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      ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้


 Saeng Dhamma                                       ๕ ธันวามหาราช
ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๘ ประจำาเดือนธันวาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓
    Vol.36 No.428 December 2010
สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ
                                                    ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา		พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้
      ปีที่	36	ฉบับที่	428	ประจ�าเดือนธันวาคม	พ.ศ.	2553			Vol.36	No.428		December,	2010

  Objectives :
 �To	promote	Buddhist	activities.                                                สารบัญ
 �To	foster	Thai	culture	and	tradition.
 �To	inform	the	public	of	the	temple’s	activities.
 �To	promide	a	public	relations	center	for	
  	 Buddhists	living	in	the	United	States.             	The		Buddha’s	Words...............................................	1
                                                       	อาศิรวาท	“๕	ธันวามหาราช”	......................................	2
  เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.                   INSIGHT,	BY	ORGANIZED	TRAINING.............................	3
  ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี                        		Knowing	The	World 	Ven.	Ajanh	Chah....................	8
  กองบรรณาธิการ :                                      		MY	(VERY	BRIEF)	LIFE	AS	A	BUDDHIST	MONK...By	Matthew			14
	 ดร.พระมหาถนัด		อตฺถจารี                               The Hot News Of World Buddhism ...........................16
	 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ	ปภากโร
	 พระจรินทร์		อาภสฺสโร                                 	ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนธันวาคม	................................	22
	 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์		สมิทฺธิญาโณ                        	เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี				23
	 พระสุริยา		เตชวโร                                    	ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนพฤศจิกายน..........	30
	 พระมหาสราวุธ		สราวุโธ                                	เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ........................................	32
	 พระมหาประดู่ชัย		ภทฺทธมฺโม                           	ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา	๒,๓๐๐	ปี	ดร.พระมหาถนัด			 39
	 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์		อตฺตทีโป                            	สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก	.....................................	43
	 พระมหาค�าตัล		พุทฺธงฺกุโร                            	อนุโมทนาพิเศษ	/	Special	Thanks............................	44
	 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์		พุทฺธรกฺขิโต                       	Thai Temple’s News....................โดย	Handy					45
	 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน,	ดี.ซี.	        	รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนพฤศจิกายน	Ven.Pradoochai	48
  SAENG DHAMMA	Magazine                                	รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล	/	Lunch............................	54
	 is	published	monthly	by                              	ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันขึนปีใหม่	๒๕๕๔	.........................	62
  Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple
	 At	13440	Layhill	Rd.,
	 Silver	Spring,	MD	20906
  Tel.	(301)	871-8660,	871-8661                                               Photos taken by
  Fax :	301-871-5007                                                          Ven.	Pradoochai,
  E-mail :                                       Ven.	Ananphiwat,	Ven.Srisuporn	
  Homepage :                                               Mr.	Kevin	&	Mr.	Sam	
  Radio Network :                                         Bank	&	Ms.	Golf	
  2,500 Copies
	 “แสงธรรม”	ฉบับประจ�าเดือนสุดท้ายของปีสงถึงมือของท่านอีกแล้ว	ขอแสดงความยินดีกบทุกท่านทีจะได้มโอกาสในการฉลอง	
                                                   ่                                                ั          ่       ี
“เทศกาลส่งท้ายปีเก่า รับปีใหม่”	กันอีกรอบ	หลายคนยังคงสูไม่หวันไหว	แต่หลายคนในรอบปีทผานมาทีได้ลาจาก		หมดโอกาสในการ
                                                            ้ ่                                   ี่ ่       ่
กล่าวค�าว่า	“ลาทีปเี ก่า”	และ	“สวัสดีปใหม่”	กันอีก	แต่กมอกหลายคนเช่นกันทีลาจากกันไปในคืนวันส่งท้ายแห่งปี	การอยู	่ การไปของ
                                           ี            ็ีี                       ่
คนเรา	อาจจะสรุปลงกันทีกรรมของคนๆ	นันเอง	จะเป็นกรรมเดียว	กรรมหมูกได้	แต่ทแน่ๆ	ไปกันทุกราย	มนุษย์เราส่วนใหญ่ตองการความ
                             ่                 ่             ่           ่็         ี่                                         ้
สุขทังในโลกนี	้ และโลกหน้า	เมือถึงวาระส�าคัญอย่างนีจดได้วาเป็นเทศกาลส่งความสุข	(ส.ค.ส.)	อีกเช่นกัน
      ้                            ่                 ้ั ่
	 ส�าหรับวันปีใหม่ของไทยเรามีการเปลี่ยนวันมาแล้ว	๔	ครั้ง	คือในครั้งแรก	ถือเอาวันแรม	๑	ค�่า	เดือนอ้าย	ต่อมาเปลี่ยนวันขึ้น	
๑	ค�า	เดือน	๕	ต่อมาก็ถอเอาวันที่	๑	เมษายน	และสุดท้าย	คณะกรรมการทีมหลวงวิจตรวาทการเป็นประธานกรรมการ	โดยก�าหนด
    ่                    ื                                                     ่ี        ิ
เอาวันที	๑	มกราคม	๒๔๘๔	เป็นวันขึนปีใหม่ตามหลักสากลแทน	จากนันการฉลองวันสินปี	วันปีใหม่กเติบโต	ขยายขึนอย่างรวดเร็ว
          ่                              ้                             ้                     ้           ็                   ้
โดยเฉพาะยุคเศรษฐกิจทุนนิยมเติบโต	กระแสธุรกิจเข้ามาเกี่ยวพันมากขึ้น	มีการพิมพ์ปฏิทินทั้งแบบขายแบบแจก	การ์ดอวยพร	
มีของขวัญ	ตามยุคตามสมัย	หรือแม้แต่หนังสือธรรมอวยพรตอนปีใหม่	ก็มมากมายหลายรูป	หลายส�านักพิมพ์ดวยกัน	แต่เป้าหมาย
                                                                             ี                                       ้
ก็เพื่อส่งความสุขให้แก่กันและกัน		แต่ที่แน่ๆ	และแปลกปลอมมากับทุกเทศกาลของคนไทย	คือการฉลองที่เจือด้วยน�้าเมา	เมื่อมี
ประกาศให้เป็นวันหยุดต่อเนื่องหลายวัน	ผู้คนต่างจังหวัดต่างอยากเดินทางกลับบ้าน	ผสมกับนักท่องเที่ยว	เส้นทางแต่ละจังหวัด
จึงเนืองแน่นไปด้วยรถรา	อุบัติเหตุจึงเป็นผลพวงที่ตามมาแบบยากที่จะหลีกเลี่ยง	ทั้งเมาเหล้า	ประมาท	ขาดสติ	ขับเร็ว	คือสาเหตุ
หลักที่ท�าให้เกิดการเสียชีวิตในช่วงนี้เป็นจ�านวนมาก	 แต่ละปี	 ไม่ว่าจะเป็นปีใหม่	 หรือสงกรานต์จึงมีการเฝ้าระวังกันทุกเส้นทาง	
รณรงค์เพื่อให้เกิดความปลอดภัยต่อชีวิต	และทรัพย์สิน	แต่ปีหนึ่งๆ	ก็ยังบาดเจ็บล้มตายเป็นจ�านวนมาก	ปีนี้เท่าไรก็ติดตามดูกัน
	 ส�าหรับของฝากชุด	“๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรื่องหลวงพ่อเล่า” เป็นการระลึกถึงหลวงพ่อปัญญานันทภิกขุ	 ประจ�าฉบับนี้ขอน�า
ปาฐกถา	ณ	วัดปัญญานันทาราม	วันที่	16	มีนาคม	2542	มาฝากกัน	ให้ชื่อตอนว่า	“เมาไม่ขับ”	ความว่า	...มีเด็กหนุ่มคนหนึ่ง	ขับ
รถเมาเพราะว่าไปกินเลียงบ้านเพือน	เพือนเขาท�าบุญวันเกิด	อยากจะแนะน�าหน่อย	อย่าท�าบาปวันเกิด	วันเกิดอย่าท�าบาป	ท�าบาป
                           ้           ่     ่
อย่างไร	นัดเพื่อนฝูงมากินเลี้ยง	สั่งโต๊ะจีนมาเลี้ยง	มาแล้วก็เลี้ยงเหล้าเลี้ยงเบียร์	 นั่นแหละประทุษร้ายเพื่อน	เอาเหล้าเลี้ยงเพื่อน
แหละคือประทุษร้ายเพื่อน	 ท�าให้เพื่อนเสียสติ	 เสียปัญญา	 ขาดความรู้สึกผิดชอบชั่วดี	 ไอ้เพื่อนมันก็โง่	 เฮ้ย	 กูกินฟรีต้องกินมาก
หน่อย	พอกินมากหน่อยขับรถสะเปะสะปะ	ชนโครมเข้าให้เสาไฟฟ้า	มันแข็งหน่อยไม่หักหน้าหม้อน�้ายุบ	ตัวได้รับบาดเจ็บ	ตื่นเช้า
ไปวัดแต่เช้าถือดอกไม้ไปกราบหลวงพ่อ	“หลวงพ่อครับผมมันซวย	เมือคืนขับรถไปชนเสาไฟฟ้า	ให้หลวงพ่อช่วยรดน�ามนต์	สะเดาะ
                                                                     ่                                                     ้
เคราะห์ให้ผมหน่วย”	หลวงพ่อก็ใจดีจับหญ้าคาจุ่มน�้ารดให้มันโง่	 รดแล้วมันโง่ต่อไป	ไม่มีทางดีขึ้น		เราก็ท�าอย่างไร	บอก	“เออ	!	
ปกติเสาไฟมันอยู่ข้างถนนนะ	มันไม่เคยออกมาเดินเล่นกลางถนนเลย	ท�าไมเธอไปขับชนเสาไฟน่ะ”	เขาก็บอกว่า	“เมื่อคืนผมเมา
ไปหน่อย”		“อ้าว	ท�าไมถึงเมาล่ะ”		“เพื่อนเขาท�าบุญวันเกิด”	ความจริงไม่ใช่	ท�าบาปวันเกิดกัน	“ผมก็ไปกินข้าว	กินเหล้าดื่มมาก
	 “เธอเมาเหล้าเพราะดืมเหล้า	พระพุทธเจ้าสอนให้เราดืมเหล้าหรือให้เรางดเว้นการดืมเหล้า”	ศีลข้อ	5	ข้อ	4	อะไรบ้างมันเรียงไม่
                               ่                          ่                                ่
ถูกนะ	เอามาสัมภาษณ์	คนเข้ารับราชการถามว่าศีล	5	คืออะไรมันเรียงไม่ถก	พระพุทธเจ้าเรียงไว้	5	ข้อเรียบร้อย	มันเรียงใหม่	มันเก่ง
กว่าพระพุทธเจ้ามันเรียงใหม่	ไม่ถกต้อง	ถามมันก็ตอบไม่ถก	แล้วก็ถามว่า	“เอ	การดืมเหล้านีมนท�าให้เป็นอย่างไร”		“มันก็เมาซิครับ”	
                                     ู                  ู                              ่       ่ั                                  	
“เมาก็เสียสติ	เสียปัญญา	ขับรถเปะปะแล้วไปชนเสาไฟฟ้า	เหตุมนอยูทเี่ ธอเมาเหล้าเพราะเธอไม่รกษาศีล	เธอไม่นบถือพระพุทธเจ้า”	
                                                                 ั ่                                   ั                 ั
มีพระห้อยคอ	“เอ้านีพระอะไรห้อยคอ”	“อ้อหลวงพ่อ”	หลวงพ่อแล้วท�าไม	นึกว่าพระจะช่วย	พระไม่ชวยคนทีทาชัว		พระช่วยคนที่
                       ่                                                                                   ่     ่ � ่
ท�าดี	เธอเมาเหล้าแล้วพระทีไหนจะช่วย	หลวงพ่อคูณบอก	“มึงขับเท่าไหร่”	“ขับ	๘๐”		“กูโดดลงนานแล้ว”	กูกโดดลงเสียก่อน	แล้ว
                                 ่                                                                                 ็
ก็ไม่ชวยมึงแล้ว	หลวงพ่อคูณแกพูดตลกๆ	ไปงันแหละ	ว่าแกกระโดดลงเสียนานแล้ว...		
        ่                                        ้
										ท้ายสุดขออ�านวยชัยให้ทุกท่านได้ฉลองส่งท้ายปีเก่า	ได้รับปีใหม่	มีพลานามัยแข็งแรง	ปลอดโรคภัยไข้เจ็บ	มีสุขภาพจิตที่
แสงธรรม 1   Saeng Dhamma

	   	     	      	    The Buddha’s Words
	             อตฺตานญฺเจ ตถา กยิรา         ยถญฺญมนุสาสติ
              สุทนฺโต วต ทเมถ              อตฺตา หิ กิร ทุทฺทโม ฯ (๑๕๙)

        สอนคนอืนอย่างใด ควรทำาตนอย่างนัน ฝึกตนเองได้แล้ว จึงควรฝึกคนอืน
                 ่                     ้                              ่

        As he instructs others he should himself act. Himself fully controlled,
        he should control others. Difficult indeed is to control oneself.
แสงธรรม 2   Saeng Dhamma


                   คือพระนาม “ภูมิพล” คู่คนไทย
                        ธ ทรงเป็นเกษตรกษัตรา
                ถวายพระพรแด่จอมไทย “ภูมิพล”
               นางสาวยุพา มาตยะขันธ์ ครูอาสาฯ ปี ๒๕๕๓
แสงธรรม 3      Saeng Dhamma

                                           BY ORGANIZED TRAINING
                                             by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu

   ...Continued from last issue...                         develops	the	unobscured	knowledge	that	these	
                                                           things	are	in	fact	obstacles	and	succeeds	in	cut-
INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING                             ting	out	these	finer	defilements	completely.	This	

