the most disadvantaged rural, urban and sub-urban areas by increasing the level of education in the overall perspective of reducing poverty. This includes support for children, young people and adults presently excluded from basic education. 
Project outcomes: 
Project outcomes are related to enhancing access to and improving quality of education in Turkey. In order to provide better access to education, more than 150 buildings are being constructed (schools, Public Education Centres, dormitories, dining halls, teacher accommodation and a sports hall), new furniture and equipment for Children at Risk school (Istanbul) and In-Service Training Centre (Erzurum) and mobile units to reach groups remote areas are being procured. On the quality side the new curriculum and new teaching/learning materials (textbooks and other) were developed and delivered and more than 60.000 teachers and other staff received support in their professional development. More than 50.000 parents, muhtars and imams participated in various awareness training programmes. 
Project Outcomes Details: 
National activities: 
 Education Quality 
 Management and Organization 
 Teacher Competences 
 Non-Formal Education 
 Communicaion 
A Steering Committee that is responsible for providing strategic direction of the project has been set up. The committee is chaired by the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE). 
Five National Teams (NTs) have been set up for five components/areas: Quality of Education, Teacher Training, Communication, Non-formal education and Organization and Management. These NTs have been tasked to develop their respective areas of competence and to draft and update annual implementation plans. , 
SBEP coordinates its activities closely with those of other projects in the education, in particular: 
 the MoNE/World Bank Basic Education Reform Project 
 the Unicef Early Childhood Development Programme 
 the Mother and Child Programme of MoNE and the Mother and Child Education Foundation (MOCEF) 
 the EC financed Strengthening Vocational Education Programme and Modernizing Vocational Education project 
Reports and publications: 
SBEP reports and publications are public. They include general PR documents, formal Annual Reports and Semi-Annual reports, Monitoring Reports as well as practical tools. Feel free to download the files and share them with professionals in Turkey or outside! 
Strategic Report 
SBEP Booklet 
Inception Report 
Owner on behalf of Ministry of National Education / SBEP; Beneficiary: 
Mahmut Tüncel 
Director of Projects Coordination Unit 
Project Financing; Client: 
Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey 
Management Team 
Salih ÇELIK, Deputy Undersecretary of MoNE 
Mahmut TUNCEL, Director of PCC 
Ahmet SABANCI, Deputy Director of PCC 
SBEP Implementation Team 
Anders LÖNNQVIST, Team Leader 
Özgül TORTOP, Co-Director
Education for Irregular Migrants in Turkey 
Turkish Ministry of National Education 
UNHCR, SGDD (ASASM) , Governorships, Local Authorities for National Education, Municipalities, International and National NGO’s. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
Main goal of the education efforts for irregular migrants in Turkey is, to help asylum seekers and irregular migrant adults and children to continue their education, relieve them with educational activities and social inclusion for those disadvantaged people. 
Also these educational efforts help keeping them away from crime and communicate with local people in order to help both groups understand each other. 
Southern regions of Turkey is one of the most important hot points concerning migration in the world because of Syrian conflict. 
An estimated 700,000 Syrian refugees have poured into Turkey since the start of the Syrian war. Many refugees have benefited from Turkey’s “temporary protection” policy and have received services ranging from food and shelter to education in camps along the border. However, as the conflict has intensified, far greater numbers of Syrians populate makeshift camps or reside in host communities. This has important ramifications for education: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that of the one million Syrians that will reside in Turkey in 2014, 795,000 will be children, half-a- million of whom will be of school-going age. 
Another important point on north - west end of Turkey is Edirne because of its strategic position as an opening door to Europe. Edirne is usually end of the migration road for asylum seekers from Asian, African and middle east countries planning to migrate to Europe. So Edirne City Centre Guesthouse for Foreigners which has been established by Ministry of Interior is usually hosting nearly 150 migrants. 
Another point concerning migration in Edirne is, city’s population. Like other cities of north west part of Turkey (Thrace region), city is mostly consists of former migrants from Balkan countries. Huge groups of migrants from different neighbouring Balkan countries, migrated to Turkey in the past as various flows.
Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education, added this EU LLP Programme Grundtvig Project “Active Methods of European Integration” to their efforts for helping people who are disadvantaged and have migration background. They have formed a group of teachers and trained them in order to work with such people. Then they organised workshops, courses and activities concerning inclusion of migrants and disadvantaged people. Also a kindergarten classroom has been designed in this City Centre Guesthouse for Foreigners for education purposes by Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education. 
WEBSITE syria-refugees-education-ackerman 
İbrahim Vurgun KAVLAK, 
Association for solidarity with asylum seekers & migrants, Turkey. 
Volkan SELVİ, 
Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education
I eat in my school (I’m fed in my school) 
Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education 
Governorship of Edirne, Edirne Association of Education for Roma People 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
In order to help a sustainable education for disadvantaged people and people with a migration background in Edirne, certain schools serving to these people are included in the project. 
Project has been started in 2012 and still going on. All students attending to these schools are served free breakfast in the context of the project. In total 1149 students are served for the first year. 
WEBSITE ogrenciye-kahvalti-veriliyor.html 
Volkan SELVİ, 
Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education
Vila-real: un poble, mil realitats 
Ayutamiento de Vila Real (Vila Real City Hall) 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
Castilian (level 1&2) and Valencian introduction classes has been delivered to 30 people coming from Morocco, Algeria, Brazil, Senegal and other provinces of Spain. 4 hours of classes per week during 3 months. A certificate of attendance has been given those enrolled who attended at least 80% of the sessions. 
Teléfono: (+34)964547000 
Fax: (+34)964547032
Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Paterna 
Instituto de la Mujer / Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad 
The goal is increasing the employability of women victims of violence, or from ethnic minorities, immigrants, disabled, older than 45 and without qualifications. 
A first step of the program is a motivation phase in which are developed self-esteem, acquisition of social skills, personal autonomy and motivation for employment. 
The second step is an orientation and information phase in which the participants can define their professional project. 
Thirdly, stakeholders help women turning towards the demands of the market. 
Finally, women are helped in their job requests. 
WEBSITE proyecto-%E2%80%9Cdones%E2%80%9D-para-apoyar-a-mujeres-en-riesgo-de- exclusi%C3%B3n-social.html 
CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Tel: (+34)96 137 96 00
Asociación de Comunicadores por la Integración y la Cooperación (CIC) 
To reduce the number of unemployed inmigrants, this association had proposed classes to feel confortable with job interviews controlling verbal y no-verbal communication. 
CSI.S (Central Sindical Independiente y de Funcionarios) 
Generalitat Valenciana 
A 12-day formation for foreign doctors and nurses from countries as diverse as Argentina, Mexico, Morocco and Syria (600 persons). The goal was to create a platform where this group could be answered questions and concerns and get overcome barriers such as language or traditions. 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
This project is a portal that provides all the information foreigners and immigrants in Spain may need… It has been created by a lawyer who was a specialist of immigration laws. Information about companies and associations are collected and sent every week to the subsrictors of the newsletter. 
“Certificado Digital: renovar autorizaciones de residencia por Internet” 
Centro Hispano-Búlgaro 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
The workshop was developed to help immigrants with their legal procedures. They learnt how to do the renewal of resident permits online. 
WEBSITE centro-hispano-bulgaro-662/ 
Un paseo a través de la igualdad 
La Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes en Castellón 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
This workshop, which has been widely accepted by the immigrant and native men Castellon, is carried out with the main objective of promoting effective equality (of treatment and opportunities) between women and men, presenting concepts related to gender issues through group dynamics, where the male participants identify the principles of gender studies, and learn to recognize their new masculinities. 
