hereditary chromosomal abnormalities surgical repair cleft palate cleft lip tef oesophageal atresia birth defects congenital anomalies postabortion contraceptives sterilization emergency contraceptive pills implant condom modern methods contraceptive devices postpartum hysterectomy utero-ovarian artery ligation uterine artery ligation dilatation and curettage colpotomy culdocentesis catheterization urinary incontinence retention of urine postpartum uti pulmonary embolism thrombophlebitis phlebitis breast abscess breast mastitis sdg targets 2030 informed choice abhibadan approach gather approach family planning counseling unmet needs unwanted pregnancies family planning fever with chills and rigors postnatal mothers microorganisms puerperal sepsis phc public health major puerperal disorders pph visits postnatal check up
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