	Y       et	another	kind	of	obstacle	involves	faith.	
         Faith	or	confidence	never	felt	before	be-
comes	 firmly	 established,	 for	 example	 confi-
                                                           knowledge	of	what	is	the	right	path	and	what	is	
                                                           not	constitutes	the	third	stage	in	vipassana	and	
                                                           the	fifth	Purification.
dence	in	the	Threefold	Gem,	Buddha,	Dhamma	                	 Until	 such	 time	 as	 the	 aspirant	 has	 devel-
and	Sangha,	or	in	theories	the	meditator	thinks	           oped	this	knowledge	of	what	really	constitutes	
out	for	himself.	There	may	even	come	about	a	              the	 right	 path,	 he	 has	 to	 be	 always	 steering	
most	intense	satisfaction	in	Dhamma.	The	abil-             himself	away	from	the	various	side	tracks.	Once	
ity	to	remain	unmoved	by	anything	becomes	so	              this	knowledge	of	the	path	to	be	followed	has	
strongly	developed	that	it	may	even	delude	the	            become	fully	established,	however,	any	further	
meditator	into	believing	he	has	already	attained	          knowledge	will	automatically	develop	along	the	
the	Fruit	of	the	Path	and	Nirvana	itself.	These	           right	line.	It	will	progress	step	by	step,	bringing	
things	are	a	great	difficulty	for	anyone	encoun-           perfectly	 clear	 understanding	 of	 the	 true	 na-
tering	 them	 for	 the	 first	 time.	 As	 you	 can	 see	   ture	 of	 things	 and	 ultimately	 perfect	 freedom	
they	constitute	a	barrier	in	the	way	of	vipassa-           from,	and	non-involvement	in	things.	The	mind,	
na.	The	meditator,	however,	is	likely	to	regard	           equipped	with	this	right	understanding,	is	all	set	
them	as	highly	desirable	until	such	time	as	he	            to	attain	insight	into	the	Four	Noble	Truths,	and
แสงธรรม 4       Saeng Dhamma
is	said	to	have	attained	the	Purity	by	Knowledge	         ing,	and	concentrates	exclusively	on	the	pass-
and	Vision	of	the	progress	along	the	Path.	This	          ing	away.	This	permits	him	to	see	the	process	
is	counted	as	the	fourth	stage	in	vipassana	and	          of	disintegration	and	decay	in	such	depth	and	
the	sixth	Purification.	The	Tipitaka	contains	no	         intensity	 that	 he	 comes	 to	 realize	 that	 decay	
detailed	explanation	of	the	stages	in	this	Knowl-         and	perishing	are	universally	evident	no	matter	
edge	and	Vision	of	the	progress	along	the	Path,	          where	in	the	world	one	looks.	A	mind	dwelling	
but	later	teachers	recognized	in	it	nine	steps,	as	       in	this	knowledge	is	said	to	be	equipped	with	
follows:                                                  knowledge	of	decay	and	dissolution	(Bhanganu-
	 a)	 Vipassana	 has	 progressed	 properly,	 and	         passana	-	nana).	This	is	the	second	step	in	the	
the	birth,	aging,	pain	and	death	of	phenomena	            developing	of	knowledge.
have	 been	 thoroughly	 scrutinized.	 The	 arising	       	 c)	Knowledge	of	decay	and	dissolution,	when	
and	passing	away	of	phenomena	has	been	per-               sufficiently	 well	 developed,	 gives	 rise	 next	 to	
ceived	in	all	clarity.	All	phenomenal	existence	          the	awareness	that	all	things	are	to	be	feared.	
is	seen	to	consist	of	just	an	endless	process	of	         All	phenomenal	existence,	whether	in	the	sen-
arising	and	ceasing	like	the	glittering	dazzle	on	        sual	realm,	in	the	form	realm,	or	in	the	form-
the	surface	of	the	sea,	or	like	the	forming	and	          less	realm,	is	seen	as	inherently	fearsome.	All	
bursting	 of	 the	 foamy	 crests	 of	 waves.	 This	 is	   spheres	 of	 existence	 are	 seen	 as	 thoroughly	
known	as	knowledge	of	arising	and	passing	away	           fearsome	because	the	decay	and	dissolution	of	
(Udayabbayanupassana	 -	 nana).	 It	 is	 brought	         all	phenomena	is	perceived	in	every	conscious	
about	 by	 concentrated	 introspection	 so	 clear,	       moment.	 Thus	 an	 intense	 apprehension	 arises	
and	sustained	for	so	long	a	time	that	the	knowl-          in	 the	 mind	 of	 one	 possessing	 this	 awareness	
edge	becomes	firmly	established,	like	a	dye	ab-           and	becomes	established	as	a	genuine	fear.	This	
sorbed	by	the	mind,	powerful	enough	to	make	              awareness	sees	nothing	but	fearsomeness,	like	
the	meditator	become	disenchanted	with	things	            poison,	 or	 deadly	 weapons,	 or	 vicious	 armed	
and	give	up	clinging	to	them.	This	is	the	first	step	     bandits,	completely	filling	the	three	spheres	of	
in	 the	 Knowledge	 and	 Vision	 of	 the	 Progress	       phenomenal	 existence-nothing	 but	 fearsome-
along	the	Path.                                           ness.	This	awareness	of	the	fearsomeness	(Bhay-
	 b)	 Arising	 and	 passing	 away,	 if	 observed	 si-     atupatthana-nana)	of	all	phenomenal	existence	
multaneously,	 cannot	 be	 perceived	 with	 such	         is	reckoned	as	the	third	step.
clarity	as	they	can	if	either	one	is	concentrat-          	 d)	When	awareness	of	the	completely	fear-
ed	 on	 separately.	 At	 this	 stage,	 the	 meditator	    some	nature	of	all	phenomenal	existence	has	
gives	up	watching	one	of	the	two,	namely	aris-            been	fully	developed,	there	will	arise	in	its	turn
แสงธรรม 5      Saeng Dhamma
awareness	that	all	things	are	inherently	danger-          for	freedom	a	frog	struggling	to	escape	from	a	
ous.	To	become	involved	in	things	is	not	safe.	           snake’s	jaws,	or	the	desire	for	freedom	of	a	deer	
They	are	like	a	forest	full	of	dangerous	beasts,	         or	bird	struggling	to	break	loose	from	a	snare.	
and	anyone	seeking	diversion	in	the	forest	finds	         This	 real	 desire	 to	 escape	 (Muncitukamyata	 -	
nothing	 pleasing	 there.	 This	 awareness	 of	 the	      nana)	from	unsatisfactoriness	is	the	sixth	step.
danger	(Adinavan-	upassana	-	nana)	inherent	in	           	 g)	Now	with	the	full	development	of	the	de-
all	phenomenal	existence	is	the	fourth	step.              sire	to	escape,	there	arises	a	feeling	of	an	intense	
	 e)	 When	 all	 things	 are	 seen	 to	 be	 in	 every	    struggling	 to	 find	 a	 way	 out,	 an	 ever-	 present	
way	full	of	danger	this	gives	rise	to	disenchant-         feeling	that,	phenomenal	existence	being	as	it	
ment.	Things	are	seen	as	resembling	a	burntout	           is,	one	has	to	escape	from	it.	Introspecting,	one	
house	of	which	nothing	remains	but	ashes	and	             perceives	the	clinging	and	one	perceives	the	de-
a	skeleton,	utterly	un-                                                                filements	that	are	the	
attractive.	 This	 disen-                                                              cause	 of	 the	 mind’s	
chantment	 (Nibbidan-                                                                  bondage,	 the	 fetters	
upassanaa	-	nana)	with	                                                                binding	 it	 securely	 to	
having	 to	 be	 associ-                                                                that	 condition.	 Con-
ated	with	conditioned	                                                                 sequently	 one	 seeks	
things	is	the	fifth	step	                                                              for	ways	of	weakening	
in	 the	 developing	 of	                                                               the	defilements.	Then	
knowledge.                                                                             seeing	the	defilements	
	 f)	 When	 genuine	                                                                   weakened,	 one	 sets	
disenchantment	has	become	established,	there	             about	destroying	them	completely.
arises	a	desire	to	become	really	free	from	those	         	 This	weakening	of	the	defilements	is	illustrat-
things.	This	is	quite	unlike	our	ordinary	desire	for	     ed	by	means	of	a	simile.	A	man	goes	to	his	fish	
freedom,	which,	lacking	the	power	of	concentra-           trap	and	pulls	out	a	snake	thinking	it	to	be	a	
tion	or	insight	to	boost	it	up,	is	not	real	desire	       fish.	When	told	it	is	a	snake,	he	doesn’t	believe	
for	freedom.	The	disenchantment	arising	out	of	           it,	at	least	not	until	he	meets	a	wise,	benevo-
vipassana	insight	involves	the	entire	mind;	and	          lent	and	sympathetic	teacher,	who	guides	and	
the	 desire	 for	 freedom	 is	 as	 great	 as	 the	 dis-   instructs	him	so	that	he	comes	to	realize	that	it	
enchantment,	so	is	very	real	and	genuine.	This	           is	in	fact	a	snake.	He	then	becomes	afraid	and	
desire	to	escape	from	the	unsatisfactoriness	of	          searches	about	for	a	means	of	killing	it.	He	grabs	
phenomenal	existence	is	as	great	as	the	desire	           the	snake	by	the	neck	and,	lifting	it	above	his
แสงธรรม 6      Saeng Dhamma
head,	swings	it	in	a	circle	until	it	is	worn	out	and	   must	use	all	sorts	of	devices	and	techniques	to	
falls	down	dead.	This	simile	illustrates	the	aris-      weaken	those	tigers	day	by	day	rather	than	try-
ing	of	the	knowledge	that	the	defilements	are	          ing	to	kill	them	outright.	This	intense	search	for	
the	cause	of	people’s	bondage	to	a	condition	           a	way	of	escape	(Patisankhanupassana	-	nana)	
much	to	be	feared	and	dreaded.                          constitutes	the	seventh	step	in	the	Knowledge	
	 If	one	has	no	technique	for	reducing	the	force	       and	Vision	of	the	Progress	along	the	Path.	h)	This	
of	the	defilements	day	by	day,	eradicating	them	        weakening	 of	 the	 defilements	 serves	 to	 make	
is	 bound	 to	 be	 impossible.	 The	 power	 of	 the	    us	progressively	more	and	more	independent	of	
defilements	far	exceeds	that	of	the	still	meag-         and	oblivious	to	things.	So	this	next	step	in	the	
er	 knowledge	 to	 be	 used	 in	 destroying	 them;	     developing	of	right	understanding,	which	results	
hence	 knowledge	 must	 be	 developed	 and	 in-         in	 imperturbability	 with	 respect	 to	 all	 things,	
creased,	 and	 the	 suf-                                                           consists	 in	 seeing	 all	
fering	 produced	 by	                                         Halloween Day phenomena	as	empty,	
the	 defilements	 will	                                                            as	 devoid	 of	 essence,	
simultaneously	 dimin-                                                             as	 devoid	 of	 status	
ish.	 Always	 maintain-                                                            such	 as	 “animal”	 or	
ing	 and	 developing	                                                              “person,”	 devoid	 of	
the	 knowledge	 that	                                                              substance	or	real	per-
all	things	are	transient,	                                                         manence,	 devoid	 of	
worthless	 and	 devoid	                                                            worth	 because	 they	
of	selfhood,	that	they	                                                            are	 thoroughly	 unsat-
are	not	worth	getting	or	being,	serves	to	cut	off	      isfactory,	and	devoid	of	all	attraction	because	
the	food	supply	to	the	defilements,	weakening	          they	 are	 thoroughly	 disenchanting.	 Ultimately	
them	day	by	day.	It	behooves	us	to	build	our-           the	mind	becomes	independent	of	and	unper-
selves	up,	develop,	become	more	skillful	and	           turbed	 by	 anything	 in	 any	 realm	 of	 existence.	
ingenious.	By	this	means,	we	can	conquer	de-            Things	formerly	likable,	desirable	and	infatuat-
filements	the	size	of	mountains,	small	though	          ing,	come	to	be	seen	as	lumps	of	rock	and	earth.
we	may	be.	Our	situation	can	be	compared	to	            	 This	too	has	been	explained	by	means	of	a	
that	of	a	small	mouse	faced	with	the	job	of	kill-       simile.	A	man	who	has	always	loved	a	certain	
ing	several	tigers.	We	have	to	be	really	steadfast	     woman	 may	 one	 day	 experience	 a	 change	 of	
and	always	on	the	lookout	for	means	appropri-           heart	and	stop	loving	her.	For	instance,	he	will	
ate	 to	 a	 small	 mouse.	 If	 we	 get	 nowhere,	 we	   stop	loving	his	wife	if	she	is	unfaithful.	Once	di-
แสงธรรม 7     Saeng Dhamma
vorced,	however,	he	is	free	to	go	ahead	and	do	         	 When	this	stepwise	developing	of	knowledge,	
as	he	pleases;	his	mind	can	be	unperturbed.	And	        from	knowledge	of	arising	and	passing	away	up	
at	this	level	of	knowledge,	conditions	hitherto	        to	the	state	of	readiness	to	perceive	the	Four	
delightful,	each	in	its	own	way,	are	recognized	        Noble	Truths,	has	been	carried	through	to	com-
as	devoid	of	substance,	so	that	one	can	be	in-          pletion,	one	is	said	to	have	achieved	the	fourth	
dependent	of	them	and	unperturbed	by	them	              state	in	vipassana,	or	the	sixth	Purification.	The	
in	all	circumstances,	just	like	the	man	who	be-         pure	and	perfect	knowledge	it	yields	is	an	in-
comes	independent	on	divorcing	his	wife.	This	          strument	that	reveals	to	the	meditator	the	path	
indifference	to	all	phenomena	(Sankharupekkha	          by	which	he	has	come,	and	can	lead	on	to	the	
-	nana)	is	the	eighth	step.                             perfect	 intuitive	 insight	 that	 will	 destroy	 the	
	 i)	 The	 mind	 thus	 independent	 of	 and	 un-        defilements.
moved	 by	 all	 phenomenal	 existence	 is	 ready	                       To be continued
to	perfect	the	Path	and	know	the	Four	Noble	
Truths	(Saccanulomika	-	nana).	At	this	stage	one	             อนุโมทนาขอบคุณเจ้าภาพโรงทานวันกฐิน
                                                              กลุ่มพลังศรัทธา /สมาคมไทยอีสาน
is	all	set	to	overcome	the	defilements,	to	break	
the	 fetters	 binding	 one	 to	 the	 world,	 and	 be-       Ruan Thai Rest. / Nava Thai Rest.
come	an	Aryian	of	one	degree	or	another.	This	is	           Thai Tanic Rest. / Talay Thai Rest.
the	ninth	step	in	the	process	of	Knowledge	and	              Siri’S Chef’s Secret Restaurant
Vision	of	the	Progress	along	the	Path.                        คณะพยาบาลบัลติมอร์ และเพื่อนๆ

      คุณจีระภา หาญวัฒนานุกูล ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณแม่พร้อมจิตต์ แผ้วใจดี ที่จากไปครบ 50 วัน
                                    แสงธรรม 8      Saeng Dhamma

                                                THE WORLD
                                                 By Ajahn Chah
                                                        tually	pretty	stupid.	These	things	aren’t	neces-
  ...Continued from last issue...                       sary	to	know.	Just	knowing	that	there	are	roots	
                                                        and	leaves	is	sufficient.	Do	you	want	to	count	all	

	T        his	is	something	I’ve	often	talked	about.	
          Some	people	have	to	analyze	like	that,	
even	if	they	are	looking	at	a	tree.	Students	in	
                                                        the	leaves	on	a	tree?	If	you	look	at	one	leaf,	you	
                                                        should	be	able	to	get	the	picture.	
                                                        	 It’s	the	same	with	people.	If	we	know	our-
particular	want	to	know	what	merit	and	demerit	         selves,	 then	 we	 understand	 all	 people	 in	 the	
are,	what	form	they	have,	what	they	look	like.	I	       universe	 without	 having	 to	 go	 and	 observe	
explain	to	them	that	these	things	have	no	form.	        them.	 The	 Buddha	 wanted	 us	 to	 look	 at	 our-
Merit	is	in	our	having	correct	understanding,	cor-      selves.	 As	 we	 are,	 so	 are	 others.	 We	 are	 all	
rect	attitude.	But	they	want	to	know	everything	        sāmaññalakkhana,	all	being	of	the	same	charac-
so	clearly	in	such	great	detail.	                       teristics.	All	sankhāras	are	like	this.	
	 So	I’ve	used	the	example	of	a	tree.	The	stu-          	 So	we	practice	samādhi	to	be	able	to	give	
dents	will	look	at	a	tree,	and	they	want	to	know	       up	the	defilements,	to	give	birth	to	knowledge	
all	about	the	parts	of	the	tree.	Well,	a	tree	has	      and	 vision	 and	 let	 go	 of	 the	 five	 khandhas.	
roots,	it	has	leaves.	It	lives	because	of	the	roots.	   Sometimes	people	talk	about	samatha.	Some-
The	 students	 have	 to	 know,	 how	 many	 roots	       times	they	talk	about	vipassanā.	I	feel	this	can	
does	it	have?	Major	roots,	minor	roots,	branch-         become	confusing.	Those	who	practice	samādhi	
es,	leaves,	they	want	to	know	all	the	details	and	      will	praise	samādhi.	But	it	is	just	for	making	the	
numbers.	 Then	 they	 will	 feel	 they	 have	 clear	    mind	 tranquil	 so	 it	 can	 know	 those	 things	 we	
knowledge	about	the	tree.	But	the	Buddha	said	          have	been	talking	about.	
that	a	person	who	wants	such	knowledge	is	ac-           	 Then	there	are	those	who	will	say,	‘’I	don’t
แสงธรรม 9     Saeng Dhamma
need	to	practice	samādhi	so	much.	This	plate	            there?	 This	 is	 what	 supports	 and	 sustains	 our	
will	break	one	day	in	the	future.	Isn’t	that	good	       practice.	If	we	practise	and	get	to	this	point,	I	
enough?	That	will	work,	won’t	it?	I’m	not	very	          think	every	one	of	us	will	realize	genuine	peace.	
skilled	in	samādhi,	but	I	already	know	that	the	         Whether	we	are	undertaking	vipassanā	medita-
plate	must	break	someday.	Yes,	I	take	good	care	         tion	or	samatha	meditation,	just	this	is	what	it’s	
of	it,	because	I’m	afraid	it	will	break,	but	I	know	     really	about.	But	these	days,	it	seems	to	me	that	
that	such	is	its	future,	and	when	it	does	break,	I	      when	Buddhists	talk	about	these	things	accord-
won’t	be	suffering	over	that.	Isn’t	my	view	cor-         ing	to	the	traditional	explanations,	it	becomes	
rect?	I	don’t	need	to	practice	a	lot	of	samādhi,	        vague	and	mixed	up.	But	the	truth	(saccadham-
because	I	already	have	this	understanding.	You	          ma)	isn’t	vague	or	mixed	up.	It	remains	as	it	is.	
practice	 samādhi	 only	 for	 developing	 this	 un-      So	 I	 feel	 it’s	 better	 to	 seek	 out	 the	 source,	
derstanding.	After	training	your	mind	through	sit-       looking	at	the	way	things	originate	in	the	mind.	
ting,	you	came	to	this	view.	I	don’t	sit	much,	but	      There’s	not	a	lot	to	this.	
I	am	already	confident	that	this	is	the	way	of	          	 Birth,	aging,	illness,	and	death:	it’s	brief,	but	
phenomena.’’	                                            it’s	a	universal	truth.	So	see	it	clearly	and	ac-
	 This	is	a	question	for	us	practitioners.	There	        knowledge	 these	 facts.	 If	 you	 acknowledge	
are	 many	 factions	 of	 teachers	 promoting	 their	     them,	 you	 will	 be	 able	 to	 let	 go.	 Gain,	 rank,	
different	methods	of	meditation.	It	can	get	con-         praise,	happiness,	and	their	opposites	-	you	can	
fusing.	But	the	real	point	of	it	all	is	to	be	able	to	   let	 them	 go,	 because	 you	 recognize	 them	 for	
recognize	the	truth,	seeing	things	as	they	really	       what	they	are.	
are	and	being	free	of	doubt.	                            	 If	we	reach	this	place	of	‘recognizing	truth’,	
	 As	I	see	it,	once	we	have	correct	knowledge,	          we	will	be	uncomplicated,	undemanding	peo-
the	mind	comes	under	our	command.	What	is	               ple,	 content	 with	 simple	 food,	 dwelling,	 and	
this	command	about?	The	command	is	in	ani-               other	 requisites	 for	 life,	 easy	 to	 speak	 to	 and	
cca,	 knowing	 that	 everything	 is	 impermanent.	       unassuming	in	our	actions.	Without	difficulty	or	
Everything	stops	here	when	we	see	clearly,	and	          trouble,	we	will	live	at	ease.	One	who	meditates	
it	becomes	the	cause	for	us	letting	go.	Then	we	         and	realizes	a	tranquil	mind	will	be	like	this.	
let	things	be,	according	to	their	nature.	If	noth-       	 At	 present	 we	 are	 trying	 to	 practise	 in	 the	
ing	is	occurring,	we	abide	in	equanimity,	and	if	        way	 of	 the	 Buddha	 and	 his	 disciples.	 Those	
something	comes	up,	we	contemplate:	does	it	             beings	 had	 achieved	 awakening,	 yet	 they	 still	
cause	 us	 to	 have	 suffering?	 Do	 we	 hold	 onto	     maintained	their	practice	as	long	as	they	were	
it	 with	 grasping	 attachment?	 Is	 there	 anything	    living.	They	acted	for	the	benefit	of	themselves
แสงธรรม 10      Saeng Dhamma
and	for	the	benefit	of	others,	yet	even	after	they	        a	clear	state	of	mind	now,	so	I	can’t	practise’’	
had	accomplished	all	that	they	could,	they	still	          will	not	be	heard.	We	won’t	have	such	ideas;	
kept	 up	 their	 practice,	 seeking	 their	 own	 and	      we	will	never	feel	that	way.	Our	practice	is	well	
others’	 well-being	 in	 various	 ways.	 I	 think	 we	     developed	and	complete	-	this	is	how	it	should	
should	take	them	as	the	model	for	our	practice.	           be.	Free	of	doubt	and	perplexity,	we	stop	at	this	
It	means	not	becoming	complacent	-	that	was	               point	and	contemplate.	
their	deeply	ingrained	nature.	They	never	slack-           	 You	 can	 look	 into	 this:	 self-view,	 skeptical	
ened	their	efforts.	Effort	was	their	way,	their	nat-       doubt,	superstitious	attachment	to	rites	and	rit-
ural	habit.	Such	is	the	character	of	the	sages,	of	        uals.	The	first	step	is	to	get	free	of	these.	What-
genuine	practitioners.	                                    ever	sort	of	knowledge	you	gain,	these	are	the	
	 We	can	compare	it	to	rich	people	and	poor	               things	the	mind	needs	to	get	free	of.	What	are	
people.	 The	 rich	 are	 especially	 hard-working,	        they	like	now?	To	what	extent	do	we	still	have	
much	more	so	than	the	poor.	And	the	less	effort	           them?	We	are	the	only	ones	who	can	know	this;	
poor	people	make,	the	less	chance	they	have	               we	have	to	know	for	ourselves.	Who	else	can	
of	becoming	rich.	The	rich	have	knowledge	and	             know	better	than	we?	Self-view,	doubt,	super-
experience	of	a	lot	of	things,	so	they	maintain	           stition:	if	we	are	stuck	in	attachment	here,	have	
the	habit	of	diligence	in	all	they	do.	                    doubt	here,	are	still	groping	here,	then	there	is	
	 Talking	about	taking	a	break	or	getting	some	            the	 conception	 of	 self	 here.	 But	 now	 we	 can	
rest,	 we	 find	 rest	 in	 the	 practice	 itself.	 Once	   only	think,	if	there	is	no	self,	then	who	is	it	that	
we’ve	 practiced	 to	 get	 to	 the	 goal,	 know	 the	      takes	interest	and	practises?	
goal,	 and	 be	 the	 goal,	 then	 when	 we	 are	 ac-       	 All	these	things	go	together.	If	we	come	to	
tive,	there’s	no	way	to	incur	loss	or	be	harmed.	          know	them	through	practice	and	make	an	end	of	
When	we	are	sitting	still,	there	is	no	way	we	can	         them,	then	we	live	in	an	ordinary	way.	Just	like	
be	harmed.	In	all	situations,	nothing	can	affect	          the	Buddha	and	the	ariyas.	They	lived	just	like	
us.	Practice	has	matured	to	fulfillment	and	we	            worldly	beings	(puthujjana).	They	used	the	same	
have	reached	the	destination.	Maybe	today	we	              language	as	worldly	beings.	Their	everyday	exist-
don’t	have	a	chance	to	sit	and	practise	samādhi,	          ence	wasn’t	really	different.	They	used	many	of	
but	we	are	OK.	samādhi	doesn’t	mean	only	sit-              the	same	conventions.	Where	they	differed	was	
ting.	 There	 can	 be	 samādhi	 in	 all	 postures.	 If	    that	they	didn’t	create	suffering	for	themselves	
we	are	really	practising	in	all	postures,	we	will	         with	their	minds.	They	had	no	suffering.	This	is	
enjoy	 samādhi	 thus.	 There	 won’t	 be	 anything	         the	crucial	point,	going	beyond	suffering,	extin-
that	 can	 interfere.	 Such	 words	 as	 ‘’I’m	 not	 in	    guishing	suffering.	Nibbāna	means	‘’extinguish-
แสงธรรม 11     Saeng Dhamma
ing.’’	 Extinguishing	 suffering,	 extinguishing	 heat	   life	and	taking	rebirth	in	the	next	life.	That’s	so	
and	torment,	extinguishing	doubt	and	anxiety.	            far	 away.	 The	 suffering	 of	 birth	 happens	 right	
	 There’s	no	need	to	be	in	doubt	about	the	               now.	 It’s	 said	 that	 becoming	 is	 the	 cause	 of	
practice.	Whenever	there	is	doubt	about	some-             birth.	What	is	this	‘’becoming’’?	Anything	that	
thing,	don’t	have	doubt	about	the	doubt	-	look	           we	attach	to	and	put	meaning	on	is	becoming.	
directly	at	it	and	crush	it	like	that.	                   Whenever	we	see	anything	as	self	or	other	or	
	 In	the	beginning,	we	train	to	pacify	the	mind.	         belonging	 to	 ourselves,	 without	 wise	 discern-
This	can	be	difficult	to	do.	You	have	to	find	a	          ment	to	know	that	such	is	only	a	convention,	
meditation	 that	 suits	 your	 own	 temperament.	         that	is	all	becoming.	Whenever	we	hold	on	to	
That	will	make	it	easier	to	gain	tranquility.	But	in	     something	as	us	or	ours	and	it	then	undergoes	
truth,	the	Buddha	wanted	us	to	return	to	our-             change,	the	mind	is	shaken	by	that.	It	is	shaken	
selves,	 to	 take	 responsibility	 and	 look	 at	 our-    with	a	positive	or	negative	reaction.	That	sense	
selves.	                                                  of	 self	 experiencing	 happiness	 or	 unhappiness	
	 Hot	 is	 anger.	 Too	 cool	 is	 pleasure,	 the	 ex-     is	 birth.	 When	 there	 is	 birth,	 it	 brings	 suffering	
treme	of	indulgence.	If	it’s	hot	it’s	the	extreme	        along	with	it.	Aging	is	suffering,	illness	is	suffer-
of	self-torment.	We	want	neither	hot	nor	cold.	           ing,	death	is	suffering.	
Know	hot	and	cold.	Know	all	things	that	appear.	          	 Right	 now,	 do	 we	 have	 becoming?	 Are	 we	
Do	they	cause	us	to	suffer?	Do	we	form	attach-            aware	of	this	becoming?	For	example,	take	the	
ment	to	them?	Such	as	the	teaching	that	birth	            trees	in	the	monastery.	The	abbot	of	the	mon-
is	suffering:	it	doesn’t	only	mean	dying	from	this	       astery	can	take	birth	as	a	worm	in	every	tree	in	