Telefono 661946204
`IV Jornadas MINA 2012: La situación de los menores inmigrantes no acompañados: su protección e integración´ 
Adolescent protection centers 
SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results 
This Conference focused attention on child protection centers that have fewer immigrants / foreigners, whether specific or general centers. In various roundtables, the stakeholders talked about children in these centers and the solutions to provide them a better integration 
The roundtables were : Table 1. Foreign minors to protection centers of Valencia: current challenges and future prospects. Table 2 . The centers address the objectives of protection and integration of MENA Table 3 . The situation of the professionals who make protection centers and their claims. Table 4 . Foreign children in the reform centers of Valencia 
Teléfono: 963 87 70 00 ext. 72813
With the support of the 
Lifelong Learning programme — Grundtvig of the European Union 
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

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Acmei best practice collection

  • 1. BEST PRACTICES Considered the system of needs (Needs Analysis Report), articulated in the following areas:  Reception and Integration  Education and Training  Labor Market  Social Integration We have identified the following best practices, as may be seen from the table below: Areas Turkey Spain Italy Total Reception and Integration 5 5 Education and Training 3 1 5 9 Labor Market 4 4 Social Integration 2 2 20
  • 2. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT “A scuola dell'altro, a scuola con l'altro” It is a project co-funded under the programme of the “European Fund for the Integration of non-EU immigrants” and the Italian Ministry of Interior – Azione 2, 2009. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION C.R.I.S.I. ONLUS SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results The project promotes the cultural mediation in primary and secondary schools. It involves the public administration and various expressions of the social world (the third sector, voluntary associations of Italian and immigrant) in order to create a network between the operators. The outcomes of the project are to:  define a model for inclusive education for the young citizens of the third-countries. It involves students, teachers and families  support a better integration of foreign children in scholar age, through preparatory courses of Italian language teaching. It gives the young citizens support measures and guidance services  implement activities for intercultural dialogue, diversity education, conflict management and enhancement of cultural heritage in the school of origin, even with direct interventions to the families of Italian and foreign students  sensitize and update teachers and support staff, in order to improve the processes of integration of foreign children in schools  promote active and responsible collaboration  foster collaboration with operator, associations and institutions in order to achieve a common pathway in the process of schooling and integration of foreign students The project has implemented actions addressed to  the teachers and the operators (to enhance their awareness, to improve the processes of integration of foreign children in schools)  the families (promoting meetings for both foreign and Italian families, to increase the mutual knowledge and the understanding of diversity and integration)  the pupils with activities of Educational integration of foreign children (Italian language teaching, guidance and support school activities, mediation of conflicts related to racial discrimination, creation of a documentation center in a school "pole" with a collection of texts, films , music CDs ... related to foreign cultures)
  • 3.  the stakeholders, sharing the results of the project with the local communities, in order to increase the awareness of the local communities. COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 4. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Re.Se.M. Puglia (Reliable Services for Migrants) - Multi- purpose center for the migrant The project started with the support of the Apulian regional grant Principi Attivi 2010. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Cawin Qoxoti Puglia - Association PARTNERS Department for Educational Policies and youth, Hospitality and Peace of the City of Bari, Etnie association of social promotion, ASA S.r.l., Gruppo Lavoro rifugiati onlus, C.r.i.s.i. s.c.a.r.l. onlus, Parish of San Marcello, Parish of San Sabino, Meridia consorzio Coop. sociali onlus, Occupazione e Solidarietà, Informatici senza frontiere. SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results The establishment of the Re.Se.M. Puglia center was made to give support to migrants and refugees who live in Apulia. The thousands of refugees recognized by the Territorial Commission, due to many administrative procedures (renewals stays and travel documents, family reunions, change of residence) continue for years to gravitate especially in the areas of the greater towns of the Region. The Re.Se.M. center facilitates the integration of the "new citizens" offering a materially help, supporting and acting as an interface with the institutions and public services. Cawin has created: - A multi-purpose center that has fostered integration and autonomy to migrants from their own basic needs - Lectures at the University of Bari, meetings at schools, awareness meetings in the multipurpose center in order to disseminate the objectives and results of the project - An internet point and phone center that is giving you the opportunity to migrants who live
