Review of three categories of fingerprint recognition 2

il y a 10 ans 550 Vues

The study of scope and implementation of lean aspects

il y a 10 ans 876 Vues

1 manufactured sand, a solution and an alternative

il y a 10 ans 2581 Vues

4 effect of controlled temperature (27°c 42°c)

il y a 10 ans 309 Vues

3 comparison of actual release schedule and optimal

il y a 10 ans 372 Vues

2 effect of microsilica 600 on the properties of

il y a 10 ans 398 Vues

1 effect of glass on strength of concrete subjected

il y a 10 ans 860 Vues

5 a study of bacteriological contamination of

il y a 10 ans 377 Vues

1 effect of microsilica 600 on the properties of

il y a 10 ans 363 Vues

Gender diversity at management levels in mumbai

il y a 11 ans 615 Vues