 ครอบครัวเจตบุตร ครอบครัวศรีภญโญ และครอบครัวปานานนท์ ทำาบุญถวายเพลในวัน Thanksgiving /
คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ ทำาบุญถวายสังฆทานเนื่องในวันเกิดลูกสะใภ้ จึงขออนุโมทนาบุญมา ณ โอกาสนี้
แสงธรรม 12      Saeng Dhamma
the	monastery	if	he	isn’t	aware	of	himself,	if	he	         take	birth,	with	all	the	resultant	sufferings.	This	
feels	that	it	is	really	his	monastery.	This	grasp-         rebirth	happens	right	now,	in	the	present.	This	
ing	at	‘’my’’	monastery	with	‘’my’’	orchard	and	           glass	breaks	right	now,	and	we	are	upset	right	
‘’my’’	trees	is	the	worm	that	latches	on	there.	           now.	 This	 glass	 isn’t	 broken	 now,	 and	 we	 are	
If	there	are	thousands	of	trees,	he	will	become	           happy	about	it	now.	This	is	how	it	happens,	be-
a	worm	thousands	of	times.	This	is	becoming.	              ing	upset	or	being	happy	without	any	wisdom	
When	the	trees	are	cut	or	meet	with	any	harm,	             in	control.	One	only	meets	with	ruination.	You	
the	worms	are	affected;	the	mind	is	shaken	and	            don’t	need	to	look	far	away	to	understand	this.	
takes	birth	with	all	this	anxiety.	Then	there	is	the	      When	you	focus	your	attention	here,	you	can	
suffering	of	birth,	the	suffering	of	aging,	and	so	        know	whether	or	not	there	is	becoming.	Then,	
forth.	Are	you	aware	of	the	way	this	happens?	             when	it	is	happening,	are	you	aware	of	it?	Are	
Well,	 those	 objects	 in	 our	 homes	 or	 our	 or-        you	aware	of	convention	and	supposition?	Do	
chards	are	still	a	little	far	away.	Let’s	look	right	      you	understand	them?	It’s	the	grasping	attach-
at	 ourselves	 sitting	 here.	 We	 are	 composed	          ment	that	is	the	vital	point,	whether	or	not	we	
of	 the	 five	 aggregates	 and	 the	 four	 elements.	      are	 really	 believing	 in	 the	 designations	 of	 me	
These	 sankhāras	 are	 designated	 as	 a	 self.	 Do	       and	mine.	This	grasping	is	the	worm,	and	it	is	
you	see	these	sankhāras	and	these	suppositions	            what	causes	birth.	
as	 they	 really	 are?	 If	 you	 don’t	 see	 the	 truth	   	 Where	 is	 this	 attachment?	 Grasping	 onto	
of	 them,	 there	 is	 becoming,	 being	 gladdened	         form,	 feeling,	 perception,	 thoughts,	 and	 con-
or	 depressed	 over	 the	 five	 khandhas,	 and	 we	        sciousness,	 we	 attach	 to	 happiness	 and	 un-

 น.อ. ไกรศรี เกษร รน. ผู้ช่วยทูตฝ่ายทหารเรือ พร้อมภริยา ทำาบุญวันกองทัพเรือ
 ทำาบุญขึนบ้านใหม่ เพืออุทศส่วนบุญให้บรรพบุรษและเพือเป็นสิรมงคลแก่ชวต 19 พ.ย. 53
         ้            ่ ิ                   ุ      ่       ิ       ีิ
แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma
happiness,	and	we	become	obscured	and	take	              	 I	have	a	Dhamma	friend	in	central	Thailand.	
birth.	It	happens	when	we	have	contact	through	          In	the	old	days	we	practiced	together,	but	we	
the	senses.	The	eyes	see	forms,	and	it	happens	          went	our	separate	ways	long	ago.	Recently	I	saw	
in	the	present.	This	is	what	the	Buddha	wanted	          him.	 He	 practises	 the	 foundations	 of	 mindful-
us	to	look	at,	to	recognize	becoming	and	birth	          ness,	reciting	the	sutta	and	giving	discourses	on	
as	they	occur	through	our	senses.	If	we	know	            it.	 But	 he	 hadn’t	 resolved	 his	 doubts	 yet.	 He	
them,	we	can	let	go,	internally	and	externally,	         prostrated	to	me	and	said,	‘’Oh,	Ajahn,	I’m	so	
the	inner	senses	and	the	external	objects.	This	         happy	to	see	you!’’	I	asked	him	why.	He	told	
can	be	seen	in	the	present.	It’s	not	something	          me	he	had	gone	to	some	shrine	where	people	
that	 happens	 when	 we	 die	 from	 this	 life.	 It’s	   go	for	divinations.	He	held	the	 Buddha	 statue	
the	 eye	 seeing	 forms	 right	 now,	 the	 ear	 hear-    and	said,	‘’If	I	have	already	attained	the	state	
ing	sounds	right	now,	the	nose	smelling	aromas	          of	purity,	may	I	be	able	to	raise	up	this	statue.	If	
right	now,	the	tongue	tasting	flavours	right	now.	       I	have	not	yet	attained	the	state	of	purity,	may	
Are	you	taking	birth	with	them?	Be	aware	and	            I	not	be	able	to	raise	it	up.’’	And	then	he	was	
recognize	birth	right	as	it	happens.	This	way	is	        able	to	raise	it	up,	which	made	him	very	delight-
better.	                                                 ed.	Just	this	little	act,	which	has	no	real	basis	in	
	 To	do	this	requires	having	wisdom	to	stead-            anything,	meant	so	much	to	him	and	made	him	
ily	apply	mindfulness	and	clear	comprehension.	          think	he	was	pure.	So	he	had	it	engraved	on	a	
Then	you	can	be	aware	of	yourself	and	know	              stone	to	say	‘’I	raised	up	the	Buddha	statue	and	
when	you	are	undergoing	becoming	and	birth.	             have	thus	attained	the	state	of	purity.’’	
You	won’t	need	to	ask	a	fortune-teller.	                                  To be continued

   คุณวิสุทธิ์-คุณสรินทิพย์ โค้ว พร้อมครอบครัว ญาติสนิทมิตรสหาย
 ทำาบุญอุทศให้คณแม่ทพย์เรียน บุปผาพันธุ์ ทีจากไปครบ 100 วัน 28 พ.ย. 53
          ิ     ุ     ิ                    ่
แสงธรรม 14       Saeng Dhamma

                                                                  MY (VERY BRIEF) LIFE
                                                             AS A BUDDHIST MONK
                                                                      Part IlI:          Retreat
                                                                      By Matthew R.G. Regan

	B        arely	three	days	after	my	ordination	as	a	monk,	
          I	was	sitting	in	the	backseat	of	a	rental	van,	
pulling	up	the	dark	driveway	of	Wat	Pa	Santidhamma,	
                                                             room	when	I	woke	up	the	next	morning.	Quietly,	so	not	
                                                             to	disturb	him,	I	gathered	my	things,	and	tiptoed	out	of	
                                                             the	room	into	the	kitchen	area	of	the	kuti	(monks’	living	
200	miles	away	from	the	familiar	confines	of	Wat	Thai	       quarters),	where	I	tried,	without	success,	to	put	on	my	
DC.	Four	hours	earlier,	I	had	departed	Wat	Thai	with	        outer	robe	by	myself.	Luckily,	my	good	friend	Luang	Pi	
Ajahn	Thanat,	Ajahn	Ampol,	and	Steve	Brown,	a	good	          Joe,	who	was	also	a	temporary	monk	like	me,	was	there	
dhamma	friend	I	had	just	met	a	few	days	before	at	           to	help	me.	Even	though	I	was	on	retreat,	miles	away	
my	ordination	ceremony,	to	undertake	the	week-long	          from	Wat	Thai,	some	things	hadn’t	changed.
retreat	that	would	occupy	the	majority	of	my	time	as	a	      	 As	Luang	Pi	Joe	and	I	walked	to	the	chanting	hall,	
monk.	But	now,	on	the	dark	and	quiet	grounds	of	Wat	         I	was	struck	by	the	calm	surrounding	of	Wat	Pa.	I	had	
Pa,	all	of	that	seemed	like	a	distant	memory.	As	we	         never	visited	before,	and	in	the	darkness	of	our	arrival	
unloaded	the	van	and	prepared	our	sleeping	places,	I	        the	last	evening,	I	had	barely	been	able	to	see	the	
reflected	on	what	a	long	journey	my	temporary	ordi-          ground	below	me,	let	alone	the	calm	forest	that	sur-
nation	had	already	been,	and	how,	in	many	ways,	the	         rounded	the	temple	grounds.	After	morning	chanting,	
hard	work	was	just	beginning.                                Ajahn	Ampol	lead	Steve	and	I	on	walking	meditation	
	 I	slept	well	that	night,	really	out	of	exhaustion	         tour	of	the	grounds,	where	we	became	more	familiar	
more	than	anything	else,	and	also	because	I	knew	            with	the	paths	and	clearings	where	we	would	spend	
that	a	good	night’s	sleep	would	be	essential	to	get	         a	great	deal	of	time	over	the	next	few	days.	In	the	
the	most	out	of	the	intensive	meditation	practice	I	         quiet	morning	air,	I	could	feel	myself	relaxing	and	my	
had	planned	to	do	the	next	day.	I	slept	so	sound-            resolve	to	practice	hard	that	day	growing	strong.
ly,	in	fact,	that	I	didn’t	even	notice	when	the	monk	        	 My	 resolve	 continued	 through	 breakfast	 and	
whose	room	I	was	sharing	came	in,	although	I	was	            the	morning	session.	When	it	came	time	for	lunch,	
surprised	to	see	him	sleeping	on	the	other	side	of	the	      I	was	surprised	to	discover	that,	even	though	it	was
แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma
a	 weekday,	 the	 people	 of	 Wat	 Pa	 had	 brought	 us	       solved,	I	spent	my	next	days	at	Wat	Pa	with	renewed	
a	feast	of	wonderful	food.	And	as	an	even	greater	             vigor.	I	tried	to	take	every	opportunity	to	enjoy	the	
surprise,	I	learned	that	we	would	eat	this	lunch	out	          quiet	 grounds	 for	 walking	 and	 sitting	 meditation,	
of	our	begging	bowls,	in	the	style	of	forest	monks.	           and	having	good	dhamma	discussion	with	the	other	
This	even	further	strengthened	my	resolve	to	spend	            monks	and	the	laypeople	that	had	come	to	partici-
the	rest	of	the	day	practicing	as	hard	as	I	could.	But	        pate	in	the	retreat.	I	tried	my	best	to	take	advantage	
when	the	afternoon	meditation	session	began,	I	no-             of	the	simplicity	of	my	surroundings,	and	shed	the	
ticed	something	odd.	My	concentration	was	not	as	              attachments	that	had	such	a	firm	grip	on	me—from	
good	as	it	had	been	in	the	morning,	and	a	dull	pain	           drinking	caffeine	to	the	urge	to	check	the	news.		But	
was	throbbing	in	the	back	of	my	head.	I	tried	my	best	         sadly,	our	time	at	Wat	Pa	was	already	drawing	to	an	end.	
to	use	all	the	techniques	I	had	learned	to	deal	with	          	 Just	 three	 days	 after	 our	 arrival	 in	 the	 dark,	 I	
pain,	 but	 to	 my	 horror,	 none	 of	 them	 seemed	 to	       found	myself	once	again	in	the	back	seat	of	Steve’s	
work.	Despite	all	my	efforts	and	all	my	enthusiasm,	           van,	along	with	Ajahn	Thanat,	Ajahn	Ampol,	my	new	
the	headache	only	grew,	and	by	the	time	the	medi-              friend	Luang	P	Joe,	and	two	other	monks	from	Wat	
tation	session	ended,	I	was	frustrated	and	demoral-            Pa,	 the	 Abbot	 and	 Luang	 P	 Piya.	 The	 seven	 of	 us	
ized.	Why	did	I	feel	so	bad?	Was	I	getting	sick?               were	going	to	Charlottesville,	VA	to	visit	a	devoted	
	 My	headache	continued	for	several	hours	more,	               Buddhist	family	there	that	owned	a	restaurant	and	
and	whatever	task	I	seemed	to	do,	it	followed	me.	It	          had	invited	us	to	eat	lunch	there.	Afterward,	Ajahn	
was	only	after	a	lay	person	offered	me	a	Pepsi	after	          Ampol	 told	 us,	 we	 were	 going	 to	 practice	 tudong,	
a	dhamma	discussion	later	that	afternoon	that	I	real-          the	 method	 of	 forest	 monks:	 sleeping	 under	 the	
ized	what	was	going	on—I	was	experiencing	caffeine	            stars,	walking	in	the	midst	of	nature,	and	living	very,	
withdrawal!	In	my	lay	life,	I	had	a	steady	coffee	habit,	      very	simply.	Already,	in	my	short	life	as	a	monk,	I	had	
and	as	I	reflected	on	my	first	few	days	as	I	monk,	            seen	the	life	of	a	busy	temple	like	Wat	Thai	and	the	
I	 realized	 that	 I	 had	 inadvertently	 been	 feeding	 it	   quiet	sandy	paths	of	Wat	Pa.	Now,	we	were	heading	
while	I	was	a	monk	as	well.	This	had	been	the	first	           for	the	mountains.				
morning	that	I	had	not	had	coffee	with	my	break-                            To be Continued next month.
fast,	and	I	was	beginning	to	realize	what	a	powerful	
grip	a	simple	chemical	had	over	my	life.	It	amazed	
me	to	realize	how	much	power	it	had	over	me.	Al-
though	I	cannot	say	that	I	have	been	fully	successful	
in	eliminating	caffeine’s	grip	on	me,	either	during	my	
temporary	ordination	or	later	on,	I	have	made	a	con-
certed	effort	to	work	with	the	insight	I	had	that	day,	
and	loosen	the	grasp	it	has	on	my	daily	routine.
	 With	the	case	of	my	mysterious	headaches	now	                  นักเรียนจาก River Hill High Shool นั่งสมาธิที่วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.
แสงธรรม 16     Saeng Dhamma

 The Hot News of World Buddhism
�‹Disgraced‹Ex-Congressman‹Bob‹Ney‹Study-                	 “You	pick	a	quiet	spot,	as	quiet	as	you	can	
ing‹Buddhism‹at‹Indian‹Temple.	                          get,”	Ney	told	the	National	Journal.	“You	can	do	
	 by Christopher Weber, Politics Daily, Nov 22, 2010     it	 any	 length	 of	 time	 you	 want.	 I	 usually	 do	 it	