  • 5. in Bari to use telephony and internet at a very competitive cost. COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 6. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT ARTEZIAN It is a project funded by the Region of Apulia in the context of the 2000-2006 Regional Small Grants. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Occupazione e Solidarietà Scs - Cooperative for Employment and Social Solidarity SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results "Forgetting to beg" is not only the slogan to promote the cooperative Artezian, born in Bari in 2008 in the Roma camp in Japigia in the city of Bari, the only authorized camp on the territory. Daniel Tomescu confides that "forgetting to beg is the dream that warms the heart". He is the spokesman of the community that gathers around 130 people, more than a third of them are children who go to school and do not beg. "They are our strength and hope and - said Tomescu - when we are with the kids forget everything. Too, the hunger and the cold." Cleaning, small removals, porterage, gardening, recovery bulky and a small tailoring for women for the production of traditional Roma clothing, are the activities that is going to play the Cooperative. At day the cooperative is receipt of funding for the production of olive oil "Romolio" produced from olives harvested in their area of residence. WEBSITE COUNTRY Italy CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 7. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Employment for People from Immigrant Communities (EPIC) The EPIC Programme is funded by the Office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration (formerly the Office of the Minister for Integration) under the Department of Justice and Equality and co-financed under the European Social Fund Human Capital Operational Programme 2007-2013. RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION The office for the Promotion of Migrant Integration (formerly the Office of the Minister for Integration) under the Department of Justice and Equality. PARTNERS BT, CPL, Ericsson, Matheson & Bank of Ireland, Cairde, Citizens Information Service, Dublin City North Volunteer Centre, The Equality Authority and the INOU. SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results EPIC supports immigrants in Ireland to become financially independent and more socially integrated by entering employment or further education and training. This unique initiative has to date impacted the lives of over 1300 people from 95 nationalities. 69% of EPIC clients have found jobs or entered training or are volunteering. EPIC increases the job seeking skills of immigrants through a six week training module and One-to-One support with a Training and Employment Officer. The Pre-Employment Training is focused on increasing the job-readiness of migrants. It provides 6 weeks of Free classroom based training covering the following themes:  Professional English for the Workplace  CV and cover letter writing techniques  Telephone skills for job hunting and in the workplace  Advice on how to look for a job  Interview Skills  Information sessions to increase understanding of the Irish system and promote social integration. Topics include access to education and health, employment rights, social welfare to work and volunteering.  Computer Skills and Social Media
  • 8. COUNTRY Irland WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Caitríona Mac Aonghusa/Catherine Headon Joint Co-ordinators EPIC Programme 30/31 Lower O’Connell Street, Dublin 1 T: 01 874 3840 E:
  • 9. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT INTERGROUND A BEST PRACTICE OF INCLUSION AND INTEGRATION RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION IRRSAE (Istituti di Ricerca Regionali, di Sperimentazione e Aggiornamento Educativi) PARTNERS Grifo Multimedia Srl. SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results INTERGROUND is a best practice of citizenship education and multiculturalism. It is an educational game proposed under the guide of Alberto Fornasari, Professor in University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. INTERGROUND is an integrated multimedia courseware for teaching intercultural education in primary and secondary schools. The aim of INTERGROUND is the spread of intercultural dialogue as main value shared by students and teachers, because in a pluralist society the dialogue between different cultures is a resource for growth and enrichment both for individual and collective experiences. The game INTERGROUND has been developed on practical experiences and didactic materials made by elementary and secondary schools of Apulia in a context of intercultural education, during a multi-year research and action carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the European Community. These experiences and materials are the subject of a lot of teaching units. They are full of ideas, insights, exercises, games and guidelines, and they are based on seven main topics: language, religion, history, music, science, mathematics and media.