	D       haramsala,	 India	 --	 He’s	 traveled	 quite	
         a	 path.	 Former	 Rep.	 Bob	 Ney	 (R-Ohio)	
served	 six	 terms	 in	 Congress,	 then	 spent	 17	
                                                         about	10	or	15	minutes.	And	you	focus	on	your	
                                                         breathing.	...	Breath	in,	breath	out.	If	you	hear	a	
                                                         sound,	you	acknowledge	it	and	you	just	move	on	
months	in	federal	prison	for	his	role	in	the	Jack	       back	to	your	breathing.”
Abramoff	scandal.	Now	he	is	studying	meditation	         	 He	said	he	plans	to	bring	a	Tibetan	monk	back	
at	a	Buddhist	Temple	in	India.                           to	 Ohio	 with	 him	 to	 train	 others	 in	 meditation.	
	 Ney,	56,	told	the	National	Journal	in	a	phone	         He	wants	to	help	the	homeless,	battered	women	
interview	that	since	September	he	has	lived	in	a	        and	veterans	suffering	from	post-traumatic	stress	
$10-a-day	rented	room	in	Dharamsala,	the	Dalai	          syndrome.
Lama’s	 headquarters-in-exile	 for	 more	 than	 50	      	 “My	life	is	good,”	he	said.	“I’m	a	very	lucky	
years.	The	ex-congressman	quit	drinking,	dropped	        person,	and	I’m	just	very	happy	--	very,	very	hap-
60	pounds	and	spends	his	days	meditating	with	           py.	I’m	doing	what	I	want	to	do.”
monks	and	learning	the	Tibetan	language.
	 Ney,	who	pleaded	guilty	to	conspiring	to	de-           �‹Positive‹Well-Being‹to‹Higher‹Telomerase:‹Psy-
fraud	the	government	and	making	false	statements,	       chological‹Changes‹from‹Meditation‹Training‹
said	he	started	to	try	to	meditate	while	in	prison	to	   Linked‹to‹Cellular‹Health.
help	him	cope	with	the	stress	of	being	locked	up.	       	 ScienceDaily, Nov. 4, 2010
Something	about	it	clicked	with	him,	he	said,	and	
now	he	practices	meditation	daily.                       	S     an	Francisco,	CA	(USA)	--	Positive	psycho-
                                                                logical	changes	that	occur	during	medita-
แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma
tion	training	are	associated	with	greater	telomerase	      crinology	 and	 will	 soon	 appear	 in	 print.	 It	 is	 a	
activity,	according	to	researchers	at	the	University	      product	of	the	UC	Davis-based	Shamatha	Project,	
of	California,	Davis,	and	the	University	of	California,	   led	by	Saron,	one	of	the	first	long-term,	detailed,	
San	Francisco.	The	study	is	the	first	to	link	positive	    matched	control-group	studies	of	the	effects	of	
well-being	to	higher	telomerase,	an	enzyme	impor-          intensive	meditation	training	on	mind	and	body.	
tant	for	the	long-term	health	of	cells	in	the	body.        	 “This	work	is	among	the	first	to	show	a	rela-
	 The	effect	appears	to	be	attributable	to	psy-            tion	between	positive	psychological	change	and	
chological	changes	that	                                                                telomerase	 activity.	
increase	 a	 person’s	                                                                  Because	 the	 finding	 is	
ability	 to	 cope	 with	                                                                new,	 it	 should	 serve	
stress	 and	 maintain	                                                                  to	 inspire	 future	 stud-
feelings	of	well-being.                                                                 ies	to	replicate	and	ex-
	 “We	 have	 found	                                                                     tend	what	we	found,”	
that	 meditation	 pro-                                                                  Jacobs	said.
motes	 positive	 psy-                                                                   	 Elizabeth	        Black-
chological	 changes,	                                                                   burn,	professor	of	biol-
and	 that	 meditators	                                                                  ogy	 and	 physiology	 at	
showing	 the	 greatest	                                                                 UCSF,	is	a	co-author	of	
improvement	 on	 vari-                                                                  the	 paper.	 Blackburn	
ous	psychological	measures	had	the	highest	lev-            shared	 the	 2009	 Nobel	 Prize	 for	 physiology	 or	
els	of	telomerase,”	said	Clifford	Saron,	associate	        medicine	 for	 discovering	 telomeres	 and	 telom-
research	scientist	at	the	UC	Davis	Center	for	Mind	        erase.	Other	co-authors	include	UCSF	colleagues	
and	Brain.                                                 Elissa	Epel,	associate	professor	of	psychiatry;	as-
	 The	take-home	message	from	this	work	is	not	             sistant	 research	 biochemist	 Jue	 Lin;	 and	 Owen	
that	meditation	directly	increases	telomerase	ac-          Wolkowitz,	professor	of	psychiatry.
tivity	and	therefore	a	person’s	health	and	longev-         	 Telomeres	are	sequences	of	DNA	at	the	end	
ity,”	Saron	said.	“Rather,	meditation	may	improve	         of	chromosomes	that	tend	to	get	shorter	every	
a	person’s	psychological	well-being	and	in	turn	           time	a	cell	divides.	When	telomeres	drop	below	a	
these	 changes	 are	 related	 to	 telomerase	 activ-       critical	length,	the	cell	can	no	longer	divide	prop-
ity	in	immune	cells,	which	has	the	potential	to	           erly	and	eventually	dies.
promote	 longevity	 in	 those	 cells.	 Activities	 that	   	 Telomerase	is	an	enzyme	that	can	rebuild	and	
increase	a	person’s	sense	of	well-being	may	have	          lengthen	 telomeres.	 Other	 studies	 suggest	 that	
a	profound	effect	on	the	most	fundamental	as-              telomerase	activity	may	be	a	link	between	psy-
pects	of	their	physiology.”                                chological	stress	and	physical	health.
	 The	study,	with	UC	Davis	postdoctoral	schol-             	 The	research	team	measured	telomerase	activ-
ar	 Tonya	 Jacobs	 as	 lead	 author,	 was	 published	      ity	in	participants	in	the	Shamatha	Project	at	the	
online	Oct.	29	in	the	journal	Psychoneuroendo-             end	of	a	three-month	intensive	meditation	retreat.
แสงธรรม 18      Saeng Dhamma
	 Telomerase	activity	was	about	one-third	high-            	 The	 Shamatha	 Project	 has	 drawn	 the	 atten-
er	 in	 the	 white	 blood	 cells	 of	 participants	 who	   tion	of	scientists	and	Buddhist	scholars	alike,	in-
had	 completed	 the	 retreat	 than	 in	 a	 matched	        cluding	 the	 Dalai	 Lama,	 who	 has	 endorsed	 the	
group	of	controls.                                         project.
	 The	retreat	participants	also	showed	increases	          	 Saron	 and	 his	 colleagues	 are	 now	 analyzing	
in	such	beneficial	psychological	qualities	as	per-         and	publishing	other	findings	from	the	project.	In	
ceived	control	(over	one’s	life	and	surroundings),	        a	paper	published	this	summer	in	Psychological	
mindfulness	(being	able	to	observe	one’s	experi-           Science,	 Katherine	 MacLean,	 a	 recent	 UC	 Davis	
ence	in	a	nonreactive	manner)	and	purpose	in	life	         Ph.D.	graduate	now	at	Johns	Hopkins	University,	
(viewing	one’s	life	as	meaningful,	worthwhile	and	         reported	that	meditators	were	better	at	making	
aligned	with	long-term	goals	and	values).	In	addi-         fine	 visual	 distinctions	 and	 sustaining	 attention	
tion,	they	experienced	decreased	neuroticism,	or	          over	a	long	period.
negative	emotionality.                                     	 The	 group’s	 next	 research	 article,	 currently	
	 Using	statistical	modeling	techniques,	the	re-           in	 press	 in	 the	 journal	 Emotion,	 will	 describe	 a	
searchers	concluded	that	high	telomerase	activity	         meditation-related	 reduction	 in	 impulsive	 reac-
was	due	to	the	beneficial	effects	of	meditation	on	        tions,	which	was	linked	in	turn	to	enhancement	in	
perceived	control	and	neuroticism,	which	in	turn	          positive	psychological	functioning.	UC	Davis	post-
were	due	to	changes	in	mindfulness	and	sense	of	           doctoral	researcher	Baljinder	Sahdra	is	the	lead	
purpose.                                                   author	on	that	paper.
	 The	 Shamatha	 Project	 is	 the	 most	 compre-           	 Additional	 co-authors	 on	 the	 current	 paper	
hensive	longitudinal	study	of	intensive	meditation	        are:	UC	Davis	graduate	students	Stephen	Aichele,	
yet	undertaken.                                            Anthony	Zanesco	and	Brandon	King;	Sahdra,	As-
	 The	intensive	meditation	retreat	took	place	at	          sociate	Professor	Emilio	Ferrer	and	Distinguished	
the	 Shambhala	 Mountain	 Center	 in	 Red	 Feather	        Professor	 Phillip	 Shaver	 from	 the	 UC	 Davis	 De-
Lakes,	 Colo.	 The	 study	 included	 30	 participants	     partment	of	Psychology;	consulting	scientist	Erika	
each	in	the	retreat	and	control	groups.	Participants	      Rosenberg	from	the	UC	Davis	Center	for	Mind	and	
received	 ongoing	 instruction	 in	 meditation	 tech-      Brain;	and	from	UC	Irvine,	graduate	student	David	
niques	from	Buddhist	scholar,	author	and	teacher	          Bridwell	of	the	Department	of	Cognitive	Science.
B.	Alan	Wallace	of	the	Santa	Barbara	Institute	for	        	 Major	support	for	the	Shamatha	Project	comes	
Consciousness	Studies.	They	attended	group	medi-           from	the	Fetzer	Institute	and	the	Hershey	Fam-
tation	 sessions	 twice	 a	 day	 and	 engaged	 in	 indi-   ily	 Foundation.	 Additional	 support	 comes	 from	
vidual	practice	for	about	six	hours	a	day.                 numerous	private	foundations	including	the	Bau-
	 A	control	group	of	30	people	matched	for	age,	           mann	Foundation;	the	Tan	Teo	Charitable	Foun-
sex,	education,	ethnicity	and	meditation	experi-           dation;	the	Yoga	Research	and	Education	Founda-
ence	was	assessed	at	the	same	time	and	in	the	             tion;	and	individual	donors.	Individual	researchers	
same	place,	but	did	not	otherwise	attend	medita-           also	received	fellowship	and	other	support	from	
tion	training	at	that	time.                                the	National	Science	Foundation;	the	Social	Sci-
แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma
ences,	 Humanities	 Research	 Council	 of	 Canada;	        two	ways	followers	try	to	achieve	nirvana.
and	the	Barney	and	Barbro	Fund.                            	 Saturday’s	 ceremony	 involves	 venerating	 28	
	 Science	Daily	Editor’s	Note:	This	article	is	not	        past	Buddhas	with	flowers,	lighted	oil	lamps,	in-
intended	 to	 provide	 medical	 advice,	 diagnosis	or	     cense	 and	 other	 offerings	 and	 acknowledging	
treatment.	The	above	story	is	reprinted	(with	edito-       their	exceptional	qualities	and	contributions.
rial	adaptations	by	ScienceDaily	staff)	from	materi-       	 The	ceremony	is	rarely	done	outside	Sri	Lanka.
als	provided	by	University	of	California	-	Davis.          	 Ten	 Buddhist	 monks,	 most	 from	 temples	 in	
                                                           California,	Las	Vegas	and	Oregon,	will	preside.	The	
�‹Mesa‹ Buddhist‹ center‹ to‹ hold‹ ceremony‹              service	is	open	to	the	public.
rarely‹done‹in‹West.                                       	 “I	consider	it	a	great	opportunity	to	be	able	
	 by Srianthi Perera, The Arizona Republic, Nov.           to	participate	in	this,”	said	Chamath	Abhayaguna-
12, 2010                                                   wardhana	of	Chandler.	“In	North	America,	there	

	M         esa,	 Arizona	 (USA)	 --	 A	 Buddhist	 cere-
           mony	rarely	performed	in	the	Western	
world	is	scheduled	to	take	place	in	Mesa	on	Sat-
                                                           aren’t	many	Buddhist	temples.”
                                                           	 Abhayagunawardhana	said	that	even	though	
                                                           the	 ceremony	 is	 held	 occasionally	 in	 Sri	 Lanka,	
urday.                                                     his	native	land,	he	never	had	an	opportunity	to	
	 The	Arizona	International	Buddhist	Meditation	           attend	one	there.
Center	will	hold	the	Atavisi	Buddha	Puja,	a	devo-          	 According	 to	 teachings,	 Buddhas	 in	 the	 past	
tional	ceremony	to	pay	homage	to	the	28	Bud-               have	 spent	 countless	 numbers	 of	 lives	 striving	
dhas	in	this	eon.	An	eon	in	Buddhism	is	a	count-           to	develop	the	qualities	that	helped	them	attain	
less,	but	not	infinite,	period	of	time.	                   ultimate	 realization	 or	 Buddhahood.	 Having	 at-
	 “The	goal	of	the	ceremony	is	to	generate	as	             tained	it,	the	Buddhas	discover	the	true	nature	of	
much	 merit	 as	 possible	 to	 free	 ourselves	 from	      existence	and	explain	it	to	the	world.
suffering,”	 said	 the	 Venerable	 Ananda,	 principle	     	 “We	pay	respect	to	all	the	great	qualities	that	
monk.                                                      Buddhas	 have	 perfected	 over	 such	 a	 long	 time	
	 The	Ven.	Ananda	said	the	ceremony	creates	               and	use	them	to	guide	our	lives,”	said	Abhaya-
an	atmos-	phere	of	tranquility,	which	leads	to	a	          gunawardhana,	an	engineer.
calm	mind	that	in	turn	generates	positive	thoughts	        	 “It’s	extremely	difficult	to	develop	a	full	un-
that	could	continue	in	their	daily	lives.                  derstanding	of	existence	as	it	really	is	without	the	
	 Buddhists	believe	all	living	beings	are	subject	         teaching	of	a	Buddha,	due	to	defilements	in	our	
to	an	endless	cycle	of	births	and	deaths,	as	well	         minds.	Hence,	we	express	our	gratitude	for	show-
as	suffering	in	various	forms.                             ing	 us	 the	 way	 to	 train	 our	 minds	 towards	 this	
	 The	ultimate	goal	is	to	purify	the	mind.	That	           goal.”
leads	to	liberation	from	this	cycle	by	attaining				nir-   	 The	 concept	 of	 acknowledging	 the	 28	 Bud-
vana,	a	freeing	of	the	spiritual	self	from	attachment	     dhas	is	prevalent	in	countries	that	practice	Thera-
to	 worldly	 things.	 Venerating,	 and	 observing	 the	    vada	Buddhism	such	as	Myanmar,	Thailand	and	
teachings	 of	 Buddhas,	 as	 well	 as	 meditation	 are	    Cambodia.
แสงธรรม 20       Saeng Dhamma
	 Shane	Wilson,	who	conducts	meditation	class-                side	the	Dalai	Lama,	he	is	one	of	the	most	rec-
es	at	the	Mesa	center,	said	that	Westerners	who	              ognized	contemporary	Buddhists,	and	has	tens	of	
practice	Buddhism	in	America	don’t	embrace	cer-               thousands	of	followers.
emonies	or	rituals.	Instead,	they	practice	medita-
tion	and	read	the	dhamma,	or	Buddhist	teachings.              �‹The‹ World’s‹ Oldest‹ Buddhist‹ Scriptures‹
	 “A	lot	of	times,	they	don’t	quite	understand	the	           Displays‹in‹Thailand
rituals,”	 he	 said.	 “People	 are	 interested,	 but	 they	   	 by Pimjai Chaimongkol, ScandAsia, Nov 11,
think	it’s	more	of	a	cultural	thing	rather	than	religion.	    2010
I	don’t	think	that’s	a	reason	to	stay	away	from	it.”
	 Wilson	-	a	Buddhist	for	15	years,	who	has	lived	
in	Thailand,	a	predominantly	Buddhist	country	-	
noted	that	Americans	often	crave	the	cultural	ex-
periences	they	find	in	foreign	travel.
	 “There	are	cultural	experiences	right	in	their	
backyard.	 If	 more	 people	 can	 understand	 and	
take	part	in	that,	it	would	be	good,”	he	said.

�‹Europe’s‹ largest‹ Buddhist‹ centre‹ to‹ be‹
    DPA, Nov 19, 2010

	B       erlin,	 Germany	 --	 Europe’s	 largest	 Bud-
         dhist	 centre	 has	 got	 the	 go-ahead	 for	 a	
site	at	a	former	military	complex	outside	Cologne,	
it	was	confirmed	Friday.
		 The	complex	will	house	60-80	monks	plus	up	
to	200	guests.	
	 There	 are	 already	 20	 Buddhist	 monks	 and	

nuns	living	on	the	site	in	Waldbroel,	50	km	east	
of	Cologne.                                                              angkok,	 Thailand	 --	 The	 World’s	 oldest	
	 The	 10-million	 euro	 ($14-million)	 project,	 by	                    Buddhist	 Scriptures	 are	 exhibited	 for	
the	European	Institute	of	Applied	Buddhism,	is	to	            the	first	time	in	Thailand	at	the	Phutthamonthon	
provide	seminars	and	courses,	teaching	strategies	            Buddhist	Park	in	Nakhon	Pathom	province	from	8	
to	deal	with	issues	such	as	conflict,	anger	or	grief.         November	2010	to	5	February	2011.
The	centre	is	expected	to	open	in	2015.                       	 Norway	played	an	important	role	in	recently	
	 The	European	Institute	of	Applied	Buddhism	                 moving	the	scriptures	to	safety	from	Taleban	at-
was	set	up	by	a	Buddhist	monk,	Thich	Nhat	Hanh,	              tacks	ten	years	ago.	The	pubic	display	in	Thailand	
who	was	banished	from	Vietnam	in	1966.	Along-                 takes	place	in	honour	of	the	seventh	cycle	birth-
แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma
day	of	His	Majesty	the	King	on	the	5th	of	Decem-                     Taliban	attacks	and	took	refuge	in	caves	from	1993	to	
ber	next	year.                                                       1995.	The	Bamiyan	people	then	took	the	scriptures	
	 The	scriptures	are	the	world’s	most	ancient	                       to	Pakistan	to	save	them	from	destruction	by	the	
Tripitaka	 scriptures	 more	 than	 2,000	 years	 old.	               extremist	Muslim	Taliban				government.
Some	parts	of	the	ancient	scriptures	have	disin-                     	 		 Norway	 and	 Britain	 then	 secretly	 moved	
tegrated.	More	than	10,000	pieces	will	be	on	dis-                    the	scriptures	out	of	Pakistan	from	1997	to	2000.	
play	at	the	exhibition.                                              They	brought	out	5,000	complete	scriptures	and	
	 Buddha’s	 teachings	 were	 first	 recorded	 on	                    8,000	 pieces	 of	 broken	 scriptures	 inscribed	 on	
                                                                         palm	leaves,	bark,	leather	and	brass	plates.
                                                                         		 Phra	 Thammasitthinayok,	 Deputy	 Prime	
                                                                         Minister	Sanan	Kachornprasart	and	more	than	
                                                                         30	 Buddhist	 monks	 and	 Thai	 representatives	
                                                                         had	brought	the	scriptures	from	Norway	back	
                                                                         for	 display	 in	 Thailand	 for	 the	 first	 time.	 Al-
                                                                         though	the	deputy	abbot	spent	more	than	a	
                                                                         year	seeking	the	scriptures	for	an	exhibition	in	
                                                                         Thailand,	he	finally	succeeded	as	a	result	of	
palm	leaves	during	the	first	century	BC.	The	scrip-                  a	 government-to-government	 deal.	 “More	 than	
tures	were	written	with	“Prommi”	characters	that	                    10,000	pieces	of	broken	scriptures	displays	at	at	
were	used	during	Buddha’s	time	and	serve	as	evi-                     the	 Phutthamonthon	 Buddhist	 Park	 in	 Nakhon	
dence	that	the	scriptures	are	the	world’s	oldest.                    Pathom	province”
	 The	 scriptures	 were	 discovered	 in	 caves	 in	 Af-
ghanistan	 by	 Bamiyan	 people	 who	 escaped	 from	

                                                                            คุณกาญจนา เกาฏีระ และลูกหลาน
                                                                         ถวายพานทอง 5 คู่ ขนาดสูง 7 นิ้ว กว้าง 8 นิ้ว
                                                                      ถวายพานทอง 5 คู่ ขนาด สูง 6 นิ้ว กว้าง 6 นิ้วครึ่ง
                                                                                     ททโต ปุญฺญํ ปวฑฺฒติ.
คุณลองรัก-คุณวราลี ภูศรี ทำาบุญเลียงพระเพือเป็นสิรมงคลแก่ชวต ทีบาน
                                  ้       ่       ิ       ีิ ่ ้
แสงธรรม 22    Saeng Dhamma
                    ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.

                    Those	who	are	interested	in	Thai	Theravada	Buddhism	and	mem-
                    bers	of	the	general	public	are	cordially	invited	to	Wat	Thai,	D.C.,	
                    Temple	to	pay	their	respect	to	or	simply	view	the	Buddha	relics	on	
                    display	in	the	chanting	hall.

                        18 ธันวาคม 2553
  ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี.
           � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี
           � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา
           � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา
           ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 น.
แสงธรรม 23    Saeng Dhamma

                                      เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย
                                                        พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี)

                             ผู ้ น� ำ หลงทำง
	 	                มุฬฺโห อตฺถํ น ชานาติ     มุฬฺโห ธมฺมํ น ปสฺสติ
                   อนฺธตมํ ตทา โหติ          ยํ โมโห สหเต นรํ.
           คนหลงย่อมไม่รู้อรรถ คนหลงย่อมไม่เห็นธรรม ความหลงครอบงํานรชน
           เมื่อไร ความมืดมิดย่อมมีเมื่อนั้น

	 ปั      จจุบันทุกวันนี้	 เป็นยุคแห่งคนในสังคมส่วน
เห็นว่าธรรมะไม่มีความส�าคัญ	 และไม่จ�าเป็นที่จะต้อง
                                                       ส�าคัญที่จิตใจ	ใจเป็นใหญ่	ใจเป็นประธาน	ส�าเร็จแล้วที่
                                                       ใจ	 เมื่อจิตใจมีความส�าคัญเช่นนี้	 คนเราทุกคนจึงควร
                                                       เอาใจใส่	 	 ฝึกฝนอบรมจิตใจของตนให้เจริญด้วยศีล	
มาด�าเนินชีวิตประจ�าวัน	เมื่อคนส่วนใหญ่ในสังคมมีค่า    สมาธิ	 และปัญญา	จิตใจที่เจริญด้วยศีล	สมาธิ	 ปัญญา	
นิยมมองข้ามหลักธรรมเช่นนี	จึงเป็นทีทาให้คนในสังคม
                             ้        ่ �              เป็นจิตใจที่เรียกได้ว่าเป็น	 “จิตใจมั่นคง ด�ารงอยู่ใน
เป็น “คนขาดธรรม”	เป็นคนไม่มีธรรมประจ�าใจแล้ว	          ธรรม”	และบุคคลที่มีจิตใจมั่นคง	ด�ารงอยู่ในธรรม	ได้
บุคคลประเภทนั้นก็กลายเป็น	 “กลวงใน”	 ข้างนอก           ชื่อว่าเป็น	 “คนมีธรรม”	 คนมีธรรมจะประกอบกรรม
สดใสแต่ข้างในเป็นโพรง	 เช่นเดียวกับต้นไม้เมื่อมองดู    อะไร	ก็มีปัญญา	อยู่เหนือปัญหา	ทุกกาล	ทุกเวลา
แต่ภายนอก	 ก็เป็นต้นไม้ที่งดงามดี	 ดูแล้วไม่มีต�าหนิ   	 แต่เท่าที่สังเกตเห็น	 คนส่วนใหญ่ในสังคมปัจจุบัน	
อะไร	แต่ข้างในของต้นไม้ต้นนั้นกลับเป็นโพรง	ข้างใน      มักจะพากันประพฤติตนเป็นบุคคลประเภท	 “ขาด
กลวงไม่มีแก่น	น�าไปใช้ประโยชน์อะไรไม่ได้	บุคคลที่มี    ธรรม” มากขึนอย่างผิดสังเกต	จึงเป็นเหตุให้เกิดปัญหา
จิตใจขาดธรรม ก็มีอุปมาเช่นเดียวกับต้นไม้ที่ข้างใน      สารพัดขึ้นในสังคม	ปัญหาเหล่านี้เกิดขึ้นมาจากสาเหตุ
เป็นโพรงนั่นเอง                                        อะไร	 ท่านทั้งหลายก็เห็นกันอยู่แล้วว่า	 มันเกิดขึ้นมา
	 ดังนั้น	 ในทางพระพุทธศาสนาจึงสอนว่า	 คนเรา           จาก	“คนขาดธรรม” ทั้งนั้น	เป็นผู้ก่อขึ้น	ดังนั้น	คน
แสงธรรม 24 Saeng Dhamma
ขาดธรรมจึงน�าสังคมไปสู่ปัญหานานาประการ	 แล้วก็          “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค”
พบกับความหายนะในทีสด	ซึงมนุษย์ทกคนในสังคมทุก
                       ุ่ ่           ุ                 	 หลงทาง	ค�าว่า	“หลงทาง” ในที่นี้	หมายถึง	หลง
ระดับชั้น	 ไม่ปรารถนาที่จะให้เกิดปัญหาเหล่านี้ขึ้นใน    ทางทั้ง	๒	คือทั้ง	“ปกติมัคโค”	ทางธรรมดา	และทั้ง	
สังคมแห่งการอยู่ร่วมกันอีกต่อไป	 ..	 ได้เกริ่นน�ามาพอ   “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค”	ทางปฏิบัติ	แต่ประเด็นก็ขอพูดถึงค�า
สมควรแล้ว	ก็ขอเข้าสูประเด็น	“ผูนาหลงทาง”	เพือให้
                    ่           ้ �               ่     ว่า	 “หลง”	 เสียก่อน	 หลงนั้น	 หมายความว่าอย่างไร	
ท่านทั้งหลายได้ศึกษาหาความรู้กันต่อไป                   กิ ริ ย าอาการอย่ า งไร	 เรี ย กว่ า 	 “หลง”	 	 หลง	 ใน
                                                                 พจนานุกรมภาษาไทย	ให้ค�าจ�ากัดความว่า	หลง
                                                                 หมายถึง กิริยาอาการที่ส�าคัญผิด, เข้าใจผิด,
                                                                 ความหมกมุ่น-มัวเมา ลักษณะเช่นนี้แหละเรียก
                                                                 ว่า	“หลง”	เรื่องของความหลงนี้	ก็หมายถึงหลง
                                                                 ทางนั้นเอง	 การหลงทางไม่ว่าจะเป็นหลงทาง
                                                                 ธรรมดาทั่วไปคือ	 “ปกติมัคโค”	 หรือหลงทาง
                                                                 ปฏิบตหน้าทีการงานก็ตาม	มันก็มปญหาด้วยกัน
                                                                       ัิ      ่                   ี ั
                                                                 ทังนันแหละ	เช่นการหลงทางธรรมดา	ก็ทาให้คน
                                                                   ้ ้                                   �
                                                                 หลง	 เดินทางเปะปะไปตามยถากรรม	 ไม่ถึงจุด
                                                                 หมายปลายทาง	ตัวอย่างคนทีหลงทางในป่า	ไม่รู้
                                                                 ว่าจะเดินไปทางทิศไหน	 เพราะไม่มีเข็มทิศบอก
                                                                 ทาง	 บางคนติดอยู่ในป่าลึกเป็นเวลาหลายวัน	
	 ประเด็นแรก	 ก็มาพูดกันถึงเรื่อง	 “ทาง”	 กันเสีย       ต้องใช้เฮลิคอปเตอร์ค้นหากว่าจะพบตัวได้ 	 คนหลง
ก่อน	ค�าว่า	“ทาง”	ในพจนานุกรมภาษาไทยให้ค�าจ�ากัด        ทางในป่าก็แทบจะเอาชีวิตไม่รอด	ท�าไมจึงหลง	ที่หลง
ความว่า	ทางคือแนว-พื้นที่ส�าหรับสัญจร	เช่น	ทางบก        ก็เพราะไม่รู้	 ถ้ารู้ก็คงไม่หลง	 นอกจากไม่รู้แล้ว	 ก็ยังมี
ทางน�า,	 ทางอากาศ,	 ทางเดินรถ,	 ทางเท้า,	 ทางข้าม,	
      ้                                                 ความส�าคัญผิด	 และเข้าใจผิดอีกด้วย	 เลยช่วยให้หลง
ทางร่วม,	 ทางแยก,	 ทางลาด,	 ทางโค้ง,	 ทางคด,	 ทาง       หนักเข้า	นี่คือเรื่องการ	“หลงธรรมดา”	ก็มีปัญหาดังที่
ตรง,	เป็นต้น	นีคอทาง	ตามค�าจ�ากัดความในพจนานุกรม
               ่ื                                       กล่าวมาพอให้เห็นเป็นตัวอย่าง
ภาษาไทย	หลวงตาขอแบ่งทางออกเป็น	๒	ประเภท	                	 ต่ อ ไป	 ก็ จ ะพู ด ถึ ง การ	 “หลงทางปฏิ บั ติ ”	 คื อ	
คือ	 “ปกติมัคโค”	 ทางปกติธรรม	 ส�าหรับใช้สัญจร          “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค”	การหลงทางในการปฏิบัตินี้	 เป็น
ไป-มา	ดังทีพจนานุกรมภาษาไทยให้ค�านิยามไว้ขางต้น
            ่                                  ้        เรื่องที่ส�าคัญมาก	เพราะชีวิตของคนเราฝากไว้กับการ
แล้วนั้น	ส่วนอีกประเภทหนึ่ง	ได้แก่	 “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค”     ปฏิบัติหน้าที่การงาน	 ในการน�าชีวิตไปสู่ความเจริญ
ทางปฏิบัติ	อันหมายถึงทางแห่งการด�าเนินชีวิต	ด้วย        ก้าวหน้า	 และความปลอดภัยในชีวิตประจ�าวันในทุกๆ	
การปฏิ บั ติ ห น้ า ที่ ก ารงานของตนแต่ ล ะคน	 เพื่ อ   ด้าน	 ถ้าหากเกิดการหลงทางในการปฏิบัติหน้าที่การ
ประโยชน์เกื้อกูล	และความสุขในชีวิตประจ�าวัน	นี่คือ	     งานเสียแล้ว	การด�าเนินชีวิตประจ�าวัน	ก็จะประสบแต่
Saengdhamma Vol.36 No. 428 December 2010
Saengdhamma Vol.36 No. 428 December 2010
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Similaire à Saengdhamma Vol.36 No. 428 December 2010

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Saengdhamma Vol.36 No. 427 November 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010
Saeng Dhamma Vol. 36 No.426 October 2010