  • 10. The product focuses on the metaphor of the Metro intercultural hence the name INTERGROUND. The subway of multiculturalism is a network composed of seven lines, which represent the seven main topics, and each INTERGOUND stop corresponds to one or more teaching units. The metaphor of the subway enables you to highlight, through the intersections between the lines, the interdisciplinary nature of intercultural education. The intersections of the city of multiculturalism, are identified by single words (the words of intercultural). Some of them are useful to teach us more about us and others (identity, environment, traditions, festivals, units), others explain the patterns of symbolic functioning (stereotypes, culture) and social behavior (immigration, racism). And other words (communication, commerce, dialogue) are intended to build an educational differences. INTERGROUND is a game of deconstruction and construction, of decentralization and centralization which aims to create a plural thinking in which coexist different cultural, languages and habits. INTERGROUND is made up of two different supports: a couple of CD-ROMS (one addressed to the teachers and the other to the pupils) and a dedicated web site. COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 11. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT S.O.F.I.I.A. - Sostegno Orientamento Formazione Imprenditoria per Immigrati in Agricoltura Co-funded by FEI, annual programme 2011- Action 2 “Orientamento al lavoro e sostegno all’occupabilità”- and by the Italian Minister of Home Affair RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Italian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry PARTNERS Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari (IAMB) Confcooperative Puglia SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results The project aimed at improving employability and promote the integration into the labor market of young third-country nationals engaged in agriculture through interventions to promote forms of self-employment in the agricultural sector. The project S.O.F.I.I.A. combines active employment policies, social policies and development policies through the involvement of the different actors operating in the field of entrepreneurship. This trend creates a virtuous circle of territorial cohesion essential for the future sustainability of the proposed interventions. The outcomes of the project are to: promote mobility paths and professional growth of citizens of third countries through the support of autonomous forms of entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector; - facilitate the process of socio-professional integration of the recipients through the promotion and strengthening of informal skills and professional acquired; - facilitate the process of socio-cultural integration and policy of the nationals of third countries. The project has implemented actions addressed to
  • 12. Third-country nationals aged 18 years and less than 35 years old, regardless of gender, lawfully resident in Italy and engaged in agriculture and agribusiness. In particular, the training service requires the involvement of a maximum number of participants equal to 20, with particular attention and inclusion of the most vulnerable and fragile with family responsibilities. COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 13. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT “MISS – Mediazione interculturale sociale scolastica” European Fund for the Integration of third-country citizens, Action 5 "Intercultural Mediation", 2012 RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Comune di Bari - Ripartizione Politiche Educative Giovanili PARTNERS - Etnie A.P.S. onlus - Sinergia Scs - Istituto Comprensivo Statale Japigia II – Torre a Mare - Liceo Linguistico e I. T .E Statale “Marco Polo” - Istituto Comprensivo "Mazzini-Modugno" di Bari - Istituto comprensivo EL/7- S.M. Santomauro Bari SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results General objective is to implement a working model focuses on the social and cultural mediation as a method for the integration of immigrants in the school and the city. Specific objectives are:  provide for the professional development of teachers in the city of Bari and of the intercultural mediators to promote and consolidate methods of intervention designed to promote integrated actions of inclusion and integration of immigrant children in the school system of the city  promote the inclusion and integration of immigrant children in schools through the enhancement of secretariat services, social and intercultural mediation in schools  support Public Administration in the provision of cultural mediation services with particular reference to the School  promote the integration of immigrants in the city of Bari through actions of social animation  make the school and its Italian and foreign pupils as actors of experience entertainment district through the organization of events for cultural integration in the streets and in the neighborhoods with the highest number of immigrants, promoting intercultural dialogue and the process of integration through party Work plan PREPARATORY ACTIONS : Focus groups and initial assessment of the needs of integration
  • 14. TRAINING OF THE SCHOOL STAFF AND MEDIATORS INTERCULTURAL The training seminars are designed to focus the needs in terms of action of intercultural mediation and support to the school in order to ease the path of mutual understanding and integration. Support To Schools in the action of school placement of Immigrants children INTERVENTION Activate the service of social secretariat, activation of intercultural mediation services in schools PREVENTION activation of 4 laboratories aimed at the discovery and knowledge of the other through the arts , and to the prevention of acts of exclusion and / or intolerance ANIMATION on the territory Organization of an event aimed to cultural integration. School classes involved in the laboratories give life to cultural activities, such as exhibitions , shows, video productions ... COMMUNICATION AND DISSEMINATION MONITORING AND EVALUATION COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 15. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT The School Integration: systems, plans and projects for the school integration of immigrants RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION University of Bari “Aldo Moro” (Prof. Alberto Fornasari) SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results This document shows the inscription procedures and the educational practice for language teaching and intercultural education and it suggests to involve in the project all the resources of the territory regarding educational and social inclusion. The reception protocol suggests to favor a climate of reception and of attention towards relations, also with the foreign families, which prevent and remove possible obstacles to full integration suggests to promote the collaboration with other schools and with local agencies, also with training courses on reception and intercultural education establishes a common procedure to all schools in order to promote the integration of foreign pupils, to respond to their educational needs and to strengthen activities of linguistic and cultural support contains criteria, principles and instructions for the registration and inclusion of foreign pupils; defines tasks and roles of the school operators, traces the various possible phases of reception and activities that facilitate the acquisition of the Italian language; establishes the criteria for the evaluation of learning progress and competences constitutes a working tool which will be integrated and revised on the basis of the experiences in the various schools. is a document that must be approved by each School Committee must be integrated into the plan of studies of every institute The adoption of the protocol asks the teachers of the institute to assume collegial responsibility. However, the individual targets of the protocol are realized step by step by: • the headmaster
  • 16. • the secretariat • teachers with special functions • individual professors from the Reception/Intercultural Commission of the School • Teachers, individually and collectively • Volunteers outside the school, activated by the local authorities via the laws of the sector, provided by the Ministry, chosen by the school. The adoption of the protocol requires all involved persons to operate in a network in order to optimize the resources and to adopt efficient ways of communication COUNTRY Italy CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Alberto Fornasari
  • 17. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Language Café di Ferrara RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Associazione ActionEdu SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results A best practice of integration through non-formal learning methods is the Language Café. A Language Café is a sociable and friendly way to practise languages without attending formal classes. A Language Café provides a social space for people to meet, talk and learn languages together in an informal and sociable way. Language Cafes are run for and by the people who use them and can be found in all kinds of places such as cafés, libraries, cinemas, bookshops, schools, pubs and restaurants. Language Cafés are not clubs so you don’t have to be a member in order to get involved. Simply turn up at the time and place advertised and join in the conversation. Here’s the simple rules to follow: • To join Make sure that you have at least some ability to speak the language of the café you are attending as most are not suitable for beginners. • Introduce yourself, say who you are and why you have come. • Let the café organiser have your name and contact details so you can be kept in touch with Language Café activities. • Make sure you are aware of any Language Café rules or codes of conduct e.g. some cafes will ask you to buy a drink or pay a small contribution towards the café. • You can ask for information about these when you turn up for the first time. • Don’t worry about making mistakes in your language - everyone will be at different
  • 18. levels • Don’t be afraid to have a go but it is also OK to just listen COUNTRY Italy WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Café de la Paix, Piazzetta Corelli, 24 - Ferrara.