Saengdhamma Vol.36 No. 428 December 2010

  • 1. ฉบับ ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ แสงธรรม วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา Saeng Dhamma ๕ ธันวามหาราช ปีที่ ๓๖ ฉบับที่ ๔๒๘ ประจำาเดือนธันวาคม พ.ศ. ๒๕๕๓ Vol.36 No.428 December 2010 ๒๕๕๓
  • 2. สื่อส่องทาง สว่างอ�าไพ แสงธรรม ทุกชีวิตมีปัญหา พระพุทธศาสนามีทางแก้ วารสารธรรมะรายเดือนที่เก่าแก่ที่สุดในอเมริกา ปีที่ 36 ฉบับที่ 428 ประจ�าเดือนธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2553 Vol.36 No.428 December, 2010 Objectives : �To promote Buddhist activities. สารบัญ �To foster Thai culture and tradition. �To inform the public of the temple’s activities. Contents �To promide a public relations center for Buddhists living in the United States. The Buddha’s Words............................................... 1 อาศิรวาท “๕ ธันวามหาราช” ...................................... 2 เจ้าของ : วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING............................. 3 ที่ปรึกษา : พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี Knowing The World Ven. Ajanh Chah.................... 8 กองบรรณาธิการ : MY (VERY BRIEF) LIFE AS A BUDDHIST MONK...By Matthew 14 ดร.พระมหาถนัด อตฺถจารี The Hot News Of World Buddhism ...........................16 พระสมุห์ณัฐิวุฒิ ปภากโร พระจรินทร์ อาภสฺสโร ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�าเดือนธันวาคม ................................ 22 พระมหาเรืองฤทธิ์ สมิทฺธิญาโณ เสียงธรรม...จากวัดไทย...........................หลวงตาชี 23 พระสุริยา เตชวโร ประมวลภาพกิจกรรมต่างๆ เดือนพฤศจิกายน.......... 30 พระมหาสราวุธ สราวุโธ เสียงธรรม...จากหลวงตาชี ........................................ 32 พระมหาประดู่ชัย ภทฺทธมฺโม ท่องแดนพระพุทธศาสนา ๒,๓๐๐ ปี ดร.พระมหาถนัด 39 พระมหาศรีสุพรณ์ อตฺตทีโป สาระธรรมจาก...พระไตรปิฎก ..................................... 43 พระมหาค�าตัล พุทฺธงฺกุโร อนุโมทนาพิเศษ / Special Thanks............................ 44 พระอนันต์ภิวัฒน์ พุทฺธรกฺขิโต Thai Temple’s News....................โดย Handy 45 และอุบาสก-อุบาสิกาวัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. รายนามผู้บริจาคเดือนพฤศจิกายน Ven.Pradoochai 48 รายนามผู้บริจาคออมบุญประจ�าปีและเจ้าภาพภัตตาหารเช้า...53 SAENG DHAMMA Magazine รายนามเจ้าภาพถวายเพล / Lunch............................ 54 is published monthly by ก�าหนดการท�าบุญวันขึนปีใหม่ ๒๕๕๔ ......................... 62 ้ Wat Thai Washington, D.C. Temple At 13440 Layhill Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 Tel. (301) 871-8660, 871-8661 Photos taken by Fax : 301-871-5007 Ven. Pradoochai, E-mail : Ven. Ananphiwat, Ven.Srisuporn Homepage : Mr. Kevin & Mr. Sam Radio Network : Bank & Ms. Golf 2,500 Copies
  • 3. ถ้อยแถลง “แสงธรรม” ฉบับประจ�าเดือนสุดท้ายของปีสงถึงมือของท่านอีกแล้ว ขอแสดงความยินดีกบทุกท่านทีจะได้มโอกาสในการฉลอง ่ ั ่ ี “เทศกาลส่งท้ายปีเก่า รับปีใหม่” กันอีกรอบ หลายคนยังคงสูไม่หวันไหว แต่หลายคนในรอบปีทผานมาทีได้ลาจาก หมดโอกาสในการ ้ ่ ี่ ่ ่ กล่าวค�าว่า “ลาทีปเี ก่า” และ “สวัสดีปใหม่” กันอีก แต่กมอกหลายคนเช่นกันทีลาจากกันไปในคืนวันส่งท้ายแห่งปี การอยู ่ การไปของ ี ็ีี ่ คนเรา อาจจะสรุปลงกันทีกรรมของคนๆ นันเอง จะเป็นกรรมเดียว กรรมหมูกได้ แต่ทแน่ๆ ไปกันทุกราย มนุษย์เราส่วนใหญ่ตองการความ ่ ่ ่ ่็ ี่ ้ สุขทังในโลกนี ้ และโลกหน้า เมือถึงวาระส�าคัญอย่างนีจดได้วาเป็นเทศกาลส่งความสุข (ส.ค.ส.) อีกเช่นกัน ้ ่ ้ั ่ ส�าหรับวันปีใหม่ของไทยเรามีการเปลี่ยนวันมาแล้ว ๔ ครั้ง คือในครั้งแรก ถือเอาวันแรม ๑ ค�่า เดือนอ้าย ต่อมาเปลี่ยนวันขึ้น ๑ ค�า เดือน ๕ ต่อมาก็ถอเอาวันที่ ๑ เมษายน และสุดท้าย คณะกรรมการทีมหลวงวิจตรวาทการเป็นประธานกรรมการ โดยก�าหนด ่ ื ่ี ิ เอาวันที ๑ มกราคม ๒๔๘๔ เป็นวันขึนปีใหม่ตามหลักสากลแทน จากนันการฉลองวันสินปี วันปีใหม่กเติบโต ขยายขึนอย่างรวดเร็ว ่ ้ ้ ้ ็ ้ โดยเฉพาะยุคเศรษฐกิจทุนนิยมเติบโต กระแสธุรกิจเข้ามาเกี่ยวพันมากขึ้น มีการพิมพ์ปฏิทินทั้งแบบขายแบบแจก การ์ดอวยพร มีของขวัญ ตามยุคตามสมัย หรือแม้แต่หนังสือธรรมอวยพรตอนปีใหม่ ก็มมากมายหลายรูป หลายส�านักพิมพ์ดวยกัน แต่เป้าหมาย ี ้ ก็เพื่อส่งความสุขให้แก่กันและกัน แต่ที่แน่ๆ และแปลกปลอมมากับทุกเทศกาลของคนไทย คือการฉลองที่เจือด้วยน�้าเมา เมื่อมี ประกาศให้เป็นวันหยุดต่อเนื่องหลายวัน ผู้คนต่างจังหวัดต่างอยากเดินทางกลับบ้าน ผสมกับนักท่องเที่ยว เส้นทางแต่ละจังหวัด จึงเนืองแน่นไปด้วยรถรา อุบัติเหตุจึงเป็นผลพวงที่ตามมาแบบยากที่จะหลีกเลี่ยง ทั้งเมาเหล้า ประมาท ขาดสติ ขับเร็ว คือสาเหตุ หลักที่ท�าให้เกิดการเสียชีวิตในช่วงนี้เป็นจ�านวนมาก แต่ละปี ไม่ว่าจะเป็นปีใหม่ หรือสงกรานต์จึงมีการเฝ้าระวังกันทุกเส้นทาง รณรงค์เพื่อให้เกิดความปลอดภัยต่อชีวิต และทรัพย์สิน แต่ปีหนึ่งๆ ก็ยังบาดเจ็บล้มตายเป็นจ�านวนมาก ปีนี้เท่าไรก็ติดตามดูกัน ต่อไป ส�าหรับของฝากชุด “๑๐๐ ปี ๑๐๐ เรื่องหลวงพ่อเล่า” เป็นการระลึกถึงหลวงพ่อปัญญานันทภิกขุ ประจ�าฉบับนี้ขอน�า ปาฐกถา ณ วัดปัญญานันทาราม วันที่ 16 มีนาคม 2542 มาฝากกัน ให้ชื่อตอนว่า “เมาไม่ขับ” ความว่า ...มีเด็กหนุ่มคนหนึ่ง ขับ รถเมาเพราะว่าไปกินเลียงบ้านเพือน เพือนเขาท�าบุญวันเกิด อยากจะแนะน�าหน่อย อย่าท�าบาปวันเกิด วันเกิดอย่าท�าบาป ท�าบาป ้ ่ ่ อย่างไร นัดเพื่อนฝูงมากินเลี้ยง สั่งโต๊ะจีนมาเลี้ยง มาแล้วก็เลี้ยงเหล้าเลี้ยงเบียร์ นั่นแหละประทุษร้ายเพื่อน เอาเหล้าเลี้ยงเพื่อน แหละคือประทุษร้ายเพื่อน ท�าให้เพื่อนเสียสติ เสียปัญญา ขาดความรู้สึกผิดชอบชั่วดี ไอ้เพื่อนมันก็โง่ เฮ้ย กูกินฟรีต้องกินมาก หน่อย พอกินมากหน่อยขับรถสะเปะสะปะ ชนโครมเข้าให้เสาไฟฟ้า มันแข็งหน่อยไม่หักหน้าหม้อน�้ายุบ ตัวได้รับบาดเจ็บ ตื่นเช้า ไปวัดแต่เช้าถือดอกไม้ไปกราบหลวงพ่อ “หลวงพ่อครับผมมันซวย เมือคืนขับรถไปชนเสาไฟฟ้า ให้หลวงพ่อช่วยรดน�ามนต์ สะเดาะ ่ ้ เคราะห์ให้ผมหน่วย” หลวงพ่อก็ใจดีจับหญ้าคาจุ่มน�้ารดให้มันโง่ รดแล้วมันโง่ต่อไป ไม่มีทางดีขึ้น เราก็ท�าอย่างไร บอก “เออ ! ปกติเสาไฟมันอยู่ข้างถนนนะ มันไม่เคยออกมาเดินเล่นกลางถนนเลย ท�าไมเธอไปขับชนเสาไฟน่ะ” เขาก็บอกว่า “เมื่อคืนผมเมา ไปหน่อย” “อ้าว ท�าไมถึงเมาล่ะ” “เพื่อนเขาท�าบุญวันเกิด” ความจริงไม่ใช่ ท�าบาปวันเกิดกัน “ผมก็ไปกินข้าว กินเหล้าดื่มมาก ไปหน่อย” “เธอเมาเหล้าเพราะดืมเหล้า พระพุทธเจ้าสอนให้เราดืมเหล้าหรือให้เรางดเว้นการดืมเหล้า” ศีลข้อ 5 ข้อ 4 อะไรบ้างมันเรียงไม่ ่ ่ ่ ถูกนะ เอามาสัมภาษณ์ คนเข้ารับราชการถามว่าศีล 5 คืออะไรมันเรียงไม่ถก พระพุทธเจ้าเรียงไว้ 5 ข้อเรียบร้อย มันเรียงใหม่ มันเก่ง ู กว่าพระพุทธเจ้ามันเรียงใหม่ ไม่ถกต้อง ถามมันก็ตอบไม่ถก แล้วก็ถามว่า “เอ การดืมเหล้านีมนท�าให้เป็นอย่างไร” “มันก็เมาซิครับ” ู ู ่ ่ั “เมาก็เสียสติ เสียปัญญา ขับรถเปะปะแล้วไปชนเสาไฟฟ้า เหตุมนอยูทเี่ ธอเมาเหล้าเพราะเธอไม่รกษาศีล เธอไม่นบถือพระพุทธเจ้า” ั ่ ั ั มีพระห้อยคอ “เอ้านีพระอะไรห้อยคอ” “อ้อหลวงพ่อ” หลวงพ่อแล้วท�าไม นึกว่าพระจะช่วย พระไม่ชวยคนทีทาชัว พระช่วยคนที่ ่ ่ ่ � ่ ท�าดี เธอเมาเหล้าแล้วพระทีไหนจะช่วย หลวงพ่อคูณบอก “มึงขับเท่าไหร่” “ขับ ๘๐” “กูโดดลงนานแล้ว” กูกโดดลงเสียก่อน แล้ว ่ ็ ก็ไม่ชวยมึงแล้ว หลวงพ่อคูณแกพูดตลกๆ ไปงันแหละ ว่าแกกระโดดลงเสียนานแล้ว... ่ ้ ท้ายสุดขออ�านวยชัยให้ทุกท่านได้ฉลองส่งท้ายปีเก่า ได้รับปีใหม่ มีพลานามัยแข็งแรง ปลอดโรคภัยไข้เจ็บ มีสุขภาพจิตที่ แจ่มใสไร้กิเลสรบกวนโดยทั่วหน้ากันทุกท่านเทอญ คณะผู้จัดท�า
  • 4. แสงธรรม 1 Saeng Dhamma The Buddha’s Words พุทธสุภาษิต อตฺตานญฺเจ ตถา กยิรา ยถญฺญมนุสาสติ สุทนฺโต วต ทเมถ อตฺตา หิ กิร ทุทฺทโม ฯ (๑๕๙) สอนคนอืนอย่างใด ควรทำาตนอย่างนัน ฝึกตนเองได้แล้ว จึงควรฝึกคนอืน ่ ้ ่ เพราะตัวเราเองฝึกยากยิงนัก ่ As he instructs others he should himself act. Himself fully controlled, he should control others. Difficult indeed is to control oneself.
  • 5. แสงธรรม 2 Saeng Dhamma ภูมิพลังแห่งแผ่นดินปิ่นสยาม แปดสิบสามพรรษามหาราช เทิดพระบาทนวมินทร์ถิ่นสยาม จริยวัตรทรงคุณค่าสง่างาม คือพระนาม “ภูมิพล” คู่คนไทย ภูมิพลังแห่งแผ่นดินคือปิ่นชาติ ภูมิแห่งปราชญ์ปรัชญาค่ายิ่งใหญ่ เศรษฐกิจพอเพียงเลื่องลือไกล ภูวไนยดับทุกข์สุขร่มเย็น ดั่งสายฝนชโลมหล้ามาฟื้นแล้ง ทุกหนแห่งสร่างโศกทั่วโลกเห็น นำาวิถีปวงชนพ้นลำาเค็ญ ธ ทรงเป็นเกษตรกษัตรา ทรงรังสรรค์ศาสตร์ศิลป์ระบิลชื่อ โครงการสื่อความสำาเร็จเพชรล้ำาค่า คือผู้นำาด้านทรัพย์สินทางปัญญา พระปรีชาชนแซ่ซ้องก้องธานี มหาฤกษ์เกริกไกรแผ่ไพศาล เชิญเทพไท้อภิบาลพระทรงศรี ยอดกษัตริย์รัตนะวงศ์จักรี บารมีประเสริฐยิ่งมิ่งมงคล ห้าธันวามหาราชปวงราษฎร์พร้อม ขอนบน้อมพระไตรรัตน์พิพัฒน์ผล ถวายพระพรแด่จอมไทย “ภูมิพล” ขอพระชนม์ยิ่งยืนนานทุกกาลเทอญ นางสาวยุพา มาตยะขันธ์ ครูอาสาฯ ปี ๒๕๕๓
  • 6. แสงธรรม 3 Saeng Dhamma INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING by Buddhadasa Bhikkhu ...Continued from last issue... develops the unobscured knowledge that these things are in fact obstacles and succeeds in cut- INSIGHT, BY ORGANIZED TRAINING ting out these finer defilements completely. This Y et another kind of obstacle involves faith. Faith or confidence never felt before be- comes firmly established, for example confi- knowledge of what is the right path and what is not constitutes the third stage in vipassana and the fifth Purification. dence in the Threefold Gem, Buddha, Dhamma Until such time as the aspirant has devel- and Sangha, or in theories the meditator thinks oped this knowledge of what really constitutes out for himself. There may even come about a the right path, he has to be always steering most intense satisfaction in Dhamma. The abil- himself away from the various side tracks. Once ity to remain unmoved by anything becomes so this knowledge of the path to be followed has strongly developed that it may even delude the become fully established, however, any further meditator into believing he has already attained knowledge will automatically develop along the the Fruit of the Path and Nirvana itself. These right line. It will progress step by step, bringing things are a great difficulty for anyone encoun- perfectly clear understanding of the true na- tering them for the first time. As you can see ture of things and ultimately perfect freedom they constitute a barrier in the way of vipassa- from, and non-involvement in things. The mind, na. The meditator, however, is likely to regard equipped with this right understanding, is all set them as highly desirable until such time as he to attain insight into the Four Noble Truths, and
  • 7. แสงธรรม 4 Saeng Dhamma is said to have attained the Purity by Knowledge ing, and concentrates exclusively on the pass- and Vision of the progress along the Path. This ing away. This permits him to see the process is counted as the fourth stage in vipassana and of disintegration and decay in such depth and the sixth Purification. The Tipitaka contains no intensity that he comes to realize that decay detailed explanation of the stages in this Knowl- and perishing are universally evident no matter edge and Vision of the progress along the Path, where in the world one looks. A mind dwelling but later teachers recognized in it nine steps, as in this knowledge is said to be equipped with follows: knowledge of decay and dissolution (Bhanganu- a) Vipassana has progressed properly, and passana - nana). This is the second step in the the birth, aging, pain and death of phenomena developing of knowledge. have been thoroughly scrutinized. The arising c) Knowledge of decay and dissolution, when and passing away of phenomena has been per- sufficiently well developed, gives rise next to ceived in all clarity. All phenomenal existence the awareness that all things are to be feared. is seen to consist of just an endless process of All phenomenal existence, whether in the sen- arising and ceasing like the glittering dazzle on sual realm, in the form realm, or in the form- the surface of the sea, or like the forming and less realm, is seen as inherently fearsome. All bursting of the foamy crests of waves. This is spheres of existence are seen as thoroughly known as knowledge of arising and passing away fearsome because the decay and dissolution of (Udayabbayanupassana - nana). It is brought all phenomena is perceived in every conscious about by concentrated introspection so clear, moment. Thus an intense apprehension arises and sustained for so long a time that the knowl- in the mind of one possessing this awareness edge becomes firmly established, like a dye ab- and becomes established as a genuine fear. This sorbed by the mind, powerful enough to make awareness sees nothing but fearsomeness, like the meditator become disenchanted with things poison, or deadly weapons, or vicious armed and give up clinging to them. This is the first step bandits, completely filling the three spheres of in the Knowledge and Vision of the Progress phenomenal existence-nothing but fearsome- along the Path. ness. This awareness of the fearsomeness (Bhay- b) Arising and passing away, if observed si- atupatthana-nana) of all phenomenal existence multaneously, cannot be perceived with such is reckoned as the third step. clarity as they can if either one is concentrat- d) When awareness of the completely fear- ed on separately. At this stage, the meditator some nature of all phenomenal existence has gives up watching one of the two, namely aris- been fully developed, there will arise in its turn
  • 8. แสงธรรม 5 Saeng Dhamma awareness that all things are inherently danger- for freedom a frog struggling to escape from a ous. To become involved in things is not safe. snake’s jaws, or the desire for freedom of a deer They are like a forest full of dangerous beasts, or bird struggling to break loose from a snare. and anyone seeking diversion in the forest finds This real desire to escape (Muncitukamyata - nothing pleasing there. This awareness of the nana) from unsatisfactoriness is the sixth step. danger (Adinavan- upassana - nana) inherent in g) Now with the full development of the de- all phenomenal existence is the fourth step. sire to escape, there arises a feeling of an intense e) When all things are seen to be in every struggling to find a way out, an ever- present way full of danger this gives rise to disenchant- feeling that, phenomenal existence being as it ment. Things are seen as resembling a burntout is, one has to escape from it. Introspecting, one house of which nothing remains but ashes and perceives the clinging and one perceives the de- a skeleton, utterly un- filements that are the attractive. This disen- cause of the mind’s chantment (Nibbidan- bondage, the fetters upassanaa - nana) with binding it securely to having to be associ- that condition. Con- ated with conditioned sequently one seeks things is the fifth step for ways of weakening in the developing of the defilements. Then knowledge. seeing the defilements f) When genuine weakened, one sets disenchantment has become established, there about destroying them completely. arises a desire to become really free from those This weakening of the defilements is illustrat- things. This is quite unlike our ordinary desire for ed by means of a simile. A man goes to his fish freedom, which, lacking the power of concentra- trap and pulls out a snake thinking it to be a tion or insight to boost it up, is not real desire fish. When told it is a snake, he doesn’t believe for freedom. The disenchantment arising out of it, at least not until he meets a wise, benevo- vipassana insight involves the entire mind; and lent and sympathetic teacher, who guides and the desire for freedom is as great as the dis- instructs him so that he comes to realize that it enchantment, so is very real and genuine. This is in fact a snake. He then becomes afraid and desire to escape from the unsatisfactoriness of searches about for a means of killing it. He grabs phenomenal existence is as great as the desire the snake by the neck and, lifting it above his
  • 9. แสงธรรม 6 Saeng Dhamma head, swings it in a circle until it is worn out and must use all sorts of devices and techniques to falls down dead. This simile illustrates the aris- weaken those tigers day by day rather than try- ing of the knowledge that the defilements are ing to kill them outright. This intense search for the cause of people’s bondage to a condition a way of escape (Patisankhanupassana - nana) much to be feared and dreaded. constitutes the seventh step in the Knowledge If one has no technique for reducing the force and Vision of the Progress along the Path. h) This of the defilements day by day, eradicating them weakening of the defilements serves to make is bound to be impossible. The power of the us progressively more and more independent of defilements far exceeds that of the still meag- and oblivious to things. So this next step in the er knowledge to be used in destroying them; developing of right understanding, which results hence knowledge must be developed and in- in imperturbability with respect to all things, creased, and the suf- consists in seeing all fering produced by Halloween Day phenomena as empty, the defilements will as devoid of essence, simultaneously dimin- as devoid of status ish. Always maintain- such as “animal” or ing and developing “person,” devoid of the knowledge that substance or real per- all things are transient, manence, devoid of worthless and devoid worth because they of selfhood, that they are thoroughly unsat- are not worth getting or being, serves to cut off isfactory, and devoid of all attraction because the food supply to the defilements, weakening they are thoroughly disenchanting. Ultimately them day by day. It behooves us to build our- the mind becomes independent of and unper- selves up, develop, become more skillful and turbed by anything in any realm of existence. ingenious. By this means, we can conquer de- Things formerly likable, desirable and infatuat- filements the size of mountains, small though ing, come to be seen as lumps of rock and earth. we may be. Our situation can be compared to This too has been explained by means of a that of a small mouse faced with the job of kill- simile. A man who has always loved a certain ing several tigers. We have to be really steadfast woman may one day experience a change of and always on the lookout for means appropri- heart and stop loving her. For instance, he will ate to a small mouse. If we get nowhere, we stop loving his wife if she is unfaithful. Once di-
  • 10. แสงธรรม 7 Saeng Dhamma vorced, however, he is free to go ahead and do When this stepwise developing of knowledge, as he pleases; his mind can be unperturbed. And from knowledge of arising and passing away up at this level of knowledge, conditions hitherto to the state of readiness to perceive the Four delightful, each in its own way, are recognized Noble Truths, has been carried through to com- as devoid of substance, so that one can be in- pletion, one is said to have achieved the fourth dependent of them and unperturbed by them state in vipassana, or the sixth Purification. The in all circumstances, just like the man who be- pure and perfect knowledge it yields is an in- comes independent on divorcing his wife. This strument that reveals to the meditator the path indifference to all phenomena (Sankharupekkha by which he has come, and can lead on to the - nana) is the eighth step. perfect intuitive insight that will destroy the i) The mind thus independent of and un- defilements. moved by all phenomenal existence is ready To be continued to perfect the Path and know the Four Noble Truths (Saccanulomika - nana). At this stage one อนุโมทนาขอบคุณเจ้าภาพโรงทานวันกฐิน กลุ่มพลังศรัทธา /สมาคมไทยอีสาน is all set to overcome the defilements, to break สมาคมไทยชาวปักษ์ใต้ the fetters binding one to the world, and be- Ruan Thai Rest. / Nava Thai Rest. come an Aryian of one degree or another. This is Thai Tanic Rest. / Talay Thai Rest. the ninth step in the process of Knowledge and Siri’S Chef’s Secret Restaurant Vision of the Progress along the Path. คณะพยาบาลบัลติมอร์ และเพื่อนๆ คุณจีระภา หาญวัฒนานุกูล ทำาบุญอุทิศให้คุณแม่พร้อมจิตต์ แผ้วใจดี ที่จากไปครบ 50 วัน จึงขอขอบพระคุณญาติสนิทมิตรสหายทุกท่านที่มาร่วมอุทิศบุญให้แม่ในครั้งนี้ด้วย
  • 11. K แสงธรรม 8 Saeng Dhamma NOWING THE WORLD By Ajahn Chah tually pretty stupid. These things aren’t neces- ...Continued from last issue... sary to know. Just knowing that there are roots and leaves is sufficient. Do you want to count all T his is something I’ve often talked about. Some people have to analyze like that, even if they are looking at a tree. Students in the leaves on a tree? If you look at one leaf, you should be able to get the picture. It’s the same with people. If we know our- particular want to know what merit and demerit selves, then we understand all people in the are, what form they have, what they look like. I universe without having to go and observe explain to them that these things have no form. them. The Buddha wanted us to look at our- Merit is in our having correct understanding, cor- selves. As we are, so are others. We are all rect attitude. But they want to know everything sāmaññalakkhana, all being of the same charac- so clearly in such great detail. teristics. All sankhāras are like this. So I’ve used the example of a tree. The stu- So we practice samādhi to be able to give dents will look at a tree, and they want to know up the defilements, to give birth to knowledge all about the parts of the tree. Well, a tree has and vision and let go of the five khandhas. roots, it has leaves. It lives because of the roots. Sometimes people talk about samatha. Some- The students have to know, how many roots times they talk about vipassanā. I feel this can does it have? Major roots, minor roots, branch- become confusing. Those who practice samādhi es, leaves, they want to know all the details and will praise samādhi. But it is just for making the numbers. Then they will feel they have clear mind tranquil so it can know those things we knowledge about the tree. But the Buddha said have been talking about. that a person who wants such knowledge is ac- Then there are those who will say, ‘’I don’t
  • 12. แสงธรรม 9 Saeng Dhamma need to practice samādhi so much. This plate there? This is what supports and sustains our will break one day in the future. Isn’t that good practice. If we practise and get to this point, I enough? That will work, won’t it? I’m not very think every one of us will realize genuine peace. skilled in samādhi, but I already know that the Whether we are undertaking vipassanā medita- plate must break someday. Yes, I take good care tion or samatha meditation, just this is what it’s of it, because I’m afraid it will break, but I know really about. But these days, it seems to me that that such is its future, and when it does break, I when Buddhists talk about these things accord- won’t be suffering over that. Isn’t my view cor- ing to the traditional explanations, it becomes rect? I don’t need to practice a lot of samādhi, vague and mixed up. But the truth (saccadham- because I already have this understanding. You ma) isn’t vague or mixed up. It remains as it is. practice samādhi only for developing this un- So I feel it’s better to seek out the source, derstanding. After training your mind through sit- looking at the way things originate in the mind. ting, you came to this view. I don’t sit much, but There’s not a lot to this. I am already confident that this is the way of Birth, aging, illness, and death: it’s brief, but phenomena.’’ it’s a universal truth. So see it clearly and ac- This is a question for us practitioners. There knowledge these facts. If you acknowledge are many factions of teachers promoting their them, you will be able to let go. Gain, rank, different methods of meditation. It can get con- praise, happiness, and their opposites - you can fusing. But the real point of it all is to be able to let them go, because you recognize them for recognize the truth, seeing things as they really what they are. are and being free of doubt. If we reach this place of ‘recognizing truth’, As I see it, once we have correct knowledge, we will be uncomplicated, undemanding peo- the mind comes under our command. What is ple, content with simple food, dwelling, and this command about? The command is in ani- other requisites for life, easy to speak to and cca, knowing that everything is impermanent. unassuming in our actions. Without difficulty or Everything stops here when we see clearly, and trouble, we will live at ease. One who meditates it becomes the cause for us letting go. Then we and realizes a tranquil mind will be like this. let things be, according to their nature. If noth- At present we are trying to practise in the ing is occurring, we abide in equanimity, and if way of the Buddha and his disciples. Those something comes up, we contemplate: does it beings had achieved awakening, yet they still cause us to have suffering? Do we hold onto maintained their practice as long as they were it with grasping attachment? Is there anything living. They acted for the benefit of themselves
  • 13. แสงธรรม 10 Saeng Dhamma and for the benefit of others, yet even after they a clear state of mind now, so I can’t practise’’ had accomplished all that they could, they still will not be heard. We won’t have such ideas; kept up their practice, seeking their own and we will never feel that way. Our practice is well others’ well-being in various ways. I think we developed and complete - this is how it should should take them as the model for our practice. be. Free of doubt and perplexity, we stop at this It means not becoming complacent - that was point and contemplate. their deeply ingrained nature. They never slack- You can look into this: self-view, skeptical ened their efforts. Effort was their way, their nat- doubt, superstitious attachment to rites and rit- ural habit. Such is the character of the sages, of uals. The first step is to get free of these. What- genuine practitioners. ever sort of knowledge you gain, these are the We can compare it to rich people and poor things the mind needs to get free of. What are people. The rich are especially hard-working, they like now? To what extent do we still have much more so than the poor. And the less effort them? We are the only ones who can know this; poor people make, the less chance they have we have to know for ourselves. Who else can of becoming rich. The rich have knowledge and know better than we? Self-view, doubt, super- experience of a lot of things, so they maintain stition: if we are stuck in attachment here, have the habit of diligence in all they do. doubt here, are still groping here, then there is Talking about taking a break or getting some the conception of self here. But now we can rest, we find rest in the practice itself. Once only think, if there is no self, then who is it that we’ve practiced to get to the goal, know the takes interest and practises? goal, and be the goal, then when we are ac- All these things go together. If we come to tive, there’s no way to incur loss or be harmed. know them through practice and make an end of When we are sitting still, there is no way we can them, then we live in an ordinary way. Just like be harmed. In all situations, nothing can affect the Buddha and the ariyas. They lived just like us. Practice has matured to fulfillment and we worldly beings (puthujjana). They used the same have reached the destination. Maybe today we language as worldly beings. Their everyday exist- don’t have a chance to sit and practise samādhi, ence wasn’t really different. They used many of but we are OK. samādhi doesn’t mean only sit- the same conventions. Where they differed was ting. There can be samādhi in all postures. If that they didn’t create suffering for themselves we are really practising in all postures, we will with their minds. They had no suffering. This is enjoy samādhi thus. There won’t be anything the crucial point, going beyond suffering, extin- that can interfere. Such words as ‘’I’m not in guishing suffering. Nibbāna means ‘’extinguish-
  • 14. แสงธรรม 11 Saeng Dhamma ing.’’ Extinguishing suffering, extinguishing heat life and taking rebirth in the next life. That’s so and torment, extinguishing doubt and anxiety. far away. The suffering of birth happens right There’s no need to be in doubt about the now. It’s said that becoming is the cause of practice. Whenever there is doubt about some- birth. What is this ‘’becoming’’? Anything that thing, don’t have doubt about the doubt - look we attach to and put meaning on is becoming. directly at it and crush it like that. Whenever we see anything as self or other or In the beginning, we train to pacify the mind. belonging to ourselves, without wise discern- This can be difficult to do. You have to find a ment to know that such is only a convention, meditation that suits your own temperament. that is all becoming. Whenever we hold on to That will make it easier to gain tranquility. But in something as us or ours and it then undergoes truth, the Buddha wanted us to return to our- change, the mind is shaken by that. It is shaken selves, to take responsibility and look at our- with a positive or negative reaction. That sense selves. of self experiencing happiness or unhappiness Hot is anger. Too cool is pleasure, the ex- is birth. When there is birth, it brings suffering treme of indulgence. If it’s hot it’s the extreme along with it. Aging is suffering, illness is suffer- of self-torment. We want neither hot nor cold. ing, death is suffering. Know hot and cold. Know all things that appear. Right now, do we have becoming? Are we Do they cause us to suffer? Do we form attach- aware of this becoming? For example, take the ment to them? Such as the teaching that birth trees in the monastery. The abbot of the mon- is suffering: it doesn’t only mean dying from this astery can take birth as a worm in every tree in ครอบครัวเจตบุตร ครอบครัวศรีภญโญ และครอบครัวปานานนท์ ทำาบุญถวายเพลในวัน Thanksgiving / ิ คุณยายเสริมศรี เชื้อวงศ์ ทำาบุญถวายสังฆทานเนื่องในวันเกิดลูกสะใภ้ จึงขออนุโมทนาบุญมา ณ โอกาสนี้
  • 15. แสงธรรม 12 Saeng Dhamma the monastery if he isn’t aware of himself, if he take birth, with all the resultant sufferings. This feels that it is really his monastery. This grasp- rebirth happens right now, in the present. This ing at ‘’my’’ monastery with ‘’my’’ orchard and glass breaks right now, and we are upset right ‘’my’’ trees is the worm that latches on there. now. This glass isn’t broken now, and we are If there are thousands of trees, he will become happy about it now. This is how it happens, be- a worm thousands of times. This is becoming. ing upset or being happy without any wisdom When the trees are cut or meet with any harm, in control. One only meets with ruination. You the worms are affected; the mind is shaken and don’t need to look far away to understand this. takes birth with all this anxiety. Then there is the When you focus your attention here, you can suffering of birth, the suffering of aging, and so know whether or not there is becoming. Then, forth. Are you aware of the way this happens? when it is happening, are you aware of it? Are Well, those objects in our homes or our or- you aware of convention and supposition? Do chards are still a little far away. Let’s look right you understand them? It’s the grasping attach- at ourselves sitting here. We are composed ment that is the vital point, whether or not we of the five aggregates and the four elements. are really believing in the designations of me These sankhāras are designated as a self. Do and mine. This grasping is the worm, and it is you see these sankhāras and these suppositions what causes birth. as they really are? If you don’t see the truth Where is this attachment? Grasping onto of them, there is becoming, being gladdened form, feeling, perception, thoughts, and con- or depressed over the five khandhas, and we sciousness, we attach to happiness and un- น.อ. ไกรศรี เกษร รน. ผู้ช่วยทูตฝ่ายทหารเรือ พร้อมภริยา ทำาบุญวันกองทัพเรือ ทำาบุญขึนบ้านใหม่ เพืออุทศส่วนบุญให้บรรพบุรษและเพือเป็นสิรมงคลแก่ชวต 19 พ.ย. 53 ้ ่ ิ ุ ่ ิ ีิ
  • 16. แสงธรรม 13 Saeng Dhamma happiness, and we become obscured and take I have a Dhamma friend in central Thailand. birth. It happens when we have contact through In the old days we practiced together, but we the senses. The eyes see forms, and it happens went our separate ways long ago. Recently I saw in the present. This is what the Buddha wanted him. He practises the foundations of mindful- us to look at, to recognize becoming and birth ness, reciting the sutta and giving discourses on as they occur through our senses. If we know it. But he hadn’t resolved his doubts yet. He them, we can let go, internally and externally, prostrated to me and said, ‘’Oh, Ajahn, I’m so the inner senses and the external objects. This happy to see you!’’ I asked him why. He told can be seen in the present. It’s not something me he had gone to some shrine where people that happens when we die from this life. It’s go for divinations. He held the Buddha statue the eye seeing forms right now, the ear hear- and said, ‘’If I have already attained the state ing sounds right now, the nose smelling aromas of purity, may I be able to raise up this statue. If right now, the tongue tasting flavours right now. I have not yet attained the state of purity, may Are you taking birth with them? Be aware and I not be able to raise it up.’’ And then he was recognize birth right as it happens. This way is able to raise it up, which made him very delight- better. ed. Just this little act, which has no real basis in To do this requires having wisdom to stead- anything, meant so much to him and made him ily apply mindfulness and clear comprehension. think he was pure. So he had it engraved on a Then you can be aware of yourself and know stone to say ‘’I raised up the Buddha statue and when you are undergoing becoming and birth. have thus attained the state of purity.’’ You won’t need to ask a fortune-teller. To be continued คุณวิสุทธิ์-คุณสรินทิพย์ โค้ว พร้อมครอบครัว ญาติสนิทมิตรสหาย ทำาบุญอุทศให้คณแม่ทพย์เรียน บุปผาพันธุ์ ทีจากไปครบ 100 วัน 28 พ.ย. 53 ิ ุ ิ ่
  • 17. แสงธรรม 14 Saeng Dhamma MY (VERY BRIEF) LIFE AS A BUDDHIST MONK Part IlI: Retreat By Matthew R.G. Regan B arely three days after my ordination as a monk, I was sitting in the backseat of a rental van, pulling up the dark driveway of Wat Pa Santidhamma, room when I woke up the next morning. Quietly, so not to disturb him, I gathered my things, and tiptoed out of the room into the kitchen area of the kuti (monks’ living 200 miles away from the familiar confines of Wat Thai quarters), where I tried, without success, to put on my DC. Four hours earlier, I had departed Wat Thai with outer robe by myself. Luckily, my good friend Luang Pi Ajahn Thanat, Ajahn Ampol, and Steve Brown, a good Joe, who was also a temporary monk like me, was there dhamma friend I had just met a few days before at to help me. Even though I was on retreat, miles away my ordination ceremony, to undertake the week-long from Wat Thai, some things hadn’t changed. retreat that would occupy the majority of my time as a As Luang Pi Joe and I walked to the chanting hall, monk. But now, on the dark and quiet grounds of Wat I was struck by the calm surrounding of Wat Pa. I had Pa, all of that seemed like a distant memory. As we never visited before, and in the darkness of our arrival unloaded the van and prepared our sleeping places, I the last evening, I had barely been able to see the reflected on what a long journey my temporary ordi- ground below me, let alone the calm forest that sur- nation had already been, and how, in many ways, the rounded the temple grounds. After morning chanting, hard work was just beginning. Ajahn Ampol lead Steve and I on walking meditation I slept well that night, really out of exhaustion tour of the grounds, where we became more familiar more than anything else, and also because I knew with the paths and clearings where we would spend that a good night’s sleep would be essential to get a great deal of time over the next few days. In the the most out of the intensive meditation practice I quiet morning air, I could feel myself relaxing and my had planned to do the next day. I slept so sound- resolve to practice hard that day growing strong. ly, in fact, that I didn’t even notice when the monk My resolve continued through breakfast and whose room I was sharing came in, although I was the morning session. When it came time for lunch, surprised to see him sleeping on the other side of the I was surprised to discover that, even though it was
  • 18. แสงธรรม 15 Saeng Dhamma a weekday, the people of Wat Pa had brought us solved, I spent my next days at Wat Pa with renewed a feast of wonderful food. And as an even greater vigor. I tried to take every opportunity to enjoy the surprise, I learned that we would eat this lunch out quiet grounds for walking and sitting meditation, of our begging bowls, in the style of forest monks. and having good dhamma discussion with the other This even further strengthened my resolve to spend monks and the laypeople that had come to partici- the rest of the day practicing as hard as I could. But pate in the retreat. I tried my best to take advantage when the afternoon meditation session began, I no- of the simplicity of my surroundings, and shed the ticed something odd. My concentration was not as attachments that had such a firm grip on me—from good as it had been in the morning, and a dull pain drinking caffeine to the urge to check the news. But was throbbing in the back of my head. I tried my best sadly, our time at Wat Pa was already drawing to an end. to use all the techniques I had learned to deal with Just three days after our arrival in the dark, I pain, but to my horror, none of them seemed to found myself once again in the back seat of Steve’s work. Despite all my efforts and all my enthusiasm, van, along with Ajahn Thanat, Ajahn Ampol, my new the headache only grew, and by the time the medi- friend Luang P Joe, and two other monks from Wat tation session ended, I was frustrated and demoral- Pa, the Abbot and Luang P Piya. The seven of us ized. Why did I feel so bad? Was I getting sick? were going to Charlottesville, VA to visit a devoted My headache continued for several hours more, Buddhist family there that owned a restaurant and and whatever task I seemed to do, it followed me. It had invited us to eat lunch there. Afterward, Ajahn was only after a lay person offered me a Pepsi after Ampol told us, we were going to practice tudong, a dhamma discussion later that afternoon that I real- the method of forest monks: sleeping under the ized what was going on—I was experiencing caffeine stars, walking in the midst of nature, and living very, withdrawal! In my lay life, I had a steady coffee habit, very simply. Already, in my short life as a monk, I had and as I reflected on my first few days as I monk, seen the life of a busy temple like Wat Thai and the I realized that I had inadvertently been feeding it quiet sandy paths of Wat Pa. Now, we were heading while I was a monk as well. This had been the first for the mountains. morning that I had not had coffee with my break- To be Continued next month. fast, and I was beginning to realize what a powerful grip a simple chemical had over my life. It amazed me to realize how much power it had over me. Al- though I cannot say that I have been fully successful in eliminating caffeine’s grip on me, either during my temporary ordination or later on, I have made a con- certed effort to work with the insight I had that day, and loosen the grasp it has on my daily routine. With the case of my mysterious headaches now นักเรียนจาก River Hill High Shool นั่งสมาธิที่วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี.