  • 19. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Easy Literacy Education (Support to Basic Eduation Programme) RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Turkish Ministry of National Education PARTNERS The project is implemented by the Ministry of National Education in cooperation with technical assistance in various fields employed by a consortium of consultancy companies (Carl Bro, Cambridge Education Consultants and SPAN Consultants) that has been contracted for this purpose by the European Commission. SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results Project aims and structure: The overall aim of the project is to improve the living conditions of the population in the most disadvantaged rural, urban and sub-urban areas by increasing the level of education in the overall perspective of reducing poverty. This includes support for children, young people and adults presently excluded from basic education. Project outcomes: Project outcomes are related to enhancing access to and improving quality of education in Turkey. In order to provide better access to education, more than 150 buildings are being constructed (schools, Public Education Centres, dormitories, dining halls, teacher accommodation and a sports hall), new furniture and equipment for Children at Risk school (Istanbul) and In-Service Training Centre (Erzurum) and mobile units to reach groups remote areas are being procured. On the quality side the new curriculum and new teaching/learning materials (textbooks and other) were developed and delivered and more than 60.000 teachers and other staff received support in their professional development. More than 50.000 parents, muhtars and imams participated in various awareness training programmes. Project Outcomes Details:
  • 20. National activities:  Education Quality  Management and Organization  Teacher Competences  Non-Formal Education  Communicaion A Steering Committee that is responsible for providing strategic direction of the project has been set up. The committee is chaired by the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of National Education (MoNE). Five National Teams (NTs) have been set up for five components/areas: Quality of Education, Teacher Training, Communication, Non-formal education and Organization and Management. These NTs have been tasked to develop their respective areas of competence and to draft and update annual implementation plans. , SBEP coordinates its activities closely with those of other projects in the education, in particular:  the MoNE/World Bank Basic Education Reform Project  the Unicef Early Childhood Development Programme  the Mother and Child Programme of MoNE and the Mother and Child Education Foundation (MOCEF)  the EC financed Strengthening Vocational Education Programme and Modernizing Vocational Education project Reports and publications: SBEP reports and publications are public. They include general PR documents, formal Annual Reports and Semi-Annual reports, Monitoring Reports as well as practical tools. Feel free to download the files and share them with professionals in Turkey or outside! Strategic Report SBEP Booklet Inception Report COUNTRY Turkey
  • 21. WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION: Owner on behalf of Ministry of National Education / SBEP; Beneficiary: Mahmut Tüncel Director of Projects Coordination Unit Project Financing; Client: Delegation of the European Commission to Turkey Management Team Salih ÇELIK, Deputy Undersecretary of MoNE Mahmut TUNCEL, Director of PCC Ahmet SABANCI, Deputy Director of PCC SBEP Implementation Team Anders LÖNNQVIST, Team Leader Özgül TORTOP, Co-Director
  • 22. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Education for Irregular Migrants in Turkey RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Turkish Ministry of National Education PARTNERS UNHCR, SGDD (ASASM) , Governorships, Local Authorities for National Education, Municipalities, International and National NGO’s. SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results Main goal of the education efforts for irregular migrants in Turkey is, to help asylum seekers and irregular migrant adults and children to continue their education, relieve them with educational activities and social inclusion for those disadvantaged people. Also these educational efforts help keeping them away from crime and communicate with local people in order to help both groups understand each other. Southern regions of Turkey is one of the most important hot points concerning migration in the world because of Syrian conflict. An estimated 700,000 Syrian refugees have poured into Turkey since the start of the Syrian war. Many refugees have benefited from Turkey’s “temporary protection” policy and have received services ranging from food and shelter to education in camps along the border. However, as the conflict has intensified, far greater numbers of Syrians populate makeshift camps or reside in host communities. This has important ramifications for education: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates that of the one million Syrians that will reside in Turkey in 2014, 795,000 will be children, half-a- million of whom will be of school-going age. Another important point on north - west end of Turkey is Edirne because of its strategic position as an opening door to Europe. Edirne is usually end of the migration road for asylum seekers from Asian, African and middle east countries planning to migrate to Europe. So Edirne City Centre Guesthouse for Foreigners which has been established by Ministry of Interior is usually hosting nearly 150 migrants. Another point concerning migration in Edirne is, city’s population. Like other cities of north west part of Turkey (Thrace region), city is mostly consists of former migrants from Balkan countries. Huge groups of migrants from different neighbouring Balkan countries, migrated to Turkey in the past as various flows.