  • 19. แสงธรรม 16 Saeng Dhamma The Hot News of World Buddhism �‹Disgraced‹Ex-Congressman‹Bob‹Ney‹Study- “You pick a quiet spot, as quiet as you can ing‹Buddhism‹at‹Indian‹Temple. get,” Ney told the National Journal. “You can do by Christopher Weber, Politics Daily, Nov 22, 2010 it any length of time you want. I usually do it D haramsala, India -- He’s traveled quite a path. Former Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio) served six terms in Congress, then spent 17 about 10 or 15 minutes. And you focus on your breathing. ... Breath in, breath out. If you hear a sound, you acknowledge it and you just move on months in federal prison for his role in the Jack back to your breathing.” Abramoff scandal. Now he is studying meditation He said he plans to bring a Tibetan monk back at a Buddhist Temple in India. to Ohio with him to train others in meditation. Ney, 56, told the National Journal in a phone He wants to help the homeless, battered women interview that since September he has lived in a and veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress $10-a-day rented room in Dharamsala, the Dalai syndrome. Lama’s headquarters-in-exile for more than 50 “My life is good,” he said. “I’m a very lucky years. The ex-congressman quit drinking, dropped person, and I’m just very happy -- very, very hap- 60 pounds and spends his days meditating with py. I’m doing what I want to do.” monks and learning the Tibetan language. Ney, who pleaded guilty to conspiring to de- �‹Positive‹Well-Being‹to‹Higher‹Telomerase:‹Psy- fraud the government and making false statements, chological‹Changes‹from‹Meditation‹Training‹ said he started to try to meditate while in prison to Linked‹to‹Cellular‹Health. help him cope with the stress of being locked up. ScienceDaily, Nov. 4, 2010 Something about it clicked with him, he said, and now he practices meditation daily. S an Francisco, CA (USA) -- Positive psycho- logical changes that occur during medita-
  • 20. แสงธรรม 17 Saeng Dhamma tion training are associated with greater telomerase crinology and will soon appear in print. It is a activity, according to researchers at the University product of the UC Davis-based Shamatha Project, of California, Davis, and the University of California, led by Saron, one of the first long-term, detailed, San Francisco. The study is the first to link positive matched control-group studies of the effects of well-being to higher telomerase, an enzyme impor- intensive meditation training on mind and body. tant for the long-term health of cells in the body. “This work is among the first to show a rela- The effect appears to be attributable to psy- tion between positive psychological change and chological changes that telomerase activity. increase a person’s Because the finding is ability to cope with new, it should serve stress and maintain to inspire future stud- feelings of well-being. ies to replicate and ex- “We have found tend what we found,” that meditation pro- Jacobs said. motes positive psy- Elizabeth Black- chological changes, burn, professor of biol- and that meditators ogy and physiology at showing the greatest UCSF, is a co-author of improvement on vari- the paper. Blackburn ous psychological measures had the highest lev- shared the 2009 Nobel Prize for physiology or els of telomerase,” said Clifford Saron, associate medicine for discovering telomeres and telom- research scientist at the UC Davis Center for Mind erase. Other co-authors include UCSF colleagues and Brain. Elissa Epel, associate professor of psychiatry; as- The take-home message from this work is not sistant research biochemist Jue Lin; and Owen that meditation directly increases telomerase ac- Wolkowitz, professor of psychiatry. tivity and therefore a person’s health and longev- Telomeres are sequences of DNA at the end ity,” Saron said. “Rather, meditation may improve of chromosomes that tend to get shorter every a person’s psychological well-being and in turn time a cell divides. When telomeres drop below a these changes are related to telomerase activ- critical length, the cell can no longer divide prop- ity in immune cells, which has the potential to erly and eventually dies. promote longevity in those cells. Activities that Telomerase is an enzyme that can rebuild and increase a person’s sense of well-being may have lengthen telomeres. Other studies suggest that a profound effect on the most fundamental as- telomerase activity may be a link between psy- pects of their physiology.” chological stress and physical health. The study, with UC Davis postdoctoral schol- The research team measured telomerase activ- ar Tonya Jacobs as lead author, was published ity in participants in the Shamatha Project at the online Oct. 29 in the journal Psychoneuroendo- end of a three-month intensive meditation retreat.
  • 21. แสงธรรม 18 Saeng Dhamma Telomerase activity was about one-third high- The Shamatha Project has drawn the atten- er in the white blood cells of participants who tion of scientists and Buddhist scholars alike, in- had completed the retreat than in a matched cluding the Dalai Lama, who has endorsed the group of controls. project. The retreat participants also showed increases Saron and his colleagues are now analyzing in such beneficial psychological qualities as per- and publishing other findings from the project. In ceived control (over one’s life and surroundings), a paper published this summer in Psychological mindfulness (being able to observe one’s experi- Science, Katherine MacLean, a recent UC Davis ence in a nonreactive manner) and purpose in life Ph.D. graduate now at Johns Hopkins University, (viewing one’s life as meaningful, worthwhile and reported that meditators were better at making aligned with long-term goals and values). In addi- fine visual distinctions and sustaining attention tion, they experienced decreased neuroticism, or over a long period. negative emotionality. The group’s next research article, currently Using statistical modeling techniques, the re- in press in the journal Emotion, will describe a searchers concluded that high telomerase activity meditation-related reduction in impulsive reac- was due to the beneficial effects of meditation on tions, which was linked in turn to enhancement in perceived control and neuroticism, which in turn positive psychological functioning. UC Davis post- were due to changes in mindfulness and sense of doctoral researcher Baljinder Sahdra is the lead purpose. author on that paper. The Shamatha Project is the most compre- Additional co-authors on the current paper hensive longitudinal study of intensive meditation are: UC Davis graduate students Stephen Aichele, yet undertaken. Anthony Zanesco and Brandon King; Sahdra, As- The intensive meditation retreat took place at sociate Professor Emilio Ferrer and Distinguished the Shambhala Mountain Center in Red Feather Professor Phillip Shaver from the UC Davis De- Lakes, Colo. The study included 30 participants partment of Psychology; consulting scientist Erika each in the retreat and control groups. Participants Rosenberg from the UC Davis Center for Mind and received ongoing instruction in meditation tech- Brain; and from UC Irvine, graduate student David niques from Buddhist scholar, author and teacher Bridwell of the Department of Cognitive Science. B. Alan Wallace of the Santa Barbara Institute for Major support for the Shamatha Project comes Consciousness Studies. They attended group medi- from the Fetzer Institute and the Hershey Fam- tation sessions twice a day and engaged in indi- ily Foundation. Additional support comes from vidual practice for about six hours a day. numerous private foundations including the Bau- A control group of 30 people matched for age, mann Foundation; the Tan Teo Charitable Foun- sex, education, ethnicity and meditation experi- dation; the Yoga Research and Education Founda- ence was assessed at the same time and in the tion; and individual donors. Individual researchers same place, but did not otherwise attend medita- also received fellowship and other support from tion training at that time. the National Science Foundation; the Social Sci-
  • 22. แสงธรรม 19 Saeng Dhamma ences, Humanities Research Council of Canada; two ways followers try to achieve nirvana. and the Barney and Barbro Fund. Saturday’s ceremony involves venerating 28 Science Daily Editor’s Note: This article is not past Buddhas with flowers, lighted oil lamps, in- intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or cense and other offerings and acknowledging treatment. The above story is reprinted (with edito- their exceptional qualities and contributions. rial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materi- The ceremony is rarely done outside Sri Lanka. als provided by University of California - Davis. Ten Buddhist monks, most from temples in California, Las Vegas and Oregon, will preside. The �‹Mesa‹ Buddhist‹ center‹ to‹ hold‹ ceremony‹ service is open to the public. rarely‹done‹in‹West. “I consider it a great opportunity to be able by Srianthi Perera, The Arizona Republic, Nov. to participate in this,” said Chamath Abhayaguna- 12, 2010 wardhana of Chandler. “In North America, there M esa, Arizona (USA) -- A Buddhist cere- mony rarely performed in the Western world is scheduled to take place in Mesa on Sat- aren’t many Buddhist temples.” Abhayagunawardhana said that even though the ceremony is held occasionally in Sri Lanka, urday. his native land, he never had an opportunity to The Arizona International Buddhist Meditation attend one there. Center will hold the Atavisi Buddha Puja, a devo- According to teachings, Buddhas in the past tional ceremony to pay homage to the 28 Bud- have spent countless numbers of lives striving dhas in this eon. An eon in Buddhism is a count- to develop the qualities that helped them attain less, but not infinite, period of time. ultimate realization or Buddhahood. Having at- “The goal of the ceremony is to generate as tained it, the Buddhas discover the true nature of much merit as possible to free ourselves from existence and explain it to the world. suffering,” said the Venerable Ananda, principle “We pay respect to all the great qualities that monk. Buddhas have perfected over such a long time The Ven. Ananda said the ceremony creates and use them to guide our lives,” said Abhaya- an atmos- phere of tranquility, which leads to a gunawardhana, an engineer. calm mind that in turn generates positive thoughts “It’s extremely difficult to develop a full un- that could continue in their daily lives. derstanding of existence as it really is without the Buddhists believe all living beings are subject teaching of a Buddha, due to defilements in our to an endless cycle of births and deaths, as well minds. Hence, we express our gratitude for show- as suffering in various forms. ing us the way to train our minds towards this The ultimate goal is to purify the mind. That goal.” leads to liberation from this cycle by attaining nir- The concept of acknowledging the 28 Bud- vana, a freeing of the spiritual self from attachment dhas is prevalent in countries that practice Thera- to worldly things. Venerating, and observing the vada Buddhism such as Myanmar, Thailand and teachings of Buddhas, as well as meditation are Cambodia.
  • 23. แสงธรรม 20 Saeng Dhamma Shane Wilson, who conducts meditation class- side the Dalai Lama, he is one of the most rec- es at the Mesa center, said that Westerners who ognized contemporary Buddhists, and has tens of practice Buddhism in America don’t embrace cer- thousands of followers. emonies or rituals. Instead, they practice medita- tion and read the dhamma, or Buddhist teachings. �‹The‹ World’s‹ Oldest‹ Buddhist‹ Scriptures‹ “A lot of times, they don’t quite understand the Displays‹in‹Thailand rituals,” he said. “People are interested, but they by Pimjai Chaimongkol, ScandAsia, Nov 11, think it’s more of a cultural thing rather than religion. 2010 I don’t think that’s a reason to stay away from it.” Wilson - a Buddhist for 15 years, who has lived in Thailand, a predominantly Buddhist country - noted that Americans often crave the cultural ex- periences they find in foreign travel. “There are cultural experiences right in their backyard. If more people can understand and take part in that, it would be good,” he said. �‹Europe’s‹ largest‹ Buddhist‹ centre‹ to‹ be‹ built‹in‹Germany. DPA, Nov 19, 2010 B erlin, Germany -- Europe’s largest Bud- dhist centre has got the go-ahead for a site at a former military complex outside Cologne, it was confirmed Friday. The complex will house 60-80 monks plus up to 200 guests. There are already 20 Buddhist monks and B nuns living on the site in Waldbroel, 50 km east of Cologne. angkok, Thailand -- The World’s oldest The 10-million euro ($14-million) project, by Buddhist Scriptures are exhibited for the European Institute of Applied Buddhism, is to the first time in Thailand at the Phutthamonthon provide seminars and courses, teaching strategies Buddhist Park in Nakhon Pathom province from 8 to deal with issues such as conflict, anger or grief. November 2010 to 5 February 2011. The centre is expected to open in 2015. Norway played an important role in recently The European Institute of Applied Buddhism moving the scriptures to safety from Taleban at- was set up by a Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, tacks ten years ago. The pubic display in Thailand who was banished from Vietnam in 1966. Along- takes place in honour of the seventh cycle birth-
  • 24. แสงธรรม 21 Saeng Dhamma day of His Majesty the King on the 5th of Decem- Taliban attacks and took refuge in caves from 1993 to ber next year. 1995. The Bamiyan people then took the scriptures The scriptures are the world’s most ancient to Pakistan to save them from destruction by the Tripitaka scriptures more than 2,000 years old. extremist Muslim Taliban government. Some parts of the ancient scriptures have disin- Norway and Britain then secretly moved tegrated. More than 10,000 pieces will be on dis- the scriptures out of Pakistan from 1997 to 2000. play at the exhibition. They brought out 5,000 complete scriptures and Buddha’s teachings were first recorded on 8,000 pieces of broken scriptures inscribed on palm leaves, bark, leather and brass plates. Phra Thammasitthinayok, Deputy Prime Minister Sanan Kachornprasart and more than 30 Buddhist monks and Thai representatives had brought the scriptures from Norway back for display in Thailand for the first time. Al- though the deputy abbot spent more than a year seeking the scriptures for an exhibition in Thailand, he finally succeeded as a result of palm leaves during the first century BC. The scrip- a government-to-government deal. “More than tures were written with “Prommi” characters that 10,000 pieces of broken scriptures displays at at were used during Buddha’s time and serve as evi- the Phutthamonthon Buddhist Park in Nakhon dence that the scriptures are the world’s oldest. Pathom province” The scriptures were discovered in caves in Af- ghanistan by Bamiyan people who escaped from อนุโมทนาพิเศษแด่เจ้าภาพพานทอง คุณกาญจนา เกาฏีระ และลูกหลาน ถวายพานทอง 5 คู่ ขนาดสูง 7 นิ้ว กว้าง 8 นิ้ว ครอบครัวเจตบุตร ถวายพานทอง 5 คู่ ขนาด สูง 6 นิ้ว กว้าง 6 นิ้วครึ่ง ททโต ปุญฺญํ ปวฑฺฒติ. คุณลองรัก-คุณวราลี ภูศรี ทำาบุญเลียงพระเพือเป็นสิรมงคลแก่ชวต ทีบาน ้ ่ ิ ีิ ่ ้ บุญย่อมเจริญแก่ผู้ให้
  • 25. แสงธรรม 22 Saeng Dhamma ขอเชิญทุกท่านร่วมนมัสการพระสารีรกธาตุ ณ อุโบสถ วัดไทยฯ ดี.ซี. ิ Those who are interested in Thai Theravada Buddhism and mem- bers of the general public are cordially invited to Wat Thai, D.C., Temple to pay their respect to or simply view the Buddha relics on display in the chanting hall. ปฏิบัติธรรมประจ�ำเดือนธันวำคม 18 ธันวาคม 2553 ณ วัดไทยกรุงวอชิงตัน, ดี.ซี. ศึกษาและปฏิบัติธรรมตามแนวพระไตรปิฎก � สาธยายพระไตรปิฎก ภาษาบาลี � ฟังบรรยายธรรม - ธรรมสากัจฉา � เจริญจิตตภาวนา - แผ่เมตตา ขอเชิญพุทธศาสนิกชนร่วมดับร้อนผ่อนคลายทุกข์ด้วยธรรมโอสถ ขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้าโดยพร้อมกัน เวลา 9.00 น.
  • 26. แสงธรรม 23 Saeng Dhamma เสียงธรรม.. จากวัดไทย พระวิเทศธรรมรังษี (หลวงตาชี) ผู ้ น� ำ หลงทำง มุฬฺโห อตฺถํ น ชานาติ มุฬฺโห ธมฺมํ น ปสฺสติ อนฺธตมํ ตทา โหติ ยํ โมโห สหเต นรํ. คนหลงย่อมไม่รู้อรรถ คนหลงย่อมไม่เห็นธรรม ความหลงครอบงํานรชน เมื่อไร ความมืดมิดย่อมมีเมื่อนั้น ปั จจุบันทุกวันนี้ เป็นยุคแห่งคนในสังคมส่วน ใหญ่พากันมองข้ามหลักธรรมในทางศาสนา เห็นว่าธรรมะไม่มีความส�าคัญ และไม่จ�าเป็นที่จะต้อง ส�าคัญที่จิตใจ ใจเป็นใหญ่ ใจเป็นประธาน ส�าเร็จแล้วที่ ใจ เมื่อจิตใจมีความส�าคัญเช่นนี้ คนเราทุกคนจึงควร เอาใจใส่ ฝึกฝนอบรมจิตใจของตนให้เจริญด้วยศีล มาด�าเนินชีวิตประจ�าวัน เมื่อคนส่วนใหญ่ในสังคมมีค่า สมาธิ และปัญญา จิตใจที่เจริญด้วยศีล สมาธิ ปัญญา นิยมมองข้ามหลักธรรมเช่นนี จึงเป็นทีทาให้คนในสังคม ้ ่ � เป็นจิตใจที่เรียกได้ว่าเป็น “จิตใจมั่นคง ด�ารงอยู่ใน เป็น “คนขาดธรรม” เป็นคนไม่มีธรรมประจ�าใจแล้ว ธรรม” และบุคคลที่มีจิตใจมั่นคง ด�ารงอยู่ในธรรม ได้ บุคคลประเภทนั้นก็กลายเป็น “กลวงใน” ข้างนอก ชื่อว่าเป็น “คนมีธรรม” คนมีธรรมจะประกอบกรรม สดใสแต่ข้างในเป็นโพรง เช่นเดียวกับต้นไม้เมื่อมองดู อะไร ก็มีปัญญา อยู่เหนือปัญหา ทุกกาล ทุกเวลา แต่ภายนอก ก็เป็นต้นไม้ที่งดงามดี ดูแล้วไม่มีต�าหนิ แต่เท่าที่สังเกตเห็น คนส่วนใหญ่ในสังคมปัจจุบัน อะไร แต่ข้างในของต้นไม้ต้นนั้นกลับเป็นโพรง ข้างใน มักจะพากันประพฤติตนเป็นบุคคลประเภท “ขาด กลวงไม่มีแก่น น�าไปใช้ประโยชน์อะไรไม่ได้ บุคคลที่มี ธรรม” มากขึนอย่างผิดสังเกต จึงเป็นเหตุให้เกิดปัญหา ้ จิตใจขาดธรรม ก็มีอุปมาเช่นเดียวกับต้นไม้ที่ข้างใน สารพัดขึ้นในสังคม ปัญหาเหล่านี้เกิดขึ้นมาจากสาเหตุ เป็นโพรงนั่นเอง อะไร ท่านทั้งหลายก็เห็นกันอยู่แล้วว่า มันเกิดขึ้นมา ดังนั้น ในทางพระพุทธศาสนาจึงสอนว่า คนเรา จาก “คนขาดธรรม” ทั้งนั้น เป็นผู้ก่อขึ้น ดังนั้น คน
  • 27. แสงธรรม 24 Saeng Dhamma ขาดธรรมจึงน�าสังคมไปสู่ปัญหานานาประการ แล้วก็ “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค” พบกับความหายนะในทีสด ซึงมนุษย์ทกคนในสังคมทุก ุ่ ่ ุ หลงทาง ค�าว่า “หลงทาง” ในที่นี้ หมายถึง หลง ระดับชั้น ไม่ปรารถนาที่จะให้เกิดปัญหาเหล่านี้ขึ้นใน ทางทั้ง ๒ คือทั้ง “ปกติมัคโค” ทางธรรมดา และทั้ง สังคมแห่งการอยู่ร่วมกันอีกต่อไป .. ได้เกริ่นน�ามาพอ “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค” ทางปฏิบัติ แต่ประเด็นก็ขอพูดถึงค�า สมควรแล้ว ก็ขอเข้าสูประเด็น “ผูนาหลงทาง” เพือให้ ่ ้ � ่ ว่า “หลง” เสียก่อน หลงนั้น หมายความว่าอย่างไร ท่านทั้งหลายได้ศึกษาหาความรู้กันต่อไป กิ ริ ย าอาการอย่ า งไร เรี ย กว่ า “หลง” หลง ใน พจนานุกรมภาษาไทย ให้ค�าจ�ากัดความว่า หลง หมายถึง กิริยาอาการที่ส�าคัญผิด, เข้าใจผิด, ความหมกมุ่น-มัวเมา ลักษณะเช่นนี้แหละเรียก ว่า “หลง” เรื่องของความหลงนี้ ก็หมายถึงหลง ทางนั้นเอง การหลงทางไม่ว่าจะเป็นหลงทาง ธรรมดาทั่วไปคือ “ปกติมัคโค” หรือหลงทาง ปฏิบตหน้าทีการงานก็ตาม มันก็มปญหาด้วยกัน ัิ ่ ี ั ทังนันแหละ เช่นการหลงทางธรรมดา ก็ทาให้คน ้ ้ � หลง เดินทางเปะปะไปตามยถากรรม ไม่ถึงจุด หมายปลายทาง ตัวอย่างคนทีหลงทางในป่า ไม่รู้ ่ ว่าจะเดินไปทางทิศไหน เพราะไม่มีเข็มทิศบอก ทาง บางคนติดอยู่ในป่าลึกเป็นเวลาหลายวัน ประเด็นแรก ก็มาพูดกันถึงเรื่อง “ทาง” กันเสีย ต้องใช้เฮลิคอปเตอร์ค้นหากว่าจะพบตัวได้ คนหลง ก่อน ค�าว่า “ทาง” ในพจนานุกรมภาษาไทยให้ค�าจ�ากัด ทางในป่าก็แทบจะเอาชีวิตไม่รอด ท�าไมจึงหลง ที่หลง ความว่า ทางคือแนว-พื้นที่ส�าหรับสัญจร เช่น ทางบก ก็เพราะไม่รู้ ถ้ารู้ก็คงไม่หลง นอกจากไม่รู้แล้ว ก็ยังมี ทางน�า, ทางอากาศ, ทางเดินรถ, ทางเท้า, ทางข้าม, ้ ความส�าคัญผิด และเข้าใจผิดอีกด้วย เลยช่วยให้หลง ทางร่วม, ทางแยก, ทางลาด, ทางโค้ง, ทางคด, ทาง หนักเข้า นี่คือเรื่องการ “หลงธรรมดา” ก็มีปัญหาดังที่ ตรง, เป็นต้น นีคอทาง ตามค�าจ�ากัดความในพจนานุกรม ่ื กล่าวมาพอให้เห็นเป็นตัวอย่าง ภาษาไทย หลวงตาขอแบ่งทางออกเป็น ๒ ประเภท ต่ อ ไป ก็ จ ะพู ด ถึ ง การ “หลงทางปฏิ บั ติ ” คื อ คือ “ปกติมัคโค” ทางปกติธรรม ส�าหรับใช้สัญจร “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค” การหลงทางในการปฏิบัตินี้ เป็น ไป-มา ดังทีพจนานุกรมภาษาไทยให้ค�านิยามไว้ขางต้น ่ ้ เรื่องที่ส�าคัญมาก เพราะชีวิตของคนเราฝากไว้กับการ แล้วนั้น ส่วนอีกประเภทหนึ่ง ได้แก่ “ปฏิปัตติมัคโค” ปฏิบัติหน้าที่การงาน ในการน�าชีวิตไปสู่ความเจริญ ทางปฏิบัติ อันหมายถึงทางแห่งการด�าเนินชีวิต ด้วย ก้าวหน้า และความปลอดภัยในชีวิตประจ�าวันในทุกๆ การปฏิ บั ติ ห น้ า ที่ ก ารงานของตนแต่ ล ะคน เพื่ อ ด้าน ถ้าหากเกิดการหลงทางในการปฏิบัติหน้าที่การ ประโยชน์เกื้อกูล และความสุขในชีวิตประจ�าวัน นี่คือ งานเสียแล้ว การด�าเนินชีวิตประจ�าวัน ก็จะประสบแต่