  • 23. Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education, added this EU LLP Programme Grundtvig Project “Active Methods of European Integration” to their efforts for helping people who are disadvantaged and have migration background. They have formed a group of teachers and trained them in order to work with such people. Then they organised workshops, courses and activities concerning inclusion of migrants and disadvantaged people. Also a kindergarten classroom has been designed in this City Centre Guesthouse for Foreigners for education purposes by Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education. COUNTRY Turkey WEBSITE syria-refugees-education-ackerman CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION: İbrahim Vurgun KAVLAK, Association for solidarity with asylum seekers & migrants, Turkey. Volkan SELVİ, Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education
  • 24. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT I eat in my school (I’m fed in my school) RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education PARTNERS Governorship of Edirne, Edirne Association of Education for Roma People SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results In order to help a sustainable education for disadvantaged people and people with a migration background in Edirne, certain schools serving to these people are included in the project. Project has been started in 2012 and still going on. All students attending to these schools are served free breakfast in the context of the project. In total 1149 students are served for the first year. COUNTRY Turkey WEBSITE ogrenciye-kahvalti-veriliyor.html CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION: Volkan SELVİ, Edirne Provincial Directorate of National Education
  • 25. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Vila-real: un poble, mil realitats RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Ayutamiento de Vila Real (Vila Real City Hall) SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results Castilian (level 1&2) and Valencian introduction classes has been delivered to 30 people coming from Morocco, Algeria, Brazil, Senegal and other provinces of Spain. 4 hours of classes per week during 3 months. A certificate of attendance has been given those enrolled who attended at least 80% of the sessions. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE http://www.vila- CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Teléfono: (+34)964547000 Fax: (+34)964547032
  • 26. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Dones RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION: Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Paterna PARTNERS Instituto de la Mujer / Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad SHORT DESCRIPTION The goal is increasing the employability of women victims of violence, or from ethnic minorities, immigrants, disabled, older than 45 and without qualifications. A first step of the program is a motivation phase in which are developed self-esteem, acquisition of social skills, personal autonomy and motivation for employment. The second step is an orientation and information phase in which the participants can define their professional project. Thirdly, stakeholders help women turning towards the demands of the market. Finally, women are helped in their job requests. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE proyecto-%E2%80%9Cdones%E2%80%9D-para-apoyar-a-mujeres-en-riesgo-de- exclusi%C3%B3n-social.html CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Tel: (+34)96 137 96 00
  • 27. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT CURSO DE TÉCNICAS DE EXPRESIÓN ORAL RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Asociación de Comunicadores por la Integración y la Cooperación (CIC) SHORT DESCRIPTION To reduce the number of unemployed inmigrants, this association had proposed classes to feel confortable with job interviews controlling verbal y no-verbal communication. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 28. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Intégrame RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION CSI.S (Central Sindical Independiente y de Funcionarios) PARTNERS Generalitat Valenciana SHORT DESCRIPTION A 12-day formation for foreign doctors and nurses from countries as diverse as Argentina, Mexico, Morocco and Syria (600 persons). The goal was to create a platform where this group could be answered questions and concerns and get overcome barriers such as language or traditions. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION 915674469
  • 29. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results This project is a portal that provides all the information foreigners and immigrants in Spain may need… It has been created by a lawyer who was a specialist of immigration laws. Information about companies and associations are collected and sent every week to the subsrictors of the newsletter. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 30. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT “Certificado Digital: renovar autorizaciones de residencia por Internet” RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION Centro Hispano-Búlgaro SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results The workshop was developed to help immigrants with their legal procedures. They learnt how to do the renewal of resident permits online. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE centro-hispano-bulgaro-662/ CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION
  • 31. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT Un paseo a través de la igualdad RESPONSIBLE INSTITUTION La Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes en Castellón SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results This workshop, which has been widely accepted by the immigrant and native men Castellon, is carried out with the main objective of promoting effective equality (of treatment and opportunities) between women and men, presenting concepts related to gender issues through group dynamics, where the male participants identify the principles of gender studies, and learn to recognize their new masculinities. COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE 812/ CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Telefono 661946204
  • 32. NAME of the PROGRAM/PROJECT `IV Jornadas MINA 2012: La situación de los menores inmigrantes no acompañados: su protección e integración´ PARTNERS Adolescent protection centers SHORT DESCRIPTION: goals, objectives, work plan, methodology, tools, results This Conference focused attention on child protection centers that have fewer immigrants / foreigners, whether specific or general centers. In various roundtables, the stakeholders talked about children in these centers and the solutions to provide them a better integration The roundtables were : Table 1. Foreign minors to protection centers of Valencia: current challenges and future prospects. Table 2 . The centers address the objectives of protection and integration of MENA Table 3 . The situation of the professionals who make protection centers and their claims. Table 4 . Foreign children in the reform centers of Valencia COUNTRY Spain WEBSITE CONTACTS FOR INFORMATION Teléfono: 963 87 70 00 ext. 72813
  • 33. With the support of the Lifelong Learning programme — Grundtvig of the European Union This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein